Djibril’s Research List

Dear Friends, This list of books will direct the reader to a unique and untraditional stream of information about the real and unadulterated history of our world and humanities development from the standpoint of the Esoteric, Historical, Mythological and Spiritual viewpoints. At the very least, exposure to this information enables the reader to view and interpret our world, current events and history, ancient to present, from an alternative, unique and non-traditional (mainstream) standpoint. Researching this vast subject area has enabled many Scholars, Historians, Authors and Professional Researchers to evolve plausible explanations for many ancient and current historical issues, disputes and anomalies. It is the opinion of this researcher that a comprehensive review of the information presented in this document and related research, will have the effect of enlightening the recipient on multiple levels of awareness, significantly evolving consciousness, provided the reader is open to this potential. A significant shift altering the recipient’s current perspective and understanding of conventional reality may take place and is encouraged. Most importantly, the effect of this information on the recipient will awaken the individual to the true direction that our world is rapidly heading towards. It is vitally and critically significant for humanity and especially people living in the free world and the political and social system represented by The Western World, to “wake up”, “pay attention” and become fully aware and attentive to the negative, tyrannical, fascist, dictatorial and dangerous direction and future that our world is rapidly spiraling toward and transforming into. Enjoy the journey,

Book List

1) “The Gods of Eden” by William Bramely: William Bramely is a heavyweight Scholar, Researcher and Historian. This book took 7 years to research and write, and represents a historical overview of the history of mankind from Ancient Times to the Present, expressed in a totally unbiased and unconventional format. 2) “Genesis Revisited” by Zacharia Sitchin: an accomplished and known Scholar of Ancient History who grew up in Palestine and is a respected Translator of Ancient Sumerian, Hebrew, Mesopotamian and other related languages as well as the Old Testament in the Ancient Hebrew Version. 3) “The Wars of Gods and Men” by Zacharia Sitchin. 4) “The Cosmic Code” by Zacharia Sitchin. 5) “Flying Serpents and Dragons”: the story of Mankind’s Reptilian past by R.A. Boulay. 6) “The Biggest Secret” by (an incredible book whose information is undeniable): David Icke has been seen on the “History Channel”, has lectured around the world and is considered extremely controversial.

7) “Children of the Matrix” by David Icke: everyone in England thinks David Icke is a “nut”. “10 out 10” people who I meet from in England say David Icke is a “nut”. Most of these people have never read any of his books. They simply accept what the mainstream media tells them. Isn’t that the way it is??? 8) “W.T.C.: An Investigative Analysis of the World Trade Center Fiasco” by David Icke: this book will enrage and awaken you when you accept the reality of the 9/11 Fiasco. 9) “And the Truth shall set you free” by David Icke. 10) “The Global Conspiracy and how to end it now” by David Icke: this book was published 2 years ago and it summarizes all of David Icke’s previous work and is well written and presented. 11) “Nothing in this book is true but it is exactly how things are” by Bob Friesel: this book represents the operations manual for the “How’s” and “Why’s” of realty and the working mechanics of the universe. This guy does not even own or know how to work a computer. He is amazing. His knowledge, if received with an open, unbiased mind is capable of transforming the reader to a higher level of consciousness.

12) “The Illuminati Bloodlines” by Fritz Springmeier: throughout the history of mankind Freemasonry connects the dots of seemingly unrelated historical events, Political Leaders and Personalities and the Illuminati Families who sit at the top of the ruling pyramid, pulling the strings and creating the manipulative agenda’s and incremental direction toward a One World Government, Banking System, Military and Micro-Chipped Population. 13) “The Christ Conspiracy; the Greatest Story ever sold” (Adventures Unlimited, Kepton, Illinois) by Archaya S.: this Scholar has multiple PhD’s and is a brilliant Researcher, Historian and Author. Her thesis goes against the grain of basic and mainstream accepted history. This book is exceptionally well researched and presented and will have you questioning everything you were ever taught in Bible School and throughout your total education. 14) “The Suns of God” by Archaya S.: I have recently completed reading this book and feel convinced that Buddha and Krishna were totally Astro-Mythological composite characters and not historical, in the flesh characters. What will your opinion be after the evidence in these books confronts you? I am starting cross-reference, comparative document research on this subject matter.

15) “Behold the Pale Horse” By William Morton Cooper: this guy is “super credible”. His life and cause are amazing, a true Patriot of America and he wasn’t looking for the information that came before him when he worked as a U.S. Naval Intelligence Officer. 16) “Rule by Secrecy” by : Jim Marrs is an accomplished and celebrated Best-selling Author and Researcher. You will find his books very credible and supportive of other authors such as David Icke, Richard Hoagland, William Bramley and others. 17) “Alien Agenda” by Jim Marrs: the title speaks for itself. 18) “Crossfire by Jim Marrs”: an unbiased investigative analysis of the John Fitzgerald Kennedy assassination. If you want to know what really happened, then read this book. 19) “The Active Side of Infinity” by Carlos Casteneda, author of “The Teachings of Don Juan”: the perspectives and interpretations of reality from the views of a Mexican Shaman. This book represents similar histories of Shamans throughout the world, as there was an active agenda to hunt down and kill all existing Shamans throughout the world in order to keep the true reality esoteric knowledge of the Ancient World hidden and kept from modern mankind.

20) “The Rise of The Fourth Reich” by Jim Marrs: his latest book, just published in 2009, exposes National Socialism, the Nazi Regime of World War 2 that never died. It was reborn in Europe and is ready to seize power. 21) “Mass Control: Engineering Human Consciousness” by Jim Keith: this book carefully and thoroughly exposes the secret plans to dominate and control world consciousness as depicted in the classic book “1984” by George Orwell. 22) “Lost Secrets of the Sacred Ark” by Laurence Gardner: simply amazing revelations of the incredible power of gold. We are talking about Levitation, perpetual Free Energy and Star Trek Type Teleportation of living matter. Yes, it is theoretically possible and now or soon it will be physically possible due to the understanding of the alchemical mysteries of the superconducting properties of Mono Atomic Gold. The ability to create Mono Atomic Gold is what made the Biblical King Solomon wealthy beyond belief. This is a fascinating Biblical Story retold in the light of unbiased and dogma free history.

23) “The Grail Kings” by Laurence Gardner: traces the genealogical lineage of mankind from conception In the Garden of Eden going forward. Laurence Gardner is a respected Scholar worldwide and is conservative in his historical approach. Even he addresses the Annunaki (the Biblical Nephilim) and verified the fact that they are other worldly / dimensional. He has a professional reputation to protect and therefore stays away from whom or what the Annunaki really are. David Icke, on the other hand not being on anyone’s payroll / agenda takes you where the evidence leads. The Annunaki are a highly technological Reptilian Race, responsible in part for the evolutionary / genetic development of the Human Species, and poses absolutely no empathy. 24) “Dark Mission” by Richard Hoagland: this book represents an excellent and indebt analysis of what really has taken place at N.A.S.A. from its inception to the present. The reader will be totally transformed by the time this book is completed and its content comprehended. This information will blow you away. Richard Hoagland is a respected Astrophysicist, and former Science Consultant to the C.B.S. Network.

25) “The Monuments on Mars” by Richard Hoagland: revealing information, photos and proof for the existence of Extraterrestrial Life in our Solar System. Richard Hoagland puts his reputation on the line by exposing this information that N.A.S.A. has purposefully withheld from the public for many years. 26) “Voyagers, Volume 1” by Ashayana Dean. 27) “Voyagers, Volume 2” by Ashayana Dean: these 2 books present the sacred knowledge of the “Signet R.R.T. Technology”, once used by Essene “Jesus Christ”, King Arthur and the Knights of the Roundtable, the Cathari, Celtic-Druids, Incas, Egyptians, Maharajahs and many Grail Line “Indigo Children” and Guardian Masters before them, and holds the key to our past, present and future. The Ancient Secrets of the Templar, Sacred Sites, Time Mechanics, Merkaba, Ascension and D.N.A., long sought but never claimed by the Knights Templar Teachings through which Humanity can begin to utilize to set itself free. The information in this entire series of books are telepathically “channeled” through Ashayana Dean. It is my humble opinion that this amazing collection of information represents an accurate insight into the history and potential futures of our Universe, Planet and Species.

28) “American Conspiracies, Lies and more Dirty Lies that the Government tells us” by with Dick Russell: American Conspiracies (newly published on March 10, 2010). Jesse Ventura exposes Government’s Dirty Lies. Jesse Ventura and Dick Russell masterfully document the major conspiracies / assassination events that have taken place in America from Abraham Lincoln to Martin Luther King, John Fitzgerald Kennedy, 9/11, the Gulf of Tonkin, the rigged George Walker Bush Presidential Election, etc. This book is based on extensive government documentation and corroborates, confirms and supports the research presented by other notable Researchers such as David Icke, Ales Jones, Richard Hoagland, Jim and Tax Marrs, and others. 29) “Human Race - Get off your knees” by David Icke: this is David Icke’s latest book and it is ground-breaking. David Icke overviews and summarizes his cumulative research over the last 20 years in the early chapters of this new book and then shares his personal consciousness break-through with astonishing new information. As in the past David Icke is way ahead of his time with this information and most people will have a difficult time accepting and believing what is placed before their eyes. As in the past David Icke is once again correct and spot on in with his magnificent “dot-connecting” explanations and conscious expanding information. You cannot read this book and be the same person you were when you picked it up. It is life-changing, reality-changing and its information, if acted upon, will set you free. {Missing overviews of listed books will be forthcoming}

30) “Necessary Illusions: Thought Control in Democratic Societies” by Noam Chomsky (Pluto Press, 1989) 31) “The Anti-Gravity Handbook” by David Hatcher Childress (Adventures Unlimited Press, 1993) 32) “Forbidden Archaeology: The Hidden History of the Human Race” (Bhaktivedanta Book Trust, 2nd Edition, 1993) 33) “Worship of the Serpent” by John Bathurst Deane (BiblioBazaar, 2009, first published in 1933) 34) “Seeds of Destruction: The Hidden Agenda of Genetic Manipulation” by William F. Engdahl (Global Research, 2007) 35) “Zionism: The Real Enemy of the Jews” by Alan Hart (World Focus Publishing, 2007) 36) “The Social Order of Tomorrow” by Otto Van Hapsburg (Wolff, 1958) 37) “Brave New World” by Aldous Huxley (Vintage Classics, 2007, first published in 1932)

38) “1984” by George Orwell: this classic work published in 1931 predicts the New World Order taking shape in the future. George Orwell was so accurate about what the world would be like 50 or more years into the future because he was an insider, a member of The “Fabian Society” along with Aldous Huxley. 39) “Hyperspace: A Scientific Odyssey through Parallel Universes, Time Warps and the Tenth Dimension” By Dr. Michio Kaku (Oxford Paperbacks, New Edition, 1995) 40) “Who built the Moon” by Christopher Knight and Alan Butler (Watkins, 2007): if one studies the Cosmos and especially our Local Solar System, the works of Einstein, Carl Sagan, Richard Hoagland, Velikovsky and the writings of Sitchin and others, it becomes obvious that the Planetary Body known as the Moon does not make sense. It doesn’t fit. It appears to be hollow, similar to Phobos, the Moon of Mars. See the research and internet sites, and keep an open mind. 41) “The Thirteenth Tribe” by Arthur Koestler (Random House, 1999) 42) “The Labyrinth of Time: Introducing the Universe” by Michael Lockwood (Clarendon Press, 2007) 43) “How We Were Made: A Book of Revelations Made” by William Neil (Oracle Books, 2003)

44) “The Murder of Reality” by Pierre Sabak (, 2009): this book is key and central to understanding the covert and insidious methodology used throughout history to entrap the human brain and spirit in a left-brain (brain-washed), and controlled state of mind. It is a must read that took the author 7 years to create. 45) “The Dragons of Eden: Speculations on the Origins of Human Intelligence” by Carl Sagan (Ballantine Books Inc., Reprint Edition, 1992): Carl Sagan was a brilliant Cosmologist. He collaborated and published over 20 Books and 600 Scientific Papers. At a point of extremely good health at the age of 62, he mysteriously contracted a rare form of Leukemia and subsequently passed on. This book exposed truths and history that were cutting edge and alternative to Mainstream Academia and Science. 46) “The Invention of the Jewish People” by Professor Schlome Sand (Verso, 2009) 47) “The Mythic Past: Biblical Archaeology and the Myth of Israel” by Thomas Thompson (Basic Books, 2000) 48) “Blue Blood, True Blood, Conflict and Creation” by Stewart Swerdlow: this book is first-hand information as the by-product of an individual who was a victim of the Montauk Project. Steward Swerdlow survived his horrific ordeal as an abducted individual held captive over several years within this joint extraterrestrial and shadow government agenda. 49) “The Curse of Ignorance, a History of Mankind” by Arthur Findlay (Headquarters Publishing Company, London, first published in 1947, Volumes I and II). 50) “Remember Who you are, Where you are and Where you come from” by David Icke: David Icke’s most recent book builds on his ongoing research and takes you further down the proverbial rabbit hole. New ground breaking information, a must read.

Alternative Internet Sites (Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth - Exposure of false flag 9/11 event) (Alex Jones is known and respected the world over for exposing the truth) (Another Site) (Another great Alternative Information Site) (In my opinion, David Icke nails it. He explains the hidden reality beneath the veil) (Richard Hoagland exposes the Nazi Agenda running N.A.S.A. / Face on Mars) (Former Governor of Minnesota Jesse Ventura has written 4 controversial books) http://www.strike-the- (Photographs on this site are very revealing) (Exposes Secret Societies of Free-Masonry - Connecting the dots) (Where the Illuminati Meet, Plan and Practice the Occult) (Research Archive) mentconindex.htm

(Research Archive) (Jim Marrs and Tex Marrs are Best-Selling conspiracy Researchers / Writers) drsteven-greer/52/ matrix-was-built.html ated (Dr. Bill Deagle - a must view / see his Site / Radio Show via You Tube). ecret+Moon+Base&aq=f (Apollo 18, 19 and 20 - ???) seattle/andromeda-council-transformationto-a-4th- dimensional-earth-life#ixzz1ZaEpZ4hL