Name of Deceased
ON Name of Deceased Date before which fO Address, description and date of death of Deceased Names, addresses and descriptions of Persons to whom notices of claims are to be given notices of claim O (Surname first) and names, in parentheses, of Personal Representatives to be given THOMPSON, Violet Emma St. Augustine's Nursing Home, 25 Upper Maze Hill, National Provincial Bank Limited, Croydon Trustee Branch, Union Bank Chambers, 9ith September 1963 St. Leonards-on-Sea, Sussex, and 16 Purley Court, 21 Katharine Street, Croydon, Surrey. (National Provincial Bank Limited and (118) Brighton Road, Croydon, Surrey, Widow. 5th Wilfred Martin Vernon Dean.) June 1963. FERRIER, Dorothy Hotel Imperial, Hythe, Kent, Spinster. 3rd June Slaughter and May, 18 Austin Friars, London E.C.2 (P/AWP), Solicitors. (Major- 30th August 1963 1962. General Douglas Cyril Hawthorn, C.B., D.S.O., and Mary Ferrier Rankin.) O19) RYLAND, Archer, 61 Porchester Gate, London W.2, formerly "Willow National Provincial Bank Limited, Trustee Department, West End Office, 62 Green 29th August 1963 wa F.R.C.S. Hedge," Bourne End, Buckinghamshire, Surgeon Street, London W.I. (National Provincial Bank Limited and Richard Archer Ryland.) (120) 1 (Retired). 10th June 1963. t- O FESTING-SMITH. Ann 15 Reeds Lane, Leasowe, Wirral, Cheshire, Widow. Carr, Mass, Davidson & Co., Castle Chambers, Cook Street, Liverpool 2, Solicitors. 8th September 1963 (otherwise Ann 17th April 1962. (Alan David Goldsmith.) (148) Veronica otherwise Edith Ann Veronica, s otherwise SMITH, Ann Veronica Testing). WRIGHT, Jackson Fred 24 Sandfield Road, Wallasey, Cheshire, Retail Shop National Provincial Bank Limited, Trustee Department, 7 Water Street, Liverpool 2 ..
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