Yarra Open Space Strategy 2020 Acknowledgements

Acknowledgement of Country Yarra City Council acknowledges the Wurundjeri Woi Wurrung people as the Traditional Strait Islander people to link in with family, community and services. We acknowledge Owners and true sovereigns of the land now known as Yarra. We acknowledge their the role played by past federal and state government policies in the social and cultural creator spirit Bunjil, their ancestors and their Elders. We acknowledge the strength and dispossession of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people—and the dispossession resilience of the Wurundjeri Woi Wurrung, who have survived European invasion and never of land—which has caused the current disadvantages faced by many Wurundjeri Woi ceded sovereignty. We also acknowledge the significant contribution made by the many Wurrung Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. And we believe that having an other Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to life in Yarra. awareness of, and taking steps towards, mending this disadvantage is the shared We acknowledge that Fitzroy and Collingwood are areas of special significance to responsibility of all residents in the City of Yarra. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people—as the cradle of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Council pays its respects to all in the Wurundjeri Woi Wurrung, Aboriginal and Torres Islander affairs in Victoria, the birthplace of important Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Strait Islander community and Elders from all nations here today—and to their Elders past, organisations, the centre of political activism and a meeting place for Aboriginal and Torres present and future.

The Yarra Open Space Strategy 2020 has been prepared for the City of Yarra by Thompson Berrill Landscape Design Pty Ltd. in association with Environment & Land Management Pty Ltd. and with guidance from the Council Project Working Group led by the Open Space Planning Team, City Strategy.

The Strategy was adopted by Council at its meeting on 1 September 2020. Index

Page No. Page No.

Introduction 1 Clifton Hill 17

What is open space? 2 Collingwood 18

Why is open space important? 3 Cremorne, Richmond South and Burnley 20

Yarra’s existing open space 5 Fairfield - Alphington 22

The open space framework Fitzroy 24

What will change? 7 Fitzroy North 26

Overall directions 8 North Richmond 28

Precincts 11 Implementation 30

Abbotsford 12

Carlton North - Princes Hill 14

Central Richmond 15

City of Yarra Open Space Strategy 2020 City of Yarra Open Space Strategy 2020 Introduction

Purpose of the Strategy Achievements of the The Yarra Open Space Strategy 2020 Yarra Open Space provides an overarching vision and Strategy 2006 direction for the future provision, planning, design and management of open Since the adoption of the 2006 Strategy, space in Yarra to 2031. It considers the the following key actions have been current challenges and pressures of and completed: expanding population and inner city life • Set a mandatory 4.5 per cent open and how these can be addressed with an space contribution rate in the Yarra expanded and improved public open space Planning Scheme for all eligible network that contributes to a more liveable subdivisions. and sustainable Yarra in the future. • Six new open spaces have been delivered to expand the Yarra open space network in Abbotsford, Collingwood and Richmond. • Increased the size of the two existing open space reserves in Fitzroy and Richmond South. • Land contributions on large development sites have been successfully negotiated for the AMCOR redevelopment site in Alphington; a redevelopment site in Strategy process Reid Street Fitzroy North; and on the former Gasworks Site in Fitzroy North. • Victoria Park was opened to the public. • Upgrade a range of existing open space reserves which has increased the diversity of facilities and character. This improves the appeal and capacity of the open space network to cater to more people using it as the resident and worker community expands.

City of Yarra Open Space Strategy 2020 1 What is open space?

Public open space includes all publicly owned land that is set aside primarily for outdoor recreation, passive outdoor enjoyment and nature conservation and is open to the sky. It includes public parks, gardens, reserves, waterways and squares. Access may be restricted at certain times or at all times on a fee paying basis. It is generally zoned for public park, recreation or conservation Waterways Public gardens purposes when held in public ownership.

Public open space in this Strategy includes areas which are managed by State Government agencies or their delegates located in the City of Yarra. This includes Yarra Bend Park and the Collingwood Childrens Farm. Restricted open space is land that is only available for use on a membership or fee paying basis and examples include Burnley Golf Course and Richmond Union Bowls Club. Other public land including schools Public parks Public parks and streets complement the public open space network, however other strategies and plans provide direction and guidance for these.

Public squares Sporting reserves

2 City of Yarra Open Space Strategy 2020 Why is open space important?

Overview Physical health, fitness Mental heath and wellbeing Social connectedness and wellbeing Since the existing Yarra Open Space Strategy was prepared in 2006 there has been substantial population and employment growth and change in Yarra. This has included a trend towards more people living in some areas where historically no or very little public open space was provided.

This is combined with better research into the positive influence that open space can have on not only our physical health but also on our mental health and wellbeing. We are being encouraged to exercise more and be outdoors in the fresh air and natural sunlight to balance our indoor lifestyles and increasing reliance on electronic devices. With increased urban densities, more people are living in apartments and alone. Public open space provides a great opportunity to socialise and meet informally outdoors. This also applies to workers in high density settings where it is important they have access to open space as a break from work during the day. Public open space also provides space for large trees, keeps our city cooler and provides habitat for native flora and fauna.

City of Yarra Open Space Strategy 2020 3 Why is open space important?

Urban heat island effect Biodiversity Cultural heritage and Events and arts mitigation character

4 City of Yarra Open Space Strategy 2020 Yarra’s existing open space

Covering an area of approximately Edinburgh Gardens is the most popular 20 square kilometres, 13.5 per open space in the City and was set out cent of the total area of the City as an integral part of Fitzroy North. is public open space, including With major exotic remnant plantings areas of significant biodiversity from the mid 1800s, these gardens and bushland. Core to the open have a unique blend of sporting and space system, character and sense informal recreation facilities appealing of place is the . While this to the different sport and recreation has been modified, the river including needs of our diverse community. the confluence with the Darling Gardens and Curtain Square are today provides a tangible connection two other signature historical gardens to the Wurrundjeri people’s cultural in the northern part of Yarra, both with and spiritual connection to the land. characteristic mature trees and facilities that encourage walking, dog walking, play, A linked system of open space along the Yarra picnics and relaxing outdoors. Central to the River extends upstream along the tributaries civic heart of Richmond is Citizens Park, where of Merri Creek and . Yarra Bend the central grassed oval is used extensively for Park is the largest natural bushland within five both structured sport and informal uses. Barkly kilometres of the Central Business Garden combined with Alan Bain Reserve District. Managed by Parks Victoria, this contributes to the historical character and parkland spans both sides of the Yarra River greening of South Richmond. and has a significant range of sporting facilities and habitat for native flora and fauna. Complementing these major areas of open space is a network of smaller Neighbourhood This is complemented by Council’s extensive network of open and Local open space reserves that are highly space reserves along the Yarra River and Merri Creek. They valued and well used in the high density include a diverse range of informal and structured sporting precincts through Fitzroy, Collingwood, facilities including the athletics facility at George Knott Reserve, Cremorne and Central Richmond. the sports fields at Ramsden Street Reserve, Quarry Park, Kevin Bartlett Reserve and Burnley Park along with the Burnley As urban densities increase in the future this Public Golf Course. The crosses the river a few Strategy has identified opportunities to increase times as it weaves its way north and connects to both the the local open space network to support and Merri Creek Trail and the Darebin Creek Trail. sustainably meet the open space needs of the existing and future community.

Diagram A Existing Open Space City of Yarra Open Space Strategy 2020 5 The open space framework

Overview Local and Small Local open spaces complement the larger reserves and Each open space has a unique provide smaller more intimate spaces role in the open space network within safe and easy walking distance based on its location, size, use, of the local community. character and urban context. In developing the Strategy, the role, character and distribution of Distribution each open space has been assessed Walking catchments to open space and mapped. This assessment forms A key objective in planning the open the basis of understanding the existing space network is to provide open space network, assessing deficiencies in the within easy walking distance for the network and identiifying what needs to majority of the community. To assess this change in the future. a 500 metre walking catchment is applied to the Regional and City-wide open spaces Role while a 400 metre catchment is applied Regional open spaces are valued and to Neighbourhood open space. A 300 visited by a broader catchment of people metre walkable catchment is applied to as well as the local community. Generally Small Neighbourhood open space, and the these are easily accessible to people smaller 200 metre catchment for Local and from adjoining municipalities. Examples 150 metre catchment for Small Local open include Yarra Bend Park and Collingwood space as illustrated on Diagram B. Children’s Farm. Small Gap areas City-wide open spaces are visited Neighbourhood The gap areas are locations where the primarily by the City of Yarra population, are smaller than community lack easy walkable access to providing facilities that include organised Neighbourhood any open space. Additional open space sport and recreation activities. Examples open space with is required to address the gaps in the include Edinburgh Gardens and Citizens some diversity of provision and diversity of open space with Park. facilities for the priorities given to gap areas where urban Neighbourhood open spaces provide a local community densities are forecast to increase. These diverse range of facilities that encourage within a 300m mainly occur south of Alexandra Parade. people to spend time in and appeal to the catchment. local neighbourhood. Examples include Examples include Smith Gahn Reserve and Curtain Square. Reserve and Golden Square. Diagram B Gap Analysis 6 City of Yarra Open Space Strategy 2020 What will change?

Character and function Forecast population growth population. This means there will be more informal and incidental uses. When people people visiting and using open space, celebrate occasions with a large gathering thereby increasing demand on the existing of family or friends traditionally this would The larger established parks, gardens Fast facts space and facilities. The extent of forecast be in private back gardens but without and reserves across the municipality Population change growth changes across different parts these they will celebrate them in the park. have a range of characters and purposes. = 20,000 of the City. Less than 10 per cent growth These vary from historical gardens with is forecast in Princes Hill-Carlton North, Change in land use a predominantly European character to Residents: compared to 106 percent in Cremorne- the primarily Australian native character • 2016 (93,353) Many of the areas in the City that are Richmond South-Burnley and 214 per of Yarra Bend Park to the smaller local forecast to change are the former industrial • 2031 (131,864) cent in Fairfield-Alphington. The locations parks for informal use. Sporting reserves and manufacturing areas. These areas for where forecast residential growth provide space for organised sporting use Workers: are being redeveloped to mixed use will occur is based on the Yarra Housing through to informal play and places of precincts with a combination of residential, • 2016 (83,000) Strategy 2018 and the population contemplation. A range of character types commercial and business use. Historically, forecasts supplied to the project by .id describe the variety of open spaces in • 2031 (121,805) the industrial areas did not have public Consulting. The forecast employment the municipality and the Strategy aims to open space. With the proposed changes, growth and change is based on the provide a diversity of character types in these areas are being redeveloped with Open space relative to the population Yarra Spatial Economic and Employment each precinct where feasible. increased building heights and a change to Strategy 2018. a predominantly office-based professional Open space per resident: workforce. The surveys undertaken for this • 2016: 30 sqm per resident Increased urban densities Strategy found that more than 80 per cent of workers visit public open space during • 2031: 20 sqm per resident the day. With increased numbers of people Less private open space working and living in the former industrial Open space per person (resident 85 per cent of Yarra’s population live and workers) precincts there is a need to provide new in medium and high density dwellings areas of public open space. • 2016: 15 sqm per resident compared to 33 per cent in Greater Melbourne. This means that residents have • 2031: 10 sqm per resident Loss of winter sunlight access to open less private open space available to them space sqm = square metres which increases their reliance on public With the forecast increase in the presence open space. Typically this adds to the of taller buildings means there is greater amount of people using public open space potential for overshadowing of public open Summary of population growth and increases the diversity of reasons why space, particularly during winter. Public The forecast development over the next they use it. For example, people may sit open space that is overshadowed in winter 15 years is significant with a 40 per cent outdoors in their own garden to enjoy the is less inviting to use and more difficult to increase in the resident population and ambience, however if they don’t have one maintain healthy vegetation. a 47 per cent increase in the worker they will use public open space for these City of Yarra Open Space Strategy 2020 7 Overall directions

Climate emergency Improve the quality of • Identifying opportunities to create use. This includes providing new open multi-use spaces that are shared and space to take the pressure off existing existing open spaces spaces to meet everyone’s needs. Extreme weather events adaptable, minimising the provision of single-use facilities. For example, natural • Where there is a gap in the provision of The climate emergency is predicted to There is potential to improve the quality of turf sports fields that can be used any open space. result in more extreme weather events. selected existing open spaces in the City. for training and match play and also • Medium and high density precincts Forecast extended dry periods combined By quality we mean the type of facilities available for dog off-leash exercise and where the substantial change is forecast with more severe storms and intense and its overall condition, character and the other informal uses. and the new community will create a rainfall events and high winds will make management. • Activate open spaces that are currently need for additional open space. managing vegetation more difficult. underutilised. • In medium and high density precincts The Strategy plans ahead to address • Strengthen the biodiversity and habitat where the provision of well distributed these issues by promoting sustainable values of open space. green public open space will assist to water harvesting and passive irrigation. mitigate urban heat island effect. Protecting the mature tree canopy cover is a priority in open space due to the Provide open space numerous beneficial effects of trees on the urban environment. within easy walking distance of everyone Mitigating urban heat island effect As an established inner urban municipality, Urban heat island effect is the build-up the City of Yarra is experiencing significant of heat in urban areas. This build up is This includes undertaking improvements change and growth. The analysis of the exacerbated by an increase to urban including: distribution of public open space has densities and building heights that trap • Increasing the diversity of facilities to identified there are areas of the City where heat overnight, particularly during periods appeal to everyone in the community the community does not have any open of extended dry and heat. In planning while maintaining a balance of natural space within easy walking distance of ahead for the future increase in urban areas to relax and unwind. This includes where they live or work. The Strategy densities, provision of public open space a greater diversity of age groups and has identified and prioritised a series of with natural features and retained urban promotes and encourages everyone new open spaces, with priority given to moisture will assist to offset the build-up of to exercise, socialise and improve their locations where higher levels of growth The location of the areas of proposed urban heat. The retained moisture needs fitness and health. is forecast to occur. The need for the additional open space is illustrated in to be sourced sustainably and the use of • Improving the horticultural quality and proposed additional open spaces is based Diagram C. The precinct recommendations large, broad spreading trees combined maintenance, for example open grassed on a range of factors including: provide more information about each with natural turf and garden beds will areas that remain useable all year • Areas where the existing open space is location. create cooler spaces for people to use. for informal use, improved care and experiencing high levels of use or over- maintenance of mature canopy trees,

8 City of Yarra Open Space Strategy 2020 Overall directions

Assist to mitigate urban Improve community • Children are more likely to visit and play and new open space, particularly in in open space independently of their medium and high density precincts. heat island effect health and wellbeing parents if it is located within 150 to 300 • Include recommendations to achieving metres of where they live. This improves good winter sunlight access to public • Where feasible, open space will be their self-confidence and physical open space. well distributed through high density development. • Includes design guidelines that promote precincts and contain natural features • Relax and unwind in green open space. universal access, diversity and inclusion such as large canopy trees and planted Research demonstrates that natural in the design of upgrades to existing surfaces which absorb moisture. This will features like trees, natural turf and open space and new open space. offset some impacts of increased urban garden beds contributes to our ability to • Strengthen the natural biodiversity heat, which is exacerbated by higher relax. values of open space including the use of density development, particularly multi- native and indigenous vegetation where level buildings. it is appropriate to the local context and • Future open spaces within high density Increase urban greening cultural heritage values. precincts will aim to be irrigated from • Aims to irrigate open space using Research confirms that a linked and sustainable water sources, for example Links between green space and health sustainable water sources to support accessible open space network, which stormwater harvesting and reuse. have been recognised throughout history natural turf, garden beds and mature people can easily walk to, improves • The existing and future open spaces will and the driving force behind the urban and new large, broad spreading canopy community health and wellbeing. The be large enough to sustainably grow parks movement of the 19th Century. trees for effective evapotranspiration, community is more likely to visit open large broad spreading canopy trees that More recently, green spaces in an urban shade and habitat purposes. are effective at evapotranspiration which space if it is nearby and this offers a range context has the potential to help address assists urban cooling. of benefits including: social and environmental problems in a • Create adaptable open spaces that • Physical fitness by participating in preventative way. The United Nationals allow sunlight and warmth during the informal recreation activities including Sustainable Development Goal 11.7 aims winter months and excellent shade and walking, cycling, jogging, informal ball to achieve the following: ‘By 2030, provide cooling in the summer. The cool spaces sports and using fitness equipment. universal access to safe, inclusive and will provide comfortable, free outdoor • Physical fitness by participating in accessible green and public spaces, in spaces for the community to retreat to organised sport. particular for women and children, older during periods of extended heat. • Places to exercise dogs on and off-leash. persons and persons with disabilities.’ • Social connectedness and sense of The Strategy aims to achieve this through: belonging to the community by meeting • Identify gap areas in which new public people in the nearby open space . open space is needed so that everyone This can include meeting neighbours can easily reach open space. informally in the open space or catching • Include design guidelines that encourage up with family and friends. natural features in the design of existing

City of Yarra Open Space Strategy 2020 9 Overall directions

Proposed additional open space

Summary of population growth This diagram illustrates the distribution of the areas in which Diagram key

the Strategy recommends additional NEIGHBOURHOOD OPEN SPACE Neighbourhood, Small Neighbourhood, Indicative area in which a future open space Local and Small Local open spaces is proposed, minimum size 1 hectare with a across the City. This is to cater to the 400m walking catchment forecast growth and also address SMALL NEIGHBOURHOOD OPEN SPACE some existing deficiencies in the Indicative area in which a future open space provision and distribution of existing is proposed, minimum 0.5 to 0.99 hectares in open space. size with a 300m walking catchment These proposed new open spaces will LOCAL OPEN SPACE Indicative area in which a future open space have a role in increasing the diversity is proposed, minimum 0.26 to 0.49 hectares of local recreational and informal in size with a 200m walking catchment facilities for the existing and forecast SMALL LOCAL OPEN SPACE community. Indicative area in which a future open space The additional open spaces shown is proposed, minimum 0.03 to 0.25 hectares in Diagram C are indicative of the in size with a 150m walking catchment general location and relative, not REPURPOSE RESTRICTED OPEN SPACE actual size. The final location, size Investigate options to repurpose to increase and configuration of new open the diversity of golfing and other sporting uses at the site space will be determined during the FUTURE OPPORTUNITY implementation of the Strategy. It Proposed new Neighbourhood open space will be influenced by factors such subject to development timing. Minimum as the rate of population growth 1 hectare in size with a 400m walking and development, land acquisition catchment. opportunities, surrounding urban FUTURE REGIONAL OPEN SPACE context and available funds. Area included in an existing Public Acquisition Overlay in the Yarra Planning Scheme The precinct recommendations provide more information on the intent and purpose of each proposed additional open space. Diagram C Proposed areas for additional open space

10 City of Yarra Open Space Strategy 2020 Precincts

Overview Existing open spaces The open space needs assessment has Some of the existing open spaces are been undertaken on a precinct basis to recommended for upgrade as shown on take account of the changes in the existing the precinct diagrams. the open spaces situation and forecast future change not recommended for upgrade will across each of them. The precincts are continue to maintained with minor broadly based on the suburbs with some improvements where required combined and are consistent with those maintain their quality and facilities in shown in the City of Yarra Community working order. Profile and on the Diagram D Precinct locations map on this page. They are Existing master plans assembled in alphabetical order. Masterplans are in place for some of the major open spaces in Yarra and there is Forecast future growth a progressive program of implementation Throughout each of the precincts, the forecast growth works and scheduled reviews arising from is based on the following: these plans. When the masterplans are • Residential forecasts, prepared by .id the population reviewed, the overall directions in this experts, August 2018 and accessed 10 September Strategy will be taken into consideration 2017. and inform updated masterplans in the • Yarra Housing Strategy, adopted 4 September 2018. future. • Yarra Spatial Economic and Employment Strategy, adopted 4 September 2018. Structure plans The open space needs assessment and directions are Structure plans provide a clear framework based on these forecasts. The Strategic Housing Framework for managing the future growth and Plan shown in Diagram D is from the Yarra Housing Strategy. change in the major activity centres in Yarra. Where structure plans were final Additional open space and in place these are reflected in the The additional open spaces are shown symbolically on the precinct precinct recommendations. The open plans. the final location, size and configuration of new open space space component of future structure will be determined during the Strategy implementation and will be plans will be informed by this Open Space influenced by such factors as population growth, land acquisition Strategy. opportunities, surrounding land use, urban layout and community feedback. Diagram D Strategic Housing Framework Plan and Precinct location map

City of Yarra Open Space Strategy 2020 11 Abbotsford

Fast facts Precinct summary

Quantity of open space Provision and distribution Quality and design Victoria Park, Gahan Reserve and the There is potential to improve the diversity 7.5% 7.5% of the total system of open space along the Yarra of facilities and character in selected precinct area is River including Collingwood Childrens Local and Small Local open spaces in open space Farm and significantly Abbotsford north of Gipps Street. The new contribute to the open space character Victoria Park Masterplan will improve the of Abbotsford. North of Gipps Street, structured and unstructured sport and 13.39 ha of open space open space is well distributed in the recreation use. The open space designs precinct, however south of Gipps Street will also focus on improved greening, there is a lack of open space combined particularly in the higher density areas Forecast in population change with a forecast substantial increase in to contribute positively to mitigating = 2,500 the resident and worker population. Key urban heat island effect. If the CUB site recommendations include to continue to redevelops, the future Neighbourhood Abbotsford investigate securing a linear open space open space will focus on providing unstructured recreation facilities for the Residents: reserve along the Yarra River between Clarke Street Reserve and Walmer forecast community. • 2016 (8,849) Street Bridge; and the provision of a new • 2031 (12,671) Neighbourhood Park in the long term in the southern part of the precinct where Workers: larger land parcels provide the potential for • 2016 (12,057) future provision of open space. Combined with this is the recommendation to provide • 2031 (15,972) two new Small Local open spaces for the existing and forecast community in the south west part of Abbotsford.

12 City of Yarra Open Space Strategy 2020 Abbotsford

City of Yarra Open Space Strategy 2020 13 Carlton North - Princes Hill

Fast facts Precinct summary

Quantity of open space Provision and distribution The east-west linear open space provides 4.4% 4.4% of the total excellent off-road shared trail connectivity precinct area is to open space outside the precinct. open space Curtain Square and Hardy Gallagher Reserve provide neighbourhood level facilities for each sub-precinct and are 6.23 ha of open space supplemented by some Local and Small Local open spaces. The one gap in the open space network is proposed to Forecast in population change be addressed with the provision of an = 2,500 additional Small Local open space.

Carlton North / Princes Hill Quality and design Residents: There is potential to undertake some • 2016 (9,010) minor improvements to the quality of facilities in the existing open space • 2031 (8,843) network.

Workers: • 2016 No data available

• 2031 No data available

14 City of Yarra Open Space Strategy 2020 Central Richmond

Fast facts Precinct summary

Quantity of open space Provision and distribution Quality and design Burnley Park, the Circus Site and the There is potential to diversify the 12% 12% of the total system of open space along the Yarra recreational facilities in the western part precinct area is River contribute significantly to the open of Central Richmond. The additional open space space character of Central Richmond, open space can be designed to provide a however these are all located in the east diversity of facilities for the existing and of the precinct. More than 6,000 additional future population and contribute positively 23.46 ha of open space people are forecast to be living and to mitigating urban heat island effect. working in the precinct, particularly to the western end of the precinct by 2031. There is a need to provide new Local and Forecast in population change = 2,500 Small Local open spaces to cater primarily to the forecast population and better Central Richmond meet the open space needs of the existing population. The new open space will Residents: assist to diversify the active unstructured • 2016 (13,888) recreational activities in the west and • 2031 (17,269) assist to mitigate urban heat, provide increased urban greening and open space Workers: within a safe and easy walk of residents • 2016 (10,140) and workers as urban densities continue to increase in the future. • 2031 (13,176)

City of Yarra Open Space Strategy 2020 15 Central Richmond

16 City of Yarra Open Space Strategy 2020 Clifton Hill

Fast facts Precinct summary

Quantity of open space Provision and distribution Clifton Hill is well provided for with 24.6% of the total 24.6% open space, with only one small gap precinct area is area between Hoddle Street and the open space railway. Additional open space may only be required if the population in non

41.18 ha of residential areas were to substantially open space increase in the future.

Quality and design Forecast in population change There is a need to improve the diversity = 2,500 of facilities that appeal to a range of age groups, particularly the older age groups Clifton Hill who are forecast to increase over the Residents: planning period. Additionally, the open • 2016 (6,792) space designs need to encourage social activity in open space with the forecast • 2031 (7,432) increase in lone person households.

Workers: • 2016 (921)

• 2031 (1,266)

City of Yarra Open Space Strategy 2020 17 Collingwood

Fast facts Precinct summary

Quantity of open space Provision and distribution the community regarding the more recent overshadowing of existing open space 0.3% The majority of the Small Local open 0.3% of the total spaces in Collingwood are experiencing as a result of the increased height of built precinct area is high levels of use. With the forecast form in this precinct. open space substantial population increase of approximately 15,000 people by 2031, Quality and design

0.34 ha of there is a need to provide additional open There is a need to increase and improve open space space in Collingwood, including new the recreational quality and diversity of Small Neighbourhood, Local and Small facilities in the Small Local open spaces in Local open spaces. The recommendations Collingwood. The additional open space Forecast in population change include expanding the size of selected can be designed to provide a diversity = 2,500 existing Small Local open spaces to of facilities for the existing and future allow inclusion of a greater diversity of population and contribute positively to Collingwood facilities. The additional distributed open mitigating urban heat island effect. Residents: spaces will also assist to mitigate urban heat, provide increased urban greening • 2016 (9,141) and open space within a safe and easy • 2031 (14,347) walk of residents and workers as urban densities continue to increase in the Workers: future. This will positively contribute to • 2016 (14,810) the health and wellbeing of residents and workers. A priority for new open space • 2031 (25,168) is to ensure it receives excellent winter sunlight to address concerns expressed by

18 City of Yarra Open Space Strategy 2020 Collingwood

City of Yarra Open Space Strategy 2020 19 Cremorne, Richmond South and Burnley

Fast facts Precinct summary

Quantity of open space Provision and distribution Quality and design Barkly Gardens and the system of open There is potential to improve the quality 19.3% 19.3% of the total space along the Yarra River contribute to and diversity of facilities in the existing precinct area is the open space character of this precinct. open spaces in this precinct. The open space With the forecast substantial increase additional open space in Cremorne will be in the resident and worker population in designed to provide a diversity of facilities Cremorne, and lack of open space west of for the existing and future population and 44.98 ha of open space Church Street, a key recommendation is to contribute positively to mitigating urban provide new Small Neighbourhood, Local heat island effect. and Small Local open space reserves in Forecast in population change Cremorne to cater to the nearly 10,000 = 2,500 additional workers and residents. With the forecast significant increase in urban Cremorne, Richmond South and densities along Swan Street and across Burnley the southern part of the Municipality, Residents: there is also a longer term opportunity to introduce more diverse golfing options • 2016 (4,622) and other sporting uses at Burnley Public • 2031 (9,539) Golf Course. Strengthening the natural biodiversity values along the Yarra River Workers: corridor will contribute to the character • 2016 (16,704) and resilience of Richmond South and

• 2031 (25,865) Burnley.

20 City of Yarra Open Space Strategy 2020 Cremorne, Richmond South and Burnley

City of Yarra Open Space Strategy 2020 21 Fairfield - Alphington

Fast facts Precinct summary

Quantity of open space Provision and distribution Quality and design Open space is well provided for and There is potential to expand the play and 28% of the total 28% significantly contributes to the landscape picnic facilities in Alphington Park to cater precinct area is character of these areas. With the to the substantial increase in population, open space significant levels of forecast growth in combined with ongoing upgrades to Alphington one new Small Local and and implementation of the Fairfield Park three new Local open spaces are to be Masterplan. The new open space designs 96.92 ha of open space provided on the Alphington Paper Mills are recommended to be reviewed in the Development site as part of the approved context of ensuring there are facilities Development Plan. In Fairfield, secure that provide for some active unstructured Forecast in population change a formal public pedestrian path link recreation and that they include greening = 2,500 between Coate Park and Rudder Grange and passive cooling given the high urban along the Yarra River. densities so they also contribute to Fairfield / Alphington mitigating urban heat island effect. Residents: • 2016 (2,894)

• 2031 (9,099)

Workers: • 2016 No data available

• 2031 No data available

22 City of Yarra Open Space Strategy 2020 Fairfield - Alphington

City of Yarra Open Space Strategy 2020 23 Fitzroy

Fast facts Precinct summary

Quantity of open space Provision and distribution of new Small Local open spaces are Atherton Reserve is the largest open proposed so that the existing and forecast 1.6% 1.6% of the total space in Fitzroy and will continue to be community live and work within a safe precinct area is improved by strengthening its role for and easy walk of green open space. open space informal ball and sports and large open space. It will be complemented by a major Quality and design upgrade to Condell Street Reserve to There is potential to improve the 2.27 ha of open space create a community park with updated recreational quality and diversity of and expanded play and picnic facilities facilities in the existing and proposed along with improvements to the trees, open space network. Given the urban Forecast in population change and garden beds and grassed areas. densities, increasing the quality of these = 2,500 Combined with Whitlam Place which green spaces including maximising has a distinctly different character, it will moisture absorbing surfaces will assist Fitzroy create a quality hub of open space around to mitigate urban heat island effect the future. The additional open spaces will Residents: the civic heart of the Fitzroy Library and Town Hall. A series of new open spaces be designed to complement the existing • 2016 (11,465) are proposed to address existing gaps in network that combined will provide a • 2031 (15,798) the open space network and to meet the diversity of facilities for the existing and significant forecast population growth, future population. Workers: along with the expansion to selected • 2016 (17,014) existing Small Local open space. Given the framework of the existing open space • 2031 (25,216) and the fine grain of development a series

24 City of Yarra Open Space Strategy 2020 Fitzroy

City of Yarra Open Space Strategy 2020 25 Fitzroy North

Fast facts Precinct summary

Quantity of open space Provision and distribution Quality and design With Edinburgh Gardens, Merri Creek There is potential to improve the 12.8% 12.8% of the total and the Inner Circle Railway Linear recreational quality and diversity of precinct area is Parklands Fitzroy North has a diverse facilities in the Small Local open spaces open space and connected open space network. The in Fitzroy North so that they appeal to network will be strengthened with the the broader community including all age addition of one Small Local open space groups. Upgrades to these, combined with 29.56 ha of open space so that the community living and working the new and expanded areas of open in Fitzroy North B can easily walk to space will aim to cater to the local open open space nearby in the future without space needs as suitable alternatives to Forecast in population change crossing major roads. For Fitzroy North Edinburgh Gardens, given the high levels = 2,500 C and D, Edwards Place Reserve near of use and activity at the Gardens. Edinburgh Gardens is recommended to Fitzroy North be expanded in size so that the local Residents: community can use it when the gardens are busy given they are the most popular • 2016 (12,357) open space in the City. The 2031-2041 • 2031 (15,112) resident forecasts indicate a substantial further increase in the resident population Workers: and additional public open space will be • 2016 No data available required to meet the open space needs of the additional population when the time • 2031 No data available comes.

26 City of Yarra Open Space Strategy 2020 Fitzroy North

City of Yarra Open Space Strategy 2020 27 North Richmond

Fast facts Precinct summary

Quantity of open space Provision and distribution the vicinity of Doonside Street to address Citizens Park and the system of open the recent and forecast change to high 3.0% 3% of the total space along the Yarra River contribute density development in this area. precinct area is significantly to the open space character open space of North Richmond. With the forecast Quality and design substantial increase in the resident and There is potential to improve the worker population in North Richmond. recreational quality and diversity of 5.81 ha of open space Key recommendations include to provide facilities in the existing Local and Small a new Neighbourhood open space on Local open spaces in North Richmond. the DHHS land between Punt Road The additional open space can be Forecast in population change and Church Street. This will primarily designed to provide a diversity of facilities = 2,500 cater to the forecast population and for the existing and future population and better meet the open space needs of the contribute positively to mitigating urban Abbotsford existing community. With substantial heat island effect. Residents: change forecast east of Burnley Street, a new Small Neighbourhood open space • 2016 (14,335) is proposed towards the southern part • 2031 (21,754) of North Richmond C. This will cater to the forecast growth associated with the Workers: eastern end of the Bridge Road Activity • 2016 (13,179) Centre and for the forecast change within the sub-precinct as a whole. An additional • 2031 (17,444) Small Local open space is proposed in

28 City of Yarra Open Space Strategy 2020 North Richmond

City of Yarra Open Space Strategy 2020 29 Implementation

Overview Responsibilites Funding Next steps

The projects in this Strategy will be The Open Space Planning Team at the City Funding the land acquisition and capital • Implement the updated open space implemented over a 15 year timeframe. of Yarra will take the lead implementation works required for the projects identified contribution rate/s in the planning The planning for the proposed new role. Successful implementation will in this Strategy will be sourced from a scheme. public open spaces will occur early in require coordination with the following combination of: • Undertake detailed investigations into the timeframe to ensure opportunities areas of Council • Council revenue. the provision of additional open spaces are sought to achieve these through the • Open space capital works team to • External grants from other State and identified in the Strategy. planning process. These projects will design and deliver improvements to Federal government agencies. • Continue to implement Masterplans for be achieved through a combination of existing and new open space. major parks. securing land area on large redevelopment • The open space contribution rate will • Strategic and statutory planning to sites, conversion of government owned be updated in Clause 53.01 of the Yarra • Plan for and upgrade existing open ensure the Yarra Planning Scheme and land and land acquisition where required. Planning Scheme to change from 4.5 spaces identified in the precinct other strategic documents are consistent Upgrades to existing open space will be per cent to a rate that will be in the recommendations. with this Strategy achieved through the capital works budget order of 10 per cent. These contributions process. • Strategic planning to integrate open will be required as a land and/or cash space provision in future structure plans. contribution at Council’s discretion. • Financial services regarding appropriate allocation of public open space contributions to the open space project budgets in accordance with this Strategy. • Recreation and leisure to determine the appropriate sport and recreation facilities. • Traffic and civil engineering to improve pedestrian and bicycle links via the road network. • Urban design to prepare Urban Design Frameworks for activity centres. • Open space maintenance team and Local laws regarding the ongoing management and maintenance.

30 City of Yarra Open Space Strategy 2020 City of Yarra Open Space Strategy 2020