LealandsLealands NewsNews School Newsletter | Issue 15 | December 2013 | Student Name______________________ Inside this issue: Headteacher’s Introduction P2 Tanzania Update P17 The New Chair of Governors P3 Mr Slatter’s Trip to India P18-19 Parental Forum Results P4-5 Black History Month P20-21 School News & Updates P6-9 FUN & Leap Prog P22 Remembrance Day P10 Year 9 Sports Leaders P23 Young Chef of the Year P11 Accelerated Reader P24 Lealands Fundraising P12-13 Kew Gardens P25 Presentation Evening 2013 P14-15 Year 9 Enterprise Day P26 Science Trips P16 Blue Peris Trip P27-28 Coming Up End of Term: >>> Christmas Concert Friday 20th December Half - Term Tuesday 10th December Monday 17th February - And Spring Term Starts: Friday 21st February Wednesday 11th December Tuesday 7th January Lealands High School, Sundon Park Road, Luton LU3 3AL Tel: 01582 611600 Fax: 01582 612227 Email:
[email protected] www.lealands.luton.sch.uk Aspire Believe Achieve Introduction from Headteacher - Mr Burridge Wow – it has been a busy term and this month’s newsletter should give you a flavour of all the wonderful experiences we are able to provide for our students. A couple of personal highlights have been the Presentation Evening and Remembrance day. For Presentation Evening, the sports hall was transformed into a glittering venue and our guest speaker was truly inspirational. It is always such a pleasure to celebrate the many achievements of our students with parents and carers at this annual formal event. Remembrance day was the culmination of a number of activities in school coordinated by Miss Sheridan.