SUTHERLAND PHILATELICS, PO BOX 448, FERNY HILLS D C, QLD 4055, AUSTRALIA Page 1 SG Michel Year Particulars MUH Mint MNG FU Used Sutherland Philatelics PO Box 448 Ferny Hills D C, Qld 4055 Australia ABN: 69 768 764 240 website: e-mail:
[email protected] phone: international: 61 7 3851 2398; Australia: 07 3851 2398 GERMANY: WEST GERMANY & GERMANY REUNIFIED List Structure: Commems & definitives are all together in approximately SG number order Machine Labels Booklets Booklet Panes Se tenant combinations Broken Sets Other Items To find an item in this list, please use Adobe's powerful search function. We obtain our stock from collections we purchase. We do not have a Germany supplier. Consequently, where something is unpriced, we do not have it at present. We list all items we have in stock, including broken sets, and singles from sets. For First Day Cards, see our ETBs List Prices subject to change without notice. USED STAMPS Used stamps are those with heavier postmark, or minor flaws, eg pulled perf. (Fine) Used coil stamps with number underprint may only show a partial number. Where the catalogue value for Used exceeds that for Mint, MNG is priced below Mint. DEFINITIVE STAMPS Most German definitives are issued principally in coils (rolls), but may also be issued in sheets, sheetlets & booklets. Roll stamps, which are vertically delivered, may be identified by vertical pairs, strips or their number underprint. Horizontal pairs identify that the stamp comes from a sheet or sheetlet. Booklet stamps are issued in combinations with or without straight edges.