Beyond Dyadic Interactions: Considering Chatbots As Community Members

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Beyond Dyadic Interactions: Considering Chatbots As Community Members CHI 2019 Paper CHI 2019, May 4–9, 2019, Glasgow, Scotland, UK Beyond Dyadic Interactions: Considering Chatbots as Community Members Joseph Seering Michal Luria Carnegie Mellon University Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA [email protected] [email protected] Geoff Kaufman Jessica Hammer Carnegie Mellon University Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA [email protected] [email protected] ABSTRACT KEYWORDS Chatbots have grown as a space for research and develop- Chatbots; social identity; online communities; dyadic com- ment in recent years due both to the realization of their munication commercial potential and to advancements in language pro- ACM Reference Format: cessing that have facilitated more natural conversations. Joseph Seering, Michal Luria, Geoff Kaufman, and Jessica Hammer. However, nearly all chatbots to date have been designed 2019. Beyond Dyadic Interactions: Considering Chatbots as Com- for dyadic, one-on-one communication with users. In this munity Members. In CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing paper we present a comprehensive review of research on Systems Proceedings (CHI 2019), May 4–9, 2019, Glasgow, Scotland chatbots supplemented by a review of commercial and in- UK. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 13 pages. dependent chatbots. We argue that chatbots’ social roles 3290605.3300680 and conversational capabilities beyond dyadic interactions have been underexplored, and that expansion into this de- 1 INTRODUCTION sign space could support richer social interactions in online From ELIZA to Tay, for half a century chatbots have mixed communities and help address the longstanding challenges provision of services with an attempt to emulate human con- of maintaining, moderating, and growing these communities. versational style. Chatbots are becoming commonplace in In order to identify opportunities beyond dyadic interactions, many domains, from customer service to political organiza- we used research-through-design methods to generate more tions. Many provide simple services in response to requests, than 400 concepts for new social chatbots, and we present with human speech patterns added in for readability only. seven categories that emerged from analysis of these ideas. However, some chatbots are designed to imitate more com- plex human behavior, or even to deceive users into thinking CCS CONCEPTS they are human. Despite this expansion into more complex • Human-centered computing → HCI theory, concepts domains of behavior, modern chatbots still follow many of and models; Collaborative and social computing devices; the same conversational paradigms as their ancestors. Current chatbots are designed primarily for chat-oriented and/or task-oriented roles [29]. When chatbots are task- oriented, they respond to users’ commands or requests by Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for providing information or support in return. When they are personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that chat-oriented, chatbots engage users to enjoy the integra- copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. Copyrights tion of their robotic capabilities with their almost-humanlike for components of this work owned by others than the author(s) must speech patterns for communication. Although hundreds of be honored. Abstracting with credit is permitted. To copy otherwise, or platforms have been designed to promote and support group republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific and community interaction between people, ranging from permission and/or a fee. Request permissions from [email protected]. social media to forums to gaming platforms, we find in the re- CHI 2019, May 4–9, 2019, Glasgow, Scotland UK © 2019 Copyright held by the owner/author(s). Publication rights licensed view we present here that chatbots rarely support or engage to ACM. in group or multiparty interaction. ACM ISBN 978-1-4503-5970-2/19/05...$15.00 In contrast to the social roles occupied by chatbots, hu- man interaction online encompasses both a wide variety of Paper 450 Page 1 CHI 2019 Paper CHI 2019, May 4–9, 2019, Glasgow, Scotland, UK dyadic and interpersonal behaviors as well as complex group We map the design space of chatbots in potential group inter- and community-based interactions [26]. Some of the aspects actions in several steps: We use several ideation methods to that characterize complex group interaction online include generate as many ideas as possible for multiparty-based inter- multiparty interactions, turn-taking, role-taking, timing, and action with chatbots; we use affinity diagramming to extract construction [54]. Although the use of chatbots for services the themes that emerge from the vast number of ideas; and can be useful, and development of chatbots’ communica- we discuss the final integrated categories and present three tion skills is important, we suggest that there is potential considerations for future development of chatbots targeted for development of chatbots that leverage their combined at multiparty interaction. social and computational abilities to make an impact on on- In order to inform our work, we build on some of the exist- line groups and meaningfully interact within communities. ing research on the challenges of building and maintaining We argue that this is both an important and underexplored successful online communities [26]. These challenges include design space. Recent work has work has shown that chat- recruiting new users [23], effectively socializing with them, bots have considerable influence in online spaces1 [ , 45]; managing misbehavior, [46] and long-term user retention Depending on their design, they vary from helpful and im- [6]. If chatbots are to contribute as members of communi- portant to the well-being of users [21] to harmful to an entire ties, these challenges are useful starting points to consider community [44]. the specific types of contributions they might make. Recent Given the newness of the space and the broad variety of social computing work studying human intra-community challenges, it is not immediately clear how a community- bonds has also drawn from Ren et al.’s framework for com- based chatbot would act, what it would do, or what role it mon identity and common bonds [41], which is similarly would play in the social fabric of the community. In order to applicable to the exploration of bonds between humans and begin unpacking how chatbots might address complicated bots in spaces where social interplay between humans and aspects of social interaction online and how might they pos- bots is significant (e.g., Wikipedia [12, 13]). itively influence groups, we attempt to explore the design Though there are many possible uses for social chatbots, space of chatbots in multiparty interactions. We do this in one particular area within this space where chatbots might three phases: (1) We conduct a systematic review of the be useful is in teaching newcomers norms in online commu- research on chatbot creation and the current space of com- nities. Prior work has found that dealing with newcomers is mercially and independently-developed chatbots; (2) We use a significant moderation challenge [48], with this work usu- research-through-design to learn about this unexplored de- ally done by moderators after newcomers have (intentionally sign space [64]; and (3) We apply framework from social or accidentally) broken the rules. Social chatbots could assist computing research to analyze and make sense of our design with this through modeling appropriate behaviors, engaging work results. with newcomers, or behaving in another thought-provoking In the literature review, we look at both research literature way. and chatbots “in the wild” to establish what currently exists The next section lays out background on the use and de- in the space of social chatbots. By classifying papers accord- velopment of chatbots, followed by an academic literature ing to the style of chatbot social engagement presented, we review, and a review of chatbots “in the wild”. We then de- find that nearly 90% of chatbot literature focuses on dyadic scribe the design process conducted, and the resulted set of chatbots. We conducted a similar review of both commer- seven possible categories for future community-based chat- cially and independently-developed chatbots, finding similar bots that emerged. Finally, we conclude the paper with an results. This issue has been addressed primarily only in very attempt to address broader questions about the roles of social recent work [5], with prior literature based on an implicit chatbots using the insights of this work. presumption of chatbots as dyadic conversationalists. We next conduct an exploration of the design space for 2 A BRIEF HISTORY OF CHATBOT RESEARCH group and community-based chatbots using research-through- Performativity in modern chatbots draws from the early tra- design methods. We argue that this method is the most ap- dition of research in artificial intelligence. ELIZA, one of the propriate for the goal of this work, as there is no clear an- first chatbots, was created in the mid-1960s as a demonstra- swer on what the role of community chatbots should be and tion of the simplicity of certain human interactions, but par- how should
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