10.2478/botlit-2019-0009 BOTANICA ISSN 2538-8657 2019, 25(1): 84–88 FAST SPREAD OF DITTRICHIA GRAVEOLENS (ASTERACEAE) IN SOUTH-WESTERN POLAND Katarzyna Ko z ł o w s K a -Ko z a K 1, Maciej Ko z a K 2, Artur Pl i s z K o 3* 1, 2Łużycka Str. 51/153, Kraków PL-30-658, Poland 3Jagiellonian University, Institute of Botany, Department of Taxonomy, Phytogeography and Palaeobotany, Gronostajowa Str. 3, Kraków PL-30-387, Poland *Corresponding author. E-mail:
[email protected] Abstract Kozłowska-Kozak K., Kozak M., Pliszko A., 2019: Fast spread of Dittrichia graveolens (Asteraceae) in south- western Poland. – Botanica, 25(1): 84–88. In 2013 and 2018, the occurrence of alien Dittrichia graveolens was confirmed within 126 road sections (1-ki- lometre) of the A4 highway in the Lower Silesian Province and Silesian Province, south-western Poland. Du- ring five years the increase in abundance has been recorded within 50 sections (52.1%), a decrease within 11 sections (11.5%), whereas within 35 sections (36.5%) it remained unchanged. New data suggest that D. grave- olens is fully established in the Polish flora, and it should be classified as a potentially invasive species. Keywords: alien plant, biological recording, Central Europe, geographical distribution, potentially invasive species, road transport. INTRODUCTION with nitrophilous communities of the class Stellari- etea mediae (BRULLO & DE MAR C O , 2000). It is also Dittrichia graveolens (L.) Greuter (Asteraceae) is worth to note that D. graveolens can be poisonous to an annual and strongly aromatic plant with a cam- sheep (PHILBEY & MORTON , 2000) and cause contact phor-like smell, reaching a height of 50 cm (PARSONS allergic dermatitis in humans (THON G et al., 2008).