SEAL FISHERY " "Seal" Means Any Eared Seal Or Hair (Or True) Seal Other Than a Leopard Seal, Including a Fur Seal
SEAL FISHERY " "Seal" means any Eared Seal or Hair (or True) Seal other than a Leopard Seal, including a Fur Seal, a Sea Lion, an Elephant Seal other animal of the seal kind that may visit the Colony or the Depend and shall be deemed to include a Sea Order. " "Seal reserve" means any portion of land or water within the limits of the Colony set apart by the Governor in Council for the breeding l'ou er to (2) In tlie c.nsc of tl:tl 1)rc~ncliby the holder of a licence revokc . ~iccllccx2, of ;~I:J: of t11e 13rol-!C.l(-~nsof t lii~Ordinance or of thc. rcgula- tion.; rna tlc t lic'~.~'.c~i~:!c.~.,01- of ;111~- of tlie conili tions nndcr \\.l~icl~51ic-11 llcis:~c.t I?I;~\-. :\.L\A.i)~ll,n ;:rnntecl, .tli0 (;tj[.(>~llo!. i11;1\.,l)!. no ic:cb ;!l \\.l-i t I:I~.,-II:!~II!:LI.~~\. rt.1-oke ::ucli licc:ncc, :LII(I t lic~~.~~~p,)]I :L! ri l,1.\.,. (, )-i'r~-i-#~!.A tllc~rcl)y or (>r~jc~;c>cltl~~sc- under sllall ((.;.S(. as from tllc ch:c mcntio:ied in sicil notice. ~<cguljt~onz. 6. (1) Thc (;ox-ernor in Council may malie rc.guln!ions for carr~in~zout tli~~)so\-i.-.ion~ nf this Ordinancc and tl-tc intent and ol2ject i i~~rc'of. (2) An! I;c~'c,~guiity of ;m off-fence against any pro- \-ision of tl:c!ation.; r-nn:i(.
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