S. Afr. 1. Zoo!. 1993,28(1) 61

SA VAGE, R.M. 1963. A speculation on the pallid tadpoles of coast of Africa. It was transported from there. still alive, to Xen.()pus laevis. BfiJ.. J. Help. 3: 74-76. the capital, Mutsamudu, where it was put on display. Local SIMMONS, M.P. 1985.lnteracLions between XeMplI.S species in people had apparentJy never seen a seal before and crowds the south· western Cape Province. South AtTica. S. Afr· J. Sci. gathered to view the 'monster'. Later the same day the 81: 200. was killed and was preserved in a domestic freezer. ST AMANT. J.A. & HOOVER. F.G. 1969. Addition of owing LO lack of other facilities. Some photographs of the Misgurnus anguiJIicau

coast range by about 1800 km. The timing of the sighting . Julie Mercer )

0 (August) also falls within the period identified by

1 8. Cardinals Walk, Hampton, Middx. UK

0 Shaughnessy & Ross (1980) as that during which most 2 strandings occurred in southem Africa. They found that 19 d Kathryn Hunter e t Care Comore, B.P. 303. Mutsamudu, Anjouan. Comores of the 22 records occurred from May through September. a d The breeding sites of A. IropicaJis are siwated on temper­ (

r Received 12 June 1992; accepted 24 August 1992 ate islands nonh of lhe Antarctic Polar Front.: the largest e h

s colony is on Gough Island, with other 14rge colonies on i l b A juvenile Subantarctic lur seal. Arctocepha/us tropicalis was u

P caught near the island of Anjouan, Comores, about 500 km

e 011 the east coast of Africa, on 20 August 1990. This record h t

represents a northerly elClension by some 1800 km of the y recorded east coast range. The breeding colonies of this b

d species are on temperate islands north 01 the Antarctic Polar e t Front. The doseSl colonies are on Amsterdam Island and the n . nearly 4000 km south·west and a r

g south, respectively of this sighting. e c

n 'n Onvolwasse Subantarkliese pelsrob, ArctocephaJus tropi­ e c calis, is op 20 Augustus 1990 op die eiland van Anjouan, i l sowat 500 km van die ooskus van Afrika aI, gevang. Met r e hierdie waarneming word die voorheen opgetekende ooskus­ d

n ve rspreid ingsgebied, met ongeveer 1800 km noordwaar1s u

uitgebrei. Die teelkolonies van hierdie spesie is op gematigde y

a eilande IlOOrd van die Antarktiese Pooltront Die naaste w koJonies is by Amsterdam· en die Prins Edward-eilande, e t amper 4000 km onderskeidelik suidwes en suid van hierdie a

G waarneming. t e n

i • To whom correspondence should be addressed b a S y

b On 20 August 1990, a seal was caught by fishermen near the FIgure I The $UbantQTClic fur seal lying in the bonom of 8 dugout

d village of Vassi, on the south·west coast of Anjouan Island canoe 01'1 Anjouan Island. Note the pieces of bread with which it e c

u (12030' E). Comores. about 500 km off the east had apparently been fed. d o r p e R 62 S.-Afr. Tydskr. Dierk. 1993,28(1)


.. o

., Tristan do Cunha Amsterdam Is . :StPaulls. 'Gough Is.

.Pr. Ed'NCrd Is. .crozet Is. "Marion Is. t&oKerguelen Is.

-Heard Is . •Bauvet Is. 96 E

Figure 2 Map showing the breeding sites of A. IropicaJis and the Comores Islands where the vagrant was found.

Amsterdam, Marion and Prince Edward Islands and small References


) breeding colonies on Tristan da Cunha, lie St Paul and J1es BESTER, M.N. 1984. Status of the populations of the fur seals 0

1 Crozet (Bester 1984, 1990; Kerley 1987; Roux 1987). Of Arctocephalus tropicalis and ArctocephaJus gazella north of 0

2 these, Amsterdam Island (37°50'S /77°35'E) and the the . S. Afr. 1. Sci. 80: 27-28. d e Prince Edward Islands (46°54'S /37°45'E) are the closest BESTER, M.N. 1989. Movements of southern elephant seals and t a to Anjouan Island (nearly 4000 km to the north-east and subantarctic fur seals in relation to Marion Island. Mar. d ( north respectively) and both have populations of over Manun. Sci. 5: 257-265. r e 35000 A. tropicalis (Roux 1987; Kerley 1987). The popula­

h BESTER, M.N. 1990. Population trends of Subantarctic fur seals s i tion at lIes Crozet (46°S /51°E) is much smaller, (about l and southern elephant seals at Gough Island. S. Afr. 1. b 350 in 1984, Roux 1987). The straggler could have u Antarct. Res. 20: 9-12. P come from any of these, but the route through the Mozam­ CARR, T., CARR, NICOLE & DAVID, J.H.M. 1985. A record e

h bique Channel from Marion Island would appear to be more

t of the sub- Arctocephalus tropicaJis in

y direct than that around Madagascar, which would have to be Angola. S. Afr. 1. Zool. 20: 77. b negotiated by a seal from Amsterdam Island (Figure 2). The d KERLEY, GJ.H. 1987. Arctocephalus tropicalis on the Prince e t seal's route could be influenced by the southward flowing Edward Islands. In: Status biology and of fur seals, n a Mozambique current. Evidence that seals from Marion (eds) J.P. Croxall & R.L. Gentry 1987. Proceedings of an r g Island can reach is supplied by the fact that a international symposium and workshop, Cambridge, England, e c female A. tropicalis, which was tagged as a pup on Marion 23-27 April 1984. NOAA Tech. Rep. NMFS 51: 61-64. n e Island, was recovered dead at Saldanha Bay (33°S / 18"E) c ROUX, J.-P. 1987. , Arctocephalus i l

in September 1984, when it was almost two years old

r tropicaJis, in French Subantarctic Territories. In: Status, e (Bester 1989). d biology and ecology of fur seals, (eds) J.P. Croxall & R.L. n This species was hunted to the verge of in the

u Gentry 1987. Proceedings of an international symposium and

y 19th century and has made a strong recovery since then, workshop, Cambridge, England, 23-27 April 1984. NOAA a w exhibiting high annual population growth rates (Bester 1984, Tech. Rep. NMFS 51: 79-81. e t 1990; Kerley 1987; Roux 1987; Wilkinson & Bester 1990).

a SHAUGHNESSY, P.O. & ROSS, GJ.B. 1980. Records of the

G The expanding size of the population may help to explain sub-Antarctic fur seal (Arctocephalus tropicaJis) from South t e the occurrence of vagrants far from their natal colonies. Africa with notes on its biology and some observations of n i b captive animals. Ann. S. Afr. Mus. 82: 71-89. a

S Acknowledgements

WILKINSON, I.S. & BESTER, M.N. 1990, Continued y

b We thank Dr P.B. Best, Dr I.S. Wilkinson, Dr M.N. Bester population increase in fur seals, Arctocephalus tropicalis and d

e and an anonymous referee for constructive comments on the A. gazella, at the Prince Edward Islands. S. Afr. 1. An/arct. c

u manuscript. Mr D. Le Touze took the photograph. Res. 20: 58-63. d o r p e R