Volume 3, Number 1, Winter 2003

CAVES AND IN The of New Mexico are among rejoining) passage patterns are charac- the most outstanding, beautiful, and teristic of carbonic acid karst, branch- geologically significant in the world. In work caves being by far the most the south-central part of the state near common type. -known carbonic the town of Capitan are Fort Stanton acid caves include Mammoth in Cave and Torgac Cave. In the south- , Jewel and Wind Caves in eastern part of the state, southwest of , Kartchner Caverns in the town of Carlsbad, are Carlsbad Arizona, and Fort Stanton Cave in Cavern, visitor attraction for millions, New Mexico. and , the deepest cave Thirty years ago cave researchers in the and fifth longest noted with interest the fact that many cave in the world. Also in the Carlsbad of the spectacular caves of New Mexico area is Parks Ranch Cave, the longest and Texas bore little resemblance to the cave in the United States. better-known caves of Kentucky and These caves and the landscapes in Virginia. Other similar caves had been which they occur are important geolog- noted since the 1930s. The patterns ic resources of New Mexico. In the past created by the cave passages themselves twenty years or so, they have played an were remarkably different and bore lit- important part in geologists’ growing tle relation to the known hydrologic understanding of how caves form. features of the area. Thus began the unraveling of one of the more interest- What is Karst? ing stories in the growth of our knowl- Karst is the term geologists use to edge of and the origin of describe a topography characterized by caves. caves, , and underground Gypsum chandeliers in the Chandelier These caves–and similar caves in drainage. What distinguishes a karst Ballroom, Lechuguilla Cave. Photo by Peter and other parts of the world–came to be landscape from other landscapes is the Ann Bosted. known as sulfuric acid karst. In caves dominance of solution features in solu- associated with sulfuric acid karst, there ble sedimentary rocks such as Types of Karst is no apparent relationship to recharge and gypsum. Traditionally, karst has Worldwide, geologists recognize three through the overlying surface. Instead, been thought of as a near-surface phe- main types of karst. Carbonic acid cave passages form where there is a nomenon, where weak carbonic acid, karst is the most common type of karst deep-seated source of , formed from the solution of carbon and accounts for over 90 percent of all usually derived from oil and gas reser- dioxide in surface and ground waters, is karst terrain on . Typical of car- voirs. When hydrogen sulfide in solu- responsible for the solution features. bonic acid karst is the recharge of water tion mixes with oxygenated water at or Recently the concept of karst has at the surface through sinkholes and near the water table, it forms sulfuric expanded to encompass solution fea- caves, and the discharge of that water acid, and it is this acid that dissolves tures (including caves) that result from to springs in nearby valleys. away the limestone to form cave pas- the deep-seated dissolution of Carbonic acid is responsible for the dis- sages. This sulfuric acid is far more or ore , with sulfuric acid the solution of these near-surface caves, aggressive than weak carbonic acid and primary mechanism of dissolution. derived from in the is therefore a potent mechanism for This mechanism, it turns out, is atmosphere and zone above the dissolving large cave passages such as responsible for some of the most cave. Branchwork, network, and anas- Carlsbad Cavern’s Big Room, more spectacular caves of New Mexico. tomosing (a network of branching and than six football fields long.

Published by the New Mexico Bureau of and Resources • A Division of New Mexico Tech of petroleum under the Carlsbad is characterized by little or no surface region, producing hydrogen sulfide expression of karst. In this instance with negative sulfur isotope values. solution processes in evaporite rock Ultimately this isotopically negative usually take place beneath a layer or sulfur ended up in the cave gypsum, layers of non-karstic rock. Dissolution native sulfur, and alunite. at depth can occur either in the vadose Finally, there is a third type of karst, zone (the unsaturated zone above the evaporite karst, which is also represent- water table) or the phreatic zone (the ed in the caves of New Mexico. The saturated zone beneath the water table), dissolution of highly soluble sedimen- and karst valleys form when the over- tary rocks (like gypsum, anhydrite, and burden collapses into these deep-seated halite) is involved in the genesis of caves. Nash Draw, in the area of the evaporite karst, without the benefit of WIPP site, is an example of a karst val- any kind of acid. There are two types ley related to the dissolution of evapor- of evaporite karst: surface (or uncov- ite rock. pipes, which form at ered) karst, and interstratal (or cov- depth by dissolution processes but typi- ered) karst. Surface evaporite karst cally do not reach the surface, are Common patterns of solutional caves. From develops in the vadose zone (the unsat- examples of interstratal karst. The brec- Palmer (1991). urated zone above the water table) cia pipes encountered in the subsurface Sulfuric acid caves commonly consist within evaporite rock and is exposed at at the Culberson sulfur mine south of of interconnected solution cavities of the surface. Ground water recharge is Carlsbad are interstratal karst features. varied size in a seemingly random usually through sinkholes, and water Interstratal evaporite karst can be an three-dimensional pattern, like insidious type of karst pores in a sponge. These “sponge- because one does not usually work” caves commonly contain know if it is there, or how it large passages that end abruptly may be involved in the trans- away from the source of hydro- port of ground water. gen sulfide. Examples of this type Interstratal karst channels can of karst include Carlsbad Cavern completely bypass matrix and Lechuguilla Cave in New porosity (the small, intercon- Mexico, and the Cueva de Villa nected pores through which Luz in Tabasco, Mexico. The ground water generally Cueva de Villa Luz is an active moves) and can carry con- sulfuric acid cave: measured taminants at high velocities hydrogen sulfide values in the to sites of discharge, thus cave air reach 152 parts per mil- increasing the potential for lion (which means that researchers contamination of surface working underground must wear at discharge gas masks), and the pH of drip The “ghosts” of Fort Stanton Cave, near Fort Stanton, New Mexico. sites. One of the remaining water can reach almost zero. (By Fort Stanton contains long, linear passageways typical of concerns for some at the comparison, drinking water typi- carbonic acid speleogenesis. Photo by Alan Hill. Waste Isolation Pilot Plant cally has a pH of 7–8; lemon juice has can move very rapidly to sites of dis- (WIPP) site has been our incomplete a pH of between 2 and 3. charge. Typical surface landforms are knowledge regarding the extent of Gypsum, native sulfur, and certain sinkholes, sinking , caves, blind interstratal karst processes at or near other diagnostic associated valleys, and domes and breccia pipes the site. with sulfuric acid karst (including the (cylindrical collapse features associated clay minerals endellite and alunite, and with solution) exposed uranium minerals such as tyuyamunite) at the surface. Surface Caves Are Fragile and Protected Places form as by-products of this sulfuric evaporite karst typically acid reaction. Gypsum can be found in forms either network Many of New Mexico’s caves are on public land, Carlsbad and Lechuguilla Caves in mazes or sinuous single administered by the , U.S. Forest massive blocks up to 30 feet high. conduits. Prime exam- Service, or Bureau of Land Management, and can be Detailed chemical analyses of these ples of this type of entered only with permission. The same invariably goes minerals offer some clue as to their ori- karst include for caves on private property. In either case, is gin. The gypsum, native sulfur, and Optimistcheskaya Cave best done in the company of experienced cavers who alunite characteristically have low (neg- in the and, are familiar with the particular hazards and conserva- ative) sulfur isotope values (-10‰ to here in New Mexico, tion issues involved. Anyone entering a cave—in New -25‰), indicating that the ultimate Parks Ranch Cave. Mexico or elsewhere—would do well to remember the source of sulfur was microbial reactions A second kind of creed of the National Speleological Society: Take noth- related to oil and gas. Microorganisms evaporite karst, inter- ing but pictures, leave nothing but footprints, kill deep beneath the surface fed on pools stratal evaporite karst, nothing but time.

NEW MEXICO EARTH MATTERS 2 WINTER 2003 the of the Clouds. Lechuguilla Cave is over 109 miles long and 1,567 feet deep, making it the deepest cave in the continental United States. Lechuguilla Cave contains a variety of of astonishing beauty, including the incredible gypsum chan- deliers of the Chandelier Ballroom. The Importance of Karst Aside from their obvious value as areas of geologic interest and potential research, karst landscapes are important from a ground water perspective. Many cities and towns in the United States draw their water from karst ; an understanding of the working of these underground aquifers is extremely important in terms of evaluating the potential for environmental impacts both on and below the surface. Ground water contaminants are transported Thirty-foot-high gypsum blocks in the much more easily and quickly through Prickley Ice Cube Room, Lechuguilla Cave, Cave passage in Parks Ranch Cave, New New Mexico. Notice the people for scale. karst aquifers than through other types of rock, such as . Karst Mexico. The bedrock is gypsum of the Photo by Peter and Ann Bosted. Castile Formation. Photo by Carol Belski. aquifers also do not provide the filtra- Karst Areas of New Mexico tion that other kinds of rock do. Carbonate (i.e., limestone) Although caves are scattered through- Another concern has to do with the of cavernous size can host large vol- out New Mexico, they are concentrated collapse of subsurface karst features, umes of oil and gas. This is the case for in two outstanding karst areas in the with disastrous results to overlying some of the reservoirs (such as the state. One is near Capitan, in the structures. Also, withdrawing too much Dollarhide field) on the east side of the northern Sacramento , the water from a karst can cause in southeastern New other near Carlsbad, in the Guadalupe collapse of surface rock and dwellings. Mexico and west Texas. Many of the Mountains-Delaware Basin area of These two problems are less prevalent oil-producing rock units in New southeastern New Mexico. Northeast in New Mexico than in other areas of Mexico are producing from areas of of Capitan is Torgac Cave, which is the United States (such as Kentucky paleokarst. In an evaporite rock system, developed in the San Andres Limestone and ) because most of the caves hydrogen sulfide oxidized to sulfuric and contains gypsum “claw” . here no longer carry large amounts of acid can create holes (porosity) in lime- Fort Stanton Cave east of Capitan, ground water. Nonetheless, it’s an envi- stone that can then fill with oil. This which is also formed in the San Andres ronmental issue of some concern in porosity need not represent an ancient Limestone, contains “velvet”-covered New Mexico. Some years ago a portion karst land surface or dissolution in the and “starburst” gypsum, among of Interstate 40 near Santa Rosa col- shallow-phreatic or vadose zones; it can other notable speleothems. Both of lapsed in the eastern part of the state form entirely in the deep subsurface. these caves are carbonic acid caves. due to the collapse of underlying karst Such karstic reservoirs are prime targets They are located on lands managed by features. for petroleum exploration. the Bureau of Land Management. Mississippi -type ore The of deposits, of economic importance New Mexico provide one of the pre- to a number of states, are also usu- mier cave areas in the world. The ally associated with karst. As is the world-famous Carlsbad Cavern and case in some petroleum reservoirs, Lechuguilla Cave (as well as over a karst processes create the porosity hundred other caves) are developed that Mississippi Valley-type ores fill. in the Capitan Formation, a reef These Mississippi Valley ore limestone of Permian age. All of the deposits, particularly those in caves in the Guadalupes are sulfuric and Illinois, are the pri- acid caves, where petroleum in the mary source of lead and zinc in the adjacent Delaware Basin has sup- United States. Similar deposits in plied the hydrogen sulfide for sulfu- the western United States are ric acid speleogenesis. Carlsbad important sources of copper and Cavern is now 30.9 miles long and Massive sulfur under gypsum, Ghost Town, Lechuguilla rare minerals such as arsenic, vana- 1,037 feet deep at its lowest point, Cave, New Mexico. Photo by Bob Buecher. dium, and uranium.

NEW MEXICO EARTH MATTERS 3 WINTER 2003 For More Information New Mexico has a wealth of cave Suggested Reading resources for the general public, cavers, DuChene, H. R., and Hill, C. A. The New Mexico Bureau of Geology and speleologists to enjoy, explore, and (eds.), 2000, The caves of the and Mineral Resources carries a number study. Carlsbad Cavern, the most Guadalupe Mountains symposium: of publications of interest relevant to important tourist attraction in the Journal of Cave and Karst Studies, v. 62, caves, including: state, has been a national park since no. 2, 107 pp. 1923, with over half a million visitors Ford, D. C., and Williams, P. W., Geology of each year. New Mexico is also to 1989, Karst geomorphology and hydrol- Carlsbad Cavern the new National Cave and Karst ogy: , Unwin Hyman, 601 pp. and other caves in Research Institute (based in Carlsbad), Hill, C. A., and Forti, P., 1997, Cave the Guadalupe established by Congress in October of minerals of the world (second edition): Mountains, New 1998. Finally, a wide range of interdis- Huntsville, AL, National Speleological Mexico and Texas ciplinary research efforts are underway Society, 463 pp. by Carol A. Hill. in caves across the United States, the Hose, L. D., and Pisarowicz, J. A., Bulletin 117, reason being that caves provide a 1987, 150 pp. unique environment and rare opportu- 1999, Cueva de Villa Luz, Tabasco, Mexico: reconnaissance study of an $18.00 nity for many kinds of research in active sulfur cave and ecosystem: many disciplines. New Mexico, home Geology of the Journal of Cave and Karst Studies, v. 61, Delaware Basin, to some of the most spectacular and no. 1, pp. 13-21. significant of these rare and fragile Guadalupe, Apache, and places, is wise to place a premium on Palmer, A. N., 1991, Origin and mor- Glass Mountains, the value of this resource, today and in phology of limestone caves: Geological Society of America, Bulletin, v. 103, pp. New Mexico and the years to come. 1-21. West Texas by Carol A. Hill White, W. B., 1988, Geomorphology Carol A. Hill, Adjunct Professor and hydrology of karst terrains: New Permian Basin University of New Mexico York, Oxford University Press, 464 pp. Section-SEPM Publication No. 96-39, 1996, 480 pp. Both are available for purchase through our Publications Office by BUREAU NEWS calling (505) 835-5410. The Mysterious Life of Caves Bureau Sponsors New Award Service/Public Policy. Anyone may In October 2002 the public television The first New Mexico Earth Science nominate someone for this award, but program NOVA featured scientists from Achievement Award, sponsored by the current employees of the New Mexico New Mexico in a program titled The New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Bureau of Geology and Mineral Mysterious Life of Caves, including Mineral Resources, will be awarded in Resources are not eligible for Carlsbad Cavern and Lechuguilla Cave 2004, to honor individuals who have nomination. in New Mexico. This one-hour program made significant contributions to For more information concerning is available on video for $19.95 from advancing or facilitating the role of the New Mexico Earth Science WGBH in Boston. Visit their Web site geoscience in the arenas of education, Achievement Award, including more at www.wgbh.org/ for more information. research, public service, and public pol- specific guidelines for nomination, The National Cave and Karst icy in New Mexico. The recipient will please call the director of the New Research Institute be selected by a committee chaired by Mexico Bureau of Geology and the state geologist and including three Mineral Resources, Peter Scholle, at In October 1998 Congress created the members of the bureau’s executive com- (505) 835-5302. National Cave and Karst Research mittee and the past president of the Institute to be located in Carlsbad, New New Mexico Geological Society. New Hydrologist Mexico. In December 2002 the institute hired its first director, Louise Hose. The The bureau is currently soliciting In January 2003 hydrologist John nominations for this award. The dead- mission of the institute is to further the Sigda joined the staff of the New science of by facilitating line for nominations for this first year is Mexico Bureau of Geology and research, enhancing public education, December 15, 2003. The committee Mineral Resources. John has been and promoting environmentally sound will review nominations in January working on a Ph.D. at New Mexico cave and karst management. The insti- 2004 and make a recommendation in Tech, which will be completed in the tute works in partnership with the U.S. February. Awards will be presented at next few months. He recently summa- Geological Survey, the National Park the New Mexico State Capitol in Santa rized some of that work in a talk on Service, and other federal and state Fe during the legislative session, in con- campus titled “Conduits to agencies. New Mexico Tech has been a junction with Natural Resources Day. Catchments: Deformation Band Faults partner in this endeavor since its incep- Awards can be made to two nominees in the Vadose Zone.” John will be split- tion. For more information on the per year, in the categories of ting his time between our Albuquerque National Cave and Karst Institute, visit Research/Education and Public office and the main office in Socorro. their Web site at www.aqd.nps.gov/nckri/

NEW MEXICO EARTH MATTERS 4 WINTER 2003 STAFF PROFILE David W. Love Principal Senior Environmental Geologist Dave Love came to the bureau as involved in outreach, including regular an environmental geologist in 1980, participation in Rockin’ Around New upon finishing his doctorate at the Mexico, the bureau’s annual field confer- University of New Mexico (where he ence and workshop for teachers worked on the Quaternary geology of throughout the state. He contributed to Chaco ). For many years he the first two Decision-Makers Field worked in close collaboration with Conferences (in 2001 and 2002) and John Hawley (who retired in 1998). works regularly with Over the course of the Southwest his twenty-plus Institute on their years at the bureau annual field excur- Published twice annually by the he has worked on a sions. Dave has NEW MEXICO BUREAU OF GEOLOGY AND MINERAL RESOURCES broad range of pro- published widely, is Peter A. Scholle jects related to geo- working on several Director and State Geologist logic hazards and popular publica- a division of environmental tions (including a NEW MEXICO INSTITUTE OF geology, including new Scenic Trip), AND Daniel H. López develop- and has taught a President ment, water quality, number of courses 801 Leroy Place and . In 1982, (including environ- Socorro, New Mexico 87801-4796 less than two years mental geology, sed- (505) 835-5420 after his arrival, imentology, and Albuquerque Office Dave met Jane oceanography) over 2808 Central SE Albuquerque New Mexico 87106 Calvert, who’d the years. (505) 366-2530 come to the bureau in 1981 as an In 1999 Dave co-authored a paper on Visit our main Web site assistant editor. Later that year they the natural conditions that contribute to http://geoinfo.nmt.edu were married. the transport and trapping of non-aque- Board of Regents Among his many endeavors at the ous-phase liquids, such as spills from Ex Officio moment, Dave currently is working gasoline storage tanks. This research led Bill Richardson on Plio- stratigraphy of the to Dave (and two colleagues) receiving Isleta area (in collaboration with Nelia U.S. and Canadian patents on a spill Ann Murphy Daily Dunbar and Bill McIntosh) and on containment and recovery system. President basin fill stratigraphy of the Dave has been an active member of 1999–2004, Santa Fe Albuquerque Basin (with Sean the New Mexico Geological Society Jerry A. Armijo Connell). In 2001, with co-investiga- since his arrival at the bureau, and a reg- 2003–2009, Socorro tors Richard Chamberlin, Bruce ular contributor to their publications. Richard N. Carpenter 2003–2009, Sante Fe Allen, and Bill Haneberg, Dave In 1991 he received their Honorary installed a series of three tiltmeters on Sidney M. Gutierrez Lifetime Member Award. Over the years 2001–2007, Albuquerque the margins of the Socorro magma his other awards have included the Isaiah K. Storey body and began looking at minute Western States Seismic Policy Council’s 2003–2005, Socorro changes in ground tilt. The area above Award (with Susie Welch) in 2001 for the magma body (an area of 1300 Excellence in Outreach to Schools, the Editors square miles) is responsible for 40 per- Association of Engineering Geologists L. Greer Price Jane C. Love cent of the state’s earthquakes and is Publication Award in 1999, and, in Layout known to be rising at a rate of 2 to 4 March 2001, the Interior Department’s Thomas Kaus mm per year. Supported in part by Unit Award for Excellence of Service for Graphics New Mexico’s Department of Public his work with the Chaco Center. Kathryn Glesener Safety, this group has now gathered In 2002, after more than twenty years over a year’s worth of data. of service, in recognition of his experi- Earth Matters is a free publication. For Like many of our staff, Dave works ence and dedication, Dave was promot- subscription information please call in close collaboration not only with (505) 835-5420, or e-mail us at ed to Principal Senior Environmental [email protected] other bureau staff but with other state Geologist. He continues to earn the and federal agencies, including the Cover photo of Ship Rock, New Mexico by respect of his peers, displaying a dedica- Paul G. Logsdon National Park Service, Bureau of Land tion to the science of geology, a broad copyright © Marcia L. Logsdon. Management, Department of Public knowledge of the geologic framework of Reproduced with permission. Safety, and the U. S. Geological our state, a willingness to collaborate Survey. He has also worked closely with others, and ongoing service to the with the of Isleta. He is actively people of New Mexico.


Earthquake catalogs for New Mexico and bordering areas: 1869-1998 by Allan R. Sanford, Kuo-wan Lin, I-ching Tsai, and Lawrence H. Jaksha. Circular 210, 104 pp. $10.00 Records of earthquakes for a specific area over a given period of time are significant sources of data for researchers of earthquake activity. Such records allow researchers to evaluate seismic hazards and make more accurate predictions concerning the likely loca- tion—and magnitude—of future earthquakes. The catalogs pre- sented here represent more than 40 years of research, provide an accurate historical record of earthquakes in New Mexico, and doc- ument a number of trends. Data from the catalogs can also be downloaded at http://geoinfo.nmt.edu/publications/earthcat

A Report from the New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources, 2000-2001. In 2002 the bureau published a biennial report, covering calen- dar years 2000-2001. This 24-page, full color booklet offers a broad overview of our activities, including a statement of our mis- sion, financials, and a look at ongoing projects. If you would like a copy, please give the folks in our Publication Sales Office a call at (505) 835-5410 and we will send you one. Single copies are avail- able free upon request. For more information about these and other bureau publications: • Visit our Web site at http://geoinfo.nmt.edu • Write or visit our Publications Office on the campus of New Mexico Tech 801 Leroy Pl, Socorro, NM 87801 • Call (505) 835-5420 • E-mail us at [email protected] Payment by check or money order payable to NMBGMR must be enclosed with mailed orders. Telephone orders may be paid with VISA, Discover, or MasterCard.


New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources 801 Leroy Place Socorro, New Mexico 87801-4796 Return service requested