SB^^^^^^^^^H ^^^^^^P^^^ ^^ ^M^^^^^^SBSBB^Il^B^B^^^^^B^H^^^^Bffljjy ||^^ jg^aggkgg i * i )^gg^s |||j |||y M *^ ^ s -¦• ^P^tl' .E- - E&B.B .fe . >! |few^- ^ . ¦ *G -^lpH^. - N^C -i V '^¦ Q i HSl " • ¦ • " " ' v t t--^" ul ' ¦ '---• • -¦t ||4 • s -^S^ ™^ .r,- ;«? '^'jff ^ ^ Bl i . ^. -pKRCH^ JlSSr ; • . ' :: ' JWi^Sf-" V0t^5b^;| | ; ^ \^^^^^^ Kr H^ ¦ * ¦ ¦ ¦ • ¦ j ¦ r >': > ''" * - ' ' ' x "' ¦ - . • -* ¦ ,. : B5-:>* 7 " ¦-' ^- - '^ \ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ '- ^ ^ -H |h --.? - ; - _ ' i - • - • • j, :; & | : . - . " ^ |^ « ^ Br ^ " ¦ ~" ¦ I » ^ |f J f ' ^^^ mk * r. -,ffl r I I GENERAL RECORb Bi R . - OF ' " ' ' I ¦ Bl BRI TISH and FOREIGN LITERATURE I 1 S: Issued on the 1st and 15th of each Month — I - ^B|t i j \ . ' , :, LONDON . l ^W : j SAMPSON LOW, M ARSTOl^, SEARLE & MVINGTO N p ^H l l ( ! : h. CROW ^ BUILDINGS , 188 FLEET STREET , E.C ^I ^Bj il l Pl^w^w iiiiM^ I Ml II II I IMMlTllTM i l l^^ ll S ^ ill ¦ I ¦! - ——— ¦¦ i i i t i T " ' ' gjQ^—i—^—————— ¦—— ¦^— . , , . ——i •^m ^mmlmmmmmmm^, ^ . jfj . ¦¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ' • • • " ¦ ¦ • ¦ - . • . I I ii The Publishers * Cir cular March 15,. 1887 THE DAILY FRE E PRES S. LONDON OFFICE , 62 IitfD j gtATl! HILL , E.C. CONNEOTEDl BY PRIVATE WIBB WITH THX HEAD OFFICE , ABERDEEN. Finns FREE PRESS occupies a leadin g pla ce among the jourrial»t >fScotland , ani is one of the best Daily Morning News- X papers. Its business connections , as regards both circulati on1 and advert ising, far exceeds in extent and importance that of any other newspaper published in th/B North , and is equalled In Scotland by only two journals published and chiefly circulat ing in the South and West respectively. THE FREE PRESS has the Unive rsity City of Aberdeen as & centre and the northern half of Scotland for its field prop er. Special atte ntion is devoted to Art , literature , Music , and the Drama. Its Publishers ' Column is taken advantage of by the leadin g publishers , and for New Works and Business Announcements of all kinds the FREE PRS8S has no rival as an advertisin g medium in the wide and important field in which it circulates. the: j svEjrciiv ca- o-^zette: Has a wide and ra pidly-increasin g circulation . It is a high-class paper for family reading, containin g a complete synopsis of the news of the day and a literar y department giving the cream of Current Literature . It is an excellent advertisi ng medium. Four Editions are published Daily, and Special E litions as required. Bank and Post Office Orders payable to Alex. Mark , the Publisher , Daily Free Press and Evening Gazette Offices , Aberdeen . ST. STEPHEN'S REVIEW OF FACTS AND FANCIES , THOUGHTS , REALITIES AND SHAM& Published on Thurs day every week. With a larea Full-page Presentation Chromo-lithograph CARTOON for framin g. in of This Journal , while dealing wi^h Social Topics a spirit The St. Stephen 's Revtrw has the largest circulation of good taste , never fails to instruct. It pre sents each week a any weekly Conservative Ill ustrated Paper in the United show of Facts and Realities, and throws upon them a light as Kingdom , India or the Colonies. brilliant as it is ori ginal. It is essentiall y a Review written The St. Stephen's Review, by its special features and for Men and Women of the World. Its varied qualiti es of position in the Social and Political World , is able to afford Gaiet y, Humour , and Satire will afford entertainment to ail the most reliable information. carin g for amusement apart from informati on. It will, in Th q Stpp huw 's Rbsvttcw forms a. valuable and amnsine-amusm fact, be a mirror both of National Opinion and English Society. m?^S"ftS^? w5 iSrt ^nSSSfo ?Z!tSE£ & The most celebrated Artists are on the staff of St. Stephen 's magazine for refere nce^ and occasional readin g. Review, while those contributin g pictorial work include Tom T**e St « Stephen 's Review is subscribed for by th e leadin g Merr y, Harr y Forniss , Geor ge Crt j ikshank , #c. &c. families in the kingdom , and has an extensive circulation The Dufee of Beaufort , the Earl of Lytton , Lord Ross- among all classes of society. - moke. Sir Richard Cross , Lady Florence Dixie, Col. G- . B. The St. Stephen's Review Cartoon s are of themselves MaI jLEson , C.S.I., the Hon. H. S. Nouthcote , M.P., Hon. alone worth the cost of the paper , inde pendently of their M. G. Finch-Hatton , M.P., and many others contribute to value in every household as a vade mecum of the current the St. Stephen 's Review. event s of the tim es. Price SIXPENCE. Sold by all Newsagents, and at the Railway Bookstalls. PUBLISHING OFFICES -21 JOHN STREET , ADELPH I , LO N DON , W.C. NORTH WALES PAPER COMPANY, LIMITED, OA KENHOL T, FL IN T. MILL 3STO. 23. MAKERS OF , Fine Pr intings and Yellows. Telegraphic JLddres s : < OJLKElTirOLT, FJLIJS ^T.9 THE EUROPEAN MAIL. ESTABLISHED 1843. (SE VEN DISTI ETCT PAJPEK.S UNDER THIS TITLE .) PUBLISHEDX 3ST EHr O- XilSEC, PBEWOH, J&. 3ST 3D 3PAUISH. READ EN ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD, AND THE BEST I*«:E I>rTJ M: FOR ^D^VnE R/TTSEItS - All informat ion in respect of Tariff tor Advertis ements and other matters to be obtained on application to th« MANAGER , 161 QUEEN VICTORIA 3TRBET , LONDON , B.C. Postal Orders and Cheques to be made payabl e to JR. ACOTTi and crossed MARTIN <& CO. THE COLONIES AND INDIA. ESTABLISHED OVER A QUARTER OF A CENTURY. READ BY ALL INTERESTED IN THE COLONIES AND INDIA , Thb Ooloniks and India is read by the bulk of the' Merchants and otherB doing bus iness abroad. I Publialie d Weekl y ; Sub scri ption for 52 Issues a Year , postage paid , IOb. 04. I Postal Orders and Cheques to be made payable to B,. SCOTT , Offices , lei Queen Victoria Street. ¦ ¦ ¦ & ' . ¦ . -. a ¦ ¦ * ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ¦' ¦ ¦ ' " ¦* " "' ' " ' ¦ " v¦ ' 'V-' * j ^ "V^ i • «•< ,; *r V ^' C^ ' : " nf -'i ' '*|j l^ 1 ' " ¦ ' "' ' ' Xft) ii t*?Q TTVwt Tri.J /-*• TF « ¦ J*' » Tk. • ¦aHL f ^r J TransmissionRegistered Abroad. for ^ I Nr. JlQP<rr ^V OI^ .... v^ - j Q ^ft ** |4r -f#^Ef f \ , . j ; IB*:? ,, ^ ^% ar ^" ' p . ' . _ AND , •iBenaral ftecotft of 2fcriti£J> anti iforcign Hitccatutc CONTAINING A COMPLETE ALPHABETICAL LIST OP ALL NEW WORKS PUBLISHED IN GREAT BRITAIN ' ¦ j - AND ' ' EVERY WORK OF INTEREST PUBLISHED ABROAD [ Issued on the 1st and 13th, of each Month~\ ' ; piac. 8d. M arch 15, 1 887 fi 52 ££ xisr iDsszs to -a.zd"\tds :r ,tis:e: :r ,s Army and Navy Gazette iv Hall & Co .* .. 299 Penny Librar y of Fiction iv i A'very & Co. (Aberdeen ) 315 Hamilton , Adams & Co 299 Rock Brothers 313 Bagster & Son 3Q4 Harper 's Youn g People iii Boper & Drowley 299 Ballantyn e Pre ss 315 Hey wood & Son (Manchester) 314 St. Stephen's Review ii Boot & Son 3,15 Eteywood (J.). Manchester 2i) 7 Scottish News iii Brien & Co. ....'. 314 Hodgso n ( Messrs.) 308 Silverlock (H.) 316 Brown (W.)v Salisbury 3W Hossfeld 303 Simpkii^, Marshall & Co. 299 Cassell & Co 310 Hutt (C.) 323 Spaldin g & Hodge 309 Cercle de la Librairie , Paris 316 Kenny & Co 315 Spon (B. & F. N.) 305 Clay (O. J.) & Sons 307 Kitcat (G. & J.) 316 Spottiswoode & Co 3X5 _ Clowes & Sons, Limi ted 303 Krbnheim & Co 314 Stoneham (W. G.) & Co., Limited.. 308 Colonies and India ii Lovell (Walter) , Cambridge 316 Tanner (R. T.) & Co 310 Culter Mills Paper Company 310 Low (S.) & Co 304, 306-308, 324 Trotter & Son 312 Daily Fr ee Press ii Macmiilan & Co 300 T rUbner & Co 307 Dickinson & Co 311 Marlborou gh & Co 314 Typographic Etchin g Compan y.... 317 Eason <fe Son (Dublin) 315 Marshall Brothers 314 Unwin Brothers 316 Electr otype Agency 312 Merritt & Hatcher 315 Vickers (Geor ge) 314 European Mail ,.; ii Morris & Co 316 Vickers ( Hen ry) 314 Evening Gazette ii Murray (J.) . 298 Walker & Sons (Otley) 317 Field & Tuer 302 Murray (J. P.) 299 Waterston & Sons iv Foreign Languages Society 303 Nelson & Hons 301 Whittingh am (Charles) & Co 312 Galpin (J. ) t 311 Newman (Geo. ) 317 Wh lfctingham (W. B.) & Co. ...... 316 Gilbert & Rivington 315 North Wa les Paper Company, Lim. ii Williams (H.) 314 Glaiflher (W.) 318 Novello, Ewer & Co 812 York shire Post iv Gelding (G.) 314 Olyett 323 Yorkshire Weekly Post iv NOW MJEAJD Y. Royal 8vo. sewed, pri ce 5s. THE ENGLISH ForCATALOGU 1886. E OF BOOKS Containi ng a complete List of all the Books published in Great Britain and Irela nd in the year 1886, with their sizes, prices , and pub lishers ' names. Also of the princi pal Books publis hed in the United 1 .. States of America , with the addition of AN INDEX TO SUBJECTS. 1 JL continuation of the London and . Britis h. Catalo gues. I Londo n: SAMPSON LOW , M4^^^ W ^^^E» & RIVINGTON , 188 Fleet Stte et, E.G. I jtf^" t & ^ v^^ ^^ ^^^ ^4 f 1 v vt^*' ^^'^^^ir ^&^^^^^^K^^t* V 1 ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ • ; . ,„¦ ¦ ' ¦ -¦¦! ¦ ¦ >¦ ¦ ¦ ¦' ¦¦¦ ' 7-- ' ¦ ' . " ¦¦!¦ ;/ ;. ' ¦/>¦ ¦ ./ .. ,:, ¦ ¦.. , . .;. ¦ ' .¦ ¦ '¦!¦ '¦ ¦' ¦ ¦> ¦ ' . ¦.-I '-/- - ' ' ;i ¦ '^^ ¦ i ^^ ' ^ii ^^ . -' ' *^ . • » .vmW.-Vv " „,..•. , - . .,, , • , ,., ,,... .:. .. .. ,, .,. ;.,. , ' , . , . :.. ,<' :> • .;« \ . :. .. .< ' , - », .,„ . ' 'V ^ VT ^ ? ^ ? ; .V- . :< . .': -V , , , r?* .. ' „ , a • . , . ^l ^ .r l ' , : h-:t- '• '¦ -^uy: ifeiCr v^iV/fo^Ai wzw^wiw^wmimm^ ,, ¦ aailiailt ?!Pf ! ?f ^^ . • ¦ * ¦¦¦ • ¦ iMi|M !**9* a Mia : «««i ^^ «««i« *^ wB»» ^ »—» ^ b^ m . f . • * ! . • J ^-:. " r MW ^^ -waw¦ I ^ ^ ^^ ^ ^ i ^ ^ ' ' ¦' * I ^ ^ ' ^ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ • - ^mrrr ^m ^, • ¦• UTBRABY INTELL IGENCE .? ki78—292 INDEX TO BOOE ^S PUBLISHED IN GREAT LIFE OP BISHOP FRASEB 280, 281 BBITA IN BETWEEN MARCH 1 AND 15 .. 292, 293 THE ATTITU DE OP THE « SOCIETY OP BOOKS PUBLISHED IN GREAT BRITAIN AUTHO RS' 281—285 FROM MARCH 1 TO 15 • 293—295 NOTES AND NEWS 285, 286 AMERICAN NEW BOOKS ii;...........
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