PolitlcalOrganizatlon NoticeofSection527Status

1 Nameolorganiralion EmployeridentiHattlonnmber New Democrat Network - Nan-Federal. Account ...--. 52i 1981307

le NameofGustodiinofrecords 4b Custodlm'saddross I-...... Same Simon Rosenberg

5a N~f1ieolcurildc;l~rsorr 5b "Cantkct person'saddress Same ...... Kathryn B. Smith 1I- 6 Businessaddress of organization(if different from nicriling~ddrcssshbwnab6ve).Number, street, and roam or suitenumber

Cltyortowri. slale.aiidZlPcodo

Purpose 7 Describethepurposeoftheorganitation ...... ' Fundraising for Federal, State and Local candidates ...... !

LrstofAllRelatedEntities (seeinstructions) b Narneofrelaleclenlity I 8b Hclulionship 8c Address I I New Dcrnocrat Notwork-Fcdcral Act Common ownership Isam*...... ie .-. -. .- .- ...... 4 ......

-...... I ForPaperworkReductlonAct Notice,seepege4. Cat. No.304tEV Fm8871 (7-2000) sated Employees (swi nstructions) 9s Name 9b Titlr! 9c Address 1737 34th St., NW Simon Rosenberg President I...... Washington, DC 20007

6620 31st Place, NW Susan 6. Burnott ...... Washington, DC 2001 5 8aqa k-Ck L-c Kathryn 6. SmRh ......

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I- I- 3819 Veazy St., NW Camla McGiffert Press Director ...... Washlngton, DC 20016 ......

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3/6/04 L.A. Times A14 2004 WL 55897617

Los Angeles Times Copyright 2004 The Times Saturday, March 6, 2004 Main News; National Desk

THE RACE TO THE WHITE HOUSE; Parties Seeking to Speak Language of Latino Voters; Both Democrats and Republicans unveil lV ads targeting a crucial constituency.

Nick Anderson Times Staff Writer

WASHINGTON An intense battle for Latino support in this fall's election got underway this week, as President Bush and a Democratic political group launched dueling Spanish-language television advertisements targeting a voting bloc that keeps growing in importance.

On Friday, the New Democrat Network launched a projected $S-million lV campaign with two commercials that promote the party's cause and criticize Bush.

The ads are appearing in Phoenix, Las Vegas and Albuquerque on Univision and Telemundo, the dominant Spanish-language networks, and will debut in Florida after that state's Tuesday primary.

One of the commercials portrays Democrats as friends of the Latino community. The other attacks Bush's record on education. "President Bush, why did you break your promise?" a Spanish-speaking schoolgirl asks, looking directly at the camera, in the latter ad.

The ad claims that the Bush administration has fallen billions of dollars short of an $18-billion annual funding commitment for education of disadvantaged schoolchildren. That commitment was part of the No Child Left Behind school reform law enacted in 2002.

Republicans say Bush has presided over historic increases in federal education spending and deny that the law has been underfunded. Christine Iverson, a spokeswoman for the Republican National Committee, noted that Sen. John F. Kerry of Massachusetts, the presumptive Democratic nominee, voted for the reform law.

The Bush reelection campaign unveiled a Spanish-language ad on Thursday. Replicating a spot produced in English, the 30-second commercial asserts that Bush has helped improve the economy and shows images of the wreckage at the World Trade Center following the 2001 terrorist attacks. It went on the air in Las Vegas, Albuquerque, Miami, Orlando, Tampa, Phoenix and Tucson, according to Democratic and independent media monitors.

The budding ad war on Spanish-language outlets reflects the electoral math of a sharply divided country. New Mexico, Nevada and Florida were all closely fought in the 2000 presidential election. Bush won the latter two and barely lost the first.

In each of these states, there are growing numbers of Latino voters whose party allegiance is thought to be in flux. Arizona, experiencing similar demographic changes, is another state Democrats hope to wrest from Bush.

Exhibit 3 The anti-Bush ad that aired Friday is the latest example of political activity by a group not officially affiliated with the Democratic Party or the Kerry campaign. The New Democrat Network is a centrist policy group with close ties to several top congressional Democrats.

Another anti-Bush group, MoveOn.org Voter Fund, has periodically run English-language commercials critical of his policies, including some this week.

Maria Cardona, spokeswoman for the New Democrat Network, said an anonymous Northern couple pledged $1 million for the Spanish-language campaign. Other wealthy donors, she said, have pledged $1.5 million.

Henry G. Cisneros, the former president of Univision and a former Cabinet secretary under President Clinton, is helping to raise money to meet the group's $5-million goal for the ad effort.

At stake in the election are the votes of several million Latinos. An estimated 6 million voted in 2000, and some Democrats say 8 million or more could vote this year. Democratic Pollster Sergio Bendixen, based in Miami, said as many as 3.5 million of these potential voters are thought to be regular viewers of Spanish-language television.

"The party that engages them, communicates with them in a culturally sensitive way, has a tremendous advantage," Bendixen said. Many Spanish-language TV viewers, he said, "don't know much about American politics. If you communicate to them, speak their language, they tend to come your way."

The volume of Spanish-language political ads has grown in recent years, and experts say this election is likely to set a record. Kerry ran a Spanish-language ad in Albuquerque before the Feb. 3 New Mexico caucuses. Some of his Democratic rivals did likewise in New Mexico and Arizona, which also voted that day.

"Nobody's taking that voting bloc for granted," said Evan Tracey, an independent analyst of political ads based in Virginia.

President Clinton captured more than 70% of the Latino vote in his 1996 reelection, exit polling showed. But in 2000, the Democratic margin slipped.

The party's presidential candidate, AI Gore, took about 60% of the Latino vote while Bush claimed about a third. Helping Bush attract Latino support, analysts said, was his emphasis on improving schools and his record of good relations with Mexico as governor of Texas.

Democrats want to block Bush from further inroads among Latino voters.

"This is an electorate we're going to do very well with," said Rep. Robert Menendez of New Jersey, a Cuban American who is chairman of the House Democratic Caucus. "The question is, do we maximize our capabilities in this community and ensure we don't take it for granted? If we take it for granted, we do so at our own peril."

Bush campaign officials stressed to reporters this week that they are targeting the Latino vote. So is the Republican National Committee.

"We will be reaching out to Latinos all across the country, communicating our message in English and in Spanish," said Nicole Guillemard, the RNC's director of outreach.

END OF DOCUMENT 2004 POLITICAL ADS New Democrat Network Takes Aim At Bush

By Gwen Glazer, NationalJournal.com 0 National Journal Group Inc. Wednesday, July 28,2004

Reaching out to Hispanic voters in the upcoming presidential election, the New Democrat Network announced the release today of two English- and Spanish-language TV ads on health care and the minimum wage. The Washington-based 527 group is a "national network of citizens and institutions committed to the great promise of America," according to its Web site.

In "Faces," the screen rapidly cycles through pictures as an announcer says, "At this pace, we would need 23 days to show the 12 million Latinos without health insurance." The announcer describes the Democrats' plan to insure 8 million Latinos, but says President Bush and Republicans oppose the plan. The announcer concludes, "With the Democratic plan, we will have a better life."

The other spot, "Two Jobs," features a mads voice reading a letter to Bush as he gets dressed in a bedroom. The man tells Bush that because the minimum wage is only $5.1 5 an hour, he must go to his second job instead of going to bed. "Democrats want to raise the minimum wage to $7 an hour," he states. He concludes by saying it's a shame that Bush and the Republicans oppose it and signs the letter, "Sincerely, a hard-working Latino."

The 30-second TV spots will begin airing Thursday and will run for about a month in 13 media markets in five battleground states: Arizona, Colorado, Florida, New Mexico and Nevada. Senior Vice President Maria Cardona said the NDN spent over $3 million since March; Cardona described the new ads as marking the beginning of a third campaign phase designed to differentiate between the Republican and Democratic agendas.

The NDN's previous ad, which was also part of the $3 million figure, featured prominent Latinos promoting the Democratic movement.

Ad SDotliaht has the latest commercials from the 2004 campaigns and issue/advocacy groups, as well as searchable archives dating back to 1997.

(cont. next page with scripts of ads)

Exhibit 4 Script of "Faces" -- Spanish (TV)

(On screen: Pagado Por El New Democrat Network)

ANNOUNCER [do]: A este ritmo, necesitariamos 23 dias para mostrar a 10s 12 millones de latinos sin seguro mCdico.

LOSDemocratas han propuesto un plan que le daria seguro medico a 8 millones de Latinos. . Per0 el Presidente Bush y 10s Republicanos se oponen a ese plan.

Amigos, no hay duda. Con 10s Democratas tendremos una vida mejor.

(On screen: Llama a tu Congresistay dile que apoye el Plan Demdcrata. 202-224-3121. Unete a1 Movimiento Demdcrata.)

Script of "Faces" -- English (TV)

(On screen: Paid For By The New Democrat Network)

ANNOUNCER [do]: At this pace, we would need 23 days to show the 12 million Latinos without health insurance. The Democrats have proposed a plan that would insure 8 million Latinos. But President Bush and the Republicans oppose this plan.

There is no question. With the Democratic plan, we will have a better life.

(On screen: Call your Congressman and tell him to support the Democratic Plan. 202-224- 3121 Join the Democratic Movement.)

Script of 'Two Jobs" 0- Spanish (TV)

WORKER [do]: Estimado Presidente Bush: Ha sido un largo dia. Mis nifios esth en la cama. Quisiera descansar. Per0 con un salario minimo de $5.15 -- imposible. Tengo que ir a mi scgundo trabaj0.

Los Democratas quieren subir el salario minimo a $7 la hora. Per0 usted y 10s Republicanos se oponen. Que lastima.Cordialmente, un trabajador latino.

(On screen: Llama a tu Congresistay dile que apoye el Plan Demdcrata. 202-224-3121; Pagado Por El New Democrat Network; Unete a1 movimiento demdcrata.) Script of "Two Jobs" -- English (TV)

WORKER [do]: Dear President Bush: It's been a long day. My kids are in bed, and 1 would like to rest, too. But with a minimum wage of $5.15 an hour, it's impossible. I have to go to my second job.

The Democrats want to raise the minimum wage to $7 an hour. But you and the Republicans oppose it. What a shame. Sincerely, a hard-working Latino.

(On screen: Call your Congressman and tell him to support the Democratic Plan. 202-224- 3121; Paid For By The New Democrat Network; Join the Democratic Movement.)

Copyright 2003 by National Journal Group Inc. 1501 M St., NW #300 Washington, DC 20005

202-739-8400 9 fax 202-833-8069 Copyright 2004 Company The New York Times

September 2, 2004 Thursday Late Edition - Final

SECTION: Section A; Column 1; National Desk; Pg. 16

LENGTH: 427 words

HEADLINE: Exile Leader In Miami Joins Democrats




In an unexpected move that signals the political diversification of Cuban-Americans, the executive director of a prominent Cuban-American exile group here has left his post to join a Democratic advocacy organization.

Joe Garcia, executive director of the Cuban American National Foundation, has become the senior advisor in Florida for the New Democrat Network, a Washington-based 527 organization. ''1 think this is probably the most important election of my generation, and I have to get involved," Mr. Garcia said.

As executive director of the foundation, a nonpartisan group, Mr. Garcials role was to promote policies affecting Cuban affairs without endorsing any political party.

Mr. Garcia, a longtime Democrat, said he chose to join the New Democrat Network because he believed no group was doing a better job reaching out to Hispanics in Florida and across the country. He began work in the new post on Monday.

''1 don't think we've reached out enough to Cuban-Americans and Hispanics in general," Mr. Garcia said of the Democratic Party. "AS Democrats, we make a huge mistake in walking away from the Cuban-American vote. And as Cuban-Americans, we've paid a huge price."

Mr. Garcia will continue to serve on the foundation's board and has the support of Jorge Mas Santos, chairman of the foundation and the son of its founder. Mr. Garcia was chairman of the Florida Public Service Commission under a Democratic governor, Lawton Chiles, before joining the foundation.

"The Cuban-American community has been ignored by Democrats for a long time," said Simon Rosenberg, president of the New Democrat Network. "Joe is going to send a message to Cuban-Americans that they are welcome in the Democratic Party."

Historically, Cuban-Americans have been reliably Republican, contending that the party has more thoroughly embraced their staunchly anti-Castro

Exhibit 5 platform than the Democrats. But the group is changing socially and politically. Prominent exile leaders in South Florida now favor a more conciliatory relationship with Cuba, while still denouncing Mr. Castro.

The change in attitudes reflects an ideological split between the original Cuban exiles and their children and grandchildren, and between immigrants who left Cuba for economic reasons and those who fled for political reasons. It also represents a concerted effort by some exile groups to improve the image of Cuban-Americans after the nationally televised struggle over the young shipwreck survivor Elian Gonzalez.

URL: httD://www.nvtimes.com

LOAD-DATE: September 2, 2004 Political Organization Form %an (November 2002) Report of Contributions and Expenditures OMB NO. 1545-1696 Depanment of the Treasury Internal Revenue Service b See separate instructions. I A For the period beginning 07/01/2004 and ending 09/30/2004

B Check applicable box: r/ Initial report IChange of address - Amended report - Final report 1 Name of organization Employer identification number NEW DEMOCRAT NETWORK-NON-FEDERALACCOUNT 52 - 1981307

~ 2 Mailing address (P.O. box or number, street, and room or suite number) 777 N CaDitol St. NE Suite 410 City or town, state, and ZIP code Washington, DC 20002

3 E-mail address of organization: 4 Date organization was formed: [email protected] 06/17/1996

Sa Name of custodian of records 5b Custodian's address Simon Rosenberg 777 N Capitol St, NE Suite 410 Washington, DC 20002

6a Name of contact person 6b Contact person's address Buck Owen 777 N Capitol St, NE Suite 410 Washington, DC 20002

7 Business address of organization (if different from mailing address shown above). Number, street, and room or suite number 777 N Caoitol St. NE Suite 410 City or town, state, and ZIP code Washington, DC 20002

8 Type of report (check only one box)

First quarterly report Monthly report for the month of (due by April 15) (due by the 20th day following the month shown above, except the Second quarterly report December report. which is due by January 3 1) (due by July 15) Re-election report (due by the 12th or 15th day before the election) Third quarterly report ( 1 ) Type of election: (due by October 15) (2) Date of election: Year-end report (3) For the state of (due by January 31) Post-general election report (due by the 30th day after general election) Mid-year report (Non-election (1) Date of election: year only-due by July 3 1) (2) For the state of:

9 Total amount of reported contributions (total from all attached Schedules A)...... 9. $ 2491659

10 Total amount of reported expenditures (total from all attached Schedules B) ...... 10. $ 2444576

Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have examined this report. including accompanying schedules and statements, and io the best of my knowledge and belief. it is true, correct, and complete. Simon Rosenberg 1O/ 1512004

Here Sianature of authorized official b Date '

(Exhi bit 6 Fo~8872 (11-2002)

., - L Itemized Contributions I Schedule A Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer 2275 CORPORATE CIRCLE, LLC N/A 901 N GREEN VALLEY PKWY Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution HENDERSON, NV 89074 N/A s 5000 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution f 5000 09/23/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer 2280 CORPORATE CIRCLE, LLC NIA 901 N. GREEN VALLEY PKWY Contributor's occupation Amount of contribu tion HENDERSON' NV 89074 N/A s 5000 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $5000 09/23/2004

~ ~ ~ ~~~~ Contributor's name, miling address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer 2290 CORPORATE CIRCLE, LLC N/A 901 N GREEN VALLEY PKWY Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution HENDERSON' NV 89074 N/A s 5000 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution s 5000 09/23/2004

.~ ~~ Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer A SHOPS, LLC N/A 901 N. GREEN VALLEY PKWY Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution HENDERSON, NV 89074 N/A S 5000 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $5000 09/23/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer AARON C. SMITH GOOGLE INC. 638 MlNNA STREET Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94103 ENGINEER s 1000 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution s 1000 09/23/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer ACE AMERICAN INSURANCE CO. N/A 2 LIBERTY PLACE 1601 CHESTNUT Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution PHILADELPHIA, PA 19103 N/A S 25000 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution S 25000 08/03/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP codc Name of contributor's employer ADAM C. JACOBSON RED THREE CONSULTING 645 WEST END AVENUE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution NEW YORK. NY 10025 CONSULTANT S 500 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $500 09/23/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer ADAM D. CHASSIN AOL 22000 AOL WAY Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution DULLES, VA 20166 ATTORNEY s 100 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution I $ 100 08/03/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer ADAM SPENCE AMERICAN CAPITAL 425 RIVERSIDE DRIVE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution NEW YORK. NY 10025 BUSINESS S 250 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution S 750 09/23/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer AFSCME AFSCME 1625 L ST.. NW Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution WASHINGTON, DC 20036 INTL SECY-TREASURER $ 10oO00 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution s 100000 081 132004 - Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer AIMEE TROYEN VALUMETRICS CAPITAL 150 EAST 52ND STREET Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution NYC,NY 10022 MANAGING DIRECTOR $200 Aggregate contributions year-tdate Date of contribution $200 0813 1/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer AL DWOSKIN A.J. DWOSKIN 8; ASSOC 9302 LEE HWY Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution FAIRFAX. VA 22031 PRESIDENT & CEO S 25000 Aggregate contributions year-todate Date of contribution f 25000 09/02/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer AL MALOOF GENOVES, JOBLOVE & B BANK OF AMERICA TOWER Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution MIAMI. FL 33131 DIR, CORP & PUB. AFF $ loo00 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution s loo00 081 18/2004

Contributor's name, mailing aadress and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer ALAN M SPlRO EDWARDS & ANGELL LLP 101 FEDERAL STREET Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution , MA 021 IO LAWYER f 100 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $ 100 09/20/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer ALAN PLAT GIBSON.DUNN&CRUTCHER 3022 44TH PLACE NW Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution WASHINGTON. DC 20016 PRI NCl PAL s 1000 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $1100 07/19/2OO4

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer ALEJANDRO FERRER COUNTY OF MONTEREY 133 ANTHONY STREET Contributor's occupation . Amount of contribution SANTA CRUZ. CA 95060 INVESTIGATOR S 50 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $ 50 081 10/2004

~ Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer ALEX B. COLLMER AUTUMN ENTERTAINMENT 1 IO WEST 7TH STREET, APT. IB Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution NEW YORK, NY 10023 SENIOR VP S 500 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $500 071 19/20O4

~~ ~ ~~ Contributor's name, mailinizdress and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer ALEX D. BENlK BAITERY VENTURES 2262 LOUIS ROAD Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution PAL0 ALTO. CA 94303 VENTURE CAPITAL f 250 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution S 250 08/06/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer ALEX D. BERNSTEIN METHOD MANAGEMENT 1535 MOZART STREET Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution ALAMEDA, CA 94501 MANAGING PARTNER s 35 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution s 35 081 10/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer ALEX SHULMAN FULL COURT PRESS 367 4TH AVENUE ' Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution SAN FRANCISCO. CA 941 18 PUBLIC AFFAIRS DIR. $35 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $35 08/24/2004 . Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer ALEXANDER M. KLABIN YORK CAPITAL MNGMT 305 E. 63RD STREET Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution NEW YORK, NY 10021 HEDGE FUND s 500 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $535 09/24/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer ALFONSO FANJUI NEW FARM INC. 626 NORTH DIXIE HWY Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution WEST PALM BEACH, FL 33401 CEO s zoo00 Aggregate contributions year-todate Date of contribution s 2oooo 09/24/2004

~~~~ ~ ~ Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer ALFRED0 DURAN SELF 2601 S. BAYSHORE DRIVE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution MIAMI, FL 33133 ATTORNEY s lo00 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution s 1000 09/22/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer ALISON H. PRATI" KERRY FOR PRESlDENT 540 PARK AVENUE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution NEW YORK, NY 10021 POLITlCS f 500 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution 5 500 07/26/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer ALLYN STONE SELF 474 WlLLlAMSON WAY Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution ASHLAND, OR 97520 HOMEMAKER S 100 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $ 100 09/20/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer ALVARO CIFUENTES FONTHElM INTERNAT. 9501 HEMSWELL P1 Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution POTOMAC. MD 20854 N/A S 50 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $50 08/05/2004

~~~~~ ~~ ~ Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer ALYSSA B. SHElNMEL lNTL CREATIVE MNGMT 40 EAST 89TH STREET Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution NEW YORK. NY 10128 EDlTORlAL ASSlSTANT 55 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $5 07/29/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer AMANDA BENCHLEY SELF 850 PARK AVENUE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution NEW YORK. NY 10021 FREELANCE TV PRODUCER 5 500 Aggregate contributions year- to-date Date of contribution s 500 07/26/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer AMERICAN INSURANCE ASSOClATlON N/A 1130CONNECTICUT AVE NW Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution WASHINGTON, DC 20036 NIA $25000 Aggregate contributions year- to-da te Date of contribution s 75000 071 122004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer AMY M. ANDRYSZAK AMER. OSTEOPATHIC 1747 SWANN STREET NW Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution WASHINGTON. DC 20009 PAC DIRECTOR 5 10 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution s 10 07/29/2004 Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer ANDERS KNOSPE YALE UNIVERSITY 479 ORANGE STREET Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution NEW HAVEN, CT 065 11 STUDENT $ 100 Aggregate contributions year-todate Date of contribution $100 08/24/2003

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer ANDREA DEW STEELE SUSIE TOMPKINS BUELL 3 EMBARCADERO CENTER Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution SAN FRANCISCO, CA 941 1 1 POLlTlCAL DIRECTOR s 150 Aggregate contributions year-todate Date of contribution $150 081 12200)

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer ANDREW CALMAN PREMIER EYECARE 3201 MISSION STREET Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution SAN FRANCISCO, CA 941 10 PHYSICIAN s 100 Aggregate contributions year-todate Date of contribution $ 100 08/03/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer ANDREW GREEN UC HASTINGS COLLEGE 721 ARGUELLA BLVD. #lo5 Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution SAN FRANCISCO, CA 941 18 STUDENT s 35 Aggregate contributions year-todate Date of contribution $ 35 08/27/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer ANDREW HOPPIN TRELLON LLC 2400 PAClFlC AVENUE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution SAN FRANCISCO, CA 941 15 POLITICAUNGO TECH. s 35 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $35 08/24/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer ANDREW LACHMAN SELF 110 S. SWEETZER AVENUE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution LOS ANGELES. CA 90048 A'ITORNEY f 35 Aggregate contributions year- to-date Date of contribution $ 35 07/22/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer ANDREW P. LAPHAM COATUE CAPITAL 144 EAST 24TH STREET Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution NEW YORK, NY 10010 FIN. ANALYST s 100 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $ 100 08/30/200;1

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer ANDREW ROTHERHAM PROGRESSlVE POLICY 1 600 PENN AVENUE SE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution WASHINGTON, DC 20003 DIRECTOR $50 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $50 08/04/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer ANDREW TOBlAS SELF 787 NE 71 STREET Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution MIAMI, FL 33138 WRITER $5000 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $5000 091 1712004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer ANDY WATERS WATERS & KRAUS 3219 MCKINNEY AVENUE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution DALLAS, TX 75204 AITORNEY s 1m Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $ 1m 09/30/2004 Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer ANN M. ROCHE SELF 6 SHAMROCK COURT Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution JAMESTOWN, RI 02835 JOURNALIST s 35 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $35 091 1712004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer CHARLES JORDAN REQUESTED 3607 LABRADOR LANE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution SUFFOLK, VA 23434 REQUESTED s 100 Aggregate contributions year-todate Date of contribution $100 07/07/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer DAVID M. ELLIS RETIRED 1220 POSITAS ROAD Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution CHULA VISTA. CA 91910 RETIRED $ 50 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $ 50 09/23/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer GEORGE B. REED Ill DEWEY BALLANTINE LLP 794 LEXINGTON AVENUE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution NEW YORK, NY 10021 ATTORNEY s 500 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $500 08/06/2004

~ Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer GEORGE J. KALOYANIDES RETIRED P.O. BOX 688 Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution STONY BROOK, NY 11790 PHYSICIAN $35 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $35 08/23/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer GEORGE MARCUS MARCUS&MILLICHAP CO 777 CALIFORNIA AVENUE Contributor's occupation . Amount of contribution PAL0 ALTO, CA 94304 CHAIRMAN s 500 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $500 091I0/2004

~~ ~~~ Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer GEORGE SCHIMMEL SELF 3630 KINGS HIGHWAY Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution JACKSON, MS 39216 PHYSICIAN s lo00 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $1800 08/06/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer GEORGE SCHIMMEL SELF 3630 KINGS HIGHWAY Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution JACKSON, MS 39216 PHYSICIAN s 300 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $2100 09/20/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer GEORGE W.HENDON AXIOM LEGAL 15 BANK STREET Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution NEW YORK, NY 10014 ATTORNEY $500 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution

' $500 09/20/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer GIA DANILLER SELF 2400 VAN NESS AVENUE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94109 GOV. RELATIONS $100 Aggrqate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $ 100 07/29/2004 Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer GIANNA M. BOSKO SELF 1035 FLORENCE LANE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution MENLO PARK, CA 94025 AITORNEY $35 Aggregate contributions year-todate Date of contribution $ 35 09/03/2004

~~ Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer GLENN C. EDWARDS SELF 55 W. 14 STREET Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution NEW YORK, NY 10011 AITORNEY $50 Aggregate contributions year- to-date Date of contribution f 50 08/24/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer GRACE GARCIA GSD&M 5005 N. FRESNO DRIVE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution AUSTIN. TX 78731 DIRECTOR $35 Aggregate contributions year-todate Date of contribution $35 07/29/2004

~~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~~ Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer GRAHAM A. DUNCAN LYRICAL PARTNERS 61 PERRY STREET Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution NEW YORK, NY 10014 PRINCIPAL $500 Aggregate contributions year-todate Date of contribution $500 081 I w2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer GREG CLAYMAN MTV 75 HENRY STREET Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution BROOKLYN, NY 11201 REQUESTED s 500 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution f 500 08/09/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer GREG HEYMAN RHOMBUS CAPITAL MGMT 540 MADISON AVENUE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution NEW YORK, NY 10022 FINANCE $500 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $500 07/28/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer HAMOUD S. ALDAHBALI TAXI COMPANY 772 JOSEPH CLUB DRIVE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution MABLETON. GA 30126 DRIVER $35 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $35 08/06/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer HARRY LEFF APCO WORLDWIDE 19333 COLLINS AVENUE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution SUNNY ISLES BEACH. FL 33160 CONSULTANT f 100 Aggregate contributions year-toda te Date of contribution $100 09/03/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer HARRY M. BRITENHAM ZIFFREN, BRITTENHAM 9100 WILSHIRE BLVD Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution BEVERLY HILLS, CA 90212 PARTNER s 500 Aggregate contributions year- to-da te Date of contribution s 500 08/03/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer HARRY MC PHERSON VERNER, LllPFERT 1 200 19 TH STREET, NW Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution WASHINGTON, DC 20036 PARTNER $ 500 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $500 08/04/2004 Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer HEATHER C. SARNI GREENBERG TRAURIG 1423 8TH AVENUE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution SAN FRANCISCOvCA 94122 MARKETING $250 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $250 07/29/2004

~~~ ~ ~ Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer HEATHER ONEILL ROBERTSON FND 220 E 87TH STREET Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution , NY 10128 PROGRAM OFFICER S 250 Aggregate contributions year-todate Date of contribution $250 09/27/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer HERB & MARION SANDLER GOLDEN WEST FIN ANClA 1901 HARRISON ST. 17TH FLOOR Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution OAKLAND. CA 94612 CEO $ 494428 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $494428 08/26/2004

~ ~~ ~ ~~ Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer HERBERT W. BROWN 111 SELF EL CARIBE BLDG Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution SAN JUAN, PR 00901 ATTORNEY $250 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $250 08/24/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer HERBERT W. BROWN 111 SELF EL CARIBE BLDG Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution SAN JUAN, PR 00901 ATTORNEY $2500 Aggregate contributions year-to-date . Date of contribution $ 25250 09/09/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer HERINK RICHLE RETIRED 786 BINGHAM ROAD Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution RIDGEWOOD, NJ 07450 RETIRED $ loo Aggregate contributions gear-to-date Date of contribution f 100 08/27/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer HILDA SINGLETON RETIRED I7350 KENTUCKY Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution DETROIT, MI 48221 RETIRED S 25 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution f 25 081 1a2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer HOGAN & HARTSON N/A 555 13TH STREET NW Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution WASHINGTON, DC 20004, N/A $lo00 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution s lo00 07/23/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer HOLLY D. MILLAR SELF 1740 BROADWAY #701 Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94109 CONSULTANT S 50 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution s 50 09/03/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer HOWARD GOULD SELF 93 1 VILLAGE BLVD. Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution WEST PALM BEACH. FL 33409 TELEVISION s 500 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution S 500 09/20/2004 Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer I.B.E.W. EDUCATIONAL COMMITEE NIA 1125 15TH STREn NW Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution WASHINGTONvDC 20005 N/A $ loo00 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $loo00 09/24/2004

Czibutor'sname, mzngaddress and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer J. KERRY CLAYTON FORTIS, INC. 90 DRUID HlLL ROAD Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution SUMMIT, NJ 07901 INSURANCE f 5000 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $ 6000 081 10/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer JACK D. HIDARY VISTA RESEARCH 400 MADISON AVENUE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution NEW YORK, NY 10017 MANAGING DIRECTOR $ 500 Aggregate contributions year-todate Date of contribution s 500 081 1W2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer JACK L. HARRlS JOSTENS 6900 HILLCREST LANE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution EDINA, MN 55435 MARKETING $ loo Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $100 . 07/29/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer JAMES D. WHlTBY SELF 420 MAPLEWOOD AVENUE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution MERION STATION, PA 19066 MGMT CONSULTANT s 35 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution f 35 091 1 712004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer JAMES F. CONOBY CONCORP 4 LINCOLN DRIVE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution ACTON, MA 01720 ENGINEER 5 50 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $50 08/24/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer JAMES GREEN PVI 17514 VENTURA BLVD. Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution ENCINO, CA 91316 EXECUTl V E s loo Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $ loo 081 1312004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer JAMES M. FORBES SELF 27 RAYCLlFF TERRACE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution SAN FRANCISCO, CA 941 15 REAL ESTATE s loo Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $100 07/29/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer JAMES M. FORBES SELF 27 RAYCLlFF TERRACE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution SAN FRANCISCO, CA 941 15 REAL ESTATE s 100 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution f 200 09/23/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer JAMES M. PRESTON REMODELPLUS, INC. 2464 EL CAMINO REAL Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution SANTA CLARA, CA 9505 1 CEO S 50 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $50 09/27/2004 I Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer JAMES VERGARA MORGAN STANLEY 57 THOMPSON STREET Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution NEW YORK, NY 10012 FIN AN CE $500 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $ 500 08/24/2004

~ Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer JAMIE JOHNSTON WEILL CORNELL COLLEG 250 MERCER STREET Con tribu tor's occupation Amount of contribution NEW YORK. NY 10012 DEVELOPMENT f 500 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $ 500 09/20/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer JAMISON E. POWER ASSEMBLYMAN BERMUDEZ 1325 15TH STREET Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution SACRAMENTO' CA 95814 LEGISLATIVE AIDE $35 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution s 35 08/30/2004 %lr Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer CHARLES M. JACOBS SELF 65 CUTLER LANE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution '"4l CHESTNUT HILL, MA 02467 IN VESTMENTS 5 lo00 a9 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution P.4 $lo00 081 13/2004 v Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer CHARLES M. JACOBS SELF a 65 CUTLER LANE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution p.41 CHESTNUT HILL. MA 02467 INVESTMENTS $lo00 rv Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution .% 2000 0912012004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer CHARLIE STUART UN IVISION 80 FARMERS VILLE ROAD Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution CALIFON, NJ 07830 SENIOR VP $35 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $35 091 1 7/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer CHARLITA MAYS RSKO, LLP 679 VANDERBILT AVENUE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution BROOKLYN, NY 11238 ATTORNEY $500 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution f 500 08/24/2004 Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer CHERYL SOLOMON GIBSON, DUNN & 3 IO EAST 46TH STREET Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution NEW YORK. NY 10017 OF COUNCIL $50 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $550 07/22/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer CHIP BLOCK USA PUBS 5 EAST 22ND STREET Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution NEW YORK, NY 10010 VICE-CHAIR AND CEO $2000 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $2000 09/20/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer CHIRON N/A 4560 HORTON ST. Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution EMERY VILLE, CA 94608 N/A s 10000 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution s loo00 08/26/2004 Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer CHRIS FARRELL DRESDNER ET AL. 257 CHURCH STREET Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution NEW YORK, NY 10013 DIRECTOR $ 500 Aggregate contributions year-todate Date of contribution s 500 08/09/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer CHRIS KELLY SPOKE SOFWARE 860 LYTI'ON AVENUE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution PAL0 ALTO, CA 94301 GENERAL COUNSEL s loo I Aggregate contributions year-todate Date of contribution loo 08/30/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer CHRISTIAN M. KEINER GlRAD & VINSON 2786 HARKNESS ST. Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution SACRAMENTO. CA 958 I8 ATTORNEY $500 Aggregate contributions year-todate Date of contribution $lo00 09/23/2001

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer CHRISTOPHER J. HUDSON PENN STATE 206B GARBAN HALL WHITE COURSE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution UNIVERSITY PARK, PA 16802 STUDENTnA $ 100 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $ 100 09/20/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer CHRISTOPHER J. HUDSON PENN STATE 206B GARBAN HALL WHITE COURSE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution UNIVERSITY PARK, PA 16802 STUDENTnA s 100 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $200 09/23/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer ClTlCAPlTAL N/A ONE INTERNATIONAL BLVD. Contributor's occupation . Amount of contribution MAHWAH, NJ 07430 N/A S 3961 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $5350 07/02/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer CLAIRE JOSEPH SELF 2025 LAURENCE CT.NE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution IOWA CITY, IA 52240 INVESTMENT MANAGER S 25 Aggregate contributions year-todate Date of contribution $25 08110/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer CLAIRE JOSEPH SELF 2025 LAURENCE CT. NE Contributor's occupation Amount of Contribution IOWA CITY, IA 52240 INVESTMENT MANAGER $25 Aggregate contributions year-todate Date of contribution 6 50 08/24/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer CLYDE J. HART ABA 608 FARRAGUT ST. NW Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution WASHINGTON, DC 2001 1 ATTORNEY $ 50 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $50 07/22/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer CO CO PLAZA N/A 240 1 WEST 68TH STREET Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution HIALEAH, FL 33016 N/A $ 750 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution S 750 09/22/2004 Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer CONSUMER ELECTRONICS ASSOCIATION N/A 2500 WILSON BLVD. Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution ARLINGTON, VA 22201 N/A $2m Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution s 2m 07/26/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer CORPORATE CTR V, LLC N/A 901 N GREEN VALLEY PKWY Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution HENDERSON, NV 89074 NIA b 5000 Aggregate contributions year-todate Date of contribution $5000 09/23/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer CORY BLACK KENYON BLACK INC. P.O.BOX 191887 Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution SACRAMENTO, CA 95819 REQUESTED $ 50 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution s 50 09/24/2004 Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer CORY FRYLING WELLS FARGO FOOTHILL 43 1 S. BURNSIDE AVENUE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution LOS ANGELES, CA 90036 TECHNICAL ANALYST $ 35 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution . $35 09/20/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer CRAlG NEWMARK CRAlGSLlST IO IO COLE STREET Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution SAN FRANCISCO, CA 941 17 SW ENGINEER $ 100 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $100 08/26/2004

~ Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer CYNTHIA TORRES DIAMOND PORTFOLIO AD 463 18TH ST Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution SANTA MONICA, CA 90402 DIRECTOR OF MARKETIN $ 75 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $75 07/22/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer DAN OKEEFE PEQUOT CAPITAL 223 EAST 59TH STREET Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution NEW YORK. NY 10022 FINANCE $500 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution s 500 07/09/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer DANIEL DAVIS N/A 901 JOY RD. Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution COLUMBUS, GA 31906 STUDENT f 35 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $35 091 1 7/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer DANIEL G. RATNER FORDHAM UNIVERSITY 268 HICKS STREET Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution BROOKLYN, NY 11201 PSYCHOLOGIST $ 5000 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $5000 09/03/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer DANIEL J. SHEEHAN JEFFERSON GOV. REL. 1615 L STREET NW Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution WASHINGTON, DC 20036 LOBBYIST s 50 Aggregste contributions year-to-date Date of contribution S 50 08/06/2004 Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer DANIEL LEWIS RETIRED 3505 SOUTH MOORINGS WAY Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution COCONUT GROVE, FL 33133 RETIRED s lo00 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution s lo00 09/07/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer DAVE JOHNSON COMMONWEALTH INST. 1053 JONES COURT Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution REDWOOD CITY, CA 94063 FELLOW s 100 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $100 08/09/2001

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer DAVID A. KIRKWOOD U.S. POSTAL SERVICE 1204 ARCHDALE STREET Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution LEHIGH ACRES, FL 33936 MARK UP CLERK $ 100 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $ 100 09/03/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer DAVID A. MCMORROW CURIAN CAPITAL LLC 8899 E. PRENTICE AVE. Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution GREENWOOD VILLAGE, CO 801 11 MAR KETl NG $ 35 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $35 08/03/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer DAVID A. MCMORROW CURIAN CAPITAL LLC 8899 E. PRENTICE AVE. Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution GREENWOOD VILLAGE, CO 801 11 MARKETING s 35 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution S 70 08/03/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer DAVID B. GOLDSTON DUKE UNIVERSITY 131 1 PULPIT HILL ROAD Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution CHAPEL HILL, NC 275 16 PSYCHOLOGIST $20 Aggregate contributions year-todate Date of contribution s 20 08/24/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer DAVID B. GOLDSTON DUKE UNIVERSITY 13 I 1 PULPIT HILL ROAD Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution CHAPEL HILL, NC 275 16 PSYCHOLOGIST $35 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $55 09/23/2004

~ Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer DAVID B. WILLIAMS PLANNED PARENTHOOD 5 125 BALTIMORE AVENUE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution BETHESDA, MD 208 16 DIRECTOR S 50 Aggregate contributions year-todate Date of contribution f 100 07/06/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer DAVID BONDERMAN TEXAS PACIFIC GROUP 301 COMMERCE STREET Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution FORT WORTH, TX 76102 PRESIDENT 9 1ooOoo Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $1o0000 07/20/2003

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer DAVID COHEN SESAME WORKSHOP 3135 JOHNSON AVENUE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution BRONX, NY 10463 RESEARCHER s 35 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution s 35 07/29/2004 Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer DAVID FORD SATELLITE ASSET MGMT 623 5TH AVE, 2OTH FLOOR Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution NEW YORK, NY 10055 N/A S 25000 Aggregate contributions year-todate Date of contribution $ 25000 071 19/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer DAVID HIRMES THIRTEENNNET 316 lOTH STREET Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution BROOKLYN. NY 11215 WEB PRODUCER S 100 Aggregate contributions year-todate Date of contribution $100 08/24/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer DAVID HOWE SELF-EMPLOYED 79 1 ALCATRAZ AVENUE, #A Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution OAKLAND, CA 94609 SELF-EMPLOYED $180 Aggregate contributions year-todate Date of contribution $180 071 1912004

Contributor's name,'mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer DAVID J. POWELL SELF 3620 WAKEFIELD ROAD Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution BERKLEY, MI 48072 CONSULTANT 5 35 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $35 . 081 1312004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer JASON GRAIT REQUESTED 123 ORCHARD STREET Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution SOMERVILLE, MA 02144 REQUESTED S 50 Aggregate contributions year-todate Date of contribution $50 08/26/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer ANN UNTERBERG RETlRED 49 EAST 67TH STREET Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution NEW YORK. NY 10021 RETIRED $3000 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $3000 08/0612004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer ANNE JENNINGS RETIRED 5 15 EDITH STREET Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution BERKELEY, CA 94703 RETIRED 9 100 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $100 08/24/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer ANTHONY J. LEIKER A.J. LEIKER, INC. 8202 BANGOR AVENUE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution LUBBOCK, TX 79424 PSYCHOTHERAPIST $35 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $35 08/03/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer ARl B. RUBIN SELF 9 14 2ND STREET Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution SANTA MONICA, CA 90403 SCREENWRITER 9 35 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $35 os/ 10/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer ARTHUR BENSON SELF

P.O.BOX 119007 ' Contri butor's occupation Amount of contribution KANSAS CITY, MO 64 17 1 LAWYER $50 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $ 50 09/23/2004 Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer ARTHUR HEM WOMETCO ENTERPRISES 3195 PONCE DE LEON BLVD. Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution MIAMI, FL 331 34 CEO f 1000 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $ 1000 09/24/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer ARTURO A. KELLER uc 3103 LAS GAVIOTAS Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution SANTA BARBARA, CA 93109 PROFESSOR S 250 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $250 081 10/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer ASSOCIATION FOR COMPETITIVE TECHNOLOGY N/A I413 K STREET NW Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution WASHINGTON, DC 20005 N/A s loo00 Aggregate contributions year- to-date Date of contribution $loo00 07/14/2003

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer ATLA PAC N/A 1050 3 1 ST STREET NW Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution WASHINGTON, DC 20007 NIA f 75000 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution s 75000 09/30/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer AURORA CLINICAL TRIALS, INC. N/A 2348 NW 7TH STREET Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution MIAMI, FL 33125 NIA s 2000 Aggregate contributions year-todate Date of contribution $2000 09/22/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer AUSTlN G. RATNER SELF 200 HICKS STREET Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution BROOKLYN, NY 11201 WRITER f 5000 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution f5OOo 08/23/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer BARRIE H. HlGGlNS WATSON REALTY CORP. 902 SAN REM0 ROAD Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution ST. AUGUSTINE, FL 32086 REALTOR f 35 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $35 09/20/2004

-~ ~____ Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer BARRY DICKMAN QUANTUM TECHNOLOGY 1027 SOUTH DE ANZA BLVD. Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution SAN JOSE, CA 95 129 VENTURE CAPITAL $1000 Aggregate contributions year-todate Date of contribution f 1000 08/02/2004 Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer BARRY JULIAN WISE & JULIAN 3555 COLLEGE AVENUE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution ALTON, IL 62002 A7TORNEY $25000 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $25000 09/30/2004 Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer BARRY TOlV ASSOC. OF AMER. U. 71 10 CENTRAL AVENUE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution TAKOMA PARK, MD 20912 DIR. COMMUNICATIONS $50 Aggregate contributions year-todate Date of contribution S 50 0813012004 .. Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer BARTHOLOMEW ACOCELLA B. A. WORDSMITHING 4866 CHEVY CHASE BLVD. Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution CHEVY CHASE, MD 20815 WRITER $ 35 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $85 07/26/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer BELL SOUTH N/A 1155 PEACHTREE ST. NE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution ATLANTA, GA 30309 N/A $ 25000 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $25000 07/1 22003

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer BENBALBALE E.PIPHANY 235 WEST 71STM1 Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution NEW YORK. NY 10023 AVP, EASTERN AMERICA $500 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $500 08/24/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer BEN ORTlZ STATE OF NEW YORK 17N. CHATSWORTH AVENUE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution LARCHMONT, NY 10538 SCIENTIST s 35 Aggregate contributions year-todate Date of contribution $35 . 09/24/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer BENJAMIN BLACK MAVERON. LLC 505 FImH AVENUE SOUTH Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution SEATTLE. WA 98 104 PRINCIPAL $2000 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $2000 07/22/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer BERNARD SCHWARTZ LEONARD COW. 944 FIFTH AVENUE Contributor's occupation . Amount of contribution NEW YORK, NY 10021 CFO $15oooO Aggregate contributions year- todate Date of contribution $200000 09/07/2004

~~ Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer BERT FINGERHUT retired 1520 SILVER KING DRIVE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution ASPEN, CO 8101 1 retired f loo00 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $ loo00 0813 1/2004

~ ~~ Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer BETSY COHN SELF EMPLOYED 1111 PARK AVENUE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution NEW YORK, NY 10128 SELF-EMPLOY ED s 1000 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $ lo00 09/23/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer BETSY KRIEGER SELF EMPLOYED 41 1 HAWTHORN ROAD Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution BALTIMORE. MD 21210 SOCIAL WORKER $20000 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution s 2m 0813 112004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer BILL BUDINGER NONE

504NOAHLANE ' Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution KEY WEST, FL 33040 RETIRED f lo000 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $loo00 08/24/2004 Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer BILL KAPPEL SELF 89 SOUTH WREN STREET Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution NEW ORLEANS, LA 70124 RELA ESTATE $50 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution s 50 08/02/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer BOB RANDOLPH CARR, SWANSON 424 NORTH UNION STREET Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution ALEXANDRIA. VA 223 14 SENIOR PARTNER $1000 Aggregate contributions y ear-todate Date of contribution f 1000 091 1712004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer BOEING n/a 1200 WILSON BLVD. Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution ARLINGTON, VA 22209 n/a $25000 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $5m 07/29/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer BRENDAN M. CUNIUS-YOUNG DBA SHERLOCK'S 309 WATERFORD PLACE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution ATLANTA, GA 30342 MANAGER f 50 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution S 50 09/03/2004

~ ~~ Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer BRIAN EIZENSTAT CADMUS CAPITAL 350 MADISON AVE. 8TH FLOOR Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution NEW YORK. NY 10017 ANALYST s 500 Aggregate contributions year- to-date Date of contribution $500 08/05/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer BRIAN P. THlEL PMA GROUP 12505 LOLLY POST LANE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution WOODBRIDGE, VA 22192 CONSULTANT' s 35 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $35 08/24/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer BRUCE AITKEN AITKEN, IRVIN. BERLI 666 1 ITH ST., NW Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution WASHINGTON. DC 20001 ATTORNEY s 500 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution s 500 OS/ 16/2004 Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer BRUCE ANDREWS QUINN GILLESPIE ASC. 28 1 1 28TH STREET NW Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution WASHINGTON, DC 20008 CONSULTANT s loo Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $100 07/29/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer BRUCE N. BERGER SELF P.O.BOX 482 Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution ASPEN, CO 81612 WRITER $loo00 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $lo000 09/ 1412004

~~~ - ~~ ~ Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer CAITLIN DURKOVICH BOOZ ALLEN 5423 CATHEDRAL AVENUE, NW Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution WASHINGTON, DC 20016 CONSULTANT s 35 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $35 09/20/2004 Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer CARL PAGE SELF 52 14-F DIAMOND HTS BLVD 73 1 Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94131 SOFTWARE $loo0 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution S 1500 09/24/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer CARLOS DE LA CRUZ EAGLE BRANDS, INC. 3201 NW 72 AVENUE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution MIAMI, FL 33122 CEO s loo00 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $loo00 09/22/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer CAROL A. BEDARD LEES SUMMIT SCHOOL 616 NE THAMES DRIVE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution LEES SUMMIT, MO 64086 NURSE $35 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $35 08/24/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer CAROL PENSKY N/A 4821 W STREET NW Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution WASHINGTON. DC 20007 POLITICAL ACTIVIST s lo00 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $ lo00 07/29/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer CAROL WINOGRAD REQUESTED 103 E 75TH STREET Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution NEW YORK, NY 10021 REQUESTED f 150 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution f 150 08/06/2004

~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~~ Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer CAROLYN LEE ROBERTS&HOLLAND LLP 222 RlVERSlDE DRIVE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution NEW YORK. NY 10025 ATTORNEY s 500 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $ 500 07/06/2004

~~~~~ ~~ Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer CATHLEEN R. LITVACK KEA WINES 61 LAUREL ROAD Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution PRINCETON, NJ 08540 SALESMARKETING f 25 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $25 09/23/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer CHARLES ClTRlN REQUESTED 3724 PlNETREE DRIVE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution MIAMI, FL 33140 REQUESTED s 100 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $100 m/22/2004

~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~ Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer DAVID M. FOSTER DAVID M. FOSTER P.C. 30833 NORTHWESTERN HWY Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution FARMINGTON HILLS, MI 48334 AITORNEY s 100 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $100 08/06/200.1

~ ~ ~ ~~~~ Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer DAVID MARSHALL 3M COMPANY 288 1 1TH STREET Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution WASHINGTON, DC 20003 PUBLIC AFFAIRS ADV. s 35 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $35 08/24/2004 Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer DAVID QUINT BAYVIEW FINANCIAL 12205 VISTA LANE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution MIAMI, FL 33156 MANAGER $ so00 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $ loo00 09/24/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer DAVID STEINER STEINER EQUITIES GRP , 75 EISENHOWER PARKWAY Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution ROSELAND, NJ 07068 CHAIRMAN s loo00 Aggregate contributions year-todate Date of contribution $loo00 091 I4/2oO1

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer DEBORAH A. COLEMAN SMARTFOREST VENTURES 1414 SW THIRD AVENUE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution PORTLAND, OR 97201 VENTURE CAPITAL $loo00 Aggregate contributions year-todate Date of contribution $loo00 07/06/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer DEBORAH A. COLEMAN SMARTFOREST VENTURES 1414 SW THIRD AVENUE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution PORTLAND, OR 97201 VENTURE CAPlTAL s 1m Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $2oo00 07/06/2004

~~ Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer DEBORAH HARKINS NIA 208 EAST 70TH ST. 5E Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution NEW YORK. NY 10021 N/A $ 50 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution 5 50 0811 a2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer DENNIS C. FITZGERALD ENVENTUREGLOBAL 1958 WINROCK BLVD. Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution HOUSTON, TX 77057 TECHNICAL WRITER s 35 Aggregate contributions year-to-da te Date of contribution s 35 08/02/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer DENNIS C. FITZGERALD ENVENTURE GLOBAL 1958 WINROCK BLVD. Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution HOUSTON, TX 77057 TECHNICAL WRITER $ 35 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $70 09/27/2004

~ ~~~~ ~~ Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer DEREK J. MITCHELL CSlS 2122 DECATUR PLACE NW Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution WASHINGTON, DC 20008 POLICY ANALYST $35 Aggregate contributions year-todate Date of contribution s 35 07/22/2004

~ ~~~ ~ ~~~~ ~- ~~ ~~~ Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer DEVlN TALBOTI' LAZARD 222 EAST 34TH STREET Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution NEW YORK, NY 10016 INVESTMENT BANKER s 500 Aggregate contributions year-todate Date of contribution $500 08/09/2004

- ~~~ ~~ ~ ~~ Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer DIANE BREIVIS NONE 168 DELMAR STREET Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94 1 17 RETIRED s 35 Aggregate contributions year-todate Date of contribution s 35 08/06/2004 I Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer DIANE L. GRANT NDN 2913 BRINKLEY ROAD Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution TEMPLE HILLS, MD 20748 OFFICE MANAGER $35 Aggregate contributions year-ta-date Date of contribution s 35 08/03/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer DICK MEYERS REQUESTED 9 WOODLAND HTS NE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution IOWA CITY, IA 52240 REQUESTED s 200 Aggregate contributions year-todate Date of contribution s 200 09/07/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer DOMINICK J. MATRANGA JUDICIARY 4550 OLD SHELL ROAD Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution MOBILE, AL 36608 RETIRED $35 Aggregate contributions year-todate Date of contribution s 35 08/24/2004

~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~ Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer DONALD BELDOCK SELF EMPLOYED 480 PARK AVENUE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution NEW YORK. NY 10022 INVESTOR s lo00 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution s lo00 09/23/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer DYLAN HIXON APH GROUP 100 W. 8OTH STREET Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution NEW YORK. NY 10024 INVESTMENT MANAGER $500 Aggregate contributions year-to-da te Date of contribution $500 07/22/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer ED FREEMAN FREEMAN PRODUCTIONS I8 LEONARD STREET Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution NORWALK. CT 06850 PHOTOGRAPHER $35 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution , $35 08/24/2004

~~~ ~~~~~ ~ Contributor's name, mailingaddress and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer EDS N/A 1331 PENNSYLVANIA AVE. Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution WASHINGTON, DC 20004 N/A $ ISOOO Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $ 2oooo 071 1412004 Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer EFRON DORADO, S. E. N/A P.O. BOX 29033 Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution SAN JUAN, PR 00929 N/A s lo00 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $1000 09/24/2004 Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer ELENA FERRO N/A 9451 JOURNEYS END ROAD Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution CORAL GABLES, FL 33 I56 HOUSEWIFE $lo00 Aggregate contributions year-todate Date of contribution $lo00 09/22/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer ELI ALBERTS UNIVERSITY OF PA 4418 OSAGE AVENUE #18 Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution PHILADELPHIA, PA 19104 GRADUATE STUDENT $ loo Aggregate contributions year-todatc! Date of contribution f 135 09/20/2004 Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer ELI ALBERTS UNIVERSITY OF PA 44 18 OSAGE AVENUE #18 Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution PHILADELPHIA, PA 19104 GRADUATE STUDENT $ 100 Aggregate contributions year-todate Date of contribution f 235 09/27/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer ELlE JACOBS MACM1LLA.N COM. 1504 JEFFERSON STREET Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution TEANECK, NJ 07666 PUBLIC RELATIONS s 35 Aggregate contributions year-todate Date of contribution $35 09/20/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer ELISSA DOYLE SKADDEN, ARPS ET AL. 40 EAST 78TH STREET Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution NEW YORK. NY 10021 LAWYER $500 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $ 500 OW 13/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer ELIZABETH A. BEZILLA OPERA AMERICA 1413 T STREET, NW Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution WASHINGTON. DC 20009 COORDlN ATOR s 35 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution 935 . 08/24/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer ELIZABETH L. LOEB USDOJ 3617 IDAHO AVENUE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution WASHINGTON, DC 20006 ATTORNEY s 100 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution s 100 081 10/2004

~~ ~~~ ~ Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer ERIC TlLENlUS TlLENlUS VENTURES 30 DRAYTON ROAD Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution HILLSBOROUGH, CA 94010 ENTREPRENEUR f 500 Aggregate contributions year-todate Date of contribution $5000 07/09/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer ERIC TlLENlUS TILENIUS VENTURES 30 DRAYTON ROAD Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution HILLSBOROUGH, CA 94010 ENTREPRENEUR $1000 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution S 6000 07/26/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer ERIC TlLENlUS TILENIUS VENTURES 30 DRAYTON ROAD Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution HILLSBOROUGH, CA 94010 ENTREPRENEUR s 1000 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $7000 08/ 10/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer ERIC TlLENlUS TILENIUS VENTURES 30 DRAYTON ROAD Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution HILLSBOROUGH. CA 94010 ENTREPRENEUR 9 1000 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution f 8Ooo 08/23/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer EUGENE INGERMAN UC DAVIS 3800 SOLAN0 PARK CIRCLE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution DAVIS, CA 95616 POSTDOC. RESEARCHER $ IO Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $10 08/26/2004 Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer FARNAZ VOSSOUGHIAN ST VINCENT HOSPITAL 55 HUDSON STREET Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution NEW YORK, NY 10013 PSYCHIATRIST $500 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution 5 500 08/06/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer FERNANDO A. AMANDl BILTMORE INVEST. GRP 2925 COLUMBUS BLVD. Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution CORAL GABLES. FL 33 134 PRESlDENT $300 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $300 091 17n004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer FINLEY AUSTlN ROCHE 530 GREGORY AVENUE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution WEEHAWKEN, NJ 07087 SCIENCE POLICY $100 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $100 08/04/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer FLAMINGO PLAZA, LLC N/A 8165 NW 155 STREET Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution I MIAMI LAKES, FL 33016 NIA $ 500 Aggregate Contributionsyear-to-date Date of contribution . $500 09/22/2004

- ~~ ~~ Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer FLEX 2 BUILDINGS 314, LLC N/A 901 N. GREEN VALLEY PKWY Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution HENDERSON, NV 89074 NIA $5000 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $5000 09/23/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer FRANCIS J. SZOLLOSI SELF-EMPLOYED 331 MILFORD Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution TOLEDO, OH 43605 CONSULTANT s 35 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution S 70 07/22/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer FRANK A. SIMONS ' SARASOTA BRD OF ED. 5630 MONTO ROSS0 RD. Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution SARASOTA. FL 34243 RETIRED $ 100 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $100 08/26/2004

~~~~ ~~~ ~ Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code N&e of contributor's employer GARRETT GRUENER ALTA PARTNERS BOX 15749826 Contributor's occupation Anioun t of contribution SIOUX FALLS, SD 57 186 VENTURE CAPITAL S 25000 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $25000 07/29/2004

~~ ~~ Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer GENE PORTER REQUESTED 270 1 PARK CENTER Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution ALEXANDRIA, VA 22302 REQUESTED $75 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution s 75 08/04/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer LEONARD 0.EVANS 111 NONE 1 I6 SOUTH GAY STREET Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution KNOXVILLE, TN 37902 STUDENT $35 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $35 08/06/2004 ... Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer LINDA BAUER DARR AMER. BUS ASSOC. 3604 NORRIS PLACE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution ALEXANDRIA, VA 22305 VP POLICY & EXT. AFF $ 35 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $35 07/22/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer LINDA D. LONG REQUESTED 239 CARROLL STREET Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution BROOKLYN, NY 11231 REQUESTED $35 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $ 35 08/03/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer LINDA J. ARDEN GREENHILL & CO 54 TALLY HO LANE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution STAMFORD, CT 06905 FINANCIAL ADMIN. s 100 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution f 100 09/20/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer LINDA J. ARDEN GREENHILL 8; CO 54 TALLY HO LANE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution STAMFORD, CT 06905 FINANCIAL ADMIN. s 100 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $200 09/23/2004

~~~ Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer LINDA T. CACIOLA SELF 2333 CLARK AVENUE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution VENICE, CA 90291 LANDSCAPE DESIGNER s 35 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $35 09/2W2004

~ ~ Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer LISA BROWN AMER. CONST.SOCIETY 5202 WESTWOOD DRIVE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution BETHESDA, MD 20816 ATTORNEY f loo Aggregate contributions year-todate Date of contribution 5 100 08/28/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP cie Name of contributor's employer LISA JACOBS UNlVISlON COMM. 2 HORATIO STREET Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution NEW YORK, NY 10014 STRATEGIC MARKET1NG $500 Aggregate contributions year-todate Date of contribution $500 08/09/2004

~~ ~~ Contributor's name, mailing addressand ZIP cie Name of contributor's employer LOU I SE WADLl N RETIRED 16747 NW WATERFORD WAY Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution PORTLAND, OR 97229 RETIRED $500 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $500 0912 1/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer LUKE A. BRONIN YALE LAW SCHOOL 95 OLIVE ST Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution GREENWICH. CT 06831 STUDENT/CAMPAIGN MNG $35 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $35 07/22/2004 Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer LYNN GOLDMAN FREE LANCE 205 WARREN STREET Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution BROOKLYN, NY 11201 PRODUCTION MANAGER 5 loo Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $ 100 09/20/2004 Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer LYNN NICHOLS LYNN NICHOLS 3961 S. BELLAIRE STREET Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution ENGLEWOOD, CO 801 13 HOMEMAKER $ 35 Aggregate contributions year-todate Date of contribution $35 09/17/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer MANDEL STANLEY, MANDEL IOLA 3100 MONTICELLO AVENUE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution DALLAS, TX 75205 AlTORNEY s 1OOOOO Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $IOOOOO 09/30/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer MARBELLA PLAZA, INC. N/A 7250 WEST 24TH AVENUE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution HIALEAH, FL 33016 NIA s 500 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $500 . 09/22/2004.

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer MARC OLSON SELF 608 2ND ST. Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution BARREIT, MN 5631 1 FARMING s 10 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $10 08/ 13R004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer MARGARET BATES SUNNY BATES ASSOC. 345 7TH AVENUE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution NEW YORK, NY IO001 EXECUTIVE $ 100 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $100 091 1712004

~ Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer MARGARET BATES SUNNY BATES ASSOC. 345 7TH AVENUE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution NEW YORK. NY 1OOO1 EXECUTlVE $2000 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $2100 09/23/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer MARIA-INES CASTRO 3-SIXTY MARKETING 2333 BRlCKELL AVENUE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution MIAMI. FL 33129 PUBLICIST s 100 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $100 09/24/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer MARlE A. BRADY ALEXAS CLEANING 9843 HIGH MEADOW DRIVE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution SUPERIOR TOWNSHIP, MI 48198 JANITOR $50 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $50 09/27/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer MARIO FERRO SELF 945 1 JOURNEYS END ROAD Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution CORAL GABLES, FL 33 156 DEVELOPER s 5000 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $5000 09/22/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer MARISA BERRY NOT EMPLOYED 1375 SUMMITRIDGE PLACE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution BEVERLY HILLS, CA 90210 HOMEMAKER s lo00 Aggregate contributions year-todate Date of contribution s 1000 09/07/2004 Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer MARJORIE R. LARSON NONE 12310 3OTH AVENUE N. Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution PLYMOUTH, MN 55441 FIN. EXEC. $ 50 Aggregate contributions year-todate Date of contribution $50 07/09/2004

~ ~~~ Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer MARJORIE R. LARSON NONE 12310 30TH AVENUE N. Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution PLYMOUTH, MN 55441 FIN. EXEC. $ 50 Aggregate contributions year-Mate Date of contribution $ loo 09/20/2004

~ ~~~~ Contributor's name, mailing addre; and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer MARJORIE R. LARSON NONE I 12310 30TH AVENUE N. Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution PLYMOUTH, MN 55441 FIN. EXEC. $ 50 Aggregate contributions year-todate Date of contribution $150 09/27/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer MARK ABRAMS TITAN CAPITAL GROUP 399 PARK AVENUE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution NEW YORK. NY 10022 SENIOR VP s 500 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $500 09/24/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer MARK D. BLAFKIN ASSOC. COMP. TECH. 14 1 12TH STREET NE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution WASHINGTON, DC 20002 DIR. COMMUNICATIONS s 35 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution s 35 07/29/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer MARK E. RIDDLE FRC 4015 HEATHERVEW ROAD Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution LOUISVILLE, KY 40218 VICE PRESIDENT s 100 Aggregate contributions year-todate Date of contribution $100 07/29/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer MARK N. KRAEMER CHICAGO SYMPHONY 430 Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution WILME'ITE, IL 60091 MUSIC1AN $ 100 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $100 07/29/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer MAITHEW ROTHMAN EUCLlDSR PARTNERS 322 WEST 57TH STREET Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution NEW YORK. NY 10019 VENTURE CAPITAL s 500 Aggregate contributions year- to-da te Date of contribution $500 08110/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer MAYUR LAKHANI UBS 224 E. 85TH STREET Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution NEW YORK. NY 10028 ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR $500 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $500 071 132004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer MEL MILLER GAB ROBINS 14 CRESCENT DRIVE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution PARSIPPANY, NJ 07054 COMPUTER ANALYST 6 20 Aggregate contributions year-Mate Date of contribution s 20 09/27/2004

I - Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer MICHAEL A. BARNEIT REX HEALTHCARE 4421 PIKE ROAD Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution RALEIGH, NC 27613 RN $50 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution s 100 09/28/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer MICHAEL C. CAMUNEZ OMELVENY & MYERS . 1212 OCEAN PARK BLVD. Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution SANTA MONICA, CA 90405 ATTORNEY 5 100 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution d 100 09/24/2004

~~ ~~ Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer MICHAEL D. MCCURRY REQUESTED 103 13 FAWCm STREET Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution KENSINGTON, MD 20895 REQUESTED $250 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $500 08/04/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer MICHAEL GOLD SELF 134 E. DORIS AVENUE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution STATE COLLEGE, PA 16801 CONSULTANT s 50 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $150 . 09/27/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer MICHAEL H. KlESCHNlCK WORKING ASSETS 1467 HAMILTON AVENUE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution PALO ALTO, CA 94301 MANAGER $2500 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $7500 08/03/2004

~ ~~~ Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer MICHAEL H. KIESCHNICK WORKING ASSETS 1467 HAMILTON AVENUE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution PALO ALTO, CA 94301 MANAGER $ loo000 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $107500 09/23/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer MICHAEL NICKLE VERISIGN 3726 W. 98TH PL. Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution WESTMINSTER, CO 80031 CONSULTANT f 100 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $100 08/23/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer MICHAEL RECANATI . RECANATI BROS 590 5TH AVENUE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution NEW YORK. NY 10036 PRESIDENT s 25000 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $25000 071 1312004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer MICHAEL T. FLORA M. FLORA & ASSOC. 842 CHESTNUT Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution BIRMINGHAM, MI 48009 PRES1DENT s 500 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $500 081 1012004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer MICHAEL W. GOSK MCDERMOTT WILL &

345 EWlNG TERRACE ' Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94 1 18 ATTORNEY $100 Aggregate contributions year- to-date Date of contribution $ 100 09/28/2004 - Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer REBECCA A. OCONNOR SAN JOSE SCHOOL DlST 1123 PIPPIN CREEK COURT Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution SAN JOSE, CA 95 I20 TEACHER $35 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $ 35 08/26/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer REBECCA MCCARRON HAGGARD & PARKS 817 VENETlA AVENUE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution CORAL GABLES, FL 33134 ATTORNEY f 100 Aggregate contributions year-todate Date of contribution $ 100 09/27/2004

~ ~~ ~~~ Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Nnme of contributor's employer REGINA GLOCKER WESTWOOD PARTNERS 35 EAST 68TH 2B Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution NEW YORK, NY 10021 RECRUITER $ 500 Aggregate contributions year-todate Date of contribution ti 500 08/23/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer RENE CARLOS NASA 5107 EDGEWOOD ROAD Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution COLLEGE PARK, MD 20740 N/A $ 900 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $900 08/27/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer RENE CARLOS NASA 5107 EDGEWOOD ROAD Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution COLLEGE PARK. MD 20740 N/A s 300 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution s 1200 09/09/2004

~~~ ~ Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer RICHARD GORELICK RGM ADVISORS LLC 4502 EBY LANE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution AUSTIN, TX 78731 FOUNDER AND COO $ 500 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution f 500 081 10/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer RICHARD LEWIS MERCK CO 25 CYPRESS POINT LANE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution MONROETWP,NJ 08831 SYSTEMS f 25 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $25 09/09/2004 Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer RICHARD TARPLlN TIMMONS & CO, INC. 1850 K STREET NW Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution WASHINGTON, DC 20006 VICE PRESIDENT s 50 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $50 07/07/2004

~ Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer ROBERT A. FARBMAN EMR 376 IRVING AVENUE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution SOUTH ORANGE, NJ 07079 MARKET RESEARCH S 50 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $50 09/1 712004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer ROBERT E. DONOHUE ELIZABETH ARDEN INC. 6 WAKEMAN PLACE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution WESTPORT. (306880 INFORMATION TECH. $35 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution s 35 081 I0/2004 Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer ROBERT E. DONOHUE ELIZABETH ARDEN INC. 6 WAKEMAN PLACE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution WESTPORT, CI' 06880 INFORMATlON TECH. $50 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $85 09/23/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer ROBERT E. DONOHUE ELIZABETH ARDEN INC. 6 WAKEMAN PLACE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution WESTPORT, Cr 06880 I NFOR MATl ON TECH. $100 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $ 185 09/28/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer ROBERT E. KOPP 111 CIT 1032 E DEL MAR BLVD. Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution PASADENA, CA 91 106 GRADUATE STUDENT $35 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution s 35 09/23/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer ROBERT GILDA COMMONWEALTH OF PA 106 LLOYD AVENUE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution DOWNINGTOWN, PA 19335 ADMIN ASSISTANT $ 100 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $100 07/29/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer ROBERT HOWARD SELF 22 PAUL STREET Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution NEWTON, MA 02459 CONSULTANT s 100 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $100 09/28/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer ROBERT J. KNOUREK SELF 1030 CROOKED CREEK DRIVE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution LOS ALTOS, CA 94024 CONSULTANT $2000 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $9035 07/09/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer ROBERT I. KNOUREK SELF 1030 CROOKED CREEK DRIVE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution LOS ALTOS, CA 94024 CONSULTANT $5000 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $14035 0811312004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer ROBERT J. WINEBURG UNC GREENSBORO 902 MAGNOLIA STREET Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution GREENSBORO, NC 27401 PROFESSOR s 35 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $ 35 08/02/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer ROBERT M. JOHNSTON EXEC. COUNCIL NY 2 IO E. 68TH STREET Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution I NEW YORK, NY 10021 PRESIDENT $500 ! Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $500 081 1312004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer ROBERT SMITH JP MORGAN 205 IOTH STREET #5N Contributor's occupation Amount of kntribution JERSEY CITY, NJ 07302 VICE PRESIDENT $500 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $ 500 08/05/2004 . Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer ROBERTUTLEY UTLEY GROUP, INC. 3890 W. NORTHWEST HWY Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution DALLAS, TX 75220 CHAIRMAN $ 5000 Aggregate contributions year-todate Date of contribution

$5000 07/07/2004 I

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer ROBERTA J. GALL1 US ARMY 220 DAWN DRIVE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution HOPKINSVILLE, KY 42240 FLIGHT INSTRUnOR $ 25 Aggregate contributions year-todate Date of contribution $25 0811312004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer ROBIN BACHMAN N/A 2910 WALLS BRANCH ROAD Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution BLACKSBURG, VA 24060 STUDENT S 25 Aggregate contributions year-todate Date of contribution $ 25 08/04/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer ROBIN L. ROBERTS SELF 2070-A KINGS GATE CIRCLE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution SNELLVILLE. GA 30078 PERSONAL HELPER s 35 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $35 07/22/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer ROBIN L. ROBERTS SELF 2070-A KINGS GATE CIRCLE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution SNELLVILLE, GA 30078 PERSONAL HELPER $ 100 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $135 07/22/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer ROHIT K. SHUKLA LARTA INSTITUTE 801 MASSELIN AVENUE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution LOS ANGELES, CA 90036 CEO $100 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $100 09/20/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer ROMERO CARNOT ORACLE COPR 190 E. 0 KEEFE ST. APT. 15 Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution MEHLO PARK, CA 94025 TECHNICAL WRlTER S 40 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $40 08/27/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer RONALD J. BAUMGARTEN JR. COVINGTON & BURLING 2101 16TH STREET NW Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution WASHINGTON, DC 20009 LAWYER $35 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $35 07/26/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer RONALD J. BAUMGARTEN JR. COVINGTON & BURLING 2101 16TH STREET NW Contributor's occupation Anioun t of contribution WASHINGTON, DC 20009 LAWYER $35 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $70 07/26/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer RONALD SHANNON SELF 535 TWIN LANE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution SOQUEL, CA 95073 IT CONSULTANT S 50 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $50 09/23/2004 Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer ROXANNE WARREN SELF 523 WEST 112TH STREET Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution NEW YORK, NY 10025 ARCHITEm s 100 Aggregate contributions year-todate Date of contribution $100 09/23/2004

~~ ~ ~ ~~ Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer SALLY MINARD SELF 133 E. 62ND STREET Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution NEW YORK, NY 10021 CONSULTANT $2000 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $2000 091 17/2W

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer SANDRA K. SCHILLING SEA-NET HOLDINGS INC 4533 NORTH AVENUE #5 Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution , CA 921 16 ACCOUNTING MANAGER $ 35 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $35 09/20/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer SARA R ADAMS UCBERKELEY 2404 CEDAR STREET Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution BERKELEY, CA 94708 STUDENT s 100 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $100 0811 3/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer SBC TELECOM n/a 1401 IST STREET NW SUITE 1100 Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution WASHINGTON, DC 20005 nla $25000 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $ 3m 09/29/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer SCOTT ROSKOWSKI UNlVISlON 80 FARMERS VlLLE ROAD Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution CALIFON. NJ 07830 VP SALES $35 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $35 091 17/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contribuhr's employer SCOIT SUTHERLAND SELF 21221 SW 94TH AVENUE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution MIAMI, FL 33189 PROGRAMEWAN ALYST $ 100 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $100 07/09/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer SCOTTYE LINDSEY DEUTSCHE BANK 360 WEST 43RD STREET Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution NEW YORK, NY 10036 BANKER $ 50 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $ 50 0813 1/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer SEYMOUR MEDNICK S. MEDNICK STUDIO 210 W. RIITENHOUSE SQR Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution PHILADELPHIA, PA 19103 PHOTOGRAPHER $ 5000 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $5000 091 10/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer SOLEDAD DELEON HURST SELF EMPLOY ED 950 5TH AVENUE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution NEW YORK, NY 10021 LAWYER $250 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $250 0813 1/2004 Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer SONNENSCHEIN N/A 800 SEARS TOWER Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution CHICAGO, IL 60606 N/A $ loo00 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $15000 07/02/2004

~~~~ ~ Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer MICHAEL WEBB EPIX MEDICAL CARE 454 COITAGE STREET Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution WELLESLEY, MA 02482 CEO $500 Aggregate contributions year-to-datc Date of contribution $500 07/29/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer MICROSOFT N/A 1401 EYE STREET NW Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution WASHINGTON. DC 20005 N/A $25000 Aggregate contributions year-todate Date of contribution $25000 07/07/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer MILTON J. BLOCK SPECIAL DATA PROCESS 5 EAST 22 STREET Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution NEW YORK, NY 10010 PUBLISHER $2000 Aggregate contributions year-todate Date of contribution s 2000 08/30/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer MlMl BROWN SELF 31 BOND STREET Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution NEW YORK, NY 10012 COMPOSER s 500 Aggregate contributions year-todate Date of contribution $500 09/03/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer MS. GRACE HARVEY N/A 171 W 71ST ST. Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution NEW YORK. NY 10023 N/A $ 250 Aggregate contributions year-todate Date of contribution $250 081 1212004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer NANCY J. PARSLEY REQUESTED 76 WYNDEMERE DRIVE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution MONTGOMERY, TX 77356 REQUESTED $35 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $35 081 1 312004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer NATlONAL ORG.FOR WOMEN NOFW 733 15TH STREET, NW Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution WASHINGTON, DC 20005 VOLUNTEER COORDINT. $ 35 Aggregate contributions year-todatc Date of contribution $35 08/05/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer NEGIN KAMANGAR GOLDENPARACHUTE 24300 SUMMERHILL AVENUE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution LOS ALTOS, CA 94024 DIR. OF MARKETING 5 100 Aggregate contributions year-to-da te Date of contribution $100 081 1312004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer NELSON REYNERl DNC 17 18 CORCORAN STREET NW Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution WASHINGTON. DC 20009 HlSPANiC DlR. 5 35 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $35 09/20/2004 Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer NOAH MCCORMACK 983 MEMORIAL DRIVE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution CAMBRIDGE, MA 02138 GRADUATE STUDENT $lo00 Aggregate contributions year-todate Date of contribution $ lo00 09/23/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer ORLANDO BRLEVA REQUESTED 8200 SW 29TH STREET Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution MIAMI, FL 33155 REQUESTED s 100 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $ 100 09/22/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer OSCAR J. GONZALEZ VERA SELF PO BOX 16536 Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution SUGAR LAND, TX 77496 PHYSICIAN s 100 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $100 08/24/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer OSCAR J. GONZALEZ VERA SELF P.O. BOX 16536 Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution SUGAR LAND, TX 77496 PHYSICIAN !§ 100 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $200 09/03/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer Om0M. ORTEGA TOTAL SUPPORT, INC. 8300 SW 144 STREET Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution MIAMI, FL 33158 CONSULTANT $100 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $100 09/24/2004

~~~~ ~ ~ Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer PAMELA BAER FULMER REQUESTED P.O. BOX 15141 Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution LAS CRUCES, NM 88004 REQUESTED $25 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $25 091 1412004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer PARCEL 47 FORD BUILDING I, LLC NIA 901 N GREEN VALLEY PKWY Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution HENDERSON, NV 89074 NIA f 5000 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution 5 5000 09/23/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer PARCEL 52N OFFICE, LLC N/A 901 N GREEN VALLEY PKWY Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution HENDERSON. NV 89074 N/A s So00 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $5000 09/23/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer PARCEL I, LLC N/A 901 N GREEN VALLEY PKWY Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution HENDERSON' NV 89074 N/A $5000 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution S 5000 09/23/2004 Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer PASEOS DE DORADO N/A P.O. BOX 29033 Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution SAN JUAN. PR 00929 NIA 5 1000 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $lo00 09/24/2004 - Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer PETER L. KOSA SELF 7 REVERE STREET Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution JAMAICA PLAIN, MA 02 130 BIOTECH CONSULTANT $ 200 Aggregate contributions year-to-datg Date of contribution $200 07/22/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer PETER L. KOSA SELF 7 REVERE STREET Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution JAMAICA PLAIN, MA 02130 BIOTECH CONSULTANT $ 201 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $401 08/24/2004

~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~~~ Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code NGofcontributor's employer PETER L. KOSA SELF 7 REVERE STREET Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution JAMAICA PLAIN, MA 02130 BIOTECH CONSULTANT f 301 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $702 09/24/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer PETER N. ROSENTHAL SELF 585 E. CRESCENT DRIVE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution PAL0 ALTO, CA 94301 MARKETING CONSULTANT $2000 Aggregate contributions year-todate Date of contribution $3000 . 09/27/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer PETER ROSENBERG VALLIN GALLERIES 516 DANBURY ROAD Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution WILTON, CT 06897 CHAlRMAN f 500 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $500 09/ 10/2004

- Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer PETER SHANKMAN THE GEEK FACTORY 100 WEST 26TH STREET Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution NEW YORK, NY 10001 PRESIDENT 5 500 Aggregate contributions year-todate Date of contribution $ 500 08/ 13/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer PHI LIP SCHON B ERG SELF 942 MAIN ST. STE300 Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution HARTFORD, 06103 REAL ESTATE DEVELOPE $50 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution f 50 08/04/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer PLAZA BLDG. 8, LLC NIA 901 N. GREEN VALLEY PKWY Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution HENDERSON, NV 89074 N/A $ 5000 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $5000 09/23/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address 'and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer PRUDENTIAL FINANCIAL N/A P.O. BOX 34625 Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution CHARLOITE, NC 28234 N/A $15000 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $15000 08/05/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer R. JOHN SMITH LAW OFFICE 1133 BROADWAY Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution i NEW YORK. NY 10010 TAXAITORNEY s 10 I Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution s 10 08/03/2004 I i i Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer PAT STRYKER BOHEMIAN FOUNDATION 103 W. MOUNTAIN AVENUE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution FORT COLLINS, CO 80524 FOUNDEIUPHRANTHROPIS $ so00 Aggregate contributions year-todate Date of contribution $ 5000 0812012004

Contributor's name, mailing address idZIP code Name of contributor's employer PATRICIA B. ROSS SELF 90 KINGSBURY STREET Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution WELLESLEY, MA 0248 1 BILLING s 35 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $35 ' 07/29/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer PATRlClA GIDWITZ AT LARGE 4000 N. CHARLES STREET Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution BALTIMORE, MD 2 1218 PROFESSOIUTEACHER $100 Aggregate contributions year-tdate Date of contribution $100 08/02/2004

~~~~ ~ Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer PATRICK DEVANNEY JP MORGAN CHASE BANK 226 NORTH REGENT ST. Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution PORT CHESTER. NY 10573 TRUST OFFICERlATTOR. $250 Aggregate contributions year-tdate Date of contribution $250 . 08/05/2004

~ Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer PAlTY KEESHAN BEA SYSTEMS, INC. 415 MOUNTAIN AVENUE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution WESTFIELD, NJ 07090 TECHNICAL WRlTER s 35 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $35 08/24/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer PCMA NIA 601 PENNSYLVANIA AVE, NW Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution WASHINGTON, DC 20004 N/A s 5000 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $5000 071 14/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer PEBBLE MARKETPLACE, LLC N/A 901 N GREEN VALLEY PKWY Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution HENDERSON, NV 89074 N/A f 5000 Aggregate contributions year-todate Date of contribution $ 5000 09/23/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer PENNY L. MILLER . NONE 15941 252ND AVENUE SE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution ISSAQUAH. WA 98027 RETIRED s 35 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $35 09/20/2004

~~~~ ~ ~~~~ ~~ Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer PETER ANGELOS LAW OFF. OF P. ANGEL 100 N. CHARLES ST. Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution BALTIMORE, MD 21201 ATTORNEY $1ooOOo Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $100OOo 081 16/2ooil

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer PETER COHEN SELF 43 WOODCHESTER DRIVE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution NEWTON, MA 02467 PHYSICIAN f 35 Aggregate contributions year-todate Date of contribution $35 08/24/2004 Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer R. THOMAS AMIS BAKER BOlTS. LLP BAKER BOlTS, LLP Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution WASHINGTON, DC 20016 AlTORNEY $ lo00 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $1000 07/22/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer RACHEL WINOKUR DATASCOPE CORP. 77 SEVENTH AVENUE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution NEW YORK, NY 1001 1 BUSINESS $ 500 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $500 09/ 17/2W

~~~ ~~ ~~ ~ _____ ~~ ~ Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP cz Name of contributor's employer RAJlV J. SHAH B&M GATES FOUNDATION 2000 FIRST AVENUE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution SEA'ITLE, WA 98121 POLICY DIRECXOR $ 100 Aggregate contributions year-todate Date of contribution f 100 07/29/2004

Contributor's name, maiing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer JASON GRAIT REQUESTED 123 ORCHARD STREET Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution SOMERVILLE. MA 02144 REQUESTED $ 100 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $ 150 09/23/2004

~~ Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer JEANINE LARREA LINER, YANKELEVlTZ 2199 PACIFIC AVE. Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution SAN FRANCISCO. CA 94 1 15 N/A $ 50 Aggregate contributions year-todate Date of contribution $50 OS/ 12/2004

~~ Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer JEANNE LEVY-HINTE SELF EMPLOY ED 888 THIRD AVENUE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution NEW YORK, NY 10022 WRITER $225000 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $225000 071 13/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer JEANNIE MCGUlRE ENLIGHTEN COMM GRP 400 EAST 7 1ST STREET Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution NEW YORK. NY 10021 COMMUNICATIONS $2000 Aggregate contributions year-todate Date of contribution $2000 09/23/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer JEFF HOFFMANN DEPT. OF DEFENSE 2000 SOUTH EADS STREET Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution ARLINGTON, VA 22202 INTL PROJECT MNGR S 50 Aggregate contributions year-todate Date of contribution $50 09/23/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer JEFFREY DODD LASALLE BANK NA 1716 HIGHLAND AVENUE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution WlLME'lTE, 1L 60091 BANKER s 100 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution s 100 07/22/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer JEFFREY FOX CONSUMERS UNION 11 CLARKSON COURT Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution PARAMUS, NJ 07652 JOURNALIST s 35 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $35 09/20/2004 .. Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer JENNIFER AUMENT DmSCOMMUNICATION 6608 G JUPITER HILLS CIRCLE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution ALEXANDRIA, VA 22312 PUBLIC AFFAIRS $ 50 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $50 08/18/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer JENNIFER JOEL ICM ONE UNION SQUARE SOUTH Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution NEW YORK, NY 10003 LITERARY AGENT s 500 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution s 500 07/26/2004

~~~~~ ~ ~ ~~ Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer JENNIFER NIX CHELSEA GREEN PUB. P.O.BOX 402 Contributor's occupation Amount of Contribution BEAVER ISLAND, MI 49782 EDITOR $35 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution s 35 09/ 17/2W

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer JENNIFER SOLOMON INSTITUTIONAL INVEST 13 CONSTANCE AVENUE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution DOBBS FERRY, NY 10522 CONSULTANT $ 500 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $500 0813 1/2004

~~~~ ~ Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer JESSICA SEGAL MORGAN STANLEY 77 BLEEKER STREET Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution NEW YORK, NY 10012 INVESTOR $ 500 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $500 081 10/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer JIM KOHLENBERGER SELF 3013 WOODLAWN AVENUE Contributor's occupation . Amount of contribution FALLS CHURCH, VA 22042 CONSULTANT S 50 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $150 07/29/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer JIM NICKERSON NICK0 RECYCLING P.O. BOX 720 Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution PITTSBURG, TX 75686 PRESIDENT $50 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $50 08/04/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer JOANNA AMBRIDGE BALTIMORE COUNTY 1602 WATERBURY CT. Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution BEL AIR, MD 21014 TEACHER $35 Aggregate contributions year-todate Date of contribution $35 081 1312004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer JOE HARDY SMI INCORPORATED 1020 19TH ST. NEW SUITE 375 Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution WASHINGTON, DC 20036 VICE PRESIDENT $100 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution s 100 08/04/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer JOEL JOHNSON AEROSPACE INDUSTRIES

109 QUEEN STREET ' Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution ALEXANDRIA, VA 223 14 VP, INTL AFFAIRS $ 100 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $ loo 0911 71200.4 r Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer JOEL S. KANTER WINDY CITY. INC. 8000 TOWERS CRESCENT DR. Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution VIENNA, VA 22 I82 INVESTMENTS $2 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $2 09/2 112004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer JOEL S. KANTER WINDY CITY, INC. 8000 TOWERS CRESCENT DR. Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution VIENNA, VA 22 182 INVESTMENTS S 2500 Aggregate contributions year- to-date Date of contribution $ 2502 09/23/2004

~ Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer JOHN BRUNETTI HIALEAH, INC. 1655 U.S. HIGHWAY 9 Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution OLD BRIDGE, NJ 08857 CEO $1000 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $1000 09/30/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer JOHN BRUNEITI HIALEAH, INC. 1655 U.S. HIGHWAY 9 Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution OLD BRIDGE, NJ 08857 CEO $500 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $ 1500 09/30/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer JOHN DEVANNEY MOMENT DESIGN INC. 68 VERANDAH PLACE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution BROOKLYN, NY 11201 DESIGNER $100 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution f 100 09/20/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer JOHN H. HEILIGENSTEIN RETIRED 747 KESSLER BLVD. W Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution INDIANAPOLIS. IN 46228 PHYSICIAN $ 200 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $200 09/2112004

~~ Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer JOHN H. HEILIGENSTEIN RETIRED 747 KESSLER BLVD. W Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution INDIANAPOLIS. IN 46228 ' PHYSICIAN $100 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution 6 300 09/23/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer JOHN HARGRAVE REQUESTED 56 THORNTON ROAD Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution NEEDHAM, MA 02492 REQUESTED SI Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $1 09/27/2004

~~~ ~~~~~~__~~____ Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer JOHN HARRIS NIA 2035 TWINBROOK ROAD Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution BERWYN, PA 19312 RETIRED $2oooo Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $2oooo 08/03/2004

~~~__~~______Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer JOHN HUNTING N/A 161 OTTAWA, NW Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution GRAND RAPIDS, MI 49503 RETIRED S 25000 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution S 25000 071 1 912004 Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer JOHN J. CARROLL SELF-EMPLOYED 2107 LANlHULl DRIVE Contribu tor's occupation Amount of contribution HONOLULU, HI 96822 WRITERARANSLATOR $ 100 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $200 07/22/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer JOHN J. CARROLL SELF-EMPLOYED 2107 LANlHULl DRIVE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution HONOLULU, HI 96822 WRITEWRANSLATOR $100 Aggregate contributions year-todate Date of contribution $300 08/30/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer JOHN J. CARROLL SELF-EMPLOYED 2107 LANlHULl DRIVE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution HONOLULU, HI 96822 WRITEIVTRANSLATOR $ loo Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $ 400 09/27/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer JOHN KOZA THIRD MlLLENlUM VENTURE CAPITAL P.O. BOX K Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution LOS ALTOS, CA 94023 PRESIDENT s 5000

Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution , $5000 . 07/29/2004

~ Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer IOHN MICEK GOLDMAN SACHS & CO 382 3RD STREET Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution NEW YORK, NY 10016 ASSOCIATE s 500 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $500 0813 112004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer JOHN R. ROSSBACH WEINSTOCK. FRIEDMAN 421 1 DORlS AVENUE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution BALTIMORE, MD 2 1225 AlTORNEY S 50 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $50 09/20/2004

~ ~~ ~ Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer JON ADAMS MORRISON-KNOX HOLDEN 5444 HILLTOP CRESCENT Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution OAKLAND, CA 94618 AITORNEY $ loo Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $200 07/29/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer JON LANDAU BDL 5 IO WALNUT STREET Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution PHILADELPHIA. PA 19106 LAWYER s loo Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $100 0912 112004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer JONATHAN BRESLAU RADIOLOGICAL ASSOC. 1424 38TH STREET Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution SACRAMENTO, CA 95816 PHYSICIAN s lo00 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $lo00 09l20/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer JONATHAN BRUMER US DEPT OF HHS 2701 CONNECTICUT AVE. NW Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution WASHINGTON. DC 20008 A'ITORNEY S 50 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of Contribution $50 08/24/2004 Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer JONATHAN CRYSTAL FRANK CRYSTAL & CO 201 EAST 77TH STREET Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution NEW YORK, NY 10021 REQUESTED s 2000 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $ 2000 09/23/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer JONATHAN DEAN EMP CAMPBELL INS. , 3310 INDUSTRlAL DRIVE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution BOSSIER CITY, LA 71 112 N/A $ 50 Aggregate contributions year-todate Date of contribution $50 0811 a2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer JONATHAN ROSE JONATHAN ROSE & CO 33 KATONAH AVENUE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution KATONAH, NY 10536 CEO $loo0 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $ lo00 09/27/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer JONATHAN V. ZUCK CEO 3701 UPTON STREET NW Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution WASHINGTON, DC 20016 LOBBYIST s 50 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $50 07/22/2004

~~~ Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer SOUTHERN POINT DEVELOPMENT, LLC N/A 295 WEST 27TH STREET Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution HIALEAH, FL 33010 N/A s lo00 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution s lo00 09/22/2004

~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~~ Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer SOUTHWEST PROPERTIES 11. INC. N/A 9921 W. OKEECHOBEE RD. Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution HIALEAH GARDENS, FL 33016 N/A $750 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $ 750 09/22/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer STEPHEN J. HARRICK IVP 2782 JECKSON STREET Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution SAN FRANCISCO, CA 941 15 VENTURE CAPITAL $250 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $250 08/26/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer STEPHEN L. ROSE AMER. COUNCIL OF ED. 1 DUPONT CIRCLE, NW Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution WASHINGTON, DC 20036 CIO AND DIRECTOR IT s 35 Aggregate contributions year-to-da te Date of contribution I35 08/24/2004

~ Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer STEPHEN R. SANTOLIQUIDO LOCKHEED MARTIN 4745 HERMITAGE ROAD Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution VIRGINIA BEACH, VA 23455 ENGINEER s 35 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $ 35 091 1712004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer STEVE CRICK UNIV. NORTH TEXAS 1330 PHOENIX COURT Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution DENTON. TX 76205 FACULTY s 35 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution s 35 08/03/2004 Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer TIM OSSWALD U. OF WISCONSIN 1809 MADISON STREET Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution MADISON, WI 5371 1 PROFESSOR $ 30 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution f 1380 10/12/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer TIM OSSWALD U. OF WISCONSIN 1809 MADISON STREET Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution MADISON, W153711 PROFESSOR S 315 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution 5 1350 10/05/2OO4

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer ROBERT DOORACK ECLlPSY S CORP. 63A CENTRE STREET Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution DOVER, DE 19901 SOFWARE ENGINEER f 25 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $ 25 1O/ 1312004

~ ~~ Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer Francisco Scarano n/a 5 19 N. Pinckney St. Unit E Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution Madison, WI 53703 n/a $ loo Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution f 100 10/05/2OO4

~~ ~~~ ~~ Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer PATRICK R. TOBIN WILLDAN GROUP OF CO. 4165 KEEVER AVENUE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution LONG BEACH, CA 90807 . IT ADMlN f loo Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $100 10/05/2oO4

I Fo~8872 (1 1-20021 Itemized Expenditures I Schedule B Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Erica Payne Self employed S 507 56 West 22nd Street Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure New York. NY 10010 Consultant 10/0412004

Purpose of expenditure GROUND TRANSPORTlHOTEL

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA s 11 P.O. Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 NIA 10108/2004

Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

~ ~~ ~ Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation N/A S 81 P.O. Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 NIA 10/08/2004

Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA 5 23 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 NIA 10/08/2004

Purpose of expenditure teleconferencing

~~ Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA S 36 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 N/A 10108/2004

Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Office of Loretta Sanchez NIA $310 12397 Lewis Street, Suite #IO1 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Garden Grove, CA 92840 NIA 1010812004

Purpose of expenditure travel & lodging

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Affordable Signs & Banners NIA S 325 2214 Mount Vernon Ave. Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Alexandria, VA 22301 NIA 10/08/2OO4 Purpose of expenditure OTHER MARKETING SERVICES

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Affordable Signs & Banners NIA s 533 2214 Mount Vernon Ave. Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Alexandria, VA 22301 N/A 10/0812004 Purpose of expenditure OTHER MARKETING SERVlCES

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure ANGIE SCHlAVONl NDN S 139 21 12 New Hampshire Ave, NW Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington. DC 20009 Deputy Develop Dir 10/07/2004 Purpose of expenditure Expense Reimbursement * Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure AMa Morozovsky NDN S 71 1500 Massachusetts Ave Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20005 Natl Develop Assist 10/01/2004

Purpose of expenditure GROUND TRANSPORTATION

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure AT&T Teleconference Services NIA S 4590 P.O. Box 2840 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Omaha, NE 68 103 NIA 10/08/2004

Purpose of expenditure conference charges

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure AT&T Teleconference Services NIA $6159 P.O.Box 2840 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Omaha, NE 68 103 NIA 10/08/2004

Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Belen Mendoza NDN S 253 228 N. Piedmont Street Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Arlington, VA 22203 Dep. Dir Hispan Proj 1010112004

Purpose of expenditure EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Bendixen & Associates NIA S 2363 2800 Ponce de Leon Blvd Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Coral Gables, FL 33 134 NIA 1010712004

Purpose of expenditure media buy

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Bendixen & Associates NIA $2363 2800 Ponce de Leon Blvd Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Coral Gables, FL 33 134 NIA IO1 1 312004

Purpose of expenditure media buy

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Bendixen & Associates NIA S 33000 2800 Ponce de Leon Blvd Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Coral Gables, FL 33 134 NIA 10l05l2OO4 Purpose of expenditure other media expenses

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Bendixen & Associates NIA $5m 2800 Ponce de Leon Blvd Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Coral Gables, FL 33 134 NIA lOlO5l2004 Purpose of expenditure polling

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Benjamin Cahen NDN $27 1718 P St, NW, Apt 3 . Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington. DC 20036 Finance Associate 1010812004 Purpose of expenditure Parking Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Bill Ogletree self f 1600 1821 Irving Street, NW Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20010 graphic designer 10/08/200;(

Purpose of expenditure OTHER MARKETING SERVICES

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Bill Ogletree self $ 350 1821 Irving Street, NW Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20010 graphic designer 10/08/2004

Purpose of expenditure other marketing services

~~~~~~ ~ ~ Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Bill Ogletree self b 200 182 1 Irving Street, NW Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20010 graphic designer 10/08/2004 Purpose of expenditure other marketing services

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Buying Time, LLC NIA $24570 2715 M Street, NW Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20007 N/A 10/05/2Oo4

Purpose of expenditure media buy

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Buying Time, LLC NIA $236777 2715 M Street, NW Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20007 NIA 10/04/2004 Purpose of expenditure media buy

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's cmployer Amount of Expenditure . Buying Time, LLC NIA $4567 27 15 M Street, NW Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington. DC 20007 NIA 1 010 112004 Purpose of expenditure media buy

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Buying Time, LLC NIA $372962 2715 M Street, NW Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20007 NIA 10lO8l2004 Purpose of expenditure media buy

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Capital Self Storage NIA s 109 301 N Street, N.E. Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington. DC 20002 NIA I010912004 Purpose of expenditure storage

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure CHARLES SCHWAB & CO., INC. NIA $2913 P.O.BOX 6297 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure INDIANAPOLIS. IN 46208 NIA 1010 112004 Purpose of expenditure IRA

I Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Cynthia Rice NDN S 146 2809 Davis Avenue Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Alexandria, VA 22302 VP Policy 10/01/2004

Purpose of expenditure GROUND TRANSPORTATION

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Daniel Miller NDN 6 16 1145 Knollwood Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Buffalo Grove, IL 60089 intern 1010 112004 Purpose of expenditure Expense Reimbursement

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure DELANCEY PRINTING NIA $838 PO Box 388 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Alexandria, VA 22313 NIA 10/12/2004

Purpose of expenditure postage and delivery

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Diane Grant NDN s 50 2913 Brinkley Road Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Temple Hills, MD 20748 Office Manager 10/12/2004 Purpose of expenditure Expense reimbursement

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Douglas Owen NDN $5938 2009 Wyoming Avenue, NW Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20009 VP Operations 1010812004

Purpose of expenditure expense reimbursement

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Douglas Owen NDN $17374 2009 Wyoming Avenue, NW Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20009 VP Operations 10/04/2004 Purpose of expenditure Expense Reimbursement

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure ELEVATION NIA S 149990 1818 N. STREET, NW Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure WASHINGTON, DC 20036 NIA 10108/2004 Purpose of expenditure MEDIA PRODUCTION

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure ELEVATION NIA $9765 1818 N. STREET. NW Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure WASHINGTON, DC 20036 NIA 101 1 u2004 Purpose of expenditure MEDIA PRODUCTION

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure ELEVATION NIA $99850 1818 N. STREET, NW . Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure WASHINGTON, DC 20036 NIA 1 01 1 312004 Purpose of expenditure media buy + Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure ELEVATION NIA S 7982 1818 N. STREET, NW Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure WASHINGTON, DC 20036 NIA 1WO5l2Oo4

Purpose of expenditure MEDlA PRODUCTION

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure ELEVATION NIA $ lo00 1818 N. STREET, NW Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure WASHINGTON, DC 20036 NIA 10/05/2Oo4

Purpose of expenditure MEDlA PRODUCTION

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure ELEVATION NIA S 16667 1818 N. STREET, NW Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure WASHINGTON. DC 20036 NIA 10/05/2oO;1

Purpose of expenditure OTHER MEDIA EXPENSES

~ ~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~ ~ Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure ELEV ATlON NIA S 16667 1818 N. STREET, NW Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure

WASHINGTON, DC 20036 NIA ' 10105/2004

Purpose of expenditure RETA I NER

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Elizabeth Ling NDN $2500 300 Massachusetts Ave, NW Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20001 Consultant 10/04/2004

Purpose of expenditure DEVELOPMENT EXPENSE

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Elizabeth Ling NDN S 2500 300 Massachusetts Ave, NW Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington. DC 20001 Consultant IO1 1312004 Purpose of expenditure Consultant Fees

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Erica Pnyne Self employed $18000 56 West 22nd Street Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure New York, NY 10010 Consultant 10/0412004 Purpose of expenditure DEVELOPMENT EXPENSE

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Erica Payne Self employed f 695 56 West 22nd Street Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure New York, NY 10010 Consultant 10/0412004 Purpose of expenditure Expense Reimbursement

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Erica Payne Self employed S 1242 56 West 22nd Street Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure New York. NY 10010 Consul tant 10/0412004 Purpose of expenditure Expense Reimbursement - Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Erica Payne Self employed S 1423 56 West 22nd Street Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure New York. NY 10010 Consultant 10/04/2004 Purpose of expenditure TRAVEULODGING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure FP Mailing Solutions NIA s 33 P.O. Box 4272 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Carol Stream, IL 60197 NIA 10l08/2OO4 Purpose of expenditure postage and delivery

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure GILLIAN COOK Self employed S 2413 51 1 TAYLOR STREET. NW Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure WASHINGTON, DC 2001 1 consultant 10/04/2004 Purpose of expenditure computer service

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure HALT, BUZAS & POWELL, LTD. NIA $2093 99 CANAL CENTER PLAZA Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure ALEXANDRIA, VA 22314 NIA 10/08/2OO4 Purpose of expenditure ACCOUNTING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure HALT, BUZAS & POWELL, LTD. NIA $3966 99 CANAL CENTER PLAZA Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure ALEXANDRIA, VA 22314 . NIA 10/08/2OO4 Purpose of expenditure

acct services ,

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure High Noon NIA $287 6903 Rockledge Drive Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Bethesda, MD 208 17 NIA 10/08/2OOi1 Purpose of expenditure MEALS AND CATERlNG

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure High Noon NIA $ 150 6903 Rockledge Drive Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Bethesda, MD 208 17 NIA I010812004 Purpose of expenditure MEALS AND CATERING

~~ Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure High Noon NIA S 181 6903 Rockledge Drive Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Bethesda, MD 208 17 NIA 1010812004 Purpose of expenditure MEALS AND CATERING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure High Noon NIA $98 6903 Rockledge Drive Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure . Bethesda. MD 208 17 N/A 10/08/2004 Purpose of expenditure MEALS AND CATERING '- Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP de Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure High Noon NIA $169 6903 Rockledge Drive Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Bethesda, MD 20817 NIA 10/08/2OO4

Purpose of expenditure MEALS AND CATERING

Recipient's name, maiUng address and ZIP de Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure High Noon NIA $ 177 6903 Rockledge Drive Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Bethesda, MD 208 17 NIA 10108/2004

Purpose of expenditure MEALS AND CATERING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure High Noon NIA f 263 6903 Rockledge Drive Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Bethesda, MD 208 17 NIA 1O108I2004

Purpose of expenditure MEALS AND CATERING

~~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~~~ ~~ Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP de Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure High Noon NIA $202 6903 Rockledge Drive Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Bethesda. MD 208 17 NIA . 10108/2004

Purpose of expenditure MEALS AND CATERING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure High Noon NIA S 140 6903 Rockledge Drive Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Bethesda, MD 208 17 NIA 10/0812004

Purpose of expenditure MEALS AND CATERING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure High Noon NIA $ 150 6903 Rockledge Drive Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Bethesda, MD 208 17 NIA 1010812004 Purpose of expenditure MEALS AND CATERING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure High Noon NIA S 172 6903 Rockledge Drive Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Bethesda, MD 208 17 NIA 1010812004

Purpose of expenditure MEALS AND CATERING

~ ~ ~~~ Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure High Noon NIA $307 6903 Rockledge Drive Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Bethesda. MD 208 17 NIA 1010812004 Purpose of expenditure MEALS AND CATERING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure High Noon NIA $110 6903 Rockledge Drive Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Bethesda. MD 20817 NIA 1010812004 Purpose of expenditure MEALS AND CATERING ' Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Ian McMurvy NDN $ 19 One Monroe Ct Reapients's occupation Date of expenditure Annapolis, MD 21401 intern 30/01/2004

Purpose of expenditure Expense Reimbursement

Rdpient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Ian McMurvy NDN $92 One Monroe Ct Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Annapoh, MD 21401 intern 10/01/2004

Purpose of expenditure GROUND TRANSPORTATlON

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure ICMA NIA $16220 777 North Capitol Street NE Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20002 NIA 10/08/2OO4 Purpose of expenditure Rent

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure ICMA NIA $159 777 North Capitol Street NE Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20002 NIA 10/08/2004

Purpose of expenditure Office expense

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Integral DC, LLC NIA $2938 2026 P Street.NW Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20036 NIA 10/08/2004

Purpose of expenditure RFP consultation

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure , Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA $28 P.O. Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 NIA lOI08l2OO4 Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intel I igent Meetings Corporation NIA $ 16 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee. MA 02649 NIA 1010812004 Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA $13

P.O. Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure I Mashpee, MA 02649 NIA 10/08120M Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA $ 41 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation . Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 NIA I010812004 Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING -' Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA $51 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 NIA 10/08/2004

Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer ' Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA S 16 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 NIA 10/08/2OO4

Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA $ 35 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 NIA 10l08l2OO4

Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA $ I5 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 NIA ' IOlO8l2OO4

Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP de Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA S 34 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 NIA 10108/2004

Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA S I5 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 NIA I0l08l2OO4

Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation N/A f 16 P.O. Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 NIA 1010812004 Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA $6 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA02649 NIA 10/08/2OO4 Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA S 18 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee. MA 02649 NIA 1010812004 Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation N/A s 32 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 N/A 10/08/2001

Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation N/A S 66 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 NIA 10108/2001

Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation N/A $33 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 NIA 10/08/2003

Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation N/A $ 14 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 N/A 10/08/200)

Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENClNG

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation N/A S 42 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 NIA 10/08/2004

Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure lntelligent Meetings Corporation NIA 5 27 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 N/A 10/08/2004 Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation N/A S 29 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 N/A 10/08/2004 Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation N/A S 27 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 N/A 10/08/2004 Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA $ 15 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 NI A 1010812004 Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA S 18 P.O. Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 NIA 10/08/2004

Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA S 19 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 NIA 1010812004

Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA $48 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee. MA 02649 NIA 1O108/2oO4

Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA $9 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 NIA . 10/08/2OO4

Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA f 36 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 . NIA 10/08/2004

Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA $18 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation : Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 NIA 1010812004

Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

~~~ ~ ~ ~~~~~ Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA f 26 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee. MA 02649 NIA 10108/2004

Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation ' NIA $43 P.O. Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 NIA 10108/2004

Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA f 13 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee. MA 02649 NIA 1010812004 Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA 6 54 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee. MA 02649 NIA 10/08/2OO4

Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address, and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA $102 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee. MA 02649 NIA 10/08/2OO4

Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA $35 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 NIA 10/08/2OO.1

Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA $94 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure

Mashpee, MA 02649 NIA ' 10/08/2OO4 Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA f 35 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 NIA 1010812004

Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA !i28 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 NIA 1010812004

Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA $32 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 NIA 10/0812004 Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intel I igent Meetings Corporation NIA $122 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 NIA 10/08/2004 Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA $ 13 P.O.Box 1438 . Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 N/A 1010812004 Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA s 12 P.O.Box 1438 Reapients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 NIA 10/08/2004

Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA S 38 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee. MA 02649 N/A 10108/2004

Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA $10 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 NIA 10/08/2004

Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA f 27 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 N/A 30/08/2004

Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure lntelligent Meetings Corporation NIA S 38 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 NIA 10/08/2004

Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure , Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA $57 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 NIA IO10812004 Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA f 15 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 NIA 10/08/2004

Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA S 138 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure

Mashpee, MA 02649 NIA ' lOl08I2OO4 Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure lntelligent Meetings Corporation NIA f 24 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Dote of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 NIA 1010812004 Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING . Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA $95 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 NIA 10108/2004 Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENClNG

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure lntelligent Meetings Corporation NIA S 66 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee. MA 02649 NIA 10/08/2OO4

Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA S 70 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 NIA 10/0812003

Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

~~~ Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA $6 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 NIA . 10108/2004 Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA S 25 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee. MA 02649 NIA 1010812004

Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENClNG

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure lntelligent Meetings Corporation NIA s 10 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 NIA I0/0812004 Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA $8 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 NIA 1010812004 Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~ Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIPcode Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA $18 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 NIA 1010812004

Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENClNG

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA .%22 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 NIA 1010812004

Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

I Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA S 27 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee. MA 02649 NIA 10/08/2004

Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA $ 53 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 NIA 10/08/2OO4

Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA f 12 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 NIA 10108/2004

Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA S 18 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 NIA 10l08l2oO3

Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA $62 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 NIA l010812OO4

Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA . S32 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee. MA 02649 NIA 1010812004

Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings corporation NIA $8 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 NIA 1010812004

Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA S 129 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee. MA 02649 NIA 10/0812004 Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA S 16 I P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure ! Mashpee. MA 02649 NIA I010812004 ! Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

I - Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA s 43 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 NIA 10/08/2W Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA S 62 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 NIA 10/08/20M Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA s 59 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 NIA 10/0812004 Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

~ ~~ ~ ~ Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA S 27 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 NIA 10/08/2OO4 Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

~ ~~~ Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA S 63 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 NIA 1010812004 Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA S 13 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 NIA 101081200.1 Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA S 39 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 NIA 1010812004 Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure

Intelligent Meetings Corporation ' NIA S 14 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee. MA 02649 NIA 10/08/2004 Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intel I igen t Meetings Corporation NIA $ IO P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure . Mashpee. MA 02649 NIA 1010812004 Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure lntelligent Meetings Corporation NIA S 38 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 NIA 10/08/2004

Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA $7 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA02649 NIA 10/08/2003

Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA $44 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 NIA 10108/2004

Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA $ 36 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 NIA . 1010812004

Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA $20 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee. MA 02649 NIA 10/08/2004

Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

~~ RLxipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intel I igent Meetings Corporation NIA $55 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 NIA 1010812004

Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA $37 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee. MA 02649 . NIA 1010812004

Purpose of expenditure teleconferencing

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA S 60 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 NIA 10108/2004

Purpose of expenditure teleconferencing

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA 5 41 P.O.Box 1438 . Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 NIA I010812004 Purpose of expenditure teleconferencing - Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation N/A S 71 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 N/A 10/08/2004

Purpose of expenditure teleconferencing

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA s 47 P.O.Box 1438 ReGpi'ents's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 N/A 10/08/2Ooi1

Purpose of expenditure teleconferencing

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA $ 11 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 N/A 1QIos12004

Purpose of expenditure teleconferencing

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA S 66 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 N/A 10/08/2004

Purpose of expenditure teleconferencing

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation N/A $8 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 NIA 10/08/2004

Purpose of expenditure teleconferencing

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation N/A S 45 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 NIA 10/08/2004 Purpose of expenditure teleconferencing

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure lntelligent Meetings Corporation N/A f 27 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 NIA 10/08/2oO4

Purpose of expenditure teleconferencing

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation N/A $24 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure

Mashpee, MA 02649 N/A ' 10/08/2004 Purpose of expenditure teleconferencing

~~ Recipient's name, mailing address andIPcode Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation N/A f 24 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee. MA 02649 N/A 10108/2004

Purpose of expenditure teleconferencing . Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation N/A $46 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 N/A 10/08/2004 Purpose of expenditure teleconferencing

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation N/A $ 54 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 NIA 10/08/2004

Purpose of expenditure teleconferencing

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA $ 17 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 N/A 10/08/2004

Purpose of expenditure teleconferencing

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation N/A $23 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 N/A 10/08/2004

Purpose of expenditure teleconferencing

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation N/A S 72 P.O. Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee. MA 02649 NIA 10/0812004 Purpose of expenditure teleconferencing

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA s 54 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee. MA 02649 N/A 10/08/2004 Purpose of expenditure teleconferencing

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA s 33 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 N/A 10/08/2004 Purpose of expenditure teleconferencing

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation N/A $ 39 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 NIA I0/08/2OO4 Purpose of expenditure teleconferencing

~~~ ~~ Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation N/A $26 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee. MA 02649 N/A 10/08/2OO4 Purpose of expenditure teleconferencing - Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA S 70 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 NIA 1O108l2oO4

Purpose of expenditure teleconferencing

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA $9 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee. MA 02649 NIA 1O108l2OO4

Purpose of expenditure teleconferencing

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA $ 11 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee. MA 02649 NIA 1OI0812oM

Purpose of expenditure teleconferencing

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA $97 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 NIA 10l08l2oO4

Purpose of expenditure teleconferencing

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA S 26 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 NIA 1010812003

Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA S 11 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 NIA 10/08/2OO4

Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

~~~ ~~ ~~ Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA S 26 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 NIA 1010812004

Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA $26 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 NIA 10108/2004

Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENClNG

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA S 18 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 N/A 10/0812004 Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING - Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA f 12 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 NIA 10/08/2oo4

Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA f 28 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 NIA 10/08/2OO3

Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA $7 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 NIA 1010812004

Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

~ Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA $46 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 N/A 10/08/2oo4 Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA $41 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 NIA 10/08/2OO4

Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENClNG

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NJ A f 21 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 NIA 1010812004 Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENClNG

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA f 19 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 NIA 10/08/2OO4 Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENClNG

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure

Intelligent Meetings Corporation ' NIA s 18 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee:MA 02649 NIA 10108/2004 Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NJA f 28

P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure ' Mashpee, MA 02649 NIA 1010812004 Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENClNG Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA $ 24 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee. MA 02649 NIA 10/08/2004

Purpose of expenditure , TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA $ 33 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 NIA 10/08/2OO;1

Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

~ ~~ ~ Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA $ 22 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 NIA 10/08/2004

Purpose of expenditure


Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA $20 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee. MA 02649 NIA ' 10/08/2004 Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

~~ Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA f 60 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 NIA 10l08l2oO1

Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA S 65 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee. MA 02649 NIA lOlO8l2OO4

Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA s 37 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 NIA 1010812004 Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA f 21 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 NIA 1010812004 Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA $87 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 NIA 1010812004 Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING ' Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA $61 P.O. Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 NIA 10/08/2004

Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA $35 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 NIA 10/08/2004

Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

___~ __~ Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA $5 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 NIA 10108/2004

Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA S 52 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 NIA 10/08/2004

Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA $ 75 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 NIA 1010812004

Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA $12 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 NIA 10/08/2OO4 Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intel ligent Meetings Corporation NIA $65 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 NIA 1010812004 Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA $35 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 NIA 10108/2004 Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA $36 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 NIA 1010812004 Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING - Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA s 75 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee. MA 02649 NIA 10/08/2004

Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer ' Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA s 119 P.O. Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 NtA 10l08l2OO4

Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA S 17 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee. MA 02649 NIA 1OlO8l2OO4

Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA S 62 P.O. Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 NIA . 10/08/2OO3

Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA s 45 P.O. Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 NIA 10/0812004

Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA $64 P.O. Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee. MA 02649 NIA lOlO8l2OO4

Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure JASON FINK NDN S 134 I718 P Street, NW Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure' Washington, DC 20036 Communications Assoc 1010 112004 Purpose of expenditure expense reimbursement

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure JC PRODUCTIONS NIA S 740 4651 SW 72 AVENUE Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure MIAMI, FL 33 I55 NIA 1010812004 Purpose of expenditure DEVELOPMENT EXPENSE

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure JC PRODUCTIONS NIA $272 4651 SW 72 AVENUE . Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure MIAMI. FL 33 155 NIA 10/08/2004 Purpose of expenditure DEVELOPMENT EXPENSE Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Joe Garcia Bendixen & Associates f loo00 1800 Ponce de Leon Blvd, Suite 11 11 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Coral Gables, FL 33134 Consultant 10/03/2003 Purpose of expenditure DEVELOPMENT EXPENSE

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Julie Levin NIA $ 322 101 MacDougal Street, #4A Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure New York, NY 10012 NIA 1010 112004 Purpose of expenditure GRND TRANSIMEALSICATERING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Julie Levin NIA $284 101 MacDougal Street, #A Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure I New York, NY 10012 NIA 10/0 1I2004 Purpose of expenditure POSTAGWDELIVERY OFFICE SUPPLY

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Kevin Whitman NDN $ 338 12121 Thoroughbred Rd Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Oak Hill, VA 20171 intern 10/01/2004 Purpose of expenditure GROUND TRANSPORTATION

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Kirstin Falk NDN S 128 2700 Q Street NW Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20007 VP of Natl Develop. I0/08/2004 Purpose of expenditure Convention Reimbursement

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Kirstin Falk NDN $68 2700 Q Street NW Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20007 VP of Natl Develop. 1 010 112004 Purpose of expenditure expense reimbursement

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Kirstin Falk NDN s 347 2700 Q Street NW Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington. DC 20007 VP of Natl Develop. I010 112004 Purpose of expenditure EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Kirstin Falk NDN $ 118 2700 Q Street NW Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20007 VP of Natl Develop. I010 112004 Purpose of expenditure Expense Reimbursement

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Lily Gluzberg NDN S 36 94 Shephrvds Knoll Dr Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Hamden, CT 065 14 intern 1 010 112004 Purpose of expenditure GROUND TRANSPORTATlON

i Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Lily Gluzberg NDN S 103 94 Shephards Knoll Dr Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Hamden, CX 065 14 intern 10/01/200.1 Purpose of expenditure GROUND TRANSPORTATION

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure LUKlS BALSERA, L.L.C. NIA 5 5686 3663 S.W. 8TH STREET Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure MIAMI, FL 33135 N/A I0/08/200.1

Purpose of expenditure other media expenses

~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~ Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Maria Cardona NDN s 112 1812 Calven Street, NW Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20009 Sr. VP of His. Proj. 1o/o 1/2004


Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Maria Cardona NDN s 37 1812 Calven Street, NW Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20009 Sr. VP of His. Pmj. 1010 112004 Purpose of expenditure GROUND TRANSPORTATIONIDEM0

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Maria Cardona NDN !5 615 1812 Calven Street, NW Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20009 Sr. VP of His. Proj. 1010 112004

Purpose of expenditure TRAVEL AND LODGING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Mew Mail Services, Inc. N/A f 125 7942 - P Cluny Ct. Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Springfield, VA 22 153 N/A 10/08/2004 Purpose of expenditure postage and delivery

Hecipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Michael L. Akavan NDN S 390 7 Richfield Ct. Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Plainview, NY 11803 webmaster 1 o/o 112004 Purpose of expenditure expense reimbursement

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's eniployer Amount of Expenditure Michael L. Akavan NDN S 160 7 Richfield Ct. Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Plainview, NY 1 1803 webmaster 1010 1 /2004 Purpose of expenditure Expense Reimbursement

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure MICHAEL MOSCHELLA Self employed s 379 21 Ease Avenue Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure . Whitman. MA 02382 Consultant IOIO 1/2004 Purpose of expenditure GRND TRANS./POSTAGE AND DELIVERY ' Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP de Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure NOAH DOYLE NDN $271 1718 P Street, NW Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20036 Asisst to the Resid 10/01/2004 Purpose of expenditure expense reimbursement

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure NOAH DOYLE NDN S 28 1718 P Street, NW Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20036 Asisst to the Resid 1010 112004 Purpose of expenditure Expense Reimbursement

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure NOAH DOYLE NDN $15 1718 P Street, NW Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20036 Asisst to the Resid 10/01/2004 Purpose of expenditure MEALS AND CATERING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Paychex, Inc. N/A $30 General Post Office Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure New York. NY 10087 N/A 10/05/2OO4 Purpose of expenditure Admin Fee

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Penn, Schoen & Berland Associates, Inc. NIA 9 18Ooo 1120 19th Street, NW Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20036 NIA 1010 112004

Purpose of expenditure other media expenses

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Penn, Schoen & Berland Associates. Inc. NIA $5oooo 1120 19th Street. NW Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20036 NIA 1O/ 1 312004

Purpose of expenditure MEDIA PRODUCTION

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Perkins Coie. LLP NIA $2360 1201 Third Avenue, 40th Floor Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Seattle. WA 98101 NIA 1010812004 Purpose of expenditure LEGAL SERVICES

~~ ~ Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Perkins Coie, LLP NIA 9 3162 1201 Third Avenue, 40th Floor Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Seattle, WA 98101 NIA I010812004 Purpose of expenditure LEGAL SERVICES

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Petty Cash NIA s 300 777 North Capitol Street NE Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20002 NIA 10112/2004 I Purpose of expenditure expense reimbursement - Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer STEVEN J. FRIEDMAN STUDENT 310 WINDING WAY Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution MERION. PA 19066 STUDENT f 15 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $ 15 08/24/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer SUE BURNETT SELF 35 13 WINDSOR PLACE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution CHEVY CHASE, MD 20815 CONSULTANT S 150 Aggregate contributions year-todate Date of contribution f 150 091 14/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer SUSAN DlLLOWAY N/A 2728 LA STRADA GRANDE HTS. Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution COLORADO SPRINGS, CO 80906 GOV. TEACHER $ 25 Aggregate contributions year-todate Date of contribution $75 09/30/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer SUSAN M.ANDERSEN 1 WASHINGTON SQUARE VILLAGE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution NEW YORK. NY 10012 PROFESSOR $ 100 Aggregate contributions year- todate Date of contribution $100 07/22/2004

~~ Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer SUSANA M.FERNANDEZ LOEWS HOTELS 151 CRANDON BLVD. Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution KEY BlSCAY NE. FL 33 149 HRD $ 100 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $ 100 09/24/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer SUZl HERBERT RETIRED 529 QUALLA TERRACE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution HAYESVILLE. NC 28904 EDUCATlON s 100 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $100 08/03/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer TARA E. WALPERT MCKINSEY & CO. 60 W. 23RD STREET Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution NEW YORK, NY 10010 CONSULTANT ti 500 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution 5 500 08/09/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer TECH PARK 5, LLC N/A 901 N. GREEN VALLEY PKWY Con tribu tor's occupation Amount of contribution HENDERSON, NV 89074 NIA f 5000 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $5000 09/23/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer TECH PARK 6, LLC N/A 901 N. GREEN VALLEY PKWY Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution HENDERSON. NV 89074 N/A S 5000 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $ 5000 09/23/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer THE CORRADINO GROUP NIA FIRST TRUST CENTRE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution LOUISVILLE, KY 40202 N/A f 15000 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution S 15000 09/30/2004 Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer THERESA A. REID SELF 3025 PROVINCIAL DRIVE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution ANN ARBOR, MI 48104 WRITER S 50 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $ 50 08/03/2004

~~ Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer THERESA M FLYNN NONE I 270 MORTON AVENUE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution ATHENS, GA 30605 GRADUATE STUDENT S 50 Aggregate contributions year-todate Date of contribution f 50 09/20/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer THERESA M. FARIELLO EXXON MOBIL 43 1 1 SPYGLASS AVENUE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution IRVING, TX 75038 SEN GOVT RELATIONS $250 Aggregate contributions year-todate Date of contribution $250 07119/2OO4

~~ Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer THOMAS MCLARTY MCLARTY MANAGEMENT 1775 PENNSYLVANIA AVE NW Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution WASHINGTON, DC 20006 CHAIRMAN $5000 Aggregate contributions year-todate Date of contribution

$5000 , 091 14/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer TIM OSSWALD U. OF WISCONSIN 1809 MADISON STREET Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution MADISON, WI 5371 1 PROFESSOR f 35 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $35 09/27/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer TOM S. LYNCH RETIRED 210 2ND STREET NW Contributor's occupation . Amount of contribution PARSHALL, ND 58770 RETIRED $ 10 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $10 09/20/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer TONI GOODALE GOODALE ASSOCIATES 45 EAST 80TH STREET Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution NEW YORK. NY 10021 CHAIRMAN 8s CEO 5 150 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $ 150 08/04/2003

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer TRANTOR THIRDGATE ANTIGRAVITATION COW 470 PRIM STREET Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution ASHLAND. OR 97520 ENGINEER $35 Aggregate contributions year- to-date Date of contribution $35 0911 7/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer TRUDIE LEAR SELF PR6 BOX 6437A Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution STROUDSBURG. PA 18360 COMMUNICATIONS $ 50 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $50 09/24/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer TIT CONSTRUCTION CORP. N/A P.O. BOX 29033 Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution SAN JUAN, PR 00929 N/A $lo00 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution s I000 09/24/2004 Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer VlNAY BHARGAVA GOOGLE 17 TULIP LANE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution SAN CARLOS, CA 94070 STRATEGIC PARTNER S 250 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $250 08/26/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer VlNAY BHARGAVA GOOGLE 17 TULIP LANE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution SAN CARLOS, CA 94070 STRATEGIC PARTNER s 100 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution S 350 091 I 712004

~~~~~~ ~~ ~~ Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP codT Name of contributor's employer WALT VANDERBUSH MIAMI UNIVERSITY 21 CHRISTOPHER DRIVE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution OXFORD, OH 45056 TEACHER $200 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $200 09/27/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer WALTER ULOA ENTROVlSlON COMM. 2425 OLYMPIC BLVD. Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution SANTA MONICA, CA 90404 CHAIRMAN & CEO $25000 Aggregate contributions year-todate Date of contribution S 25000 07/09/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer WARREN VINZANT MOBILITY ELECTRONlCS 2419 IRMA WAY Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution CASTRO VALLEY, CA 94546 CEO $35 Aggregate contributions year- to-date Date of contribution !i 35 09/20/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer WEST PALM PLAZA N/A 9921 W. OKEECHOBEE RD. Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution HIALEAH GARDENS, FL 33016 N/A f 750 Aggregate contributions year-to-da te Date of contribution $750 09/22/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer WESTSIDE CENTER N/A 3900 W 12TH AVENUE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution HIALEAH, FL 33012 N/A f 750 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution S 750 09/22/2004

~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~~~~~~ ~ ~ Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer WILLIAM 8. WIENER SELF 333 TEXAS STREET Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution SHREVEPORT. LA 71 101 RETIRED s lo00 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $lo00 09/20/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer WILLIAM C. BRADBURY OREGON 2250 EOLA DRIVE NW Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution SALEM, OR 97304 SECRETARY OF STATE $100 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $ loo 09/20/2004 Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer WILLIAM E. RAY RETIRED 324 STONE MILL DRIVE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution BRUNSWICK. GA 31520 RETAIL MANAGEMENT 5 35

Aggregate contributions year-todate Date of contribution I S 35 0811 3/2004 .. Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer WILLIAM MORIN APPLIED MATERIALS 6505 HOMESTAKE DRIVE SOUTH Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution BOWIE, MD 20720 GOV. AFFAIRS s 100 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution 5 100 091 17/2003

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer WILLIAM R. MITCHELSON ALSTON & BIRD LLP 120 1 WEST PEACHTREE ST Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution ATLANTA, GA 30309 A'ITORNEY s 100 Aggregate contributions year- todate Date of contribution $100 08/06/2004

____~ Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer WYETH N/A P.O. BOX 13743 Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution PHILADELPHIA, PA 19101 N/A f 5oooo Aggregate contributions year-todate Date of contribution $5oooo 07/02/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer YONAH GROSSMAN SELF 125 BARROW STREET Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution NEW YORK, NY 10014 SELF $100 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $100 . 09/02/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer ZACHARY M. KLEIN THIRD DlSTRlCT COURT 130 HARTFORD COURT Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution LIMA, OH 45805 LAW CLERK s 35 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution s 35 09/20/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer JOSEPH A. STRZALKA FEDERAL GOVT 3093 JACOB Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution HAMTRAMCK, MI 48212 CONSULAR OFFlCER s 100 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution

$100 09/28/2004 ,

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer JOSEPH R. DISANO MESSAGE DESIGN GRP 57 18 HARTEL Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution POITERVILLE, MI 48876 CONSULTANT $35 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $35 08/24/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer JOSEPH SANBERG TIGER TECHNOLOGY 40 PARK AVENUE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution NEW YORK, NY 10016 FINANCE $500 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $500 07/06/2004

~~~ ~ Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer JOSH B. BECKER AGILE SOmWARE 2098 VALPARAISO AVE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution MENLO PARK, CA 94025 CORP. DEVELOPMENT $35 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $35 07/22/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer JOSHUA C. STOKES GIBSON, DUNN ET AL. 6920 CAMROSE DRIVE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution LOS ANGELES, CA 90068 AlTORNEY $ loo Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $ loo 08/24/2004 . Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer JOSHUA S. KANTER WINDY ClTY, INC. 6340 SOUTH 3000 EAST Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84121 ATTORNEY $ 1000 Aggregate contributions year-todate Date of contribution $ 1000 08/24/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer JOSHUA S. KANTER WINDY CITY, INC. 6340 SOUTH 3000 EAST Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution SALT LAKE CITY. UT 84121 ATTORNEY $2500 Aggregate contributions year-todate Date of conkbution $3500 09/23/2003

~~ -~ ~ ~~ ~ Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer JOSHUA STOKES GOBSON. DUNN & CRUTC 6920 CAMROSE DRIVE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution LOS ANGELES, CA 90068 ATTORNEY $250 Aggregate contributions year-todate Date of contribution $250 0813 112004

~ ~~~ ~~ Contributor's name, mailing address and fiPc&e Name of contributor's employer KAREN A. ULRING SELF 934 PAGE STREET Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution SAN FRANCISCO. CA 941 17 PSYCHOLOGIST $100 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $100 . 08/06/2004

~ ~ ~~ ~~ Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer KAREN GREEN AKIN, GUMP ET AL. 3531 WOODBINE STREET Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution CHEVY CHASE, MD 20815 REQUESTED $50 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $ 50 08/06/2004

~ ~~ Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer KAREN SYMMS GALLAGHER UNIV. OF SOUTHERN CA 759 DANFORTH DRIVE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution LOS ANGELES. CA 90065 PROFESSOR/ DEAN s 100 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $100 07/29/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer KAROLINE P. LERKE REQUESTED 11030 EVERGREEN WAY Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution EVEREIT, WA 98204 REQUESTED $35 Aggregate contributions year-todate Date of contribution $ 35 09/28/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer KATHARINE KEENAN INST lNTL ECONOMICS 2 19 G STREET SW Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution WASHINGTON, DC 20024 ADMIN. ASSlSTANT s 35 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution s 35 09/20/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer KATHERINE PAUR HARVARD UNIVERSlTY 388 PFORZHEIMER MAIL CTR Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution

CAMBRIDGE, MA 02138 STUDENT s 35 I Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $ 35 07/22/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer KEITH ROBERTS ROBERTS PROPRlETARlE 239 CENTRAL PARK WEST Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution NEW YORK, NY 10024 PRESIDENT $2000 Aggregate contributions year-to-da te Date of contribution $2000 07/06/2004 Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer KELLIE A. MEIMAN KISSINGER MCLARTY 2622 N. UPSHUR STREET Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution ARLINGTON. VA 22207 MANAGING DIRECTOR $ 50 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $50 08/24/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer KENNETH R. SHEAR SPI LITIGATION DlREC 1219 SIXTEENTH AVENUEEAST Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution SEAITLE, WA 981 12 ATTORNEYICONSULTANT s 100 Aggregate contributions year-todate Date of contribution s 100 09/23/2001

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer KEVIN B. BLOCK-SCHWENK PRINCETON REVIEW 92 GORDON STREET Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution BRIGHTON. MA 02135 TUTOR $200 Aggregate contributions year-todate Date of contribution $200 08/24/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer KEVIN HENEGHAN THE SUTTON LAW FIRM 43 1 THIRD AVENUE, #1 Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94 1 18 AlTORNEY s 100 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $100 07/29/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer KIANGA ELLIS GOLDMAN SACHS FNDN 65 WASHINGTON STREET Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution BROOKLYN' NY 11201 PROGRAM OFFICER s 500 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $ 500 08/24/2003

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer KIMBERLY JOHNSON CREDIT SUISSE 200 WEST 26TH STREET Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution NEW YORK. NY IO001 TRADER f 500 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $500 09/27/2004

~~ ~ Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer KOCH INDUSTRIES N/A P.O. BOX 2256 Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution WICHITA, KS 67201 N/A $5m Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $5oooo 08/03/2004

~ Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer KRlS MUTO REQUESTED 5 CARSDALE CT. Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution WILMINGTON, DE 19808 REQUESTED s 35 Aggregate contributions year-to-da te Date of contribution $35 081 1 3/2004

~ Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer KRISTEN E. GlLLlBRAND BOIES, SCHILLER ET. 1755 YORK AVENUE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution NEW YORK. NY 10128 ATTORNEY $35 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution s 35 07/22/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer KRISTEN E. GlLLlBRAND BOIES. SCHILLER ET. 1755 YORK AVENUE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution NEW YORK, NY 10128 ATTORNEY s 500 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $535 07/29/2004 Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer KRISTEN KLABIN SELF EMPLOYED 305 EAST 63RD STREET Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution NEW YORK, NY 10021 SELF-EMPLOYED 15 500 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $ 500 09/24/2004

__ ~~ Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer KRISTEN SCHWENKMEYER GORDON&SCHWENKMERYE 1570 PROSPECT AVENUE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution HERMOSA BEACH, CA 90254 FUNDRAISING S 250 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $250 07/29/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer KYLE ARDOIN PUBLINK 1946 MYRTEDALE AVENUE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution BATON ROUGE, LA 70808 REQUESTED S 250 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $250 0711 3/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer LANCE G. WEIR DOD 35 CLEVELAND STREET Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution BAY SHORE, NY 11706 AVIONICS TECH $35 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $35 . 08/02/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer LANCE G.WEIR DOD 35 CLEVELAND STREET Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution BAY SHORE, NY 11706 AVIONICS TECH s loo Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $135 09/20/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer LANCE G. WEIR DOD 35 CLEVELAND STREET Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution BAY SHORE, NY 1 1706 AVIONICS TECH $ loo Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $235 09/23/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer LANCE G.WEIR DOD 35 CLEVELAND STREET Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution BAY SHORE, NY 11706 AVIONICS TECH 5 100 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $335 09/27/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer LARRY FISCHER . SELF 92 DOSORIS LANE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution GLEN COVE, NY 11542 CPA S 50 Aggregate contributions year- to-da te Date of contribution $50 07/29/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer LARRY MURRAY SELF 5544-1 RENAISSANCE AVENUE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution SAN DIEGO, CA 92122 STOCK MARKET TRADER 5 35 Aggregate contributions year- to-date Date of contribution $ 35 08/02/2004 I Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer LARRY WEST SELF 121 1 MIRAMAR #I ' Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution HOUSTON, TX 77006 PHOTOGRAPHER 0 50 Aggregate contributions year- to-date Date of contribution $50 08/24/2004 Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer LAURA E. KLEIN A. El N STElN COLLEGE 3720 INDEPENDENCE AVENUE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution BRONX, NY 10463 RESEARCH BIOLOGIST $35 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution s 35 0911 7/2004

~ ~~~~~~ ~ Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer LAURA K. BROWN AMER. BUS ASSOC. 3720 MACOMB ST. NW Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution WASHINGTON, DC 20016 LEG ISLATI VE ASSIST. s 35 Aggregate contributions year- to-date Date of contribution s 35 07/22/2004 Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer LAWRENCE J. SAMPAS CROSSROAD STR ATEGl ES 47 I5 TRENT COURT Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution CHEVY CHASE, MD 20815 SYSTEMS ADMIN. $35 Aggregate contributions year- todate Date of contribution $35 07/22/2001

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer LEE DUGGER MEDLEY GLOBAL ADVIS. 38 WEST 73RD STREET Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution NEW YORK, NY 10023 CONSULTING $35 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $570 07/29/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer LENNY MENDONCA MCKINSEY 555 CALIFORNIA STREET Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94104 CONSULTANT s 100 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $100 08/02/2004 Form 8872 (11-2002) Itemized Expenditures I Schedule B Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Capital Self Storage NIA s 109 301 N Street, N.E. Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20002 NIA 081 18/2004 Purpose of expenditure stora,ge

~~~ ~-~~ ~ ~ Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure ELEVATION NIA S 90327 1818 N. STREET, NW Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure WASHINGTON, DC 20036 NIA 07/26/2004 Purpose of expenditure media buy

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure LUKlS BALSERA, L.L.C. N/A S 21800 3663 S.W.8TH STREET Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure MIAMI, FL 33 135 NIA 08/05/2004 Purpose of expenditure MEDIA BUYS

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Quick Messenger Service NIA $921 P.O.Box 27378 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20038 NIA 0810 112004 Purpose of expenditure POSTAGE AND DELIVERY

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Verizon NIA s 110 P.O. Box 17577 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Baltimore, MD 21297 NIA 081 1 a2004 Purpose of expenditure telephone

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Brian R. Muny NDN $880 2601 Woodley PI, NW, Apt 305 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20008 DC Development Assoc 071 1512004 Purpose of expenditure salary

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Guillermo A. Meneses NDN $ 2616 3810 Brighton Ct Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Alexandria, VA 22305 VP Communications 09/30/2004 Purpose of expenditure salary

~~ Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Michael Akavan NDN $551 7 Richfield Ct Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Plainview. NY 1 1803 webmaster 071 1512004 Purpose of expenditure salary

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Michael Akavan NDN $508 7 Richfield Ct Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Plainview, NY 1 I803 webmaster 0713 1/2004 Purpose of expenditure salary Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Michael Akavan NDN S 465 7 Richfield Ct Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Plainview. NY 1 1803 webmaster OW1 3/2004 Purpose of expenditure alary Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Michael Akavan NDN S 1037 7 Richfield Ct Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Plainview, NY 1 1803 webmaster 09/30/2004 Purpose of expenditure salary

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Noah A. Doyle NDN $ 894 1718 P St, NW, AptT3 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20036 Assistant to the President 071 15/2OO4 Purpose of expenditure salary

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Noah A. Doyle NDN $894 1718 P St, NW, Apt T3 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20036 Assistant to the Resident 07130/2004 Purpose of expenditure salary

~~ Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Noah A. Doyle NDN S 894 1718 P St, NW, Apt T3 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20036 Assistant to the President 081 I3/2004 Purpose of expenditure salary

~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Noah A. Doyle NDN $ 894 1718 P St, NW, Apt T3 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington. DC 20036 Assistant to the President 0813 112004 Purpose of expenditure salary

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Noah A. Doyle NDN $894 1718 P St, NW, AptT3 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20036 Assistant to the President 091 I512004 Purpose of expenditure salary

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Noah A. Doyle NDN $ 894 1718 P St, NW, Apt T3 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20036 Assistant to the President 0913012004 Purpose of expenditure salary

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Simon B. Rosenberg NDN $5251 5423 Cathedral Ave, NW Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington. DC 20016 President & Founder 071 1512004 Purpose of expenditure salary Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Simon B. Rosenberg NDN $5603 5423 Cathedral Ave, NW Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20016 Resident & Founder 07130/2004 Purpose of expenditure salary

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Simon B. Rosenberg NDN $5603 5423 Cathedral Ave, NW Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure

Washington, DC 20016 ' Resident & Founder 081 13/2003

Purpose of expenditure salary

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Simon 8. Rosenberg NDN $ 5603 5423 Cathedral Ave, NW Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20016 Resident & Founder 08/3 112004

Purpose of expenditure salary Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Simon B. Rosenberg NDN $ 5603 5423 Cathedral Ave. NW Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20016 Resident & Founder 091 1512004

Purpose of expenditure salary

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Simon B. Rosenberg NDN $5603 5423 Cathedral Ave, NW Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20016 President 8; Founder 09/30/2004

Purpose of expenditure salary

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure , Spencer Bryant Potter NDN $493 7705 Tauxemont Rd Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Alexandria, VA 22308 intern 071192004 Purpose of expenditure salary

~ ~~ ~ ~~~~ ~ ~~ Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIPcode Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Spencer Bryant Potter NDN $456 7705 Tauxemont Rd Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Alexandria, VA 22308 intern 0713012004 Purpose of expenditure salary

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Spencer Bryant Potter NDN S 418 7705 Tauxemont Rd Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Alexandria. VA 22308 intern 081 1 312004 Purpose of expenditure salary

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP de Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Timothy Chung H Lim NDN $501

730 University Ave Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure I Ithaca, NY 14850 intern 0711512004 Purpose of expenditure salary Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Timothy ChugH Lim NDN $465 730 University Ave Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Ithaca, NY 14850 intern 07/30/200.1 Purpose of expenditure salary

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer ' Amount of Expenditure Timothy Chung H Lim NDN S 229 730 University Ave Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Ithaca, NY 14850 intern 081 1 31204 Purpose of expenditure salary

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure VA Dept of Taxation nla f 1168 PO Box 27264 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Richmond, VA 23218 nla 08/20/2004 Purpose of expenditure payroll taxes

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure VA Dept of Taxation nla f 1121 PO Box 27264 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Richmond, VA 23218 nla 09/20/2004 Purpose of expenditure payroll taxes

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure VA Dept of Taxation nla 6 1091 PO Box 27264 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Richmond, VA 232 18 nla 09/30/2004 Purpose of expenditure payroll taxes

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure ELEVATION N/A $106912 1818 N. STREET, NW Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure WASHINGTON, DC 20036 N/A . 081 1 312004 Purpose of expenditure media buy

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure ELEVATION N/A f 106337 1818 N. STREET, NW Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure WASHINGTON, DC 20036 N/A 08/20/2004 Purpose of expenditure media buy

~ Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure ELEVATION N/A s1m I818 N. STREET. NW Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure WASHINGTON, DC 20036 N/A 07/09/2004 Purpose of expenditure media buy

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure ELEVATION N/A f 68522 1818 N. STREET, NW . Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure WASHINGTON, DC 20036 NIA 08/05/2004 Purpose of expenditure media buy Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure ELEVATION NIA $61380 1818 N. STREET, NW Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure WASHINGTON, DC 20036 NIA 0711 6/2004

Purpose of expenditure media buy

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure ELEVATION NIA S 20800 1818 N. STREET, NW Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure WASHINGTON, DC 20036 NIA 0910212004

Purpose of expenditure media buy

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure ELEVATION NIA $ 12780 18 18 N. STREET, NW Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure WASHINGTON, DC 20036 NIA 091 1312004

Purpose of expenditure media buy

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure ELEVATION NIA $7440 1818 N. STREET, NW Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure WASHINGTON, DC 20036 NIA 0711 a2004 Purpose of expenditure media buy

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure ELEVATION NIA $24000 1818 N. STREET, NW Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure WASHINGTON, DC 20036 NIA 0810 112004

Purpose of expenditure MEDIA PRODUCTION

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure ELEVATION NIA $4000 1818 N. STREET, NW Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure WASHINGTON. DC 20036 NIA 07115/2004

Purpose of expenditure I OTHER MEDIA EXPENSES

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure ELEVATION NIA $4764 1818 N. STREET, NW Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure WASHINGTON, DC 20036 NIA 07/29/2004 Purpose of expenditure OTHER MEDIA EXPENSES

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure ELEVATION NIA $16667 18 18 N. STREET, NW Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure WASHINGTON, DC 20036 NIA 071291200.1 Purpose of expenditure OTHER MEDIA EXPENSES

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure ELEVATION NIA $17500 1818 N. STREET, NW Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure WASHINGTON, DC 20036 Nl A 07/29/2004 Purpose of expenditure OTHER MEDIA EXPENSES Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure ELEVATION NIA $4000 1818 N. STREET, NW Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure WASHINGTON, DC 20036 NIA 07/29/2003 Purpose of expenditure OTHER MEDIA EXPENSES

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure ELEVATION NIA f 16666 1818 N. STREET, NW Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure WASHINGTON, DC 20036 NIA 071 16/200) Purpose of expenditure other media expenses

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure ELEVATION NIA $106122 1818 N. STREET, NW Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure . WASHINGTON, DC 20036 NIA OW3 112004 Purpose of expenditure MEDIA BUY

~ Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Emerson College N/A $5460 120 Boylston Street Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Boston, MA 021 16 NIA 07/23/2004 Purpose of expenditure convention dorm rooms

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Emerson College NIA s 3535 120 Boylston Street Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Boston, MA 021 16 . NIA 07/26/2004

Purpose of expenditure dorm rooms

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Emerson College NIA f 300 120 Boylston Street Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Boston, MA 021 16 NIA 07/20/2004 Purpose of expenditure key deposit

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure FEDEX NIA f 17 P.O. BOX 371461 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure PITTSBURGH, PA 15250 NIA 06/09/2004 Purpose of expenditure POSTAGE AND DELIVERY

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Flather & Perkins NIA S 750 888-17thStreet, NW Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20006 NIA 071 I612004 I Purpose of expenditure liability insurance I

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Four Seasons Hotel Boston N/A $ 1528 200 Boylston St Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure . Boston, MA 021 16 NIA 0712 1/2004 Purpose of expenditure room reservations Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Diane Grant NDN f 50 29 13 Brinkley Road Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Temple Hills, MD 20748 Office Manager 08/03/2004 Purpose of expenditure EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Diane Grant NDN s 50 2913 Brinkley Road Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Temple Hills, MD 20748 Office Manager 08/05/2004 Purpose of expenditure EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Diane Grant NDN 6 127 2913 Brinkley Road Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Temple Hills, MD 20748 Office Manager 07/30/2004 Purpose of expenditure EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Allison Baker Griner NDN $8428 4971 Allan Road Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Bethesda. MD 208 16 VP of DC'Develop. 08/09/2004

Purpose of expenditure EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure ICMA N/A $16379 777 North Capitol Street NE Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20002 N/A 081 122004 Purpose of expenditure RENT

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure ICMA N/A $16379 777 North Capitol Street NE Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20002 N/A 07/02/2004 Purpose of expenditure RENT

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure ICMA N/A $16379 777 Nonh Capitol Street NE Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20002 N/A 091 I512004 Purpose of expenditure RENT

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Integral DC, LLC N/A 6 So00 2026 P Street,NW Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20036 N/A 0710 112004 . Purpose of expenditure Website maintenance

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure JOHN JOYCE Professional Livery s loo PO Box 8433 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Elkridge. MD 21075 Driver 081 10/2004 Purpose of expenditure TRANSPORTATION Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Jamison Special Risk, Inc. N/A $1742 100 Executive Drive Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure West Orange, NJ 07052 N/A 08/25/2004

Puyose of expenditure company insurance

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure LACYD N/A s 100 2485 Lindsay Lane Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Los Angeles, CA 90039 N/A 08/09/2004

Purpose of expenditure convention

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Richard Lear NDN S 305 RD 6, Box 6437A Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Stroudsburg. PA 18360 intern 09/30/2004

Purpose of expenditure salary

- Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Kerem Levitas NDN $ 158 1722 19th Streel Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20009 Natl Member. Assoc. 081 1312004

Purpose of expenditure expense

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Kerem Levitas NDN $ 34 1722 19th Street Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington. DC 20009 Natl Member. Assoc. 08/05/2004

Purpose of expenditure GROUND TRANSPORTATION

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure , Tim Lim NDN s 75 730 University Ave Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Ithnca, NY 14850 intern 0910 112004

Purpose of expenditure Expense Reimbursement

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Elizabeth Ling NDN $2500 300 Massachusetts Ave NW. Apt #218 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20001 Consul tam 0911 712004

Purpose of expenditure DEVELOPMENT EXPENSE

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure LUKE BALSERA, L.L.C. N/A S 1003 3663 S.W. 8TH STREET Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure

MIAMI, FL 33135 N/A ' 09/20/2004

Purpose of expenditure MEDIA BUYS

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure LUKlS BALSERA, L.L.C. N/A $21800 3663 S.W. 8TH STREET Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure MIAMI, FL 33135 N/A 01/22/2004 Purpose of expenditure MEDIA BUYS Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP de Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure LUKIS BALSERA, L.L.C. N/A $21800 3663 S.W. 8TH STREET Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure MIAMI, FL 33135 N/A 07/08/2001 Purpose of expenditure MEDIA BUYS

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer . Amount of Expenditure LUKIS BALSERA, L.L.C. N/A $21800 3663 S.W. 8TH STREET Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure MIAMI, FL 33135 N/A 071 15/2W Purpose of expenditure MEDIA BUYS

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure LUKIS BALSERA, L.L.C. NIA $ 21800 3663 S.W. 8TH STREET Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure MIAMI, FL 33135 N/A 08/02/2004 Purpose of expenditure MEDIA BUYS

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Capital Self Storage N/A 5; 109 301 N Street, N.E. Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20002 NIA . 071 19/2004 Purpose of expenditure storage

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure CareFirst Bluecross Blueshield N/A $ 4342 P.O. Box 79749 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Baltimore, MD 21279 N/A 07/08/2004 Purpose of expenditure health insurance

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure CareFirst Bluecross Blueshield N/A $4342 P.O.Box 79749 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Baltimore. MD 21279 N/A 08/03/2004 Purpose of expenditure health insurance

~~ ~ ~__ ~~ Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure CareFirst Bluecross Blueshield N/A $3302 P.O. Box 79749 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Baltimore, MD 21279 N/A 09/03/2004 Purpose of expenditure health insurance

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Petty Cash NIA s1ooOo 777 Norlh Capitol Street NE Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure WASHINGTON, DC 20002 N/A 07/23/2004 Purpose of expenditure convention expenses

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure CHARLES SCHWAB & CO., INC. N/A S 1975 P.O.BOX 6297 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46208 NIA 091 1712004 Purpose of expenditure simple IRA Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure CHARLES SCHWAB & CO., INC. N/A $3875 P.O. BOX 6297 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46208 N/A 09/02/2004

Purpose of expenditure simple IRA

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure CHARLES SCHWAB & CO., INC. N/A f 2625 P.O. BOX 6297 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46208 N/A 0711512004

Purpose of expenditure simple IRA

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Cingular Wireless N/A 6 208 P.O. Box 17356 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Baltimore, MD 21297 N/A 0711 a2004

Purpose of expenditure telephone

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Cingular Wireless N/A $300 P.O. Box 17356 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Baltimore, MD 21297 N/A 07/02/2004

Purpose of expenditure blackberry deposit

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Cingular Wireless N/A $917 P.O. Box 17356 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Baltimore. MD 2 1297 N/A 09/09/2004

Purpose of expenditure telephone

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Cingular Wireless N/A $803 P.O. Box 17356 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Baltimore. MD 21297 N/A 08/09/2004

Purpose of expenditure telephone

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Deborah Coleman Smartforest Venture 5 loo00 Smart Forest Ventures Recipients's occupation .Date of expenditure Portland, OR 97204 Venture Capital 07/07/2004 Purpose of expenditure refund of contribution

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure GlLLlAN COOK Self employed $3413 5 1 1 TAYLOR STREET, NW Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure WASHINGTON, DC 2001 1 consultant 08/03/2004 Purpose of expenditure COMPUTER SERVICE

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure GlLLlAN COOK Self employed $3650 5 1 1 TAYLOR STREET, NW Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure WASHINGTON, DC 2001 1 consultant 0712 112004 Purpose of expenditure COMPUTER SERVICES Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Michael Coscia N/A $3180 304 Twelfth Street, SE Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20003 N/A OS/ 1912004 Purpose of expenditure stationery

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Michael Coscia N/A $2525 304 Twelfth Street. SE Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20003 N/A 07/06/2003

Purpose of expenditure stationery

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Michael Coscia N/A $1313 304 Twelfth Street, SE Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20003 N/A 07/06/2004

Purpose of expenditure stationery

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure CREATIVE RESOURCES, INC. N/A S 12500 227 Massachusetts Ave, NE Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20002 N/A . 09/29/2004

Purpose of expenditure DEVELOPMENT EXPENSE

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure CREATIVE RESOURCESl INC. N/A $7500 227 Massachusetts Ave. NE Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20002 N/A 0811 912004 Purpose of expenditure other state project

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Concert Sound & Lighting N/A $4200 21 Main St. Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Acton, MA 01720 N/A 07/22/2004

Purpose of expenditure convention sound

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Concert Sound & Lighting N/A S 4200 21 Main St. Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Acton, MA 01720 N/A 07/28/2004

Purpose of expenditure convention sound

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Concert Staging Services, Inc. N/A $ 1500 6 Harback Rd. Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Sutton, MA 01590 N/A 07/22/2004 Purpose of expenditure convention

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Concert Staging Services, Inc. NIA S 1500 6 Harback Rd. Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Sutton, MA 01590 NIA 07/28/2004 Purpose of expenditure convention Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure DC Treasurer n/a $115 941 N. Capitol St, NE Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20002 n/a OW3 112001

Purpose of expenditure repon

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Eduiudo de Sousa Professional Livery S 100 PO Box 8433 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Elkridge, MD 21075 driver 0910 112004

Purpose of expenditure TRANSPORTATION

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure DELANCEY PRINTING NIA $6686 PO Box 388 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Alexandria, VA 223 13 NIA 0711 5I2W

Purpose of expenditure PRINTING & REPRODUCTION

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure DELANCEY PRlNTlNG NIA S 483 PO Box 388 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Alexandria, VA 22313 NIA 0710812004

Purpose of expenditure PRINTING & REPRODUCTION

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure DELANCEY PRlNTING NIA $3414 PO Box 388 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Alexandria, VA 22313 NIA 06/3012004

Purpose of expenditure PRINTING AND REPRODUCTION

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Different Tastes NIA $4oooo 103A Broadway Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Boston. MA 02 150 NIA 071 1SI2004

Purpose of expenditure MEALS AND CATERING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code 'Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure NOAH DOYLE NDN $221 1718 P Street, NW Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20036 Assist to the Presid 08113/2003

Purpose of expenditure EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Charles Eberle NDN $293 815 Massachusetts Avenue, NE Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure I Washington, DC 20002 Political Associate 07/02/2004 Purpose of expenditure EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Charles Eberle NDN $ 1174 I 8 IS Massachusetts Avenue, NE Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington. DC 20002 Political Associate 071 1912003 Purpose of expenditure EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Charles Eberle NDN $ lo00 815 Massachusetts Avenue, NE Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20002 Political Associate 07120/2004 Purpose of expenditure WBENSE REIMBURSEMENT

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Charles Eberle NDN S 298 815 Massachusetts Avenue, NE Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20002 Political Associate 071 1512004 Purpose of expenditure EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT

~~~__ Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure ELEVATION N/A $153005 1818 N. STREET, NW Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure WASHINGTON, DC 20036 N/A 09/29/2004 Purpose of expenditure media buy

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure ELEVATION N/A $2oooo 18 18 N. STREET, NW Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure WASHINGTON, DC 20036 N/A 0912 moo4 Purpose of expenditure media buy

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure ELEVATION N/A $12780 1818 N. STREET, NW Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure WASHINGTON, DC 20036 N/A 091 1712004 Purpose of expenditure media buy

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's eniployer Amount of Expenditure , ELEVATION N/A $24500 I8 I8 N. STREET, NW Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure WASHINGTON, DC 20036 N/A 0712012004 Purpose of expenditure media buy

~~ ~~ ~ ~~~~~~ Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure ELEVATION N/A f 16667 1818 N. STREET, NW Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure WASHINGTON, DC 20036 N/A 081 1 a2004 Purpose of expenditure media buy

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure JAMES MACARI Professional Livery $100 . PO Box 8433 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Elkridge, MD 21075 Driver 081 1012004 Purpose of expenditure TRANSPORTATION

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure MCI BUSINESS GOLD WORLDWIDE N/A $344 P.O. BOX 856053 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure LOUISVILLE, KY 40285 NIA 07/28/2004 Purpose of expenditure long distance Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure MCI BUSINESS GOLD WORLDWIDE N/A S 287 P.O. BOX 856053 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure LOUISVILLE, KY 40285 Nf A 07/2y2001 Purpose of expenditure long distance

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure MCI BUSINESS GOLD WORLDWIDE N/A f 312 P.O. BOX 856053 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure LOUISVILLE, KY 40285 N/A 08/28/2004 Purpose of expenditure long distance

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Daniel Miller NDN S 216 1145 Knollwood Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Buffalo Grove, 1L 60089 intern 091 15/2004 Purpose of expenditure salary

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Daniel Miller NDN S 216 1 145 Knollwood Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Buffalo Grove, IL 60089 intern . 09/30/2004 Purpose of expenditure salary

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure The Milner Hotel N/A S 8000 78 Charles St South Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Boston, MA 02 1 16 N/A 0712 1/2003

Purpose of expenditure convention hotel deposit

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure MICHAEL MOSCHELLA Self employed $1042 21 Ease Avenue Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Whitmn. MA 02382 Consultan1 07/02/2004 Purpose of expenditure DEVELOPMENT EXPENSE

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure MICHAEL MOSCHELLA Self employed s 900 21 Ease Avenue Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Whitman. MA 02382 Consultant 0911 7/2W Purpose of expenditure DEVELOPMENT EXPENSE

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure MICHAEL MOSCHELLA Self employed $ 1250 21 Ease Avenue Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Whitman, MA 02382 Consultant 09/04/2004 Purpose of expenditure DEVELOPMENT EXPENSE

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure MICHAEL MOSCHELLA Self employed $1042 21 Ease Avenue Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Whitman. MA 02382 Consultant 08/04/2004 Purpose of expenditure DEVELOPMENT EXPENSE Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Paychex, Inc. N/A $30 General Post Office Recipients's 'occupation Date of expenditure New York, NY 10087 N/A 09/10/2004

Purpose of expenditure payroll service fees

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure I Paychex, Inc. N/A S 223 General Post Office Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure New York. NY 10087 N/A 081 10/2001

Purpose of expenditure PAY ROLL SERVICE FEES

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Paychex, Inc. NIA $219 General Post Office Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure New York, NY 10087 NIA 0911w2004

Purpose of expenditure payroll service fees

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Erica Payne Self employed s 18ooo 56 West 22nd Street Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure New York. NY 10010 Consultant 0813 1/2004

Purpose of expenditure consulting

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Erica Payne Self employed $18OOo 56 West 22nd Street Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure New York, NY 10010 Consultant 08/03/2004 Purpose of expenditure consulting

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure PROFESSIONAL LIVERY NIA $295 P.O. BOX 8433 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure ELKRIDGE. MD 21075 NIA 07117/2004

Purpose of expenditure GROUND TRANSPORTATION

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure PROFESSIONAL LIVERY N/A 6 198 P.O. BOX 8433 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure ELKRIDGE, MD 21075 N/A 06130/2004

Purpose of expenditure GROUND TRANSPORTATION

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure PROFESSIONAL LIVERY NIA $1394 P.O. BOX 8433 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure ELKRIDGE, MD 21075 NIA 06126/2004 Purpose of expenditure GROUND TRANSPORTATION

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure PROFESSIONAL LIVERY NIA S 489 P.O. BOX 8433 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure ELKRIDGE, MD 21075 N/A 071 10/2004 Purpose of expenditure GROUND TRANSPORTATION Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure PROFESSIONAL LIVERY N/A S 1298 P.O. BOX 8433 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure ELKRIDGE, MD 21075 N/A 07/24/2004

Purpose of expenditure GROUND TRANSPORTATION

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Penn, Schoen & Berland Associates, Inc. N/A s 2oooo 1120 19th Street, NW Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20036 N/A 081 1ZrrOOj

Purpose of expenditure issue research

~~~ ~~ ~~ Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Penn, Schoen & Berland Associates, Inc. N/A $5oooo 1120 19th Street, NW Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20036 N/A 09/29/2004

Purpose of expenditure media production

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Penn, Schoen & Berland Associates. Inc. NIA s 37500 1 120 19th Street, NW Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20036 N/A . 09/07/2004

Purpose of expenditure polling

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Penn, Schoen & Berland Associates, Inc. N/A s2m 1120 19th Street, NW Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20036 N/A 09/09/2004

Purpose of expenditure polling

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Penn, Schoen & Berland Associates, lnc. N/A f 20000 I120 19th Street, NW Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington. DC 20036 N/A 091 1312004 Purpose of expenditure polling

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Penn, Schoen & Berland Associates, Inc. NIA $ 15000 1120 19th Street, NW Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20036 N/A 091 1712004 Purpose of expenditure polling

~ ~~~ Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Penn, Schoen & Berland Associates, Inc. N/A S 12500 I120 19th Street, NW Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20036 N/A 09/24/2004 Purpose of expenditure polling

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Penn. Schoen & Berland Associates, lnc. N/A S 12500 1120 19th Street. NW Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20036 N/A 09/27/2004 Purpose of expenditure polling Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Quick Messenger Service N/A $532 P.O.Box 27378 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20038 N/A 0710 1/2004

Purpose of expenditure POSTAGE AND DELIVERY

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Quickpark, lnc. NIA S 584 1001 G Street, N.W. Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20001 N/A 07/26/2004

Purpose of expenditure PARKING

~ ~~ Recipient's n&e, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Quickpark. Inc. N/A $438 1001 G Street. N.W. Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20001 N/A 09/02/2004

Purpose of expenditure parking

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Radius N/A $2931 1 8 High Street Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Boston. MA 021 11 NfA . 07/27/2004

Purpose of expenditure MEALS AND CATERING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Ram Entertainment. Inc. N/A $5000 One Boylston Place Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Boston, MA 021 16 N/A 07/08/2004

Purpose of expenditure FACILITIES & EQUPMENT RENTAL

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer ' Amount of Expenditure Riffenburgh & Associates, Inc. NfA $loo00 3742 Scadlock Lane Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Sherman Oaks, CA 91403 N/A 08/03/2004 Purpose of expenditure DEVELOPMENT EXPENSE

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Riffenburgh & Associates, Inc. N/A s loo00 3742 Scadlock Lane Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure ShemOaks, CA 91403 N/A 09/08/2004 Purpose of expenditure development expense

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure RITZ CARLTON N/A f 3878 10 Avery St Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Boston, MA 02 1 I I N/A O7/25/2004 Purpose of expenditure MEALS AND CATERlNG

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure ROI Solutions N/A S 11256

196 Boston Ave, Ste 3000 ' Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Medford. MA 02 155 N/A 08120/2004 Purpose of expenditure database Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Simon Rosenberg NDN $1 5423 Cathedral Avenue, NW RecipientS's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20016 Resident & Founder 07/27/2004

Purpose of expenditure EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT

~~ Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Simon Rosenberg NDN b 2461 5423 Cathedral Avenue, NW Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20016 President & Founder 08/05/2004

Purpose of expenditure EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Simon Rosenberg NDN $422 5423 Cathedral Avenue. NW Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20016 President 8: Founder 06/22/2004

Purpose of expenditure EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Simon Rosenberg NDN f 866 5423 Cathedral Avenue, NW Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20016 President & Founder 07119/2004

Purpose of expenditure EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Simon Rosenberg NDN $962 5423 Cathedral Avenue, NW Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20016 President & Founder 0711 512004

Purpose of expenditure EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of rec,ipient's employer Amount of Expenditure ANGlE SCHlAVONl NDN $ 46 21 12 New Hampshire Ave, NW Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20009 Deputy Develop Dir 08/24/2004

Purpose of expenditure expense reimbursement

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure ANGlE SCHlAVONl NDN b 96 21 12 New Hampshire Ave. NW Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington. DC 20009 Deputy Develop Dir OS/ 19/2004 Purpose of expenditure expense reimbursement

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure I ANGlE SCHIAVONI NDN $102 2 1 12 New Hampshire Ave, NW Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20009 Deputy Develop Dir 08/05/2004 Purpose of expenditure expense reimbursement

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure SOPHIA'S N/A S 19323 1270 Boylston SI Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure

Boston, MA 02215 NIA ' 07/25/2004 Purpose of expenditure convention expense

I Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Staples Credit Plan N/A $2611 P.O. Box 9020 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Des Moines, IA 50368 N/A 07/08/2004

Purpose of expenditure I office supplies

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer ' Amount of Expenditure Staples Credit Plan N/A $1821 P.O. Box 9020 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Des Moines, 1A 50368 N/A 08/06/2004

Purpose of expenditure office supplies

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Summit Computers N/A $69 1208 G Street, N.W. Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20005 N/A 07/09/2004

Purpose of expenditure COMPUTER SERVICES

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Summit Computers N/A $ 131 1208 G Street, N.W. Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20005 N/A 07116/2004

Purpose of expenditure COMPUTER SERVICES

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Swank Audio Visuals N/A $2963 120 Maryland Ave Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20002 N/A 07/20/2004

Purpose of expenditure convention AIV . Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure The Tremont Boston N/A S 581 A Wyndham Historic Hotel Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Boston, MA 02 1 16 N/A 07/27/2004

Purpose of expenditure audio visual rental

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure The Tremont Boston N/A S 2788 A Wyndham Historic Hotel Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Boston, MA 021 16 N/A 07/20/2004

Purpose of expenditure convention catering

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure TU CASA ENTERTAINMENT, INC. N/A $20470 73 SPRING STREET, #408 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure NEW YORK. NY 10012 N/A 07/26/2004 Purpose of expenditure convention enteminment

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure TU CASA ENTERTAINMENT, INC. N/A $17470 73 SPRING STREET, #408 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure NEW YORK. NY 10012 N/A 0711 92004 Purpose of expenditure convention entertainment Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure TU CASA ENTERTAINMENT, INC. N/A $14587 73 SPRING STREET, #408 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure NEW YORK. NY 10012 N/A 08/39/2004 Purpose of expenditure convention enterrainmen1

~ ~~ ~ Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code . Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure UPS N/A S 214 P.O.Box 650580 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Dallas, TX 75265 N/A 071 I3/2oO3 Purpose of expenditure DELIVERY

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure UPS N/A $213 P.O.Box 650580 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Dallas, TX 75265 N/A 0710 112004 m q Purpose of expenditure DELIVERY p.+j Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure * UPS N/A . $184 4 P.O.Box 650580 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure ky Dallas, TX 75265 N/A 07/07/2004

Purpose of expenditure DELIVERY p.. f%d Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure UPS N/A J 106 P.O.Box 650580 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Dallas. TX 75265 N/A 091 1 712004 Purpose of expenditure DELIVERY

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure UPS N/A f 424 P.O.Box 650580 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Dallas, TX 75265 N/A 09/24/2004 Purpose of expenditure DELIVERY

~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~ Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure UPS N/A $ 113 P.O.Box 650580 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Dallas. TX 75265 N/A 09/04/2004 Purpose of expenditure DELIVERY

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure UPS N/A $69 P.O.Box 650580 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Dallas. TX 75265 NfA 09/03/2004 Purpose of expenditure DELIVERY

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure UPS N/A $128 P.O.Box 650580 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Dallas. TX 75265 NIA 08/27/2004 Purpose of expenditure DELIVERY Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Verizon NIA S 717 P.O. Box 17577 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Baltimore, MD 21297 NIA 08/20/2004

Purpose of expenditure telephone

Gipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Verizon Wireless NIA S 314 P.O. Box 174648 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Baltimore, MD 21297 NIA 08/29/2004

Purpose of expenditure telephone

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure WANG THEATRE NIA $49925 270 Tremont St Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Boston. MA 02 1 16 NIA 07/29/2004

Purpose of expenditure convention

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure WASHINGTON METROPOLITAN AREA TRANSIT AUTHORITY NIA $ 687 600 5TH STREET, NW Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure WASHINGTON, DC 20001 NIA ' 0912 112004

Purpose of expenditure GROUND TRANSPORTATION

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure WASHINGTON METROPOLITAN AREA TRANSIT AUTHORITY NIA $666 600 STH STREET, NW Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure WASHlNGTON, DC 20001 . NIA 071 14/2003

Purpose of expenditure GROUND TRANSPORTATION

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure WASHINGTON METROPOLITAN AREA TRANSIT AUTHORITY N1A $ 652 600 5TH STREET, NW Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure WASHINGTON, DC 20001 NIA 081 1912004

Purpose of expenditure GROUND TRANSPORTATION

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure ZGS Communications. Inc. NIA S 701 2000 North 14th Street Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Arlington. VA 22201 NIA 061 1412004

Purpose of expenditure OTHER MEDIA EXPENSES

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure ZGS Communications, Inc. NIA s 33333 2000 North 14th Sweet Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Arlington, VA 22201 NIA 06/ 14l20O4 Purpose of expenditure june retainer

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure ZGS Communications, Inc. NIA $2837 2000 North 14th Street Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure . Arlington, VA 22201 NIA 0613012004 Purpose of expenditure MEDIA BUYS Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure ZGS Communications,lnc. N/A $11334 2000 North 14th Street Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Arlington, VA 22201 N/A 06/30/2004

Purpose of expenditure MEDIA BUYS

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure ZGS Communications,Inc. N/A s 212 2000 North 14th Street Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Arlington, VA 22201 NIA 06/30/2004

Purpose of expenditure OTHER MEDIA EXPENSES

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure ZGS Communications. lnc. NIA 6 6716 2000 North 14th Street Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Arlington, VA 22201 N/A 06/ 14/2OO4 Purpose of expenditure technical services

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure I Allison Baker Griner NDN S 3040 4971 Allan Rd. Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Bethesda, MD 208 16 VP of DC Development 07115/2004

Purpose of expenditure salary

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Allison Baker Griner NDN 6 3040 4971 Allan Rd. Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Bethesda, MD 208 16 VP of DC Development 07/30/2004

Purpose of expenditure salary

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Allison Baker Griner NDN S 3040 4971 Allan Rd. Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Bethesda, MD 208 16 VP of DC Development 0811 3/2004 Purpose of expenditure salary

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Allison Baker Griner NDN S 3040 4971 Allan Rd. Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Bethesda, MD 208 16 VP of DC Development 0813 1/2004

Purpose of expenditure salary

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Allison Baker Griner NDN 5 3040 4971 Allan Rd. Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Bethesda, MD 208 16 VP of DC Development 091 1512004 Purpose of expenditure salary

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Allison Baker Griner NDN S 3040 4971 Allan Rd. . Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Bethesda. MD 20816 VP of DC Development 0913012004 Purpose of expenditure salary Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Angela Maria Schiavoni NDN $ 1324 21 12 New Hampshire Ave, NW, Apt 112 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington. DC 20009 Deputy Dev Dir 071 15/2001 Purpose of expenditure alary

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Angela Maria Schiavoni NDN S 1324 21 12 New Hampshire Ave, NW, Apt 112 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20009 Deputy Dev Dir 07/30/2004 Purpose of expenditure salary

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Angela Maria Schiavoni NDN s 1373 21 12 New Hampshire Ave, NW, Apt 112 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20009 Deputy Dev Dir 08/ 1312004 Purpose of expenditure salary

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Angela Maria Schiavoni NDN s 1373 21 12 New Hampshire Ave. NW, Apt 112 . Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20009 Deputy Dev Dir 0813 1/2004 Purpose of expenditure salary

~ ~~ Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Angela Maria Schiavoni NDN S 1373 21 12 New Hampshire Ave, NW, Apt I12 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington. DC 20009 Deputy Dev Dir 091 1512004 Purpose of expenditure salary

~ ~ Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Angela Maria Schiavoni NDN $1373 21 12 New Hampshire Ave, NW, Apt I12 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20009 Deputy Dev Dir 09/30/2004 Purpose of expenditure Ulary

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Anna J. Morozovsky NDN $1017 I500 Mass Ave, Apt 856 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20005 Nat'l Dev Assistant 071 I512004 Purpose of expenditure salary

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Anna J. Morozovsky NDN S 1017 1500 Mass Ave, Apt 856 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20005 Nat'l Dev Assistant 07/30/2004 Purpose of expenditure salary

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Anna J. Morozovsky NDN $1017 1500 Mass Ave, Apt 856 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20005 Nat'l Dev Assistant 081 1 312004 Purpose of expenditure salary f Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP de Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Anna J. Morozovsky NDN S 1017 IS00 Mass Ave, Apt 856 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20005 Nat'l Dev Assistant 08/31/2W

Purpose of expenditure WlarY

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure I Anna J. Morozovsky NDN $992 1500 Mass Ave, Apt 856 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20005 Nat'l Dev Assistant 091 1512004

Purpose of expenditure salary

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Anna J. Morozovsky NDN S 992 1500 Mass Ave, Apt 856 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20005 Nar'l Dev Assistant 0913012004

Purpose of expenditure salary

~~ ~ ~ ~~~ Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Belen Mendoza NDN S 1094 228 N. Piedmont St, Apt 3 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Arlington, VA 22203 Deputy Dir. Hispanic Proj 071 1 512004 Purpose of expenditure salary

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Belen Mendoza NDN f 1094 228 N. Piedmont St, Apt 3 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Arlington, VA 22203 Deputy Dir, Hispanic Proj 07130/2004

Purpose of expenditure salary

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Belen Mendoza NDN S 1094 228 N. Piedmont St, Apt 3 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Arlington. VA 22203 Deputy Dir, Hispanic Proj 081 1312004 Purpose of expenditure sal;uy

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Belen Mendoza NDN $ 1094 228 N. Piedmont St, Apt 3 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Arlington, VA 22203 Deputy Dir, Hispanic Proj 0813 112004 Purpose of expenditure salary

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Belen Mendoza NDN S 1094 228 N. Piedmont St, Apt 3 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Arlington, VA 22203 . Deputy Dir, Hispanic Proj 091 1512004 Purpose of expenditure salary

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Belen Mendoza NDN f 1094 228 N. Piedmont St, Apt 3. Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Arlington, VA 22203 Deputy Dir, Hispanic Proj 0913012004 Purpose of expenditure salary Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Brian R. Muny NDN $880 2601 Woodley PI. NW, Apt 305 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20008 DC Development Assoc 07/30/2004 Purpose of expenditure alary Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Brian R. Murry NDN f 880 2601 Woodley PI, NW, Apt 305 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20008 DC Development Assoc 0811 312004

Purpose of expenditure salary

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Brian R. Muny NDN S 880 2601 Wwdley PI, NW, Apt 305 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20008 DC Development Assoc 08/3112004

Purpose of expenditure salary

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Brian R. Murry NDN S 880 2601 Woodley PI. NW, Apt 305 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20008 DC Development Assoc 091 I5ROM

Purpose of expenditure salary

~~~ ~- Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Brian R. Muny NDN S 880 2601 Woodley PI, NW, Apt 305 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20008 DC Development Assoc 09/30/2004

Purpose of expenditure salary

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Charles R. Eberle NDN S 1128 8 15 Mass Ave, NE Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20002 Political Associate 0711 5R004

Purpose of expenditure salary

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Charles R. Eberle NDN $ 1128 815 Mass Ave, NE Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20002 Political Associate 07/30/2004 Purpose of expenditure salary

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Charles R. Eberle NDN $ 1128 8 15 Mass Ave. NE Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington. DC 20002 Political Associate 0811312004 Purpose of expenditure salary .

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Charles R. Eberle NDN f 1128 815 Mass Ave, NE Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20002 Political Associate 0813 112004 Purpose of expenditure salary * Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Charles R. Eberle NDN $514 815 Mass Ave. NE Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20002 Political Associate 091 1512004 Purpose of expenditure alary Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Charles R. Eberle NDN $514 815 Mass Ave. NE Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington,DC 20002 Political Associate 09/30/200( Purpose of expenditure salary

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Cynthia A. Rice NDN S 3329 2809 Davis Ave Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Alexandria, VA 22302 ' VP Policy 071 I5/2004 Purpose of expenditure salary

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Cynthia A. Rice NDN $3329 2809 Davis Ave Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Alexandria, VA 22302 VP Policy 07/30/2004 Purpose of expenditure salary

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Cynthia A. Rice NDN S 3329 2809 Davis Ave Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Alexandria, VA 22302 . VP Policy 08113/2OO4

Purpose of expenditure salary

RcGpient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Cynthia A. Rice NDN $ 3329 2809 Davis Ave Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Alexandria, VA 22302 VP Policy 08/31 /2W Purpose of expenditure salary

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Cynthia A. Rice NDN S 3329 2809 Davis Ave Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Alexandria, V A 22302 VP Policy 091 I5/2004 Purpose of expenditure salary

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Cynthia A. Rice NDN s 3459 2809 Davis Ave Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Alexandria; VA 22302 VP Policy 09/30/2004 Purpose of expenditure salary

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Daniel Jacob Miller NDN S 482 1145 Knollwood Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure . Buffalo Grove, IL 60089 intern 07/I5/2OO4 Purpose of expenditure salary Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Daniel Jacob Miller NDN S 446 1145 Knollwood Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Buffalo Grove, 1L 60089 intern 07/30/2004 Purpose of expenditure salary

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Daniel Jacob Miller NDN $409 1145 Knollwood Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Buffalo Grove, IL 60089 intern 081 1312004

Purpose of expenditure salary

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure DC Treasurer n/a $4602 609 H SI. NE Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20002 n/a 08/20/2004

Purpose of expenditure payroll taxes

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure DC Treasurer n/a S 4585 609 H St, NE Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20002 . n/a 09/20/2004

Purpose of expenditure payroll taxes

Recipient'sname, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure DC Treasurer nla $4705 609 H SI, NE Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20002 n/a 09/30/2004

Purpose of expenditure payroll taxes

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Diane L. Grant NDN f 1213 2913 Brinkley Rd. Apt 101 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Temple Hills, MD 20748 Office Mgr 0711 92004 Purpose of expenditure salary

Recipicnt'sname, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Dime L. Grant NDN $1213 2913 Brinkley Rd, Apt 101 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Temple Hills, MD 20748 Office Mgr 07/30/2004

Purpose of expenditure salary

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Diane L. Grant NDN $1213 2913 Brinkley Rd, Apt 101 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Temple Hills, MD 20748 Office Mgr 081 1312004

Purpose of expenditure salary

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Diane L. Grant NDN $ 1213 2913 Brinkley Rd, Apt 101 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Temple Hills, MD 20748 Office Mgr 0813 112004

Purpose of expenditure salary ' Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Diane L. Grant NDN S 1213 2913 Brinkley Rd, Apt 101 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Temple Hills, MD 20748 Office Mgr 091 15/2OO4 Purpose of expenditure salary

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Dime L. Grant NDN S 1213 2913 Brinkley Rd, Apt 101 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Temple Hills, MD 20748 Office Mgr 09/30/2004 Purpose of expenditure salary

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Douglas Ridgely Owen NDN $2282 2009 Wyoming Ave, NW, Apt C Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20009 VP Operations 071 1

Purpose of expenditure salary

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Douglas Ridgely Owen NDN $2282 2009 Wyoming Ave, NW, Apt C Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20009 VP Operations 07/30/2004

Purpose of expenditure salary

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Douglas Ridgely Owen NDN $2282 2009 Wyoming Ave, NW,Apt C Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20009 VP Operations 081 13/2W Purpose of expenditure salary

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount 'of Expenditure , Douglas Ridgely Owen NDN $2282 2009 Wyoming Ave, NW, Apt C Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20009 VP Operations 0813 112004

Purpose of expenditure salary

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Douglas Ridgely Owen NDN $2282 2009 Wyoming Ave, NW, Apt C Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20009 VP Operations 091 15/2004 Purpose of expenditure salary

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Douglas Ridgely Owen NDN S 2282 2009 Wyoming Ave, NW, Apt C Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20009 VP Operations 09/30/2004 Purpose of expenditure Salw

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Guillenno A. Meneses NDN $2616 38 10 Brighton Ct Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Alexandria. VA 22305 VP Communications 071 I 512004 Purpose of expenditwe salary Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Guillermo A. Meneses NDN $2616 38 10 Brighton Ct Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Alexandria, VA 22305 VP Communications 07/30/2004

Purpose of expenditure alary Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Guillermo A. Meneses NDN $2616 3810 Brighton Ct Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Alexandria, VA 22305 VP Communications 081 13/2OO4

Purpose of expenditure alary Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Guillermo A. Meneses NDN $2616 3810 Brighton Ct Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Alexandria, VA 22305 VP Communications 0813 1I2004

Purpose of expenditure salary

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Guillenno A. Meneses NDN S 2616 38 10 Brighton Ct Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Alexandria, VA 22305 VP Communications 0911 5/2004

Purpose of expenditure salary

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure ADVANTA N/A S 5426 PO BOX 8088 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure PHILADELPHIA,PA 19101 N/A 0711 412004

Purpose of expenditure credit card payment

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure ADVANTA N/A $6530 PO BOX 8088 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure PHILADELPHIA,PA 19101 N/A 07/23/2004

Purpose of expenditure credit card payment

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure ADVANTA N/A $6161 PO BOX 8088 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure PHILADELPHIA,PA 19101 N/A 07/29/2004 I Purpose of expenditure credit card payment

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure ADVANTA N/A $9789 PO BOX 8088 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure PHILADELPHIA. PA 19101 N/A 081 1 312004 Purpose of expenditure CREDIT CARD PAYMENT

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure ADVANTA N/A $5OOo PO BOX 8088 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure PHILADELPHIA,PA 19101 N/A 09110/2004 Purpose of expenditure credit card payment


I Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure ADVANTA N/A $6000 PO BOX 8088 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure PHILADELPHIA, PA 19101 NIA 09/2212004

Purpose of expenditure mdit card payment

Gpient'sname, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure ADVANTA N/A $6100 PO BOX 8088 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure PHILADELPHIA, PA 19101 N/A 09/29/2004

Purpose of expenditure credit card payment

~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~~ Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Michael L. Akavan NDN $2083 7 Richfield Ct Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Plainview, NY I1803 Webmaster 091 1712004

Purpose of expenditure DEVELOPMENT EXPENSE

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure AUTHORlZE.NET N/A S 31 915 SOUTH 500 EAST Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure AMERICAN FORK, UT 84003 N/A 0810 1/2004

Purpose of expenditure monthly charges

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure AUTHORIZE.NET N/A S 26 9 15 SOUTH 500 EAST Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure AMERICAN FORK, UT 84003 N/A 0710 1ROO4

Purpose of expenditure monthly charges

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure AUTHORIZE.NET N/A $37 915 SOUTH 500 EAST Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure AMERICAN FORK, UT 84003 N/A 0910 1I2004 Purpose of expenditure monthly charges

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure BAER COMMUNICATIONS N/A f 2000 1050 17TH STREET, NW Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure WASHINGTON, DC 20036 N/A 09/22/2004 Purpose of expenditure POLLING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure BAER COMMUNICATIONS NIA f3000 1050 l7TH STREET, NW Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure WASHINGTON, DC 20036 N/A 09/ 13/2004 Purpose of expenditure polling .

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Christopher Barker NDN f 353 2148 0 Street NW, #404 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure WASHINGTON, DC 20037 intern 091 15/2004 Purpose of expenditure salary Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Christopher Barker NDN d 459 2149 0 Street NW, #404 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure WASHINGTON. DC 20038 intern 09/30/2004 Purpose of expenditure salary

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Bendixen & Associates NIA S 2363 3300 Rice Street Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Coconut Grove, FL 33 133 N/A 09/30/2001 Purpose of expenditure media buy

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Bendixen & Associates NIA 5 3803 3300 Rice Street Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Coconut Grove, FL 33 133 N/A 0910 1/2m Purpose of expenditure media buy

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Bendixen & Associates N/A $2363 3300 Rice Street Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Coconut Grove, FL 33 133 N/A ' 09/24/2004

Purpose of expenditure media buy

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Bendixen & Associates N/A f 2363 3300 Rice Street Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Coconut Grove, FL 33 133 N/A 091 1 712004 Purpose of expenditure media buy

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Bendixen & Associates N/A f 50000 3300 Rice Street Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Coconut Grove, FL 33 133 N/A 07/27/2004 Purpose of expenditure state polls

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Bendixen & Associates NIA $33000 3300 Rice Street Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Coconut Grove, FL 33 I33 N/A 08/05/2004 Purpose of expenditure professional services

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Bendixen & Associates NIA $12000 3300 Rice Street Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Coconut Grove, FL 33 133 N/A 0710 I/2004 Purpose of expenditure professional services

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Bendixen & Associates N/A S 3180 3300 Rice Street Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure . Coconut Grove, FL 33 133 NIA 081 I U2004 Purpose of expenditure media buy Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Bendixen & Associates N/A S 1680 3300 Rice Street Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Coconut Grove, FL 33133 N/A 071 192004 Purpose of expenditure media buy

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer . Amount of Expenditure Bendixen & Associates NIA b 1500 3300 Rice Street Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Coconut Grove, FL 33 133 N/A 071 192004 Purpose of expenditure media buy

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Bendixen & Associates N/A S 1680 3300 Rice Street Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Coconut Grove. FL 33133 NIA 07/23/2004 Purpose of expenditure media buy

~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~~~~ Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Bendixen & Associates N/A $1500 3300 Rice Street Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Coconut Grove, FL 33133 NIA 07/23/2004 Purpose of expenditure media buy

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Bendixen & Associates N/A S 3180 3300 Rice Street Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Coconut Grove, FL 33 133 N/A 07/08/2004 Purpose of expenditure MEDlA BUYS

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Bendixen & Associates N/A $3180 3300 Rice Street Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Coconut Grove, FL 33133 N/A 071 1512004 Purpose of expenditure MEDIA BUYS

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Bendixen & Associates N/A $3180 3300 Rice Street Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Coconut Grove, FL 33 133 N/A 08/02/2004 Purpose of expenditure MEDIA BUYS

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Aniount of Expenditure I Bendixen & Associates N/A S 3180 3300 Rice Street Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Coconut Grove, FL 33 133 N/A 08/05/2004 Purpose of expenditure MEDIA BUYS

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Bendixen & Associates N/A S 3180 3300 Rice Street Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Coconut Grove. FL 33 133 N/A 0710 1 /2004 Purpose of expenditure media buys

I Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Jason M. Fink NDN $1075 1718 P St, NW,Apt T3 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20036 Communications Asst. 07/30/2004 Purpose of expenditure salary

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Jason M. Fink NDN S 1075 1718 P St, NW,Apt T3 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20036 Communications Asst. 081 I 312004 Purpose of expenditure salary

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Jason M. Fink NDN f 1075 1718 P St, NW, Apt T3 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20036 Communications Asst. 08/3 112004 Purpose of expenditure salary

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Jason M. Fink NDN $1075 1718 P St, NW. Apt T3 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20036 Communications Asst. 091 192004 Purpose of expenditure salary

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Jason M.Fink NDN S 1075 1718 P St. NW, Apt T3 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20036 Communications Asst. 09/30/2004 Purpose of expenditure salary

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Kerem Murat Levitas NDN $1040 1722 19th Si, Apt 21 1 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20009 Nat'l Membership Assoc 071 1512004 Purpose of expenditure salary

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Kerem Murat Levitas NDN $1040 1722 19th St, Apt 21 1 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20009 Nat'l Membership Assoc 07/30/2004 Purpose of expenditure salary

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Kerem Murat Levitas NDN $1040 1722 19th St, Apt 21 1 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20009 Nat'l Membership Assoc 0811 312004 Purpose of expenditure salary

~~ Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Kerern Mum Levitas NDN $1301 1722 19th St, Apt 21 1 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20009 Nat'l Membership Assoc 0813 I12004 Purpose of expenditure salary ' Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Kevin Apgar Whitman NDN s 493 12 12 1 Thoroughbred Rd Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Oak Hill, VA 20171 intern 071 192003 Purpose of expenditure salary Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Kevin Apgar Whitman NDN S 456 12121 Thoroughbred Rd Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Oak Hill, VA 20171 intern 07/3012004 Purpose of expenditure salary

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Kevin Apgar Whitman NDN S 418 12 12 1 Thoroughbred Rd Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Oak Hill, VA 20171 intern 081 13/2004 Purpose of expenditure salary

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Kirstin Man Falk NDN $ 2028 2700 Q St, NW, Apt 229 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20007 VP of Nat'l Development 071 15/2004 Purpose of expenditure salary

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Kirstin Man Falk NDN S 2028 2700 Q Si. NW. Apt 229 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20007 VP of Nat'l Development 07/30/2004 Purpose of expenditure salary

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Kirstin Man Falk NDN $2028 2700 Q St, NW, Apt 229 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington. DC 20007 VP of Nat'l Development 081 1312004 Purpose of expenditure sahy

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Kirstin Man Falk NDN $2028 2700 Q St. NW, Apt 229 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20007 VP of Nat'l Development 0813 112004 Purpose of expenditure salary

~~~ Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Kirstin Man Falk NDN $2028 2700 Q St, NW, Apt 229 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington. DC 20007 VP of Nat'l Development 091 I5/2004 Purpose of expenditure salary

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Kirstin Man Falk NDN 5 2716 2700 Q Si. NW, Apt 229 . Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington. DC 20007 VP of Nat'l Development 0913012004 Purpose of expenditure salary

I Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Maria Teresa Cardona NDN S 4025 1812 Calven ST, NW, Apt D Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20009 Sr VP & Director-Hispanic Project 07115/2004

Purpose of expendl ture salary

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Maria Teresa Cardona NDN S 4025 1812 Calven ST,NW, Apt D Reapients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20009 Sr VP & Director-Hispanic Project 0713012004

Purpose of expenditure salary

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Muia Teresa Cardona NDN f 4078 1812 Calven ST. NW, Apt D Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20009 Sr VP & Director-Hispanic Project 0811 3/2004

Purpose of expenditure salary

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Maria Teresa Cardona NDN S 4438 1812 Calven ST,NW, Apt D Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington. DC 20009 Sr VP & Director-Hispanic Project 0813 112004

Purpose of expenditure salary

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Maria Teresa Cardona NDN S 4438 1812 Calven ST. NW, Apt D Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20009 Sr VP & Director-Hispanic Project 091 1512004 Purpose of expenditure salary I Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Maria Teresa Cardona NDN S 4438 1812 Calven ST, NW, Apt D Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington. DC 20009 Sr VP 8: Director-Hispanic Project 0913012004 Purpose of expenditure salary

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Matthew Rand NDN $576 71 Dianas Trail Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Roslyn, NY 1 1576 intern 0711512004

Purpose of expenditure salary

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Matthew Rand NDN f 528 71 Dianas Trail Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Roslyn, NY 11576 intern 0713012004

Purpose of expenditure salq .

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Matthew Rand NDN S 480 71 Dianas Trail Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Roslyn, NY 11576 intern 081 1 312004 Purpose of expenditure salary b Political Organization Form 8872 (November 2002) Report of Contributions and Expenditures OMB NO. 1545-1696 Department of the Treasury Internal Rovenuo Service b See separate instructions. I A For the period beginning 10/01/2004 and ending 10/13/200.1

B Check applicable box: & Initial report IChange of address IAmended report - Final report 1 Name of organization Employer identification number NEW DEMOCRAT NETWORK-NON-FEDERALACCOUNT 52 - 1981307

2 Mailing address (P.O.box or number, street, and room or suite number) 777 N CaDitol St. NE Suite 410 City or town, state, and ZIP code Washington, DC 20002

3 Email address of organization: 4 Date organization was formed: [email protected] W17/ 1996

Ja Name of custodian of records 5b Custodian's address Simon Rosenberg 777 N Capitol St, NE Suite 410 Washington. DC 20002

6a Name of contact person 6b Contact person's address Buck Owen 777 N Capitol SI, NE Suite 410 Washington. DC 20002

7 Business address of organization (if different from mailing address shown above). Number, street, and room or suite number 777 N Cabitol St. NE Suite 410 City or town, state, and ZIP code Washington, DC 20002

8 Type of report (check only one box)

.- First quarterly report Monthly report for the month of: (due by April 15) (due by the 20th day following the month shown above, except the - Second quarterly report December report, which is due by January 3 1) (due by July 15) Pre-election report (due by the 12th or 15th day before the election) - Third quarterly report (I) Type of election: general (due by October 15) (2) Date of election: 11/02/2004 - Year-end report (3) For the state of: DC. (due by January 31) Post-general election report (due by the 30th day after general election) - Mid-year report (Non-election (I ) Date of election: year only-due by July 31) (2) For the sote of

9 Total amount of reported contributions (total from all attached SchedulesA) ...... 9. $ 1 184028

10 Total amount of reported expenditures (total from all attached Schedules B) ...... 10. $ I276703

Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have examined this report. including accompanying schedules and statements, and to the best of my knowledge and belief, it is true. correct, and complete. I SIMON ROSENBERG 1012 1/2004

Signature of authorized official 1 Date


Ihhibit 7 Fo~8872 (1 1-2002)

-e - A Itemized Contributions I Schedule A Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer DIANE RISLEY NIA 1106 TUMALO TRAIL Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution MADISON, WI 5371 1 N/A 5 60 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $60 10/12/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer Laurel Rabson requested 1301 Vilas Ave Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution Madison, WI 53715 requested f 250 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $250 I0/05/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer PETER J. ORVElTl SELF-EMPLOYED 3526 1 ITH STREET. NW Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution WASHINGTON, DC 20010 WRITER f 50 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution s 50 10/12/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer PLC INVESTMENTS, INC. NIA 420 LINCOLN ROAD Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution MIAMI BEACH, FL 33139 N/A s loo00 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $loo00 10/07/2004

~~~ Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer Rachel Armstrong n/a 1333 Milton SI Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution Madison, WI 537 15 n/a f 20 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $20 10/05/2004 Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer RENE CARLOS NASA 5107 EDGEWOOD ROAD Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution COLLEGE PARK, MD 20740 REQUESTED $150 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $1350 1o/ 12/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer RICHARD ONEILL R. ONEILL TRUST P.O. BOX 9 Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO, CA 92693 CHAIR $lo00 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $lo00 10/04/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer RICHARD T. HATFIELD NWBA 6917 GRAND PRAIRIE DRIVE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution COLORADO SPRINGS, CO 80918 PROGRAM DIRECTOR s 20 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $20 10/08/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer ROBERT ABERNETHY AMER. STANDARD DEV. P.O. BOX 90855 Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution LOS ANGELES, CA 90009 PRESI DENT $25000 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $75000 10/04/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer ROBERT FACTOR MENTAL HEALTH CTR 1808 JEFFERSON ST. Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution MADISON, WI 5371 1 PSYCH1ATRIST $200 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $200 I0/05/2004 Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer ROBERT H. DRUCKER RETIRED 714 FOREST AVENUE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution WILMEITE, IL 60091 RETIRED $ 500 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution 6 500 10/05/2OO4

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer ROGER MEDEL SELF 3035 SORREL CI'. Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution FORT LAUDERDALE, FL 3333 1 PHYSIC1 AN s 2m Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $2m 10/12/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer RON FELDMAN ARTS PAC 1224 M STREET NW Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution WASHINGTON, DC 20005 CHAIR $15000 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $ 15000 1o/o 112004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer RON W. WORKMAN SELF-EMPLOYED I P.O.BOX 325 Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution QUINTON, OK 74561 TV SERVICE b 50 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $50 10/05/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer RONALD SHANNON SELF 535 TWIN LANE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution SOQUEL, CA 95073 IT CONSULTANT s 100 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $150 10/05/2OO4

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer ROSE SMITH N/A 218 DU ROSE TERRACE Contributor's occupation . Amount of contribution MADISON, WI 53705 N/A $25 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $25 10/12/2004

~~ Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer RYAN ROMAN U. OF MICHIGAN LAW 9519 SW 117 COURT Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution MIAMI, FL 33 186 STUDENT f loo Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $ loo 10/08/2004 Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer SAMUEL R. BAGENSTOS WASHINGTON UNIVER. 25 LENOX PLACE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution ST. LOUIS, MO 63108 PROFESSOR $35 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $35 10/08/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer Santiago Hernandez N/A 2929 Atwood Ave Apt 202 Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution Madison, WI 53704 N/A f loo Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $ loo 10/05/2004 Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer STARLING HARRIS REQUESTED Q4700 MARCONI AVENUE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution CARMICHAEL, CA 95608 REQUESTED $25

Aggregate contributions year-to-date ' Date of contribution S 25 10/04/2OO4 Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer Stephanie Gramann n/a W5480 Spring Valley Rd Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution New Glans, WI 53574 nla f 30 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $30 1QIOSI2OO4

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer STEPHEN A. KUPIEC PHYSICAL OPTICS CORP 20600 GRAMERCY PLACE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution TORRANCE. CA 90501 SCIENTIST s 100 Aggregate con tributions year-to-date Date of contribution b 100 10/08/2OO4

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer STEPHEN L. ROSE AMER. COUNCIL OF ED. 1 DUPONT CIRCLE. NW Contribu tor's occupation Amount of contribution WASHINGTON, DC 20036 CIO AND DIRECTOR IT $50 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution f 85 10113I2OO4

~~~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~~~~~ ~~ Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer STEPHEN M.EWELL BENS 9OOO PINEY GROVE DRIVE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution FAIRFAX, VA 22031 DIRECTOR, METRO DC s 35 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution s 35 10/05/2OO4

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer SUNITA LEEDS HOMEMAKER 3205 R STREET NW Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution WASHINGTON, DC 20007 HOMEMAKER $loo00 Aggregate contributiqns year-todate Date of contribution $loo00 10/08/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer SUSAN TAYLOR SELF-EMPLOYED 620 MATHEWS #208 Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution FORT COLLINS, CO 80524 GRAPHIC DESlGN $100 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $ loo 10/08/2OO4

~~ ~ ~~~~~~ ~~ Contributor's name, mailing address andZIP code Name of contributor's employer SUZANNE STUTE NIA 122 NYGARD STREET Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution MADISON, WI 537 13 NIA S 25 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $25 1 o/ 1 22004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer TARA E. HENDRICKSON SELF-EMPLOYED 2698 FILBERT STREET, #I Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94123 MARKET1NG s 35 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $35 10/05/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer TIM OSSWALD U. OF WISCONSIN 1809 MADISON STREET Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution MADISON, W153711 PROFESSOR S lo00 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $1035 10/04/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer TOM S. LYNCH RETIRED 210 2ND STREET NW Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution PARSHALL, ND 58770 RETIRED $10 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $20 10/08/2004 Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer UPS N/A 1335 NORTHMEADOW PARKWAY Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution ROSWELL, GA 30076 N/A $38 Aggregate contributions year-todate Date of contribution $ 83 10/12/2004

~ ~~ ~ Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer Violeta Fabregas n/a 2 1 18 Canterbury Rd Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution Madison, WI 537 I 1 n/a S 30 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $30 10/05/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer VIVIAN P. GUZMAN CMB 2499 SW 20 STREET Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution MIAMI, FL 33145 DEF'T. DIRECTOR f 50 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $50 1010 1/2m

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer WALT VANDERBUSH MIAMI UNIVERSITY 21 CHRISTOPHER DRIVE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution OXFORD, OH 45056 TEACHER $200 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $400 10/05/2oO.1

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer WALTER N. SEDGWICK SELF-EMPLOY ED BOX 620068 Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution WOODSIDE. CA 94062 BUSINESS s 35 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $35 1o/o 1/2m

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer WARREN VINZANT MOBILITY ELECTRONICS 24 19 IRMA WAY Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution CASTRO VALLEY, CA 94546 CEO f 50 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution S 85 10/05/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer XIAUCHUN L1 NIA 34 UNIVERSITY HOUSES Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution MADISON, W153705 NIA $30 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $30 10/05/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer DORY CHRISTENSEN N/A 360 W. WASHINGTON AVENUE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution MADISON, WI 53703 NIA f 40 Aggregate contribution.. year-to-date Date of contribution $40 10/12/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer ELIZABETH WACHS NONE 289 LAKE DRIVE Contributor's occupation Aniount of contribution RHINEBECK. NY 12572 HOMEMAKER S 15000 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution S 15000 10108/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer ENRlQUE CAMACHO REQUESTED

299 I HARTWICKE DRIVE Contributor's occupation , Amount of contribution FITCHBURG, WI 5371 1 REQUESTED $250 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $250 10/05/2004 Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer Franklin Cham nla 6601 Raymond Rd Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution Madison, W1537 1 1 n/a $25 Aggregate contributions year-todate Date of contribution $25 10/05/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer GARRETI' GRUENER ALTA PARTNERS BOX 15749826 Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution SIOUX FALLS. SD 57186 VENTURE CAPITAL $25000 Aggregate contributions year-todate Date of contribution $5oooo 10/04/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer GARY WERNER NIA 2302 LAKELAND AVENUE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution MADISON. WI 53704 NIA $100 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution 123 $100 10/05/2OO4 rcb Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer ,-d GEORGE SCHlMMEL SELF-EMPLOYED 3630 KINGS HIGHWAY Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution 03 JACKSON, MS 39216 PHYSlClAN s 200 r-4 Aggregate contributions year-todate Date of contribution %r 52300 . 10/0412004 Q Contributor's name, mailing address and code Name of contributor's employer ~TJ ZIP GEORGE SCHlMMEL SELF-EMPLOYED p.11 3630 KlNGS HIGHWAY Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution P4l JACKSON, MS 39216 PHYSICIAN $ 200 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $2500 10l05l2OO4

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer Holly Walter Kerby nla 4135 S. Sunset Ct. Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution Madison, WI 53705 nla $30 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $30 10/05/2OO4

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer INTUIT NIA 601 PENNSYLVANIA AVE. NW Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution WASHINGTON, DC 20004 NIA s 75000 Aggregate contributions year-todate Date of contribution $lOOOOO 10/0412004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer JACOB T. LEVY UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO 5828 S UNlVERSlTY Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution CHICAGO, IL 60637 PROFESSOR $100 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $100 1 010 112004

~~ ~~ Contributor's name, mailing addrcss and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer JAMES ARTS NIA 1 140 E DAYTON STREET Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution MADISON, WI 53703 NIA s 50 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution s 50 1 01 1 22004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer JAMES M. FORBES SELF 27 RAYCLIFF TERRACE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution SAN FRANCISCO, CA 941 15 REAL ESTATE lNVESTOR $100 Aggregate contributions year-todate Date of contribution s 300 10105/2004 Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer JANE BARNES N/A 441 BAY HILL DRIVE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution MADISON, W153717 NIA $ 50 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $ 50 10/12/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer JANE BERNSTEIN N/A 1806 JEFFERSON ST. Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution MADISON, WI 5371 1 N/A S 50 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution 6 50 10/05/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer JANET KELLY N/A 1808 MADISON STREET Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution MADISON, WI 53711 N/A f 30 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $30 10105/2004

~ Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer Janice Mettauer n/a 1622 Yahara Place Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution Madison, W153704 n/a $ 30 Aggregate contributions year-todate Date of contribution $30 . 10/05/2OO4

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer JEANNE LEVY-HINTE SELF 888 THIRD AVENUE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution NEW YORK, NY 10022 WRITER $425000 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution S 65oooO 10/05/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer Joan Laurion n/a 15 1 1 Chandler St. Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution Madison. WI 537 1 1 n/a 9 100 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $ loo 10/05/2OO4

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer JOEL P Y ARBROUGH NEC PO BOX 5598 Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution BERKELEY, CA 94705 CONSULTANT s 100 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $ 100 10/05/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer John D Slnsma n/a 2 12 N Allen St Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution Madison, WI 53705 nla $ loo Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution S 130 10/05/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer JOHN J. CARROLL SELF-EMPLOYED 2107 LANlHULl DRIVE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution HONOLULU, HI 96822 WRITEIWRANSLATOR $100 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $500 1o/ I2/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer JOHN KOZA THIRD MILLENIUM VC P.O. BOX K Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution LOS ALTOS, CA 94023 PRESIDENT s 5000 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution s loo00 1 010 112004 Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer JOHN LOEWY SELF 5435 PRESERVE PWY NORTH Con tributor's occupation Amount of contribution GREENWOOD VILLAGE, CO 80121 CONSULTANT $ lo00 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $lo00 1Q106n004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer Johnston Connelly II nla 2003 Adam St Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution Madison, WI 5371 1 nla S 90 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $90 1Q105/2oO4

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer JON ADAMS MORRISON-KNOX HOLDEN 5444 HILLTOP CRESCENT Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution OAKLAND, CA 94618 ATTORNEY 5 100 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $300 10/04/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer JON ADAMS MORRISON-KNOX HOLDEN 5444 HlLLTOP CRESCENT Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution OAKLAND, CA 946 18 ATTORNEY $ 50 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $350 1O/ 1312004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer JON LANDAU BDL 510 WALNUT STREET Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution PHILADELPHIA, PA 19106 LAWYER 5 100 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution s 200 10/05/2OO4

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer JONATHAN ZElTLlN NIA 18 10 JEFFERSON STREET Contributor's occupation . Amount of contribution MADISON, WI 537 1 1 NIA S 30 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $30 10/05/2OO4

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer JORDON LEVIN LEVIN FAMILY TRUST 1601 CLOVERFIELD BLVD Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution SANTA MONICA, CA 90404 CHAlR s lo00 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $lo00 1011 22004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer JOSE RODRlGUEZ . WlLLlAMS PAVING CO 11300 NW SOUTH RIVER DR Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution MEDLEY, FL 33178 PRESIDENT $lo00 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution f lo00 10/05/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer Joseph Thome n/a 1502 Dnke St Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution Madison,W153711 nla $50 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution s 50 10/0512004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer JOSHUA EPSTEIN NONE 364 WEST 18TH STREET Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution NEW YORK. NY 1001 1 NONE $50 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $50 10/08/2004 Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer JOYCE NIGBOR N/A 11 WHITE PINE TRAIL Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution MADISON, WI 53717 N/A $ 90 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $ 90 10/12/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer Juan De Pablo REQUESTED 2007 Adam St Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution Madison. WI 5371 1 REQUESTED s 200 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution s 200 10/05/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer JUDY LllTLE NONE 200 MOSS STONE WAY Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution ROSWELL, GA 30075 NONE $50 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution !§ 50 10/04/2001

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer KATE MOSS THE KATE MOSS CO. 1626 FOXHALL ROAD NW Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution WASHINGTON, DC 20007 CEO $ lo00 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $lo00 10/06/2004

~ ~~ Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer KATHLEEN C. BARRY SELF-EMPLOY ED 828 ARLINGTON AVENUE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution BERKELEY, CA 94707 ORGAN. CONSULTING s 100 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution 5 100 10/05/2OO4 Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer KENNETH A. MAC CLUNE UNlVER. OF COLORADO 41 10 MONROE DRIVE Con tribu tor's occupation Amount of contribution BOULDER, CO 80303 RESEARCHER $20 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $ 20 1 O/ 1 312004

~~ ~~~~~~ ~~ Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer LANCE G. WEIR DOD 35 CLEVELAND STREET Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution BAY SHORE, NY 11706 AVIONICS TECH $100 Aggregate contributions year-todate Date of contribution $435 I 010 112004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer LANCE G. WEIR DOD 35 CLEVELAND STREET Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution BAY SHORE, NY t 1706 AVIONICS TECH S 50 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $485 1 010 1/2004

Contributor's nme, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer LANCE G. WEIR DOD 35 CLEVELAND STREET Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution BAY SHORE, NY 11706 AVIONICS TECH $50 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution f 535 10/08/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer LAURA GOlTLlEB REQUESTED 212 HIGHLAND AVENUE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution MADISON, WI 53705 REQUESTED $ 200 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution 5 200 101 I 2/2004 Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer ADAM STANHOPE SELF-EMPLOYED 36 WAPPING ROAD Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution KINGSTON. MA 02364 SOFlWARE $50 Aggregate contributions year-todate Date of contribution S 50 10/08/2OO4

~~ ~~ ~~ Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer ADAM STANHOPE SELF-EMPLOYED 36 WAPPING ROAD Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution KINGSTON, MA 02364 SOITWARE s 100 Aggregate contributions year-todate Date of contribution $ 150 101 12/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer ADAM STANHOPE SELF-EMPLOY ED 36 WAPPING ROAD Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution KINGSTON. MA 02364 SOFIWARE s loo Aggregate contributions year-todate Date of contribution f 250 1011 3/2OO4

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer AFSCME N/A 1625 L ST.. NW Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution WASHINGTON. DC 20036 NIA $3oooo Aggregate contributions year-todate Date of contribution $ 13oooO 1011 a2004

~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer ALAN GROSSBARD SELF-EMPLOY ED 533 S. BURLINGAME AVENUE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution LOS ANGELES, CA 90049 TV PRODUCER $250 I Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $ 10250 10/04/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer ALAN WURTZEL N/A 2134 R STREET NW Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution WASHINGTON. DC 20008 RETIRED s lo00 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $ 1500 10/08/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer ALUANDRO FERRER COUNTY OF MONTEREY 133 ANTHONY STREET Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution SANTA CRUZ. CA 95060 INVESTIGATOR $50 I Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $ loo 10/08/2OO4 Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer ALEX C VOLBERDING NOVACEA 1 12 UPPER TERRANCE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution SAN FRANCISCO. CA 941 17 BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT $50 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $50 10/08/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer ALFONSO GUTIERREZ N/A 5 PINEHURST CIRCLE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution MADISON, WI 53717 N/A 9 50 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $ 100 10/05/2004 Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer ALFONSO GUTIERREZ n/a 5 PINEHURST CIRCLE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution MADISON. WI 53717 N/A $50 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $100 I0/05/2004 Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer ALLIANCE FOR PROTECTING SENIORS N/A 1419 37TH ST. NW, SUITE 248 Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution WASHINGTON, DC 20007 N/A $ 8oooO Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $8oooO 1O/ 1312004

~~ Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer AMERICAN BANKERS ASSOCIATION N/A 1120 CONNECTICUT AVENUE NW Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution WASHINGTON, DC 20036 N/A 6 So00 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $ So00 10/12/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer ANDREW P. LAPHAM COATUE CAPITAL 144 EAST 24TH STREET Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution NEW YORK. NY 10010 FIN. ANALYST $ 400 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution 6 500 10/12/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer ANN SZALKOWSKl N/A I 3408 NORTH ROAD Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution BLUE MOUNDS, W153517 N/A S 60 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $60 . 1O/12/2004

~~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~~ Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer ANNE CORRY STRASMA N/A 212 N ALLEN STREET Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution MADISON. WI 5371 1 N/A $100 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution f 100 10/05/2OO4

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer ANTHONY J. STURM Wl'lTS EDUC. CENTRE 443 N. BALDWlN STREET Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution MADISON, WI 53703 NATIVE ENGLISH TEACH $35 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $35 1O/ 13/2W

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer ARMAND0 E. CHAVEZ. SR. RETlRED 453 NORTH LAMB BLVD., ##E Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution LAS VEGAS, NV 891 10 RETIRED s 500 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $500 10/08/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer ARTHUR VILLARREAL NONE 709 GUTHRIE DRIVE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution WACO, TX 767 10 NONE s 20 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $20 1O/ 1312004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer BARBARA SAKRISON N/A 437 N. 1NGERSOLL NO. 3 Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution MADISON, W153703 NIA S 30 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $30 10/05/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer BEN GREEN CROSSROAD 1564A WlSCONSlN AVENUE, NW Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution WASHINGTON, DC 20007 STRATEGlES $5 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $5 10/05/2004 c

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer BERT FINGERHUT retired 1520 SILVER KING DRIVE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution ASPEN, CO 8101 1 retired s So00 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $ lSOO0 10/05/2oO4

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer Beth Feldstein n/a 902 Grant St Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution Madison. WI 537 I 1 n/a s 120 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution f 120 10/05/2004

~~ ~~ ~~ Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer BILL TUCKER ISOPH 1203 W STREET, NW Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution WASHINGTON. DC 20009 EXECUTIVE $ 50 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $50 I0/08/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer Bob Mincberg n/a 1815 Madison SI. Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution Madison, WI 537 1 1 n/a $50 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $50 10/05/2OO4

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer Brian F Cislak none 69 IO Harvest Hill Rd Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution Madison. W153717 reti red f 300 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $300 10/05/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer BROTHERHOOD OF LOCOMOTIVE ENGINEERS PAC N/A 1370 ONTARIO STREET Contributor's occupation Arnoun t of contribution CLEVELAND, OH 441 13 N/A $25000 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $25000 10/06/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer Brynn Bemis nla 1816 Madison St Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution Madison, W153711 n/a $ 100 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $100 10/05/2OO4

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer CAMlLO D. WILSON COGlX CORPORATlON I 187 HARRISON STREET Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution MONTEREY CA 93940 PRESIDENT f 250 Aggregate contributions year- to-date Date of contribution $350 10/08/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer CARLOS CARDELLE LAN CHlLE AlRLlNES 6260 SW 43 STREET Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution MIAMI, FL 33155 ATTORNEY s 35 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $35 1010 112004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer CARLOS DE LA CRUZ EAGLE BRANDS, INC. 3201 NW 72 AVENUE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution MIAMI, FL 33122 CEO $ 15OOo Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution f 25000 10/07/2OO4 e

- Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer CARLOS SALADRIGAS PREMIER AMERICAN 5900 BIRD ROAD Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution MIAMI, FL 33155 PRESIDENT $5oooo Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $5oooo 10/07/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer CAROL BRACEWELL N/A 7 N. PINCKNEY Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution MADISON, WI 53703 N/A S 25 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $ 25 10/12/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer CATHERINE LEVENE NY TIMES CO 30 CHARLTON ST., APT 5M Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution NEW YORK, NY 10014 VP $ 500 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $500 10/12/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer CHARLES YAKER NONE 43-06WILLIAMS STREET Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution FAIR LAWN, NJ 07410 RETIRED f 50 Aggregate contributions year-todate Date of contribution S 50 10/08/2ooi1

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer CHARLOITE GIBSON ZAVOS REQUESTED 2130 KEYES AVENUE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution MADISON, WI 5371 1 REQUESTED f 200 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution S 200 10/05/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer CHRIS BECKMAN HAMLET BUILDERS, INC P.O. BOX 174 Contributor's occupation . Amount of contribution TOLOVANA PARK, OR 97145 CONTRACTOR S 100 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $100 10/08/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer CHRlSTlAN A. HOLT SMALL FIRM 42 LOOMlS STREET, #326 Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution MALDEN. MA 02148 EMPLOY. LAW ASSOC. f 35 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $35 10/08/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer CHRISTOPHER RUTLAND REQUESTED 284 1 REGENT STREET Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution MADISON, WI 53705 REQUESTED $250 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $250 10/05/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer CHUCK ALSTON MANNING SELVAGE &LEE 2105 BLACK CHESTNUT LANE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution CHEVY CHASE, MD 20815 PR s 35 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $35 10/04/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer CLAIRE ZElTLlN N/A 1810 JEFFERSON STREET Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution MADISON, WI 5371 1 N/A S 30 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution S 30 I0/05/2004 Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer CLARE WAGNER NIA 2121 JEFFERSON ST. Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution MADISON, WI 5371 1 NIA f 30 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution 30 10/05/2Oo4 f I Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer CLIFFORD THOMAS LEE CA DEPT. OF JUSTICE 568 5TH AVENUE #1 Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution SAN FRANCISCO, CA 941 18 LAWYER s 200 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution f 200 10/0112004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer CLIFFORD THOMAS LEE CA DEPT. OF JUSTICE 568 5TH AVENUE #1 Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution SAN FRANCISCO, CA 941 18 LAWYER f 100 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $300 101 I 22004

~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~____ ~___ ~~ Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer DANIEL NEVERS NIA I 2022 JEFFERSON Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution MADISON. WI 5371 1 NIA S 60 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $60 101122004

I Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer LAUREN H. COODLEY NAPA VALLEY COLLEGE 30 PRINCE COURT Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution NAPA. CA 94558 TEACHER f 200 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $200 101 1212004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer LAWRENCE WALKER NIA 13 FARLEY AVENUE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution MADISON, WI 53705 NIA S 30 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $30 101I 22004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer LEIGH PAYNE NIA 2306 WEST LAWN AVENUE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution MADISON, WI 537 I 1 N/A $40 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $40 1011 22004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer LEONARD F. GERTLER ALL AMERICAN HM CTR 14623 HILLTREE ROAD Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution SANTA MONICA, CA 90402 RETAIL OWNER $250 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $250 10/0512004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer LINDA FEILER NIA 36 W. 422 RIVER GRANGE ROAD Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution ST CHARLES, IL 60175 NIA $ 60 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution I S 60 1 o/ 12/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer LINDA PRITZKER NONE 3555 TIMMONS LANE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution HOUSTON, TX 77027 IN VESTOR $275000 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $275000 10/05/2004 Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer Lisa Cappelli nla 21 17 West Lawn Ave Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution Madison, WI 537 11 nla S 60 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $60 10/05/2OO4

~~ Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer LISA GASTON NIA 944 N. TAYLOR Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution OAK PARK, IL 60302 NIA 5 100 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution f 100 10112/2OO4

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer LORI M. EVANS FEDERAL GOVT 1640 16TH STREET, NW #605 Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution WASHINGTON, DC 20009 HLTH INFO TECH. $500 Aggregate contributions year-todate Date of contribution $ 500 10/0412004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer MARC SYVERSTEN REQUESTED 165 JACKSON ST. Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution MADISON, WI 53704 REQUESTED $200 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution

$200 , 10/12/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer Marcia K3hn Wright nla 1101 Grant St Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution Madison, WI 5371 1 nla S 60 Aggregate contributions year- todate Date of contribution $60 10/05/2OO4

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer MARGARET CULLEN NIA 25 14 KENDALL AVENUE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution MADISON, WI 53705 NIA f 30 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $30 1010512004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer MARGARET KROME M.FIELDS INSTITUTE 2524 CHAMBERLAIN AVENUE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution MADISON, WI 53705 AGRICULTURE POLICY s 300 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $300 I010512004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer MARIA MUNIAGURRIA NIA 2531 CHAMBERLAIN AVENUE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution MADISON, WI 53705 NIA $30 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $30 1010512004

Contributor's name, mailing address'and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer MARSHA MONROE NIA 1805 MADISON STREET Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution MADISON, WI 537 1 1 NIA f 50 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $50 1010512004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer MA RTlN WHITE SELF-EMPLOYED 127 2ND AVENUE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution NEW YORK. NY 10003 ATTORNEY s 35 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution s 35 10/08/2004 Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer MARY ANN SIMON NIA 4307 WINNEQUAH RD. Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution MONONA, WI 537 16 NIA S 30 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $ 30 lQllzn004

~~ Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer MARY BARHAM NIA 456 VIRGINIA TERRACE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution MADISON, W153726 NIA S 30 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $30 1011 212004

Contributor's name, mahng address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer MARY DANIEL NIA 2409 FREMONT AVENUE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution MADISON, WI 53704 NIA S 30 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $30 101 1212004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer MARY MURPHY NIA 1910 JEFFERSON ST. Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution MADISON, WI 5371 1 NIA $50 Aggregate contributions year-todate Date of contribution $50 . 10/12/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer MARY MYERS NIA 518 ELMSIDE BLVD. Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution MADISON, WI 53704 NIA S 50 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $50 lOlO5l2OO4

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer MARY WALKER NIA 2520 CHAMBERLAlN AVENUE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution MADISON, WI 53705 NIA S 30 Aggregate contributions year-todate Date of contribution S 30 1O105l2OO4

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer MAIT PINCUS SOME MUSIC 405 WEST 14TH STREET Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution NEW YORK. NY 10014 MUSIC PUBLISHER $lo00 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $ 1500 10/08/2OO4

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer MAITHEW BALL VEGAN OUTREACH 21 1 INDIAN DRIVE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution PIITSBURGH, PA 15238 EXEC. DIRECTOR $35 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $35 1010412004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer MAITHEW BERGMAN BERGMAN SENN ET AL. 27514 97TH AVENUE SW Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution VASHON. WA 98070 AITORNEY S 25000 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $25000 101w2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer MAITHEW R. ERICKSON LAGUENS HAMBURGER ST 1816 NEW HAMPSHIRE AVE NW Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution WASHINGTON, DC 20009 POL. CONSULTANT $ 150 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $150 1010812004 Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer MAlTHEW T. ADKINS SELF-EMPLOYED 5844 STONEY ISLAND, #3H Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution CHICAGO, IL 60637 TRANSLATOR $ 200 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution S 200 10/05/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer Melissa Huggins requested 1101 Lincoln St. Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution Madison, WI 537 1 1 requested $300 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution s 300 10/05/2004

~~~~ ~ ~ ~~~~ ~ Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer MICHAEL LANGTON LANGTON & ASSOCIATES 1300 OAK HAVEN RD Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution JACKSONVILLE,FL 32207 CONSULTANT $ loo Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $350 1011 312004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer MORRIS WICKLIFFE NIA 505 DODGE COURT Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution LAKE MILLS. WI 5355 1 N/A $ 30 Aggregate contributions year-todate Date of contribution $30 10/12/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer MORRY BROWNE RETIRED 2833 NW 92ND STREET Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution SEAITLE, WA 981 17 PROGRAMMER S 40 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $40 1O/ 13/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer MY RNA CASEBOLT N/A 7434 CEDAR CREEK TR. Contnbu tor's occupation Amount of contribution MADISON. WI 53717 N/A S 30

Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution , S 30 1011 22004

~ ~ ~~~~~ Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer NADINE KLEIN KELLER & HECKMAN LLP 1819 FOXDALE COURT Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution CROFTON. MD 21 I14 LEGAL SECRETARY f 35 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $35 1O/ 1312004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer Nancy Forster n/a 936 Harvey Temce Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution Madison, WI 53703 n/a S 60 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $60 10/05/2004

~~~ ~~~ Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer NANCY R HEINEN APPLE COMPUTERS 415 CERVANTES ROAD Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution PORTOLA VALLEY, CA 94028 AITORNEY s lo00 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution s lo00 10/05/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer OSCAR J. GONZALEZ VERA SELF PO BOX 16536 Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution I SUGAR LAND, TX 77496 PHYSICIAN s 100 I Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $200 1O/ I 312004 Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer PACIFIC ARE N/A P.O. BOX 6100 Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution CYPRESS, CA 90630 NIA $ 25000 Aggregate contributions year-todate Date of contribution $75000 10/12/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer ' PAMELA C. RANDOM NONE P.O.BOX 1340 Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution CEDAR CREST, NM 87008 COMPUTER PROGRAMM. $35 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution s 35 10/08/2OO4

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer PAMELA C. RANDOM NONE P.O. BOX 1340 Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution CEDAR CREST, NM 87008 COMPUTER PROGRAMM. f 30 Aggregate contributions year- to-date Date of contribution $ 65 10/08/2OO4

~~ Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer PAUL FISHKIN REQUESTED 843 N. HIGH POINT ROAD Con tribu tor's occupation Amount of contribution MADISON, WI 53717 REQUESTED s 500 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $500 30/32/2OO4

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer Paulette Bochnig Sharkey nla 5901 S. Highlands Ave. Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution Madison. WI 53705 n/a s 100 Aggregate contributions gear-to-date Date of contribution f 100 10/05/2oO4

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer PEGGY HOWELLS NONE 20 ADAMS STREET Contributor's occupation . Amount of contribution APALACHICOLA, FL 32320 RETIRED f 35 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $35 10/04/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer PETER BRESCHARD SELF-EMPLOYED 2004 YUMA TRAIL Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution OKEMOS. MI 48864 WRITER S 25 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution S 25 10104/2004

~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer Peter Daly nla 1 I 12 Lincoln St Contributor's occupation Amount of Contribution Madison, WI 537 1 1 nla $100 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $100 10/05/2OO4

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer John D Stnsma nla 212 N Allen St Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution Madison. WI 53705 nla $ 30 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution S 30 10/05/2oO4

~~ ~ ~~ ~ Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer JAMES GOLDMAN BIGHA WK 505 PARK AVENUE ' Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution NEW YORK, NY 10022 requested $500 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution s 500 1 O/ 1 312004 e

'. Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure PLATlNUM ADVISORS. L.L.C. SAN FRANCISCO NIA $ 8000 1215 K STREET, SUITE 1150 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure SACRAMENTO, CA 95814 NIA 10/04/2004

Purpose of expenditure DEVELOPMENT EXPENSE

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure PLATINUM ADVISORS, L.L.C. SAN FRANCISCO NIA s so00 1215 K STREET, SUITE I150 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure SACRAMENTO, CA 95814 NIA 10/0412001

Purpose of expenditure cons. serv. for aug 2004

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure PLATINUM ADVISORS, L.L.C. SAN FRANCISCO NIA $5000 1215 K STREET, SUITE 1150 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure SACRAMENTO, CA 95814 NIA 10/0412004

Purpose of expenditure DEVELOPMENT EXPENSE

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure PLATINUM ADVISORS, L.L.C. SAN FRANCISCO NIA f 5000 1215 K STREET, SUITE 1150 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure SACRAMENTO, CA 95814 NIA 1010412004

Purpose of expenditure development expense

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure PLATINUM ADVISORS. L.L.C. SAN FRANCISCO N/A $1156 1215 K STREET, SUITE 1150 . Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure SACRAMENTO, CA 95814 NIA 1010412004

Purpose of expenditure development expense

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure . PLATINUM ADVISORS, L.L.C.SAN FRANCISCO NIA 5 1488 1215 K STREET, SUITE 1150 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure SACRAMENTO, CA 958 I4 NIA 1010412004

Purpose of expenditure development expense

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure PLATINUM ADVISORS, L.L.C. SAN FRANCISCO NIA s 858 1215 K STREET, SUITE 1150 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure SACRAMENTO, CA 958 I4 NIA 10104/2004

Purpose of expenditure development expense

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure PressFlex LLC N/A $2000 210 Edgewater Circle Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Chapel Hill, NC 27516 NIA 10113/2003

Purpose of expenditure Blog Ads

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Quick Messenger Service NIA S 719 P.O. Box 27378 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington. DC 20038 NIA 1010812004 Purpose of expenditure DEVELOPMENT EXPENSE

I Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Quick Messenger Service N/A S 398 P.O. Box 27378 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20038 NIA 1W08/2oM I Purpose of expenditure delivery

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Richard Kolsky Kolsky 8: Co. S 784 2806 Lincoln St. Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Evmston, IL 60201 Consultant 10/08/2003

Purpose of expenditure travel expense

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Aniount of Expenditure RIFFENBURGH 8: ASSOCIATES NDN s loo00 3742 Scadlock Ln Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Sherman Oaks, CA 9 I403 N/A 1 O/oj/200;1 Purpose of expenditure DEVELOPMENT EXPENSE

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure RIFFENBURGH 8: ASSOCIATES NDN S 1921 3742 Scadlock Ln Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure ShemOaks. CA 91403 N/A I 0/04/2m

Purpose of expenditure Expense Reimbursement

Recipient's name. mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Spencer Potter NDN s 64 7705 Tauxmont Rd Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Alexandria, VA 22308 intern I 010 1 /2m Purpose of expenditure expense reimbursement

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Aniount of Expenditure Spencer Potter NDN f 65 7705 Tauxmont Rd Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Alexandria. VA 22308 intern 10/0 I /2ooJ Purpose of expenditure expense reimbursement

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Aniount of Expenditure Spencer Potter NDN s 12 7705 Tauxmont Rd Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Alexandria, VA 22308 intern 1010 I /20a Purpose of expenditure Expense Reimbursement

Hecipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Nanie of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Spencer Potter NDN S 171 7705 Tauxmont Rd Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Alcxandria, VA 22308 intern I o/o I /2004 Purpose of expenditure GROUND TRANSPORTATION

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Spencer Potter NDN 5 24 7705 Tauxmont Rd Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Alexandria. VA 22308 intern 1010 1/20m Purpose of expenditure GROUND TRANSPORTATION c Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Summit Computers NIA S 131 1208 G Street, N.W. Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20005 NIA 10/08/2001

Purpose of expenditure computer service

~~ Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure The Adam's Mark Hotel Denver NIA 5 1765 1550 Court Place Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Denver, CO 80202 NIA 10/0.1/2001

Purpose of expenditure Facilities & equipment rental

~~ ~~ ____ ~~ Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure THE WASHINGTON TIMES NIA $ 16 P.O. BOX 959 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure COLLEGE PARK, MD 20797 NIA 1OI08120M

Purpose of expenditure SUBSCRIPTIONS

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Tim Lim NDN s 93 730 University Ave Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Ithaca, NY 14850 intern 1010 112003

Purpose of expenditure Expense Reimbursement

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's eniployer Anioun t of Expenditure United Business Machines NIA s 797 92 18 Gaither Road Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Gaithersburg, MD 20877 NIA I 010 112004

Purpose of expenditure printing

Recipient's name, msling address and ZIP code Name of recipient's eniployer Anioun t of Expenditure United Business Machines NIA S 1346 92 18 Gaither Road Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Gaithersburg. MD 20877 NIA 10108120M Purpose of expenditure PRINTING AND REPRODUCTION

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure UPS NIA S 488 P.O. Box 650580 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Dallas, TX 75265 NIA 101021200.1 Purpose of expenditure postage and delivery

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure UPS NIA S 778 P.O. Box 650580 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Dallas, TX 75265 NIA 1010912004 Purpose of expenditure Shipping.

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's eniployer Amount of Expenditure Verizon NIA S 870 P.O.Box 17577 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Baltimore. MD 21297 NIA 1 010 11200.) Purpose of expenditure PHONE CARRIER Political Organization Form 8872 (November 2002) Report of Contributions and Expenditures OMB NO. 1545-1696 Department or thc Treasury Internal Rcvenue Service b See separate instructions.

B Check applicable box: &f Initial report - Change of address - Amended report IFinal report 1 Name of organization Employer identification number NEW DEMOCRAT NETWORK-NON-FEDERALACCOUNT 52 - 1981307

~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~ 2 Mailing address (P.O. box or number, street, and room or suite number) 777 N Capitol St. NE Suite 410 City or town, state, and ZIP code Washington, DC 20002

3 E-mail address of organization: 4 Date organization was formed: [email protected] 06/ 1711996

5a Name of custodian of records 5b Custodian's address Simon Rosenberg 777 N Capitol St, NE Suite 410 Washington, DC 20002

6a Name of contact person 6b Contact person's address Buck Owen 777 N Capitol St, NE Suite 410 Washington. DC 20002

7 Business address of organization (if different from mailing address shown above). Number, street, and rooni or suite number 777 N Capitol St, NE Suite 410 City or town, state, and ZIP code Washington, DC 20002

8 Type of report (check only one box)

IFist quarterly report Monthly repon for the month of (due by April 15) (due by the 20th day following the month shown above, except the - Second quarterly report December report, which is due by January 3 1 ) (due by July 15) Pre-election report (due by the 12th or 15th day before the election)

IThird quarterly report (I ) Type of election: (due by October IS) (2) Date of election: - Year-end report (3) For the state of (due by January 31) Post-general election report (due by the 30th day after general eleciion) - Mid-year report (Non-election (I) Date of election: 11/02/2004 year only-due by July 3 1) (2) For the state of DC

9 Total amount of reported contributions (total from all attached Schedules A)...... 9. $ 1373228

10 Total amount of reported expenditures (total from all attached SchedulesB) ...... 10. $ 1503102

Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have examined this report. including accompanying schedules and statements, and to the best of my knowledge and belief, it is true, correct, and complete. SIMON ROSENBERG 12/02/2004

Signature of authorized official 1 Date c Fo~8872 (1 1-2002)

-, . b Itemized Contributions I Schedule A Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer BRIAN NASH NA 8560 2ND AVE #7 14 Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution SILVER SPRING, MD 20910 NA S 30 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $ 30 10/29/2OO4

~~ Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer DAVID CARPENTER NA 421 HUDSON ST #M 1 Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution NEW YORK, NY 10014 NA s 35 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $35 1 1/03/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer GEORGE SCHIMMEL SELF-EMPLOYED 3630 KINGS HIGHWAY Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution JACKSON, MS 39216 PHYSICIAN s 100 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $3700 10/25/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer JILL GREENBERG NA 698 WEST END AVE #2B Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution NEW YORK, NY 10025 NA $50 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution f 50 10/29/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer JIM HURD NANOSCIENCE EXCHANGE 158 LAIDLEY ST. #3 Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94131 CONSULTANT s 100 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $430 10/20/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer JOANNA AMBRIDGE BALTIMORE COUNTY 1602 WATERBURY CT. Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution BEL AIR, MD 21014 TEACHER $30 Aggregate contributions year- todate Date of contribution $ 115 1O/ I9/2OO4

~~ ~~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~ Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer JOANNA AMBRIDGE BALTIMORE COUNTY 1602 WATERBURY CT. Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution BEL AIR, MD 21014 TEACHER s 50 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $ 115 11/01/2004

~~~ Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer JOEL P YARBROUGH NEC PO BOX 5598 Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution BERKELEY' CA 94705 CONSULTANT S 50 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $ 150 10/21/2OO4

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer JOHN A PLAUCHE CLIFFORD CHANCE US 430 5TH AVE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution BROOKLYN, NY 11215 AITORNEY S 50 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $50 10/20/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer JOHN LANDIS N/A PO BOX 282 Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution SELLERVILLE. PA 18960 N/A s 25 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $ 25 10/22/2004 Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer Stephanie Gramann n/a W5480 Spring Valley Rd Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution New Glarus, W153574 n/a S 30 Aggregate contributions year-todate Date of contribution $ 30 10/05/2OO4

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer STEPHEN A. KUPIEC PHYSICAL OPTICS CORP 20600 GRAMERCY PLACE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution TORRANCE, CA 90501 SCI ENTl ST $ 100 Aggregate contributions year-todate Date of contribution f loo 1 O108/2OO4

~~ ~~~~~~~ ~ ~ -~ Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer STEPHEN L. ROSE AMER. COUNCIL OF ED. 1 DUPONT CIRCLE, NW Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution WASHINGTON, DC 20036 CIO AND DIRECTOR IT $50 Aggregate contributions year-todate Date of contribution S 85 101 1 312004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer STEPHEN M. EWELL BENS 9000 PINEY GROVE DRIVE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution FAIRFAX, VA 2203 1 DIRECTOR, METRO DC f 35 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution s 35 10/05/2oO4 Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer SUNITA LEEDS HOMEMAKER 3205 R STREET NW Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution WASHINGTON, DC 20007 HOMEMAKER $loo00 Aggregate contribu tiQns y ear-to-date Date of contribution $1OOoO I0/08/2oO.1

~ ~~ ~~ Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer SUSAN TAYLOR SELF-EMPLOYED 620 MATHEWS #208 Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution FORT COLLINS, CO 80524 GRAPHIC DESIGN $ loo Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution s loo 10/08/2oO4

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer SUZANNE STUTE N/A 122 NYGARD STREET Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution MADISON, WI 53713 N/A f 25 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution S 25 10/12/2004 Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer TARA E. HENDRICKSON SELF-EMPLOYED 2698 FILBERT STREET, #I Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94 123 MARKETING $35 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $35 10/05/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer TIM OSSWALD U. OF WISCONSIN 1809 MADISON STREET Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution MADISON, WI 5371 1 PROFESSOR s 1000 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution f 1035 10/04/2004 Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer TOM S. LYNCH RETIRED 2 IO 2ND STREET NW Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution PARSHALL. ND 58770 RETIRED s IO Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution s 20 10/08/2004 ' Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer UPS NIA 1335 NORTHMEADOW PARKWAY Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution ROSWELL, GA 30076 NIA $38 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $ 83 10/12/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer Violeta Fabregas n/a 2 1 18 Canterbury Rd Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution Madison, WI 5371 I n/a 5 30 Aggregate contributions year-to-da te Date of contribution $ 30 10/05/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer VIVIAN P. GUZMAN CMB 2499 SW 20 STREET Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution MIAMI, FL 33145 DEPT. DIRECTOR $ 50 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution f 50 1010 1n004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP cie Name of contributor's employer WALT VANDERBUSH MIAMI UNIVERSITY 21 CHRISTOPHER DRIVE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution OXFORD, OH 45056 TEACHER $200 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $400 1010512004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer WALTER N. SEDGWICK SELF-EMPLOYED BOX 620068 Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution WOODSIDE, CA 94062 BUSlNESS 5 35 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution s 35 1010 112004 Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer WARREN VlNZANT MOBlLlTY ELECTRON 1CS 2419 IRMA WAY Contributor's occupation . Amount of contribution CASTRO VALLEY, CA 94546 CEO $ 50 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $85 I010512004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer XIAUCHUN LI NIA 34 UNIVERSITY HOUSES Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution MADISON, WI 53705 NIA S 30 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $30 10/0512004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer DORY CHRISTENSEN NIA 360 W. WASHINGTON AVENUE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution MADISON, WI 53703 NIA S 40 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $40 IO1 1 22004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer ELlZABETH WACHS NONE 289 LAKE DRIVE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution RHINEBECK, NY 12572 HOMEMAKER S 15000 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $15000 I0/08/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer ENRIQUE CAMACHO REQUESTED 2991 HARTWICKE DRIVE Contributor's occupation Amount of contrihution FITCHBURG, WI 5371 1 REQUESTED S 250 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution S 250 1010512004 Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer Franklin Cham n/a 6601 Raymond Rd Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution Madison, WI 5371 1 n/a $25 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $25 10/05/2oW

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer GARREm GRUENER ALTA PARTNERS BOX 15749826 Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution SIOUX FALLS, SD 57 186 VENTURE CAPITAL S 25000 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $5m 10/04/2004

~~ Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer GARY WERNER NIA 2302 LAKELAND AVENUE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution MADISON, WI 53704 N/A s 100 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $ 100 10/05/2004

Contributor's name, mailingaddress and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer GEORGE SCHIMMEL SELF-EMPLOYED 3630 KINGS HIGHWAY Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution JACKSON, MS 39216 PHYSICIAN s 200 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution S 2300 10/04/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer GEORGE SCHIMMEL SELF-EMPLOYED 3630 KINGS HIGHWAY Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution JACKSON, MS 39216 PHYSICIAN s 200 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $2500 10/05/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer Holly Walter Kerby n/a 4135 S. Sunset Ct. Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution Madison, W153705 n/a $30 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $30 10/05/2OO4

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer INTUIT N/A GO1 PENNSYLVANIA AVE. NW Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution WASHINGTON, DC 20004 N/A s 75000 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution s 100Ooo 10/04/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer JACOB T. LEVY UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO 5828 S UNIVERSITY Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution CHICAGO, IL 60637 PROFESSOR s 100 Aggregate contributions year- to-date Date of contribution $100 1010 1/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer JAMES ARTS N/A 1140 E DAYTON STREET Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution MADISON, WI 53703 N/A 5 50 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution S 50 I o/ 1 2/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer JAMES M. FORBES SELF 27 RAYCLlFF TERRACE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution SAN FRANCISCO. CA 94 1 15 REAL ESTATE INVESTOR s loo Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $300 10/05/2004 Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer JANE BARNES N/A 441 BAY HILL DRIVE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution MADISON, W153717 N1A s 50 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $50 10/12/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer JANE BERNSTEIN N/A 1806 JEFFERSON ST. Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution MADISON, WI 5371 1 NIA s 50 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $50 10/05/2004

~ Contributor's--e, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer JANET KELLY N/A 1808 MADISON STREET Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution MADISON, WI 5371 1 N1A $ 30 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $30 10/05/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer Janice Mettauer n/a 1622 Yahara Place Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution Madison, WI 53704 n/a S 30 Aggregate contributions year-todate Date of contribution $30 10/05/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer JEANNE LEVY-HINTE SELF 888 THIRD AVENUE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution NEW YORK, NY 10022 WRITER S 425000 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $ 65oooO 10/05/2004

~~~ Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer Joan Lnunon n/a 151 1 Chandler St. Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution Madison, WI 537 1 1 n/a $ 100 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $ loo 10/05/2OO4

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer JOEL P YARBROUGH NEC PO BOX 5598 Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution BERKELEY. CA 94705 CONSULTANT $ 100 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $100 10/05/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer John D Sullsrna nla 212 N Allen Si Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution Madison, WI 53705 n/a $ loo Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $130 10/05/2OO4

Contributor's name, mailing address'and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer JOHN J. CARROLL SELF-EMPLOYED 2107 LANlHULl DRIVE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution HONOLULU, HI 96822 WRITEWRANSLATOR $100 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $500 1o/ 1 2/2004

Contributor's name, niailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer JOHN KOZA THIRD MlLLENlUM VC P.O.BOX K Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution LOS ALTOS, CA 94023 PRESIDENT s so00 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution f loo00 1010 112004 Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer JOHN LOEWY SELF 5435 PRESERVE PWY NORTH Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution GREENWOOD VILLAGE, CO 80121 CONSULTANT $ lo00 Aggregate contributions year-Mate Date of contribution $lo00 IQ106n004

~ Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer Johnston Connelly 11 nla 2003 Adam St Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution Madison. WI 5371 1 n/a $90 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $90 1Q105/2ooil

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer JON ADAMS MORRISON-KNOX HOLDEN 5444 HILLTOP CRESCENT Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution OAKLAND, CA 94618 AlTORNEY s 100 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $300 lQ104/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer JON ADAMS MORRISON-KNOX HOLDEN 5444 HILLTOP CRESCENT Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution OAKLAND, CA 94618 A'ITORNEY S 50 Aggregate contributions year- to-date Date of contribution $350 . 101I 3/2OO4

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer JON LANDAU BDL I 5 10 WALNUT STREET Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution PHILADELPHIA, PA 19106 LAWYER s 100 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $200 10/05/2OO4

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer JONATHAN ZElTLlN N/A 18 10 JEFFERSON STREET Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution MADISON, WI 5371 1 N/A $30 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $30 10/05/2004

~~ ~~ Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer JORDON LEVIN LEVIN FAMlLY TRUST 1601 CLOVERFIELD BLVD Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution SANTA MONICA, CA 90404 CHAIR 5 lo00 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution f lo00 10/12/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer JOSE RODRIGUEZ WILLIAMS PAVlNG CO 1 1300 NW SOUTH RIVER DR Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution MEDLEY, FL 33178 PRES1DENT $1000 Aggregate contributions year-todate Date of contribution $ lo00 10/05/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer Joseph Thome n/a 1502 Drake SI Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution Madison, WI 5371 1 nla $50 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution S 50 10/05/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer JOSHUA EPSTEIN NONE 364 WEST 18TH STREET Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution NEW YORK, NY 1001 1 NONE S 50 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $50 10/08/2004 Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer JOYCE NIGBOR NIA 11 WHITE PINE TRAIL Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution MADISON, W153717 N/A $90 Aggregate contributions year-todate Date of contribution $ 90 10/12/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer Juan De Pablo REQUESTED 2007 Adam Si Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution Madison. W153711 REQUESTED s 200 Aggregate contributions year-todate Date of contribution $200 10/05/2004

~~ Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer JUDY LITTZE NONE 200 MOSS STONE WAY Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution ROSWELL, GA 30075 NONE $50 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution S 50 Io/M/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer KATE MOSS THE KATE MOSS CO. 1626 FOXHALL ROAD NW Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution WASHINGTON, DC 20007 CEO s lo00 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $ lo00 10/06/2004

~~ Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer KATHLEEN C. BARRY SELF-EMPLOYED 828 ARLINGTON AVENUE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution BERKELEY, CA 94707 ORGAN. CONSULTING s 100 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $ 100 10/05/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer KENNETH A. MAC CLUNE UNIVER. OF COLORADO 41 IO MONROE DRIVE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution BOULDER, CO 80303 RESEARCHER $20 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $20 1 O/ 1 312004

~~~ Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer LANCE G. WEIR DOD 35 CLEVELAND STREET Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution BAY SHORE, NY 11706 AVIONICS TECH s 100 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $435 10/01/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer LANCE G. WEIR DOD 35 CLEVELAND STREET Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution BAY SHORE, NY 11706 AVIONICS TECH $50 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $485 1010 1/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer LANCE G. WEIR DOD 35 CLEVELAND STREET Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution BAY SHORE, NY 11706 AVIONICS TECH f 50 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution s 535 10/08/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer LAURA GOTTLIEB REQUESTED 212 HIGHLAND AVENUE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution MADISON, WI 53705 REQUESTED 5 200 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution 5 200 IO/12/2004 Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer ADAM STANHOPE SELF-EMPLOYED 36 WAPPING ROAD Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution KINGSTON, MA 02364 SOFTWARE S 50 Aggregate contributions year-tedate Date of contribution $ 50 1O/O8/2W

~~ Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer ADAM STANHOPE SELF-EMPLOYED 36 WAPPING ROAD Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution KINGSTON, MA 02364 SOFIWARE s loo Aggregate contributions year-todate Date of contribution $150 1o/ 1 2/2m

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer ADAM STANHOPE SELF-EMPLOYED 36 WAPPING ROAD Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution KINGSTON, MA 02364 SOFTWARE s loo Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $250 1O/ 13/2OO4

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer AFSCME N/A 1625 L ST., NW Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution WASHINGTON, DC 20036 N/A $ 3m Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $13oooO. 1O/12/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer ALAN GROSSBARD SELF-EMPLOYED 533 S. BURLINGAME AVENUE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution LOS ANGELES, CA 90049 TV PRODUCER f 250 Aggregate contributions pear-to-date Date of contribution $10250 1O/M/2Ooil

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer ALAN WURTZEL N/A 2 134 R STREET NW Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution WASHINGTON, DC 20008 R ET1 RED f lo00 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $1500 10/08/2OO4

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer ALEJANDRO FERRER COUNTY OF MONTEREY 133 ANTHONY STREET Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution SANTA CRUZ, CA 95060 INVESTIGATOR S50 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution I $100 10/08/2003

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer ALEX C VOLBERDING NOVACEA 112 UPPER TERRANCE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution SAN FRANCISCO, CA 941 17 BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT $50 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $50 I0/08/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer ALFONSO GUTIERREZ NIA 5 PINEHURST CIRCLE Contributor's occupation Anioun t of contribution MADISON, WI 53717 N/A f 50 Aggregate contributions year- to-date Date of contribution s 100 10/05/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer ALFONSO GUTIERREZ n/a

5 PINEHURST CIRCLE ' Contributor's occupation Amount of contrihu tion MADISON, WI 53717 NIA S 50 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $100 10/05/2004

I Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer ALLIANCE FOR PROTECTING SENIORS NIA 1419 37TH ST, NW, SUITE 248 Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution WASHINGTON, DC 20007 NIA S 8oooO Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $ goo00 10/13/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer AMERICAN BANKERS ASSOCIATION NIA 1120 CONNECTICUT AVENUE NW Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution WASHINGTON, DC 20036 NIA s 5000 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution s 5000 101 1 2/2004

~~ Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer ANDREW P. LAPHAM COATUE CAPITAL 144 EAST 24TH STREET Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution NEW YORK, NY 10010 FIN. ANALYST s 400 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution b 500 1011212ooi1

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer ANN SZALKOWSKI NIA 3408 NORTH ROAD Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution BLUE MOUNDS, WI 53517 NIA f 60 Aggregate contributions year-to-da te Date of contribution S 60 101 122004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer ANNE CORRY STRASMA NIA 212 N ALLEN STREET Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution MADISON, WI 5371 1 NIA 5 100 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution 6 100 10/05/2oO4

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer ANTHONY J. STURM WIITS EDUC. CENTRE 443 N. BALDWIN STREET Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution MADISON, WI 53703 NATIVE ENGLISH TEACH f 35 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $35 101 1312004

~~ ~ Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer ARMAND0 E. CHAVEZ SR. RETIRED 453 NORTH LAMB BLVD., #E Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution LAS VEGAS. NV 89 1 10 RETIRED $500 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $500 I010812004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer ARTHUR VILLARREAL NONE 709 GUTHRIE DRIVE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution WACO, TX 767 10 NONE $20 Aggregate contributions year-to-da te Date of contribution 5 20 101 1 312004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer BARBARA SAKRISON NIA 437 N. INGERSOLL NO. 3 Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution MADISON, WI 53703 NIA $30 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution S 30 1010512004

~~~~ ~~~ ~~~ Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer BEN GREEN CROSSROAD

1564A WISCONSIN AVENUE, NW Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution I WASHINGTON, DC 20007 STRATEGIES $5 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution %5 1010512004 Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer BERT FINGERHUT retired 1520 SILVER KING DRIVE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution ASPEN, CO 8101 1 retired 5 5000 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $ 15000 10/05/2W

~ ~~ Contributor's n&,mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer Beth Feldstein n/a 902 Grant St Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution Madison, WI 537 1 1 n/a s 120 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $120 10/05/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer BILL TUCKER ISOPH 1203 W STREET, NW Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution WASHINGTON, DC 20009 EXECUTIVE S 50 Aggregate contributions year-todate Date of contribution S 50 10/08/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer Bob Mincberg n/a 1815 Madison St. Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution Madison, WI 5371 1 n/a $50 Aggregate contributions year-todate Date of contribution $50 I0/05/2004

~~ ~~ ~~ Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer Brian F Cislak none 6910 Harvest Hill Rd Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution Madison, WI 53717 retired s 300 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $300 10/05/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer BROTHERHOOD OF LOCOMOTIVE ENGINEERS PAC N/A 1370 ONTARIO STREET Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution CLEVELAND, OH 441 13 N/A . $25000 . Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $25000 10/06/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer Brynn Bemis nla 1816 Madison St Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution Madison, WI 537 1 1 n/a $100 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $100 10/05/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer CAMILO D. WILSON COGlX CORPORATION 1187 HARRISON STREET Contributor's occupation Amoun t of contribution MONTEREY, CA 93940 PRESIDENT S 250 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution S 350 I0/08/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer CARLOS CARDELLE LAN CHILE AIRLINES 6260 SW 43 STREET Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution MIAMI, FL 33155 AITORNEY s 35 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution s 35 1 010 112004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer CARLOS DE LA CRUZ EAGLE BRANDS, INC. 3201 NW 72 AVENUE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution' MIAMI, FL 33122 CEO $15000 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $25000 10/07/2004 Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer CARLOS SALADRIGAS PREMIER AMERICAN 5900 BIRD ROAD Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution MIAMI, FL 33155 PRESIDENT b 5oooo Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $ 5oooo 10/07~ooS

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer CAROL BRACEWELL N/A 7 N. PINCKNEY Con tributor's occupation Amount of contribution MADISON, WI 53703 N/A S 25 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution S 25 10/12/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer CATHERINE LEVENE NY TIMES CO 30 CHARLTON ST.. APT 5M Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution NEW YORK, NY 10014 VP s 500 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $ 500 10/12/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer CHARLES YAKER NONE 43-06 WILLIAMS STREET Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution FAIR LAWN, NJ 07410 RETIRED S 50 Aggregate contributions year- to-da te Date of contribution $50 . 10/08/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer CHARLOTTE GIBSON ZAVOS REQUESTED 2130 KEYES AVENUE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution MADISON, WI 5371 1 REQUESTED ti 200 Aggregate contributions year-todate Date of contribution s 200 10/05/2004

Contnbzr's namermailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer CHRIS BECKMAN HAMLET BUILDERS, INC P.O. BOX 174 Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution TOLOVANA PARK, OR 97145 CONTRACTOR s 100 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $100 10/08/2OO4

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer CHRISTIAN A. HOLT SMALL FIRM 42 LOOMIS STREET, #326 Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution MALDEN. MA 02 I48 EMPLOY. LAW ASSOC. s 35 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $35 10/08/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer CHRISTOPHER RUTLAND REQUESTED 284 1 REGENT STREET Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution MADISON, WI 53705 REQUESTED S 250 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $250 10/05/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer CHUCK ALSTON MANNING SELVAGE &LEE

2105 BLACK CHESTNUT LANE ' Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution CHEVY CHASE, MD 2081 5 PR $35 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $35 10/04/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer CLAIRE ZElTLlN N/A 18 IO JEFFERSON STREET Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution MADISON, WI 5371 1 N/A f 30 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution S 30 10/05/2004 Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer CLARE WAGNER NIA 2 12 I JEFFERSON ST. Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution MADISON, WI 537 1 1 N/A S 30 Aggregate contributions year-todate Date of contribution $30 10105/2004

~ ~ ~~ ~~~ ~ Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer CLIFFORD THOMAS LEE CA DEPT. OF JUSTICE 568 5TH AVENUE #I Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution SAN FRANCISCO. CA 94 1 18 LAWYER s 200 Aggregate contributions year-todate Date of contribution S 200 1010 112004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer CLIFFORD THOMAS LEE CA DEPT. OF JUSTICE 568 5TH AVENUE #1 Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94 1 18 LAWYER S 100 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution S 300 101 1212004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name ofcontributor's employer DANIEL NEVERS NIA 2022 JEFFERSON Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution MADISON, WI 5371 1 N/A S 60 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $60 10/12/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer LAUREN H. COODLEY NAPA VALLEY COLLEGE 30 PRINCE COURT Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution NAPA. CA 94558 TEACHER s 200 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution f 200 101122004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer LAWRENCE WALKER N/A 13 FARLEY AVENUE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution MADISON, WI 53705 NIA S 30 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution S 30 10/12/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer LEIGH PAYNE NIA 2306 WEST LAWN AVENUE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution MADISON, WI 5371 1 NIA S 40 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $40 10/12/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer LEONARD F. GERTLER ALL AMERICAN HM CTR 14623 HILLTREE ROAD Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution SANTA MONICA, CA 90402 RETAIL OWNER $250 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $250 10/05/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer LINDA FEILER NIA 36 W. 422 RIVER GRANGE ROAD Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution ST CHARLES, IL 60175 N/A S 60 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution S 60 101 1212004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer LlNDA PRITZKER NONE 3555 TIMMONS LANE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution HOUSTON, TX 77027 INVESTOR $275000 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $275000 10105/2004 Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer Lisa Cappelli n/a 21 17 West Lawn Ave Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution Madison, WI 5371 1 n/a $ 60 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $60 10/05/2OO4

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer LISA GASTON N/A 944 N. TAYLOR Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution OAK PARK, IL 60302 N/A f 100 Aggregate contributions year-todate Date of contribution f loo 101 1212001

~~~~~ ~ ~ Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer LORI M. EVANS FEDERAL GOVT 1640 16TH STREET, NW #605 Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution WASHINGTON, DC 20009 HLTH INFO TECH. $500 Aggregate contributions year-todate Date of contribution s 500 10/04/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer MARC SYVERSTEN REQUESTED 165 JACKSON ST. Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution MADISON, WI 53704 REQUESTED s 200 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $200 . 101 122004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer Marcia Kahn Wright n/a 1101 Grant St Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution Madison, WI 5371 1 n/a $60 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution S 60 10/05/2oO.1

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer MARGARET CULLEN N/A 25 14 KENDALL AVENUE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution MADISON, WI 53705 N/A S 30 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution f 30 I0/05/2003

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer MARGARET KROME M. FIELDS INSTITUTE 2524 CHAMBERLAIN AVENUE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution MADISON, WI 53705 AGRICULTURE POLICY f 300 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $300 10/05/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer MARIA MUNIAGURRIA N/A 253 I CHAMBERLAIN AVENUE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution MADISON, WI 53705 N/A f 30 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $30 I0/05/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer MARSHA MONROE N/A 1805 MADISON STREET Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution MADISON, WI 5371 1 N/A $50 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution S 50 10/05/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer MARTIN WHITE SELF-EMPLOYED

127 2ND AVENUE ' Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution NEW YORK. NY 10003 ATTORNEY s 35 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution s 35 I0/08/2004 Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer MARY ANN SIMON NIA 4307 WINNEQUAH RD. Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution MONONA, W153716 NIA $30 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $30 10/12/2005

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer MARY BARHAM NIA 456 VIRGINIA TERRACE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution MADISON, WI 53726 NIA 5 30 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution f 30 1011 22001

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer MARY DANIEL NIA 2409 FREMONT AVENUE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution MADISON, WI 53704 NIA S 30 Aggregate contributions pear-to-date Date of contribution $ 30 1011 22004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer MARY MURPHY NIA 1910 JEFFERSON ST. Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution MADISON, WI 5371 1 NIA $50 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $50 101122004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer MARY MYERS NIA 518 ELMSIDE BLVD. Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution MADISON, W153704 NIA S 50 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution b 50 1010512ooi1

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer MARY WALKER NIA 2520 CHAMBERLAIN AVENUE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution MADISON, W153705 NIA $30 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $ 30 1010512004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer MA'R PlNCUS SOME MUSIC 405 WEST 14TH STREET Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution NEW YORK. NY 10014 MUSlC PUBLISHER $1000 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution S 1500 10/08/2004

~~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ -~ ~~ __ Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer MATTHEW BALL VEGAN OUTREACH 21 1 INDIAN DRIVE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution PITTSBURGH. PA 15238 EXEC.DIRECTOR $35 Aggregate contributions year-to-dote Date of contribution $ 35 1010412004

~ ~~ ~~~~ ~ ~ ~~~ Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer MATTHEW BERGMAN BERGMAN SENN ET AL. 27514 97TH AVENUE SW Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution VASHON. WA 98070 ATTORNEY S 25000 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution S 25000 1010612004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer MATTHEW R. ERlCKSON LAGUENS HAMBURGER ST 1816 NEW HAMPSHlRE AVE NW Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution WASHINGTON, DC 20009 POL. CONSULTANT S 150 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution S 150 1010812004 Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer MATTHEW T. ADKINS SELF-EMPLOYED 5844 STONEY ISLAND, #3H Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution CHICAGO, IL 60637 TRANSLATOR $200 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $ 200 1Q105mMM

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer Melissa Huggins requested 1101 Lincoln St. Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution Madison, W1537 1 I requested s 300 Aggregate contributions year-todate Date of contribution $300 10/05/2OO4

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer MICHAEL LANGTON LANGTON & ASSOCIATES 1300 OAK HAVEN RD Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution JACKSONVILLE, FL 32207 CONSULTANT $ 100 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $350 10113/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer MORRIS WlCKLlFFE N/A 505 DODGE COURT Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution LAKE MILLS, WI 53551 N/A S 30 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $30 10/12/2OO4

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer MORRY BROWNE RETIRED 2833 NW 92ND STREET Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution SEAITLE, WA 98 1 17 PROGRAMMER $40 Aggregate contributions year-todate Date of contribution $ 40 1O/ 13/2003

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer MY RNA CASEBOLT N/A 7434 CEDAR CREEK TR. Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution MADISON, WI 53717 N/A f 30 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution f 30 1o/ 1 22004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer NADINE KLEIN KELLER & HECKMAN LLP 18 19 FOXDALE COURT Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution CROFTON. MD 21 114 LEGAL SECRETARY f 35 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $35 1O/ 1 3/2oO4

______~~~~~~ Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer Nancy Forsrer n/a 936 Harvey Temce Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution Madison, WI 53703 n/a S 60 Aggregate contributions year- to-date Date of contribution f 60 10/05/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer NANCY R HEINEN APPLE COMPUTERS 415 CERVANTES ROAD Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution PORTOLA VALLEY, CA 94028 ATTORNEY s lo00 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution s 1000 I0/05/2004 Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer OSCAR J. GONZALEZ VERA SELF PO BOX 16536 Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution SUGAR LAND. TX 77496 PHYSICIAN s loo Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $200 1 O/ I312004 Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer PACIFICARE N/A P.O. BOX 6 100 Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution CYPRESS, CA 90630 N/A $25000 Aggregate contributions year-todate Date of contribution $75000 10/12/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer PAMELA C. RANDOM NONE P.O. BOX 1340 Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution CEDAR CREST, NM 87008 COMPUTER PROGRAMM. f 35 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $ 35 10/08/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer PAMELA C. RANDOM NONE P.O. BOX 1340 Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution CEDAR CREST, NM 87008 COMPUTER PROGRAMM. f 30 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $65 10/08/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer PAUL FISHKIN REQUESTED 843 N. HIGH POINT ROAD Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution MADISON, WI 53717 REQUESTED s 500 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $500 . 10/12/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer Paulette Bochnig Sharkey n/a 5901 S. Highlands Ave. Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution Madison, W153705 n/a f 100 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution 5 100 10/05/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer PEGGY HOWELLS NONE 20 ADAMS STREET Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution APALACHICOLA. FL 32320 RETIRED 5 35 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $35 10/04/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer PETER BRESCHARD SELF-EMPLOYED 2004 YUMA TRAIL Contributor's occupation Anrount of contribution OKEMOS, MI 48864 WRITER S 25 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $25 10/04/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer Peter Daly n/a 1112 Lincoln St Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution Madison, WI 5371 1 nla $ 100 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution $100 10/05/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer John D Stnsm n/a 212 N Allen St Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution Madison. WI 53705 n/a $30 Aggregate contributions year-to-da te Date of contribution $30 I0/05/2004

Contributor's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of contributor's employer JAMES GOLDMAN BIGHAWK 505 PARK AVENUE Contributor's occupation Amount of contribution NEW YORK, NY 10022 requested $500 Aggregate contributions year-to-date Date of contribution s 500 1011 3/2004 ~ Form 8872 (1 1-2002) Itemized Expenditures I Schedule B Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Erica Payne Self employed $507 56 West 22nd Sueet Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure New York, NY 10010 Consullant lQ/O4/2004

Purpose of expenditure GROUND TRANSPORTIHOTEL

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA s 11 P.O. Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 NIA 10/08/200.1

Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA 5 81 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 NIA 10108/2004

Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENClNG

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA $ 23 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 NIA 10108/2004

Purpose of expenditure teleconferencing


Recipient's name, mailing address andZIP code ~ Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure lntelligent Meetings Corporation NIA $36 P.O. Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 NIA 10108/2004

Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Office of Loretta Sanchez NIA $ 310 12397 Lewis Street, Suite #IO1 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Garden Grove, CA 92840 NIA 1010812004

Purpose of expenditure travel & lodging

~ ~ Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Affordable Signs & Banners NIA S 325 2214 Mount Vernon Ave. Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Alexandria, VA 22301 NIA 10l08/2OO4

Purpose of expenditure OTHER MARKETlNG SERVICES

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Affordable Signs & Banners NIA s 533 2214 Mount Vernon Ave. Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Alexandria. VA 22301 NIA 1010812004 Purpose of expenditure OTHER MARKETING SERVICES

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure ANGlE SCHlAVONl NDN $ 139 21 12 New Hampshire Ave, NW Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20009 Deputy Develop Dir 1010712004 Purpose of expenditure Expense Reimbursement Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure AMa Morozovsky NDN $71 1500 Massachusetts Ave Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20005 Nall Develop Assist 10/01/2004 Purpose of expenditure GROUND TRANSPORTATlON

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name'of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure AT&T Teleconference Services NIA S 4590 P.O. Box 2840 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Omaha, NE 68103 NIA 1010812004 Purpose of expenditure conference charges

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP de Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure AT&T Teleconference Services NIA S 6159 P.O. Box 2840 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Omaha, NE 68103 NIA 10/08/2OO4 Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Belen Mendoza NDN S 253 228 N. Piedmont Street Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Arlington. VA 22203 Dep. Dir Hispan Proj 10/01/2004 Purpose of expenditure EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Bendixen & Associates NIA S 2363 2800 Ponce de Leon Blvd Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Coral Gables, FL 33 134 NIA 1010712004 Purpose of expenditure media buy

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Bendixen & Associates NIA $ 2363 2800 Ponce de Leon Blvd Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Coral Gables, FL 33 134 NIA 1 01 1 312004 Purpose of expenditure media buy

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Bendixen & Associates NIA s 33000 2800 Ponce de Leon Blvd Recipients's occupation Dale of expenditure Coral Gables. FL 33 134 NIA 10105/2003 Purpose of expenditure other media expenses

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Bendixen & Associates NIA $50000 2800 Ponce de Leon Blvd Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Coral Gables, FL 33 134 NIA 1010512004 Purpose of expenditure polling

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Benjamin Cahen NDN S 27 I718 P St, NW, Apt 3 . Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington. DC 20036 Finance Associate I010812004 Purpose of expenditure Parking Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Bill Ogleuee self 5 1600 1821 Irving Street, NW Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20010 graphic designer 10/08/2OO4

Purpose of expenditure OTHER MARKETING SERVICES

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Bill Ogletree self S 350 1821 Irving Street, NW Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20010 graphic designer 10/08/2OO4

Purpose of expenditure other marketing services

~~~ Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Bill Ogletree self S 200 1821 Irving Street, NW Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20010 graphic designer 10/08/2OO4

Purpose of expenditure other marketing services

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Buying Time, LLC N/A J 24570 2715 M Street, NW Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20007 NIA 10/05/2OO4

Purpose of expenditure media buy

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Buying Time, LLC N/A S 236777 2715 M Street, NW Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington. DC 20007 N/A 10/04/2o(w

Purpose of expenditure media buy

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Buying Time, LLC N/A $4567 2715 M Street, NW Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20007 N/A 1o/o 1/2004 Purpose of expenditure media buy

~~ ~~~ ~~ Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIPeode Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Buying Time, LLC NIA S 372962 2715 M Street, NW Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20007 NIA 10/08/2OO4 Purpose of expenditure media buy

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Capital Self Storage N/A s lo9 301 N Street, N.E. Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20002 NIA 10/09/2OO4 Purpose of expenditure storage .

~~ ~ Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure CHARLES SCHWAB & CO., INC. NIA S 2913 P.O.BOX 6297 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure INDIANAPOLIS,IN 46208 N/A 1010 1/2004 Purpose of expenditure IRA * Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Cynthia Rice NDN $146 2809 Davis Avenue Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Alexandria, VA 22302 VP Policy 1WO 112004 Purpose of expenditure GROUND TRANSPORTATION

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Daniel Miller NDN $ 16 1145 Knollwood Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Buffalo Grove, IL 60089 intern 1QIO 112003

Purpose of expenditure Expense Reimbursement

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure DELANCEY PRINTING NIA $838 PO Box 388 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Alexandria, VA 223 13 NIA 10112200;) Purpose of expenditure postage and delivery

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Diane Grant NDN $50 2913 Brinkley Road Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Temple Hills, MD 20748 Office Manager 10/122004 Purpose of expenditure Expense reimbursement

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Douglas Owen NDN $5938 2009 Wyoming Avenue, NW Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20009 VP Operations 10/08/2004

Purpose of expenditure expense reimbursement

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Douglas Owen NDN $ 17374 2009 Wyoming Avenue, NW Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20009 VP Operations 1010412004 Purpose of expenditure Expense Reimbursement

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure ELEVATION NIA $149990 1818 N. STREET, NW Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure WASHINGTON, DC 20036 NIA 10/08/2004 Purpose of expenditure MEDIA PRODUCTION

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure ELEVATION NIA $9765 1818 N. STREET, NW Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure WASHINGTON, DC 20036 NIA 101 I22004 Purpose of expenditure MEDIA PRODUCTION

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure ELEVATION NIA !5 99850 1818 N. STREET, NW Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure . WASHINGTON. DC 20036 N/A 1 O/ I 312004 Purpose of expenditure media buy Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure ELEVATION NIA S 7982 1818 N. STREET, NW Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure WASHINGTON. DC 20036 NIA 10/05/2OO4

Purpose of expenditure MEDIA PRODUCTION

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure ELEVATION NIA s 1000 1818 N. STREET, NW Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure WASHINGTON, DC 20036 NIA 1010512004

Purpose of expenditure MEDIA PRODUCTION

~~~ ~~ Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure ELEVATION NIA $16667 1818 N. STREET. NW Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure WASHINGTON, DC 20036 NIA 1O/05/2oO4

Purpose of expenditure OTHER MEDIA EXPENSES

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure ELEVATION NIA $ 16667 1818 N. STREET, NW Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure WASHINGTON, DC 20036 NIA . 10/05/2004

Purpose of expenditure RETAINER

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Elizabeth Ling NDN $2500 300 Massachusetts Ave, NW Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20001 Consultant 10101/2004 Purpose of expenditure DEVELOPMENT EXPENSE

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Elizabeth Ling NDN . $2500 300 Massachusetts Ave. NW Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20001 Consultant 1 O/ I 312004 Purpose of expenditure Consultant Fees

~~ ~ ~ ~______~ Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Erica Payne Self employed $18000 56 West 22nd Street Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure New York, NY 10010 Consultant IO/04/2004 Purpose of expenditure DEVELOPMENT EXPENSE

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Erica Payne Self employed 5 695 56 West 22nd Street Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure New York, NY 10010 Consultant 1O/W/2004 Purpose of expenditure Expense Reimbursement

Recipient's name. mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Erica Payne Self employed 5 1242 5G West 22nd Street . Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure New York, NY 10010 Consultant I 010412004 Purpose of expenditure Expense Reimbursement ' Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Erica Payne Self employed $ 1423 56 West 22nd Street Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure New York, NY 10010 Consultant 10/04/2001

Purpose of expenditure TRAVEULODGING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure FP Mailing Solutions NIA $ 33 P.O.Box 4272 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Carol Stream, IL 60197 NIA 1010812001, Purpose of expenditure posrage and delivery

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure GILLIAN COOK Self employed $2413 5 I1 TAYLOR STREET, NW Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure WASHINGTON, DC 2001 1 consultant 10/04/2001,

Purpose of expenditure computer service

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure HALT, BUZAS & POWELL, LTD. NIA $2093 99 CANAL CENTER PLAZA Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure ALEXANDRIA, VA 223 14 NIA 10/0812004

Purpose of expenditure ACCOUNTING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure HALT. BUZAS & POWELL. LTD. NIA S 3966 99 CANAL CENTER PLAZA Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure ALEXANDRIA, VA 22314 NIA 1WO8l2004 Purpose of expenditure acct services

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's eniployer Amount of Expenditure , High Noon NIA S 287 6903 Rockledge Drive Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Bethesda, MD 20817 NIA 1010812004 Purpose of expenditure MEALS AND CATERING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure High Noon NIA s 150 6903 Rockledge Drive Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Bethesda. MD 208 17 NIA 10108/2004 Purpose of expenditure MEALS AND CATERING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure High Noon NIA S 181 6903 Rockledge Drive Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Bethesda, MD 208 17 NIA I010812004 Purpose of expenditure MEALS AND CATERING

~~ ~~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure High Noon NIA 3i 98 6903 Rockledge Drive Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Bethesda. MD 20817 NIA I010812004 Purpose of expenditure MEALS AND CATERING ' Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure High Noon NIA S 169 6903 Rockledge Drive Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Bethesda, MD 20817 NIA 10/08~ooJ

Purpose of expenditure MEALS AND CATERING

I Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure High Noon NIA S 177 6903 Rockledge Drive Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Bethesda. MD 208 17 NIA 10108/2004

Purpose of expenditure MEALS AND CATERING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure High Noon NIA f 263 6903 Rockledge Drive Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Bethesda, MD 20817 NIA 10/08/2oO4

Purpose of expenditure MEALS AND CATERING

- Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure High Noon NIA $ 202 6903 Rockledge Drive Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Bethesda. MD 208 17 NIA 1010812004

Purpose of expenditure MEALS AND CATERING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure High Noon NIA S 140 6903 Rockledge Drive Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Bethesda. MD 20817 NIA 1010812004

Purpose of expenditure MEALS AND CATERING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure High Noon NIA s IS0 6903 Rockledge Drive Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Befhesda, MD 20817 NIA 1010812004 Purpose of expenditure MEALS AND CATERING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure High Noon NIA $ 172 6903 Rockledge Drive Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Bethesda, MD 208 17 NIA 10l08l2oO3 Purpose of expenditure MEALS AND CATERING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure High Noon NIA 9307 . 6903 Rockledge Drive Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Bethesda. MD 20817 NIA 10/0812004 Purpose of expenditure MEALS AND CATERING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure High Noon NIA $110 6903 Rockledge Drive . Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Bethesda, MD 208 17 NIA I010812004 Purpose of expenditure MEALS AND CATERING Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Ian McMuq NDN $ 19 One Monroe Ct Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure AMapoliS, MD 21401 intern 10/01/2004

Purpose of expenditure Expense Reimbursement

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Ian McMunry NDN 5 92 One Monroe Ct Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Annapolis. MD 21401 intern 1010 112003

Purpose of expenditure GROUND TRANSPORTATION

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure ICMA NIA S 16220 777 Nonh Capitol Street NE Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20002 NIA I010812003

Purpose of expenditure Rent

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure ICMA NIA S 159 777 Nonh Capitol Street NE Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20002 NIA I0108/2004

Purpose of expenditure Office expense

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Integral DC, LLC N/A S 2938 2026 P Street.NW Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20036 NIA 1010812004

Purpose of expenditure RFP consultation

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA $28 P.O. Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 NIA lOlO8l2OO4

Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA 9 16 P.O. Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 NIA 10108/2004 Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA $ 13 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 NIA 10l08/2oO4 Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA $47 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee. MA 02649 NIA I0/0812004 Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENClNG I Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA 5 51 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 NIA 10/08/2OO4

Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP de Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA S 16 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 NIA 10/08/2OO4

Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

~~~~~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA s 35 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 NIA 1010812004

Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

~~ Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP de Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA $ 15 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 NIA lOI08l2OO4

Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA $34 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 NIA 10lO8l2OO4

Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA s 15 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 NIA 10lO8l2OO4

Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

~ ~~ Recipient's name, mailing address andZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA $16 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 NIA 1010812004 Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation ' NIA $6 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee. MA 02649 NIA 1010812004 Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA f 18 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee. MA 02649 NIA 1010812004 Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA $ 32 P.O.Box 1438 Reapients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 NIA 10/08/2004

Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA S 66 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee. MA 02649 NIA 10/0812001

Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA $ 33 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 NIA 10/08/2004

Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA $14 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee. MA 02649 NiA 10/08/2OO4

Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA f 42 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee. MA 02649 NIA I010812004

Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA 5 27 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee. MA 02649 NIA I0/0812OO4 Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure lntelligent Meetings Corporation NIA $29 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 NIA I0108/2004 Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA f 27 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 NIA 1010812004 Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intel I igen t Meetings Corporation NIA f 15 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 NIA 1010812004 Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA S 18 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 NIA 10/08/2OO3

Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA s 19 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee. MA 02649 NIA 10/0812004

Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA $48 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 NIA 10/08/2004

Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA $9 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 NIA 10/0812004

Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure lntelligent Meetings Corporation NIA S 36 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 NIA 1OlO8l2004 Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA $ 18 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee. MA 02649 NIA 1010812004 Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporalion NIA $26 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 NIA 10lO8l2OO4 Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA s 43 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 NIA 1010812004 Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA S 13 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee. MA 02649 NIA 1010812004 Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING ' Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA s 54 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 NIA 10l08l2OO4

Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

- Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA s 102 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 NIA 10/08/206)

Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA $35 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 NIA 10/08/2OO4

Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA s 94 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure

Mashpee, MA 02649 NIA ' 1010812004

Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure lntelligent Meetings Corporation NIA s 35 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 NIA 1010812004

Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA $28 P.O. Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 NIA 10l08l2OO4

Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

~~______~~~~ Recipient's name, mailcaddress and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA S 32 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 NIA I01081204 Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA s 122 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 NIA 1010812004 Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intel I igent Meetings corporation NIA 5 13 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 NIA 1010812004 Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA f 12 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 NIA 10/08/2OO.1

Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

~ Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA $ 38 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 NIA 10l08l2OO4

Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA $ IO P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 NIA 10/08/200.1

Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA f 21 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 NIA 10108/2OO4

Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA $38 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 NIA 1010812004

Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA 6 51 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee. MA 02649 NIA lOlO8l2~ Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING I

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA 5 15 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 NIA 10/08/2004 Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA $138 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee. MA 02649 NIA 10/08/2004 Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA $24 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 NIA 1010812004 Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation N/A $95 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 N/A 10/08/2004

Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure IntelI igen t Meetings Corporation N/A $66 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee. MA 02649 N/A 30/08/2004 Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation N/A $70 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 N/A 10/08/2004

Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation N/A S6 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 . N/A . 10/08/2OO4

Purpose of expenditwe TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation N/A $25 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 N/A 10/08/2OO4 Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA s 10 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 NIA 10/08/2OO4

Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intel I igent Meetings Corporation N/A $8 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 N/A 10/08/2004 Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure

Intelligent Meetings Corporation ' N/A $18 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 N/A 10/08/2OO4 Purpose of expenditure TELECO.NFERENClNG

I Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation N/A $22 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee. MA 02649 N/A 10/08/2004 Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA S 27 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee. MA 02649 NIA 10/08/200;1 Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA s 53 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 NIA 10/08/2004 Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA s 12 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee. MA 02649 NIA l010812004

Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

~ ~~~~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA s 18 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 NIA . 10/08/2004 Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA S 62 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 NIA 1010812003 Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA 5 32 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee. MA 02649 NIA I010812004 Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENClNG

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA $8 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 . NIA 1010812004 Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address, and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings corporation NIA $129 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 , NIA 10/08/2OO4 Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA S 16 P.O. Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 NIA 1010812004 Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING '. Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA f 43 P.O. Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 NIA 10108/200;1

Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA S 62 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 NIA 1O108I2OO4 Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA S 59 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 NIA 10/08/2004 Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA S 27 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 NIA 1010812004

Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA S 63 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 NIA I010812004

Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA $13 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 NIA 10/08/2004 Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA s 39 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 NIA I010812004 Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA S 14 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee. MA 02649 NIA ' I010812004 Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA s IO . P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee. MA 02649 NlA 10/08/2004 Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING * Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation N/A 5 38 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 N/A 10/08/2001 Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings corporation N/A 57 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 N/A I0/08/2oO3 Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation N/A $44 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee. MA 02649 N/A 10/08/2OO4 Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation N/A 5 36 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 N/A . 10/08/2W Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation N/A s 20 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee. MA 02649 N/A 10/08/2004 Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation N/A $55 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 N/A I0/08/2004 Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation N/A s 37 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 N/A 10/08/2004 Purpose of expenditure teleconferencing

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation N/A S 60 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 N/A I0/08/2004 Purpose of expenditure te I econ ferencing

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intel I igent Meetings Corporation N/A S 41 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 N/A I0108/2001 Purpose of expenditure teleconferencing Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA 5 71 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 NIA 10/08/2OO4 Purpose of expenditure teleconferencing

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation N/A Ei 47 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 N/A 10/08/2OO4

Purpose of expenditure teleconferencing

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation N/A $11 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 NIA 10/08/2003 Purpose of expenditure teleconferencing

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation N/A $66 P.O. Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 NIA 10l08l2OO4

Purpose of expenditure teleconferencing

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA $8 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 N/A 10/0812OO4

Purpose of expenditure teleconferencing

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA $45 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee. MA 02649 N/A 10/08/2OO4 Purpose of expenditure teleconferencing

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA 9 27 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 NIA 10/08/2004

Purpose of expenditure teleconferencing

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA $24 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 NIA 10/08/2OO4

Purpose of expenditure teleconferencing

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA $24 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee. MA 02649 N/A 10/08/2004

Purpose of expenditure teleconferencing Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA $46 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 NIA 10108/2004

Purpose of expenditure teleconferencing

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA s 53 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 NIA 1W08/200;1

Purpose of expenditure teleconferencing

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA S 17 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee. MA 02649 NIA 1010812004

Purpose of expenditure teleconferencing

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA $23 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee. MA 02649 NIA 10/0812004 Purpose of expenditure teleconferencing

~ ~~ ~ Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intel I igent Meetings Corporation NIA S 72 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee. MA 02649 NIA 1010812003 Purpose of expenditure teleconferencing

~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~ Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA $ 54 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee. MA 02649 NIA 10/08/2004

Purpose of expenditure teleconferencing

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA S 33 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee. MA 02649 NI A 10/08/2004 Purpose of expenditure teleconferencing

Recipient's name. mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA 5 39 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee. MA 02649 NIA 10/08/2004 Purpose of expenditure teleconfcrencing

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA S 26 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Dale of expenditure . Mashpee, MA 02649 NIA 1010812004 Purpose of expenditure teleconferencing Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA S 70 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee. MA 02649 NIA 10/08/2004

Purpose of expenditure teleconferencing

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA 59 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee. MA 02649 NIA 10/08/2W Purpose of expenditure teleconferencing

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA s 11 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 NIA 10/0812004

Purpose of expenditure teleconferencing

~~~~ ~~ ~~ Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation N/A s 97 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 NIA . 1W08l2OO4 Purpose of expenditure teleconferencing

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA S 26 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 N/A 1010812004

Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name. mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA S 11 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 NIA 10/08/2004 Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure lntelligent Meetings Corporation NIA S 26 P.O. Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 NIA 10108/2004 Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation N/A 5 26 P.O. Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 NIA I0108/2004 Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name. mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA S 18 P.O. Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 NIA I0108/2004 Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING - Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA s 12 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee'MA02649 NIA 10/0812005

Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Rkpient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA $ 28 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 NIA lOlO8l2OO4

Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA $7 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee. MA 02649 NIA 10/08/2Oo4

Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA S 46 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 NIA 1WO8l2OO4

Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA $41 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 NIA 10/08/2OO4

Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intel I igen t Meetings Corporation NIA S 27 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 NIA 1010812004 Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA s 19 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee. MA 02649 NI A 10/08l2004

Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA S 18 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 N/A 1010812004

Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA S 28 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee. MA 02649 NIA 10/08/2004 Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA s 23 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 NIA 10/08l20(1,

Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer ' Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA f 33 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 NIA 10l08l2ooJ

Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENClNG

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA $22 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee. MA 02649 NIA 10/0812oOj

Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA 5 20 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 NIA 10/08/2OO3

Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure lntelligent Meetings Corporation NIA S 60 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee'MAM649 NI A 10/08/200.1

Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA $65 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee. MA 02649 NIA 10/0812004

Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA s 37 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee. MA 02649 NIA 10108/2W Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENClNG

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA s 21 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 NIA 1010812004 Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure lntelligent Meetings Corporation NIA S 87 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 NIA 1010812004 Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA S 61 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 NIA 10/08/2ooi1

Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NiA s 35 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 NIA 10/08/2OO4

Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA SS P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee. MA 02649 NIA 10/0812OCM

Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NiA S 52 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 NIA lOI08/2OO4

Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Aniouiit of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NiA s 75 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 N/A 10/0812004

Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA $12 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 NIA IOlO8l2~

Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Aniouiit of Expenditure Intel I igent Meetings Corporation N/A S 65 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 NiA 10/081200.1 Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NiA s 35 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 NIA 1010812004

Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA S 36 P.O.Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee. MA 02649 NiA 10/08/2004 Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA s 75 P.O. Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 NIA 1O108l2oO.1

Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA s 119 P.O. Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 NIA 10/0812001

Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA S 17 P.O. Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee. MA 02649 NIA 10/08/2ooi(

Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA f 62 P.O. Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee. MA 02649 NIA 10/08/2OO4

Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA s 45 P.O. Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee. MA 02649 NIA 10/08/2004

Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's eniployer Amount of Expenditure Intelligent Meetings Corporation NIA $64 P.O. Box 1438 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Mashpee, MA 02649 NIA 10/08/2OO4

Purpose of expenditure TELECONFERENCING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's eniployer Amount of Expenditure JASON FINK NDN S 134 1718 P Street. NW Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington. DC 20036 Communications Assoc 1 010 112004

Purpose of expenditure expense reimbursement

~~ ______~ ~___ Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure JC PRODUCTIONS NIA S 740 4651 SW 72 AVENUE Recipients's occupation Date uf expenditure MIAMI, FL 33155 NIA 1010812004 Purpose of expenditure DEVELOPMENT EXPENSE

Recipient's nume, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's eniployer Amount of Expenditure JC PRODUCTIONS NIA S 272 4651 SW 72 AVENUE Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure MIAMI. FL 33155 NIA IO10812004 Purpose of expenditure DEVELOPMENT EXPENSE ' Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Joe Garcia Bendixen & Associates s loo00 1800 Ponce de Leon Blvd. Suite 1111 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Coral Gables, FL 33 134 Consultant 1O/M/2004 Purpose of expenditure DEVELOPMENT EXPENSE

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Julie Levin N/A S 322 101 MacDougal Street, #4A Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure New York, NY 10012 N/A 1 o/o 1/2m Purpose of expenditure GRN D TR ANS/MEALS/CATERI NG

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Julie Levin N/A S 284 101 MacDougal Street. #4A Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure New York, NY 10012 NtA 1o/o 1/2004 Purpose of expenditure POSTAGUDELIVERY OFFICE SUPPLY Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Kevin Whitm NDN S 338 12121 Thoroughbred Rd Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Oak Hill, VA 20171 intern 1010 1/2w Purpose of expenditure GROUND TRANSPORTATION

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Kirstin Falk NDN S 128 2700 Q Street NW Recipients's occupa tion Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20007 VP of Natl Develop. 10/08/2003 Purpose of expenditure Convention Reimbursement

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Kirstin Falk NDN !5 68 2700 Q Street NW Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20007 VP of Natl Develop. 1 010 1/2004 Purpose of expenditure expense reimbursement

~~~ ~ ~~~ Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Kirstin Falk NDN !ii 347 2700 Q Street NW Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20007 VP of Natl Develop. 10/0 1/2m Purpose of expenditure EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Kirstin Falk NDN S 118 2700 Q Street NW Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington. DC 20007 VP of Natl Develop. 1 010 1/20w Purpose of expenditure Expense Reimbursement

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Lily Gluzberg NDN S 36 94 Shephiuds Knoll Dr . Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Harnden, CT 065 14 intern 1 010 1/zoo4 Purpose of expenditure GROUND TRANSPORTATlON Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Lily Gluzberg NDN S 103 94 Shephards Knoll Dr Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Hamden,CT06514 intern 1010 1/2m

Purpose of expenditure GROUND TRANSPORTATION

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure LUKIS BALSERA, L.L.C. NIA S 5686 3663 S.W. 8TH STREET Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure MIAMI, FL 33135 NIA 10/08/2OO4

Purpose of expenditure olher media expenses

~ Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Maria Cardona NDN f 112 1812 Calven Street, NW Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20009 Sr. VP of His. Proj. 1o/o 1/2m

Purpose of expenditure GROUND TRANSPORTAT1 ON/DEMO

~ ~~ ~~~ Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Maria Cardona NDN f 37 1812 Calven Street, NW Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20009 Sr. VP of His. Proj. 1o/o 1/2004


Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Maria Cardona NDN S 615 1812 Calven Street, NW Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington. DC 20009 Sr. VP of His. Proj. 1 010 1I2004

Purpose of expenditure TRAVEL AND LODGING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure , Metro Mail Services, lnc. N/A S 125 7942 - P Cluny Ct. Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Springfield. VA 22153 N/A 10/08/2oO3

Purpose of expenditure postage and delivery

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Michael L. Akavan NDN S 390 7 Richfield Ct. Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Plainview, NY 11803 webmaster 1 o/o I/2004 Purpose of expenditure expense reimbursement

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Michael L. Akavan NDN S 160 7 Richfield Ct. Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Plainview. NY 11803 webmaster 1010 112004 Purpose of expenditure Expense Reimbursement

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure MICHAEL MOSCHELLA Self employed s 379 21 Ease Avenue Recipienb's occupation Date of expenditure Whitman, MA 02382 Consultant 1010 1/2004 Purpose of expenditure GRND TRANSJPOSTAGE AND DELIVERY Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure NOAH DOYLE NDN S 171 1718 P Street, NW Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20036 Asisst to the Presid lo10 1/2004

Purpose of expenditure expense reimbursement

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure NOAH DOYLE NDN S 28 1718 P Street, NW Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20036 Asisst to the Presid 1 010 1IZO(u

Purpose of expenditure Expense Reimbursement

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure NOAH DOYLE NDN f 15 1718 P Street, NW Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20036 Asisst to the Presid 10/01/2004

Purpose of expenditure MEALS AND CATERING

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Paychex, Inc. N/A S 30 General Post Office Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure New York. NY 10087 N/A 10/05/2OO4

Purpose of expenditure Admin Fee

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Penn, Schoen & Berland Associates, Inc. N/A S 18000 1120 19th Street, NW Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20036 N/A IO/O 112004

Purpose of expenditure other media expenses

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Penn, Schoen & Berlnnd Associates. Inc. N/A $50000 1120 19th Street, NW Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20036 N/A IO/ I 312004 Purpose of expenditure MEDIA PRODUCTION

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Perkins Coie, LLP N/A S 2360 1201 Third Avenue, 40th Floor Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Seattle, WA 98101 N/A 10/08/2004 Purpose of expenditure LEGAL SERVICES

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Perkins Coie, LLP NIA S 3162 1201 Third Avenue, 40th Floor Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Seattle, WA 98101 N/A 10/08/2004

Purpose of expenditure LEGAL SERVICES

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Petty Cash N/A S 300 777 North Capitol Street NE. Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington. DC 20002 NIA 101 I 22004 Purpose of expenditure expense reimbursement Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure PLATINUM ADVISORS, L.L.C. SAN FRANCISCO NIA S 8000 1215 K STREET, SUITE 1150 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure SACRAMENTO, CA 95814 NIA 10/04/2004 Purpose of expenditure DEVELOPMENT EXPENSE

Gzpient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure PLATINUM ADVISORS, L.L.C. SAN FRANCISCO NIA s 5000 1215 K STREET, SUITE I150 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure SACRAMENTO. CA 95814 NIA 101w12Ool Purpose of expenditure cons. serv. for aug 2004

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure PLATINUM ADVISORS, L.L.C. SAN FRANCISCO NIA s 5000 1215 K STREET, SUITE 1150 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure SACRAMENTO, CA 958 I4 N/A I0/04/2004 Purpose of expenditure DEVELOPMENT EXPENSE

~___ Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure PLATINUM ADVISORS, L.L.C. SAN FRANCISCO NIA s 5000 1215 K STREET, SUITE 1150 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure SACRAMENTO, CA 95814 NIA 10/04/2004 Purpose of expenditure development expense

Recipient's nanie, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amoun t of Expenditure PLATINUM ADVISORS, L.L.C. SAN FRANCISCO NIA $ 1156 1215 K STREET, SUITE 1150 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure SACRAMENTO, CA 958 14 NIA 1010412004 Purpose of expenditure development expense

~ Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure PLATINUM ADVISORS, L.L.C. SAN FRANCISCO NIA S 1488 1215 K STREET, SUITE 1150 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure SACRAMENTO, CA 958 I4 NIA 1 o/w/2004 Purpose of expenditure development expense

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure PLATINUM ADVISORS, L.L.C. SAN FRANCISCO NIA S 858 1215 K STREET, SUITE 1 150 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure SACRAMENTO. CA 958 I4 NIA I010412004 Purpose of expenditure development expense

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure PressFlex LLC NIA s 2000 210 Edgewater Circle Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Chapel Hill, NC 27516 NIA IO1 I 312004 Purpose of expenditure Blog Ads.

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Quick Messenger Service NIA f 719 P.O. Box 27378 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20038 N/A 10/08/2004 Purpose of expenditure DEVELOPMENT EXPENSE Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Quick Messenger Service N/A S 398 P.O. Box 27378 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20038 N/A 10/08/2001 Purpose of expenditure delivery

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Richard Kolsky Kolsky & Co. s 783 2806 Lincoln St. Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Evanston, IL 60201 Consultant I o/os/1ooJ Purpose of expenditure travel expense

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's eniployer Aniount of Expenditure RIFFENBURGH & ASSOCIATES NDN s loo00 3742 Scadlock Ln Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Sherman Oaks, CA 91403 NIA 10/01/2001 Purpose of expenditure DEVELOPMENT EXPENSE

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Aniount of Expenditure RIFFENBURGH & ASSOCIATES NDN S 1921 3742 Scadlock Ln Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Shemn Oaks, CA 91403 N/A 1 o/oJ/2001

Purpose of expenditure Expense Reimbursement

Hecipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Spencer Potter NDN 564 7705 Tauxmont Rd Recipients's occupation Ihte of expenditure Alexandria, VA 22308 intern 1o/o 1 /20w Purpose of expenditure expense reimbursement

~~ Recipient's nume, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Aniount of Expenditure Spencer Potter NDN S 65 7705 Tauxmont Rd Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Alexandria, VA 22308 intern IO/O 1 /2m Purpose of expenditure expense reimbursement

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Spcncer Potter NDN s 12 7705 Tauxmont Rd Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Alexandria. VA 22308 intern 1 010 1/2004 Purpose of expenditure Expense Reimbursement

~~ ~~ Recipient's nunie, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's eniployer Amount of Expenditure Spenccr Potter NDN S 171 7705 Tauxmont Rd Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Alexandria, VA 22308 intern I wo I /2ow Purpose of expenditure GROUND TRANSPORTATION

I Recipient's ~iuiiie,nilriling address and ZIP code Name of recipient's eniployer Amount of Expenditure Spencer Potter NDN s 24 7705 Tauxrnont Rd Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Alexandria, VA 22308 intern 1010 1/2001 Purpose of expenditure GROUND TRANSPORTATION Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Summit Computers NIA S 131 1208 G Street, N.W. Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Washington, DC 20005 NIA 1 OlO8/2OOj Purpose of expenditure computer service

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure The Adam's Mark Hotel Denver NIA S 1765 1550 Court Place Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Denver, CO 80202 NIA 10101l2004 Purpose of expenditure Facilities & equipment rental

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure THE WASHINGTON TIMES NIA S 16 P.O. BOX 959 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure COLLEGE PARK, MD 20797 NIA I010812004 Purpose of expenditure SUBSCRIPTIONS

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Tim Lim NDN 5 93 730 University Ave Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Ithaca, NY 14850 intern 1 010 112004 Purpose of'expenditure Expense Reimbursement

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Aiiiouiit of Expenditure United Business Machines NIA f 797 92 18 Gaither Road Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Gaithersburg, MD 20877 NIA 10/0 11200.4 Purpose of expenditure printing

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Aniount of Expenditure United Business Machines NIA S 1346 92 18 Gaither Road Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Gaithersburg. MD 20877 N/A 1010812OOj Purpose of expenditure PRINTING AND REPRODUCTION

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Aniount of Expenditure UPS NIA S 488 P.O. Box 650580 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Dallas, TX 75265 NIA I010~2ooJ Purpose of expenditure postage and delivery

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Aniount of Expendi Lure UPS NIA S 778 P.O. Box 650580 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Dallas, TX 75265 NIA 1010912o(w Purpose of expenditure Shipping

Recipient's name, mailing address and ZIP code Name of recipient's employer Amount of Expenditure Verizon NIA S 870 P.O. BOX17577 Recipients's occupation Date of expenditure Baltimore, MD 21297 NlA I010 I 1100.1 Purpose of expenditure PHONE CARRIER