Mimosa Pigra Management
) -i- Mimosa pigra management PROCEEDINGS OF AN INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM Proceedings of an internationoa symposium Mimoa .. M.. nement G a , February 22-26, 1982 Chiang Mai, Thailand G. Lamar Robert and Dale H. Habeck Co-editors Published by the International Plant Protection Center with partial support of a contract with the U.S. Agency for International Development. 000 IPPC documenL no.48-A-83 March 1983 000 Views and interpretations in this publication are those of the authors of the papers presented, as edited, and are not attributable to the U.S. Agency for International Development nor any individual acting in the Agency's behalf. '-7 SupIXort f:or this puvlication was made possible, in part, throuqh a contrct- bctven te U.S. Age!ncy for ]nt-rntional Develoierit and Oriegon Sr to- Univrsit,,,, cordnated by thi Tnternaticnal Plant P-otection Ci nter. Single copies are 0lvailab.e, without charme to individuals, instii-ttions, or orqanizations that are bothb non-ccmnercial and aictively wo17iz'n- in a less developec, coultry; to al] others, USS5 u (ropy, suirface p_ostago paid; from: Internationavl Plant P,)tection Center Oreoon State Universitv Cor,'va.]is, OR 97331 / USA N-)rd proces-,inq and taylx, transcriptions by: M.R. 1l4.sch Di,] ication dnsi qn and prxuction: A. E. Deutsch 2 Table of Contents Foreword............................................................ 5 Symposium agenda..................................................... 7 Opening address - Uthai Nakpreecha, Deputy Governor, City of Chiang Mai ............................................ 1I Papers 1) Background, threat, and distribution of Mimosa pira L. in Thailand -Banpot Napmpeth ................................... 15 2) Economic assesmerit of Mimosa pigra in Thailcmd - G. lamar Robert.......................................
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