Chloroplast Genes Are Expressed During Intracellular Symbiotic
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA Vol. 93, pp. 12333-12338, October 1996 Cell Biology Chloroplast genes are expressed during intracellular symbiotic association of Vaucheria litorea plastids with the sea slug Elysia chlorotica (photosystem II reaction center/photosynthesis/chromophytic alga/ascoglossan mollusc/gene expression) CESAR V. MUJER*t, DAVID L. ANDREWS*t, JAMES R. MANHART§, SIDNEY K. PIERCES, AND MARY E. RUMPHO*II Departments of *Horticultural Sciences and §Biology, Texas A & M University, College Station, TX 77843; and IDepartment of Zoology, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742 Communicated by Martin Gibbs, Brandeis University, Waltham, MA, August 16, 1996 (received for review January 26, 1996) ABSTRACT The marine slug Elysia chlorotica (Gould) lowing metamorphosis from the veliger stage when juvenile forms an intracellular symbiosis with photosynthetically ac- sea slugs begin to feed on V litorea cells (1, 2). Once ingested, tive chloroplasts from the chromophytic alga Vaucheria litorea the chloroplasts are phagocytically incorporated into the cy- (C. Agardh). This symbiotic association was characterized toplasm of one of two morphologically distinct, epithelial cells over a period of 8 months during which E. chlorotica was (3) and maintain their photosynthetic function (1, 3). The deprived of V. litorea but provided with light and CO2. The fine plastids are frequently found in direct contact with the host structure of the symbiotic chloroplasts remained intact in E. cytoplasm as revealed by ultrastructural studies (3). In nature, chlorotica even after 8 months of starvation as revealed by the adult animal feeds on algae only sporadically, obtaining electron microscopy. Southern blot analysis of total DNA metabolic energy from the photosynthetic activity of the from E.
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