Now Available on Eagle Lake Installation
f;i f Thuftd«y, Auguit 27, 1887 Th« Eafll* '-•If. T>«t*, H»«dllght Pag* 3 Paget Th« EagU L«k«, T«i*s. Haadlighl Thursday, August 27, 1987 Call Crime Stoppers • 234-5555 • It Pays Rewards Colorado County •m^.^- =^ '\^^~. Jimmy Adkins :»^- Single Copy Price: 35-Cents Farm Bureau Insurance Service THE EAGLE LAKE HEADLIGHT Produced By: Subscription Rates Courthouse Report -j»-'» J (USPS 16.V760) Colorado County (including Lissie (33-Cents PLUS 2-cents sales tax) Dry, dry, dry 1117 Travis, Columbus. Tex. John & Jeannine Fearing MARKlAtiK LICKNSKS Fallcc and Eileen Piwelz, 32.48 acres, R 'V. MEMBER PO Box 67 -220 East Mam - (409) 234 5521 Second class postage paid at and Egypt) $12.00 Greg Allen Marburger, 20, and Ester This picture, taken in the field CITY OF EAGLE LAKE TEXAS 77434 0067 Marilyn Mueller Maxwell Survey; 8-12-87. ^^ 732-2383 Texas Press Fayette, Lavaca, Wharton, Austin Eagle Lake, Tx. Mac Martinez, 18. Published WeeKly Every Thursday Shirley Luedecke Deed, Lee E. and Dorothy Neil Botard »»»* behind Delta Savings Friday, counties $13.50 Address Corrections should Eugene Ulbnch, 31, and Diann Baez Association ADVERTISING AND NEWS DEADLINE: Kay Clipson to Donald and Sadie P. Waddell,. 11S acre, shows just how dry it has been Other Texas Residents $15.00 be sent to P.O. Box 67, Eagle : Ulbrich. 30. ME. Conlee Survey; 8 12-87. Home •orthe past month Texas A&M 5 P.M. MONDAY James Shane Outside of Texas $16.50 Robert Earl Moenlnish, 38, and Her- Lake, Texas 77434-0067 Deed, Stiry King and Charlie King, Research Station in Eagle mina Knippcl Zapalac, 37.
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