SPECIAL ISSUE 2651 Gazette Supplement No. 169 7th October, 2016 (Legislative Supplement No. 70)


EXTENSION OF TIME IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by sections 15 (2) and 16 (2) of the Kenya Citizenship and Immigration Act, 2011, the Cabinet Secretary for Interior and Co-ordination of National Government extends the period for the registration of stateless persons and migrants as citizens of Kenya for a period of three (3) years, with effect from the 30th August, 2016. Dated the 4th October, 2016. JOSEPH K. NKAISSERRY, Cabinet Secretary for Interior and Co-ordination of National Government.


DECLARATION OF HOSPITALS IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 30 (1) of the National Hospital Insurance Fund Act, 1998, the National Hospital Insurance Fund Board of Management, in consultation with the Cabinet Secretary Ministry for Health and Chairman of the Medical Practitioners and Dentists Board declares the following hospitals for purposes of the Act: Declared Hospitals—Out-Patient AAR Healthcare Outpatient Centre Adora Children Clinic A.I.C Mulango Health Centre Alale Health Centre Amakuriat Dispensary Appex Hospital Archer’s Post Catholic Health Centre Arrow Web Hospital-Harambee Sacco Clinic Athi Dispensary Avenue Healthcare- Clinic Balambala Sub –County Hospital Baricho Catholic Health Centre Belmo Nursing Home

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Bokole Cdf Health Centre Bondo University Health Centre Bura Sub-County Hospital Bute Nursing Home Copeman Healthcare Centre Dagoreti Sub District Hospital Danyiere Health Centre Emali Model Health Centre Elburgon Maternity Home Elburgon Sub-District Hospital Firmview Medical Centre Doctors Plaza Gita Sub-County Hospital Golan Medical Centre Helmi Jonas Health Centre Uradi Ibeno Sub-District Hospital Ilpolosat Dispensary Ismc Services Hospital Jirena Medical Centre Jomvu Mikanjuni Model Health Centre Kabetwa Health Centre Kadir Boy Health Centre Kamasia Health Centre Kamoko Health Centre Kamuthe Health Centre Kaloleni Health Cente Kaparon Health Centre Kaptalamwa Health Centre Kapyego Health Centre Kenneth Matiba Eye And Dental Hospital Kigumo Sub County Hospital(Kigumo) Kilimani Assessment Centre Kimnai Dispensary Kipketer Dispensary West Hospital Kitui Oasis Doctors Plaza Kitui Quality Medicare Konyao Health Centre Kumahumato Dispensary Kyatune Health Centre Laikipia University Medical Centre Langas Racecource Health Centre Lodungokwe Health Centre Mahandakini Dispensary Medical Clinic Marie Stopes Kenya Kencom Clinic Marie Stopes Kenya Kenyatta Market Clinic Marie Stopes Kibera Clinic Mbalambala Dispensary Medicross Limited Mediheal Diagnostic Dialysis & Day Care – Real Towers Melwa Health Centre

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Mephi Health Services Mile 46 Health Centre Mlaleo Cdf Health Centre Mlolongo Health Centre Mogashe Sub-County Hospital Mrima Health Centre Mvita Health Centre Mzeedoo Medical Centre Neema Nursing Home Ngara Health Centre Ngilai Dispensary Ngoliba Health Centre Northgate Nursing Home Nyamarimba Sub County Hospital Oboch Dispensary P.C.E.A Njoro Health Centre P.C.E.A Turi Dispensary Port Florence Community Hospital Pumwani Dispensary Radiant Group Of Hospitals Umoja Rapha Healthcare Centre Riruta Health Centre Ruai Health Centre Sagana Catholic Dispensary Sankuri Health Centre Shalom Medical Clinic Buruburu Shimo Annex Dispensary Sikh Temple Hospital Sipili Health Centre St. Catherine’s Ichuni Mission Dispensary Strathmore University Medical Clinic Tamaugh Health Centre The Kitui Family Care Hospital The Family And Maternity Hospital Kisii Tulah Medical Services Ugunja CFW Clinic Uwezo Healthcare Limited Vitalray Health Solutions Ltd Dental Care Limited Nairobi CBD DR. Akama and Associates Limited Eldo Eye Centre Clinic GTB Scan Lab Nakuru Limited Mile Dental Clinic Diagnostic Centre Valley Springs Healthcare GEOFFREY MWANGI, Ag. Chief Executive Officer, National Hospital Insurance Fund. MOHAMUD MOHAMED ALI, Chairman, National Hospital Insurance Fund.

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DECLARATION OF HOSPITALS IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 30 (1) of the National Hospital Insurance Fund Act, 1998, the National Hospital Insurance Fund Board of Management, in consultation with the Cabinet Secretary Ministry for Health and Chairman of the Medical Practitioners and Dentists Board declares the following hospitals for purposes of the Act: Declared Hospitals—In-Patient A.I.C Mulango Health Centre Kitui Appex Hospital Archer’s Post Catholic Health Centre Baari Health Centre Balambala Sub –County Hospital Belmo Nursing Home Buna Nursing Home Bute Nursing Home Dagoreti Sub District Hospital Fr. Adriano Bonfanti Catholic Health Centre Garissa Doctors Plaza Getabush Health Centre Gita Sub-County Hospital Helmi Jonas Health Centre Uradi Ikutha Medicare Clinic Ibeno Sub-District Hospital Ismc Services Hospital Kabetwa Health Centre Kamasia Health Centre Kanziko Health Centre Kaparon Health Centre Kaptalamwa Health Centre Kapyego Health Centre Kenneth Matiba Eye And Dental Hospital Kigumo Sub County Hospital(Kigumo) Kilimani Hospital Kimnai Dispensary Kusa Health Centre Kyatune Health Centre Laikipia University Medical Centre Nyahururu Langas Racecourse Health Centre Lodungokwe Health Centre Makaror Dispensary District Hospital Mbalambala Dispensary Mephi Health Services Mikulinzi Nursing Home Mile 46 Health Centre

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Mogashe Sub-County Hospital Mundika Maternity And Nursing Home Ndaragwa Health Centre Ndonyo Healthcare Neema Medical Health Service Ngara Health Centre Ngoliba Health Centre Ngorika Health Centre Northgate Nursing Home Nyamarimba Sub County Hospital Radiant Group Of Hospitals Umoja Sikh Temple Makindu Hospital Silibwet Health Centre St. Jairus Hospital The Nairobi Family And Maternity Hospital Kisii Thitani Health Centre Tulah Medical Services Voo Health Centre Waita Health Centre GEOFFREY MWANGI, Ag. Chief Executive Officer, National Hospital Insurance Fund. MOHAMUD MOHAMED ALI, Chairman, National Hospital Insurance Fund.


APPROVAL OF REBATES IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 27 of the National Hospital Insurance Fund Act, 1998, the National Hospital Insurance Fund Board of Management, in consultation with the Cabinet Secretary for Health has approved the rebates for the following Hospitals for purposes of the Act: Facility Postal Address Contracts Option Rebate in KSh. A B C A.I.C Mulango Health Centre Kitui 624 Kitui 1600 Appex Hospital 84-Malaba 1800 Archer’s Post Catholic Health Centre 359 1800 Baari Health Centre 2231 Nyahururu 1400 Balambala Sub-County Hospital Garissa 1400 Belmo Nursing Home 19795-80100

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Facility Postal Address Contracts Option Rebate in KSh. A B C 1800 Buna Nursing Home 16317 Nairobi 1600 Bute Nursing Home 102180 Nairobi 1800 Dagoreti Sub District Hospital 35247-00100 1400 Fr. Adriano Bonfanti Catholic Health 491-90132 Sultan 1800 Centre Hamud Garissa Doctors Plaza 1558-70100 Garissa 1600 Getabush Health Centre 160 Olkalou 1400 Gita Sub-County Hospital 105 Kisumu 1600 Helmi Jonas Health Centre Uradi 26 Uranga 1800 Ikutha Medicare Clinic 83-90207 Ikutha 1800 Ibeno Sub-District Hospital 92 Kisii 1600 Ismc Services Hospital 60-60500 2000 Kabetwa Health Centre 10 Tot 1400 Kamasia Health Centre 466 1400 Kanziko Health Centre 110 Ikutha 1400 Kaparon Health Centre 382 Kapsowar 1400 Kaptalamwa Health Centre 3 Chebiemit 1400 Kapyego Health Centre 122 1400 Kenneth Matiba Eye And Dental 376 Kenol 1600 Hospital Kigumo Sub County Hospital(Kigumo) 30 Via 1600 Kilimani Hospital 7449-40100 Kisumu 1600 Kimnai Dispensary 191 1200 Kusa Health Centre 168 Pap Ondity 1400 Kyatune Health Centre 87 1400 Laikipia University Medical Centre 1100-20300 1800 Nyahururu Langas Racecourse Health Centre 5094 1800 Lodungokwe Health Centre 74 Wamba 1400 Makaror Dispensary 2 1200

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Facility Postal Address Contracts Option Rebate in KSh. A B C Mandera District Hospital 7-70300 1600 Mbalambala Dispensary 38 Hola 1200 Mephi Health Services 104-80108 1800 Mikulinzi Nursing Home 1150 Nairobi 1800 Mile 46 Health Centre 31 1400 Mogashe Sub-County Hospital 3 Mogashe 1400 Mundika Maternity And Nursing Home 14665-00400 1800 Ndaragwa Health Centre 80-20306 1400 Ndonyo Healthcare 1049 1800 Neema Medical Health Service 26 Kyuso 1800 Ngara Health Centre 30108-00100 1400 Ngoliba Health Centre 5220-0100 1400 Ngorika Health Centre 2108 Ngorika 1200 Northgate Nursing Home 1112-70700 Garissa 1600 Nyamarimba Sub County Hospital 9 Sondu 1200 Radiant Group Of Hospitals Umoja 65973-00607 1600 Nairobi Sikh Temple Makindu Hospital 43 Makindu 2000 Silibwet Health Centre 80-20302 1400 St. Jairus Hospital 4902-40103 Kisumu 2000 The Nairobi Family And Maternity 1798-40200 Kisii 1800 Hospital Kisii Thitani Health Centre 16-90400 1400 Tulah Medical Services 23-00207 1800 Voo Health Centre 21-90201 1400 Waita Health Centre 16 1400

GEOFFREY MWANGI, Ag. Chief Executive Officer, National Hospital Insurance Fund. MOHAMUD MOHAMED ALI, Chairman, National Hospital Insurance Fund.

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REVISION OF REBATES IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 27 of the National Hospital Insurance Fund Act, 1998, the National Hospital Insurance Fund Board of Management, in consultation with the Cabinet Secretary for Health, has revised the rebates of the following hospitals: Hospital Name Address Town Contract Current Revised Rebate P.O. Box Bosongo Medical Centre 2200 Kisii B 2,000 2,600 Getembe Nursing Home 153 Kisii B 1,600 2,600 Kenol Hospital 152-0120 Sagana B 2,000 2,400 Moi Teaching & Referral 3 Eldoret A 3,500 4,000 Hospital Our Lady's Hospice 705 00217 C 1,200 2,000 S.S. League M.P Shah 14497 Nairobi C 3,500 4,000 Hospital Nairobi

CHANGE OF CONTRACT Facility Name Address Current Current Rebate to Contract to P.O. Box Rebate Contract Change to Change to Crystal Cottage Hospital 320 2500 B 1800 C and Medical Clinic Ltd. Getembe Hospital 2409 Kisii 2500 B 1800 C Baraton Jeremic 30100 Eldoret 2000 C 2500 B Community Centre Lelmolok Nursing Home 12-30107 2000 C 2000 B Moi University Tawfiq Hospital 629-80200 2600 C 2600 B

GEOFFREY MWANGI, Ag. Chief Executive Officer, National Hospital Insurance Fund. MOHAMUD MOHAMED ALI, Chairman, National Hospital Insurance Fund.