Cllr Mike Galloway Chair Cllr Tom Fraser Parish Council Cllr David Livingstone & Tattenhoe Parish Council Cllr Jean Nicholas Shenley Brook End & Tattenhoe Parish Council Cllr Jeremy Rawlings Olney Town Council Cllr Kevin Wilson Community Council Cllr David Pafford Campbell Park Parish Council Cllr Adrian Dneš Town Council Cllr Dai Evans Calverton Parish Meeting Cllr Jacky Jeffreys Town Council Cllr Norman Wilkes Parish Council Cllr Joe Geary Parish Council Cllr Phil Ayles Parish Council Cllr Cecil Macaulay Parish Council Cllr David Stabler Great Linford Parish Council Mike Morris Clerk cum Little Linford Parish Council Cllr Veronica Belcher West Council Cllr Debbie Dyer Parish Council Cllr Ken Maudsley Kents Hill and Monkston Parish Council Cllr Alan Francis Parish Council Cllr Jeannette Green Walton Parish Council Cllr John Napleton Simpson Parish Council Cllr David Binnie Simpson Parish Council Cllr David Hopkins Wavendon Parish Council Cllr Rosemary O'Sullivan Stony Stratford Town Council Cllr John Cropley Broughton and Parish Council Cllr Hilary Saunders Wolverton & Greenleys Town Council Cllr Margaret Roberts Woughton Community Council Also in Attendance: Mrs Sandra Cleary Cllr Isabella Fraser John Franklin Cllr Darron Kendrick

Officers: John Moffoot (Assistant Director Democratic Services), Caroline Godfrey (Governance Manager), Shelagh Muir (Governance Officer), Paul Gibson (Housing Policy & Development Officer) John Harper (Transport Policy Manager), Steven Bishop (SDG), Ken Cleary (Chair Larger Local Councils Committee (NALC)), Bill Errington (MKi Manager), Ian Rudd (Parish Online) and Janie Burns (Minute Taker, Development Control)

The Chair welcomed everyone to the Forum; Caroline Godfrey announced the apologies and substitutions and introduced the guests.

PF20 Apologies:

Cllr Marie Collins (New Bradwell), Cllr Roz Hatton (), Cllr David Hunt (North Crawley), Cllr Rebecca Kurth (CMK), Cllr Michael Horton (), Cllr Kate Porter (), Parish Council, Cllr Keith Ely (Bletchley & Fenny Stratford T C ) Cllr Esther Long (Wolverton T C), Cllr Robin Garrett (Simpson PC) Cllr Sharon Smith (Kents Hill and Monkston Parish Council).

Substitutions: Cllr John Napleton for Cllr Robin Garrett (Simpson).


The Forum agreed the minutes, no amendments were made. Questions: Cllr Jeffreys advised that Woburn Sands TC was not happy with Section 106 allocation of £10,000 towards Real Time Passenger Information in Woburn Sands as this was inadequate

Cllr Adrian Dneš commented that RTPI was not in use on all bus services and that transponders were fitted to all buses but not used on all services. The Chair agreed this was unsatisfactory and would investigate. Action Caroline Godfrey.


PF22a Housing Strategy Policy Strategy Consultation Paper

Requested by 30 September Parishes Assembly. Paul Gibson Updated the Forum: Housing Policy and Strategy section previously wrote one large paper and have now split this into two; one paper that is short and visionary along side an action plan with details on delivery which could be updated when changes occur e.g. from Central Government. He reminded the Forum of the current consultation which ends on 13 December 2010.

Question: Cllr Ken Maudsley (Kents Hill & Monkston) raised an issue about traffic lights being close to houses and flats e.g. on the A5130 and asked if the housing strategy would ensure this does not happen in future?

PG advised the new process would allow ‘building for life’ systems and include clearer guidelines for planning and housing strategy with better design. The Chair explained that design codes would be included in the Core Strategy to remove as much error as possible.

Question: Cllr Jacky Jeffreys questioned whether planning officers, in future, would ask first of Housing what is needed in terms of how many bed, houses etc.

PG admitted there is shortage of 1 and 2 bed houses and expressed that good communities needed a good mix. Housing Strategy gave general indicators.

Cllr David Hopkins commented that Aylesbury Vale Council had withdrawn its housing strategy. No set methodology to assess need to achieve the proper mix but being done in the north [of the country] and should be published in the new year.

PF22b Cold Calling Zones – Cllr Phil Ayles briefed the Forum on Cold Calling Practices

Castlethorpe Parish Council had received complaints from residents about improper cold calling practices and he had met with Trading Standards Officers for advice.

No cold calling zones would only be established where there is door step crime. There is agreement that the best way forward is through education of older and vulnerable residents but this education must not intimidate those it is meant to protect.

Cllr Ayles asked for other councillors’ involvement to set up a working group to take this forward– contact him direct or Shelagh Muir at [email protected].

Cllr Adrian Dneš commented that he had heard success stories of no cold calling zones.

Cllr David Hopkins advised he had many requests for no cold calling zones and had read that where they have been established they are well supported by the public and police.


The Chair announced that at its Council Meeting held on 25th October 2010, West Bletchley Council affirmed that it meets the prescribed conditions and is eligible to use the Power of Well Being.


Caroline Godfrey advised that the Parishes’ Protocol was adopted by Milton Keynes Council Cabinet on 26 October 2010 following many months of development with the Parishes Working Group, whom she thanked for their hard work.

Two copies have been sent to each Parish and Town Council for adoption. She asked that the Protocol is now considered at council meetings, adopted, signed and one copy returned to Governance, Democratic Services, Milton Keynes Council.

Cllr Kevin Wilson raised that Milton Keynes Council may now charge Parish Councils for by-elections. He felt there was financial unpredictability for Parish Councils. He was concerned that this had not been done in Milton Keynes before and may cause Parish Councils to co-opt rather than hold elections, as they would have to bear the costs.

The Chair advised that the cost of Parish by elections have historically been funded by MK Council but most other local authorities charge Parishes. MKC may cover costs of by- elections if held at the same time as other elections. The clause was agreed by the cross party working group, as requested by Cabinet on 29 June 2010. Cllr Cleary raised NALC have lobbied nationally on 2015 elections and commented that when the parish elections are held with other elections the turnout is higher.

PF25 NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF LOCAL COUNCILS - Cllr Ken Cleary –(Chair Larger Local Councils Committee) NALC,

The Chair introduced the guest speaker Cllr Cleary, who discussed the new Localism Bill due to go before Parliament on 13 December 2010 which is based on the belief that local people should be allowed to decide what is best for them and take decisions locally. NALC see this as an important opportunity for local councils and communities to take on services. To enable this, NALC are promoting resources through the Quality Parishes Scheme to provide schemes such as training bursaries. He continued that they are addressing the requirements of Parish Councils for training, learning and skills by many methods such as e- bulletins, guides for local councillors, contributing and supporting conferences etc.

Cllr Cleary thanked Milton Keynes Council on its support and work in developing the National Training Strategy with NALC and partners of the National Stakeholder Group, to be launched on 10 December 2010.

Cllr Joe Geary commented that Parishes require guarantees that funding comes with the services to be devolved and that Parish Councils will not have to provide funds to fund these.

Cllr Cleary responded there are no guarantees where the funding will be

coming from and gave examples where, at present, the funding was on a tapering basis, reducing over an agreed period.

Cllr Tom Fraser commented that training schemes being offered by a variety of providers e.g. SLCC (Society of Local Council Clerks) for councillors and this would be better done by NALC. Cllr Cleary confirmed that NALC, SLCC and others work in partnership to deliver training.

A Councillor commented that clerks represent their council and themselves; and therefore they need the tools through education. Good, trained clerks were needed in order to have good councils. Cllr Galloway thanked Cllr Cleary for addressing the Forum.


Ian Rudd explained and gave a demonstration on the merits of online mapping for Parish Councils.

It is available to all as a web based solution; Version 2 allows clerks to update with “read only” access for others. Benefits: • Web based system information stored on servers in East London. • Information updated monthly. • Different methods of finding and viewing the information • Varity of objects and items can be annotated • The document can be printed and/or saved as a pdf. • Shows lots of information including Tree Preservation Orders, conservation areas etc. Members questioned timing and updates.

Bill Errington (MKi Manager) confirmed Ordnance Survey now giving updates every 6 months and Parishes are encouraged to help with this by passing information back to him to enable amendments to be made.

Cllr Jeremy Rawlings questioned whether it would work well in rural areas and Ian Judd demonstrated this to Councillors’ satisfaction.

Cllr Alan Francis – is land ownership going to be able to be ascertained?

BE advised that only Land Registry is included currently. Looking into integrating and having information of ownership in the mapping system. Cllr David Pafford - how does it works with the Observatory system?

BE confirmed it puts the tools into the Parish Councils’ hands and gives them the tools to draw, annotate and draw in what suits the Parish rather than have to have it done by MKC through the Observatory system.

There was a discussion about mapping systems from other providers but these are not web based and are expensive compared to this system.

The Chair detailed the costs and announced, subject to agreement by the Forum, MKC will purchase the first year including set up fees and 5 layers of information for Ward Councillors and Parish Councils from external funding. The cost for the second year for Parishes is £10 per 1000 population; additional layers are available at £250 for 5 layers. He confirmed there is no commitment at present from MKC for future funding.

The Forum by a show of hands, agreed that MKC should purchase this for the first year. Action Caroline Godfrey.


The Forum noted the written update from MKP.

Cllr A Dneš raised that yet again, MKP were not represented to update to the Forum. The Chair explained that MKP is subject to the Government’s decision to be wound down with planning powers being passed to MKC.

Cllr Jeanette Green commented that Eastern Expansion Area meetings have also been cancelled at the last minute.

Chair advised he would investigate this. Action Caroline Godfrey


Presentation from John Harper, Transport Policy Manager and Steven Bishop of Stere Davies Gleave (Consultants) explained this is a long term strategy from 2011 to 2021.

The Strategy covers the entire borough including the city, older towns and rural areas. It looks across the period from 2011 - 2031 and beyond. The Transport Vision and Strategy will form key components of the Council's next and 3rd Local Transport Plan (LTP3). The LTP3 is a statutory document that the Council has to submit to the DfT by April 2011. The document sets out a strategy that will enable the transport vision to be realised over the next 20 years or so. The consultation closes on 4th February 2011 and details are available at MK Council - Milton Keynes Council Transport


Cllr Tom Fraser – raised he feels the current transport system which includes higher speed limits on grid roads in Milton Keynes will be destroyed.

Steve Bishop responded that speed limits to be looked at and may be varied to have a fast, safe and efficient road network.

Cllr Kevin Wilson commented on buses using grid roads to keep up the

good service to hospitals. Contends sustainability but extending grid network. Does not see that as sustainable.

SB confirmed this was a given. They were asked to use the grid work network in creating this policy.

Councillors raised questions on the costs of implementing the Strategy and Steve Bishop responded that implementation will be carried out over 5 years. Interventions will have to be prioritised.

Cllr Maudsley commented that the Government is promoting the use of electric vehicles and there needs to be electricity points for these.

SB responded that points for electrical cars will be provided and that cars manufacturers are creating high efficiency cars. He spoke of other technologies that will come into play. Trams – rapid transit. etc still being discussed but feels it best to get the bus network working efficiently first.


The Chair announced that Milton Keynes Children’s Services assessment has improved from 2009 to Performs Well (3) in 2010.

In the assessment, Ofsted highlighted the ‘sustained improvement’ that has been made across Milton Keynes. The very large majority of our services, settings and institutions are now judged as ‘good or better’.

This is a significant achievement and evidences the pace of improvement of Children’s Services in Milton Keynes since December 2008.

Parish Newsletter Competition

John Moffoot announced the winner of the 2010 Parish Newsletter Competition; 13 Newsletters were submitted and Parish Councils are congratulated on the high standard of these. He advised the judging was based on particular criteria but they had to extend this to decide the winner. These included : • accessibility (use of printing fonts and colours) • inviting appearance • articles reflecting what the council had done for residents • Clerk and Councillor contact details • Articles written by those other than the clerk, e.g. residents, community groups. • Use of local businesses in the newsletter production • Recyclable materials used in newsletter production.

The winner this year is Stony Stratford TC for “Town Crier”. The trophy was presented to Cllrs Rosemary O’Sullivan and Adrian Dneš.

JEM asked parish representatives to note here has been a consultation by Central Government on a new draft code: Code of Recommended Practice on Local Authority Publicity ('the Publicity Code') (September – November 10) http://www.communities.gov.uk/documents/localgovernment/pdf/155067.pdf The legislation was due to go live in January 2011. – Action Parish Councils

Cllr Jeanette Green raised that the Parish Conference hadn’t taken place for some years. Caroline Godfrey responded that the last conference was in April 2009 the “Working Together” conference at StadiumMK. In September 2010, parishes were asked if they wished MKC to organise the annual conference in December 2010 and the majority response was that it should be postponed in the current economic climate. PA30 DATE/VENUE FOR NEXT MEETING

The Chair advised the next Forum meetings to be held in the Council Chamber, Civic Offices 10 March 2011 09 June 2011 29 September 2011

PA31 The meeting closed at 21.30.