The PAGES/CLIVAR Intersection: Vision for the future gaVin Schmidt1, ValéRie maSSon-delmotte2, and inteRSection Panel memBeRS 1Goddard Institute for Space Studies, NASA, New York, USA;
[email protected] 2Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l'Environnement, Gif-sur-Yvette, France;
[email protected] News Program The PAGES/CLIVAR Intersection Working 2) Climate variability over the last of multidecadal variability and its impacts Group is jointly sponsored by PAGES and few millennia on, in particular, hydrology. the Climate Variability and Predictability Well-dated, high-resolution proxy re- (CLIVAR) project of the World Climate Re- constructions and model simulations 4) Hydrological changes and search Programme (WCRP), and plays an incorporating estimates of natural and interactions with the land surface important role in developing and imple- anthropogenic forcings for the last 2 ka Recent observations indicate that the trop- menting the overlapping research inter- offer opportunities to assess the natu- ical realm is expanding with increasing ests of both these programs. The forma- ral decadal to centennial variability and occurrence of drought in the sub-tropics. tion of the Intersection was predicated on forced responses in conditions similar to This trend is projected to continue under the idea that paleoclimate studies provide present. Despite progress in recent years, IPCC AR4 scenarios. There is also consid- a useful adjunct to studies of modern cli- however, important uncertainties and ca- erable evidence suggesting terrestrial cli- mate variability and likely future change. veats exist with regard to both empirical mate variability is strongly influenced by Since its establishment in the mid-1990’s, reconstructions and model estimates.