York County Comprehensive Land Use Plan Update Public Involvement Summary

Table of Contents 1. Input from March 2015 Meetings a. March 10, 2015 Public Meeting ...... 3 b. March 19, 2015 Public Meeting ...... 7 c. March 25, 2015 Public Meeting ...... 17 d. March 26, 2015 Public Meeting ...... 22 2. Input from June 11, 2015 Workshop ...... 26 3. Input from February 25, 2016 Public Meeting ...... 29 4. Online Feedback a. Mindmixer Report ...... 32 b. MySidewalk Comments ...... 81


June 30, 2015 2 York County Comprehensive Plan Update Meeting Notes from March 10 Public Meeting Meeting Location: Rock Hill, SC Number of Attendees: 44 NOTES

 Not sure where to put this housing market. Will not completely recover due to student debt Students can’t save for down payments. How to subsidize for housing or help with loans?  Include bike & pedestrian considerations in all land use, retail, single family, mixed used, and rural  More sidewalks and bike lanes. More bridges over the , more roads, improved roads in northern par of county  Controlled residential growth  Stop unchecked residential growth in Area. Make Lake Wylie more accessible  Need for more mixed‐use (yes, I agree) areas where residents can work/live/play in same area o Master‐planned communities w/amenities o Compact communities design with parks and open space preservation  Please make it safe for all to ride their bikes and walk the streets of Rock Hill  Prohibit all mining in areas that drain into Lake Wylie, especially Clover and Bowling Green areas  More access to healthy food and community garden areas  Pay attention to York County’s aging population > “aging in place” requires public transportation amenities & mixed‐use denser development  A County Health Board to help county be more mindful of land use & funding impacts on health  Urban open space – plan to conserve greenspace as redevelopment occurs  Provide kayak access on upper Allison Creek and Crowder Creek  County needs a Parks and Recreation Department, no funds support P&R in non‐incorporated portions of the county  Insure our parks/playgrounds are smoke free and safe for children  Remember there are two rivers that border county: Think of Broad River as a resource for recreation  Preserve buffers with native species  Habitats to increase quail, whippoorwill, and others  Tiered System: Distance from Lake Wylie. Reconsider the formula for construction: worth acreage, impact fees, commercial and residential. Overall goal: Preserve the lake, water supply for future generations  Need more bike routes especially along streets in town  Need more protected areas along streets in town  Need more protected areas along rivers/lakes. Build only across a street from water, on the water make public area

3  YC need a Park/Rec dept.…most valuable asset is Lake and Lake Access, picnic areas, trash cans are needed  York County need Rec/Park facilities in unincorporated areas. Why do the landowners that are protecting open space have to bear the burden of utility right of way?  Roads need to catch up to development  More land conservation in Eastern York Co. Parks Dept. that is in county areas vs. Just City of Rock Hill (yes, establish a York County Parks & Recreation Department  Encourage development around Lake/River but ensure public areas/access  Contain Sewage spills Lake Wylie  Better river access for picnics, canoeing, kayaking near Catawba. Indian Nations Lands‐small parks along river  Connect Bike Trails  Please monitor the ratio of fast food restaurants/vs eat‐in restaurants (this date is available via the census bureau) York County has too many fast food establishments (serving calorie‐dense food that is fattening up our county) for its population  Need a balance: Big sports & Rec now, need more Arts  Would like to see a larger conference center complex with hotels enough to draw professional meetings. Maybe part f Knowledge Park? Hotels closer to Winthrop Campus/downtown  You can’t get around in Fort Mill (Hwy 160) Just terrible. Hwy 160 east near Lancaster County Line (Bill Cater ‐803‐367‐1944)  Hwy 160 West is intolerable now and there are (3) large developments going on. Please do something to ease traffic backups – it is just gonna get worse – Shirley Smith  Need to get rid of food deserts  Need another road crossing the river, especially need it North of Celanese. Also Public Transport would help with in town traffic  Please realistically consider park(s!) for Lake Wylie Area and recreational programs!  How many Walmart’s does York County need?  Increased Connectivity with Lancaster Co. Panhandle o Additional customers for existing retail/Trade Zone Expansion o Access to larger workforce/employees o Higher tax base along Dave Lyle Blvd. Corridor  Include location of groceries/supermarkets/farmers market throughout county  Stop dumping and businesses that have fleets of (tractor trailers) trucks or businesses w, Heavy Trucking. It is stopping desirable business due to non‐attainment Good clean businesses will not come to the area! Would like 21/Anderson Rd. South to become commercial not light industry. The area desires development of strip malls/stores  Teach High School students a skill/trade as part of curriculum, even for college track kids. Tech skills, construction, etc.  Support economic development through our natural areas. Scenic Catawba River could be a national draw for tourism  Support agricultural tourism & horse industry  Centralize development areas: High density and walkability; look at Piedmont in Charlotte.  Support small local business

4  No more apartment bringing in families w/multiple children. Two families living in one unit with (5) kids. Only Condos restricted to brick on siding!  Century Farm Status should be designated on all maps  No heavy industrial East of US 21 & South of Anderson to County line (except existing)  Eliminate By‐Right zoning. It is not beneficial for our future  Need to evaluate water & sewer capacities given projected growth  Need to evaluate water and sewer capacities given projected growth  Manage sewage spills in Tega Cay and Lake Wylie  Extend Urban Services bounty east of Rock Hill to Catawba River in order to accommodate Dave Lyle Boulevard plans and to discourage septic systems near the river  Better preservation of open space – 25 acres per 1000 pp for parkland  Respect for agriculture: provide buffers to farms when development encroaches. Keep some agriculture throughout the county.  Provide areas for community gardens, apartment dwellers, provide kayak access to Crowder Creek and Upper Allison Creek  Better access to our scenic River  Mays a metropolitan water & sewer district for all urban areas instead of some areas being charged (4) times by (4) water companies.  Need a Park & Rec Dept. & get some Parks/Land etc.  Fund York Co. forever o PDR o Open space preservation  Public transport between CLT and Rock Hill o Bus o Rail  Work Collaboratively with all municipalities on future land use strategies  Better connectivity with Lancaster Co Panhandle  Future Vision: York County is considering “health impact” in all policy decisions; York county truly exhibits a “culture of health”  The Film industry generates more tourism dollars than any other industry  More dining opportunities (including outdoor)  We moved here 20yrs ago for proximity to Charlotte w/o being in Charlotte, Lake Wylie, schools, general quality of life. Large reason was to ESCAPE the life sucking traffic problems of the DC area  Everybody work together in Eastern York Co‐ County, City, & Town!! No more waiting, passing the buck or excuses. It’s probably too late but may save other parts of York CO.  Build an Agro Tourism facility. Mandate that utilities share right of ways  Include sidewalks/walkability & bike ability in all planning‐ residential, commercial, retail, and schools including bike racks at businesses, retail, and schools.  Multi‐use trails including equestrian  Stop clear cutting and preserve native species plants on which birds depend.  Clean, non‐polluting business & industry that provides jobs for locals  No more landfills, clean businesses only. Nonattainment cleanup, stop trucking emissions. Clean business will not come to areas with high emissions

5  No smoking in public parks/playgrounds  Continue to look for economic growth areas  Creative ways to fund roads/infrastructure  I moved to York County 28 years ago because of the good public K‐12 schools  Bike to work

Questions asked

1. What is the status of Lake Wylie Overlay 2. Spartanburg County has a long‐standing county health board. Why don’t we? 3. Why don’t he have an Agro‐Tourism site? 4. Why are landowners that are protecting opens space burdened with utilities right of ways? 5. When is Pole Branch Road going to be fixed? 6. Is the Dave Lyle Blvd area to be included in the long range plan? There is so much economic potential and new tax revenue in the area.


6 York County Comprehensive Plan Update Meeting Notes from March 19 Public Meeting Meeting Location: Clover, SC Number of Attendees: 107

How do we move York Forward?

-I moved to York county “Lake Wylie” for the high end homes. Not apartment living. Lake point will make me exit the community. I’m moving. Very disappointing.

-We moved here for the water (Lake) and schools!

-No rock Quarry!

-Peacefulness of the area (no longer true). Lake (which development is ruining!) small town atmosphere (that has disappeared!)

-It is my home and has been for 67 years. Small Town close to larger cities. It is HOME!

-To get away from Rock Hill (30 years ago)

-Peace & Quiet, No traffic, no congestion, fewer folks, safer community, Country setting, No rock Quarry!

-Moved from NC to Bowling Green 37yrs ago! Respectful active people. Do not want quarry on Ridge Road to affect our home.

-Clover is my hometown. Family lives here. Location-small town, but close to Charlotte for activities.

- Close to Charlotte but in a quiet environment.

-Schools, larger lots, Lake!

-I feel safe and it is a refuge from Charlotte’s frenzy. I want to retain the laid back relaxed character of rural living where neighbors know their neighbors.

-Clover schools are awesome. Small town feel. Low property taxes. (But Rock Quarry will change it..please don’t allow it)

-Less apartments

- Best, the parts that are still country. I did not move here, I am a LIFE LONG RESIDENT! 45 yrs. I work here, when I don’t have to work in FM, I will leave to move somewhere that is not so densely developed. County has been ruined by uncontrolled development.

-Set land aside and build Parks now.

7 - 40% Green space in all development plans

- Institute the Lake Wylie order lay to protect water quality and the environment. We need immediate relief from traffic congestion, lack of road planning and residential over building. Too much density

-Maintain our local roads


-We agree with all this!!

- Enjoy Lake Wylie!

- Have a clear long range plan for York County’s quality of life.

- No Rock Quarry Please!

- Still unspoiled rural areas. Reasonable Costs. Peace and quiet, beautiful areas.

- If I had wanted to live in a noisy & crowded neighborhood I would not have come to clover 35yrs ago. Stop the Quarry, stop the Wal-Marts, stop the apts, and stop the too crowded housing. Save some of the natural land for our children.

-Schools are great!! No Rock Quarry! Limited New Housing Developments

- Please, Please, Please – No Rock Querry! The water level is only at 70ft. Roads are bad enough. Bringing in truckloads of water to our homes is not a solution to damaging our wells. The beauty of clover will forever be destroyed!

- Agree with above.

- No Rock Quarry – Please! It would destroy the beauty of the area among many other problems it would create.

- School district quality and qualities of life – Please preserve this or York Co. will decline!

- We moved to clover excited about the schools…very impressed with the C.H.S. we are NOT happy about the Quarry coming to Clover…The back roads SUCK! We’ve been here a year and lost 3 tires already, stop band aid fixing them b/c the same holes come back every winter! Fix the roads!


Tell us your Ideas about Transportation!

-Widen current arteries

-Widen or build another bridge

- Traffic impact study for whole are impacted by traffic generated by developments

-Traffic for current & future developments is insane! No plans to widen bridge or 49 as only corridor into Charlotte – Stop building and catch up roads! Too many housing units = too many cars on the roads!

-Add wider sidewalks/bike trails.

- Too much traffic & too many traffic lights on HWY 49! Slow growth on 49, build frontage roads.

- Stop pennies for progress. Wider roads = more developments, more developments = more people and traffic = more infrastructure.

-No Rock Quarry –Ridge Rd – Destruction of roads already in disrepair, high traffic

-Currently a hazardous traffic situation exists with traffic exiting Allison Creek Road onto Hwy 274. This situation will now be made even worse with the new addition of 600 more homes on Allison Creek Road. How did this happen? Where is the planning! Current environmental rules are not enforced (Baker LN) traffic impact studies are being ignored by planning dept. conflict of interest in planning commission Lake Wylie is not being protected.

- More sidewalks and bike paths and bike lanes.

-More access to Charlotte from W. York

-Roads that we have need to be repaired.

- Don’t need more roads or adding lanes to get to Charlotte!

- Some sort of interim step to patch pole branch

- Public transportation – Western York County

- 5yrs ago my commute to work was 13 minutes. As of today & 3 traffic lights later that same commute takes 25 minutes.

-Good point to consider, then continue to multiply w/more low housing developments.

-Must widen 49, less lights, stop building on 49, need a bridge connecting Tega Cay, LW, FT beside the Buster Boyd.

- No more high density residences (apartments) on Hwy 49 between Buster Boyd & 4 points intersection. Already backs up during peak times.

9 -Peninsulas already developed w/established homes & empty, large lots that will probably continue to develop –those roads need extra support for the increasing weight of home and transportation. Example (Allison Creek Rd. Only 2 lanes for the in and out. What if there is an emergency and one blocked lane? Another disaster).

- Tax incentive for business offering WFH and/or Flex time to spread out the rush hour/

-No Rock Quarry – will destroy roads & communities.

- 40% Green space in each dev; do not count gullies as green space.

- Too much traffic; stop development.

- No bike trails on 49.

-No Rock Quarry – home values it will destroy & roads in York. Water table will also be affected.

- Pole Branch Road – 5 lanes; 3 is insane!

-Our Roads are already parking lots at rush hour. More development will make it total grid lock (like LA or NY)

-Guinn St. Clover is in horrible condition and needs re-paving. No more inadequate patching!

-Need coordinated commercial development with recurrent theme..that is not strip shopping! Something with class.

- Planning commission representation must be balanced. Loading w/developers, builders and real estate professional is a conflict of interest.

- No mining in York Co!!! ASAP!! More recreation support in communities, not just town. Zlsnf sltrsfy bought by Martin Marietta should be for recreational use.

-Establish county park & Rec. dept. and administer funds for all of county rec.

-No mining in York County

-More recreational areas in Western York County

10 Tell us your thoughts

-No quarry! It will destroy clover

 Lower property values  Make our Roads even worse  Cause Air Pollution - Dust  Noise Concerns – Blasting  Home Foundations Issues  Wells could be damaged  Loss of wildlife habitats  Trucking is dangerous and noisy  Remedy for damaged wells is trucking in water  Quality of living would be lost  Affect watering of livestock herds if wells ruined

Note: Henry Knob- quarry ruined/contaminated well water. Water trucked in to Clover does not need this fate!

-Build rails to trails, build trails for hikers, horseback riding, and bicycles.

-Build larger dog parks

-Build fairgrounds – have county fair every year. Host events all year long. Riding arena, barns.

- If rock quarry is approved who is buying our home? Who is fixing our roads (Ridge Road)? Who is paying for damages done to our vehicles from passing trucks? Broken windows, etc.? It is really sad to think tax payer really don’t have much of a voice against $$ signs.

-No rock quarry. Change zoning. Too many apartments. Poor planning. Roads all need repairs. Property values will have no value at all with quarry. Drinking water will be affected w/ quarry. Traffic concern with large trucks up& down roads.

-No rock quarry. No more apartments. No houses built on less than ¼ acre lot. Stop stripping land on all trees, bushes, etc. 40% green space. Protect our wildlife.

-No quarry! Danger to motorist along ridge rd. /321. Road repairs. Damage to foundations. Damage to pools. Damage/contamination of wells. Drop in home value. Dust. Noise. We would move the family and our business out.

-Call a moratorium on all residential development in Lake Wylie until there are plans in place to handle increased traffic for new developments, new schools to handle the overcrowding that is coming in a few years and environmental controls to protect Lake Wylie & area water ways. For status-No rock quarry.

11 Share your Concerns

-Quarrying North of York is not appropriate for the development of the county. Proposed quarry on Ridge Road in Clover will:

 Lover our property value  Effect Water table  Roads will not sustain traffic increase  Proposed quarry is surrounded by homes with York city long term residents who want to continue to enjoy and preserve their communities

-Change zoning now. Get away from high density.

-No rock quarry

-Increase property tax if that will limit development.

-The property in Bowling Green where the mill was located needs to be cleaned up.

-Lake Wylie..no longer quaint & beautiful..too much density, too many cars, no lake access, should be treated as the gem of a community it is. County does not respect wishes of residents.

-No rock quarry!

-Stop the quarry. I came to clover to escape noise and congestion, good schools. I want to live in my little peaceful neighborhood. Need for safe roads. Stop the development.

- No quarry! Agree! We need a place for teens! Limit new housing development. Expansion of road access to Charlotte. Fix potholes on back roads!

-Who is in charge of Residents’ interest? Lake Wylie overlay?

-Quit approving zoning changes that the public does not want!

-Preserve the quality and beauty of the Lake Wylie area – Especially the lake itself. Too much development is further endangering the lake.

-Planning commission-conflict of interest..most builders or related to development.

-Enforce the storm water management from the time ground is broken through completion! The regs are there, use them!

-More Green Space. Less development of high density housing.

-Preserve open spaces, farmland, and woods. Our wildlife is disappearing. Inadequate roads for the area.

-40% Greenspace on all development plans

-Build a Kayak/Canoe Launch @Buster Boyd Boat Ramp.

-No More Apartments. More roads to Charlotte from West York Co.

12 - More public Green space.

-Community Schools/ Not a Giant High School Factory.

-No rock Quarry in Northern York County. Home values and Road will go down.

-Why allow so many new apartment complexes? This only increases density, not quality.

-No Quarry!

-We don’t need “strong residential growth” as is on one poster –we need smart, reasoned, supportable (by infrastructure-road budgets, water pressure growing too?) Growth with a plan first! Put a moratorium in place until the “Overlay” is in place.

-No rock quarry –Preserve wildlife & water

-Park & Rec

-Keep land use around the lake low density-protect the lake our greatest asset.

- Our roads cannot handle more traffic. Too many cars already!

-YC needs Park & Rec dept..boat launches have no tables, shelter, trash cans. Lake is biggest draw but with no access to lake or emphasis on it..We lose! It is a missed opportunity for county.

-Quit allowing clear cutting of large tracts of land; makes more runoff and other problems.

-No bike trails on 49. We need bike tracks

-40% open space in any development

-Lack of infrastructure

-Density is such that emergency evacuation is impossible

-Too dense for adequate fire protection

-Transparent planning commission; let citizens now what is going on

-Get developers off planning commission

-Limited density of homes in developments

-Provide sidewalks, parks, parking in developments.

-We agree with ALL this!

-Develop area for recreation. Connecting trails to neighboring counties. Dog Parks. Fairgrounds in Clover for events all year. Barn area, riding arena, a lake that is stocked & available for fishing, flower gardens, tree planting.

-Ice rink for use all year by schools and public.

-Increase commercial use to Oak Ridge Road area from Lake Wylie current business area.

13 -Quality Jobs to Lake Wylie, not Walmart’s and Zaxby’s!

-Park & Rec, and trails, enhance the lake, big better businesses to that area w/ good paying jobs.

-What is the status of the Lake Wylie Overlay – Long Term planning must include environmental protections for neighborhood creeks, streams, and Lake Wylie & Catawba River. Low impact development practices must be instituted.

-More development is killing our economy in Clover. It cost more to keep the roads and schools built than the income from Development – The rock quarry will kill our town & community.

-40% of green space in all developments.

-Bike Lanes/ Trails to enjoy

-No more apartments! Custom built homes on large lots!

-No more high density developments

-Need adequate facilities ordinance to control over development

-Need better erosion control over development.

-No more storage facilities

-Protect the Lake Area. Sedimentation controls enforced

-Buffer zones increased to 150’ and enforced

-Add walking trails and recreation areas

-Concerned about water supply, roads, & traffic if quarry allowed to come in

-Limit development- Why are you afraid to do this?

-No high density apts. or housing developments

-Keep some green space for us.

-40% buildable green space in each dev

-Rethink the 9th grade center. Historically they are a bad idea.

-Renters are not interested in our community

-Residents are aware of changes and Development

-No rock quarry – Bowling Green/Clover

-Recreational Areas – Western York County

-Public Transportation

-Senior housing

-Public Hearings before decisions

14 -Not another Tega Cay

-We need places for teenagers to enjoy themselves

-Build the Waterfront with businesses

-Developers contribute $$ toward cost of offsite roads and schools, formula devised based on number of units or anticipated occupancy.

-Sidewalks in all developments

-30% of usable land for a “Green Zone” or recreation

-Do not allow the rock quarry!!

-Limit developments

-Develop rural areas with connecting trails for walking, hiking, bicycles & horseback riding.

-Develop trail heads with restrooms and picnic shelters.

-Increase commercial area from Lake Wylie business district to Oak Ridge Road area.

-No rock quarry in NorthernYork County

-Too much High Density housing given road system, schools, water & existing traffic w/o considering weekend recreational traffic around the Lake – Solution: Blow the bridges!

-Create Parks, Rec area for our children. If quality of life leaves, we leave!

-No rock quarry

-Adding high density housing causes school quality to decrease dramatically. Clover School District has a reputation for quality – Will this be true in 5 years?

-No more apartments. Our infrastructure cannot support all this development. Green space! Parks! Recreational Areas! Walking trails! Bike paths

-Roads already in despair, high density housing exacerbates it and adds to traffic backups at rush hour.


-Stop high density developments

-No rock quarry –effect on water table, destruction of roads, destruction of property values.

-No mining in YC. Planning for developments need more space for emergency entrances and larger lots

-People move to Lake Wylie for the casual, upgraded lifestyle. Established homes/neighborhoods leads itself to quality families, which makes our town desirable & safe. Apartments tend not to allow quality families. Low supply, high demand helps property values & schools. Work traffic is terrible. Do not add to it.

-We do not want bigger class sizes to accommodate low income students. This is a whole new problem on its own. I am former Clover certified teacher.

15 -Issue: high concentration of housing leading to traffic. Steele Creek area in disrepair-concern about crime. Big box vacancy concerns. Gaston Garden Parkway is a bad idea! Condition of 279 is awful.

-Limit density to 2 homes/acre including townhomes

-Areas designated for business and commercial development along major roads up employment and lower traffic

-Density/Crime/water quality/quality of life/max per acre/wildlife habitat/infrastructure overloaded/parks and rec beyond the lake/public lake parks/bike/walking trails/no more apartments!

-Traffic is already overwhelming Hwy 49. Stop building. Garden parkway has to be built. Mt. Gallant/Sutton Rd. Connection has to be built. Do we have a plan for an eight (8) lane Buster Boyd Bridge?

-Public Parks in Lake Wylie

-Blow the bridges!

-No rock quarry – will destroy property values

-Will affect water table

-No more apartments

16 York County Comprehensive Plan Update Meeting Notes from March 25 Public Meeting Meeting Location: Fort Mill Number of Attendees: 54

How do we move forward?

 Property taxes, access to Charlotte, great place to live.  A county and town (Fort Mills) where planning officials work together. Low taxes and good schools, Gov’t leaders who represent tax payer residents not land owners & developers.  We moved to FM for the good schools and easy access to amenities and services.  Slow down development‐ it is out of control. Roads cannot/ are not able to keep up.  Get everyone of the road in cars – make golf cart trails Bike trails. Walking trails! Save our environment please.  Plant trees where developers took them down. Bike and walk trails. Plan roads to accommodate traffic. Plan before developing.  What defines Fort Mills? What is the vision? Need things that make a town a more livable place (bike lanes & sidewalks)  Moratorium on building for 1‐2 yrs. Too much too quick, will lower development value.  Develop the town‐restaurants and shopping. Encourage Light‐Rail to come to Fort Mills.  Cost of living  Small town (not any more)  Raise Kids  Close to major city, close to lake, size of community (15 years ago)  Low taxes, schools, “small town” feeling  Even as people w/ no kids, we moved to Fort Mill for the schools. Great schools and great property values.  Slow down developments ‐make them pay impact fees  Good schools, low taxes, safe community  Schools, rec. areas, location  Schools, location to CLT, small town (not anymore)  Moves here 17.5 years ago because it was a small town with close proximity to big city. Now heartbroken at how that has been destroyed.  Low taxes, good location, fair home prices  Home prices, schools, job potential  Born and raised here, work here.  Schools, proximity to Charlotte w/o being in Charlotte  Quality of life  Those reasons are being taken away. Overcrowding/gridlock.

17  Low taxes, quality of life, friendly people  Quality neighborhoods, proximity to major city, close to job (downtown FM)  School, greenspaces, regional connectivity  Weather, low taxes, close to Charlotte  Lots of recreational activities, more entertainment in Baxter/Lake Wylie area (like movie theaters, bowling, arcades, etc.) Low density development w, lots of open & wooded spaces, larger residential lots (0.3 ac +) More restaurants for families near 77/ Golden Hill area.  A county & city that plan together – what happened? Great recreation activities..bike trails, running/walking trails, pools. Traffic patterns & infrastructure that supports the growth.  Don’t turn into Charlotte – as in too crowded. (Bike lanes, walking trails)  Lived here all my life. Fed up with the traffic! Too many developments! Small business man pays too much taxes 6 miles too much!  Moved 30 years ago for a job. Schools are great but I wonder how long they’ll stay that way..growth is too much. Not enough roads.  Weather, low taxes, close to great Charlotte schools  Mixed use urban centers; people can live close to where they work, shop and play.  Top civic venues & outdoor connectivity.  County wide rec. dept., Increase green space, develop complete streets. Share your thoughts:

 Ft. Mill has enough school.  Allow schools to keep us with growth so kids don’t suffer  What will happen if school bill does not pass? Classroom overcrowding? Lower quality educations? Operating funds will be used to rent portable classrooms instead of paying teacher & other operating expenses.  Do we have sufficient water & sewer supply for growth?  Can a moratorium be imposed until an effective plan is in place for infrastructure?  Can there be interaction between York County, Fort Mill and others to determine best plan for growth?  Moratorium on growth: otherwise: Destruction  Taxes will increase locally, county, city, state, and federal.  Let’s start/push/shove Fort Mill/ Tega Cay/County to start talking & planning & doing something‐anything! (Together)  Limit building permits to slow growth until infrastructure catches up. More green space in developments – connectivity between developments recreation area – more fields.  York County needs a Park & Recreation Dept.  3‐5yrs or more moratorium to allow roads to catch up to residential development  Impact fee – developer must pay. Mandated to provide lanes, greenspace  Traffic at 77 Gold Hill & Traffic officer during rush hours.  Make green space size requirements. Require “useable” green space  Make greenspace reqs. high & mandatory  Greenspaces should be mandated by York County council not given $ as bonus for developers – (forever wild)

18  Fort Mill, Tega Cay & York County adopt impact fees to make growth pay for growth  Agree with impact fees – charge something for moving into the area.  Leave trees – particularly champion trees  High‐end shopping/dining needed in Lake Wylie area to entertain residents in Ft. Mills & Tega Cay so we don’t have to drive Baxter or Rock Hill all the time. Could possibly work in 77/Gold Hill area along Springfield Parkway. Maybe a good opportunity for development that would mimic Birkdale Village in Huntersville, NC.  No destination commercial development (retail) like Target that will draw more people to FM! Kingsley will be a “destination”  Protect properties near 1‐77 for future economic development projects (FM, YC, RH)  Development/commercial – should not be taxed to the maximum. Should not impact residential/peace of mind, etc. Developers should be required to pay impact fee if significant.  Hospital  Pennies projects take far too long – ones from 2003 not even started. The ballot said, “Multi‐ lane” – that is 2 lanes in each directions. After the fact, it is changed to left turn lane in middle. That is still a 2 lane road. Worthless, solves nothing, not what was on ballot. Bait & Switch?? Waste of money.  Developers should put turn lanes into sub div. Not taxpayers.  York County is not keeping up with infrastructure.  Create a community health board to provide a unified public health plan for the county  Not only do FM residents not want piedmont, we do not want a hospital on the proposed land on 160 @ 21! Keep the peach trees!  With 5,400+ jobs coming to the now‐under‐construction Kingsley Business Park, how are we residents going to get through that intersection of 160 @ I‐77  No more apartments/multi‐family dwellings in FM! Maximum of 1‐2 houses per acre!  Commercial Businesses – Limit fast food restaurants. Gas/Tire/Carwash‐ enough!  Disposable income available Ft Mill/Tega Cay resident’s spending money in Charlotte (no restaurants, Trader Joes, Savth Fave.  Why would I invest in a home in Ft Mill if I have to drive 10‐12 miles shopping/eating  Home $ will drop in 29708  Need lower density housing & more active entertainment (bowling, movies, etc.)

What are your Ideas for the Future of York County?

 Ft. Mill needs affordable senior apt.  Ft. Mill/York Co. is OUT OF CONTROL.  Ft. Mill is becoming what everyone is running away from. Overcrowding/gridlock.  Build an infrastructure to support all the building before allowing the developers to build. (Make the developers pay)  Road system that doesn’t take 20 minutes to drive to miles!! 21/160/Springfield Pkwy need I go on?  Plan roads before building. Have developers contribute. Replace trees on roads. Bike and walking trails. Walking trails to schools.  Roads are 10 years behind. Catch them up.

19  People who make decisions and plans should have to drive around FM/TC before approving plans.

What are the biggest issues for growth and land use in York County?

 Infrastructure for development  Increasing taxes  Developer impact fees  Commercial development  Less density in development  Traffic jams and issues  Zoning & planning standards are not high enough. Too easy to develop private land

What’s your vision for the future of York County?

 Residential/Commercial balance with growth development, recreation, aesthetics, and fair taxes. Open space and natural areas. Churches and spiritual life Judeo/Christian values. o Good quality of line o Good services o Peace o Good infrastructure o Fair taxes o Good ethics  Highway Frontage Buffers – Keep trees  Keep our lake clean‐ Get rid of Utilities Inc. at River Hills!  More golf cart/walking/bike trails  Need a York City Recreation Dept. (x4)  Increase amount of space developers need to leave vacant for recreational activities.  Regional Water/Sewer Authority

What do you want to see in York County’s Future??

 Affordable transportation of seniors  A valid plan  Pennies too slow! Projects 15+ later not even started.  Traffic at Gold Hill & 77N to be addressed  Fix Roads (potholes, widening, complete streets)  More green space & wooded areas preserved – limit “cookie cutter” neighborhood clearing.  More Developments, more residential, too much congestion, Gold Hill & 160 infrastructure cannot handle  Indoor pool if/when complex is bulldozed  Bike lanes to get to stores  Control of development  Cooperation with county & towns for roads & development  Access to I‐77 @ Gold Hill or 160. It is backed up every day. What is the plan??

20  Sidewalks required for all new developments  Sidewalks make condition of approval for all new construction.  Connectivity between developments.  Gold Hill sidewalks on edge of road. Vehicles are traveling @ 50+ mph..  Multilane roads, bike, walking, trails, sidewalks. Commercial setbacks greenspace  Park & Rec Dept.  They are building a Mega Plex Cinema & Shopping at 160/52 intersection. It will be like 160 Steele Creek  160 through town & out to Ballantyne needs 4 lanes!  Turn Lanes  Roads that are not obsolete upon completion  New interchange @ Coltharp & 1‐77. Connect Do lay’s Bridge & Dave Lyle Corridors  Slow growth by impact fees. Strategy plan – read info & money allocation b4 appointment.  Alternate ways of getting places (bike paths, lanes, and sidewalks)  Sam Smith Road too narrow with much school traffic  Doby Bridge @ White Grove  No school bus stops on main thoroughfares!!!  Turn on pedestrian signals @ Heckle & Hwy 5  Pleasant Rd & Gold Hill need turn signals  160 Up into 49 backs up for miles  US 21 N. Phase 1 and 51 completed. Details on what planned for Old Watsons Road at intersection of Hwy 21.  Wimbleton Woods turning on to Sutton Rd. trees & curves  All schools should have sidewalks  What’s planned for intersection of Gold Hill and Hwy 21? How will traffic from apartment complex get in & out of Hwy?  More traffic lights – more delays! No more please  Please clear the shoulder for a bike lane  77 & Gold Hill – put (2) turn lanes until diamond is constructed.  Green Space with bike/walking sidewalk between roads and commercial areas  Too much growth @ 160 & 77. What is plan for 5400 vehicles?  Gold Hill Traffic congestion to 1‐77. Need automation to change traffic lights efficiency for high traffic conditions.

21 York County Comprehensive Plan Update Meeting Notes from March 26 Public Meeting Meeting Location: York, SC Number of Attendees: 16

How do we move York Forward?

 York County will be a premier, regional arts destination, attracting hi‐tech jobs, tourism, growth and job opportunities.  Greenways, greenways, greenways  Land and protected greenways  Keep water clean  Plan traffic flow  Respect and protect historic districts  Promote economic viability of downtown areas  We need a county parks and rec department  Rooftops bring businesses and jobs  Preserve the things that attract people to our county to begin with  Quit building new roads and bridges until all the existing roads and bridges are up to standards

What are your thoughts on Economic Development and Housing?

 The arts drive economic development, revitalization, tourism growth, attract jobs. Keep supporting cultural facilities with A‐tax and H‐tax. A recent feasibility study show that York County can support a 500‐800 seat performing arts/education facility. Let’s do it collaboratively.  Keep all building codes/standards high, without red tape. Keep costs affordable.  Solar and wind power  Promote brewpubs in abandoned buildings  Get more white collar jobs  Need smaller homes for singles, divorcees, elderly, young adults more multifamily to make housing more affordable especially in western part of the county.  Make reimbursement mandatory for tax incentive deals if companies leave within 10 years

Tell us what you think about land use issues?

 Limit industrial and distribution uses to within a mile or so of 321 and other major corridors. Areas with good roads and access to I‐77.

22  Concerned about unbridled building  Keep water clean, keep land clean  Encourage less 1 story buildings they are a waste of space and are bad for water quality  Develop criteria for scenic overlays  Have additional overlay around Lake Wylie  Limit number of houses/acre

Tell us your thoughts on schools, public services and utilities.

 Coordinate with Chester County on water and sewer  Independent commission to manage water and sewer facilities  Service Clover with York County water  Bury utility lines  Come up with a different solution to BMP “forever bonds”  Look at reuse of wastewater output—no privatization will increase cost due to need for profit  Build a water treatment plan in the northern part of York County  Long range plan to build a water treatment plant

Tell us your thoughts on transportation.

 Blackburn Street and Ross Canon Street are in terrible condition  Stop growth and let roads catch up  Pennies for Progress needs more support roads to handle new development  Use portion of pennies money for maintenance of roads  Better street connectivity‐ allow roads to be more efficiently‐ save money‐ everyone gets around better and safer  Support for multi‐modal transportation, not just cars  Sidewalks‐ absolutely  Bike Lanes  Better roads county‐wide with good bike lanes  Protect encourage wellness  Alternative transportation (bike/ped supports air quality)  Separated bike lanes  Safe Bike Lanes  In downtown York and surrounding sidewalks are “marked” for repair. Need ASAP  Cycling is a sport, keep off main roads (disagree: often used for transportation)  Scheduled buses serve each community at least 1 a week to Rock Hill and York  Transit?  Mass Transit  Air quality

23 Community feedbaCk* tHemes by subarea County-wide tHemes • More quality jobs lake wylie/clover 107 attendees • no rock quarry • mitigate impacts of growth on schools and • More Park and recreation roads • Protect the lake and preserve quality open facilities space ( i.e. larger buffers, 30%+ greenspace ○ impact fees req) ○ traffic on 49 / buster boyd bridge • bike and Pedestrian facilities • more recreation options and amenities (i.e. greenways and more lake access) ○ Connectivity • roadway iMProveMents to keeP • Control type and form of development (i.e. no ○ maintenance Pace with develoPMent apartments, require larger lots) • water quality • Preserve and foster lakeside village and rural fort Mill • better roadway connectivity character 54 attendees • schools • growth ManageMent • Growth management (control pace of growth, need for phasing and impact fees) • transit oPtions • Control type and form of development (i.e. limit density) • coordination/cooPeration • more greenspace and between jurisdictions recreation amenities (i.e. more usable greenspace, preserve trees (improve tree • More Places to shoP, eat, stay york 16 attendees preservation ordinances, require frontage buffers) • More green/oPen sPace • attract more development (housing, • Preserve and commercial, industrial) foster small town character • Preserve natural resources • Limit industrial uses to good roads • more retail and • Preserve rural character (farms, restaurant options forests, and wildlife corridors) • enhance mobility • ProMote towns rock hill 44 attendees (locally and • Greenways, sidewalks and bike lanes regionally) • access the rivers and lake • art/history/culture • economic growth • Plan for utility capacity • Promote and protect historic districts • encourage mixed use • tourism centers and multi-modal • adequate facilities/utilities • maintain existing roads transportation ○ Promote scenic river • more housing types (for seniors and ○ Cater to increasing ○ agro-tourism facility young adults) senior population ○ Hotels and conference • access to utilities • additional bridge crossing center • “Culture of Health” *this feedback was gathered during four • open space and amenities community meetings held in different ○ increase access to river and lake locations across the County during the month of march. a complete summary of feedback • natural resources can be downloaded from the project website ○ Preserve trees at www.yorkforward.com. ○ Land preservation needed ○ Protect agriculture

24 Holly Ridge Rd Dr Rd ws d ood re R arksw nd rd Rd M W A Lakeview Dr d Fe fo on S CLEVELAND R d r s T t CLEVELAND R g w bin B at e Zanes s u ra Ro y e 7 e g so C v 2 Hwy2 k W e R 2 27 y in n 321 d o B - 8 Ln r R l o 1 D i R a C p £ l r a r i ¤ Natural Resources 1 o d d s r a r - 161 wd S g e R

o v Buckland ie R H k S an e M x i H n rs n e R Ri Di ver y V w n R d c Rd o o M C C L 160

R ST S C R e s ll h d w il C av COUNTY r o od ll d y l e o e e COUNTY o GASTON p

H r GASTON r Trail G n d e u d e F r e r y R k r d t rW o g o r t e r h ST e

R o d k a W a a C d f v t C e a Ratchford e P f S l ro r R d k p Dr e C R l wd S m t Sugar Creek Branch Public Inputd R o S ers R Rd R 49 Patriots a e y C m r reek p ha r Little Sugar CK Branch n d Elm Rd a r e C d R G e a g M l C d L Way GASTONIA d Q ST e o E r d R u r b e v r r ster ar e o k e d ri d o P r V a e r COUNTY y BattlegroundRd COUNTYd a w Rd s oss R R s w P S e ohn Cr R d R l Beam J l R G !|d e d d Wilson k e R a o B y Boat Ramp or Canoe Launch Needed g t d e le o R R D t u Rd

d r R d i d r a r t

c a d i 273 s s gh n ir i c h

R k i y n K

o e R k p r

H C R c i s d o

d ST

b n r Trail i

85 o e h d R i

g i e n s

§ u ¨ s d k d ¦ v view of Kings and t

!l e W s am M R a H t R Rd

i d Dr Fishing Access Needed e Rock I on R H h e s t h o t D n h C Crowders Mountains d lan op ffit k Tyvola R r r R d h ri e u y o !\ S G o o R r

e W D s K r d n b l d e w K Calvin Ln o l Ec t i 274 h C t n a od i a i n n a l o s d 485 le Dr n l i h b i r Gibbons Rd o a g !F B i n ST h § R n c e ¨ L Ho d l ¦ Greenway / Trail Needed us BELMONT n s 198 C e R W a M r R v Ln e d Y ra i Kenley l d Yorkville S B T l d e l e d R B ST f R a t k 279 e r i Antioch Rd a l R Shopton e t w r i y e b R a Shelbyville t o e o a l b Stonehouse Branch t e n e ST Cecilia a d KINGS MOUNTAIN 4 S

d m ek n P r e o r v l L l 0 rs C ]x R e R 1 acre F Rd o 0 d Akinbac Rd c ! r ar w D o Ln S R o e C 1 ro d e n C h

Mature Forest / Champion Treed k u L w h k d o NATIONAL k C r u

u Dellinger Branch k d Fo s to 10 e

g t T T R r a h t Dulin Rd l BLACKSBURG o o ut y Alpine 5 l W O R o These farms are a w d a R P ! n h ve e MILITARY PARK l C1001 S Rd acre lots L ak d i A r d y ! r P t r e R t d id e k C ! h c n L the cultural history of k g R a C e SC 161 from NC Line to Ln a e u l õ l !5 h ! R oy e o l o r Sports Fields Needed r Market L c ox R e Bowling Green residents Regional Park with O P h n e K d y n =! 5 Acre d C o n C McGill's Store needs to e a C y l W n d e s h fields and hiking d Cliff r Equestrian g a k g r R Lots d k B be crowned, 3 deaths W Sherwo d i i in od R Ridge Rd l B =! R Cir d

E r trails (cross K d Knight D Trails a h S D l r d n from hydroplaning d Lakedale i e

j s i R f k r 29 c t Ln t a ! s e l Cooksey e between river park t J !5 h g !q Rd R 78 a s d 3 I CHARLOTTE Park (Passive£ Recreation) Needed Stonebridge 1 e St ¤ B y s

u R t n e d R am k w W i R Dr m R # j e H e l R c and riverwalk) e a

! d Ridge - frequent t n R a d d Across i t n ! p w n S n d r i L Deanna A H l l in n e y d d i d d B bike traffic il e p from new a w g e v d t R N Ln a n s PR ri Fix Road

E Jones St KINGS J d W M e P

M a s l y H ! l R e C d mirals e o Ad t i !Q co R ly needs a lane g in

school site s 1 r n Barrett EndsgateRd i a tR a c v K

a n e l S

Wildlife Habitat / Crossing 1 a e O k l Connect Clover to a l o l l E d

d r P d a t m e R s C j g 1 B MOUNTAIN C a in a t a ! d d

k R G t r n a s l r n D i 5 Winget Rd r

b e i d r M a Roberts a O w State Park via a i y MECKLENBURG R g e l MECKLENBURG

s d !ý

d d S r D e r il n c R d e r lC r Larger F

R Rd STATE PARK i r R B B R c Farm M n g d ea =! e

s d to trail or greenway G ve k p r e h h e !õ e o u rd r v lots on Fruehauf Dr R i a i v d n G a Preserveo Agriculturalrd Land M t n m C e L R E r H from intersection k R Fo x l e !l lake R t e e e n !F k R n e e k d sidewalks of 49/557/274 to d o r r n COUNTY Bobby Dr e r COUNTY h BETHANY deer cross P d C R o W a are needed OAKRIDGE Rivergate in NC =! s R

!\ d N s h ELEM !q S here daily Preserve Vista / Viewshed u W to i on 321 w MIDDLE m t te S e Rd d n ta R b Rd e T s h Wilk r o te d ! ig ic

in R n Playground d sD ot H !Q cle Pr r R m a Cross Rd u

h d w B n R d k need jobs Beautiful view d oh

c e 55 y multi-family, and Outdoor J # n e Lester Rd R ]x ! i S ! el Ln a R in existing uirr Sle Creek Other of Kings and Sq d dg r P - 557 =! complete streets, Pool Needed e R d ST r B 4 ir d illRd Lake Rd C Protect R d 6 towns o Ford Gilfillan g M Crowders Mountains w Clintwood t

t ST businesses - k n R please lower speed r ! Fountain Ln R d o ð a i !\ !5 2 n m d d # Greenspace e s

p r r ! i e b 5ý Rd ! Protect n # 3 5 e a R ! n R ! u F ! d n limit - its like a

e m 5 erR s e l Dr !q v nti i ! h ý s Fro ! io r ð o u B ! ý t d a o d n k R a Stream ! S Dye Rd c ar d ý 5 Usable Land Use andr TransportationJ i P d keep retail S k e !ý! racetrack out here a C R n KINARD n Ci g m I support retail in R n r n d d 5 G rs e E o 5 N e a e o u at major greenspace! Currence Rd 5 e y g r 9 l =! ! r 1 P =! k J e h ! C l B o 9 ELEM existing towns ]] a - R !xx d t 6 ! ! l e B w × P d n X t 4 T intersections G ! a h i O S- R St e Spurrier l r C o t p O y t s S r c r d e e e a o o s i o r P w T i r c 5 r Ct Blvd n n D v ll m Lakeside Texland H R d i ! repair w PublicD Input e o a a St a d r l e H G a R t t D Lake r a a i i Granite t r n R i R C C Village n

d S existing B r G t !ý d D d GRIGGS park for Access o

e ! ý B Rd park s g v

s k s i sidewalks n 5 l Little Sugar Creek

im J ! e Rd Moss c ð Lake Wylie v 161 ! ROAD ELEM Needed ! i S !× CROWDERS !ý B

X d u Cu O R K Limited Residential Growth a l W k S NOT !ý v T ST t BLUE EAGLE ACADEMY CREEK ELEM d !ý Amon !5 l n a !q j d p S L y Industrial: d d !!|Keep R

R d f R S Ln R d d

C ir a R ie d

Caldwell Rd t Rd live-work units s density L h b sT ico Ln R n r l s r Apr d d p a a =! e s l g e lu e n n e k Rural / Low Impact Residential e k m CLOVER r lower S S r n l l B r f r a R e l !F l u a K t e e a ] ] t P Downs Rd x a R s d x s d o F d MIDDLE !! s il d !\ o s Brady Trl t t M d A l D o W w o e r CLOVER R k Tra ! r e × n =! Catawba o ffD CLOVER l X li t P M ec r C H D r ur st V i !F H s L e o r d !\ Fr Fo ie o i =! o h w D l M ee w HIGH o r W t p e e m Suburban Neighborhoods a R R ]x t c e nR h ! j e y a l 5 LARNE w y u !\ h l d W ! r l ! y c et

e l d 0 B k l R l r e l i ra 1 t l R n r S nc r 4 ELEM Farris Rd h 1 d B u R d a - ! l !× ý u !q P 55 =!X 1 ra d x d 6 a e n B u b j 6 c O C l h h i R 4 s ! u B t - ST ! Blvd ! × 1 i X r e B r o g e 1 Rodney Affordable Housing S u r y LakeW p e n yl 1 49

h i B i d ie B y s l BETHEL Rd 1 M Beamguard Rd R n h l c e K

Rd a y d a w f R =!! ST c d ð n d

n R R a r w d IdealWay


N C C e c R H n d N Paraham Rd

nl a H l u

N a r !ð

e a d i t n !ý e Rd l

e e r L t l

! t r B

n ý y y n o

t WalkableS Mixed Use G B a

a d t h u a Lawrence Rd a Mountainview

CHEROKEE t r t l e CHEROKEE r g G R JohnsonRd S i n s Ru h S e h

i I th er i G m Bedford fo k r e n 51 PINEVILLE d St n B c l L N n A S r Leitner a bl a Osprey a B g Stu d Rd e d ST n B m 5 r a Rd an d R St k m c ! d r W n B R a h e B a e L ra r

R a Retail, Services d n n u e c to t Dr 51 l n l

s n r h i l

l s

n R R m A i C a s COUNTY c 21 COUNTY Langston r nk C B Balkan H ST

d h e e o £ a n Flint Hill Rd B ¤ D J s e L 160

R g k v r d C r y Dr r u d e d o D

g c e R r Dr nch a i r Bra r i o o ST hip l o s i R D k e n B R a ! J ð n e l Porter Rd n ic m B l k Industry, Offices, Jobs er k n Boheler Rd R Rd d C n l Zoar Rd a P

c alk s k u d Bl

o l o R W e n 97 n W P d u a i h u T B m C H k

R a R c d a u t Rd o u p L e d rn te o a d d F k

M R i r l R B s p v

ggers d e l s a J 274 ST Bi T o R a l n r o b o d n s these trailers wont g ie k

n R i n 321 a Calabash

NeilsBranch T s B r e s d in E d Rd h i n w P r h i Rush-hour g i n n ST R e £ l s r a R F ¤ B d o ! t h ra s last forever. Plan the Sidewalk, or trail r R B a n n a 7 d B d a c o Road Improvementl Needed s ie r C h congestion C Allwood Rd n n d a R n 5 a d r 5 l d iR 5 e c n space wisely to keep connecting 160 to h m ! c d 3 d M Boyd Rd B n R R a !P c u 1 Y N c B r h r Tioga oungblood d ! e

h ig a R l r d T c R A n y Widen SC P Gold Hill to Carowinds. P l

M g l Rd h R h li c ty H ! ! u n d M nc s h x er ill Rd w b i orris Bra o Lib 160 all the !×Connect the Can you imagine R d n o X M ! H n C Protect Transit Needed d e F d n R d R d neighborhoods from Zoir ek r a te way to NC 49 how neat it would C p re a t H e it r C R habitat Stewart l R ea r o d e a a B u t M

d l V t !to 77 M k × N a R ly Protect s X o R be ride your bike all the

d e a R S R S a b r h corridors

l w d l t it oo St m Last open space, s e d G O Stream Crosshaven o

e way to Carowinds safely?! B h S r E d h !q t m m j r d S o L o T 98 R rs d ! ib plan wisely !F

Bicyclea l and Pedestrian Issue S n l d d e Dr o n i O e R !Q rt R y w !× c g e ] St X Connection to ST Parris !x Storefront widening l h E !q office 5 g Rd h c d B another !ý M c !F n !× ! o Last piece of land r l X!ð

M c n Br Charlotte o R N Quarry Rd w D D

C gi ra C !ý n o 5real5!ð bridge is 5!×X at least

l c A l d !5! ! back here, great place h H B !×ð×5 offices w n l Limit!!×XððX One of the last public transit y i !X e y k l !ð!××! to US21 a Context Features i !ðX!estateX needed Need Regent L × P c j s s i 5 X for a County Park W Concord Rd !× l ! P X Dinky Rd ! o stores! t t Density in A-O zone! ×X pieces of woods.! est Privet e b r l n !ý L Fo Pkwy office!ð services, k a ! a ! b r P y ×X n C P F retail d P d ! C !ý ! e R S Limit Rocky ov Make into park! bor ! Ln l w 4 P l i r er Mckee Rd ! not homes From Springfield e R d d a 5 n R ! r R 1 e V d ! t H keep the way it is. The road conditions and k 1 ] r Industry, r l e x h Bran d c o Windswept Cv ! i C ec ch k Rd o e - !q s Study Area e !F e k Elem/Mid to the B R H R ck t t congestion are terrible a lat t 6 The intersection a R e C Keep trees rt F Dr r a P Rd k nd d R d t 4 o n r d r ! d o - Whitley R P interstateb is a m i r d ff bike lane or D adRd Torrence Branch here! Even traffic 5 m a Woods Rd 5 a R Nimitz Rd a S e for Tega Cay is ! ! e h p R t r S nk d ! ! H C tega cay needs l P S cca !q Ba nightmare every s e l signals/timing need B i A # w wider shoulders e a nightmare g e k d ! M g !5 Vineyard another route O o u n n g Rd b day, all day h C r re d F to be improved. s Municipal Boundaries a m

needed !ð w

k D h ! l an Rd i M a a i B a in / out t d d n J a c a d SPRINGFIELD d r o e m e S R PLEASANT field Dr y SUGAR CREEK ELEM n v R route in Tar eer R d a D o t k d l L s M i e O ELEM 2 e Rd m a s n h r P s s a R k e r 1 rlsR Spen W s r n F and! out of KNOLL ELEM R Ea cer k R g e s F a P i d d C w B l l rn o ! Jackson Branch i SMYRNA n O a NATION v W n d S t o e tega cay k M u o r l e o r R s h m [ l c e o a B o i c Rd

· f N Airports FORD HIGH r i d r i l u r Pleasant Rd C e H V Rankin no more neighborhoods Ln R M ! l R rn S R r v t G N Rd b a Dam e a k e h r y a B p M d 49 S ! e i r Big Branch t d d c ! b r b ý and no more y k R w d o s ir ! in c =! u t t !× e C a a X B o c a ST e R g f d dangerous intersection i D a n y h f o t apartments in FM i P l H beautiful e l 5 Matlock Dr l e V n ! d TEGA l ! S D ld s o o H S Trail or sidewalk R or TC- enough i P D farms !×X ASC t d

e ! d d M ý w k d kw r Proposed School W !ð to connect 160 to R a

e R Little Branch Rd a Dam is enough!

y Marvin R !×p N

e h s X y S r r i a GREENWAY i Gold Hill, Schools a

t õ d Rd d b ! - ! C a n × l

h X Rd 4 CAY t e P k E Old e l extremely heavy

o b !× ! e h T O 1 X e GOLD o x ! r s GOLD HILL

u i t r r Limestone Rd - R great corridor

o C s 1 congestion all e r B d too much traffic

W D P Existing School ! d F

o ð YORK P HILL k C e 8 MIDDLE he ! o for economic

y Gardendale Rd

ð e a e

e B 1 Campbell Rd R Rd n H i i the way to Tega n M ni on Springfield e n n o Colina R M R r u y B s ELEM S i L Judson Rd m o d [ n ! d ! × · t × growth n ghe X X h a i e d a d Cay. Infrastructure Gentry C s Parkway t y e !q o c c r

a r a H R R S e r R r d a y r Add additional lanes to h n i H s e is not keeping t Kennell

M r t i

d a P u d d a Ln

d a t l C R e e a

County Owned Parcels l e F r k e R l ! 270 R R Paraham Rd to support P ð G d d e P S r

P d R p i t P a e k d s R !up with growth. t R B d Rd u r h ! y o R 5 o r t i

t d R e n l !

d i × s e l d Adkins Rd X s n s l h o n industrial growth e R w r f g t Rd b n e p d b i i e ST Ln r r o h g 274 u T C ! e a o r h a Mingus C H ! e × n c P X n r n r e s P c F t e i W ! l g r t l r

S s R a i a r ST e


d d S e t Future Land Usel Plan Features R a d R k A R d M P e a

C A y t d O d 5R d v R d !ð 21 k

s R ! d ! a e !× ð l X S

s e ! b ð R l

e 5 r l 160 £ ra R i ! ¤ k k a

v rg ! s N i Can I put a i e e h e d a e

o n l jobs, large ! t o ORCHARD r n YORK a e ST Q e e d

u P g ia a S m n ch in r G R Bay limited land use n to n D businesses h r PARK ELEM ra n Mixed-Use Center (large) ar i =! G e Bowater Rd !q COMPREHENSIVE R d d !\ B C Ce r i S B l p C Rd ra p o r d Wilson bullet over s w a n R c d h a i !q m r HIGH r d h S o H Brook e u l l Chambers Rd Grayrock Rd l i l St all of Fort Mill s O nie BLESSED HOPE BAPTIST 5 housing\commercial R =! !×X C r O e

R M c Da re ! d Dr E b h g Lincoln Rd Y F ! and Tega Cay? FORT MILL

a o Ask Theron where Please stop all d

d nT ! FLOYD D development

Mixed-Use Center (small) rd ý5 r

r i R e

S ! a

R l COTTON =! two parcels are O residential growth v MIDDLE d JOHNSON t r A a i LANCASTE R s l n LANCASTE R C l B ros Crestview Dr i Refund York n d b =! l BELT =! that might be a park !ý y Rd in Fort Mill and n t L d TECH CTR d R a DUTCHMAN u FORT S L ll R c d FORT County i ELEM l K k e Tega Cay, especially e a M t g H l H oodside Dr CREEK Palmetto Dr MILL S i j L W e i MILL Existing Urban Services Area n t k Forever =! D t n io e w housing ! le Allison Cree apartments a g =! d v m MIDDLE MOUNT r !F n o y St Rd HIGH g FORT ELEM d a w r COUNTY R e COUNTY R R h b R D =! vi P development 321 T GALLANT ! Lake ll ] Kings Dr W n i d x Mo d n d 8 park/walking o H ti ! ek £ or preserve tt ¤ u R Flint ar re ELEM S RIVERVIEW d F trail needed in Big Dutchman Creek Jones Branch y Parks / Protected Land M C le as!F open O INDIA R r e e 5 l b5 d t ! a w ý !× ELEM !t b l e o Newport area X !MILL !! Rd space k HOOK S R n v s od ve !ý b !q a l Ln o g õ l i R A ! y Potts t D picnic ! V in d n 4Th St j r e j C g S r ve ELEM Additional s dowtown is not retail E ! r al p o ! e n A !]x s i a 160 be S d !F tables, v t t !õ H n n h Need some sort Bridge crossing i M or entertainment PrimeFarmland n L a o r e n u ne t g McclainSt i R ST n t S e i l green space i m Rd u r HUNTER il Pursley needed friendly H =! of park on or P v i S H t th rd z more jobs ! e l Fo W e S 161 W y d a Bus to STREET Dairy Farm - a r near Newport P R j D in downtown P ! in C d b ! 77 K R ST !York a ELEM5 public park 195 w § P Rd R ¨ c ! Land Cover d ¦ ! 6 India Hook Rd Bridge 1 if ST t Melrose 8 Stores. r b - l !ð ic d 6 l P S =! o t -4 grocery,farm i Rd !ý j R !Needed B S A places p fishing S Lake g i ! d a Ivywood Dr r P e i t r Dr a tt y c L v Meadowbend i ey a i ! oc n 5 l r c w r e p products, u r S n Rd R H st r ! to Deer Run A al access, S M Hill R o to shop ning N k te a if en y O

a d k l =! Dr w P w t R d

Deciduous Forest r auto/gas o a S a YORK l hiking trail l l R R i d o r l

o W d C !ý st R stop e P al rn F d l 5 E d o potholes everywhere n W h rt M ! ut F ! !F i B o S YORK ONE c ill P ams Rd 5 t 63 ROCK HILL v R Willi r light n a y =! k H ! e 46- on park/walking/bike S- i e !l d i d t y r r Ln e a w P l Kelly Rd ACADEMY e P P e k E w s h r ! R e x v ! ! t l MUN./BRYANT y s re H s D c trail in !ý i r m 5 B Evergreen ForestC ate i HAROLD C. !ý S BANKS d re St n P ! 5 R u r a e ! s M o Ashland r e d Smithwood Newport area ! fo o v JOHNSON FIELD TRAIL s f C B y M B need a continuous o s ld Rd A P o n h efie Rd D a [ s dg d ! · P W o Rd E ELEM ns K Park needed MIDDLE d 521 e ClarkFork Rd o a lane eastbound y r e H Ln o v i air R s T k R r paving i n e £ u w l ¤ h i N rDr s

Cropland / PastureG / Lawn D t o a k a on 901 g WESTMINSTER lo for a n l s ay The biggest Super Target d P

g m ! e R ý B n u g ! f a d i l p a e nearby neighborhoods.

l t n e i CATAWBA R i T l they ever built here l

d R s l r Create Greenways ! d d l e Help S o i R o Holbrook Rd d R l h C o CHRISTIAN t n d l Faith please. Map outdated, S Lodge i along abandoned Ln n 21 Blvd R l S R s Celanese t y e m B !5 5 e 156 Ba P £ t Little ¤ d e n Dutchm doesn't include ! Rd k w e t an g r r rail corridors F Cre

e a Road L ek a a s a u k Kellocreek o

e r ST l r

S r d Adnah Church Rd Grayson Rd l n n d O m 161 completed section of l r L

o R k L S S r le

c u k R C y x n

C z a ROSEWOOD ELEM 5 t o h e P P e T n a e ST P P ! Fort Mill Parkway !Q C r n ! P HICKORY l k ra ! ! P 161 m ROSS l p Great location c r T ! a ! e Fishing Creek s Spice

n in o l r d

a d i lD limit P c i e d Rd T T n Preserve d Springs Rd

o 211 d m ld R d with school and R Dangerous intersection ST d e i e l r Franklin St r r YORK g R R O d WILDLIFE O ey e r A Rd Need to pave Eden WORTH z k e e a growth existing d v es g n R Ct K ca 5 and congestion s ST a n D as e YMCA nearby n s v i e !\ C ! k Wilkerson n C MIDDLE e o e

l d h a k i r V i Terrace and add t a RESERVATION C D !ý af t i c r r farmland La EBINPORT Sidewalks n

b P R GROVE a Dev a MT WMA e edar w h M in t a

t l n A Rd Beersheba d ! w stoplight

t ×

o B Wilkerson X lots of use; l T

needed on Rd B e a

o l ELEM W

e Needs y P

k d r more multi-use D Ebinport Rd A Boxwood Ct Rd H c JEFFERSON ELEM shoulder P on C i C r c D d e l u ! ing ek lc Moss Creek path is needed r b r r r o A e P s e !qwidening D r P t s r !q i b p Mountain r R d dy ! a l C t d a o HICKORY t le r n C O r a P a Bike Trails L ! G L i a d GROVE-SHARON r t D n Christmas n r e e Hicko g o l h lle D n by i # ELEM a A County needs to HillcroftL Pl B Cherry s v Ln ! m e l B a !F Karen r n v i i r S B Dr a complete multi-use g d id l 274 a SULLIVAN 5 St g r SHARON r 211 e ! a Park / y d R e n B path on Rawlinson Rd MIDDLE Harrell St H R ST R ST c W Rabun Ln

d greenspace d h n Ci d e l ma r Convert old rail line y R ap ig e C Ch Great location w/ d c i b R S f !F G o e between Piedmont RICHMOND len h ! vil r e leD j u f n e r

ts el ! access to jobs e f e RAWLINSON ch te e J and downtown into a DRIVE John St Huey !ý L g R B k n Star o Retain green Rd a R a !ý C d T r S h and regional park

R y B Ram d Rd Ln n ROAD MIDDLE trail (rail to trail) ELEM r r s h y r d er d ey Rd n a R YORK r i B R k un d B space and y C

r pl e o a P a W dg d r t h Bancroft Dr Commerce Dr e Ri L S r a r

F r More e y R a e a a ROAD e l r

r l W s E i l a r n limit growth W l o o a l l t s arsonRd d r terf e v s S r a C c !F 5 w W o D e a a k h C c sidewalk t transit ! rd k o g T h 4 NORTHWESTERN ELEM t P r c a R W o

w h e C u i O n R k a e o n P ld n w y i ee r t R R o g D n needed r k D g H n lo d !× APPLIED needed t Extend HIGH ROCK d k Eastviewr RdX A Great location C M S o o h F c d i r n 97 a C e t e o E ro v e r R d ! e r t r h o E m small chain a B t e TECHNOLOGY CENTER p e s greenway along r p tory ra in r d 324 D for townhomes: e

R e n d R 5 g D b l R a T r !| e ST c W Neighborhood Park Needed h s ! g h H Dr ! C # c n r r !q !| o ve o w ! r v d i

d like Dollor u u ST near shopping, n Catawba River e Along s C i R o e d e P e s A o R l a r R t R a r d v e d t l y d Dr M i iv r s r H s HILL R General l e c parks and schools. j h d e y l a tl !ST ANNE'S CATHOLIC R the River e L o F n a r l h g t m F ! y Portehill Ln i ý t n !F C o t i c r M e L M Cameron Rd r We C n L e on k t W Need to complete 7 v a a r !F F 0 d ie S d r 0 w e a F n MC Daniel Branch d R preserve key arm NeedP connection to 5 R R ur R Tools Fork Creek 122 River Access Needed y n T e connection from B e B d s 5 b ! o l Rd n d 21 d w k k B l i Rd f 322 ! e z i c Manchester from nearby a f o !ý a n s õ lands s v e ST between River Park i e ! £ er i ¤ H P ST downtown to D n o !ð G a r e r W m e R i v t d l Preserve Master 105 r v i R d R ST ilk d k ke l ! neighborhoods and Lancaster Co d a W White St Tech Park Trail h u e C y s LovesCreek e h 5 t O R i y Greenspace n u d c ! i d Planned ST u e L d t d M D n FINLEY b !

R r R d d and Manchester. e R Co ! H R a C r C t t C R e Great location with !q

k ROAD s Community r B School o j !| x r s Movie Studio

e o i d !ý Antrim h e ! E Sh k Old growth Pkwy r

õ M e a J ytle L r D u r ! c s r n r R access to shopping, c d

d r t a ELEM and parks r Commercial Extend Dave !q e r should be C d a l c a e s b b P

Mitchell Branch ey e k B ! forest between Dave h e ! o rk P ! ] jobs and park. R !ý u R n e x !q T Holland Rd i ! v R nearby Red River Rd Node on C r !Q

Z P i supported Lyle Blvd r School, R d Sawmill Rd n Lyle and Colonial Drive c ! ! e Need connection to d R ð o Sturgis Rd Deer A e Dave Lyle P v Rd M shopping, i d k ! s an r d Manchester from nearby R a a !ý w M h r A c o in b C e ca e Dr L parks nearby z k lin i O w ! eR S 5 neighborhoods a R G V d h !F e ! l l

d e e

d R e H c C Re Clea F r r j i d a wa

o r Moore Rd Equestrian and te!r Rd e e Susan n a !

!ý =!ý C

u r R H r 5 d N e H

n y d n ! Camp Site Pedestrian (connect s c i R

r Cir Revitalize downtown=! e

t g O i d n d 901 i M y e l e

S d h

R L Revitalize the g l o a a d n s l & Fishing R w York to S. Rock Hill) BELLEVIEW r y

l with condos and co-ops g n k o i e ST l a n R u g F =! d i S ATV park i l neighborhood with Briarfield Rd el a D e y d l Stony Fork l i ds ELEM e e t h R r SUNSET for artists, empty B on c t w d s e F L e D o 97 Rd k w R r n D a r e H Sa in Oa s a multi-level homes, Neptune Dr n r oo gg g o d B e A dtown s PARK ELEM nesters and singles. s R j =! Hopewell Rd r P p r in ! B m gg u ! Ha 5 P d not affordable R Thic o ke 0 le R d t H d R bad ty 0 x R housing condo's. n i Pkwy L C 1 c s d o s Paddock curve re e d !ð k Master e B Lost Tree Ln g R a Hope r r rd 72 k a u o O B Rd !õ 122 Dr Planned n H sDr y !ý e ST Vis c y tawood R d h n g d ST d Heisler Rd Node R a Madon CHILDRENS a o d st K na St s i e Squire Rd r h r N s l Soccer fields open P S e R l SCH AT SYLVIA CIRCLE D D i ! Rd s !5 e d k k a d F e ! D ð v n 321 R to public needed n k Starnes Dr N e w r n a o A £ d a i Greenway along ¤ e r a P Prime e 121 r 324 ak l E r R l G S H d O a m B e s e a Wildcat Creek r C ST Industrial a n t x !õ M l L u ST R ! d n t Perla Rd 322 ý ROCK HILL r a r o W D r n y d s 49 Farm to Site =! e i d H HIGH l a s R e i ST r R

k n !F a e R l ST d r s school te Hemlock Ln Rd P u o a Black INDEPENDENCE d d n mon St T w e k k F program e r d L A r n N a g !ý Grier St ELEM o o South of e u d t R small chain s i ri

r Y e t e Whisonant M B k S r r in s illing e Reservation o r R ly C l like Dollar D e R d r i y S RH BLACKJACKS !ý e cock Rd l ! s Road r k d c e las a General C G T Crop c r Rd h t M u Feemster Ln N Rd Fernview T HERITAGE SHIELD

o a y n

l a l a l HERB c e i

l 5 S d r =! d

u l CASTLE OF FAITH Include trails

Rd ! l o D PRESERVE d n t i Brookfield I Dr B R r R er

KIRSH a a y r Hagl t W wl ld HEIGHTS LESSLIE (equestrian and d e sv kfie G F ill D R WMA H d e R r aw MIDDLE 510 ELEM Ln hiking) in new i e Clawson Rd d H !× MCCONNELS l X r e w R ranch ste r Fi B s n y ly r ST developments r m et e d e te Fe TRACT R 99 e SOUTH ow B a d a 8 N k e r G r ri near the river l e R d !F K e d g P a POINTE e W r e i Foxlair R s W rk r d Redwood C 77 r v R § D k a p a k d HIGH ¨ t i s ¦ e l a u d k Ct n e lk t Dowdle Branch e ko r r e ri e oo Rd o R r e c r B l C R r k Fairway y e M R R !ð l e P B C d a i i d F ra o M l e r d T n n y Ferndale ix s n a c i S s s h ng e S OAKDALE O e h r im SALUDA P a m k P k L Perry u V r ps P N r ie o d ELEM o o r s a S n Lesslie Hwy w u n upgrade Sims Rd d ie t R T to rk R TRAIL r e r Rd d

r R R R d C n R T ey F o t d G n e s u T d d d A greenway e Mecca e R e r r e o baseball d l d l r t MIDDLE l r g y k t D m l R t n d e O Karen c l s i e field tied into R R R r R e P y n L d R n S e T d i io d Vernsdale Rd d x C o t Brattonsville p o Fo !ð R Dr i s d e am n k W t Rd r õ R k ! r Ch y a d bo e a 901 n e y l Ram in v H !5 i i e

n v a r o e S E o b r e k e

e d ST V B t !F s to W o w l C d R d r n n a R Taylor Creek w l o !ð a n o R n i b d R l am L d t l R s C n d C o i W W i 21 a v n e u n i o i m H L r £ l S d ¤ b Lindsay St BRATTONSVILLE l d R MOUNT if i R s Serenity o x R e e d B Ln r r Turkey Ln d Buckskin Trl ry ek McCONNELLS o d d M

R Dry son Cre 5 HOLLY d DRAPER n C d R re ! isu n il e R e

k G o R o era ELEM d e ti R Rabb's Dr W ldN o L C r WMA Percival Rd d H a n ighw ic l v r Tree Rd e ay h P r e le Walters L 3 ew v o e e p 2 l j n Orindawood Rd n 4 ls s k a e Mount Holly Dr ! o Ln do R b s e M L d p d d an A m F R R Canadian Dr L Sou R L Long Meadow Rd i ry th S l e

r s f e G r Rd

o o l e S r r e F i k e C r Red Bud Ln v R to ing l i r d r u Twelve Mile Creek

v e d S a r O y l m a r St ey f B H e O a l

B b fn t B

i u o 31 y o t r

D M k e n h r a k r rt i Taylors Creek y L n F n n o ST e c s L e n L D g r h V F a ve n t ry a 322 d r in N y V R l Po e l R Craig Rd O d L

l e n m n s D n r

o r d ST o l y A n t L d e u R

R v C C d S n e keep the 72 F n

r l d r u d G e e L R iv a l i

d e l n e

e s s Enterprise e

p Pacolet River R t B Rd ST Cedar Vly Retrace Union ci

h cotton y l R

k R ok

s o

d S br d u R u y m e e nn R

o d d L a D s l

r n l

s fields o n Troop movement to i o

r White Pine Rd 5 r e

y a R o Marshall Rd Rd u H is u R d

r d e o h

n R l

n B t C t Huck's Defeat, d e

w ST h r

e H t e R u o t R l e W i s

o b S õ o g ! equestrian event y b d L

F y L d n d o i b L

v n S UNION e o R n UNION a Orr Rd d Q e R e t d u Naturewood r C r d R e R k r R a G d W e !F r A l r d d r i R l e i R e l F R b R Rd i e y e r e Hollow S Arnold Dr C C v k d c e d n h i b R B d s n r R a s r A n B h p e p n h E u p o el te Lazy Hawk Rd p a u o i Tara Ln COUNTY u R n Rd t COUNTY h J t n n d t Rum Branch S h a r Pickett c g l y r l C a S a R n i k r t PinetuckLn H Roy Ln lle s e a tle C eyvi d a e C rl it kn r B Gin Rd Rd in L Pin O r C g r R r D Pinetuck Lane e Robertson Branch M a h e k B d ol e r e C c b k T y y e n s Hawley K r e u Rd k E e a d Steele Village Rd n S R d e r e E C e i u h R l r a a B v T Cha pp Allister Rd e e R d pe e c d Rd R r l R l M i F rs e R d l Tu P y d ble R ck s e D a i r a rt u A d wa t l y R t e

a C M d s n u ack ckR v B Ba d R i

n Q r ed e p d R i n d m d n o u

mps e Little Susybole C d H R g R R o k ree y k d Th n d n C o o r R e C R m m r Rd r

m Browns Branch o s e e a it a dg l ar ri C n a d l e r H B r t Rd r F e a n R e k S Pathway Collins Rd u l e Rd d h D at g l yalg t r c R w o o C n r i R a o in 105 e d re r e w H G R e o G Ln le e B e y r R t R Bo k n i t e is d y D v r e lp ST i CHESTER hr Falcon Hall Way o CHESTER z t y lc e

i u d n L George Branch Rd G n k a e l S li b e i u o R S w b C L C

Rd Sprindell i a Q s d e r C Q MC Fadden Branch e d Ln D Abell u w P r in R h e R n o il k e R m Waxhaw Creek COUNTY d l H G on COUNTY ran E Darby Rd t Rd C

YORK COUNTY COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN 00.5 1 2 Miles PUBLIC INPUT 1 inch = 1 mile Disclaimer: This map was created with the best available data, however, it is provided "as is" without warranty of any representation of accuracy, timeliness, reliability or completeness. This map does not represent a legal survey of the land and is for graphical purposes only. 25 ·[ Use of this Data for any purpose should be with acknowlegement of the limitations of the Data, YORK COUNTY, SC including the fact that the Data is dynamic and is in a constant state of maintenance. Date: 6/10/2015 Data Source: USDA Cropscape Data (2013) York County Comprehensive Plan Update Meeting Notes from June 11 Public Meeting Meeting Location: Clover, SC Number of Attendees: 63

The following document provides a summary of feedback gathered during the June 11 community workshop. It is divided into two sections. The first section reports results from the scenario planning activity. The second section provides the comments provided by participants during the meeting.

Results from Scenario Planning Voting Activity:

 Which scenario best represents your vision for the future of York County? Balanced Growth- 55% of votes Regional Preference- 33% of votes Community Plans- 12% of votes

 Choose 5 outcomes that should be in the York County Preferred Scenario. (The number in parentheses indicates the rank by number of votes received at the community meeting. The top five vote-getters are indicated in bold.)

 Job Formation and Location (by sector) o Identify and preserve lands highly suitable for industrial and office uses along I-77 (#3) o Identify and preserve lands highly suitable for industrial and office uses along the US-321 Corridor (#7)

 Growth Management o Allow only low density residential development near Lake Wylie and the Catawba River unless located at a planned mixed use activity center (#2) o Encourage a mix of commercial and walkable residential development near defined activity centers (#6) o Promote large lot subdivisions in rural and agricultural areas (#10) o Restrict utility service to the currently adopted Utility Service Area (#11) o Expand the Utility Service Area and provide water and sewer service to areas along I-77 that are prime for recruitment of new industrial and office jobs (#12) o Require transit oriented development (TOD) along I-77 and US-21 to support bus rapid transit (#13)

26 o Expand the Utility Service Area and provide water and sewer service to encourage context sensitive rural development in the Greenbelt Area (between Lake Wylie and Clover and Rock Hill and the City of York (#14) o Reduce the size of the currently adopted Utility Service Area (#15) o Allow medium-high density residential development (>3DU/Acre) near Lake Wylie and the Catawba River. (#16) o Encourage TOD along US-21 BRT route, support express bus along SC-160 and to Lake Wylie/274. (#17)

 Parks, Recreation, and Open Space o Plan for and fund/require connected system of high quality public and private open space throughout the county (#1) o Reduce impervious surface in new development to protect water quality in Lake Wylie (#4) o Promote conservation subdivisions (with >= 40% open space) in rural and agricultural areas (#5) o Promote clustering of development to preserve rural views and natural resources (#8) o Require the incorporation of usable, upland open space in new developments in rural and agricultural areas (#9) o Allow medium-high density residential development (>3 DU/Acre) near Lake Wylie and the Catawba River (#17)

Comments from Meeting:

Yes to:  Rural living/ Greenbelt residential  Waterfront residential  Large lot residential with land & playground  Single family neighborhoods with larger lots  Quaint walkable neighborhoods  Quaint town center  More flat, useable open space between 274/279/49 and Mecklenburg County border  New business in downtown York  Great opportunities along future Dave Lyle Blvd (eastern York County)/ complete Dave Lyle Blvd  Equestrian Trails  Walkable communities – All Developments  Protect the lake – stop overdevelopment in Lake Wylie  Wildlife corridor buffers in central part of county  Limit development along south of lake, leave for parks and open space  Ebenezer – connect bike trails  Walking parks/bike trails at Catawba Riverwalk would be nice; maybe a bridge to cross the river on one end of a park and another bridge a few miles down to form a loop for walking/biking

27  River access with greenway on old Bowater property  Park in southeast corner of county, 400 acres  Brattonsville

No to:  Multifamily residential (Hell no!)  Suburban commercial (We’ll go to Rivergate)  Industrial growth east of 321  More apartments east of Parham Road  Future extension of Dave Lyle Blvd due to destruction of long-standing family land and neighborhoods (eastern York County) – people worked hard and long to retire and enjoy life in the Sturgis Road area

General Comments:  5 years ago my 8-mile commute to work in Charlotte was 13 min. Today it takes me 25 min. Too many people on the roads without these new developments.  “The average commute time is 26 mins.” - Bologna! My commute to Ballantyne is 45 mins through back roads avoiding 49.  The open space in central York County (north of fork, south of 324) that people hike and the reason they moved here is filling up with houses  Limit suburban office growth in Waterford area to maintain quality of life for people living in area. Slow down/stop industrial growth so that countryside living can be appreciated.  Extend USB to River to allow development along Dave Lyle Blvd.  Industrial/offices along 901, south of Saluda Trail Middle/Oakdale Elementary  Industrial/office north of Little Allison Creek, south of 49  Stop the growth in north central of county – Bike and walking paths in mixed use center; 40% useable open space; stop open space being in gullies; bike and hiking trails needed; open space, large residential lots; we need pristine natural area throughout this county, areas that are pristine  North border near Gastonia – No rock quarry!  321 – Cons. subdivision

28 York County Comprehensive Plan Update Meeting Notes from February 25, 2016 Public Meeting Meeting Location: Fort Mill Number of Attendees: 87

Community Facilities

 Support urban service boundary  Incorporate Carolina Thread Trail on maps and expand it  Do not compromise the USB goals – even for adjacent properties (creep)  Create cooperation at / borders ie Highway 1y60. Roads, water drainage – commercial vs residential Natural and Cultural Resources

 Support County park and recreation department  Implement Carolina Thread Trail  Support York County Forever  Western YC Scenic Byways  Countywide bike and pedestrian masterplan  Develop policies that manage the effects of growth on existing roads and already overdeveloped properties before it is too late.  Right of ways for future arterial roads should be required now and dedicated by developers as well as financing the construction of said roads.  Keep faith in CR-3 and NR-1 objectives  Great to see plans for trails especially rail trails  Promote agriculture/agribusiness/agricultural tours  Hang a foot bridge under the Hwy 21 bridge over the Catawba River - 1  Make bike/ped interconnectivity a top priority

Land Use

 Stop/slow development on Gold Hill Rd and Highway 160 until roads are improved  One acre or more homes only – no divided acres  Minimum 75 foot lot frontage  Roads should have been built for future volumes before home development starts  Force developers to provide main arteries as part of development  No CSX on Highway 21  No additional heavy industrial in SE York County

29  More “yellow” in the Lake Wylie and Fort Mill area – single family not neighborhood residential – lower density  Good business and good clean industry will not come to York County if the air quality is poor! Tractor trailers emissions (one truck) are equivalent to 150 autos!  Think about the cut through traffic will create before building schools/businesses/homes  More bike lanes  New businesses should offer “safe passage” lanes for pedestrians and cyclists  More businesses in the Leslie US 21 area  The urban services boundary should not be extended to the Catawba River. There is absolutely no reason to do so other than the benefit of one home building corporation  No more dense housing (apts/condos/etc) - adds too much burden on the infrastructure  Hwy 21 can’t handle CSX  Hwy 21 – Fort Mill needs to be four lanes plus turning from Carowinds to Rock Hill. 7,000 employees coming to Fort Mill – we need additional roads first!!  Population growth is ahead of capacity of roads. Do something about this.  As growth is planned, maintain appropriate green space areas


 All roads with three foot shoulder for bikes – currently their lives are in danger riding our roads.  Work to alleviate congestion (esp Fort Mill) to work towards connectivity from neighborhoods to destinations such as food stores, restaurants other town centers and downtown (walking and biking)  Safe mixed use (bikes, joggers, walkers) along Hwy 160  Safe bike route along Highway 160 for all levels of cyclists  Consider stripping bike lanes in the multiuse lane  More sidewalks – 2  Roundabout on Sutton Rd – stupid !!  Multimodal transportation all users  Countywide bike and pedestrian masterplan  Sutton Rd roundabout was poorly executed. Cars, trucks and emergency vehicles cannot successfully maneuver it  Push state to raise gas tax!  Support health impact assessments  Raise gas tax with no increase in other fees or lower income taxes  Assess fees to builders to repair road damage caused by construction vehicles  Reduce bike trails on all F roads  Restructure DOT before any tax increases

30 Housing Comments

 Consider access to food sources – especially healthy foods - when developing new housing – food stores, restaurants, farmers markets (and that includes infill areas where food deserts and or food swamps exist)  Require new neighborhoods to offer connectivity to adjoining neighborhood for cyclists and pedestrians  Stricter zoning on lot size and lot line  Smart growth not greedy growth  Don’t make development so crowded like sardines in a can  No uniformity in building we need uniformity  Stop the building  Making developers richer and destroying quality of life!!  People came here to get away from congestion and you are letting York County become another Charlotte! Why do you think everyone is moving from here?  Impact fees for new commercial businesses and big housing developments  No high density developments on Dave Lyle – Newland Economic Development

 ED 2.2.3 – ensure consistency with municipalities for areas targeted for employment growth  Stop the fat cats from running county tax up and leaving us to pay the bill  ED 4.1.1 – how does the county plan on expanding its trail network?  What is the plan to attract recreational and shopping businesses to support housing growth?  ED 4.1 & ED 4.2 good to see plans to include trails and parks plus walkable communities. Any components related to farming, food, and agribusiness? Agriculture tourism. Development around trails (restaurants/businesses). See Greenville.  Got a lot of plans but no time tables or priority for order – starting time to finish times – ne time frame  It is proven that economic development is enhanced with well-planned bike /ped trails. - 1


 Strongly support consistent regulations and stronger (proactive) code enforcement in municipal enclave areas.  Use more linear parks to connect neighborhood – 3  Put a hanging foot bridge under the Hwy 21 bridge over the Catawba River  Moratorium – 3 years at least in Northern York County

31 Topic Name: Preserving York's Character

Idea Title: controlled growth

Idea Detail: be aware of traffic congestion and areas that need assistance such as york

Idea Author: Lisa M

Number of Stars 38

Number of Comments 0

Address: 121 N Congress St 29745, United States

Idea Title: Slow residential growth & density

Idea Detail: Try to get good running business in the area. Dollar stores, gas stations are not business great images. Bring in industrial jobs to the area, high paying service jobs,

Idea Author: winston M

Number of Stars 31

Number of Comments 0

Idea Title: Expand greenspace and natural preservation requirements

Idea Detail: Growth is exploding and our natural green spaces are suffering. Traveling along Hwy 160 in Fort Mill shows massive clear cutting and huge housing developments. Green space is disappearing at an alarming rate. Officials need to revisit development density and natural resource preservation requirements. If people are moving here for the quality of life and natural environment, are we being poor stewards by letting those qualities disappear? At this pace, Fort Mill (Rock Hill, York, etc) will no longer be considered some of the best places to live.

Idea Author: Greg S

Number of Stars 30

Number of Comments 0 32 Idea Title: Encourage new businesses act w/environmental responsibility

Idea Detail: The protection of natural resources, trees, investment in the community, infrastructure support, is what business need to demonstrate if they want to build here. This includes who is wins the bids among construction companies and how they clear the land, to keep the impact to a minimum. I was happy to see LPL financial is at least a more environmentally friendly building and their interest in giving back to the community. We need true business partners to help keep the character of where we live. Not just building. In return the business gets highly qualified, dedicated employees invested in the business because it is also where they live. They also receive the incentives that the state has promoted. We don't just want growth, we also deserve quality growth.

Idea Author: Angelique L

Number of Stars 28

Number of Comments 0

Idea Title: Encourage the extension of Dave Lyle Boulevard

Idea Detail: Extending Dave Lyle to 521 would be a great way to create new, vibrant development in the area between Rock Hill and Lancaster County.

Idea Author: Creighton H

Number of Stars 26

Number of Comments 1

Comment 1: Dave Lyle Boulevard would create jobs, spur commerce and build ties between York and Lancaster Counties. | By Gray S

Idea Title: Have a long term plan maintaining the County Characteristics

Idea Detail: The leadership should maintain the characteristics of the County when they change zoning, approve new developments etc. This means the County Leadership manages the circuntances rather than the circuntances mange the development of the County

Idea Author: Jose Alejandro D

33 Number of Stars 25

Number of Comments 0

Idea Title: Convert abandoned rail lines to trails for recreation / exercise

Idea Detail: There are a number of abandoned rail lines in the county that could be converted in a Rails-to-Trails manner for use as recreation/exercise paths. Florence, SC has an extensive Rails-to-Trails network that is great. An example would be the rail line between the hospital and Cherry Rd. This could be recreational and as a walking path between the destinations.

Idea Author: Greg S

Number of Stars 24

Number of Comments 0

Address: 1667 Ebenezer Rd 29732, United States

Idea Title: In unincorporated areas, limit housing to one SF home/acre

Idea Detail: Do not allow multi family housing in unincorporated areas. Also, require a minimum lot size of One acre per SF residence in the unincorporated areas.

Idea Author: William H

Number of Stars 18

Number of Comments 0

Idea Title: Promote business growth along Hwy 5 Corridor between Blacksburg and York.

Idea Detail: Promote business growth along Highway 5 Corridor to increase tax base. Institute design standards for the corridor to insure that the rural character is preserved. Agri- business/tourism would be great.

Idea Author: Chris R

34 Number of Stars 11

Number of Comments 0

Address: 3034 Punk Black Rd 29745, United States

Idea Title: encourage mixed-use development east of Rock Hill

Idea Detail: Extend Dave Lyle Blvd. to connect to Hwy. 521 -- this will open up "smart growth" opportunities and will reduce through-traffic pressure in the Fort Mill area. Look at the age- pyramid projections for York County, and consider "age-in-place" retirement community development(s) in this area of the county as well. And, finally, with more dense housing, there might be the population concentration needed to support public transit routes from downtown Rock Hill to Piedmont Medical Center to the "Galleria East" area.

Idea Author: David F K

Number of Stars 11

Number of Comments 0

Address: 2652 Dave Lyle Blvd 29730, United States

Idea Title: Green apartment buildings, lofts and condos.

Idea Detail: Revitalize the downtown business with cool, residential accommodations.

Idea Author: Chris E

Number of Stars 10

Number of Comments 0

Idea Title: Promote local business & control growth

Idea Detail: Stop with heavy density building,

Idea Author: winston M

Number of Stars 6 35 Number of Comments 0

Idea Title: Build the Performance Center

Idea Detail: I know there is an idea for this, but it is not a priority. Make it a priority and you expand the possibility of the people of Rock Hill to become better citizens.

Idea Author: Kirk I

Number of Stars 6

Number of Comments 0

Address: 205 Saluda St 29730, United States

Idea Title: state line welcome

Idea Detail: Fix the holes that are all over this road- by making it more appealing for those in the next county to visit our area stores for shopping/ put up welcome signs on well traveled roads such as these that get overlooked.

Idea Author: Kim T

Number of Stars 5

Number of Comments 0

Address: 630 Pole Branch Rd 29710, United States

Idea Title: Is this how York Count Officials Operate???

Idea Detail: http://www.heraldonline.com/news/local/crime/article18001727.html#/tabPane=tabs-b0710947- 1-1

It appears York Officials have pulled a fast one on everyone if the report is correct. What is the point of "York Forward" if stuff like this happens?

Idea Author: Tommer C 36 Number of Stars 3

Number of Comments 0

37 Topic Name: Visioning York's Future

Idea Title: Parks and community gathering spots

Idea Detail: It would be nice to see a county park plan moving forward. I saw in the Observer Morrsville is starting their 10 year plan for parks. York should be doing the same. And go beyond just a swing set and grass/trees. Make it fun for all ages, trails, community center, water features, etc. And link the parks somehow, someway to schools or other public areas. Islands are no fun. It seems like Rock Hill is trying this downtown which I think is good. it will take time, but a unified effort around York should be done.

Idea Author: Tommer C

Number of Stars 32

Number of Comments 0

Idea Title: Support backyard chickens!

Idea Detail: People are growing increasingly concerned about the unnecessary use of antibiotics in food; herbicides, pesticides, and manufactured fertilizers in the lawn; and a loss of connection with our food supply and agricultural heritage. All of these issues are addressed with a responsible ownership of a small flock of pet chickens in the backyard. Currently the zoning ordinances do not contain a prohibition against keeping a small number of pet chickens. However, lack of prohibitive ordinances has not stopped the zoning department from issuing violation letters. As a rural county, York should proactively support and encourage development of the small, rural town lifestyle that has made it such an attractive area of growth and development.

Idea Author: Stemy M

Number of Stars 30

Number of Comments 4

Comment 1: This is the reason I did not purchase the home in York that we desperately wanted and loved! All of my family live in York and Dover and I am in Blair County. I found my dre house in York but did not purchase it because my children each have 2 pet chickens. The person I spoke to a gentleman in I believe zoning office? Was very Curt borderline rude when I called to ask if they were allowed. Guess I will wait a few more years until I save up the extra money to buy in Dover instead. | By michelle S 38 Comment 2: There is NOTHING wrong with a few backyard hens to help with sustainability and education! Move forward, YORK! | By Mandy M

Comment 3: Totally agree! It's time to move forward! | By Catherine H

Comment 4: Agreed! | By Beth Y

Idea Title: Agri-tourism Facility is needed

Idea Detail: If York County had an Agri-tourism facility, we could draw people in from outside our county for events such as horse shows, 4H judging, classes and seminars, farmers market, art fairs, concerts, etc. This would help preserve our rural nature and put more emphasis on the importance of agriculture in our past and future. Our citizens are currently LEAVING York County to attend these types of events elsewhere. Let's bring people in to spend their money at York County businesses.

Idea Author: Barbara O

Number of Stars 25

Number of Comments 3

Comment 1: I agree, children these days have no idea where their food comes from. York County needs to be a leader in Agri-tourism, because it is a growing business. Lets get back to basics and teach our community how to enjoy the simple things in life and in return bring our county some income. | By Beth W

Comment 2: Great idea! | By Sandy S

Comment 3: I strongly agree with Barbara's comments and strongly support an agri-tourism facility. In my youth, I was fortunate enough to be able to participate in 4-H activities and horse shows held at the fairgrounds in Rock Hill. Now there is no facility in York County where the youth of York County can participate in the same type of activities. An agri-tourism facility could be a site for cattle shows, goat shows, horse shows and many other events. The site could host Boy and Girl Scout events, could be the site for a Farmers Market, could host flower shows and be an active Master Gardener site. The possibilities are unlimited. Our youth - 4-H and others - must travel out of York County to participate in their shows and events. Doing so they take their money with them and spend it elsewhere. Wouldn't it be better for those funds to be spent here in York County together with the thousands of dollars brought into the county by participants from other communities? We are really missing the boat! 39 We would not be re-inventing the wheel. Other counties have faced the same problems York County is now facing and have laid some groundwork that the county leaders could consult. Many of this community have worked for many years to provide a site for agricultural/livestock/equine activities but I think there is a real possibility that not even my great-grandchildren will be around to take advantage of an agri-tourism facility. So sad for a supposedly progressive county. | By Margaret P

Idea Title: Stricter Residential Zoning

Idea Detail: If you can reach out your window and touch your neighbors house, then Zoning needs to change. This was once countryside with trees and land. It could still be that way in parts if Zoning restrictions are implemented and enforced. Moving the rest of the county to 1 acre lots is great, but clearly not everywhere. Defining the future of what Rock Hill, Tega Cay and Fort Mill towns would like will help shape what residential zoning should look like. Its not just zoning around residential, but planning for the flow. IE, Residential neighborhood A...... 2 miles away is a business zone.. (grocery store, etc)... 2 miles further, Residential B. These are not stacked on top of each other with room for businesses AND homes, but keeping the country charm and trees!

Idea Author: Tommer C

Number of Stars 24

Number of Comments 3

Comment 1: I understand....It once was when I was on York County Forever. | By Duane C

Comment 2: Preservation is not being planned currently, just density. :) | By Tommer C

Comment 3: To keep the open spaces that everyone likes, density must be implemented with the preservation of open space. The county has a tool for preservation and that Commission is "York County Forever Commission" that purchases development rights. DuaneDesign | By Duane C

Idea Title: Control Growth

Idea Detail: Get out of our water contract with Carolina Water, create another route over the lake, no more gas stations, bring in some retail business to the area, create walking trails, parks, recreation for sports, festivals, leisure, . And hire more law enforcement

40 Idea Author: winston M

Number of Stars 24

Number of Comments 0

Idea Title: Road repair and maintenance. Plan for new road maintenance.

Idea Detail: Make new developments submit plans that maintain the roads within the development through HOA fees. Instead of turning the road over to the county to maintain.

Idea Author: Linda J

Number of Stars 23

Number of Comments 0

Idea Title: NOT what is happening - land stripped bare for development.

Idea Detail: York County is making the same mistakes that other small towns/counties have made by allowing developers who are nothing more than environmental rapists strip the land of trees to put too many homes on too little land, in an area that is unable to support the number of people moving in, especially where roads & schools are concerned. My vision is a county that just says NO to this type of development & holds developers responsible for preservation of trees, & the cost of roads & schools. Why should I have to pay to accommodate greedy developers who care nothing about my community & will be gone with their pockets full when development is complete. I moved here for the rural atmosphere & that is fast being destroyed. I'm sickened every time I drive down Springfield Pkwy. or Hwy 160, where thousands & thousands of trees have been destroyed. AND, the developers even sell the timber! STAND UP, York County, and JUST SAY NO!!

Idea Author: Bonnie C

Number of Stars 22

Number of Comments 0

Idea Title: I want the small town feel maintained amongst growth

Idea Detail: Roads need to be improved, schools kept strong and a focus on outdoor recreational opportunities protected and improved. The trees, open spaces, the small town feel41 of everyone helping each other is what is special. People love walking, running, biking, boating, riding, sports for kids & adults, these are the activities we should encourage and build upon. Out door concerts, festivals, strawberry picking, people want to be out enjoying our town & nature. With keeping residential/business growth on par with our recreational needs will ensure we remain a community were residents not only live, but enjoy life. We only have so much space. Houses on top of houses, squeezing in as much as possible is a good thing. What is wrong with demand being higher than supply. It helps keep property values up. We don't need to meet every construction demand. It will happen but it is generating an unbalance by satisfying only part of the equation we lose the community we love.

Idea Author: Angelique L

Number of Stars 21

Number of Comments 0

Idea Title: Have vision (e.g. Greenville) traffic, bicycles, recreation

Idea Detail: Deal with traffic issues, create quality communities such as Baxter and Springfield, quality shopping, bike lanes/trails, walking areas, cultural opportunities, restaurants. Develop the town of Fort Mill as a charming area for people to congregate and enjoy.

Idea Author: robert W

Number of Stars 20

Number of Comments 0

Idea Title: Slow down and make a plan FIRST!!!

Idea Detail: When we moved here we loved the trees and natural green space everywhere. While I understand development you have GOT to slow down and take the infrastructure of the community into account. Before long there won't be any green space left and there are already times of the day I won't go anywhere because the traffic is so ridiculous.

Idea Author: Ashli W

Number of Stars 20

Number of Comments 1 42 Comment 1: I agree! This out-of-control residential growth is ruining this town that we fell in love with 5 years ago. We are sickened by the acres upon acres of trees that once made this town so beautiful being wiped away and the traffic becoming more and more unbearable! When is it going to stop? This will no longer be a desirable place to live and families like ours will go searching for that rural charm somewhere else. | By Karen R

Idea Title: Improve the road capacity before increasing homes. Add parks

Idea Detail: seek to add the opportunity for commercial development and jobs in York County. Provide more recreational facilities and parks. Assess fees to builders to contribute to the costs of schools and offsite road improvements needed with the expanding developments

Idea Author: ANNE M

Number of Stars 20

Number of Comments 0

Idea Title: Be the Portland Oregon of the East Coast

Idea Detail: We need to be a leader in compact & transit oriented development that champions economic development, environmental sustainability and social justice.

We need to transfer out development rights from the rural lands and only entitle properties concentrically from planned nodes not along thoroughfares which perpetuates sprawl and auto-centrism. Lets build streets that are the most important parts of our town. Not just add lanes to create "capacity and level of service."

Idea Author: James B

Number of Stars 19

Number of Comments 1

Comment 1: If not Portland,at very least Greenville, Asheville, Chapel Hill... | By Allen L

Idea Title: family oriented, with parks activities, events

Idea Detail: Need more activities and events in western york

43 Idea Author: Christopher W

Number of Stars 18

Number of Comments 1

Comment 1: Not one park in the Lake Wylie, SC area for the our children to play or practice their sports on. | By Tina D

Idea Title: York County needs an Agro-Tourism Facility!

Idea Detail: York County is far behind both Stanley and Cabarrus counties in North Carolina in having a facility to support Agro-tourism. We need to have a facility that can be used for cattle,horse,goats,chicken shows for our youth. It could also be used to educate people on agriculture and where our food really comes from. When the county council opens its eyes it will probably be to late.

Idea Author: Sandy S

Number of Stars 18

Number of Comments 3

Comment 1: They seem to want to purge the county of any aspects of agrarian life and try to pretend that we're an urban center. Zoning even went so far as to arbitrarily proclaim that we could not have pet chickens because "chickens are agriculture." | By Stemy M

Comment 2: It is sad that there is no where is York County for the 4H Clubs to host completions, horse shows, cattle shows, farm equipment shows and sell, farmer's market, county fairs..... | By Cathy B

Comment 3: Well said!! | By Beth W

Idea Title: Stop clear cutting

Idea Detail: We need to hold the developers responsible for going in and clear cutting out all the beautiful trees that make Ft Mill special. They need to realize that it will make a community more desirable. They would rather pay a fine and replant the minimum, vs preplanning and keeping things as natural as possible

Idea Author: Samantha L 44 Number of Stars 17

Number of Comments 1

Comment 1: New York County Land should be set aside for county parks and greenways. | By John N

Idea Title: safe caring community with open space and recreation

Idea Detail: Job and eductional opportunities without having to drive to Charlotte or the other side of the county

Idea Author: Cathy B

Number of Stars 16

Number of Comments 0

Idea Title: Alternative transportation and open space.

Idea Detail: Use the tools we have, York County Forever, purchase development rights where we want to keep open space. Purchase land for small parks and build villages around the parks dense enough where the feasibility of public transportation becomes a reality instead of more cars. Low density is not the solution to having less cars. With the same vain have the best public school buses and drivers so we would eliminate parents driving the children to school and take off hundreds of cars of the road at peak times.

Idea Author: Duane C

Number of Stars 16

Number of Comments 0

Idea Title: I want it to keep the small town charm.

Idea Detail: Keep the courthouse in York. Don't let the town of York become a ghost town just for make drives shorter for people in Rock Hill. Limit the building in Lake Wylie and the Tega Cay/Fort Mill area. The schools and roads can not support all of the apartments and houses being proposed. This is going to decrease the quality of life that those of us who have lived here all our lives enjoy. I want my children to grow up with the same community feeling I had45 growling up. We are losing this at a mind boggling speed as the county council from Rock Hill do everything they can to ruin western York County.

Idea Author: Catherine M

Number of Stars 16

Number of Comments 0

Idea Title: To not become Charlotte.

Idea Detail: I believe we need to be cautious that York County does not get sucked into an expanding Fort Mill or Rock Hill. People live in the county because they do not want to live in a town or city. They like the county for being rural vs suburban/urban. I get to have land and not live in a "cookie cutter" neighborhood. Just my thinking.

Idea Author: Susan D

Number of Stars 15

Number of Comments 0

Idea Title: to develop the HWY 5 corridor that pennies for progress made

Idea Detail: The economic development board needs to focus on western york county and the 1-85/hwy5 exchanges. to boost jobs and growth in that area. Now that the airport in Charlotte has the inter-model exchange, we need to push for growth there. The focus seems to be only on the 77 corridor.

Idea Author: Linda J

Number of Stars 12

Number of Comments 0

Idea Title: Roundabouts?

Idea Detail: I believe these concepts are fairly new to this area, but in other "small" towns I see roundabouts popping up left and right. I think they take some time to get use to, but provide better traffic flow, safety and visually more appealing than mass turn lanes, traffic lights, etc.

Prime example, why not Pleasant/Cothrap road? It was a patch work design and probably 46 wasted money. In 5 years, it will all change again. Take a look at DePere, WI. Small town, countryside expanding, yet attracting tons of business.

Idea Author: Tommer C

Number of Stars 12

Number of Comments 4

Comment 1: I dont think its a density issue, its a way to connect the neighborhoods, schools and areas. Can you imagine the fun people would have with a trail that ran a loop from Town of Fort Mill to the Greenway out to the neighborhoods down 160 to Tega Cay over to Baxter then back to Fort Mill Town? Bike, walk and explore. Connect the schools to it and it would be awesome. Another trail heading towards Rock Hill. Connected communities like this promote many great things! http://www.ebparks.org/parks/trails/iron_horse | By Tommer C

Comment 2: correct...not enough density to warrant County sidewalks, Greenways yes...but not sidewalks. | By Duane C

Comment 3: well if we are being honest here, there is no pedestrian friendly areas anyways. IE, sidewalks, crosswalks, etc. Where practical is key. | By Tommer C

Comment 4: Excellent idea....this traffic design even though it takes up more area, it is more traffic friendly, not as pedestrian friendly but definitely should be used in the country when practical. DuaneDesign | By Duane C

Idea Title: Short term- See an incredible park come to Lake Wylie.

Idea Detail: Long term- see Lake Wylie incorporated and have more of a voice within the county. I would also like to see more continuity within the county. It seems Rock Hill and Fort Mill have the largest amount of focus- It would be nice to see equal distribution of improvements across the county not just in certain areas. I would like to see a full fledged- Parks and Recreation department that runs our parks and not have to go through the hoopla of countless committees, long waits, and political jargon on a city/association level. The needs for the future growth are apparent- we need to come into the 21st century and showcase areas that will develop the next generation- sports and recreation will thereby enhance communities.

Idea Author: Kim T

Number of Stars 12 47 Number of Comments 0

Idea Title: Active, healthy, environmentally-aware, friendly community.

Idea Detail: Minimal traffic congestion; sidewalks or walking paths and bike lanes - mandatory for new development and added where possible in existing development; mandatory sidewalks and huge desire for bike lanes on the streets leading to every public school. Keep the parks, green spaces, open spaces and playgrounds coming. Preserve trees and buffer zones. Promote walking, bicycling, and enjoyment of outdoors. Specific to Tega Cay: Give ownership of Tega Cay driveways to Tega Cay residents. Consider if it is really safe to allow golf carts on same walking paths with walkers and bicyclists.

Idea Author: Elizabeth D

Number of Stars 11

Number of Comments 0

Idea Title: Smooth Traffic Flow and continued planned growth

Idea Detail: Zone sections of the County for Housing, Commercial, and Mfg. Get buy in from County residences thru a referendum. Hold a moratorium on new developments until new zoning requirements are approved by the County Council and impact studies are done related to schools and traffic flows. Appears current growth is haphazard and effecting the Quality of life issues in Fort Mill and Lake Wylie.

Idea Author: Swain S

Number of Stars 11

Number of Comments 0

Idea Title: York County leadership needs to plan at least 10 years

Idea Detail: Long term planing on the infrastructure of the County is critical (roads, transportation, water management, garbage,etc.). A key mapping of the County allowing areas for housing, manufacturing, business, schools etc. THe next generation is built today

Idea Author: Jose Alejandro D

48 Number of Stars 11

Number of Comments 0

Idea Title: Fields for baseball, softball and soccer.

Idea Detail: There are no recreational facilities for Lake Wylie. We go to Charlotte to play, not even Clover.

Idea Author: Amanda B

Number of Stars 11

Number of Comments 0

Idea Title: Better roads, retail/dining; more environmental decisions

Idea Detail: I echo the sentiment that is shared by so many residents - improve the current roads and infrastructure! Traffic conditions can be corrected with the proper planning and execution. Let's make this a desirable area for businesses to relocate to! Also, we need our own Target and boutique shops and unique restaurants like CLT has, so we can keep sales within our state lines (no more Walmarts).

Also, I would welcome greater emphasis on the county "going green". Community gardens for families to use featuring different vegetation, horticulture, etc would be nice. Mecklenburg county in NC has a successful program to point to.

Lastly, more education and options for residents to learn and practice the 3R's saying of "Reduce, Reuse & Recycle"!

Let's work to make York County a desirable town for our children's children in future years to come.

Idea Author: Mellie F

Number of Stars 11

Number of Comments 0

Idea Title: York County's Future

49 Idea Detail: York County’s Future. By Duane F. Christopher, ASLA April 5, 2015

York County can be a very dynamic wonderful place to live, play, work, and educate our children as well worship without fear as we move forward in to the next 50 years. The county can grow to 600,000 plus people in the next 50 years and still have a wonderful quality of life if we have the will to plan it correctly and take advantage of the tools we have to preserve the life the brings people to our county. One of those tools is York County Forever, which I was the first Chair. The goal of purchasing development rights was a conservative approach to keeping open space for the growing county then and should be a major tool now and as we grow in the next 50 years. We should plan our infrastructure so as to provide connectivity with alternative methods of travel using greenways, so jogging, bicycling, and electric vehicles and public transportation going north south to Charlotte and East West to Rock Hill and York. We should preserve farm land without fear of neighbor’s complaining about the smell, noise, and tractor travel. New comers should not change the life just because they move here and then want to close the door on everyone else. That’s not freedom. We should promote development in village like areas with as much open space preserved so has to keep a healthy environment and reduce pollution. We should promote safe bussing and walking for our children to schools and eliminate the wasted energy on individuals driving their children back and forth to school. Have professional drivers and the best of buses, (electric). Let us promote clean energy by having electric car stations, after all we have a nuclear plant right here in the county. Use it! Promote solar energy on houses and farms. Finally unit the county by promoting each other’s cities and each other’s assets and not bickering over the miss use of moneys. Let’s work together.

Idea Author: Duane C

Number of Stars 10

Number of Comments 0

Idea Title: I would love a "Mayberry" atmosphere in Tega Cay.

Idea Detail: I think we are almost there. We have a great community. A great police force with great schools. We need a better infrastructure. I would love to have restaurants and a neighborhood like Baxter, where you could walk to shopping and parks. The roads are a major thing that affects all of York county. Builders need to be forced to build roads and schools before they can sell one home. There is too much going on and soon we will all feel claustrophobic with the traffic and that could possibly make everyone run for other locations. 50 Idea Author: Patty F

Number of Stars 10

Number of Comments 1

Comment 1: Construct walk-able neighborhoods, that are mixed used - Quit mass zoning land, for housing, businesses and commercial so that everyone needs a car to go from home to the grocery | By John L

Idea Title: Sustainable growth initiatives are needed

Idea Detail: true sustainability takes into account natural environmental needs, social needs and economic needs

Idea Author: Alysen W

Number of Stars 9

Number of Comments 0

Idea Title: a community committed to being a "culture of health"

Idea Detail: Short term: seize opportunities for policy, environment, and systems change that works to "make the healthy choice the easy choice".

Long term: be a "health in all policies"-driven community. Healthy children learn better, and healthy workers are happier and more productive.

Idea Author: David F K

Number of Stars 9

Number of Comments 0

Idea Title: More residential, urban housing in downtown Rock Hill.

Idea Detail: The downtown has the potential to become a truly great, green city, if newcomers to York County could find residential accommodations in the heart of the city. The downtown already has the buildings ready for businesses, but where are the homes, lofts and apartments51 for people to live downtown and provide economic support for those businesses?

No matter how we feel, pro or con, people will move to Rock Hill, and by our building more suburban developments we risk losing the character of this historic city.

Idea Author: Chris E

Number of Stars 9

Number of Comments 0

Idea Title: Maintain connection to rural lifestyle

Idea Detail: York is a rural county on the peripheral of a good-sized city. There is a reason that many of the residents of York county chose to live here instead of areas like Ballantyne. It critical to the character of this area that we are able to maintain that slower-paced environment and maintain our agrarian roots even as the area continues to grow. Promotion of agro- tourism and self-sufficient lifestyles among current residents does much more to stabilize the long-term health of this county than the further encouragement of the rapid expansion that we've been seeing lately.

Idea Author: Stemy M

Number of Stars 9

Number of Comments 0

Idea Title: Knowledge Park will be a great asset to York County.

Idea Detail: would like to see more affordable housing for single professionals. the recreation and cultural amenities continue to grow therefore diversification is important. would like to see a convention center with a full service hotel.

Idea Author: Lisa M

Number of Stars 8

Number of Comments 0

Idea Title: Roads & Building

52 Idea Detail: Mostly for Fort Mill, but the roads and traffic is horrible. You need to have better control over the housing development as well. It is a nightmare here, and it is only going to get worse if you continue to allow them to build more homes.

Idea Author: Jessica F

Number of Stars 7

Number of Comments 0

Idea Title: farmland conservation; our food and our children's future

Idea Detail: I am not a native of York County and rather made the choice to raise my family here. The potential for success is great and while I understand and support responsible growth, I find it disappointing that neither the conservation of our agrarian roots and the protection of the vast natural resources in our county have not been adequately addressed. County parkland and the protection of our scenic river and farmlands is apparently not a focus of our move "forward".

Idea Author: Allen L

Number of Stars 6

Number of Comments 0

Idea Title: Safety and laid back rural family oriented culture

Idea Detail: We need a pretty sign coming into Lake Wylie off the Buster Boyd bridge that says "welcome home" ; put your feet up and sit a spell.

Idea Author: mary W

Number of Stars 6

Number of Comments 0

Idea Title: I'd like to see the live-work concept expanded further.

Idea Detail: Most people I know still go to Charlotte/Ballantyne for dining, shopping, etc. Certainly there are some stores that we'll always have to travel to, but I think the Fort Mill population can support some higher quality retailers and restaurants. Additionally, I'd like to 53 see more focus on environmental programs. We recycle but a lot of people don't (or maybe don't have it available)? Compost centers would also be great. We also seem to have a lot of bikers (bicycles) and I think there need to be more rules around where they can ride (it's getting pretty dangerous). Bike lanes would be great. In general, I'd like to see Fort Mill/York be more progressive / proactive. It appears that Fort Mill reacts slowly to change (example - all the new neighborhoods going up with no sign of changes to the roads / traffic patterns).

Idea Author: ashleigh F

Number of Stars 5

Number of Comments 0

Idea Title: Provide internet services to all areas of York County.

Idea Detail: Too many areas in western York County do not have access to internet services. With this becoming more of the means of communications this causes a disadvantage for this side of the county

Idea Author: Cathy B

Number of Stars 3

Number of Comments 0

Idea Title: Control growth by enhancing Rock HIll's urban character.

Idea Detail: Downtown Rock Hill is one of the counties most valuable, untapped resources. Currently underpopulated due to lack of housing and once-beautiful and now blighted neighborhoods, the city as a residence could become a great economic resource. The buildings are ready for businesses, but you won't find residents downtown at night until they live there and feel its a safe place to stay out late.

Idea Author: Chris E

Number of Stars 2

Number of Comments 0

Idea Title: Stop wasting tax payer money on Down Town RH projects.

54 Idea Detail: For the past 30 or so years, RH has tried to revive Down Town. From the overhead mall covering when Belk was there. Then the cover was removed. Beautification started. What a waste of tax payer monies. Same way with Knowledge Park. Follow the money, it always circles back to 3 or 4 families. Create it with private funds!

Idea Author: Linda J

Number of Stars 1

Number of Comments 0

Idea Title: Well governed area

Idea Detail: Having proper water service at a reasonable cost. Having good roads, control growth, retail shopping, safe community by hiring more officers. Parks, open space, develop the water front on LW.

Idea Author: winston M

Number of Comments 0

Idea Title: That people move from consumers to citizens

Idea Detail: There was a time 100 years ago when people were referred to as "citizens" in the newspapers and magazines, today we are referred to as "consumers". We are no longer viewed as participants in what makes a neighborhood, community, even a city - we are viewed merely as eaters/buyers/takers. We do those things, but they should not define us. Business is more than simply the one bottom line of making a profit, it is also about building a business that develops employees and serves citizens. It invests money (and other things) to build things in this city - things that make a better city is grown - this includes character and values. This is why cultural growth is important as well alongside financial growth. Cultural things - like character and values - are many times unmeasurable but most definitely visible. If Rock Hill simply has a business vision then we will continue to be consumers and not citizens. If the vision is wider than the business development then there is hope long term.

Idea Author: Kirk I

Number of Comments 0

Idea Title: to get the mall towns booming again

55 Idea Detail: walking downtowns with cafes, coffee shops, botiques and restaurants

Idea Author: Sue D

Number of Comments 0

Idea Title: Build a kayak launch at the Buster Boyd boat launch.

Idea Detail: Buster Boyd Kayak Launch

Idea Author: Donald L

Number of Comments 0

56 Topic Name: Making a Change

Idea Title: Slow Down the county growth to let roads catch up.

Idea Detail: There are multiple good plans for improving the flow of traffic - However it appears we will not get ahead of the demand for increased traffic due to the unprecedented growth. If we could slow down or stop the building for a period of time, we would have a better chance of coping with the increased demand. I've been told that we can not (or don't want) to implement building moratoriums and/or transportation impact fees. I believe these fees should be slanted more to new homes, rather than new businesses, unlike what the Town of Fort Mill has just implemented.

Idea Author: John N

Number of Stars 17

Number of Comments 1

Comment 1: Impact fees for Transportation, and Schools should be added to all new construction, this also creates an incentive to remodel, and save older homes and neighborhoods, reducing the cost of acquisition as they would have no impact fees. | By John L

Idea Title: Definite plan for commuter rail to downtown Charlotte

Idea Detail: Make this happen "as soon as possible" -- the growth to support it is coming, so don't wait !!! Rock Hill / Fort Mill service AND Clover / Lake Wylie service !!!

Idea Author: David F K

Number of Stars 15

Number of Comments 1

Comment 1: Commuter rail can be placed along existing rail corridors some of which are 100 ft wide, enough for 4 tracks, preserve rail corridors for future use, look to use land under High Tension power lines as well | By John L

Idea Title: Safe dedicated bike paths, not just posted signs.

57 Idea Detail: With many people riding bikes not only for recreation but to work, a safer route is a necessity. Our narrow roads and fast speed makes this the only way to protect our citizens while keeping them more physically fit and reducing carbon emissions.

Idea Author: Michael S

Number of Stars 11

Number of Comments 1

Comment 1: Studies have shown that separated bike lanes increase use, utilize rail corridors as bike and pedestrian trails as ways to preserve these corridors | By John L

Idea Title: Light or commuter rail from York County to Charlotte

Idea Detail: Pursue a light rail or commuter rail connector that would link up with Charlotte's light rail at 485 and South Boulevard.

Idea Author: Greg S

Number of Stars 10

Number of Comments 2

Comment 1: Commuter Rail makes sense from Rock Hill into Charlotte, Tracks exist to make this happen once Charlottes Gateway Station is complete, and with Rock Hills Streetcar to feed passengers to the commuter rail from Winthrop and the light rail extension to UNCC allows students to access downtown. The red Line commuter Rail being studied for North of Charlotte could be extended to Rock Hill, this discussion took place in the Connect Our Future workshops. | By John L

Comment 2: Yes! | By Elizabeth D

Idea Title: Complete Dave Lyle Boulevard Extension to Lancaster County

Idea Detail: The recent Winthrop Study made a compelling case for the economic development benefits. It will create jobs, shorten commute times, increase retail trade area and workforce availability for employers, lessen congestion on Hwy. 160, and help alleviate growth pressures in northern part of county. 58 Idea Author: Gray S

Number of Stars 8

Number of Comments 0

Idea Title: Green space- recreational parks

Idea Detail: I would love to see York County develop future plans for green space/parks in the coming years. It would be nice to see a firm plan in place as future growth ensues our areas.

Idea Author: Kim T

Number of Stars 7

Number of Comments 0

Idea Title: Add bus. & development turn lanes & take out traffic lights.

Idea Detail: The number of traffic lights are getting ridiculous and backing up traffic tremendously. Plus causing it to take a lot longer to get anywhere and increasing ozone levels. Businesses and developments should have to put in turn lanes so people can get access. Not everybody who cries should get a traffic light. They are often installed when there is an accident nearby that has nothing to do with the actual intersection requesting the light. Increase the speed limit by the Buster Boyd Bridge to 45 mph too, that will help.

Idea Author: David S

Number of Stars 7

Number of Comments 1

Comment 1: Removing complicated intersections and replacing with large round abouts as seen in Europe, so no traffic needs to stop, the cost of a traffic light at a basic 4 way stop is over $100,000, | By John L

Idea Title: Simply better maintain the roads we have

Idea Detail: Many roads that we travel on a daily basis are in extremely poor condition. For the most part, our infrastructure is sufficient or is already under construction to be sufficient. 59 However, many current roads are very poorly maintained. The biggest waste of our money is when I see sand being poured into pot holes to fill them for about 4 hours. I will pay more in gas taxes to avoid the the wear and tear on my car and tires if it means we can get some roads repaved.

Idea Author: Stephan N

Number of Stars 6

Number of Comments 1

Comment 1: When Pennies for Progress was first passed the agreement was we would build the roads and the state would maintain them. The state has failed in its part of the contract and it is time we make them fulfill their obligation. | By John L

Idea Title: A bridge across Lake Wylie to the Tega Cay area.

Idea Detail: Coming from the Lake Wylie area, his would provide easier access to Hwy 77, particularly if you need to travel south. There is also a lot of shopping and dining areas that could be accessed quicker, rather than having to do the Youngblood/Zoar cut around. Thanks for listening!

Idea Author: Lisa H

Number of Stars 6

Number of Comments 1

Comment 1: Perhaps consider pedestrian, bike, and transit bridges as have been done in Portland as opposed to opening more areas to increased traffic | By John L

Idea Title: Limit access to major road thoughways so traffic can flow.

Idea Detail: Major roads have too many cutouts for entry to the roads. Also, too many traffic signals keeping traffic from flowing. Also, too many cars going to schools. Make kids ride the bus.

Idea Author: William H

Number of Stars 4 60 Number of Comments 0

Idea Title: Safe bike lanes, sidewalks and/or walking trails

Idea Detail: In Fort Mill, Pleasant Road and Carowinds Boulevard, and all roads leading to schools, need bike lanes, walking paths and/or sidewalks. And many more places do but those are clearly in need. Please!?

Idea Author: Elizabeth D

Number of Stars 3

Number of Comments 1

Comment 1: By adding pedestrian access to schools through Trails and sidewalks, we open the doors to more children commuting to school by foot and bike, this allows districts to save on school transportation costs as well as lower overcrowding on busses | By John L

Idea Title: Quit running all York County Connect buses on-demand,

Idea Detail: Create several fixed routes that could be utilized by all members of the county, ensure every community can have access to county offices, and courts at least once a week. For example a bus could run from Hickory Grove/Smyrna through to York and connect with a daily bus to rock Hill on Mondays, on tuesday a bus may run from McConnels to York or Rock Hill, wed. from Lake Wylie, on Thursday from Clover, and Friday from Leslie and Catwawba, schedule citizens who live in those cities for court, and appointments on a day the bus is available. It is unfair you will not give someone a ride to court, but if they dont show up you have no problem going and picking them up to bring them to jail.

Idea Author: John L

Number of Stars 3

Number of Comments 0

Idea Title: Pedestrian connectivity on SC 160 across I-77

Idea Detail: Sidewalks/trails are provided on SC 160 west of I-77 from Baxter all the way to Gold Hill Road, and east of I-77 from Kingsley Park all the way to Springfield Parkway; however, there is no safe pedestrian access across I-77 to link both sections of SC 160 61 together.

Idea Author: Joe C

Number of Stars 3

Number of Comments 0

Idea Title: Add parallel roads to existing North South East West

Idea Detail: What we are missing are parallel roads to lessen the traffic and congestion on just 3 or 4 major roads, line out the right of ways and force the future development to adhere to theses major infrastructure lines. Unless we do this now then itt will be really difficult in 25 and 30 years from now.

Idea Author: Duane C

Number of Stars 2

Number of Comments 1

Comment 1: Quit forcing all traffic on to a few select feeder roads, require neighborhoods to be interconnected, if roads are turned over to county refuse to repave Dead End road and cul-de- sacs, as they do not benefit but a very few residents, and are useless for traveling | By John L

Idea Title: Sschool and major business schedules could be arranged to avo

Idea Detail: to avoid traffic congestions. Not everybody has to be there at the same time. Also encourage telecommuting.

Idea Author: Jose Alejandro D

Number of Stars 2

Number of Comments 1

Comment 1: Increase public transit, switch some students to using public transit, as well as encouraging more walking and biking to school, the reduction of one bus would save the school district the us avg of $48,000 per year for the operation (fuel, maintenance, salary of driver, etc.) | By John L

62 Idea Title: light rail from FT Mill or better yet Rock Hill to Charlotte

Idea Detail: Pineville and a funding source are major obstacles

Idea Author: James T

Number of Stars 1

Number of Comments 1

Comment 1: Would be better to extend Charlotte's planned Red Line Commuter Rail south with transfer station at Tyvola Rd and I-485 Light Rail Station, also have commuter station in Pineville, Regency Park, Ft. Mill a park & ride where tracks cross I-77 near Dave Lyle and a Rock Hill downtown station, a possible extension later to Chester could be added, this would allow commuters to get into Charlotte, and could lead to Amtrak service from Raleigh being extended south into Rock Hill, once Charlotte's Gateway Station is complete. Rock Hill's new streetcar line, would also provide connections to Winthrop University | By John L

Idea Title: resurrect the Gold Pkwy connecting SC to NC out to 485

Idea Detail: there were plans to build the Golden Pkwy to ease traffic flow through Belmont. build another bridge to the south ask Don Long for specific place to cross the lake. This is a MUST! The Buster Boyd Bridge and intersections in Lake Wylie cannot accommodate the increase of traffic associated with the rampant growth in that corridor.

Idea Author: mary W

Number of Comments 0

63 Topic Name: Balancing Development

Idea Title: Reduce density an increase lot size.

Idea Detail: Stop trying to make rual areas like city housing. Rual areas need one half acre minimum.

Idea Author: William H

Number of Stars 11

Number of Comments 1

Comment 1: The houses in the new developments are ridiculously close. One reason we moved here years ago was because we loved the space. We didn't want to live in the city. If you want more of a city feel, move somewhere else, there are lots of options. | By Angelique L

Idea Title: Diversify composition of York County Planning Commission

Idea Detail: Add some more at-large members -- get some more diverse backgrounds than builders/developers on the Commission. Get people with environmental-impact-assessment and health-impact-assessment knowledge.

Idea Author: David F K

Number of Stars 8

Number of Comments 0

Idea Title: Require increased density

Idea Detail: Some of our communities once had much higher density, do to the type of open field development we allow now, density has falling, quality of life suffers, and we can not afford to pay for the roads we have. Quit building new roads, until we can afford to maintain and bring up to standard the roads we already have

Idea Author: John L

Number of Stars 4

Number of Comments 0 64 Idea Title: Have developers contribute

Idea Detail: In areas of rapid growth, develop a plan that in order for further development to happen, Developers will need to give back to the community in which they are building- maybe have a list of options that they can chose from.

Idea Author: Kim T

Number of Stars 3

Number of Comments 0

Idea Title: Quit concentrating the growth around the lake.

Idea Detail: Why the big push to build everything around Crowders Creek? The creek is getting choked out with sediment as it is. Push the growth away from the lake which is such a valuable resource.

Idea Author: David S

Number of Stars 3

Number of Comments 0



Idea Author: Jose Alejandro D

Number of Comments 0

Idea Title: Build the Recreation Center on the donated land.

Idea Detail: Support the Lake Wylie Athletic Assoc. and build our park!

Idea Author: mary W 65 Number of Comments 0

66 Topic Name: Priority Themes

Idea Title: Growth Management & parks and rec

Idea Detail: I think YC needs to find a way to control the growth in Lake Wylie, at the same time add amenities to the area. Park,recreation, trails, all great things to have to keep residences here. Right, now there is nothing to do in the area, making many go to Charlotte, spending in Charlotte supporting the local governments.

Idea Author: winston M

Number of Stars 10

Number of Comments 1

Comment 1: It's economics and well being - green space is a win/win with vision for the future. The principal green space NYC had for family outing's prior to Central Park was graveyards. Project a hundred years into the future for York County just like NYC did in the early 1900's. Most of the most expensive real estate in the world surrounds parks or golf courses. | By Lindsay W

Idea Title: http://www.heraldonline.com/news/local/article

Idea Detail: After reading much of the changes that are proposed last night. I see now that the county, if these new zoning changes are adopted will become a one land of sprawl. With no mixture of housing, no mixture of density, and grid lock in infrastructure. What happened was the people that spoke out these meetings did not want appartments, because they came first and now we don't want anyone else here. This plan is at odds to what the Council has been promoting, we want business to come to York County.At odds to long term growth in the county. At odds to sustainable tax base. At odds to what is good planning. But sorry you won't be able to live here. One good addition is getting rid of cul-de-sacs and promoting connectivity, but what connectivity when the new developments are sprawled out.

Idea Author: Duane C

Number of Stars 3

Number of Comments 1

Comment 1: While I want parts and recreation, open spaces, I also want a variety of different67 housing. I would like to see more independent living for senior citizens all over the county. Not just in Rock Hill. | By Cathy B

Idea Title: Increase Protection Services for Current Residents

Idea Detail: Prior to adding more transient population in the form of "luxury" apartments and encouraging more low-paying jobs which do not encourage settling down in the community (Walmart, Zaxbys..? We can do better!), let's address the issues nobody seems to want to talk about- understaffed and underfunded York County Sheriff services. Many Homeowner's Associations (HOAs) in Lake Wylie are paying overtime rates to add extra security patrols in their communities ($10K per year for an hour per day) as current patrol rates are not sufficient in our community's eyes to satisfy these concerns.

Idea Author: Richard D

Number of Stars 3

Number of Comments 0

Idea Title: Growth Management

Idea Detail: Too many houses are going up in Lake Wylie. The roads can't handle them. 3 new subdivisions alone are being built or cleared off right now on Hwy 55E on a 2 lane area of the road that is the most treacherous part of the road when it snows or ices. This is also road that doesn't drain well and has very steep imbankments on both sides of the road.

Idea Author: Catherine M

Number of Stars 2

Number of Comments 0

Idea Title: Vision

Idea Detail: We need a plan and a strategy for the future- the development of better roads, Towns incorporated, A PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT, foresight/forecasting of growth and how to best adapt to it. We need to work with existing entities like Duke Power, City of Clover, Lake Wylie, Fort Mill, Sharon,etc. and bring all of the areas together in the development of green space county-wide!

Idea Author: Kim T 68 Number of Stars 2

Number of Comments 0

69 Topic Name: Bringing in Business

Idea Title: Require builders to install fiber optic to the house

Idea Detail: Fiber Optic cable is used for high speed internet, telecommunications, and tv - it is available all over the county, but only to the curb. Require builders to install it from the curb to the house instead of copper, and it would increase speed of internet allowing more home based businesses and ideas

Idea Author: John L

Number of Stars 3

Number of Comments 0

Idea Title: Make it easier with zoning issues/ maybe have incentatives.

Idea Detail: When a business begins- have bonus', tax breaks for choosing York County. Make it a place that people want to bring their business' to.

Idea Author: Kim T

Number of Stars 2

Number of Comments 1

Comment 1: Offer incentives to those who rehabilitate Historic Homes and Businesses encourage reuse of buildings instead of an all build new approach. Adopt the state Bailey Bill in York County which allows property taxes to be frozen at the pre improved value for a number of years to encourage property improvement | By John L

Idea Title: Have a strategic plan to create synergies

Idea Detail: Be thoughtful about the communities and what type of businesses the community will support and keep resident's spending in York Co.

Idea Author: mary W

Number of Stars 2 70 Number of Comments 0

Idea Title: Create a county-wide "culture of health" including business

Idea Detail: Healthy workers are more productive, cost less in absenteeism and turnover, and have fewer substance abuse issues. Healthy work environment factors spill over into workers' household environments -- and, as a result, healthier children learn better and have less school absenteeism as well. The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation is looking to fund "culture of health" initiatives in our area of the country -- let's get the business community behind "winning" a RWJF grant for York County.

Idea Author: David F K

Number of Comments 0

Idea Title: Have tax structure competitive with adjacent states.

Idea Detail: Look at adjacent states and compare our business/industrial tax structure. Make it more competitive.

Idea Author: William H

Number of Comments 0

Idea Title: Support the businesses & quit asking them to pay for

Idea Detail: what everybody else wants.

Idea Author: David S

Number of Comments 0

71 Topic Name (Instant Poll): Living in York County

Idea Title: Schools

Number of votes: 68

Idea Title: Atmosphere and Character

Number of votes: 31

Idea Title: Location

Number of votes: 28

Idea Title: Housing affordability

Number of votes: 27

Idea Title: Family ties

Number of votes: 26

Idea Title: Family-oriented

Number of votes: 25

Idea Title: Rural lifestyle

Number of votes: 25

Idea Title: Climate

Number of votes: 20

Idea Title: Proximity to Jobs in Charlotte

Number of votes: 20

Idea Title: Natural features

72 Number of votes: 20

Idea Title: Recreational opportunities

Number of votes: 19

Idea Title: Safe community

Number of votes: 15

Idea Title: Cultural activities

Number of votes: 7

Idea Title: Friendly people

Number of votes: 6

Idea Title: Jobs in York

Number of votes: 5


Number of Comments 0

73 Topic Name (Instant Poll): Making York County Competitive

Idea Title: Improvements in services and public facilities

Number of votes: 23

Idea Title: Better transportation

Number of votes: 22

Idea Title: Other _____

Number of votes: 16

Idea Title: Greater focus on downtown entertainment and cultural amenities

Number of votes: 14

Idea Title: Greater tax incentives for business relocation

Number of votes: 13

Idea Title: Streamline existing regulations

Number of votes: 13

Idea Title: Increased funding for schools

Number of votes: 12

Idea Title: More affordable housing

Number of votes: 4


Number of Comments 7

Comment 1: Need to create infrastructure ( roads, etc) to support future growth. Preserve natural beauty of area by controlling growth. | By Linda M 74 Comment 2: Public transportation needs to be a priority. Can we link into the light rail or do we have a busing alternative. The more businesses that move to York County, the more cars traveling our road and the more road repairs are needed which require taxpayer support. Let's start looking at options. | By Linda F

Comment 3: Put more focus into economic development for all parts of the county to keep people living and working in York County. People from Clover work and shop in Gastonia, Sharon & Hickory Grove work and shop in Gaffney or Spartanburg...it is closer for them to go there than to Rock Hill | By Cathy B

Comment 4: Building downtown Rock Hill (East Town, Historic Rock Hill) into a destination city for people to live, work and play. | By Chris E

Comment 5: The time from discussion to action is to long. For example taking care of roads (160 HWY and Gold Hill Road) it has been discussed, funded but nothing happen, credilbility inthe information provided is being lost day by day. More action and lest talk would be helpful to gain the public trust | By Jose Alejandro D

Comment 6: York County is losing valuable business land to housing developments along major interstate. We need to look closely at possibly zoning these as mixed residential/business. We need tax funds to support the schools and they city and we are missing out due to business not wanting to come here | By Samantha L

Comment 7: single affordable housing - not apartments. incentives for building downtown rock hill into a destination. restaurants, brewery, night life | By Lisa M

75 Topic Name (Instant Poll): Scenario Planning Activity

Idea Title: Balanced Growth Scenario

Number of votes: 23

Idea Title: CONNECT Regional Preference Scenario

Number of votes: 11

Idea Title: Community Plans Scenario

Number of votes: 2


Number of Comments 5

Comment 1: I couldn't access the pdf to review the choices. But I will tell you that the growth in York county needs to slow down. There is little to no advantage that I can think of for growth here. The roads are already getting too busy and bigger wider roads will just encourage more people. The increased traffic and number of stoplights is making it take an hour to get to Charlotte where it used to take a half hour. Infrastructure like schools, sewers, water, etc. all just cost more in taxes the more people that move here. It's a proven fact that growth leads to more taxes. The development that is happening is terribly planned or unplanned. Highway 49 with various ugly uncoordinated buildings is looking more and more like Independence Boulevard. The coves in the lake are filling up with sediment from poor construction practices and poor oversight by the County. The never ending bass tournament fish catches are getting smaller. It's just ridiculous. | By David S

Comment 2: Would love to see more parks and recreation. Amenities Amenities Amenities.. Open Spaces. | By Cathy B

Comment 3: As a resident of York county I am so happy this is being considered. We need more green space in the western part of the county. The Balanced Growth chart seems like the best plan- all of them are similar, but I see the incredible need for parks and recreation for those who plan to move here- our area is growing so fast we don't have any type of amenities. Thanks for moving us forward! | By Kim T

Comment 4: Too much planning and not enough action. Why get anything done take so long?

When that need is met the situation has evolve to different stages. Let's get some action 76 addressing the immediaty needs: ROADS | By Jose Alejandro D

Comment 5: The three plans are similar, community plans and balanced growth looks like more sprawl to me, regional looks more concentrated growth, so as to create the possibilities of transit alternatives and saving more open space and environment. | By Duane C

77 Topic Name (Instant Poll): Spreading the Word

Idea Title: Word-of-mouth

Number of votes: 21

Idea Title: Facebook

Number of votes: 18

Idea Title: Public meeting

Number of votes: 16

Idea Title: Email

Number of votes: 15

Idea Title: Local news coverage

Number of votes: 9

Idea Title: Other _____

Number of votes: 5

Idea Title: Newsletter

Number of votes: 4

Idea Title: Twitter

Number of votes: 1


Number of Comments 8

Comment 1: In the Lake Wylie Pilot | By David S

78 Comment 2: Agree, digital via facebook, email, and Lake Wylie newspaper. | By mary W

Comment 3: At the Lake Wylie school event. | By mary W

Comment 4: Have you all use CN2? | By Jose Alejandro D

Comment 5: I heard about the site via word of mouth but this is certainly not the most effective way to "get the word out". All methods of communication should be used. Newspapers, television, and web sites. | By Margaret P

Comment 6: Most of the information I have seen has been thru the FM Times. I stumbled on this site by accident. Just a suggestion, put a link on the front page of the Tega Cay website with link to this page, encouraging people to give input. In addition, the more we hear back that action is being taken, based off of community response, the more people will get involved. | By Angelique L

Comment 7: Have you sent an E-mail about your great idea to anyone on the City Council? | By John F

Comment 8: digital communication such as social media but i think community forums work better in more rural areas. | By Lisa M

79 Topic Name: Beautiful York

Idea Title: Rock Hill - Cotton Factory

Number of Comments 0

Idea Title: Downtown Rock Hill

Number of Comments 0

Idea Title: Rock Hill - Old Town experience.

Number of Comments 0

Idea Title: Hill's Store Sharon SC

Number of Comments 0

Idea Title: Hickory Grove in the fall

Number of Comments 0

Idea Title: The lone survivor of the recent Springfield Parkway massacre where 1000's of trees were cut to make way for 600+ homes!

Number of Comments 0

Idea Title: peach tree orchards

Number of Comments 0

Idea Title: Black's Peaches is a SC Certified Roadside Market and has been growing juicy, delicious peaches since 1923!!

Number of Comments 0

Idea Title: Catawba River. Keep it undeveloped and clean

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80 Post:

Posted: November 17, 2015 8:26 AM Moving York County Forward Together Welcome to the new York Forward website! This is the updated page for the community to post thoughts and comments regarding York Forward, the update of the County's Comprehensive Plan. So please peruse our refreshed look and let us know what you think!

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81 Post:

Posted: November 17, 2015 8:29 AM Moving York County Forward Together Call for Ideas! What decisions can we make today to ensure a stronger, more prosperous community tomorrow? Do you have an idea or innovative scheme that could make a positive impact on the County?

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82 Post:

Posted: November 18, 2015 4:12 PM Moving York County Forward Together Feedback so far Thanks everyone for the feedback so far. We have had over 300 participants on the York Forward website and you all have submitted over 100 ideas! All of the ideas have been forwarded to staff and the Advisory Committee. If you want to look at all of the ideas they are in this pdf: https://www.dropbox.com/s/nh4qwmucjzunps5/MindMixerSite_IdeaReport_11_18_2015.pdf?dl=0

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83 Post:

Posted: February 25, 2016 10:9 AM Moving York County Forward Together

Public Meeting Announcement! Come review and comment on the draft York County Comprehensive Plan! Tonight, February 25, 2016. Drop in any time from 5:00-7:30 pm at Banks Trail Middle School (1640 Banks Road, Fort Mill, SC 29715). Find a map here .

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84 Post:

Posted: March 1, 2016 4:44 PM Moving York County Forward Together Draft Land Use and Housing Recommendations Last week (2/25/2016) draft land use and housing recommendations were presented at the York Forward Open House. The future land use map and recommendations are based on feedback received at pubic meetings and stakeholder interviews so far. They are meant to help guide the location, scale and design of development over the coming years.

See a draft future land use map and descriptions at

Also go review draft goals, policies and strategy recommendations for land use at

Housing recommendations can be found at:

Let us know if there is something you really like or if there is something you think should be revised.

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85 Posted: March 8, 2016 9:46 PM Angelique Lake My only concern is the 77 corridor. It is turning into one long "downtown" with projected increase businesses and neighborhoods with very small lots. I understand the benefit to the community to attract businesses and some increase residential but even along this 77 corridor, please try to keep some of the open space and dedicate it for preservation/recreational use. Also, given the many neighborhoods already being built that look similar to row houses, please allow for more neighborhoods with homes on larger 1/3 acre lots. The demand for larger lots is there. You suggest variety in housing but all the housing going up is on postage stamp lots. Even is the higher density areas, we need to allow for some more space between homes. I worry every day to the large lot of land in between 160 and Gold Hill Road - behind the church. If that land is sold, the idea of that beautiful open space and land being converted to stores or row houses is gut wrenching.

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Posted: March 14, 2016 10:34 AM Tomme r Cat l i n One thing I would add would be some way ensure the ascetics of a development are defined. I see some mentioning, but interested to read more. While the "developers" say the public wants smaller yards.. York can still enforce minimum number of trees between homes or on the lot. With current developments, there are zero trees between the homes and the ascetics are terrible no matter how nice the house looks. 15 feet between homes is dangerous as well (fire, mold, etc) Im happy that there is an effort to hopefully save the rest of York as Fort Mill and Tega Cay are already gone. Attached is an example neighborhood with actual trees in it! :) Thanks for your efforts!

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Posted: March 14, 2016 10:45 AM Tomme r Cat l i n I was reviewing the future land use map, I still dont see any call outs for parks or connected park system. Was this part of the county plan? For example, everything around 160/Gold Hill is "CC" and Residential. Why not a county park? All around Lake Wylie is too much Single Family planned. Any neighborhoods touching the lake need to be scaled down to minimum density to preserve the lake. 1 acre lots, with higher density or multi-family dwellings zone 3 miles from the lake.

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Posted: March 14, 2016 12:3 PM Angelique Lake Regarding what developers say the public wants, this is based off of whose and what research? Independent? Most people who I speak to are trying to find homes with more of a yard. It is very easy to skew data to support any position. This is our town, why should dictate what development to attract and have.

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86 Posted: March 14, 2016 12:9 PM Tomme r Cat l i n Dont get me wrong, Im not a developer... this was from Councilman Michael Johnson. Which is why I questioned how much influence developers had on York County. I think there are some very poor data floating around and York, FM, TC are drinking the koolaid from the developers. Education around what is possible for any elected official is critical. Elected officials who were or are in real estate should be banned. :)

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87 Post:

Posted: March 1, 2016 4:49 PM Moving York County Forward Together Draft Transportation and Community Facility Recommendations Last week (2/25/2016) draft transportation and community facility (including infrastructure) recommendations were presented at the York Forward Open House.

See draft transportation goals, policies and strategy recommendations at:

See draft goals, policies and strategies related to community facilities at:

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88 Post:

Posted: March 1, 2016 4:55 PM Moving York County Forward Together Draft Natural and Cultural Resources Recommendations Last week (2/25/2016) draft cultural and natural resource goals, policies and recommendations were presented at the York Forward Open House. Follow the links below to the draft recommendations. Let us know if revisions should be made.

Natural Resources:

Cultural Resources:

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Posted: March 8, 2016 9:26 PM Angelique Lake I absolutely agree with this plan. Protecting our natural resources is so important for this area's environmental health and also for our own mental and physical health. Get out and enjoy, old and young alike. I like the multi approach to address the many aspects. There is the protection of our natural resources but also ideas of how to to include recreational aspects promoting the surrounding natural areas. There is a reason people visit parks and natural spaces that have nothing "fancy" added to them. It is the nature itself that is being enjoyed.

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89 Posted: March 8, 2016 10:13 PM Kim Trainer This is a wonderful plan- I wish this had been implemented 30 years ago. This is the most needed course of action based on the needs of the people of this county-however several months ago while I was at a county council meeting the council adamantly avowed that they are only in the tourism aspect of parks and recreation and have no intention of having anything to do with any other form of it. I think you will have a hard time passing all of these points based on the current council. FYI- I stand 100% behind this plan. This is desperately needed in our county.

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Posted: March 14, 2016 10:48 AM Tomme r Cat l i n 100% agree with this plan as well. Protecting the lake and watersheds is essential. If York does not protect it, the value of the county will decline. Who wants to live next or be in a highly toxic lake from development runoff and out of control growth of developments? :) Greenway plan is awesome. But i agree with Kim above.. how will the council even consider it when all they look at is more revenue dollars from rezoning of existing land to fill the county's coffers?

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90 Post:

Posted: March 7, 2016 10:39 AM Moving York County Forward Together Draft Economic Development Recommendations On February 25th draft economic development goals, policies and recommendations were presented at the York Forward Open House. Follow the links below to the draft recommendations. Let us know if revisions should be made.

Draft Economic Development Recommendations:

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