Industry Stand
ria’s Secret Fashion Show by casting models of all races, sizes, heights, and gender identities,” Chong said. A look at She acknowledges that while brands have appearance and gender not always been mindful of the body dysmor- s trends phia, low self-esteem, and eating disorders norms across industries come and go and that their practices promote, they are taking Atimes change, the standards with- steps towards diversity and body positivity to SOFIA MANG, STAFF WRITER in industries do the same. The typical work- mitigate the damage they caused in the past. SANJANA GOPU, STAFF WRITER er in any role changes repeatedly, whether in “It’s heartening to see more and more in- appearance or skills, leaving some students dustry professionals now stepping up to prior- unsure of what expectations they will face in itize diversity and come to realize that people their future careers. want to see other people that look like them, MODELING rather than people they want to look like,” An industry that has perpetuated high, Chong said. selective standards is the modeling industry, This awakening to inclusivity is complete- known for its preference for tall, slim figures ly different from what former model and Salt with Eurocentric features. This partiality to- Agency CEO and Director Madeleine Almer- wards such features leads many prospective ing encountered in the ‘90s. Now that the models to rethink their career plans or lose industry has become so much more inclusive, their passion for modeling entirely. However, she finds it satisfying to see how the industry’s VISIT OUR WEBSITE AT improvement, now prioritizing a model’s per- NHSMESSENGER.ORG efforts to become more inclusive have been somewhat effective, giving hope to those who sonality and brand being over looks.
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