The Atlantic City Session American Medical Association, Sixty-Third Annual Session
THE ATLANTIC CITY SESSION AMERICAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION, SIXTY-THIRD ANNUAL SESSION. ATLANTIC CITY. JUNE 4-7, 1912 CALL INDIANA * Thomas S, Arbuthnot, Pittsburgh, OFFICIAL Miles f. Porter, i-'t. Wayne. Fremont W, Frankhauser, Read' ! •. a. Tucker, Noblesvllle. Ing. .1. lillas Eastman, Indianapolis. William T. Hamilton, Philadel- Edwin Walker, Evansville. phia, Sixty-Third Annual Session of the American Medical Associa- George W. Guthrle, Wlikcs-nano. N. IIIWA ¡Théodore B. Appel, Lancaster, tion, Atlantic City, J., June 3-7, 1912 .iniiii il. Max White. Clarlnda. l.iivvnian, Johnstown. The annual session of tlie American Medical M. Howard l''ussell, riillndelplila sixty-third Luther B, Kllne, Catawlssa. Association will he held at Atlantic City, N. .1. ISTHMIAN CANAL ZONE Cul. W. C. Ancon. RHODE ISLAND The House of Delegates will convene, at 10 a. m., Monday, Gorgas, John Champlln, Westerly. .inn,- 3. In the House, the representation of the various con- KANSAS stituent associations for the years 11)10, 11)11 and 1012 is as O. r. Davis, Topeka. SOUTH CAROLINA follows: .iiiiin L. Dawson, Charleston. KENTUCKY E. A. nines, Seneca. Curran Pope, Louisville. Alabama . î! Montana. 1 A. 'I'. McCormack, Bowling Oreen, SOUTH DAKOTA Arizona . 1 Nebraska . 2 W. W. Richmond, Clinton. T. I!. Mt. Arkansas . 2 Nevada .*. 1 .1. \V. Ellis, Masunvllle. Smiley, Vcrnon. California . !t New Hampshire . l TENNESSEE ' Canal /une . 1 New . .1 Jersey LOUISIANA .Tere ti. Colorado . 2 New Mexico. 1 Crook. Jackson. Oscar Howling, Shrevepbrt. A. B. ('nuke, Connecticut . 2 New Vork.11 Nashville. 2 S. It. Miller, KiinxvUle. Delaware . I North enr,,iinn . MAHVI.AXIi District Of ('(ilinnlriii.
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