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S: Issued on the 1st and 15th of each Month — I - ^B|t

i j \ . ' , :, LONDON . l ^W : j SAMPSON LOW, M ARSTOl^, SEARLE & MVINGTO N p ^H l l ( ! : h. CROW ^ BUILDINGS , 188 FLEET STREET , E.C ^I ^Bj il l

Pl^w^w iiiiM^ I Ml II II I IMMlTllTM i l l^^ ll S ^ ill ¦ I ¦! - ——— ¦¦ i i i t i T " ' ' gjQ^—i—^—————— ¦—— ¦^— . , , . . ——i •^m ^mmlmmmmmmm^, ^ . jfj . ¦¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ' • • • " ¦ ¦ • ¦ - . • . . I I ii The Publishers * Cir cular March 15,. 1887 THE DAILY FRE E PRES S. LONDON OFFICE , 62 IitfD j gtATl! HILL , E.C. CONNEOTEDl BY PRIVATE WIBB WITH THX HEAD OFFICE , ABERDEEN. Finns FREE PRESS occupies a leadin g pla ce among the jourrial»t >fScotland , ani is one of the best Daily Morning News- X papers. Its business connections , as regards both circulati on1 and advert ising, far exceeds in extent and importance that of any other newspaper published in th/B North , and is equalled In by only two journals published and chiefly circulat ing in the South and West respectively. THE FREE PRESS has the Unive rsity City of Aberdeen as & centre and the northern half of Scotland for its field prop er. Special atte ntion is devoted to Art , literature , Music , and the Drama. Its Publishers ' Column is taken advantage of by the leadin g publishers , and for New Works and Business Announcements of all kinds the FREE PRS8S has no rival as an advertisin g medium in the wide and important field in which it circulates. the: j svEjrciiv ca- o-^zette: Has a wide and ra pidly-increasin g circulation . It is a high-class paper for family reading, containin g a complete synopsis of the news of the day and a literar y department giving the cream of Current Literature . It is an excellent advertisi ng medium. Four Editions are published Daily, and Special E litions as required. Bank and Post Office Orders payable to Alex. Mark , the Publisher , Daily Free Press and Evening Gazette Offices , Aberdeen . ST. STEPHEN'S REVIEW OF FACTS AND FANCIES , THOUGHTS , REALITIES AND SHAM& Published on Thurs day every week. With a larea Full-page Presentation Chromo-lithograph CARTOON for framin g. in of This Journal , while dealing wi^h Social Topics a spirit The St. Stephen 's Revtrw has the largest circulation of good taste , never fails to instruct. It pre sents each week a any weekly Conservative Ill ustrated Paper in the United show of Facts and Realities, and throws upon them a light as Kingdom , India or the Colonies. brilliant as it is ori ginal. It is essentiall y a Review written The St. Stephen's Review, by its special features and for Men and Women of the World. Its varied qualiti es of position in the Social and Political World , is able to afford Gaiet y, Humour , and Satire will afford entertainment to ail the most reliable information. carin g for amusement apart from informati on. It will, in Th q Stpp huw 's Rbsvttcw forms a. valuable and amnsine-amusm fact, be a mirror both of National Opinion and English Society. m?^S"ftS^? w5 iSrt ^nSSSfo ?Z!tSE£ & The most celebrated Artists are on the staff of St. Stephen 's magazine for refere nce^ and occasional readin g. Review, while those contributin g pictorial work include Tom T**e St « Stephen 's Review is subscribed for by th e leadin g Merr y, Harr y Forniss , Geor ge Crt j ikshank , #c. &c. families in the kingdom , and has an extensive circulation The Dufee of Beaufort , the Earl of Lytton , Lord Ross- among all classes of society. - moke. Sir Richard Cross , Lady Florence Dixie, Col. G- . B. The St. Stephen's Review Cartoon s are of themselves MaI jLEson , C.S.I., the Hon. H. S. Nouthcote , M.P., Hon. alone worth the cost of the paper , inde pendently of their M. G. Finch-Hatton , M.P., and many others contribute to value in every household as a vade mecum of the current the St. Stephen 's Review. event s of the tim es. Price SIXPENCE. Sold by all Newsagents, and at the Railway Bookstalls. PUBLISHING OFFICES -21 JOHN STREET , ADELPH I , LO N DON , W.C. NORTH WALES PAPER COMPANY, LIMITED, OA KENHOL T, FL IN T. MILL 3STO. 23. MAKERS OF , Fine Pr intings and Yellows. Telegraphic JLddres s : < OJLKElTirOLT, FJLIJS ^T.9 THE EUROPEAN MAIL. ESTABLISHED 1843. (SE VEN DISTI ETCT PAJPEK.S UNDER THIS TITLE .) PUBLISHEDX 3ST EHr O- XilSEC, PBEWOH, J&. 3ST 3D 3PAUISH. READ EN ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD, AND THE BEST I*«:E I>rTJ M: FOR ^D^VnE R/TTSEItS - All informat ion in respect of Tariff tor Advertis ements and other matters to be obtained on application to th« MANAGER , 161 QUEEN VICTORIA 3TRBET , LONDON , B.C. Postal Orders and Cheques to be made payabl e to JR. ACOTTi and crossed MARTIN <& CO. THE COLONIES AND INDIA. ESTABLISHED OVER A QUARTER OF A CENTURY. READ BY ALL INTERESTED IN THE COLONIES AND INDIA , Thb Ooloniks and India is read by the bulk of the' Merchants and otherB doing bus iness abroad. I Publialie d Weekl y ; Sub scri ption for 52 Issues a Year , postage paid , IOb. 04. I Postal Orders and Cheques to be made payable to B,. SCOTT , Offices , lei Queen Victoria Street. ¦ ¦ ¦ & ' . . ¦ . -. a ¦ ¦ * ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ¦' ¦ ¦ ' " ¦* " "' ' " ' ¦ " v¦ ' 'V-' * j ^ "V^ i • «•< ,; *r V ^' C^ ' : " nf -'i ' '*|j l^ 1 ' " ¦ ' "' ' ' Xft) ii t*?Q TTVwt Tri.J /-*• TF « ¦ J*' » Tk. • ¦aHL f ^r J TransmissionRegistered Abroad. for ^ I Nr. . JlQP

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[ Issued on the 1st and 13th, of each Month~\

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xisr iDsszs to -a.zd"\tds :r ,tis:e: :r ,s Army and Navy Gazette iv Hall & Co .* .. 299 Penny Librar y of Fiction iv i A'very & Co. (Aberdeen ) 315 Hamilton , Adams & Co 299 Rock Brothers 313 Bagster & Son 3Q4 Harper 's Youn g People iii Boper & Drowley 299 Ballantyn e Pre ss 315 Hey wood & Son (Manchester) 314 St. Stephen's Review ii Boot & Son 3,15 Eteywood (J.). Manchester 2i) 7 Scottish News iii Brien & Co. ....'. 314 Hodgso n ( Messrs.) 308 Silverlock (H.) 316 Brown (W.)v Salisbury 3W Hossfeld 303 Simpkii^, Marshall & Co. 299 Cassell & Co 310 Hutt (C.) 323 Spaldin g & Hodge 309 Cercle de la Librairie , Paris 316 Kenny & Co 315 Spon (B. & F. N.) 305 Clay (O. J.) & Sons 307 Kitcat (G. & J.) 316 Spottiswoode & Co 3X5 _ Clowes & Sons, Limi ted 303 Krbnheim & Co 314 Stoneham (W. G.) & Co., Limited.. 308 Colonies and India ii Lovell (Walter) , Cambridge 316 Tanner (R. T.) & Co 310 Culter Mills Paper Company 310 Low (S.) & Co 304, 306-308, 324 Trotter & Son 312 Daily Fr ee Press ii Macmiilan & Co 300 T rUbner & Co 307 Dickinson & Co 311 Marlborou gh & Co 314 Typographic Etchin g Compan y.... 317 Eason

NOW MJEAJD Y. Royal 8vo. sewed, pri ce 5s.

THE ENGLISH ForCATALOGU 1886. E OF BOOKS Containi ng a complete List of all the Books published in Great Britain and Irela nd in the year 1886, with their sizes, prices , and pub lishers ' names. Also of the princi pal Books publis hed in the United 1 .. . States of America , with the addition of AN INDEX TO SUBJECTS. 1 JL continuation of the London and . Britis h. Catalo gues. I

Londo n: SAMPSON LOW , M4^^^ W ^^^E» & RIVINGTON , 188 Fleet Stte et, E.G. I

jtf^" t & ^ v^^ ^^ ^^^ ^4 f 1 v vt^*' ^^'^^^ir ^&^^^^^^K^^t* V 1

¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ • ; . ,„¦ ¦ ' ¦ -¦¦! ¦ ¦ >¦ ¦ ¦ ¦' ¦¦¦ ' 7-- ' ¦ ' . " ¦¦!¦ ;/ ;. ' ¦/>¦ ¦ ./ .. ,:, ¦ ¦.. , . .;. ¦ ' .¦ ¦ '¦!¦ '¦ ¦' ¦ ¦> ¦ ' . ¦.-I '-/- - ' ' ;i ¦ '^^ ¦ i ^^ ' ^ii ^^ . -' ' *^ . • » .vmW.-Vv " „,..•. , - . .,, , • , ,., ,,... .:. .. .. ,, .,. ;.,. , ' , . , . :.. ,<' :> • .;« \ . :. .. .< ' , - », .,„ . ' 'V ^ VT ^ ? ^ ? ; .V- . :< . .': -V , , , r?* .. . . ' „ , a • . , . ^l ^ .r l ' , : h-:t- '• '¦ -^uy: ifeiCr v^iV/fo^Ai wzw^wiw^wmimm^

,, ¦ aailiailt ?!Pf ! ?f ^^ . • ¦ * ¦¦¦ • ¦ iMi|M !**9* a Mia : «««i ^^ «««i« *^ wB»» ^ »—» ^ b^ m . f . • * ! . • J ^-:. " r MW ^^ -waw¦ I ^ ^ ^^ ^ ^ i ^ ^ ' ' ¦' * I ^ ^ ' ^ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ • - ^mrrr ^m ^, • ¦• UTBRABY INTELL IGENCE .? ki78—292 INDEX TO BOOE ^S PUBLISHED IN GREAT LIFE OP BISHOP FRASEB 280, 281 BBITA IN BETWEEN MARCH 1 AND 15 .. 292, 293 THE ATTITU DE OP THE « SOCIETY OP BOOKS PUBLISHED IN GREAT BRITAIN AUTHO RS' 281—285 FROM MARCH 1 TO 15 • 293—295 NOTES AND NEWS 285, 286 AMERICAN NEW BOOKS ii;...... 206 CONTINENTAL NOTES .' 286, 237 NEW BOOKS AND BOOKS LATELY PUB- SALE JOTT INGS 287, 288 TjISHED 297—307, 324 THE ALABAMA 288 MISCELLANEOUS 307—317 LAW BOOKSELL ING ..( 288 BUSINESS CARDS ; 314—316 BOOKSELLERS' PROVID ENT INSTITUTION 289 ASSISTANT WANTED 317 OBITUARY 28? , 290 WANT SITUATIONS * 317 TRADE CHANG ES 290 BOOKS FOR SALE ... 317, 318 REVIEWS , &c 290—292 I BOOKS WANTED TO PURCHASE .,. 318—323

188 Fleet Stbeet : March 15, 1887. Counsel9s opinion.—Yes. A I/THOUGH tlj e fact has not been gener ally (3) Whether a copy of the new edition of '•-£*- published , we may state that the Copy- 'Y' by a late Eng lish author , the imperial ri ght Association has for some tim e past been copyri ght in the orig inal book which was dul y- investi gating certain questions with regard to deposited having expired , and the new edition the compulsory deposit of books at the British being merel y a reprint without additions and Museum. The questions do not refer to the alterations of the dri ginal book , or of an edition acknowled ged privileges of the Briti sh Mu seum thereof alread y deposited , must be delivered in so far as native works are concerned . These to the British Museum under the sard Act of requisit ions upon autho rs and publishers in 5 & 6 Vic. cap . 45, sec. 6. the present state of affairs are incontestable. Counsel *s opinion.^No, there being no al- terations or additions . Of late years , however , there ha s^ been a large and increasing importation of Amer ican (4) Whether a copy of a reprint publish ed books of the higher or der in th e different in the United Kingdom of a book ori ginall y- branches of learning. For th e convenience of possessing imperial copyri ght under the Inter - the public the custom has been for English national Copyri ght Acts and Conv ent ions, but publishers to place their imprint upon the in which such copyri ght has expired , must be title-pages of such books. Being in most delivered to the British Museum under the cases expensiv e, there is generall y a limited said Act of 5 & 6 Vic. cap . 42, sec. 6. sale. Counsel's opinion.—No, if the book was It was tho ught advisabl e to try this question , ori ginall y delivered to the British Museum as well as some oth ers , by test cases. Instea d and the reprint contains no alterations or of , or before , taking this course , however , the additions. Yes, if the reprint contains altera - opinion of counsel was sought. We regre t tions or additions. that th is opinion has , in the meantim e, been We must -add th at the construction of the declared in favour of the claims of the Britis h important sec. 6 of the 5th and 6th Vic. cap. Museum in so far as the delivery of American 45, is not particularly clear ; therefore , it might books is concerned. We print the questions be advisable that a test case should be broug ht put to counsel and the opinions th ereon : before the court in relation to importe d books. (1) Whether a copy imported fro m New It must be remembered that the Briti sh Museum York of the book * X ' first published there by does not stand upon the same footing as the other New Yor k publishers , such copy being one privi leged libraries. Under the law the Museum of a certain number importe d by a London is entitled to a copy of the best edit ion of every firm of publ ishers for sale in the Unit ed book published in the United Kin gdom , de- King dom , and bearing their imprint on the livered at the Bri tish Mus eum . The oth er title ' page , must be delivered at the Bri tish libraries , onl y on dqmand , are entitled to books Museum under 5 & 6 Vic. cap . 45, sec. 6. printed upon the paper of which the largest Counsel*s opinion. —Yes. number of copies of such books or editions shall (2) Whether a copy of a reprint published in be printed for sale. As an interval of twelve the United King dom of a forei gn book , i.e. months is allowed after pu blication , cheap of a book first published abroad—not pos-^ editions may therefore be sent to these sessing copyright in Engla nd under the In- libra ries. ¦i ¦ ternational Copyri ght Acts must be delivered »O> to the British Museum under the said Act of Perhaps too much has alread y been said , 5 &»6 Vic, cap. 45, sec. 6. regardin g the conferences of authors which " Mafch^x ^0 Pifeli§fe%g^^4ul^r ' " . . J$?r: ^^^^^^ Ilil^M^WMiUiiJiSaviMMilMMNMMMaMWMWMIlVPVs^ ^MVWMKVVHW ^ ^ • ' ^^ ¦¦ ¦ ^ ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦ mH ' MHpH ^ MP a ^^^^ aiMWaH ^ Ba ^^^ i^ an ^ B ^^ BMHMMaBMiMHMMMMMHHMMa ^^ HMMi ^ hav4&fctfn pla ^^ ^ lasi jmtoression as to th e success of their books*. * of Mr. B^ant' ^ striding iikd Hot ! ; bitter ^ Mr. (Jrosse also spoke too strongly against complain ed, little notice would have been jlacty writers , ; but , was vigor ously answer ed by ta ken of this revival of a very old subj ect ; ar JMJ rs. Fen wick Miller , wlio, in a bri ght } pithy, a matter Of4 fact , ; had Mr. . Besant and others and ' sensible address —the best that wa& de- been mo^ re accurate in* their statements , tlie livere d during the meeting—up held the * credit present .agitation would never have xiiffled the of the-sex. surface of public opinion . But it was impos- These conferen ces will assuredl y lead to a sible that publishers could remain silent under large accession of members to the Society, for th e accus ations that have bejen hurled by the in Article 5 of the prog ramme is the promi se Society of Authors against the publishing trade ' We shall , when our numbers increa se sufficientl y, in general. Therefore some of the* leading but not till then, advise on MSS . for our representatives of the trade have added interest member s.' On this accoun t alone publishers to the discussion by disclosing their views genera lly should wish the Society * God speed. ' upon their business relations with authors in There is no department of literar y life in which general . It is much to be regretted that some some division of labour is more necessary or of the successful authors who are on the best even imper ative. In the meantime we, hope terms with their publishers , an d who have the Incorporat ed Society of Autho rs will nothing to complain of, should refra in from manifest the same activity in other matters that speak ing. it has shown in bring ing to light the manifo ld At the outset there must be some difficulty iniquities of the * wicked publisher 9 ; but it is in dealing with a body such as the Incorpora ted sadl y significant to see at th e end of the Society of Aut hors , for it is difficult to imagine pro gramme , or repor t, now feeing circulated , what are its practical objects and aims . When . the following abrupt intimation : * Ther e is firs t we heard of its existence , we were of next a branch of work which was not ori ginall y opinion that it was a fresh addition to the contemplated, except vaguel y: the encour age- learned societies of the age, formed to establish ment of literatur e by stimulating and developing 9 a new "Legion of Honour , with a knighthood the taste f ar buying books I Two lines are and peerage of intellect. "Vast volumes of given to this all-important announ cement : 1 Transac tions ' seemed to loom in the distance. the italics are ours : the sentence speak s for One cannot accept the paradox that , authorshi p itself. is a trade or a profession . The true author is a stimulator , if not a creator , of trades and pr ofessions. He rare ly appears . To blam e Royal Literar y the writers of our day for looking after their The Fund. —On the 9th curren t th e annua l general ofmeeting of this _ own interests would be unfair ; and under fund was held in tl^e rooms the "Vict ori a certain cond itions it is right that they should Institute , Adelphi Terrace. In the abse nce band themselves together for mutual protec tion of the Pres ident , Lord Derb y, Mr. Geor ge in trading affairs . The argument has been Godwin , treasurer , occupied the chair . From advanced that successful auth ors are made to the au ditors ' an d treasurer 's report it appeared thei r less fortunat e that the balance-sheet for the last year showed pay for the failures of that the total recei pts had been £2,871, while brethren. Thi s is to some extent true ; just the expenditure had been £2,251. A sum of in the same way as the unsuccessful membe rs £1,665 had been dispensed in 41 grants—26 of the Society of Authors will, by the ir guineas , to male authors , 13 to female aut hors , and & better the literary position and pros pects of to widows. In the year 1885 a sum of £2,265 the successf ul members. was dispensed in 51 gratits. The election of officers for the ensuing ' year was then pr o- We listened with interest to Mr. Gosse's ceeded with , the changes whicfi the ballotings address delivered at the second conference of effected being that Lord Arthur Russell became authors , and must confess to a feeling of a vice-president in the place of the late Earl disappointment that the lear ned lecturer did of Iddesl eigh, while Messrs . Walter Besant not disp lay that practicalness which would and Charles J. Leaf succeeded Messrs . J. A. Froude and Russell Sturg is on the general have suited the audience better than literary committee. The chairman said that the sum anecdotes. Mr. Gosse's remark to the effect which the society had given away during the that publishers did not recomp ense authors past year was less in amount than usual , but for unexpected successes was unfair .' Should it should be well understood tha t this occurred any work prov e more remunera tive than was throug h no niggardliness on the part of the antici it is a very common committee , but from the absence of real ly ori ginall y pated , good cases for relief—an absen ce which could custom for pub lishers to offer an additional not s but be regarded with satisfaction. The honorarium. ; Laudatory criti cisms by the committee were never better disposed than at press , however , often give autho rs too hopeful tEe present time to give large and substantial I ' - • • ' "¦ ¦ • • • I- „ I . i i 11 ¦ ; . ; . i i ¦ i.. .. i i. I HK'£22£2^^ £^££j ^}2££32!XZZZZaZiiZIa!ZZI!aI^ I ¦ ¦ " " ilj • _ ..... „ _ ' . ... - .. .. ;..- ... .,:; ^. . - y/l' 1 " * :- ^ 280 Tile Fiiblisli^s Circular MSfeh is,; mr \ sums in deserving cases. Another fact which It is just such a book , in fact , as the Bishop I ought not to be lost sight of in connection himself would have approved of—plain , honest , with the fund was the uiiiforc n secrecy which without tinsel or art display of any kind . attended all its benevolen t transactions. The work opens with an accoun t of Ja mes ISTothing was ever publ icly kno wn of the Fraser 's earlier years, his life at 'home, family awards which the Literary Fund made , and relations , and experience at Brid genorth it was , this non-public ity of their proceedings School , where he studied uQder Dr . Rowley. ! which rendered the acti on of the man y eminent From thence he went to Shrewsbury , at that men servi ng , on the committee all the more time under the head-mastershi p of Dr. But ler , disinterested. who was succeeded oil his appointment to the Bishopric of Iiichfield by Dr. Kenned y. Wh ile Prince Alexander 's Memoirs. —An Eng- at Shrewsbury, Fraser was elected to a scholar - lish edition of the work relati ng to Prince ship at Lincoln College, Oxford , where he took Alexander 's reign in Bulgaria , recen tly pub- up residence in 1837. His career at the ; lished at Darm stadt , will shortly appear. The University was highly creditable , but extremel y book is professedl y by his chap lain , Dr. Koch , uneventful . ' His most intimate friend and i but will contain authentic details of the old schoolfellow , Sale, by this time a demy of I circumstances attending Prince Alexander 's Mag dalen , who was with him almost dail y, deposition and J ris own explanation of his can recall nothing but their regular walks, in much. -criticised telegram to the Czar . Messrs. : , the way of exer cise and diversion. ' Before Whittaker & Co ' are the authorised English taking his degree , he seems to have practi sed publishers. a system of the most rigid economy, to have An Emerson Letter. —An unpublished applied himself steadil y to work , and to hav e letter by Emerson has ' \>een broug ht to light perm itted himself none of the pleasures , inno- in Boston . It was addressed to a cousin . The cent enoug h, which the other students enj oyed. subject is Gibbon : The result of this stern self-discipline was I am glad to hear that you have so pleasing and evidenced in the perfect self-control of after animated a tas k as a theory of Gibbon 's genius . I life. After a distinguished career , in point of j think a young man cannot read his autobiograp hy scholarl y distinction , he was electe d Fellow of j without being provoked to rise a little earlier , read Oriel , a college at that time characterised by ! a little longer , and dine a little shor ter . He knew the unsympathetic nature of its governing | that every real good must be bought. ... A body and the athleti c prowess of its students , j worse fault is the dirt he has defiled his notes with , Of the life of which he now became a part Mr. a cheap and base wit , an d nowise better than that Hug hes gives an excellent descri ption , and of which scrawls walls and fences with its effusions , the up-hill strugg le that lay before him. betray ing thro ugh his Greek and Latin a coarse and Eventuall y he succeeded , mut ilated soul, dead to the meaning of nature , and , and as Tut or of the in the midst of what is called culture , destitut e of College became exceeding ly popular with the the highest culture. But you must give this evil men so soon as they understood his real man his due , and make it felt what condemnation nature. Thro ughout these earl y years two his noble work and perseverance cast upon scholar s features stand out promin entl y—his devotion who hare libraries iii which they never read ; upon to his mother , and the strong links of affection scholars who chide Gibbon but are unable even to that bound him to the home circle. name his dignified studies , his ori ginal authorities , Passing on now to his determi nation to his great plan , an d great execution of it. Our tak e holy orders , and subsequent appointment young men read reviews and newspap ers , and to the living of Cholderton , we come to what smoke and sleep. It seems to me that erud ition is forms the brightest and most sympathetic not the tendency of the best minds of our time, as portion of the work . It would be idle to deny it was of Gibbon 's and of the following age. We that the happ iest days of James Fraser 's life incline to cast off authori ty, and , of course , we were passed in the country, either at the think , instead of reading. Bat it at least behoves those -wh o magnif y aut hori ty in this age to read and village we have mentioned or in the parsonage fcnOw what authority teaches. The examp le of this of Ufton Nervet to which he was afterwards literar y iconoclast Oug ht not to be lost on them . presented. How happy he was—how the sur- roundings suited him and he the surroundings —is amp ly testified to in his letters ; and the record—thou gh it be but made up of the dis- pute at Cholderton Church , th e obstinacy of BISHOP FBASER.* the squire , Mr. Paxton , who mad e it a sine Few men have won for themsel ves, by the qud non that he should have a pew with a strai ghtforward honesty of their acti ons and door to it, in such a positi on tha t no one could the courage of their opinions , a higher rega rd 4 breath e on his back ,' the account of old than the subj ect of this memoir. Mr. Hughes Meacher and the horses , with innumerabl e has been careful throug hout to confine himself parochial matters—is extr emely fascinating. to a pure unvarnished statement of the facts , While at Cholderton he was appointed a interwoven with extracts from the Bishop's Commissioner to inquire into and report on letters and public utterance s, and the result is the elementary and other schools in the Unit ed a most interesting volume that reveals the maii States , and during his stay we have many as he really was, without heightening effect highly interesting letters from his pen. The gaine d from fine writing or laudatory critic ism. marked ability he' displayed in this work first brought him into public notice , and from this * James Fr asert Second Bishop of Manchester : e, Memoir , time he was evidentl y destined for a dis- I bj Thomas Hu ghes, Q.O. London : MacmiJLlan & Oo. 1887, tinguished career. ¦ ¦ • — ¦ • • -- ¦ ¦,, ¦ ¦ •, — 1 >- ., ,¦ . ^T Ma rch 15, 18F 7 The Publishers ' Cir culax 28i

Mr. Hughes has wisely divided his work using hard words. They were , therefo re, enabled %o I into two parts , of which th« latter deals with lay down two clear and well -estab lished tules> I the subj ect of his memoir after he had been founded on common justice and honesty . Firs t, I offered and accepted the Bishopric of Man- that , without pre vious agreement with the author , I chester. No line of demarcation could be there should be no charge oh the cost of productioni , plainer , for from this time James Fraser 's life Next , that all accounts should be open to inspect ion, was entirel y altered. Translated from his receipts exhibited , number of books counted , in the rural _ manner common in all other kinds of business. quiet retreat . at Ufton Nervet to the Every bod y, at first , was taken with the idea of the I public position at Manchester , where he suc- roya lty system ; but he would give a single illustra- ; ceeded a prela te, who, if not .exactl y unpopular , tion. It was tha t of one of the volumes which was a man of a very different mould , he now are sold for six shillings apiece. He mean t such a entered upon an existence where all his actions volume as conta ined abou t the amoun t of^ mat - were closely and not always very charitabl y ter of a single volume novel. This book cost to crit icised , and where his every utterance was produce , bind ing and all, about eighteenpence , widely spread throu gh the press. For a time per haps less. The publisher got 4$. a copy. If he despaired of succeeding, and how heart ily he gave h*s aut hor a tenth roy alty , about 7\d. a he wished himself back at peaceful Ufton copy, he had for himself about 2s. profit on every Nervet we have in his own words to a friend . copy. If he gave his author 20 per cent., which 4 Oh , Sal e,' he writes , * I would give half I was fabulous generosity, he paid Is. 6d. for the possess to be back again in my quiet country pro duction , Is. 2d. to his. auth or , and kept Is. 4d. parsonage ! I can 't for himself. Suppose that 10,000 cop ies were sold, think how I let my friends the publisher , on t he 10 per cent, royal ty, made persuade me that I was fit to be a bishop/ a profit of £1,000 to the aut hor 's ^312 ; an d on the But eventual ly he bravel y overcame his diffi- 20 per cent, plan the publish er made a profit of culties , the nobilit y and courag e of his charac- £656, and the author 6041. It would almost seem ter gained him friends wherever he went , and as if they were better off under the old-fashioned no bishop, we may safely assert , was ever more half-pr ofits system . Lastly, there was the method loved in his diocese or more respected by men. of pub lication on commission , by which the pub- of all creed s. lisher pro fessed simply to charge 15 per cent , on Unfortuna tely we have not space to enlarge all sales. As, however , it was too often the case more fully on his work or broad-minded that he made use of the secrecy and immunity of thoroughl y Christian char acter. To us such^ his accounts to add a handsom e profit on the cost of a task would be trul y a labour of love. pro duction ^the .same objections might be made to The latter years of his life were embittered this method as to that of the half-pro fit system. by the unfortun ate disputes at Miles Platting Althoug h we think that the contro vers y and St. Joh n's, Cheetham Hill. Naturall y, which has followed Mr.T3esant 's curious rema rks Mr. Hu ghes gives considerable prominence has greatl y exagge rated the importance of this to these matt ers , and we see, in both subject , seeing that the * Society of Authors ' inst ances , how reluctant the Bishop was to is mainl y composed of those who are com- take action , and that he only did so when the parativel y, if not entirel y, unknown in the obstin acy of his opponent s forced him with worl d of letters , we take the oppor tunity of his back against the wall. How painful the placing before our rpaders some press opinions' work was to him we can well understan d, upon the question , and also the cor respondence and perhaps we should not be far wrong of publishers in rep ly to the charges made if we said that it produced an impression against the trade. These are not adv anced as from which he never entirel y recovered. an apology or a vindica tion , but merely as a Shortl y after this the end came , and so died a contribut ion to the annals of the trade. man whose innate goodness and happy disposi- tion endeared him to all his people, rich and The Observer remarks : poor , and whose loss will be lamented for The authors of books in which there is no risk years. The highest compliment we can pay —albeit this is an uncertai n postulate—can get any Mr. Hughes is to say that the biograp her is terms they please , and if they become their own worth y of his subject. 1 pub l i shers absorb every sixpence of the profit. Ten pub lishers lay hold of an aut hor of this sort ; but we take leave to question whether very many of these elect of letters are to be found in the incor- por ated society of which Mr. Besant is the founder the a ttitude of the ' society and one of the most distin guished members. On t he other hand , the unknown aut hor , or the notor i- of authors: ously in different one , in whose books there is a decide d risk , must take what he is offered. If he At the first of the series of conferences value higher , he can go elsewhere . held on March , 2, under the ausp ices of the appraises his 4 The world is wide , an d the publishers , as keen, mer- Incor porated Society of Authors ,' Mr. Walter chants , are always rea iy to bi d for a good thing, if Besant remarked that : perc hance th ey believe a pr ofi t is to be made out of The system of half profits had fallen into dis- it. They issu e books—t he sentim ental cultivat ors favou r owing to a cu stom , which had gradual ly of unsa leable litera ture cannot be too often or too Bprung up, of mt king a aecret profi t on the cost of rudel y remin ded—not for glory , or for the good pro duction. Thus , in addition to the legitimat e of man kind , and , above all , not for the sake of half profit s, the cost of production ir ^ all its branches fanning t he spark s of genius which Mr. Morley —print ing, paper , bin ding, and advertising- r-had so recen tly told ns might sprin g from University bean set down as greater than that actuall y incurred. extens ion instruc tion , but simply to sell. And I It was difficult "to speak of this practice without if these experienced men of business ate con-' -j ' ¦ ¦ ¦ - ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦¦¦¦¦ ... . - ,¦; r< ...... «¦ _... . ¦ ¦ .. . ¦ ¦ • .. - - - , -f .. -. , , ¦ ; «- ^V .fg -sSyff -i^ y.: .. BfcJ ,

Tiie Publishers ' Cir cular March *& 1887 ¦ : ¦ ¦ • ¦ fc^M^^^«^^ ;^yw,. ^^ *"™^^ *^ ^ mn ~i—— p-:— 1- 1 in iir I- ¦.t 1 1 1 _ . mi ' * 1 ^^^^^M^M M^^^^ M^^M;^^ ^ M^—^^^^m^^m^m^m^^^m^m^m^^—^—^m^m^—^m^—^m^^m^^p^,^^^^^^^ vinced that , the public will not buy a novel, He has only to be a little hard , a little exact, a or- an essay, or an epic, or a book of travel , little like any othe r dealer in any other goods, and Msevius may rail and Bsevius may wail in the he may, within the limits of possibility; get his own councij. chamber of the Society of Authors with- terms. Whether he could exact two thousand I 'out . Paternost er Row or Piccadilly being moved pounds in bank-note s for a promise to writ e a good from thej r resolve not to risk any money in the novel—as a novelist who knows the trade " recen tly ' 'ventu re. Inde ed, the chances are quite the other made his heroine do—we cannot tell ; but we eoidd way. ' Anyone who has had much to do with youth- imagine a favouri te of the public s-say, just ho-w, ful authors is well aware that th ey are not always Mr. Rider Haggard —making even thos e ter ms. the most modest or fthe most practicab le of men. At all events , the successfu l author can put himself Th ey place an inordinate value on themselves and up to auction among competing capitalists ; and if thei r works , and , as often as not , entire ly over- money is a man 's object , we cannot conceive a estimate the rate at which the worl d wij.1 appraise happ ier position. It is the unsuccessful aut hor , the them. Nor are experienced men of letters very half-successful auth or , . and the unk now n author , much better jud ges of public apprec iation. Pub- who want hel p, and we do not see the hel p tha t lishe rs, no doubt , make many mistak es, as is show n Mr. Besant gives him. He is to make the publisher by divers notorious instances of books , from * Robin- absta in fro m ' secret arrangements / and explain son Crusoe ' to ' Van ity Fair / which subsequentl y fully all his accounts . Well , we doubt , with all proved mines of wealth , going round the trade de ference to Mr. Besant , the justice of that plan , before anyone could be got to accept then w -But which , among other things , is to deprive the pub - the critics, who are supposed to be pro fessional lisher of muc h of th e advantage of his skill, connec- jud ges of literary meri t, seldom agree on the value tion , and experience . Suppose he "knows how to of any volume , an d not unfrequentl y differ widely buy paper to advantage , how to get printing and as to its worth. In reality, literature is a poor binding done cheaply, and how to advertise better speculation . It is quite impossibl e for anyone to than his neighbours ; is he to get nothing for his say . when a book is to be or is not to be a success, superi ority ? He ought to get it fairl y, no doubt , , and it is notorious that for one work which yields a which , it is assume d, under the system of hal f pro fit half a dozen do not pay the printer. Mr. profits , he does not do ; but still, he ought to get it, Besant has of course got his public , and can now- and if he pu blishes all his contr acts, he will not get adays , speak from the elevated stand point of perfect it. Even , however , if the scheme is fair , how is the disinterestedness. But among his audience , half author to compel the publisher to accept it ? If he of whom had their own personal wro ngs to ri ght , is successful , he has the whip-hand , for he can and no doub t regard a worl d in which the publisher transfer his custom ; but if he is not , where is his is permitted to live and die in his bed as out of source of influence ? The publisher , if too hard joint, there are a considerable majority who enjoy pressed , will simply refuse his book ; and unless : no such felicity. Like the doctor or lawyer who has some other publisher is tempted by it, there is an . his reputation to make , the}* must take what they end of the matter. can get, and be thankfu l that they get anything at all. PUBLISHERS' REPLIES . The Standa rd asks : ' How many books Messrs . Longmans & Co. and Messrs . 9 Richard Bentley «fc Sons directl y informed the obtain a circu lation of ten thousand ? This fc 9 newspaper then proceeds to say :— officials of the Society of Authors that they were prepared to submit their accounts for Mr. Besant , as one of the most successful inspection. In continuation of this assurance novelists of the day , is probabl y inclined to take the following letters hav e appeare d in the over-sanguine views of the matter. But for one newspapers : work which sells by the thousand , there are twenty which never get beyond a few hundreds at the out- To the Editor of the Times. side. If the publisher were to content himself with Sir ,—In consequence of the announcement in a commission of 15 per cent, on every pu blicati on , the Times of this day , t hat Messrs . Longmans in- the vast majori ty of books would never be published tend in future to allow authors access to their books, at all. This, perhaps , would be no great loss to the accoun ts , genera l nnd vouchers , I beg leave to state that it public ; but tha t is not the view of the has alway s been the custom of my house, and , I Society of Aut hors . They certainl y do not want t o believe, limit the of the other prin cipal publishers , to follow output of litera ry matter. They think this practice , and non e of my authors have ever that any book that has any sort of merit in it should been refused be allowed to access to such documents in cases of come into the market. The publisher doubt. —I am , £> ir , your obedient servant , manages that for them . He has a large cap ital , John Mubra y. which he can place at t he a ut hor 's disposal ; he has influence, connection , long experien ce in his busi- To the Editor of the Times. ness ; he undertakes all the preliminary outlay, Sir ,—If Mr. Murray and Messrs. Longman s which , in nine cases out of ten , t he author would be had not publicl y intimated their willingness to unable or unwilling to do; and in the end , even if submit their accounts to inspect ion we shoul d not the book sells fairl y well , ho may have to wai t a have thought it necessary fco wri te and acknowled ge long time before he covers his expenses and makes such a well-known legal obligation on our par t. any profit at all. In many cases he is entering into We h ave merel y to say that we have always recog- a pure speculation , the loss of which , if it fails , ni sed that the inust law exacts it, and when ever asked we fall upon himself. The fact is, that successful hav e been most willing to offer every explanat ion author s no longer need much protection. They are wble and to exh ibit vouchers for the details of our to take care of themselves ; and there is no accounts. —We are , Sir , your obedient , i eayon to suppo se that they fail to do so. servants i Macmilla n & Co. In the Spectator we find the following :— To the Editor of the Standard ^ I Wha $ does the successful author want with a Sir ,—I have Ijeen very much amused readin g I scheme,? Publi shers are only too glad to get him; this . your rep ort of Mx\ Walter Besant' s paper' on » l ¦ ' -i ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ¦-=d ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦ -• • ¦ • • ¦ • ¦ ¦ : ¦ ¦<¦ ¦ i 1 ¦ ¦ • ' ' ' . ¦*•. ., ¦ , " ¦ -' . 1 ; •'f.-3. TO , . er ^ Ma ibh ^5; i«# Tfae PuBMsli ©iiJCTilar T _ . ._.j ...... _ _ . ___ _.. _. _ _ .__ . V. .._ . . . ^g^' __ _—, ^ r . ? T subje tjt. l i Bi> tlM ^ i&eanwb [il©7 fcfi^oX*nee of rtfact : is ! publisher for just one-third -of .this- present century * * wor th a pdunS of dreams at ld fitftion. ; ^ and ^dur ing \ the whole of that lengthened period i j publisher for yebolieetion i 1 I have bten A ^iRjjr ^^dfefe ^»ftf u : h&w no oft tfver having had *a i seriou s ! more than a quarter rQ& aTcentttfy, ^ttd so far from dispute with any ofr tfce hundreds of authors ' whose ; ! being able to obtaih " fotir shillin gs net for a;six i title -page s bear the - impri nt -bf myi firm j 'rp& i th.e j shiUing boo^i fis M^l^Besant^tat ^s, If cannot safely* ; contrary, I fancy I have dwelt in peace and harmon y j j rely npoh ' Waifs in^ *^ ¦ aftei * with ;theiri . I attribute this not tof aisfyi 's^eieifel .j I pay ing neceissaiy' cii&ljefide^' 1 :^ ! ^ .-:. • . . persp icacity on my part , or. to any wan't &f> business j ! - In thid i ISgfttJ / if W-tak«S oN Pu blisher ; sense- on both sides, and > by written a^eefm^nt ^ plainl y and clearl y stating what both mean and !Tb the Editor of the Stant >abd. '- accept at the time. : , Sir ,—It was a little surprising to find Mr. Walte r I am perfectl y familiar with the f6ur methods ' of publishing described by Mr. Besant , and I am | Besant delivering so appare ntly crus hi ng an attac k prepared to join issqe with him on every one of . upon pub lishers , since an aut hor of his standi ng them. • » and merit is undoubted ly able to.command term s 1. Pur chase of copyri ght ; about ^¦whjeh, being whieh , upon a compariso n of. th e .tj.m e spent upon paid for , no dispute can arise. I woul d only remark any given wor k wit h tjhe profit realised , would no . that the price whi ch my business ij udgtnent would . doubt stagger the majori ty of those who read his in uce e to east lecture in the newspapers. d m give for it would not be in the l , affected by the author taking my offer to be ap- . But Sir, as ' A Publ isher ' shows in your columns praised by • The Society of Authors. * this morn ing, Mr. , Besant , even in taki ng the i 2. - Hal f profits with me means half profits as extreme case of a publication without any ri sk ,' clearl y defined in my agreement ; and I kno w of no, was argu ing fro m inaccura te premisses . Moreover , system (nor do I believe in one) that has graduall y : if, as Mr. Besant holds , only a very small pro por- , profit. But I have alas t ti on of books were produced at the publisher ' sprung up of a secret . s risk , abundant experience of books published on the plan the trade of publisher woul d be practicall y a cer- . . of - sharing profits , which , have not only not yield.ed ta inty- . . . any: profit at all , but hav e landed me in a heavy The real fact is, that a publisher having any- loss. I consider the sharing of profits as thing like an extensive pecuniar y business publishes a large a reasonab le method of publ ishing ; but I should majority of books at nis own sole risk , man y of consider an agreement which shared profits and : them every whit as worth y of a large circulation as losses as a more just one. the few by leading writers which may be relied 3. The royalty system is also a satisfactory one, upon to reach second and third editions. But the the amount of royal ty always being governed by book sellers will not buy them , newspapers seldom circumstances. When Mr. Besant is prepared to or never notice them , and thus the publisher is guarantee me beforehand a sale of ten thousand : saddled with heavy losses which : never touch the copies of a six-shilling novel at four shillings a copy, aut hor , and which must be made up in some , ot h er I am prepared to give him the very best terms he asks direction , or the shutters must go up, and the (three shillings a copy is reall y about the usual net medium thro ugh which, the author finds it con- produce). If he declines to do that , I mus t still be venient to place his wares upon the market dis- guided by my comnion sense and ordinary experi- appears. ence as to the amount of risk I ought to incur , fcny If he can find an efficient substitute , either by in spite of Mr. Besant ' s ros y opini ons of the profits means of combination , co-operat ion , or what not , by of pub lishers , my belief is that there is no business • al l means let him do so, an$ the problematical under the sun more entirel y speculative in antic ipa- * fourpence ' will be calmly surrendered by, Sir , your tion , and more uncertain in result , than a pub- obedient servant , Another Publisher , lisher 's. 4. Publishing on commission is a system which . To the Editor of the Standa rd, . I dislike and discour age. If I have not sufficient Sir,—It would ill become me as a publisher to confi dence in a book to take some risk in it myself, say a single word in disparagement of tj ie very I. alway s advise the aut hor to take none ; but , of praiseworth y objects of * The S6ciety of Author s,' cours e, all authors are wiser than all publishers , as reported and so abl y commented on in your and if my particu lar author is prep are d to back - nls columns of yester day. opinion of his book by pay-ing for it , so be it. ' l ino ' As a publisher —and it may be because I am one longer obj ect , provided , of course , the book is not >' —I have been quite unable to see the wisdom of utter ly foolish , or stupid, or indecent ; In this case drawing a distinct broad line betwixt authors and it is the author 's bus iness to bring his book .to tide " publishers , and saying in effect, * On th is side sits rea dy made , and I sell as man y as I can !for him on < Genius, innocent and , ignorant of the wicked ways commission ; but if, instead of taking the Iab6 ur < of thd world ; on that side sits greed y Commerce , and troub le of getting his book manufactu red c fattenin g on poor Genius 's brai ns I' Therefore I himself, he asks me to do it for him, hd rwould would rather agree with Lord I^ytton , when he says certa inly be an unre asonable morta l if he expected ' J that * in no sense are the two interests anta gonistic ,' me to take this labour and . troubl e on . myself for / than- wUsht Mr . Besan t, when he says that * the rela- nothing, or without any other fee , or reward than s tions between authors aftd publ ishers are very that to be deri ved from commission on the doub tful . unsat isfactory, and have always been Strained. ' sales of his book, i beg to assure Mr. Besant that - Publishers , as a ru le, ar e not , I fancy, par - I must be paid for my labour in man ufacturi ng the • ticu larly clannish ; they know littl e of each other 's book , or in Bine of such cases out pf ten ' I shall r , . » operation s, and are far more easily brought into ¦ cexjtainly get mor e plagu© th an profit ' * strained relations '"* amongst themselves than with * 5. As to the French system quoted by Mr. Besant. -t author s, < . I cannot pretend to speak for - them ; I hereby present my compliments to several —not but , for myself, 1 1 may say ; !that " have been a all !—--df tha authors pr esent at tjhie meeting, and I) ¦ ¦ ^ , . . ¦ ¦ ' i .. ¦ ' 'i [»?>r . —-—---— : *- ...... , , . . .. '- . I li . ' \ . ! d : V ) ' O^r '' ' " f ; Q ;;;; " ^ ¦^ ( ^ ^ ¦-^ f^f ^ S|P» ^ TEe Publishers' <3irciilar i^fe^Kligr ¦/ . ^ - ,.,MMHi ^BHn^^M^^B^^^gg^^^^^ i^^^^^^^^^: l^l^ii^^^^^s " T^l^^^l^^^^^^iMlMMMHaJw : ^H ;. . ,.<; , 'I .r . • ¦: v. TT r . wiUingly offer them Mr. Besant' s French terms , and to an auth or they will enclose vouchers for payments i there are instances in -which I would willingly fore- made by them , to the printer , binder, and paper- go the generou s fee of not more than fifty pounds inaker , it is not easy to un derstand why they should which is proposed to be lent to me (not in hard cash, not also furnish vouc hers for the expenditu re on ; by the way,but as an item standing temporaril y to my • advertise ment s.. The charge for advertisements is the own credit in my own books, to be eventuall y ob- one item in a publisher 's account^ in regard to which I : literated by my profit s). Such term s as these would the author is entir ely dependent on the hone&ty of suit me exactly. I may, say, however , that , in my the publisher . The pub lisher is aware that the cost dealings with such authors as those I have in my of printing a book, the paper on which it is print ed, eye, I have generally (Found that , instead of volun- and of binding it, can easily be i ascerta ined, or very | teering a fifty-pound note as a guarantee to me, nearly ascertained , by inquiry of any printer , binder , [ they have demanded a material and substantial or paper-maker. But it is not so in regard to the gua rantee from me in the shape of a good many amount charge d for advertisements , in resp ect of fifties in hard cash. which no inquiry can be made except of the pub - There are , I am sure , a great many ways in lisher. If Messrs. Longman deem, ft necessary to which this * Society of Authors / strength ened as it furnish authors whose books they publish with , an is by so many illustrious name s, might be very assurance th at they are not defra ud ed, and to incur serviceable to the community of authors. There is some trouble in order to give that assurance in one way in particu lar, which Lord Lytton glanced regard to par ticular items of thefr accounts , it dpes \ at , though , I am scurry to say, rather disparag ingly, not seem clear why' they should not take a litt l'e and that is that the Society should have a vigorous more trouble to make the assurance complete by staff of litera ry advisers ; that would be an admirabl e giving vouchers ia respect of the expendi ture , for I way of helping young and innocent authors along. advert isements ; or , if that be difficult , why in place j Advice would th en, of course ,, be tendered to them of offering ' explanatio ns of the expenditure on ad- | in a pleasant , fatherl y and motherl y way, instead of vertisements ,' they should not furnish a complete ! in the ru de and rough fashion which hardened list of adverti sements with the exact cost of each | publi shers liave of treating them. advertisement . j I mysel f would undertake to send ' The Society' If Messrs . Longman or any other firm of pub- ( some hundreds of MSS. per annum , and I would (if lishers think it worth while to endeavour to remove I a poor publisher might) subscribe liberall y to ' The from the minds of authors a susp icion, which is j Society of Auth ors/ the only return I -would ask said to exist, that publishers make dishonest gains, I being th at the Society should re tu rn to me such of or , to speak plainl y, render fraudulent accounts to j the manus cri pts as thei r censors appro ved 'of, leav ing aut hors , there is an easier and far less troubleso me me to deal—of cours e throug h them—wi th the manner of doing so than by furnishing vouchers. author. Old as I am , I think I may then reason- Let them render their accounts in such a form and ! abl y hop e to see the beginning of that authors ' mil- give such parti culars of all payments made by them , ( lennium wh ich Mr. Besant so beautifull y dreams of. including the expenditure for advertisements , as will ! I should , of course , head all my advertisements render them liable * in person for the legal con- | and my title-pages thus : * This book has been read , sequences of direct fraud —a form of rendering \ approved of, and is urgentl y recommended by the accou nts familiar to commercial men, and which •, Society of Authors ' ; and wh er e, I should like to could be adopted without difficulty. All authors 1 know, is the public that could resist such a recom- must needs be satisfied with accounts rendered in i mendation as t hat ? Now, I think that would be that manner ; and to judge from some recent ex- '; real ly something pra cti cal for both authors and press ions of opinion , the mere fact that they might \ publishers . The only other practical suggestion have a chance of imprisoning these publishers would ; that I could discover in the probabl y too brief to some of the m be a vision of delight.—We are , newspaper re ports of the procee di ngs is that the Sir , your faithful servants , \ chief dut y henceforth of the Society of Authors is Smith , Ei/deb & Co. ) ! to examine publishers ' accounts and pry into their 15 Waterloo Place , March 11. ,i ledgers—-a very laudable , wort hy, and pra iseworth y ' ! occupat ion, of course. —I am , Sir , your obedien t " J servant , E. M Alston. To the Editor of the Daily Nbws. 198 Fleet Street , London , March 4. Sir,— Mr. Besant , in his paper befor e the In- corporated Society of Authors , has fallen inta the mistake which less informed persons than , he | To the Editor of the Times. frequentl y make—viz., in taking certa in conditions ' Sir,—In a leadi ng articl e of yester day you say connected with the publication of books as applying that Messrs. Longman have written to Mr. Besant to all instances that come under the same head , j that in future they will give vouchers for the items As a matter of fact, there are so many modification s ; in their accounts with au th ors—that is to sa.y, they of custom s and terms between author and publish er will show the auth or the recei pts of the printer , that it would take more than the spac e occupied by binder , and paper -ma ker , and ' will even offer Mr. Besant' s paper to state them. These modifica - explanation s of the expenditure on adverti se- tions come into play accordin g to the supposed > ments .' value of the work offere d to the publisher, and on If Messrs . Longman merel y intend to promise the term s mutuall y agreed upon by the . author and that in future vouchers will be produced by them publisher. All these variations are capabl e of being, when requi red by an aut hor , there seems to be clearl y stated in writ ten agreements , and it is the something of superfluit y in this assurance. They fault of the contracti ng parties if disagree ments aris e are only offering to do what no publisher would ^ through the term s not being clearl y stated ; indeed, j refuse to do, and what he might easily be compelled ' differences can only aris e throug h the common preca u- , to do, not onl y in respect of payments made to the tion of a written agr eement being disreg arded , or by , \ printer , binder , and paper-maker , but also of all an attempt on either side to depar t from» vit when • . other payme nts , incl uding the expenditure for ad- made . Some of Mr. Besant 's calcul ations are yery j vertisements . misleading, and some are quite ' incorrec t, nota bly If ,- however , Messrs . Longman intend to promise where he says 1*. %d. is the highest royalty an JL tha t in fu ture with every account Tendered by them author can obtain on a book published at 6s» , Much f ^^^ g ^^^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^l i^rch yi5 The Publishers Circular .^tevi 3r |^ ¦ • ¦—¦—*— : ——- ¦¦¦--¦; ¦- - - ¦ ¦ - ¦- ' -i i -Tt Mill '" ' f ' ¦ ' - it ¦ ¦ < . » ¦ i '' ' H ili H |li ' n »H|j |-i»ilM ~ .« i ' - ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ' " . 'I » l »} jl> . - " •¦* >-; '¦¦•• ¦ '•*' ' • ¦ • ' H > - ¦ -- K' *' • • " . ¦ ¦ f . , ' . &¦ ;. \ . " . ' • \ as "•*• Vils - ' large r royalties than this (a ^well much smaller The net proceeds are abdtlfc Sd. less per bbpy.I ones) are often paid on books of this price ; the larger discounts to the trade are usually a^ldweav varia tions arising from, the supposed value of the on six-shilling novels than on six-shilling books of , work and the consequent greater or lesser certainty a non-fictional charact er. , ^ of a large sale being obtaine d. Again, Mr. Besant It would be an infini te mercy (for which pub- puts throf cost price of a 6*. book at Is, 6d. As a lishers could never feel sufficie ntly grateful ) if all matt ^ fact, books of tfcris published pri ce cost the unsuccessful novelists in these . island * were to a tftod dea l mor e than la. 6tf. ; it is only when resolve the mselves into one vast Unlimit ed Liability ver y large num bers are , printed from stereotype Company (publi shers may,, let us hope, be excused , plates, after a book's reputation is mad e, that the for indulging in the luxury of a vision), whose cost is reduced mat erially. He also is qui te mission would be to publish every MS. offered by wrong in^ his supposit ion abou t the price which every member of the compa ny, and to share (say a publisher receives, m "the - present day, for in the Millennium ) . the secret profits. When this his 68. book. Mr . Besant puts it at 4«. No doubt associatio n is formed , the quarr els between author many pub lishers would be very glad to draw the and publisher will be no mor e.—Fai thfull y yours, line at this price ; but actually a number of such Wabd & Downei. books are sold here at a net price of less than 3s. 6d.; and thpse sent to the United States at an indefinite reduct ion from thi s low rate . M>. Besant , as the I C I amateur authors ' champ ion (for it is the amate ur he must refer to in most of his statements), will, I ew fear , mislead many aspirants to literary fame by his Uofe^ and D unqualified facts, and raise visions of transactions ? which they ar e not likely to realise till they are in the enviable position which Mr. Besant occupies Messrs . Skeffington will publish in a few himself ; -when they can dictate their own price and days a novel by H. J. Wilmot Buxton , en- rise above the sor did process of bargaining. —I am , titl ed * The Sweet o' the Year. ' Sir, your s, &c , Eixiot Stock. Mr. Francis Adams , the auth or of the novel ' Leicester ' and a book of 4 Australian Essays / has broug ht out a complete editi on To the Editorof the Daily News. of his poetical works. The printing and pub lishing hail from Brisbane , and Messrs. Sir,—As Mr. Besant makes the six - shilling Griffith novel the pivot on which he tarns his attack , Farran , Ok eden & Welsh, St. Paul' s again st the publishers, and as he persists in speak-" Churchyard , are the London publishers. ing of a six-shilling novel . • about one-third the We learn that Messrs. W. Kent & Co. , of length of a thr ee-volume novel,' it may Jbe no harm Paternoster Row, will close thei f establishment to stat e that Mr. Besant 's six-shilli ng novel has , on April 4 at 6 o'clock , and will continue to practicall y speaking, no existence . * The trade ' do so throug h the middle of each month until does not recognis e a one-volume n ovel as a six- shilling book unless it contains as much as at least September , inste ad of 6.30 as hithert o. two volumes of a three-volume story ; and three- Messrs. Skeffington & Son, of Piccadill y, fourths of the six-shilling novels published have received a lett er from the Dean of Wind- nowadays are full-sized three volumes rolled sor , intimating that Her Majesty the Queen into one. These are incontestable facts. A will graciousl y accept the dedication of the few of the most popular fiction writers of collection of Special Jubilee Hymns which the day may occasionall y dare to offer to the booksellers and the public a one-volume story the they hop e to pub lish in a few days. Among length Mr. Besant speaks of, but the occasion s are the authors are the Bishop of Ripon , the Bishop few and far between ; and no unkno wn author , of Exeter , the Revs. S. Baring-Gould , John and indeed very few outside the first ran k, would Ellerton , Jackson Mason , H. D. Rawnsley , . find any good pub lisher (if such an adjective as S. J. Stone , Godfr ey Thring , and Messrs. ' good ' can be app lied to a publisher) who would E. M. Southwell and W. Chatterton Dix. The recommend the experiment. Mr. Besan t himself , new and ori ginal tunes are composed by J. when he offers a new six-shilling volume of his Barnby , Dr. J. F. Bridge (of Westmin ster inimitabl e stories to the public , gives them good Abb ey), Sir George Elvey, Rev. F. A. J . measure —as much as would fill an ordinary th ree- Hervey, Walter Parratt , Martin S. Skeffing- volume novel. ton, Dr. John Stainer , and Berthold Tours. His chief contention about publish ers' exorbi- ta nt pr ofits is based on the calculation that his six- Mr. O. J. Dulieade 's monograp h on ' Claude shilling book (which has pract ically no more le Lorrai n * ^Clau Gele*e), the great French existence than those ' secret profits ' ) costs Is. Id. landscape painter , has just been finished. It per copy to produce ; and , as it goes without saying will appear in Messrs. Sampson Low & Co. 's that a work which costs twi ce or three times as 4 Great Artists * Series. much for type-setting cannot be produced for any- thing resembling Is. Id., it seems to us Mr. Besant 's The series of adven ture-books issued by arg uments do not rest on a very firm basis. (We Messrs . Cassell

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^ ^^ "^^^^- ¦ ~'"' .. '' ' ^^^ ^^ ^^ i7 ¦ ¦ . ^^ - -f^ . _ .-. . — . ... ' r^ !^ B ^ ; ' i^afc The PUbliabera f CirxMilat ^ ^ g | i ^r ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^—.^^^^^^^^^^^^ p^^^^^^^g^^^p^P^^^^^i^^m^m^^^^^m^^^g^^gi^^g^^^^^p^^^^m^i^Bf^^B^^^^i^MBiBHVBiMHw^AfMM'^^^W'^^^^PB^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^B ¦ ¦ ' ' ' ¦ ¦ ¦ •¦ /.¦- 'T.Avl ''*.^' "¦?- • , r ^. . . ! Messrs. Samp eofi Low & Go. j $he puMisheias during the Soudan oxpedit iony ^ wiH b^ fully j ^^ ||nilMt 4 I dfc **h& - $€*gy~bc«>k«f have -at *atfged ^&>r< the * ff ltestrstiei from di^wingA b^ ^ -^ 1 h manufacture of a group of pens- Suitable for : The venerable President McCosh r hav ing- ' I the style. , r \ been asked whether it was hia intention to ;' ; ; ceremony of the Wimble- - complete a certain work historical of Scotlan d's | Ait the openin g it i dd» Fjtoo -Library Sir John liubbock remarked: : ^heology, whieh ^ fwas + Tepoyted i he had bom- . ; menced sonie;timeisince y replied -: i ' I had ' j *' - The inhabitant s of Wh ribledoft are settin g' a good ' ;' a example when they refuse to Goofine their local ex- wcffk to do; and a gpod reason ^' to dd ^it^in ' penditTure to lighting and paving the streets , to the Scotland. The work was : done - rn ip^rf ectly, i sariiiation of houses , td merel y material purposes ; an'd tli e^ season is past . ; There are fe^ 1 who but propose to provid e feod for the mind as well now remember me in ihy old country, whiqh, as the body, a school for the old ais well as for the thoug h now far from it, I love more th ?tn ever. j young * for, in the word s of Epictettis , you jwill do Nothihg now wri tten by me would excite* any the '^ greatest service to the State if you shall raise , iriterest in Edinbur gh, where a, younger gener a- not the roofs of the houses, but the souls of the tion must do the work assigned them , I may citizens ; for it is better that gre at souls should have some little work to do in this country , dwell in smal l houses rath er than for mean slaves in to burrow in great palaces/ Of course we must philosophy, anpHn Princeton College * and then remember that stud ies are a means and not an end. I must pass away and be forgotten . That to God may be all the glory, I am , your sincere 'To spend too much) time in studies ,' says Bagpn, ¦' ' is sloth. Crafty men contemn studies , simple men friejtid , Jam !bs Mc Cosh. ' So delight- and wise men use them.' ¦ v - j admire them , • >- • ful , indeed , are books, that we must be careful not . , . to neglect other duties for them. In cultivating the . mind we must not neglect the body. I all ude to i this because I should be sorry that those who advo- cate education and the erection of free libraries Contin ental Noje^ should be suspected 'of underratin g tfre importance of health or wishing ^bur people to become mere he Journal de VImprimerie et de la Librairie bookworms . • Of that , indeed , there is not , I think , of the 5th inst. gives an account of the annua l much fear. Englishmen happ ily combine with the meeting of the Cercle de la Librai rie which love of literature a keen and health y delight in fresh took place on the . 20th ult. air and field sports. M." Paul Delalain , the President of ^ the Cercle ^ read the report , from which we extract The Penny Library of Fiction (Society the following facts r-1- ¦ for Promoting Christian Knowledge),, to The Cercle was. founded in 1847 and has which we alluded very favourabl y some little enj oyed fbrty years • of progr essive develop- time back , shows no signs of waning powers . ment an d prosper ity. Last yea)r death robbed . * Lord J ohn ; or , the Search for Gold,' the the Cercle of nine members , three of whom latest of these admirable stories , is fully equal were " well known in this country, viz. M. Jules to the first of the series , and Mr. George Claye , the eminent printer an d au th or of an Manville Fenn , tl\e author , can be compli- excellen t manual of typograf phy, * Manuel de mented on a highly interest ing little work of FApprenti Compositeur ; M. P. J. Hetzel, fiction. the popular writer of juvenile book s and Mr. T. \Dykes, who has so frequent ly de- publis her of the successful scientific romances i light ed the readers of the St. James ' s Gazette of Jul es Verne ; and M. Joseph R. Lemerciei -, with his country and mar ine sketches , will the distinguished lithograp her, who in the shortl y, we understa nd, publish an illustrated course of a-long and arduous career of sixty volume of papers , stor ies, an d songs about years contr ibuted so much to the development huntjing, shooting, ang ling , yachting, coaching, of chromo-lithograp hy. &c. The volume will be entitled * All-Hound The. report refers to the Expositio n, Univer- Sport. ' selle of 1889, toward s the guarant eed cap ital An important work , which should prove of which undertaking the members of the highl y attract ive, may be ment ioned ,tin ' -Azin-e Cercl e de la Librairie have contrib uted 300,000 Gilchri st : Her Life and Writings , ' edited by francs , and the conviction is expr essed tha t her son, Mr. Herbert H. Gilchrist , aiid pre- the pr inters an d publishers of Fra nce will be faced by a * Notice ' by Mr. W. M. Bossetti. worthil y represent ed at the Exhibition. - This will be published in the course of a few The subject of a univ ersal guarantee for - days by Mr , T. Fisher Unwin ; and as it will the rights of property in work s of literatur e contain , in addition to Mrs. Gilchrisfs own and art then conjies unde r consideration. corr espondence , many letters from Oarl yle and Two princi pal facts have signalised the his wife, from the Rossetti family, George year 1886 : First, the passing of the Belgian law on the ri ghts of author s, to which referen ce Eliot , George H. Lewes, Walt 'Whitman , and 9 other s, the 1 maj ority of which have hithert o was made sot the time in the Publishers Cir- bpen unpu blished , advent should be cular , of tyhich/ it may be remarked that this , its law and that of S sly watched with much interest. : 1 pain are the most genero u - ^y planned of all existing copyri ght laws outs ide Messrs . Sampson Low q report; expres ses satis facti on, ajb seeing i wji ich 4eals with the author 's exper iences Great Britain reform her Copyri ght &aw w ..J ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦¦• ¦•¦ . • . ... i ~ ¦- ' ' : • -,: ." .., ,. t .- ¦?.....! .«. ^j .^ .. , . .«... - JLJ .,,, ', >,JU.->-... -irr ^ ??!T ^ .-J . .^ TTTTt?' ^*"^^ M t ^- «f*> Vflv] 'TBfhT —n-" i M n t—"** •"*-"•"" ' •' ' -* - - ' -- ' ' * ' ^ ^ ' : : ^ " ¦ ,^ 1*8^¦ , ... . . < . ... - . ¦ ¦ ¦ •£ -. . . . . « ^ - . . . \ < - -.. .- . * ... ,,.- > ,. . fc- .- v- ,. .* • . - - ./ . • . • * . - ¦ • ^^0M______. .___ __ .____..j ._ Mj AjUaNiK&ki MarSh S^^S^0' __.:_*..*— - ' ^ 2#l ¦ ¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦ - ¦¦ ¦ ¦ - . ' ¦¦ i .- ¦¦ . «•;-. . . .--. - .-^l-, ; : -, ¦ . - - -,.- -.. , ...» i i , itmmm&TVV — . "'I - .....- -^^ p.- ^. . - 1— 1 U..,. . 1U I ., I ——^—t——i— "' , , _^ -. - ' - " ' t , > orde r tor*join *fchie^ International t&ni& v" iliuS ^ cdkmfenc>! 4ihfe mdiiSMy ' iubl&kioj i'- ~wever -, is expressed that Austria have T>vt !Karl Peter ^,,¦> th president $ii$to£^ and Fbi t ^ajf ^ibt given in their ad- German Ea st Africa n ^ . is. to ' > the ' Union i that all attempts Society, w&o abxiut * hesion . , to to st ^rt for A£x&& *&& col led ui ^ i: { induce the - VMff rifc States Congress ; to pass c 9 ; hav vol^irie, entitled Deutseh-!N "ational /a number ^ a Copyr ight La^r e failed , and that Russia ' of essays oh coloni al policy- ¦ . . "", .." '. A v ' j should have denou nced ' the Convention of April 6^ 1861, wkh Wt&nce, which will there- , The histo rian Professor Georg Weber of/ v» Heidejbergj who recentl y celebrated his 80th^ , fore termi nate on laJul y 1^ next. - Le Cercle ^e Iibrairie has printed the birthday, has just , finished the thirteen th/ - first part of the * Inventoire des Marques d'lm- volume of his * Weltgeschichte /, ^ vt < 5 } pr imeurs et de Libraires , containing facts rela- In the * Biography of Cardinal de Bonne- ting to Paris. Onl y 200 copies are for sale. The chose, Archbisho p of Rouen ,' by Mgr. Besson , wor k will enu merate and briefl y describe 425 Bishop of Nimes, is an intere sting accou nt of ' I mar ks of 269 printers , booksellers , and com- an intervi ew between Le Grand Cardinal (da v panies or societies of the cily of Paris ending he was called) and th e . Emperor Wilhelm and at present with the year 1789. The other Prince Bismarck at Versailles. cities of France will then be dealt with , and afterw ard s the countries of Central artd Southern Europe will be taken in hand , Eng- land being one of the countries to be included in the work . Sat^ JoHing^ \ Mr. N. J. Guinpert , of. Gothenbu rg, has On the 17th inst. Messrs . Blake , Haddock ' sent us a series of six admirabl e photograp hs & Blake , of Crpj ydon, sell 2,000 volumes of J of his extensive and handsome premises. They books at North End . I represent the interior and exterior of the - Five hundre d volumes are to be sold by i book stor e, the inte rior pf. tji e bookbin ding Messrs * i Newport , Isle of Wight , sell ' I branc hes of the busin ess. They are all excel- 1,400 volumes of bboks at "V^est Cowes; ; I lent , and testif y in. a most striking manner to Sixpence must be sent for a cat I the energy and enterprise of our Swedish alogue. I confrer e, whose establishmen t deserves the in- We have received the first number of Booh \ I spection of visitors to G othenburg. Prices Current , and are not inclined—-knowin g{r' well the difficulties that at bend such a publica - I We have received from Messrs. Put t- tion -r— to scrutinis e the the well-known law work too closely. I kammer & Miihlbrecht , Without ent ering into the question of wheth er I booksellers of Berlin , the nineteenth annual JBooic Prices Current will injure secondhand I 'Uebersicht der gesammten Staats- undltechis- booksellers—about which it ' This survey of is only fairTo I wissenschaftliche n Literatur. say there is but one opinion among th at I the legal publ ications of the year 1886 is body—we may say I comp indefati gable bibliograp her , that it will be of great iled by tha t interest and use to pri vate buyers. As the I Herr Otto Miihlbrecht , who prefixes to the work under notice is I han dsomel pri nted volume an intere sting of a bibliogr aphical y chara cter , and * the soul of bibliograp hy is I statisti cal table of last year 's output of works accuracy, ' we would re on jurisprudence in the various Europea n commend that greater I attent ion be paid to such details as th e proper I countries . Shortl y stated the number of legal spelling of buyers ' names I pub lication s issued in 1886 is as follows : , &c. I English (including NoTth America) ... 5,063 The sale of Baron Seilliere 's books was I Fr ench (including Belgium ) ...... 9,290 completed on the 4th inst. by Messrs. J ^otheby. I Germa n (inclu ding Germany, Austria , and We have before spoken of the magnificent I Switzerland ) ...... 21 ,404 appearance of the books , aod-now hav e but to I Italian ...... 3,570 chr onicle the prices , generall y very high, at I Dutch 2, 234 which they went. By the way,Twe hear from I Scandinavian (inclu ding Denmar k , Sweden , several sources that large numbers of th e I and Norway) ...... 1 ,'622 books were found after the sale to have S had I panish ...... 864 missing leaves supp lied in facsimil e. This , of I Total ,. 44,947 cours e, means the return of a good many. The following were (in addition to those II Herr B. G. Teubner , of Leipzig,, will noticed by us before) some of the highest I! publish) at the end of the current month the prices : Cervantes ' * I?on Quixote / Part %9- || || tirst part of a new educational period ical, th e. first edition published' at Madr id, ifiUjj I called ZeitscTvrift fiir den deutschen Unterricht, (Quaritch , for M. Morgand ) ; a MS: ' of' I Its edito rs are Professor Hild ebrand and Dr , f Chansons et Motets ,' ' L written in 1551, and ' I yon, of Dres den, and it will app ear every from the library of Diana of Poictiers \£&0 (i I two , months . (Sotheran) ; one of the earliest editions of I Dr. Dan iel Sanders , the well-known philo - Chronicles -of the Cid,* printed in 15l2 . at , ' I logist, will on the 1st of next month ^Purgos, ^124 (Quaritch) ; * Di<5genis, tiy r mm ammm mmm tmm .. f ffW wm m gfa " " ' : : ^ ^ ^^ ^^^ ^ ^ ^ ^^^ ^ ^ ^ ^^ ^ ^ ^^^**l * ** ^ * * ^ * *^^ ^" " ' _ t - . ¦ F i i ;. ;. ' .. i ' " ' * '"¦ ' " ^—^^^^—mm "" 7. . I \ ¦ ¦ ¦ -i> • ¦ . ' - ' • ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ' . " " """. ~" r ~'~'~^ " : . . . : ^i$ ^Wmf W^ f 288 T^ ^

Yppocratis / 1487, £198 (Quariteh), this book captain of the Alabama, writes from art in- was beautifully bound from Grolier 's collection ; timate knowledge * of and intimac y witii hi* Uupin , < Le liivr e du ton vie,' 1485, £52 subject. Tp the English people this histo ry (Quar iteh) ; ITr onti n, * ties Sfcratage mes,' a MS. of the great naval events of the Ameri can on vellum of the fifteenth century, with four Civil War should be of immense interest -.; for large miniatures , . > > : i ' l Ol i i . i ...... - . . . fiction always knowledge of l * - ^ evinces a ife- and ^an agreeable manner pf depicting its conditions. There is liveliness in narration too, as a general rule—more so than is usually to be found in T^ad^ CC^ange-f stories 6f a likei description. * At -the rei6fe.; r J^i^. . reason ing, it should meet wijth iarge " sj^a^e of .^ucjpessful publishers.—CorM\\unicated. ' a ^ ' ' public approbation. 'Originally, the #pn£eijit£ Were : ¦ • • . ''v :: . : for the most part contributed to the Grujfs Ifospital Gazette ; the remainder take the' form of lectures delivered 'at the hospital or rbefor^ kindred 1 societies. The author expresses his views with I^cview^ , &q.. great frankness and a certain sturdiness of mind From Messrs. W. EC. Allen & Co., Waterloo that cannot fail to win for him the close attention Place.—is ' Laurie's Distinguished Anges oflo- Indians/ and regard of his readers. In respect to some of 1 ' ^This a re-publication of ^seq sketches his comments ther.6 is sure to exist considerable ^ f y which originally Were published in 11375. , They difference of opinion. On the subject of te«to- 4re twenty-two in number, besides a supple- talism this is only to be expected, for on no topic ntary ins|tance me sketch of Sir Herbert Macpherson. is more intolerance ^ipplaV^ma j but, as ap Among the, names ace Sir Alex. " Burnes and of what'we ^rei^r to/we y quote' the following James Buries, Sir Henry Lawrence, J. B. Colvi n, passage :—' Medical theories are short-lived crea- tfeill, - Beatson, CoL ' Sykes, Sir A. P, Phayre, tures, made out of a ,little dust of lacts, in them- Kaye the historian, Sir Owen Tudor Burne, the selves l lifeless, which Someone fashions into a Prinseps, Sir Bartle Frere5 Sir H. Rawlinson, Sir shape, and "breathes intd it a little puff of himself R. Montgomery, Sir Richard TTemple,- Gen; Sfr —a breath of li fe #hat *s iiot divine '; so that they D. Stewart, &cv TJio tftfontiepiece is an excellent eoorf fall es> an6\, fialse ¦ ¦' , ¦¦ literatr ure•' ¦ of Indm,. . j, descri the tru,th, wh^ii ^o^e#d ( ' * - TTT.i. ;' '; v .. .. . > . ( . ptions—hi4ni$£ as i* " ¦ r '-m Marchw **?r_ TMe tMblshers* Girculiix &a£*| * t accu mulated shells of other years stick together ; th at -'* Cruden 's Concordance shou ld be r in ©rery li round a * very old *)*£fltfer , making it stfch a task ; ' libra ry. - It is uncommonly complete/ the 'defini- to reach " the oyster himself, however ardentl y tions of leading worcls r ^in^fkably k<5^«rat ^ and f ' v ' you desire to ' e&t * him.* Dr . Moxon can be the references exceedingl y corre ct/"' t J humoro us, tto, upon occasion . Speaking of the Hu nterian Muse um,/where lie worked for four From James IN isbet & Co.—A th ird Edition *bas j ; months / and never ^saw a single inquirer , he been called for of c Gospel Types and Shadows of j ; says :— 'I beg pardon , I did see one inquirer one tbe Old Testament ,' an unpre tentious but highly j day, and he deserv es mention. There .was a useful littl e volume, by the Rev. WilHamJ Odom , j : ' cont ain ^'fifty- hubbub one day, and a distinguished-looking vicar of St. Simon s* Sheffield. It ! | gentleman came to me, led and followed by several two short studies on typical subjects , aud should j of the minor officials of the Museum. An anxious be of great service to Sunda y-school teac hers j inquirer was to them , an interesting specimen, and and Bible student s, for whom it is specia lly in- they brough t him to me because the then curator tended. ; , !• ! was out, and, as I had. seen all the specimens , i j From Messrs. Oliphant , Anderso n & terrier. — they thoug ht I Could answer the gentleman. « When he spoke , I found th at the night before he The fifteenth volume of this firm 's Popular had mad e a bet that the woodcock has no bowels, Shilling Series ' is a third edition of Miss Annie and , honest man as he was, he came to the S. Swan's pleasant story, ' Ursula Vivian , the Museum to settle the matter. He was the only Sister Mother/ inquirer I ever saw there ; and I am sorry to say success he went away very ' From Messrs. Partrid ge & ^on. —Th e dissatisfied. He wouldn t whjeh , has attended the ' J ubilee ' books of tji is beli eve me, and did not conceal that he thoug ht 200,000 of the nothin g of a museum firm is remarkable. ]STo fewer than which had not a woodcock • Jubilee Narrat ive of Personal Incidents so prepar ed as to answer his question / The book , penny after and Scenes in the Li£e of Queen Victoria \ hav e the se quotations , speaks for itself. It will " public demand. Mr. richl y repay perusal. been issued ,to. meet the . T. Frederick Ball's larger work—a han dsome From the same.— * The Old House at Sandwich ,' by volume—is now in its sixtieth thou sand '. A Josep h Hatt on. This is a vigoro usly told Btory , recent addition to these book s is ' Victoria , Queen aboundi ng in for cibl e touches of character , and and Empress / by Mr. G-. Holden Pike , who is very expressive of the aut hor's acquaintance with ' known for his other works of a biograp hical certa in phases of Ameri can life. The plot , after ' character. The volume, thoug h small in bulk , the fash ion of most novels nowadays , rather cont ains a great amount of information resp ecting inclines to the improbable ; but such is th e the life and works of" Her Majesty and the pro- strength of Mr. Hatton 's style, that what in gress of the country during the past half-cent ury . another writer would undoubtedl y prove a peri - lous situatio n is so glossed over as to be practi - Fro m Messrs. Smith., Elder <& Co.—' Jess/ by cally imperceptible. The ehjef character is one H. Rider Haggard , which has been appea ring in George Newbolde , alias Dick Drummond , whose the Cornhill for some months past , has now been mother having published in volume form . The story differ s been led astray, and his father works, basel y murdered by a villain named Ching for d considerabl y from Mr. Hagg ard' s other Lucas , vows a vow of insatiable vengeance agai nst but it is intensel y vigorous and full of incident. the seducer. How, after a series of thrilling Alread y a second edition has been called-for-an d incidents , which , are incorporated with much is announced. * ingenuity into the course of the narr ative , he Fro m Tlie Society for Pr omotin g Christian carries out his purpose , we are not disposed to Knowled ge.—' Sermon s for the People/ con- forestall readers the pleasure of finding out for tributed by the Revs. F. J. Ponsonby , F. C. Woodr themsel ves ; but allowing for the slight impr oba- house , W. H. Hutching s, E. T. Marshall , and bility of plot to which we have alluded , we may Canon Elwyn , contain sound Scri ptu ral teach ing1, sufel y commend Mr. Hatton 's hovel as furnis hing conveyed in plain forcible language , and should very interestin g reading. Several of the characters be of m uch interest and enligh tenment to the seem to be new to fiction ; and the picture of reader. —' The Athanas ian Creed / by the Rev. E. Lad y Ann , the keeper of the bar at Drummond' s Hobson , contains an explanation , line by line, of Gulch , is exceptionall y good. Throughout , evi- the Creed , the English and Lati n arr ange d in dences are plen tifully supp lied that Mr. Hatton other interesting matter .—- - par allel columns , and during his sojourn in the United States has ' Illustrated Notes op English Church History / neither allowed his wits nor his intelli gence to by the Rev. C. Arthur Lan e, is a comprehensive remain idle. littl e volume , embracing a vast amount of valua- Fro m Messrs. Maomi llan & Co.— * From Death ble information on English Church History from to Life/ by Charles Kingsl ey. These fragments the earliest times to the dawn of the Reformation. of t eaching to a village congregation , with letters The illustrations are very num erous , and for the on the life after death , ar e edited by Mrs. most part well designed .—The ' Lectures oh King9ley , The sermons will be glad ly received Butler 's Analogy/ by the Ven. Archdeacon N.orri p, by the admirers of Charles Kingsley and others convey in cultivated and rea dable form leading ad well, especiall y those who revere the purity of feature s in regard to Bishop Butler 's life and English relig ious thoug ht and cultu re. thoug hts on his celebrated work . The vplume is further noticeable dor an exceptionally neat Fr om Messrs. Mor gan & Soott. —' Cruden 's Com- binding. f > ,. plete Concordance / in a well-bound and con- i veniently-sized yolume issued at 3#. 6d., seems one From Messrs. Swam ftonnen fiefeein & Co.:— ; of th e marvels of modern book product ion. Messrs . ' Sudden Death / by Britiffe Skott owe. Many Morgan & Scout's • port able/ edition is of taja " years ago we rem emb er rea ding a most impressive class. There hafs been' copious controversy on story of Indian life, ( 'entitled ' Nick of the Woods/ the merits and demerits of Crudenta great work ; The gist of the plot lay in the circumstance that but we prefer to believe in Lown desV opinion , at fr equent interval s members of the - dusky * race ¦ ¦ ¦¦ '¦ - ;¦ spr '' " -, . - > -. r-* .r. r f Tiie.PiibM shers ' i Gircalar m^i^0& 29a ¦ ¦ ' ' ' ' 7 ' ' '*" ' ¦ ¦ " ' ' ' ¦ ¦ !¦ ' - ' *—^ ^——— \ t . ¦• ' •>' ' ' ' ' ¦ ¦ ' " ' ' * ¦ were foun d mysteriousl y murdered ia the back- imaginative. To such th is volum ewill be cor dially . woods, without any evide nce, beyond a pecu liar welcome, alnd even persons of older years may cvqpB or nick , as to the identity of the perpetrato r. well revel in its delicate fancies. The transl atio n Srentuall y the mystery was cleared up, and the from the French has been clever ly performed by book came to a termination. More than once Caroline Genn , and acknowledgm ent, is also due during the perusal of * Sudden Death ' we have to the numerous illustrations of Bertall. been reminded of this story , and Bri tiffe Skot- Fr om th e same.— « The Hidden Word : Thir ty tdwo 's fiction may be said to correspond in Sevotional Studies of the Parables of our Lord ,' . civilised life to ' Nick of the Woods ' as a narra- by T. B. Dover, M.A. It has been the purpose of tive of Indian . existence. It is a sensatio nal the author in this little volume, he tells us, not so and highly interesting story, ably and in some much to furnish any new or ori ginal th ought on respects powerfull y wri tten , and the excitement a subj ect which has alread y been so widely dis- is well sustained to the close. Hea ders who can cussed , as to give to the world a book that ' may I lay down this volume when half perused must be of service to plain people, by helping them to be phlegmatic indeed , and even the horrors of an a devotional use of the more hidden sayings of eart hquake would probabl y fail to disturb their the Son of God.' Such an object the volume will equanimity. Perhaps the most indifferent character forcibl y serve , ani it may be commended as is the hero , for it is hard to conceive that any one preaching in plain earnes t language , not devoid of could be so blind to the sentiments of the opposite occasional eloquence , the soul-stirring truths of sex, and his obtus ieness is apt to savour of affecta- the Gospel. tion a(nd to become irritating. However , the From Messrs. Vizetelly & Co.—The fbrst volume love s6enes in which he takes part are prettil y of the new * Merma id Series ,' which is^ intended to descj ibed and help to lighten the tone of a book contain the best plays of the old dram atists , has which might otherwise be monotonous ly horrible. appeared. It is devoted to Chr istopher Marlowe. The second title of the work —' My Lady the The editor is Mr. Have lock Ellis. A general Wolf*—we regard as a mistake. introduction , on the English drama du ri ng the Fro m the same. —' Fairy Tales,' by J ean Mace. rei gns of Elizabe th and James I., comas fro m the Young people will ' never , we may confidentl y pen of Mr. J. A. Symons. Beyond the fulness assert , grow tired of fairy tales , an d we our selves of the text there is nothing to be said of the new remember the time when we caused the heart of the edit ; on, althoug h we would as lief been spared librarian to become heavy and sad within him the useless and repulsive note on Marlowe 's by our constant demand for fresh , stories of the blasp hemies. The volume is very clearl y printed.

In dex to the Book s published bet ween March 1 and 15.

The Words in Italics are those under which the Titles are given Alphabetically in full, with the Publisher ' s Name.

Actors , Yesterday with , Winslow (K. It.) 10s . 6d. Darker than Night , Constable (H.) Is. Admiral ty Procedure ag ainst Merchant Ships , Bro wn, 10s. Date Book , Jubilee , Selby (W. D.) Is. Alabama , (R. ) Service Afloat , 163. Dawn y Haggard (H. Rider ,) 6s. Algebra , a Treatise , Oliver (J. B.), Wait , and Jones , 10s. 6d. Descarte g and biff School , Fischer (Kuno) tra nslated , 18s. Apocalyptic Sketches , Gumming (J.) new edit. 3 vol3. 73, Detective 's Elye, Boisgobey (P.) Is. Arabian Nights , by Mason (James) new edit. 10s. 6d. Driven before the Storm , Forde (G-ertrude ) 3 vola. 31s. 6d. Arithmetic Test Cards , the Schedule , packets Is. each. Electricity , a Century of , Mendenh all (T. O.) 6a. Atlas, Colonial and Indian , Johnston , 5s. Encyclopaedic Dictionary , Vol. VI. Part 1, 10s. 6d. Atone ment , is it Vicari ous ? Jameson (G.) 15s. English Dictionary , Murray (J. A. H.) Part 3, 12s. 6d. Auto graph Album , Friendship, Is. English Literature , Histor y, Morley (H.) vol. 1, 5s. Balkan Peninsula , Laveleye (E.) translated , 16s. English Prose and Vers e Writers , Hunt ( W.) 7s. 6d. Baron 's Wars , Nymphidia , &c, Drayton (M.) la. Entertainments for Bazia ra , H ar r ison (O.) Is. Beggar on Horseback , O'Donogh ue ( Mrs.) 2a. 6d. & 2a. Errands of Mercy, Liefde (J. De) new edit. 3s. 6d. Biology , Praotioal Elementary, Shore (T. W.) 6a. Essays, Reviews, and Discourses , Whedon (D. D.) Ob. Blood Covenant , a Primitive Rite) Trumbull , 7s. 6d. Euclid , Book I., with Exercises , Dctlton (T.) 2s. Boston , Mass., Old , Bambles in, Porter (E. Gk) 30a. Europe , a Tramp on Fi f ty Cents a Day, Meriwether, 6s. Bookkeepin g, Principles and Practice , Thomson , 5s. Exile's Romance , an , Louis (A.) 7s. 6d. Boardmau (W. E.) Life and Labours , Board man ( Mrs.) 6s. Fair y Folks, Real , Meyer (L. R.) 7a. 6d. Browni ng, Chie f Poet of the Age, Ktngsland , Is. Fatal Shadows , Lewis ( Sirs.) Is. 6d. & Is. Browning, E. Barrett , Poems, Is. Forced Acquaintance , Robinson (E.) 7s. 6d. Browning, Mrs. E. B., Poems , 3s. 6d. Forestry Schools in German y, Brown (J. C.) 5s. Buohholzeaa in Italy, Buchhol z (W.) 6s. Franco -German War , Comin g, Koetttchau, translated , 7s. 6d. Cathedral Days, Dodd (A. B.) 10s. 6d. ¦ Franklin , Benjamin , in France , Hale (E. E.) 15s. Centur y, Celebrities, 21s. Franklin , Benjamin , Complete Works , Vol. 1, 25s, Channin g (W. E.) Notebook from MS., 5s. Frosts and Frost Fairs in Great Britain , Andrews, 5s. Chemistry, Elementary, Remsen (I.) 5s. Garden of Memories , Veley ( Mar garet) 2 vols. 12s. Christ and Christianity, Haweis (H. R.) vol. 4 , 5s. Gardening for Profit , Henderso n (P.) 10a. Cd. Church Teaching, Outlines, 3s. 6d. Gibbon, by J. Cotter Moriaon , new edit. la. 6d. & 1b. Cleverl y Won , Smart (Hawle y) Is. 6d. 7s." 6d." • < > r - Paris Herself Again, £ata (G-. Ai) new edit '. 23. 6d. \ ^ H ymn for Ghuro h and Home , Select;Is. 60L -- •** Pastry Cook, American , Whitehead . (J.) 10a; 6d. \\ , '[ In Jeo pardy, &c., Stories , /fenjt ' CG. M.) new edit. 63. Peerage, Baronetage , Knightage,' ic in the Land of Fogs , Remo (Felix) Is. Topside and Turvey , Fitzgerald (Percy) Is, Musical Expression , Lussy (M. M.) 23. Two Royal _Live3, Roberts (Dorothea) 7s. 6d. Mysteries of Paris , Sue, Unabridged , Is. Twelve Years Of ray Iiife, Beaumont (Mrs.) 7s. 6d. Nation in a Nutshell , Towle (G-.) 2s. 6d. Uncle Tom's Cabin , S'owe (H: B.") 23.' & la. Nature 's Teachings, Wood ( J. G>.) new edit. 7s. 6d. Uterine Surgery, Clinical Npte3, Sims (M.) 7b. 6d. Nautical G-uide Book , Key, Reed, 11th edit. 3s. 6d. Voice, Song, and Speech , Browne, &c, new edit. 53. Naval History of the Civil War , Porter (D. D.) 253. Waniering Jew , Sue, new translation , Is-. Nerv ous Diseases and their Diagnos is, Wood (FT . C ) 21s. Washington , Charac ter Portra its, Baker (W. F.) 25s. New Connecticut , Alcott (A. B.) 6s. Wear and. Tear , Mitchell (S. W.) new edit. 53. Now Engl and Idyl l, Greene (B. C.) 5*. What Katy did Next, Coolidge (Susan) Is. 6d. & Is. Next of Kin, Worboise (Emma J.) 5s. What Our Law is, Dole (E. P.) 10s. 6d. Nina , a Tale of the Twilight , Smedley (M. B.) no 17 edit. 2s. 6d. What People Live By, Tolstoi (Count Leo) 5a. ~~ One Thing Needful . Braddon (M. E.) 2s. 6d. & 2s. White Book s, Imperial , Vol. I. Part I., 33. 6dL " Origina l, Walker (T.) new edit. 3s. 6d. Wills, Treat ise on the Law , Schouler (J.) 31s. 6d.

SEW WORKS PU BLISHED FRO M MARC H 1 TO 15. f *** The occasional Notes in italics of ter the titles are only given in cases

An dre ws (W.)—Famous Frosts and Fros t Fairs in G rea t Bradshaw 's Railway Manua l, Shareholder 's Britain, chronicled fro m the Earlies t to the Present Time. Guide , and Official Directory for 1887. Post 8vo. 12a. 4to. pp. 84, 5s Red way [989 W. J. Adams [996 Brown ( O.)—Schools of Forestry in G-er man y, with Arabian Nights' Entertainments. Revised throngh - J. out and Annotate d by James Mason , New edit. rov. 8vo.~ Addenda relative to a desidera ted British National School 7G6 of Forestry. Pos t 8vo. (Edinbur gh, Oliver & B.) pp. 220, PP. , 103. 6d Oassell [990 6s Simpkin [996 Anat en (Jane)—Pride and Prejudice : a Novel . With 8 Illustratio ns by John Proctor. 8vo. pp. 120, sewed, 6d. Browne (I*.) an d B eh nice (E.)—Voice, Song, an d Speech . {Dick s' English Nooeh) Dicks [991 6th (Popular) edit. 8vo. pp. 264, 5s. Low [997 against Balzac ( Honor6 de)—Cousin Pons. Post 8vo. pp. 414, Browne (R. Gk M.)—^Admiralty Procedure Mer- ooardB , 2s Routledge chan t Ships and Cargoes , &c , in the High Court ; of £992 Justice and in County Court s in respect to Action , Arrest , ^oj a ffobey (F.)—The Detective' s Eye and the Red Lottery Appeara nce, Bai l, Release, Sale, and other Execu tive ticket Pr ocesses ; and including Mat ters In Admiralty commenced (Novels, Vol. 22), X2mo. pp. 102, sewed , la. than by Action . 8vo. pp. . v Vizetelly [993 .^otlferwlBe 298, 10e. . ^ ^ Nor ie & W. [998 Brad don (M. E.)—One Thing Needful : a Novel. 12mo. Browning : (Mrs. E. B.) —Poems. Post 8vo. pp. 816r PP 380, 2s. 6d. ; boards , 2e J. & R» Max well [994 . 8s. 6d. .*..... Routledge [999 ' ^ ^ =m ¦ ¦ ¦" " "' ' ' ,. ¦- ¦ ¦ ¦ . ,. .-...... ¦ ¦ . . . . ' ' " ¦¦. • • ^ - " -,_; -..- - .,. .,...... ,,, ' ¦ ¦ ¦ - • • ¦ rx ¦ :; - -"^ - ¦ ^ ¦ - " ' . ¦ • ¦'•" "' ¦r -:: . 'V:?- ^ P- ¦ ¦ ¦ 1; _. ¦. . ¦¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ •" ^. '¦" . . >.'y ;1 ¦> ,**# tv . ' ^i -J ? 15, 294 3flae PtibMsliers Gireailar ^W^ 1887

Brownin g (E. B.)-Poems. 18mo. pp. Harrison (Mary)—The Skilful Cook : a PracticalManual «££ of Modern Experience. 3rd edit, post 8vo. pp.320 , 6s. .4 rep rint of an early volume by Mrs. Browning^ when ^ . ^W [1028 Miss Barre tt, f irst published in 1844 ; now reprinted^ Haver gal (F. R.)—-Coming to the King : with copyright add itions and Hymns, bv from her works (1856)» ¦ Frances Ridley Havergal and others. New f dit. square alterations. r 16mo. 2s. 6d . Hawkins [1029 Buehh olz (W.)—The Buchholzes in. Italy. Travelling Adventures of Wilhelmine Buchholz. Edited by Julius Haw els (H- R.)—Christ and Christianity. The Picture of Stinde. Translated from the 37th edit, of the Original, Paul (the Disciple) . Vol. 4, post 8vo. pp. 288, 5s. by Harriet P. PowelL Post 8vo. pp. 170, 6s. .. ~Bell [1001 Burnet [1030 Cameron (Mrs. H. Lovett- )—A life's Mistake : a Novel. Imperial Whit e Books. Vol. 1, 1886, part 1. 8vo. pp Post 8vo. pp. 334, 3s.?6d Ward l Ha ggar d (H. R.)—Jeas. Post 8vo. pp. 336, 6s. Sketches and tales. Smith & E. [1026 Murray (J. A. H.)—New English Dictionary on Historical A tale reprinted fr om the Cornhill Magazine. Principles. Part 3, 4to. sewed, 12a. 6d....;. .Frowde £1052 Harrison (C)—Entertainments for Bazaars, Fancy Fairs, My College Days : the Autobiography of an Old Student. and Home Circles. How to Prepare and Arrange Them at Edited by R. Menziea Fergasaon. Post 8vo. pp, 18*, fis. Small Cost. With, numerous Illustrations. 12mo. pp. 90, , A« 0-ardner [1058 sewed. Is ..Bemroee [1027 Reminiscences of student life at Edinburgh. ¦ ¦ ¦ \ X—% \ ^ ' ' ' ' ' ' 1 . " ' ' ' i i ~ ¦ •¦ ¦ ¦ - '¦ ¦ ' ' ¦ ¦ ~ " —« - ¦:• . " : 3g>=^ . . / 1 i^ , The*Publish *^ Oir ^ilar f aferctiSi ¦ ¦ ¦ . ^ J ' r .-. I i I ,.- .. ¦ * ' ^^ _

Newsholme (A.)—School Hygiene: the Laws of Health Shakspe are ' s Tempest. 18mo. pp. 186, 6d. ; sewed, 3d. in Relation to School Life. Post 8vo. pp. 144, 2b. 6d: CCasselPs NationalLibrary )' , Cassell [1076 •; Sonnenschein [1054 Shakapeare's Works. (TheReader'sShakspeare). Vol. 6: O'D onoglme (Mrs. P.)—A Beggar on Horseback. 12mo. Tragedies, Vol. 1, post 8vo. pp. 360, €s W. Smith [1077 pp. 378, 2s. 6d. ; boards, 2s. i Maxwell [1055 i Shore 's (T. W.)—Elementary Practical Biology : Vege- O'Keeff© (P.)—Sermons at Mass. 12mo. (Dublin, Gill) table. 8vo. pp. 160, 6s. .. 4 Churchill [1078 , pp. 200, 2s . ... .Simpkin £1056 Shortho use (J . H.)—little Schoolmaster Mark. 1 vol. Oliphant (I».)—Haifa ; or, Life in Modern Palestine. 8vo. post 8vo. 4s. 6d Macmillan [ 1079 pp. 376, 7s. 6d. Blackwoods [1057 Letters fr omPales tine- during a recentof stay there, de- Sir Roger de Coverl ey : Essays from the Spectator. scribingmore especially the^present state p lacesmentioned With Notes and Illustrations by David Salmon. 2nd edit, v in Neva Testament history. post 8vo. pp. 200, Is. 6d. Longmans [1080 Outlines of Church Teac hin g1 : a Series of Instructions Smart (H.)—Cleverly "Won : a Bomance of the Grand for the Sundays and Chief Holy Days of the Christian Year. National : a Novelette. 12mo. pp. 118, Is. 6d. ; sewed, Is. By C. C. G-. With Preface by the Bey. Francis Paget. P. White [1081 Post 8vo. pp. 312, 3s. 6d. Masters [1058 Smedley (Menella B.) —Nina : a Tale of the Twilight (from other Folks Lives) edit, pos pp. , Pa terso n ( J- A.)—The Period of the Judges. 18mo. ' . New t 8vo. 214 (Edinburgh, Clark) pp. 88. sewed, 8d. (Bible Class Primers) 2s. 6d. Virtue [1082 Hamilton [1059 Stedm an (A. M. M.) — Miscellaneous Latin Exercises. Pete rborou gh and Monmouth (Earl )—The Earl of 12mo. pp. 102, Is. 6d Bell [1083 Peterborough and Monmouth (Charles Mordaunt) : a Memoir by Colonel Frank S. Russell. 2 vols. 8vo. pp. 712, Stowe (H. B.)—Uncle Tom's Cabin : a Tale of Life among 32s Chapman [1060 the Lowly. Post 8vo. pp. 380, 2s. ; sewed. Is. (Red . Library) Cassell [1084 Porter (Admiral D. D.)—The Naval History of the Civil War. Illus. 4to. pp.. 846, 25s. Low [1061 Stricklan d (Agnes)—Life of. By her Sister, Jane Mar- The civil war of the United States, 1861-65. garet Strickland. Post 8vo. pp. 386, 12s. 6d. Blackwoods [1085 Potte r (J .)—The Great Salvation, and other Sermons. Post pp. mpkin [1062 Sue (E.)—The Mysteries of Paris. "Unabridged edit. Com- 8vo. (Dublin, Herbert) 170, 3s. 6d Si plete in 1 vol. 8vo. pp. 152, sewed, Is Routledge [1086 Practice of the Presence of God the Beet Rule of Sue (E.)—The Wandering Jew. New Revised Translation a Holy Life : being Conversations and Letters of Brother from the Original French by Henry L. Williams. Un- Laurence. 32mo. pp. 82, Is Masters [1063 ] A translat ion from the French. Brother Lawrence teas abridged edit. Complete in 1 vol. 8vo. sewed, s. a Lay Brother among the barefooted Carmelites at Paris Boutledge [1087 in 1666. Temperance Dialog ues and Recitations , Ori ginal and^elected in Poetry and Prose. 12mo. (Manchester, Quadra gesima ; or, Short Meditations for Lent and Holy A. Heywood) ^ pp. 106, sawed, 6d Simpkin [1088 Week. By a Brother of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul. 12mo. pp. 128, 2s. 6d. M Blackwoods [1064 Thackeray (W, M.)—A Shabby Genteel Story, Confessions ^ of Cteorge Fitz-Boodj e, and the Fitz-Boodle Papers. 8vo. Reed 's Key to 11th edit, of New Guide Book, containing pp. 154, sewed, 6d. .» Routledge [1089 the Working of the Questions and the Quantities from the Nautical Almanac and Admiralty Tide Tables. Examples Thackeray (W- M.)—History of Samuel Titmarsh and for 1889. (Tides for 1886.) Post 8iro. (Sonderland, Reed), the Great Hoggarty Diamond. New edit. 18mo. pp. 314, pp. 250, 3s. 6d w Simpkin [1065 Is. 6d. ; sewed, Is Smith & E. [1090 Reed 's New Guide Book to the Local Marin e Thomson (A. W.)—A Text-Book of the Principles and Board. Examinations of Masters and Mates for Certifi- Practice of Book-keeping. Post 8vo. pp. 146, 5s. cates of Competency. 11th edit, revised and enlarged. Bell"[1091 , pp. 362, 5s.. ..Simpkin [1066 Post 8vo. (Sunderland Reed) Trumbull (H. C.)—The Blood Covenant : a Primitive Remo (P.)—Music in the Land of Fogs. 12mo. pp. 286, Rite and its Bearings on Scripture. Post 8vo. pp. 348, sewed, Is Kent [1067 7s. 6d Red way [1092 A Frenchman * s view of the state of music in England ; the Tra nslator says : lA candid and able review of English Twain (Mark ) —The Innocents Abroad. With Intro- music and English musicians as at pi 'esent existing? duction by Rev . H. R. Haweis. Sq. 16mo. pp. 160, fid. ; stvd. 3d. (Aouf ledge' s World Library) ...... Routledge [1093 Rainbows ; or, Promise for Morn and Eve. 64rao. 6d. Veley (Margaret )—A. Garden of Memories ; Mrs. Austin ; Hawkins [1068 Lizzie's Bargain. 2 vols. post 8vo. pp. 476, 12b. Reynardson (C. T. S. B.)—Sports and Anecdoteo of By- Macmillan [1094 gone Days in England, Scotland, Ireland, Italy, and the Sunny South. With Illustrations. 8vo. pp. 290, 12s. Walford (C. )—Shining Baronetage, Shilling House of Com- Chapman [1069 mons, Shilling Knightage, Shilling Peerage, 1887. la. each ; 1 vol. 6s Chatto [1095 Rober ts (Dorothea ) — Two Royal Lives : Gleaning at Berlin and from the Lives of their Imperial Highnesses the Walker (T.)— The Original. New edit, arranged on a Crown Prince and Princess of Germany. With Portraits new PJan. Post 8vo. pp..3a

Alcott (A. B.)—New Connecticut : an Autobiographical Henderson (P.)—Gardening for Profit : a Guide to the Poem. Edited by F. B. Sanborn.. 16mo. (Boston) London, suooeesf ol Cultivation of the Market and Family Garden. 6s ...... ;. ...[ 1103 New Edition. Illustrated. 12mo. (New York) London, 10s. 6d. , [1125 Baker (W. S.)— Character Portraits of Washington as delineated by Historians, Orators, and Divines ; selected Hunt (W). — Representative English Prose and Prose and arranged in Chronological Order, with Biographical Writers. 12mo. (New York) London, 7s. 6d [1126 Notes and References. 4to. (Philadelphia) London, 25s. Irelan d (J. R.)—The Republic; or, a History of the United States of America in the Administrations, "V ols. 1 to 4. Barrett (J.) —How he Lost her : a Story. 16mo. (Hew 8vo. (Chicago) London, 12s. 6d. each [1127 York) London, 7s. Gd V 105 IaOnls (A.) — An Exile's Romance. 16mo. (New York) Beaumont ( Mrs . B.)—Twelve Years of my Life : an London, 7s. 6d [1128 Autobiography. 12mo. (Philadelphia) London, 7s. 6d. IVIcCosh (J.) —Realistic Philosophy Defended in a Philo- sophic Series. 2 vols. 12tno. Vol . 1, Expository ; Vol. 2, Bentley CR.)—Physiological Botany : an Abridgment of Historical and Critical (New York) London, 15s [1129 * the * Student's Guide to Structural, Morphological, and Mendenliall (T. C.) —A Century of Electricity. With Physiological Botany.' Prepared as a Sequel to ' Descrip- Illustrations. 16mo. (Boston) London, 6s [1130 tive Botany,* by Eliza A. Youmans. 12mo. (New York) London, 7s. 6d [1107 Meriwether (I..)—A Tramp Trip : How to See Europe on Fifty Cents a Day. With Portrait. 12mo. (New York) Bent on (J. R.) — How to Cook well. 16mo. (Boston) London, 6s [ 1131 [1108 London, 7s. 6d Meyer (It . R.)—Real Fairy Folk* : Explorations in the Boardman (Mrs.)—Life and Labours of the Rev. W. B. World of Atoms. Illustrated. 12mo. (Boston) London, Board man. 12mo. 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A New Edition, Revised and Enlarged, of THE PERFECT WAY ; or , the Fin ding of Christ (now first published under the Authors' names), by Anna Kingsfobd, M.D. (Paris), and Edward Maitvland, B.A. (Cantab.) 1 . Twelve-and-Sixpence. Loiidon : Field & Tuer, The Leadenhall Press, E.C.

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WOW READY. The following Series of Etchin gs on Copper : Size of Plate The SALISBURY Series consisting of Etchings -r» , A ~ of o. . DJ . Poultr y Cross t 6 x4 ° Sizeqf Plate stoneiienge 5f x 2J The Cathedral fro m 3H7W 6^x5 ™ ^D.cniMmi^BURGoruH • Exeter Street Gate . x * ^ Head O ^ & High. Street Gate H x 3^ "WTiite Horse Close 6^x5 St. Thomas1 Church. .» 6f x5 Queen Mar y*s Bath-house e} x5 All the above are now ready, and can be supplied ab the undermentioned-prices. . - The Series will be continued at intervals of about a month, the next Etching being one of The Canon gate Tolbooth , Edinbur gh, to be ready about Marcli 1. P BICES. -\ Parchment Proofs (25 printed), signed, 28. each ; Japanese Proofs (50 printed), Is, Od. each ; Plain Prints, Is. each (the first 200 of which will be signed). JV.B.—There are only, a very small number of Proofs of the Salisbury views remaining. TO BE HAD OP WILLIAM BROW N, Riverside, Castl e Street , SALISBURY. SPECIAL TERMS TO THE TRADE.

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The First Monthly Number of THE WESTMINSTE R HE VIE W, price 2s. 6d., will be publishe d, on April 1. The Trade a/re requested to send their orders as ear ly as possible* Jp bospect uses on app lication. . ^ London : TRUBNER & CO., 67 & 69 Ludgate Hill, E.O. 1 ¦ &¦ ¦ . ; u ' ' V . . \ , ' r=&c ¦ ¦ -¦ ¦ ¦¦¦ .„ ¦ ~' ¦ • -" ¦ ¦- --— -...... <... ,.. , .. .. ^L : , ...... ^, -..: _ . .; .„.,...... _ ¦ >W *> ' 1 . t i ^. ----^—¦^^ ^ ^ ¦ ^ t ^ ^ g ^^^ J. ¦ 1" ¦ ^^ ffi ' ¦ - ¦ '!" V-" - 1 • ' " (" " |~ ¦ t • . ¦ ¦ « if : ; %¦ , . ' j 308 ThierBubliisliei's' Circular ' M^*-r$%tjjkf

THR EARL OF DERBY sfiys, 'It appears to be light and ^ l Jan. 31, 1887 !—'The new process ^ sti?chg,'and i tfcfe 4)6ok bggns"-«te *few of bookbinding appears to him both books open now-a-days.J handsome and convenient, and the Rt Hon. W. E. GLADSTONE. ; pook opens more easily than is ^ generally the case/ Jan. 14, 1887. ' PELLISFO RT ' BOO KBINDING. WILLIAM G. STONEH AM & CO., LIM., Bookbinders and Bound Booksellers, PEARTREE COURT (opposite Ray Street ), FAR RINGDON RD., Sena f or Catalogtie. LON DON, B.C.

,The Times, Jan. 31, 1887 : Publishers' Circular : — * Simple and tasteful, the bind- ' Thero is strength in the work- ing is pleasant to eye and hand manship and beauty in its accom- alike.' plishment.' HANDBOOK OF COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDEN CE : Being a Collection of Letters of Business, with Original Invoices, Account Sales, Insurance Accounts, Market Reports, and Prices Current, a ll of recent date : Illustrating the Course of Mercantile Operations ix and -with Foreign, chiefly Transatlantic Countries. By G. D. A. and L. McGoun. In Two Parts. Crown 8vo. 367 pages, price Five Shillings. * The Student and Beginner may learn much from a work like the present/—DailV Chronicle. ' " A Handbook of Commercial Correspondence " has been compiled with great care by Gr. D. A. and L. McGroun, and to youths entering on business careers it will doubtless prove of value.' Pall Mall Gazette. London : SAMPSON LOW, MARSTON, SEARLE & RIVING TON, Crown Buildings, 188 Fleet Street, E.C. Many Thousand Vo lumes of Modern Boohs, including a Portion of the Publishing Stock of Messrs. BEEVES & TUBNEB, of No. 296 Strand (in consequence of the death of the late Mr. OSBOBNE T UB NEB, and in settlement of Partners hip Accounts), comprising severa l importan t Bemainders . MESSRS. HODGSON will SELL by AUCTION, at their Booms, 115 Chancery Lane, W.C., on TUESDAY, March 15, and Three following Days, at One o'clock (by order of several London Publishers), MANY THOUSAND VOLUMES of POPULAR MODERN PUBLICATIONS, including 200 Hunter's Hallamshire, folio ; 268 Hulme's Floral Design ; 250 Pictures by Landseer, &c. ; 82 Wilkie Gallery ; 120 Murillo and the Spanish School ; 476 Foss's Biographia Juridica ; 290 Pelham's Chronicles of Crime, 2 vols., and the Stereo Plates ; 870 Helps on G overnment ; 200 Long's lioman Republic, 5 vols. ; 50 Bloxam's Architecture, 3 vols. (£l. 2s. 6d.) ; 125 Jer. Taylor's Works, 3 vols. ; 250 South's Sermons, 2 toIs. ; and Copies of Bell's Library of Natural History, 48 vols. (pub. £57) ; Sowerby's Botany, 12 vols. (£24) ; Aldine Poets, 63 vols. (£15. 13s. 6d.) ; Bibliotheca Classica, edited by Long and Macleane, 26 vols. (£19. 0s. 6rf.) ; Burn's Rome (£3. 3s.) ; Dyer's Europe, 5 vols. ; Dodsley's Old Plays, 15 vols. ; Dickens' "Worlds, 30 vols. ; Swift , Smollett, and Fielding, 4 vols. ; Singer's Sh akespeare, 10 vols. ; Collier's Annals of the Stage, 3 vols. ; Hogarth's Works, 2 vols. (£5. 5s.); Flaxman's Drawings, folio (£10. 10a.); Wedgwood's Works, 3 vols. (£9. 9s.); Y^iarte's Venice (£2. 1 2s. 6d); Cruikohank's Table Book and Omnibus, 2 vols. ; Chantrey's Peak Scen ery ; also the COPYRIGHTS, STERE OTYPE , STEEL PL ATES, and WOOD-BLOCKS of Art and Song, small 4to. ; Barry Cor^all's Dramatic Scenes, Cowper's Poems, Chalmers* Shakespeare, diamond Type ; Hall's Fragments of Voyages, Wood's Episodes of Insect Life , Smith's Ancient Toppgraphy,of London, Richardson's English Dictionary, abridged ; Copper-plate Portrait of Elizabeth Fry, by Leslie, &c.—To, be viewed and Catalogues had. ' • - ' fa i± ———— ¦ ; —— :— ¦¦¦ ¦ *•> . ' c ¦ ¦ ¦ •¦- "- ; ¦ •• ¦ *M ^ : ? ^ ^

Mar ch is, 1S87 /The 3?te ibtfeb ;ers ' Circular 309 1

Telegra phic Address, ' SPALDING / LONDON. ] [Telephone No. 2520. SPALDING and HODGE, 145 , 146 , & 147 DEUEY LANE, ?* LONDON, W.C. *+ ID^oIcsale ^f ationex& & TTtannf acturexs.

Hold the Lar gest Stock in the World of every description of Papers.

. v_ \/ v^ v/\/v/ v> " v ^ v/ \/\/\x\/' xx xy /vy\/\/\/\/\/\/1 vy _y _ «» n y " \s \/V/ XX XX XX'V^^^ "* '•* * x^ v^ x^ x ^v ^v ^ \x\/ x> x^ v^ \/ x> v^ \y x^ \s v/ x^ x^ -x^ x^ \/v/ v ^ v/ \/ ^^ v^ v^ ^^ " x^x^ x^ x^ v \/" x^ xxx ^^ xx * ^ »^ »**x%* ^^ \_^ x^ \_^


PRINTINGS, of every Qual ity and Price. PLAT E, WOODCUT, MAP, and DRAWING PAPERS. LITHO ANTISTRETOH. Registers perfectl y. , WHITE and TINTED WRITINGS, of the Best Know n Mills. LOFT-DRIED MACHINE-MADE WRITINGS, E. S. and T. 8.


&G. &C. & 0.

*++-<* «-+>+¦+<**,+.+>*. *¦ *>».<* ~. *»i* ¦«mns , «>» .<», .t»4» 4n» ¦» <» «n>. «> <»? ¦»<»???? ^^^ ??????? ?????? ??? ?? ??¦?^^? ?^??? ^^ ???? ^?^^ ¦???? ^ * —— , : ; r — SPALDING & HODGE, JEocp ort Stationers cvnd, JMEa /wuf asCtwrers, 145 , 146, <& 147 DMITRY liAJ ff^ , LOND ON, ^ T.O. ¦ mmm —~~mmn , UU i .. . . i :¦: . , " .¦ .„„ :: (: .;.rj . i n r j.i.K:" : j.M . u i- <) . « <*. . . »,...... i.. . ,.,. . -..u . ., - - . -.. .,,¦ ,--.¦ ¦. ,..^,u i . i. '..- ' : . .:..i:i?. *: -'.- '. '.:-.: - .i:'Li:. .: J.¦ ' 'i -"^ v i^ ¦MMMMa& ^Yfjg ¦¦ ' ¦ " ' " ' ¦ ¦ ' ¦¦ " " * ' ' ' ; *11^ • ¦ • - .[' " . - ' , : P- i^W '^ ^VV ^ | | 'TJ r f c^k o ie ?Piibli s3iersf iCSbc^tilar ^ ^ ^ 1^ 1887

I COLTER MILL S PAlS fCOMPANY, iipf^ | g i: ;' OtTUJTAlR^Jtieai ^jBEj^toE^Ei^'.i • -. Q j§2 JffillJL JL M O* <7* r^ |

K SUPERFINE Ar^^^ANT^Q^ E ^pEINTINGS. g] I p the new imitation hand-made, with g k : deckle edges, for reprints. g| p plat e and litho papers. b Edr awi n g and m us ic ; pape rs. 3 p tinted cover pape rs* g S engine;-sized a/vritings.: ; : u § : : ' atefyotxse z J ^2 &onbon ^ S g 31 FAEEINGDON STEEET, E.O. | R. T TANNER& 60. SALISBUR Y SQUARE, FLEET STREET. WHOLESALE A N D EX PO RT STATIONERS. mk^t^jt^^»^Jt ^jt^j ^>^^Jtk ^^m^m^-4 ^^^ ^ ^^^^^^^ - ^^^^^^^ - ^^ - ^^^^^^^^ d ^^ tk ^k ^^^^ Jtk ^^^ j tt ^^^^^ ti ^^ Jtk ^ PRINTING, HAND and MACHINE-MADE WRITINGS, TI88UE8, NEWS, and TI NTED and COLOURED PAPERS, STRAW, and PLAT E PAPERS. CARTR I DGES and B LOTTINGS. MILL BOARDS.


«T TO PROPRIETORS OP ILLUSTRATED PERIO DICALS, BOOKS , Ac. For Sale.—Electrot ypes of upwards of 150,000 Wood Engravings. Specimens and Term s tippn application to C^BSELIi & COMP ANY (Limited), La Belle Sauvage Yard , Ludgate Hill, London , E.O. ¦ ¦ ¦ < . - •...* , • ...... \ .. , ... , . , [ ' ' ' •RT.B.—Examine iliia Stock Jyetover ordering ti&vr aubjoota. - , I ,^ B^^ __ «i I ' . ___—— #M ¦; ' gj iiiii g ii ^^ ' g% (a ^r - iy ^ ^ ¦ |; M«ch i^,j#? . . ... A . ^ fe :! cjjj^ HakWHS : rfin^rr rjf K~f —- ;-~ *74r r*sr rv a ^^VT*rs rr J •* cka ¦ in1 ^v - : .^J l A¦ li & n^ !f &&£ «f%°ir h - - - .; i ¦¦ ' " ' ¦ ¦ - . w •Wa - aJjilk-r. M? J ' M M ^j l w ;i C^ ^L ^ cMBMl.' AnK " '' ' ¦ ^^ M^x ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦ • • ¦ ¦ •-, . . - - • * ii • " - ' : "^ - • 'V * • . . b ¦ ( . ¦ ¦ r U : ¦ ¦ ' ¦ - ' - Vjif. . ' .v ' • ' • ' ft ¦¦ ; ^ •- ' i ^SSSTT ^Y T- '- i'fix . ' ' Qfej . . "-^^^ .. ^ ! . ! ' :/ • . *¦ ¦ f- J ;; fB;Jj $te*}tte . «: :# fttt tri- Jifeb -tttt iift - . > , ;:;: %.-^ i|


- - . - -— - — ¦ ¦ ' == == = •» . - S • ¦ " .; . V . ' . ^ ^ EVERY DESCRIPTION OF Dews * Piontihgs and 4 UJritin gs. y i ^ ]r r ' , ' " ' " * " ' ^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^^ w • ' ' " '^ - "LJ^l


MILLS 400, 401, 402, 403, 614, 693.

Who lesale an d Export Manufactu rer s of

¦ ¦ • • i. Printin g, Plate• , and Litho Pa pers ; Ha nd and Machine-made Writin gs & Print ings; Tinted Writin gs, Cartrid ge, & Blottin gs ; , Tissues and . Copying Papers ; , f Enamel Papers ; Cards , White and Coloured ; Envelo pes and Note Pa pers. [ LO NDON WAREHOUSE : 65 O^ D BAILEY , E,G.^ I ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦- ¦ ¦ ¦ p | - *y ' >¦ - " ' ' • " ' " ' ' ~ " " ' ' ' ' ' -• -• ' ' >t ' *^ **** i *****~ vz^--]i _ 7 i .. _. . i v i _ i: . i . .. j J; i . .u Vu... ..- ,,.i i . - ... .I It .., ..;. t r . j . ^12 The l?iiblii ^^ ' ' ' ' :—: ^ _ ^ - ^ . :i MMM ^ __i TTT—1 1- '— rm rnim -m— rrT M-, ^ M^ , ^ aM ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^ — ir —i i--m-i ' ~ ir ^ ——^—«———— ^ Mi ^ ^ ^ ^^^^^^^^ ~ r ^^^ T - i« ^^^^ i ^^ ' " - - ¦ • • " - ' ' ' ' [ _ . i- . ._ . - THE " Sr ELEC STIIOTYPE A0ft|€Y , 19-23 LUDGATEr HILL, LONDON, E.C. ¦ i . f~ '- . ' " " ¦ ' (Established 1873), ¦ ¦ — .- • ¦(> ...... Invite a call from Publishers of Magazines and Periodicals , or from Authors brin ging oat Illust ra ted Work s, Ac., to inspect all the latest Illastration s in the English and Foreign Newspapers and Books, fro m which i Electros can be obtained —at the vend ors' original prices, rang ing from 6d. per inch upward *. One Yea^s Copyright, or sole use, given 'with all JElectros. • American Branch : Estes & La.u»iat , poston, U.S.A. Continen tal Agent : A. Twiktmeybr ,. Leipzig. PariS Affent : F; Schluter , 27 Rue Ga ^ne-gaud , Paris. U ^^ ot , lo ^oi/.] [telethon * No. 1,880. SOLE AGENTS FOR THE ILLUSTRA TED LONDON NEWS. NOVELLO/ EWER, & CO. PUBLISHERS ' BOOK BINDERS , £>ttam Wotk$ : 11 i y 11 3, & 115 Southiv ^irkStreet, S.E.

MESSRS. NOVELLO & CO. beg to inform the Trade tliat they are prepared -; to undertake every description of Wholesal e Bookbinding :in cloth or leather , and to submit Estimat es at the lowest possible rates. Y. TROTTER & SON. I MILL 61 SCOTCH. 1 {ESTABLISHED 1790.) 1 Makers of th e Best Qualities of Printin g: and Litho Pa pers. \ Highly Milled Pa pers for Dry Printing 1. Engine-Sized Wr itin gs. : Superior Enamelled and Surface-Coloured Pa pers. IE^ IF > \ S^ l-IMI Xj IEj S .A- IEsTX) - Jz* JtGXaiES S OIET ^ l. ZF> XjXC-A.TXOIET - ¦, Addres s : CHIRNSIDE BRIDGE , CHIRNSIDE, N.B. London Agents -A. M. PEEBLES & SON , 163 Queen Victoria Street.

RINTING |<^^^ 1S|| -— CHARLES WHITTINGHAM AN£> CO., OF THE 21 Lane, WN Imljlei CHIS WICK PRESS (EstablishedT/S p)7 , Tooks Court, Chancery f %!&isiit fra? London, have pleasure in offering their services as General Letterpress Prin ters. ; fejTgTggwft ^ Ha VING a larp e and experienced staff , and also a unique and beautif ul collection of initial letters, head and tail piecesf and ornamental borders, in addition to large J ounts 0/ type, ootn modern and old style, and an assortment 0/ foreign and English hand and machine-made papersat their command> they are able to tindertake the best class of boofcwork and Editions de luxe. Specialf acilities { illustrated or otherwise), legal, and other work. Samplesof initials, and are offered for Catalogues types* or (laments are available for inspection at their office , and advice is respectfully offered as to the printingo£ iV c atalogues of libraries or private collections. Telephon e JVo. 2704/ telegram, " Whitting hdm, Zjmdon. ¦ ¦ f o«kis,im- "m ^ m ^ ^ m ^ s s^m: " 313% ROCK BROTHER |^ Wholesale, Export, and Manufacturin g Stationers, 11 WALBROOK , LONDON , E.C.

newest / / \ \ other Numero us Hovelties. L63.din fi* Lill6S. / / \ \ ¦««e Tn.««Ker»' «\,^r X \\ Carnage• paidof upon / / *^ p\ \aU orders £10 / ^ Now read y. / / ^ and upwards . ^^ J ^ > ^ ^ ^ ^\. \ " ^^ .^WCy^ C" '

^iy 3s^r e: X) j^. 31. ^ /^^x \^ %. ^ \ /X7/ri «^o,°/V SPECIALITIES.W \%, ^-< \ ^ ^y \ / V ^ v \ The Queen of Note Pap ers. ROMANESQUE. TTLTBA POPTJ IiAR. I

FOLIO PAPERS : News—Pri ntin gs—Writing s. NEW MIL LS : Rocklei gh, Moor leigh. 3?rintingp3 froiipL SJc?. lib. IW^x^iting© from 3fd. lib.

, ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦¦ ¦" " ^ " "' r ' Yf F^^^^ ^^^^^¦ ^ ^ T ^ ^ ^ . '" t - #$#5$to£ !* S I: feW^ f | t JVf .,„ ...,., .. , .. , .., , _ ¦ ^r . . Tt^^ltt§2. . v v ^., ,.^ J .^«,*^, -:w*~«~~~ —ii— *~ -r ^~ _ V___ ' t' M T I V fe»i * J 1| I , ,^5X7 J I)i 3M ¦¦,.,. ,7, ¦ ^ffi . ¦ ¦* ¦*- ... ¦ ¦ i .- if- ' g... ¦..,.., —~ U.XU~.P». ¦ ! ¦¦ ' ¦ _ __ _ r I ( ' •i _ Xj P^ l ^ -r=* ;: „ , , ^.r JfcJ J frTN . f^jfr ^^S- • -. ' .Q^A h^ uLJ i^ ^ ^ ^: —-- . -as^s.^ ¦ ¦ " '« ' ¦ ' " ' '' : . . wK OLESAii¦ ¦ P¦¦ • : . •? / ' < ¦ i ' '« f -• '** . i ' . / . .' . . '.- . • . - • I ¦]i ch)sjj ;ipcr , Imrrtrt , nvfo lt¦ iral Wt iwiniwc 3lp;eM|* ;¦ .¦ ^ .. "^- T* - • . '- ^ .. - - t r •«. -* ..- - * ; * , :JJ \ jifi • ¦r~™ """ ^ 1"™"""" v. ., -, ¦ - ' ^V' 7 ' :' " ff . ^ ^^ ^ ^ ^^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^^ ^^ ^^^^^^^ y " ' ; P'. ^^ ^ ^™ ^ ^ I , ¦' ¦ ' v ? ! •- "' •. , . /•• - - i 3 Amen Cobnbb ^> '^-Bow;t .^^r' V- E. MAELB OROUGtH & CO. Pate ^osteb EC . MARSHALL BROTHERS ^ ; SI Old, Bailey, E.C. \ \ wholesale ; " 'gSoofesellcr ^ anb ^ublis ^ers. ' ' ' Tlffi lE& IMI S O 3ST APPLICi LTIOlT . ,, ,.. . ( No Commission on Miscellaneoua Orders^ .

DB3ST-A.2feXj ISia:DE ]X> 182O. --:- . ESTABLISHED 1837. l/\ III george vickers, HENRY*^ •» 1^ I WILLIAMSII 1 *- Wi «5 WHOLESALE AND EXPORT I i 48 OLD. BAILEY , JB OOJS:SEJLZ ,JSM <& NEWSA GENT , fob the supply of Q per prst ANfiEL C URT , 172 STRANO f LONDON, W.G. Patl p ^I CWSpa pcrs tratrt s, Dail Pa pePS despatched pep earl y MOr iiin ^ Trains. WEEK LY NEWSPAPERS , PERIODICALS , Countr y Tr ^de supplied with Newspapers ^ Books , and MONTHLY MAGAZINES. Periodical s, and Magazines , on bestrterms. , nriscellcmeonsOrders Carefull y Completed, &c, > No Commission on Miscellaneousas Orders. despatched noe received. Terms tro g^jy es O JsT APP3LICA TIO33 -. Ml Ord w on ^ ' # .+ +&* G- GOLD(NG, ^^^Xskp J? //*; ^S^olcsalc^obfe anb W^tpsaqett i, " ^ 4? ^ fo// / -/^ ^ ^ &£/$?£#' 18 M0UGHT0N STREET, .4^ ^ & ^ S^^ Jp 4?/Mjf '& , NEWCASTLE STREET , STRAND, W .C. / r >§> i^ / ofJ $'if ' The Countr y Trade are respectfully informed th at they can *^ ^ ^ ^ , - be supplied earl y an d punctuallyFOR with ^ ^ ^ i ^ * /& ?5f/ <^ ^ ^ .o / goods requir ed their business ^ C^ »U in CASH. ^ » ^ 4^ <^ /^ / ^ ^> 4^ /j& ^ TERMS ON APPLICATION. ^ - ^ V ** ^ ^ ^> / Established 1850. NOTICE. —To Pr ovincial Publishers , Auth ors , &c— U T? J ^J f>V \T Y f *^tC T2 Magazines , Periodicals , and Serials Floated on the Lon- *A X-l AX XV I Y IV JlV XZjIT7* JTVO^L y ¦ , don Market by _ 31V ST ^^ -A- D^TX) .. ..»^;ofS?li;ft .^?l«.«/ wi«« ^Mp>f « ^^ . l on-doit , s.o., * ISTaga^mc^ !• Pu blishers * Distributorsffi and Bill Posters. . . Q^fcT THE LOWE ST TEEMS. The central position r 8 eat faciliti for ^ ® ^ ESTABLISHED UPWARDS OF 5O YEARS. ^ e tio^ s Estimates f or Printin g and Publishing can be had upon Enclosu res Received and Packed. Miscellaneous application.^ ^^^ Goods Collected. J. M. KR ONHEI IYI & C0. f r TRADE MARK f an O lOUX \>XXXXX<>XX ^ ^ , BANGOR HOUSE, SHOE LANE, LONDON, fe^Hrf E.C. 1846 J Continue to employ the Best Artists , both English and Conti nental , as _--^ well as the Newest Ma chiner y to produce the superior work for which ^ *^^ ^ { ^^ this establis hment has earned an Euro pean celebri ty. ;. SPECIMENS and COL OUR PRINTING of all kinds , EMBOSSED and PERF O RATED, may be seen) on application . . TELEPHONE E S T I M A TF.S ) Register ed ^o ,limAlJ^O TeUgramAddress, NUMBERIN U IVIDCIT , FOR EVERY DESCI4IPTION OF ' - ITlJONffWrM -^g-gJb_ FANCY, ORNAMENTAL, AMD COMMERCIAL PRIHTINtt. hongp n. ' _ r . j», jy ' "' . ' , " ' ' . ~n nr ~r~~~ r *" ~~—" ^ ""** ^ " ~ ^ —-^feii^fa ' — n ——~~~^^—-^ ^ ^i^Q^# pt— ¦ ! ii . *ri—n i rmrrr>wrw >»M«*«M« >nflMrt *i'tifMi >*r~rTTT%T iTTTrii ^^ " r t& ' J m^ ml. ' ¦ ' ' ¦ ¦ ' " ¦ ¦ • ? 1 ¦ ^ fif fif J b.1 B;:lf r « j •; ¦ -J— v : G£*v *5\ ;* WvM JMfif- +'*M^^ ¦*-* B _N<*>*-* Sf* .* -fiV^4U^fc-*^Jfc ^R ¥ Jk -# > <&©^St - , ' ' P ' " T^ | - _r : -^ _ • ' > L

L ———; ,—; , i ! ! PR INTERS ' PRINTERS flO CA8rij UA/vl E ^ . fS^r^ F &o X tT iOJCli ^np *uj 98 ^ H8P Hsuk^ uA,Jfafip«, P krt.1 i: OnH ~r€ =>r * &ptati)t. I H^ TBt»F»oif»^^^^^ No. 6690, ^ ^ GILBERT AND RIVINGTON, I) .. , , LIMITED, evitntal, Classical, anh General tyvinttts , mrr. j okn ' s squabs , j l*oisjjx>is. 8F BOIAL FACILITIES FOR ORIENTAL LANGUAaBS. CHARLES EASON & SON , JOHN AVERY & CO., Ld. , Igvintex * printers , ^if^ogra p^crs , gnfjratrers , index ja?iNa-F7iOTa^EHj5. ABBBDasisr- All cnassesTf rcc o^^^Tcatalogues, Every description of BOOK PRINTING executed Price Liats, &c, Indexed and Printed, lay «peoial r. . with TtASTE , DESPATCH, and at very Machinery. LO ^V ^PRICES. ' ~ Dealgna nd 1 a g BookMndi g . 80 MIDDL E ABBEY STREET, DUBLIN. " ™ *U$£££ " " °" ~~ " , -«. KENNY £c OO-, ^m gyorR . ^OOt t . Qvpottcapbical¦ Wusic anb general —-*>. •'- • • I > 3ti X'lST TBBS t » ^Tmxr ^ r „„„„„ 25 CAMDEN ROA D , LONDON , N.W. BALLA NTYNE^ , CXeregram^-'KE^co, London.') PRESS FrRST-CLASS BOOK & PERIODIC AL WORK. EDINBURGH ; Machines iip to ondlnoluding Four-dieiny Perfecting. Hot BOulhto by Gil ,i/sMaohink (Pricse List on application) . CHANDOS STREET, LONDON. paper bindin g, etc.

estabushed ,648. MERRITT & MATCHER , ¦ ALFRED BOOT & SON, t*pi. t^imm ^ TO* THE TRADE Pri aters and Lithogra phers, PRINTERS ; ' " . . , Grocers' Ha|l Conrt, Poultry, E.C. 2 4 6 L D BAILEY EC : ? , ' : * ' Very Low Esti mates for Lon g Numbers .

¦ " ' telb phonV Telephone No. 6986. < . - • ¦ • • nq- 17708. v _ * l ' ' * • | ^ » " — i ^ — ¦ ¦ ^ ¦ ... . **"^ ""*** ¦ • ' ^ ^ ^ TT* —.. . . TT^ * i i . i . ' . .. n i i . r i n i . • . --, t — - -^^^^^^^^^^^ ?rr ^ ^ ^ ^ BM |^ fc sp^ T!pe ¦ :13,^ ' ^ " "^" '" ^l ^^^^^ i gsp BXJjaf™:HJ^jSf > CAl^I>S a© " Ac- ^rinicr ^ I

W« B- WHITT INGHAM & CO ., THE OHESHAM PRESS. I 91 * ygSSSfev TRADE I printers . . street. WJ BOOKS Unwin Brother s, I CATA WOBKS ¥Jmu§) ' "*"LOGUES. "~ ^AiKi3K&^ STEREOTVPERS»*** & LTTHQGRAPHXRS* I1 44, Charterhouse Sq. fX^ R!fC c£9 r books . ' . . M London_ ^ T^ fij SJj S^ ^ LONDON * OMILWORTH. I ^ JQk MAGAZINES. I g— j -- —i BUSINESS CARDS. r7 I? Applications for spaces on this page to be made H^l-I T-Vl ^? -tvT ^\ ' at the I • p^VCJ^ I'U^rVj ; office of this Journal, I ELECTROTYPER A«D STEREOTYPE R, i 188 Fleet Stree t, E.C. I 7Q kMlfiHTRinFR RT nnPTrtRR ' POMMONfi E.L.F t < &OTIC2J. -Intending Advertisersmust dis- I 79 KN IGHTRIDER ST., DOCTORS C0MW0N8, ; tinctlv understand that 'under no circumstances I AND 92 BLACKFRIARS ROAD, 8.E. < can one of these spaces be had f or a less p eriod I .^aaaaaaaaaa aa44*< a a»a*a»*»aa**aaa«aa7 than 12 months. I

l^oofrbittbers . G. & J. KITCAT, BOOKS BOXJISriD publishers ' ^ookbin bevs, Sn roor s sf»lc of ^fnftin g, I -^-^ From a single volume to any quantity, in cloth lettered to I SO ZEE-A-TTOILT C3--A-ZE^XDZE3UT^^^ -^^ moroceo elegant. I london, e.c. Wm MORRIS & CO . MatU ** o«e * SO Tears. ^ MoLBAN'S BTJ ILDI NaS, Designs supplied, and Estimates on application. N E W~ STREET S Q UARE, E.C. I ^txBccllancouB . Searches and Extracts mad e from noti ce to booksellers. Old ReCOrdS and Antiquarian BOOkS , Booksellers who wish their Firms to appear In the new and Topogra phical Books reported , annuaire de la librairie fr an qaise, | which will be published ver y shortly by /9k\*MI+-^j -w^^^, If -^^^4. ^ AA tmrjt * J ^j ^, .¥¥ , the Cerclk db i^ WK-^j SLTL\XtX WLfj..-^ Libraimb at Paris ^ .0tll+ are re Questcd to send inform ation without any delay. 14 Alexan dra STStreet a., Information to be given: Name or Firm' s JVame, Date of CAM BRIDG E Foundation, Agent in Pa ris. Somotob and M^MB^o^THK I«cob*obat*,> Cepo|e de ,a ubrairie, 111 B> St. Germai .i , Paris. ~ [EXPORT ONL " ^ R LECTRM ^PP MJ>. Street, E.C. II

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Advertisement * areBOOKS inserted under FOR this heading SALE. at 3d. per line, prepaid . Fielder, J., Bookseller, 51 Church Street, Camberwell Shato, J.,jun. Covered Market, LeedjL ^ I Girl' s Own, Vote, for 1886, 3«. 9d. per vol. Gillie's Histor y of Greece , 8 vols. 8vo. boar ds, 6*. 6d. i Boy's Own, Vola. for 1886, 8«. 9d. per vol. Bingham's Antiquities of the Christian Church , 8 vols. 8to. i Young Eng land, 3*. per vol. cloth, 17*. 6d. J Ha milton National Portrait Galler y, 3 vols roy. 8vo. full calf , clean , 20s. 1 , Adams, ds Co., 32 Paternoster Row London, E.C. Bayle'a Dictionary, 4 vols. folio, calf. Is. 6d. Aud& ley'e Art of Chromolithogr aphy, £8.* 3«» Only 800 | printed Bentley 's Miscellan y, Illustrated by Oruikshank , Leech, &o., 1 47 vols. 8vo. half-calf , £11. 11*. Bewick's Life and Works, by Thompson . Only 250 printed Medical Botany, bv Churchill and Stephenson , fine coloure d Cat hedra ls of England and Wales, by Winkle , 8 v. cloth gilt BickenaV plates , 4 lar ge vols, half-calf , 1831, 15*. 6d. (Ohas.) Works , edit , de luxe, 30 vols. £31. 10*. Swinnock *s Works , 6 vols, 8vo. cloth , 6*. 6d. Ha merton 's Etching and Etcher s, 3rd edit. £5. 6s. Adams ' Practical Works 8 vols. Qd. " J Landsca pe, £6» 6«. ; also L. P. edit, white vel- , 4*. lum , £10. 10*. Only 600 printed Slack, J., North Road ,' Jhirham i Leonardo da Vinci 's Literary Works , illustrated , 2 vols. Acts of the Parliament of Scotland , vols. 2 to 11, folio, £4 imp. 8vo. £12. 12*. Michel' Beports on the Public Becor ds of the Kingdom , with s Scottish Language , 4to. £2. 12*. 6<*. Only 500 Appendix , 2 vols. iolio, 20*. printed vols. of the Camden Society's Publications , cloth , £4 • Phiz.' Life and Labou rs of H. K. Browne , by Thompson , 49 L. Ma gna Britannia Antiqua et Nova. 6 vols. 4 to. 40*. 1738 | P. edit. Only 200 print ed Dictionar y, Sciences & Ecclesiasti ques, 5 vola. folio, 4X)«. 17C0 I Pu nch, 1878, 1879, 1880, 1881, 1882, 1883, 1884, blue cloth , gilt edges ©outh' s Rigid Dynamics , 85. 1877 i Han cock's Birds , folio, 6*. M * itHe* A ' & R* Aberdeen Robs on's Gram pian Mopntains , folio, 20*. The Pasto n Letters , by Gairdner , lar ge paper (Arbex) , 85*. Archae ological Journal , vola ; 1 to 5, cloth , £2. 10*» ' Comic Alman acs, orl g. edits. 1836, 1888, 18*3, 1848, 5*. each Bern 's Prac tjical Tunnellin g, 4to. cloth , 6#. 1844 .¦¦ , '¦ ¦ ¦ w : ... • \ " ' —- ^j —¦ — - ~ ctilkt¦ M a t 1 M 11 l »—^a»*it*«»jj a^ ajfci i r i ini i i r urn ifr -"t -• —-• t frr -ii*1 , " ~r~ ¦ . j f ~t~i i t i r i Trr ~ ii d»'d»fc *»aa*»<« fc»«*< «''' * '* *' «***' »''* »*yyj »y Mii g ^ ^ ^ ^ ' ' ' ' '*' " '' : 3*8 TJie Fu ^B^eri ^ ^ ^ ^*cfc *#isg7 ¦ ¦ .. ¦ • . . - BOOKS FOR SALE —con tinue d." > »-> ,,? ,•» '* -,r.

i ' ' ' -.1 ( Wri^leg, J:, 16 Londesbo rough Road, Scarbo rough Wrigleyy J., 16 Londesborou ghRoad , Scarboroug h Zoology and ' Complete , la in calf , 6 in Campbell's Lives of Chief Justice s, $ ytoiS.1 1849. 36«. Shaw' s Lectures , * cL t>oard8, 1800^26, 43 *. — Lives of Lord Chandell ors,^ vols. 1845-69 £4 Baker 's (I4eut.) Tmrkev in Bgjrp t, 8vo. cloth, 1877, 3s. Life , by his Daughter , 5 vols. 8vo. fine codv Burton (Isa. ) Inner Life in Syria , &c. 2 vols. cloth , 1875, 7s. 188J . %$s. 6d...... ,T . .,..; , Life and JoarnalB of Dean Alford , 8vo. half-calf, 1873, 6*. Bjrougnam 's Men of Lett er s and Scifnice, 2 void, roya l 8vo Bake r (Sir Sam.) Albert Nyanza . 2 vols. half-calf, 1866, 10*. 1845, 16*. . ' • /> . • . }i| - -. • ' Ismailia , 2 vols. cloth , 1874, 12*. Greville Memoirs , 3 vols. 8ro. cloth, 1874, £3 Sampton L-ectures, Scholastic Phi losophy, cloth , 1848, 10*. Tillers' Consulate and Empire , 20 vols. the half unbound Hogg's Jacobite Relics, 2 vols. 8vo. bds., uncut , 1819-21, 42s. 1845, 50*. Macaulay 's Lays of Ancient Rome, imp. 16mo. 1842, 10*. Clarendon 's Rebellion in En gland , 8 vols* Oxford , 1826 , 38« Our Street , by Titmarsh , imperial 16mo. half-calf , 1848, 9*. Life of Bishop Wilberforce , 3 vols. 8vo. 1880, 12s. Cape G-rammonc '8 Memoirs , 3 vols. small 8vo. 34 plate s Xolben's History of the Hottentots at the , 2 vols. ' only ; 1738, 20*. ( . . 1809, 20*. . • ¦:. , .. r¥main e r s . INCLUDING BOOKS IN ALL DEPA RTMENTSe> OF LITERATURE. ' CATALOGUES p ost-free tipon app lication. gh Ho W. 6UA I3HER, Wholesale BookseTl erT^SS Hi l born , Lond on . BOOKS WANTED TO PURCHAS E. ; JBTote. —It mutt be distinctly understood that lists cannot \be inserted f or others than subscribers except dt ft. charge of ' f or but must appear in the ordinary Column 6d. per line, prepaid. Books in Print are not Advertiseds , ¦ Advertisements and at the same rate. . _ . , -

-A. B.t Publishers ' Circular Office , 188 Fleet Street , E.C. Bright , F. J., 10 & M. The Arcade , Bournemouth, Hants , Harper 's Ma gazine. May, June , and Aug. 1881. Several Hawker on th e Psalms copies of each . , Grace Darl ing Abram Florida , with Bertram 's Jou rna l of a Brown, VT.. 26 Princes Street, Edinbur gh Voyage id Florida " ' Pennant' s Tour in Scotland. 4to. Vol. 3 Cooko' a Freeh wat er Algro,2 vols. , ( Kay's Portraits. 1887. Vol. 2* or Supplement Hosaall'B Fresh water Algoe, i void. Songs of the Edinburgh Angling Club Car penter's Foraminlfera (Ray Society) Crofter 's Memoira of Joseph Holt. 1888 Hooke' a Micrographia. 1065 or 1667 , fey • ! Ohauibers ' Walks in Edinburgh • < : ' Leeuw«inhook'fr Select WV>rk8 ^ ¦ Hoole, 2 Volsl^ . . — - Reeklana . '¦ ' .. ". Wilsott ^ Brj ^ogS BiltiWBtoEie W '» s ' k v _ ' —fl O^ciala ¦ ¦ ¦ " ¦ ¦ ¦ - '¦ - - . . " ¦¦ ¦ •¦•-¦-- - * »—¦ ¦ - ¦ ¦ ' ^w — i rr . . ! = = . ^ -» Pte^kbM ^^ ^i Mar ch is; f r _ /g^ j ¦ ¦ ¦ —¦ i ' " ^ f BOOKS WANTEB TO mmmm ^cmtiniiel ! Colwell , J., Pemzes , ,. , Edwards, F., 83 High Street, Marylebone, W. . > : J ones* Histor y of Bre cknock , ' ». ..: Simeon' s HoraB Homil., cloth. VoL 11 '/ j Vau ghan's System of Irr igation, : Ctfrca 1600 Alpine J ournal . Vols. 4, 9, 11. Uncut ? \\ Bovvland ! ¦ !¦ Waylen's Histor y of. Devizes . .. ;' ' * . .. - of :• Fletcher 's Studies in Sbakspeare , post 8vo. 184»7 ' .wi »i Britt on's Autobiography. Vol. 2. <>r firs t ^ort ion vol. 2, ' Peaks , Passes, and Glaciers. 2nd Series * YoU h Ma p to II lar gest pa per face page 3 i — neaut ies of "Wiltshire. Vol. 2 Timbs' Anecdotic Biography, cloth. Vol. 1 ' • : Cornbridge, C, 18 Graf ton Street* Dublin Edwards , J. W. P., 133 Richmond Place , Chester i Oldecott 's John G-ilpin. 1st edit. • Pickwick Pa per s. 1837. Vol. 1 : < jl House that J ack Built. " 1st edit. Books on Australia &c. : " ; • Borke's Portraits , v Best edit. • • , ¦ Hemin gway's History of Chester , 2 vols. ¦ Vols. of Blackwobd contai ning * Reasonable Fear3 • Journal of Cheshire Archaeolo gical Society. Parts 2 to 5 Old Cath olic Missal. Small size Ronald' s Fly.Fisher 's Entomolo gy, and other Angling Books ; Vanity Fair. Or iginal edit . Eland , J5T. S., 236 High Street, Exeter ¦ ! Esmond. Original edit. Montague 's Ornithological Dictionary of Briti sh Birds ~ ( Cornish, J., & Sans, 297 High-Hoiborn, London Builder. Jan . 9, 16, 1886 - Pickerin g's (Ellen) Secret Foe . | iloore's Diary in the Alps. Privatel y printed Ehttes A Larwriat, Boston, U.S.A. .' Doldenhorn and Weissefrau (London , 1864) Defoe's Works , 20 vols. : ' - ' Pick ering 's Aldine Poets, 53 vols. . j Expeditions on the Glaciers (J. -Barrow , 1»64) . ' ' Williams' (Ysagfell) History of, Wales Ersklne 's Speeches, 4 vols. i Lon don News Nos. 2424, 243? and 2141 Lewis and Clark' s Rocky Mountains , 2 vols. 8\ro. * Illustrated , 2128, , Boydell' s Illustrations to Shaks peare , 100 pts. ' ' Cornish, J. E., 33 Piccadilly,Manchester Dresden Gallery, folio! Early copies " : Defoe's "Works , 20 vols. Munich Gallery, folio. Earl y copies Little Folks. VoL 21 . . Mus ^e Royal et Francais , folio. E aorly copy ' • ^ Ludwi g, Arbeiten d. physiol. Anstalt. Bande 1-10 Luxembour g Gallery , -1710 -~ ' ¦ . Gr ey's (General ) Early Years of th ^ Prince Consort Poster 's Peera ge. Complete or in separate vols. ' - Eoans , J. R., 14 Ma&dalfiiStreet , Oxford 's American Railway* Securities , £vo. 1872 to 188-3 Coxe s Life of Wal pole, 2 vols. Grosvenor Lecky's Leaders of Public Opinion , in Ireland ' Cornish , J. E., 16 St. Ann' s Square , Mancheste r Adamnarfs Life of St., dolumba s Letters. ' English translation Yanit y Fair . 1884. Containing S. Firr , J. Coupland , A. Schleiermacher ' ' ¦¦ Coventry. Two copies . — Gardiner 's Richard I£L> 1883. Containing Earl Rocksava ge, H. It. Titmarsh' s Second Funeral of Napoleon. 1841 (Cunnin gham ) Corbet , Capt . W. G-. Midd leton. Two copies Eyre A Spottistooode {A Department), Grea t New Street, E.C * ——— 1876. Containing Viscount Cole. Two copie3 Thomas * (A.) The Exchequer (Petheram ) 1887. Containing W. G. Grace. Two copies Todd' s Par liamentary Government , 2 vols. Two copies Dale, J., is Co., 17 Bridge Street, Bradford Drummon 4's Life , by McLennan M ontalembert' s Monks of the West. 1861. Vol.2 Fannin A Co., 41 Grayton Street, Dublin 27 James ' Worsted Manufacture. 1857 D ublin Universi ty Magazine. Vola. 7,8^1836); Vol. (1846) Appleton 's Dictionar y of Machines. 1885 Medical Press arid Circular. Jan. to June 1862 Murp hy's Treatise on Art of Weavin g White 's History of Inventions and Discoveries Forster , T. y Colchester Evans' The Bees, a Poem. . Circa 1816 (Shre wsbur y) Dawson, W., <& Sons, 121 Cannon Street, London , E.C. Csesar Bor gia (Routled ge's Rail way Librar y, No* 67) Life of Mad ame de Stael Lucretia Borgia , by Albert Smith Butle r's (Josephine ) Memoi r of Joh n Grey, of Dilston Churnhouse 's Rambles in the South Pacific Deighto n, Bell & Co,, Booksellers, 18 Trinity Street , Cambridge Female Life amon g the Mormons (Roatled ge's Chea p Series, Murray 's Guide to Sicily , by Dennis No. 117) Green 's Mathematical Pa pers. 1871 Oilpin 's ( Bernard ) Life, by Carl ton Plato , Phsedrus , &c, ed. Wri ght Grorg e, E., 231 Whitechapel Road , E. ¦- _ Rolleaton's Forms of Animal Life Strickland' s Queens of Scot/land , cloth. Vol. 7 Thirl walTs History of Greece Gre en's Pr incesses, clotli. Vols. 1, 2 P3ah ns in Hebrew , metricall y arran ged by Rogers. 1833. Cunnin gham 's Letters of Wal pole, cloth. Vol. S (Bentley) Vol. 2 Craik' s Romance of the Peera ge, cloth . Vol. 4 Davits, jr., Grand Pump Room Library, Bath D'Arbla y's Diary , brown cloth. 1842. VoL 6 Garde ning. Vols. 1 to 6 Jerrold 's (Douglas) Shilling Ma gazine. Pa rt 40 r Sachs * Botany George' s Sons, W. y Bristol Dodgson, Joseph , 35 Park Row, Leeds Siborne 's Waterloo. Text only Life of Cole , of Scarborou gh Buck' s View of Tut bury Prior y Chaffer s' Potter y and Porcelain Cavendish 's Life of Wolsey Natu re-Printed Ferns , folio Select Poetry, 2 vols. (Parker Society) Pul pit. Vol.11 Brak e, R. /., Eton Fechner ' a Life after Death , translated Gilbert, H. M., 26 Above Bar, Southa mpto n Old Arm y and Navy Lists. 1778 &c. Dray ton , S.t & Sons, 201 High Street, Exeter Naval Anecdotes , 4to. Coloured plates Any Books on the History of Sir Fran cis Drake Birch' s .Memoirs. 18 73 (Oamden Society) Devon Associatio n Reports. 1871 Kalm's Travels in Ameri ca. 1781. Vola. 1, 2 Macle an's Trigg Minor . Pa rts 2, 8 Hunt' s (Leigh) The Town , cloth . "1818 . Vol. 1 Hook' s Archbi shops, 8vo. cloth. Vols. 6-12 Scott' s Napoleon. 1834., VoJ . 8 (Cadell) Gledsdale, J. IT., 18 Deansgate. Bolt on Frank , or the Reward of a Ha ppy Life Douglas «fc Foulis, 9 Castle Street, Edinburgh Quiver. Dec. 1885 Bagehot' s (W.) Literary Studies , 2 vols. Christmas No. 1885 Baring -Gould' s (S.) Iceland, its Scenes and Sagas Nov. and Dec. 1887 Camp bell's (Col. W.) Old Forest Ra nger . Earl y edit. Christmas No. 1887 " I rving ' B (W.) Old Christmas , illus. by Caldecott. 1st edit. Lang's (Andrew) Books and Bookmen. La rge paper Goose, A. H., & Co., 19 Rampant Horse Street , Norwich Milma n's (Dean ) Latin Christianity. Vols. 1 to 4 Tlllesley 's Animadversio ns on Selden on Tithes Williamson ' Ever Jaeting Promiae . I8t> 4 s (A..) Sur e Words of Greent W., A Sons, 18 $L Giles Sfr ^et Edinburgh Words .worth' s (W.; Prelude Lowndes * General Avera ge ^ Dulccu aaia''a*llPIB'BIMaBa *aMTlPaH^IMHMHIM M ^ ^ T ^ ^ \&> - . • The Pu ^i^ e^ciilir . , . , ,:4B8KU BOOKS WANTED TO PUR CHASE—continued.

¦ ¦ ' ¦" -/ . ' • . - . . .. , . . ' Grant, R,9 A Son, 107 Princes Street, Edinburgh Hirsc hf eldBrothers , 18 Paternoster Row, London, B.C. \ Waverle y Novels, 48-vol. ed. 1833. Vols. 9, 10, 11, 14, 22f 23 Fors yte's Histor y of the Ca ptivity of Kap oleon at St (OadeU ) Helena, 8 vols. 1853 - . . i Church. Quarterly Review. No. 24 Adamson's Sonnets. 1845 (Newcastle) Lightfoot' s Clement of Borne XofTt 's (Capel )L.anra ,an Antho logy of Sonnefcn, 5 vols. lsu Har per . Dec. 1832 Hallam 's Introduction to the Literature of the 15th , 16th Lachese, * Sfans Nom ' and 17th Centuries . 1839 Scotch Liturg y. 1637 (E. Youn g) English Poetsby , from Chaucer to Cowper , volum e conta ining I Chin, Jt.,6 Princeof WaUl Road &.W. t^e Lusiad Mickle Gentleman 's Magazine. 1754,* 1763, 1783, 1786 Chinese Repositor y. Vol. 8, No. 11. 1840 r " Next-of-KinRegister (De Bernardy 's) Grandm aison's Classical Descriptions of Love from the Unclaimed Dividends, Bank of England most celebrate d Epic Poets , &c. <¦ South Sea i O'Flumin ense. a Poem , suggested by Scenes in the Br azils, -t Bast India by a MiUtarian . 1834 Hall A Co., 13 Paternoster How, E.C. Guyon (Alfred de) Poesie« Nouvelles, Paris. , 1828 Olarinda Singleheart , by the Author of ' Mar y Powell.' Tucker 's (H. St. Geor ge) Tra gedies of Harold and Camo ens. Must be perfect 1835 The Year Nine, by the Author of ' Mary Powell. * Must be Cammerano 's (Salvador ) Ifiez de .Castro, a Lyric Trag edy. perfect - 1840 _ a Serious Opera Hardin g A Willby, 6 Hyde Street, New Oaf or d Street, W.C. Jfiez , a Traared y. 1796 Any Works of Pierson , Pastor of Brampton Brian . ~2&ont Ifiez de Castro , a Tragedy, as contributed to Hood' s 1650 Ma gazine. 1846 v Ballads and Songs of Yorkshire. 1860 Mallet' s Elvira , a Traged y, with variations of the Theatre. O'Donovs n's Martyrolog y of Donesral. 1864 1778 * Godwin 's Annalea of Bnglande. 1630 "Dnnbar 's Indian Hours. 1839 Holy Bible, 2 vols. 1811 (Edinburgh ) Wiche's (Sir Peter ) Life of Don John de Castro. 1664 ' Forster , Plora3 Americae Septentrionales. 8vo. 1771 Harrison A Sons, 69 Pali Mall, London, S. W. Hemsley, Biologia Central i-Americana, Botan y. Parts 1 to Academ y. March 15, 1884 Catesb y's Natural History of Carolina , 2 voK 1731-43. The Crown Ward 1st edit. Murray 's Handbook of Spain . 1st edit. Vol. 2 O-ladstone 's Speech on th e Bud get. 1853 Scott' s Novels, 48 rols. (Oadell) ' , , Caloos, Le Droit Internationale , 4 vols. Gardiner s Histor y of England 1603-1616 2 vols. 1863 Richardson 's Durham English and Forei gn Minin g Glossar y. 1860 Steeplechase Calendars. 1866-85 Hozier 's British Exp edition to Abyssinia Burne y*8 Evelina. 1st edit. Mackinlay ' fr Textbook of Gunnery Greville Memoirs. 1st Series HiscoJee & Son, Richmond, Surrey NicholTs Leicestershire Windsor Castle , 3 vols. 1843. Vol. I only, unenfc Official Arm y List. Jan. 1887 Picnic Pa pers. Vol. 1, uncut Kin g's War Ships of the World Freer 's Henry IV. and Mari e de Medicis. Vol. 2, uncu t Burke ' s Extinct Baronetcies Adam Bede. Vol. 1, uncut Alison's Euro pe, demy 8vo. Vol. 7, continuation Greville ' p Memoirs. 1st Series . Vol. 1, uncut Disowned. Vol. 2 (Blaokwood) Hone's Year Book. Uncut Holdich, C, IT., A Annandale, Queen Street, Hull Badminton library t Hunting, cr. 8vo. half-bound . 1st ed. Beecroft' fl Read y Reckoner Kettner 's Book of the Table Macgillivrav 's Manual of Veterinarv Science Green's Russian Army Campaigns Poulson's Histor y of Holderness. Lar ere paper. . Part 1 Hatchards, 187 Piccadilly, W. Thackera y's Works. 26-vol. edit. 1840. A set , chea p Wallace's Natural Selection Warren 's Ten Thousand a Year. 3-vol. edit. 1851. Vol. 1 Fronde 's Ireland , half roxburghe. Cabinet edit. Vol. 1 Howell, .#.. 26 A 28 Church Street, Liverp ool Wym's Reign of Queen Anne , 2 vols. " Burnand' a Out of Town Stephen 's Hours in a Librar y. Vol.U Romance of the Nineteenth Centur y, 2 vols. Darwin 's Expr ession of the Emotions De Coin 's Tobacco and Cotton . 1864 Thiers ' Fr ench Revolution , cr. 8vo.^ Vol. 5 (Bentley) Davenport' s Hunting Songs Hutt, C, ClemenfsInn Gateway, Strand . London, W. C. Myrtle 's Seasons Carlyle 's French Revolution. 1st edit . Cavendish' s Piquet and Rubicon Piquet. 1882 Sartor Resart us. 1st edit. Links of Gold , by M. E. I. Fou qne's Undine and Sin tram , illustrated by Retz?ch. Roberts ' Egyp t and Nubia , folio En glish translation Rogers * Poems, 12mo. Borrow 's (Geor ge) Targum. 1835 Ital y, 12mo. Under the Microscope Gas parin's Near and Heavenl y Horizons Landor *s Pentameron and Pentalogia. Uncnt Collins ' Eye-Witness Iredale, A., Torquay Watford' s Family Crests , 2 vols. Richardson 's Geology, edited by Wri ght Boys* History of Sand wich Materiaux et Documents d*Architecture et de Sculptur e. Hayward, T., Strutt Street, Cross Street, Man chester All, or any parts Jesse's Court of England during the Stuarts. 1855. Vol. 3 Pnsey's Parochial Sermon s Agricultural Journal. 2nd Series. Noa. 29, 32 Richter 's Harmon y, translated by Taylor Kinglake's Crimea , 8vo. Vols. 3, 4 Torbay, Old Plan , 17—, showing Torquay Lecky 's Rationalism in Europe , 8vo. Vol. 1 Jarrold A Sons, .Norwich Hende rson, W» C, A Son, 8t. Andrews Dixon's Spiritual Wives Jay 's Works. 1843. Vol. 9 (Bartlett) Darb y's Biblical Synopsis of the Bible, 4 vols. Marlitt' s His Second Wife Beattie 's Switzerland Parker 's (Dr.) Job 's Comforters Moore 's Lalla Rookh. Ori ginal edit. Prescottfs Conquest of Mexico Higham, C , 27a Farrin gdon Street, E.G. Cross 1 (Thomas) Kni ght's London , 6 vols. 1841-44. Vol. 6, pp. 1 75-76 Auto biography of a Stage Coachman Anglo-Catholic Librar y : Andrews * Sermons. Vol. 2 Jon es, E., 77 Queen Street, E.C. Elliott' s Horea Apocaly pti cse, 4 vols. 6th edit. Burton 's Lake Region s of Central Africa Eliot' s (Geor ge) Rotn ola. Cabinet edit. Vol. 2 Hume 's Essays. 8vo. edit. Jeaffr eson's Novels and Novelists , 2 vols. 1853. - Vol. 2 Sachs' Botany Griffin 's New Zealand and her Commerce and Resource s HodderA Stoughton, 27 Paternoster Row, E.C. Bellamy's Poetry of Glees Beebohm's Memoir of Stephen Grellet , 2 vols. Wrigh t's Arabic Gramm ar , 2 vole. 2nd edit. Hodges, Piggiss A <1o.s 104 Orafton Street, Dublin Sayce, Gramm aire Arabi quo. 2me edit. 1881 Petrle 's Mode of Ire land , -- . • ¦ Ruff' s Guide . Sprin g edit. 1885 Mered ith's (Owen) The Wandere r. 1st edit. Murray 's (Mrs.) Artist' s Life in Morocco Ac. 2 volfl. 8*o. ¦ ¦¦ ¦ ' : Clytemnesbra. let edit. Smyth' s (Plazzt) Astronomer 's Experiment at Tonerl ffo , Rusk In's Preteri t. Large pap er Brltton 's Picturesque Views of English Cfttps Ryle on Luke. Vol. 1. Secondhand Bunyan 's Pilgrim 's Pr ogress. Bennett' s pmteff i Macau lay's England , «8vo. edit. Vol. 6" Comic Latin Grammar , let;¦ edit . Jukes on Book of Kings Hesoey' a Bampton Lectur es ThhrlwaU'j3 Gre ece, 8 yola. fop. • - •• . • . • Browning 's Red Cott on JSTightcap Cou nt ry ' Gaits ' v oyages and Travels , 4to. (Oadell) Seebohm's Oxford Refor meFa • . ' lAndaee r'a Studies (Virtue) Kent 's (Savile) Infuso ria, IT vols. " " »V ' A ''''" "" • " " " • ¦ ¦ ' ' ; " " 2 ps — . ,:^ 4|g§ l^ ^

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