· aggressionand violence;personalitychanges revert · inchildrenoradolescents, thehighlevelsof · masculinizationinwomen,includingbreastsize · testicleshrinking,difficultyorpainurinatingand · feminizationinmen,includingpermanentbreast · ,cysts,oilyhairandskin,thinningscalp of long-termuseinclude: use isstopped,butothersarepermanent.Theeffects Some oftheeffectssteroidsdisappearwhendrug ? of taking What arethelong-termeffects · experiencewithdrawalsymptomssuchasmood · spendlargeamountsoftimeandmoneyobtaining · continuetotakesteroids,evenwhentheyexperience criteria fordrugdependenceinthatthey However, somepeoplewhoabusesteroidsmeet in thattolerancetotheeffectsdoesnotdevelop. Addiction tosteroidsdiffersfrommanyotherdrugs Y Are steroidsaddictive? es, theycanbe. when druguse isstopped. from stopbonegrowth, preventingthem be permanent with long-termuse,someoftheseeffectsmay and changesorcessationofthemenstrualcycle; excessive growthofbodyhair, lossofscalphair enlargement oftheclitoris,deepeningvoice, and bodyfatreduction,coarseningoftheskin, increased riskofprostatecancerinmen development hair inbothsexes desire totakemoresteroids. appetite, insomnia,reducedsexdriveandthe swings, fatigue,restlessness,depression,lossof the drugs negative physicaloremotionaleffects ever growing tofullheight T Marketing andSalesServices resource materials,pleasecontact: To T Centre forAddictionandMentalHealthFoundation T Copyright ©2003CentreforAddiction andMentalHealth V E- One inaseries… Disponible enfrançais Affiliated with theUniversity ofToronto Collaborating Centre A PanAmericanHealth Organization/World HealthOrganization O Addiction andMentalHealth’s 24-hourInformationLine: or acopyofthisbrochure,pleasecontacttheCentrefor For moreinformationonaddictionandmentalhealthissues, GHB Ecstasy Cocaine Cannabis Caffeine Benzodiazepines Anabolic Steroids Amphetamines and Driving Alcohol, OtherDrugs Alcohol T Client RelationsCo-ordinatorat: about servicesatCAMH,pleasecallour If youhavequestions,complimentsorconcerns To E- isit ourWeb siteat:www.camh.net EL EL EL ORONTO TROTOLL NTARIO MAIL MAIL

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595-6111 T Rohypnol Opioids Methamphetamine Methadone LSD Ketamine Inhalants Heroin Hallucinogens obacco -6059 inToronto 2502 / 11-03P256 undecylenate(Equipoise decanoate(Deca-Durabolin methandrostenolone (Dianobol (DHEA),are Steroidal “supplements,”suchas and otherdiseases. and wastingofthebodycausedbyAIDS delayed puberty, sometypesofimpotence, however, theyaresometimesusedtotreat They arerarelyprescribedtohumans; and muscledevelopmentinfarmanimals. Their primaryuseistopromoteweightgain Anabolic steroidshavefewmedicaluses. them appealingtoathletesandbodybuilders. (androgenic) effectsofthesedrugsmake building (anabolic)andmasculinizing ,testosterone.Themuscle- structure asthesteroidsfoundinmale laboratories andhavethesamechemical as “anabolicsteroids”aremadein various hormonesandvitamins.Drugsknown Many kindsofsteroidsoccurnaturallyin What arethey? Street names: Generic andtradenames: Do You Know... (Depo-Testosterone the juice,whitestuff,roids oxymotholone (Anadrol ® ), (Winstrol ), stanozolol ® ) andothers ® ), ® ), ® ), ® ), Anabolic Steroids converted into testosterone or a similar compound in · Stacking: taking two or more types of steroids, How do steroids make you feel? the body. Although little research has been done on mixing oral and injectable forms, believing the Steroids can produce a variety of psychological effects steroidal supplements, if taken in large quantities, different drugs interact to have greater effect. ranging from euphoria to hostility. Some people who they likely produce the same effects, and the same take steroids say the drugs make them feel powerful side-effects, as anabolic steroids. DHEA is not Who uses steroids? and energetic. However, steroids are also known to available in Canada, but is sold in health food stores Most non-medical use of steroids is by athletes who increase irritability, anxiety and aggression and cause and on the Internet in the United States. believe that these drugs will help them to win, and mood swings, manic symptoms and paranoia, by bodybuilders and young men who think they will particularly when taken in high doses. Where do steroids come from? look better with bigger muscles. Anabolic steroids manufactured by pharmaceutical Variations in how people respond to steroids may be companies are available legally only by prescription. People who use steroids to improve athletic perfor- due in part to individual differences, or depend on Most steroids used by athletes are smuggled, stolen mance and build muscles are mostly men; however, which type of was taken. Scientific under- or made in clandestine laboratories. Veterinary drugs the highest increase in use is among young women. standing of the effects of non-medical anabolic are often used. U.S. studies have also noted a disturbing increase in steroid use is limited. use among adolescents concerned about body image. Although trafficking these drugs is illegal, the Some people take steroids because they have a High doses, especially when taken orally, cause penalities imposed tend to be minor. Possession disorted body image where they believe their muscles of steroids is legal. nausea, vomiting and gastric irritation. Other effects are small or that they have too much body fat, even include fluid retention and trembling. What do steroids look like, when they are lean and muscular. Steroid use has also and how are they used? been found among people with a history of abuse or Are steroids dangerous? Anabolic steroids come in the form of tablets, assault who wish to build muscles in order to protect Yes. Taking high doses of steroids increases risk of capsules, a solution for injection and a cream or gel themselves better. · enlargement and abnormalities of the heart, blood to rub into the . Weightlifters and bodybuilders clots, high blood pressure, heart attack and stroke. who use steroids often take doses that are up to Steroid use is banned by the International Olympic Steroid-related heart failure has occurred in athletes 100 times greater than those used to treat medical Committee and many other amateur and professional younger than 30. conditions. sports organizations. But because drug testing is · aggression and violence (“roid rage”), negative costly, tests of professional athletes are generally personality change, mania and depression, which Regimented methods of taking steroids are believed “random,” and are often preceded by a warning. may lead to suicide. Depression may persist for to enhance the effects of these drugs and lessen harm Regular mandatory testing is standard only at the a year after drug use is stopped. to the body. However, there is no scientific evidence international level of competition. · hepatitis, liver enlargement and liver cancer to back up these claims. Such methods include the · reduced fertility in both women and men following: Successful prevention of steroid abuse focuses on · tendon ruptures, cessation of growth in adolescents teaching people about how to refuse drugs and about · hepatitis or HIV if steroids are injected using shared · Cycling: a period of taking and then not taking the other ways to build muscle bulk and strength. needles, and infections if steroids are injected with drugs in the belief that the drug-free cycle allows dirty needles. the body to recover normal hormone levels · Pyramiding: taking doses in cycles of six to 12 weeks, starting with a low dose, then slowly increasing it, and then decreasing the amount to zero, believing this allows the body time to adjust to Anabolic Steroids the high doses