The Concentration Effect of Strengths: How the Whole System “AI” Summit
+ Models ORGDYN-419; No. of Pages 12 Organizational Dynamics (2012) xxx, xxx—xxx Available online at jo urnal homepage: The concentration effect of strengths: How the whole system ‘‘AI’’ summit brings out the best in human enterprise David L. Cooperrrider Appreciative Inquiry, or ‘‘AI’’ is taking the strengths When is it that the best in human beings arises most easily, revolution to a new level, far beyond today’s common productively, and naturally? Our answer, from several dec- talent-management focus. Introducing the next genera- ades of fieldwork and hundreds of interviews with successful tion AI Design Summit — something that a recent CEO managers, is unequivocal: the best in human organization report singles out as ‘‘the best large group method in the happens when people collectively experience the wholeness world today’’ of their system — when strength touches strength — across whole systems of relevant and engaged stakeholders, inter- TALKING ABOUT ‘‘POSITIVE STRENGTHS’’ gets people nal and external, and top to bottom. Sounds complicated? excited. It’s thrilling to think that a new wave of manage- Surprisingly, it is exactly the opposite. In fact, because of the ment innovation and positive organizational scholarship natural positivity that’s unleashed when we collaborate might revolutionize the way we engage the workforce, trans- beyond silos and artificial separations keeping us apart, it form business strategy, and prepare our organizations for a is often profoundly easy. The use of large group methods for world of open innovation with customers, suppliers, and doing the work of management, once a rare practice, is other key stakeholders.
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