Recel~ED. NOV 12 1970 DLC T 32 C the NEW YORK TIMES, THURSDAY, NOVEMBERS, 1970 ~A Black Unseats Rafferty in California School Race
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Wednesday Mr. Commons, Request is in for copies of press clippings on Wilson's glorious victory. I will send them to you as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience. Sincerely, Nancy Behr :RECEl~ED. NOV 12 1970 DLC t 32 C THE NEW YORK TIMES, THURSDAY, NOVEMBERS, 1970 ~A Black Unseats Rafferty In California School Race Continued From· Page I, Col. 8 heavy finandal support from ·. conservative Californians that three-term Representative, who -he had .in his campaigns in 1962 is a close friend of Senator Ed- and 1966 :and for hi:s unsuccess ward M. Kennedy. _f•~l ·~enatoiri!al •cam~•aign in 1968. ln 1a sense the campaign , Further, Mr. Riles ibe,gan. t? . • . · attack · Dr: Raff,erty's iadmmi- turn.ed 11n its fmal · weeks on stration ,of the school depart- Governor Reag,an·s personal ment. .He cha:rged that Dr. drive to elect other R•epubli- Rafferty haid in ,eight ye1ars oans. He was not precisely re- ·shown himself to ibe incom pudiated, · but hiis success~s petent to 1admini-ster the office. were outweighed by ~is fail- Many in the Republican party ures. in this ,state we·ve disenchanted Evelle J. Younger, Los Ai:,.- witlt DT. R·afforty. They hl,amed ,geles District Attorney, who 1s him. for ,001sting Republicans :a a Repub1ica,n, barely defeated Sen:ate seiat in 1968 when he Charles · O'Brien for Attorney defeated Thomas H. Kuchel the Gene11al. Mr. O'Brien was Chief Republican Senate whip, ir{ the Deputy Attorney Geneiral. · primary ·,and then lost the gen- Other Republicans elected . to era·l election to Al,an Crans.ton. state office were Lieut. Gov. Governor Reagan endorsed Ed Reinecke, Controller Hugh Dr. Rafferty, as did Robert H. Flournoy ,and T•re-asurer Ivy Finch, former Lieutenant Gov Baker ~iest, all by higlher mar- ,ernor former Secretary of igins than Mr. Reagan's. ,Health, Education and Wei- Edmund G. Brown Jr., son of fare and now a Presidential the Democratic Governor de- counselor. When President teated by Mr. Reagan in 1966, Nixon spoke in Anaheim last was ,elected Secretll!Y of State, Friday night, Dr. Rafferty was defeating a Repubhcan,. James .one of the honored guests L. Flournoy, who is black. seated immediately· behind the Mr. Reagan's main campaign podium. effort was in behalf of Se 1nator Mr. Riles will now assume Murphy. Last week, at the urg- _his seats as a Regent ,of the ing of the Senator_ and Gov- University of California, as a ernor President Nixon made Trustee of the California State two ~peeches in Oalifornia for Colleges and as Secretary and the Se,niator, whose deefat had exec;utive offic,er of the State been foreciast by the polls. Board of Education, where he The defeat of Dr. ~affe,rty must work with 10 of Governor Associated Press was the biggest surprise, al- Reagan's appointees in admin- WINS CALIFORNIA SCHOOLS POST: Wilson Riles, who though final \nOt~r preference isterini the business of his de- defeated Dr. Max Rafferty, with his wife after victory. readings a week ago hX Me~- partment. vin D. Field of the C~hforma For Mr. Reagan, the election poll and 'indicated a tmy lead was something of a setback. an incumbent Governor, he had,work with a Legislature where -for Mr. Instead of the 980,000-vote something around 500,000. both houses ar~ again in Demo- Voters in 0aliforma have oc- margin he had in 1966 over Also, Mr. Reagan must now cratic control. ,casionally elected black Assem~I============================== :--------== blymen and Coingres-smen and City Councilmen but hB:ve turned down others for ma1or office where wide support fo,r election was required f.rom white voters. The office of State Superm tendent of Public Instruction is nonpartiisa.n, ,and Dr. Raf ferty could have been ireele:cte:d in the primary if ih.e had re ceived ,over half the vot•e. He got 49 per ,cent. Mr. Riles, who had left his job as deputy to Dr. Rafferty, ran a poor second in ,a large .field. As the faH ,campaign devel-1 oped 1it became 1apparent that Dr. R·aiffe·rty did not enjoy the 4 ◄ Saturday, November 7, 1970 THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR California GOP hopes to ride out losses in Legislature By Curtis J. Sitomer very likely buck Mr. Reagan in this area. But more importantly, the controlling Staff correspondent of California's state superintendent of public Democrats will have the major say in the The Christian Science Monitor· instruction serves as a key ex-officio mem upcoming reapportionment of all state leg ber of the University of California regents islative districts in accord with the 1970 Los Angeles and state-college trustees. Both boards have census. come under strong censure in recent years California Republicans have kept control for their stances on student unrest. Reagan's warning of the statehouse for now. But they could be set up for losing it come 1974. Legislative losses Governor Reagan has already warned, however, that he will personally veto any In a sweeping victory over his long-time With Governor Reagan in the saddle, Cali Democratic antagonist, Assemblyman Jesse reapportionment bill which "takes unfair fornia's GOP is likely to ride with the advantage of the situation." M. Unruth, conservative Gov. Ronald Rea punches of these defeats. But more stinging gan carried on his coattails all but one of In any event, for the second time in his and far-reaching losses to Republicans here reign as governor, Mr. Reagan will . be his statewide team. could be prodded by the legislative licking James Flournoy, Negro attorney, was - saddled with a hostile Legislature. Durmg they just sustained at the polls. his first two years in office, he blamed beaten in the race for secretary of state by The GOP was forced to yield a net of four Edmund G. Brown, Jr., son of the former Democratic lawmakers who held the balance Assembly and two Senate seats. This left of power in Sacramento for torpedoing his California governor. them with a 43-to-37 deficit in the lower Other Republicans - including Lt. Gov. budgets, tax reforms, welfare reshuffling, house and a 21-to-19 minority in the upper and other key legislative programs. Ed Reinecke, Controller Houston I. Flour chamber. Also the Governor now makes it clear he noy, and Treasurer Ivy Baker Priest - The immediate result will be the replace were all returned to office by comfortable will not seek a third term in 197 4. However, ment of politically powerful Republican he does not rule out the possibility that he margins. But Los Angeles District Attorney Assembly Speaker Robert Monagan of Evelle Younger narrowly wrested the at will run for another elective office - per Stockton, by a Democrat-perhaps Assem haps vying for the U.S. Senate seat now held torney generalship from his Democratic blyman Robert Moretti of North Hollywood. Wilson Riles-a blow to Reagan opponent, Charles A. O'Brien. by Democrat Alan Cranston. Historical 'first' Police 'charge' The most glittering loss for the California GOP was the unseating of Sen. George newborn hahe Murphy by Riverside Rep. John V. Tunney. By the Associated Press Mr. Tunney's victory gives California two Democrats in the U.S. Senate for the first Salt Lake City time in modern history. A Salt Lake County deputy Also the upset victory of Dr. Max Rafferty sheriff who helped with the de by Dr. Wilson Riles, Negro educator, for the livery of a baby in a county nonpartisan post of state school chief was in ambulance reported the birth on effect a direct blow to the Reagan admin the standard form for booking istration. suspects. Dr. Rafferty, a staunch conservative, was The report read: a leading backer of the Governor's get-tough Suspect: One baby. policies with college and university dissi Sex: Female. dents. But the more liberal Mr. Riles will Charge: Unscheduled entry. Beverly Glen Boulevard and evard on the east, Inter- Rafferty .... .. 1,984 THURSDAY, NOV. 12, 1970 Ballot Survey the City of Beverly Hills on national Airport.on the south Riles .. -. ............. 3;200 PALISADES NEWS .. -~ ~-~.u; the ea. st and Santa Moni·ca · and the ocean on the west.) G't1 1 n 2 377 MALIBU NEWS ........ 16 3 4 _e so ._........... ' ROBERTS NEWS. '. ...... 17 ·, Bouievard :o~ the ·sotitli.f : ~:<: Reagan ·- .... .. ·"· -:' ·:·l, l Kennedy ..... · ...... 2,465 WLA INDEPENDENT .. ... 32 · · Unruh .............. 627 Riles Won ·Nearly AU Bay "Districts .Reagan .... .. ..... 7,314 Murphy . ..... , . 1,143 PALMS W'WOOD HILLS PRESS.13 Unruh· . .. ..... .... 7,848 Tunney . .......... 795 (For this breakdown, WEST LA ~NDEPEND~NT · By REED McCLURE Murphy . ...... ... 7,435 south.) east and the Santa Mdnica Murphy . ....... 6,446 Rafferty . .. .. .. .. 997 Palms is bounded roughly CULVER CITY EDITION.IS Wilson C. Riles was the Tunney ... ...... .. 9,483 Reagan . ·...... .... 5,707 Freeway on the south. Tunney .. .. .. .. .. 8,561 R~les .. · .... .. · .. .. .. 818 by the Santa Monica Free- big winner in the Greater Rafferty . ... ... .. 6,708 Unruh ..... ......... 5,798 Reagan ..... .... .. 378 Rafferty ... ... .. .. .4,8()6 • G1telson .. .. .. .. 608 Santa Monica Bay Area, an Riles .. ... .. .. 8,888 Murphy . .... .... 4,978 Unruh ........... ... ,141 Riles .. ... .. .. .. ... 9,593 Kennedy . .. .. .. 1,133 way on the north, Overland Gitelson .. .. .. .. , . 6,990 Evening Outlook survey of Tunney ....... .. ... 6,587 Murphy . .. .. .. .. .. ,871 Gitelson . .. ... 8,510 . VENICE Ave~ue on ·the east, Culver Kennedy ..... ..... 7,814 ui election returns disclosed. Tunney . .. .. .. .. ,706 K enne dJ •••• • •• • • • • . 5, 451 (For this breakdown, Ven- City on the south ~md the _- R i 1 e s, the first Negro Rafferty . .. ......... 3,683 Rafferty .. .. .. .. .. .. 35 BRENTWOOD Riles . ..... .. ... .- . 7,252 MALIBU ice is bounded toughly by San Diego Freeway on the elected to statewide office Riles .....