Relevé Épidémiologique Hebdomadaire Weekly Epidemiological Record

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Relevé Épidémiologique Hebdomadaire Weekly Epidemiological Record Relevé épîdém. hebd.d. I 357-368 N“ 33 Wkly Epidem, Rec., f 1961,36, ORGANISATION MONDIALE DE LA SANTÉ WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION GENÈVE GENEVA RELEVÉ ÉPIDÉMIOLOGIQUE HEBDOMADAIRE WEEKLY EPIDEMIOLOGICAL RECORD Notifications et informations se rapportant à l’application Notifications under and information on the application of the dn Règlement sanitaire international et notes relatives à la International Sanitary Regulations and notes on current incidence fréquence de certaines maladirà of certain diseases 18 AOUT 1961 36* * ANNÉE — 36* YEAR 18 AUGUST 1961 MALADIES QUARANTENAIRES — QUARANTINABLE DISEASES Notifications reçues* dn 11 an 17 août 1961 — Notifications received* from 11 to 17 August 1961 PESTE - - PLAGUE Asie — Asia C D C D C D c INDE (suite) 25.VI-l.Vn 2-8. vn 9-15. vn Asie — Asia HONG KONG i7 .v m INDIA (continued) Hong Kong (PA) ■ i7 ,v m 2 7 C D c D Gujarat, State ‘ Confirmés par examen bactériologique/ConfirmeU by INDE — INDIA 2.8.VII bacteriological examination. Bbavnagar, District ■ 11.VIII Madras, State Madhya Pradesh, State c D c D Districts Salem , District. 3p 2p INDE — INDIA 3 0 .v n -5 .v m 6-12.V m BÜaspur................... lOp 6p Calcutta (PA) ^ . 47 30 Mandla .... 5Qp Op Mysore, State Gaya(A) . 6 2 ... Chhindwara ■ U.VUl K olar, District. • 2p 2p Op *  l’exclusion de la circonscription de ’aéroport de iP Dum-Dum. — Exci. local area of Dum Dum airport. Maharashtra, State c D C D c D Districts 24.VI-1.VII Ahmednagar............ Ap 2p lOp 2p Mysore, State 25.VI-1.VD 2-8.VD 9-15.VD A urangabad............ 38p lOp lip 3p B h ir........................... Ap Op 9p 3p Andhra Pradesh, State N a n d e d ................... 15p bp K ôlar, District. 1 0 N a s ik ............... 2p Ip Districts Sholapur . 43p 8p 29p 3p Glp 21p Chittoor .... Ip Ip Krishna .... 8p Ip 6p Ap \2p ip Mysore, State Nellore............... ^p 3p ŒOLÉRA — CHOLERA Nizamabad. 36p \Ap 65p Ip ïip 6p Districts Srikakulam. 17p 4p 9p 3p West Godavari . 2p Bijapur............... 4 2 Ap 3p 14p 7p A BORD DE NAVIRE Gulbarga . 0 0 Ip Op ON BOARD s m p BihaTy State Raîchur .... 2 1 Calcutta (Inde — India): Un rapport médical sur le Districts cas suspect de choléra chez un membre de l’équipage Uttar Pradesh, State du navire «V alentina Frias»* indique qu’aucun 9 Cbamparan . 23 43p Districts vibrion n ’a été trouvé par le' laboratoire qui a établi Darbhanga . 25 8 lS4p 30p un diagnostic de gastro-entérite. — A medical report on Dhanbad . 9 6 49 Allahabad . 32 15 I2p 7p 5p Op the one suspected case of cholera among, the crew of G a y a ............... 147 Banaras (Varanasi) 56 15 13p 95p 18p Monghyr . 140 40 302p 96p 9p the ship “Valentina F rias” * has now been received. Muzaffatpur , . 8 Lucknow . .691 62 66p 12p lip Ip 26 Mirzapur . 0 0 34p 5p Laboratory findings showed no trace of vibrio infection, Falamau .... 10 2 ... ... 0 Top 45p and a final diagnosis of gastro-enteritis was made. P a tn a ............... 195 69 Muzafiamagar . 0 Fratabgarh . 0 0 54p 26p 9p 4p Saharsa .... 0 0 ôp * Voir/See: p. 297. Shahabad. 0 0 51p 17p Jaunpur ■ 21.VII * par: Quarantaine internationale, Organisation mondiale de la Santé, Palais des Nations, Genève. Adresse télégraphique: Epidnations, G enève. * by: International Quarantine, World Health Organization, Palais des Nations, Geneva. Telegraphic Address: Bfidnahons, Genève. — 358 — CHOLÉRA (suite) c LIBÉRIA (suite) 2-8.Vm LIBERIA (continued) CHOLÉRA (continued) DAHOMEY (exd. Cotonou (PA) et Parakou (A» c c c Asie (suiteJ — Asia (continued) 3 1-31.1 1-29JI i-3i.m C D C D c D Counties 30.VU-5.VHI ÉTHIOPIE — ETHIOPIA Cape Mount 0 19 INDE (suite) 25.VI-I.VII 2-8.VH 9-15.VH 26 Grand Bassa 1 1 5 INDIA (continued) Addis Ababa (A) . 1 Montserrado 2 0 2 Kaifa, Province . 1 West Bengal J State Provinces Districts C D Eastern 0 0 5 Bankura .... 2 2 ............ Western 13 14 4 Burdwan. 0 0 Ip 2p GHANA 8.VUI Hooghly .... 6 6 ............ Howrah .... 102 47 ............ Midnapur . 5 2 ............ Accra (PA) Q s.vni MAU 24-Pargaûas. 49 19 ............ Cercles Ashanti, Région c D B a m a k o ................... 6 18-24.VI Kumasi, District Kayes........................... 3 Uttar Pradesh, State Kumasi ■ 8.VIU 3 1 Hardoi, District . , . 1 1 MOZAMBIQUE C D C D Niassa (Lago), District 1 7-13.V HAUTE-VOLTA 27.VH-2.Vm 3-9. vm NIGER 16-22.VH 23-29.VII Tripura, State . 1 0 UPPER VOLTA Cercles Cercles c Dogondoutchi .... 3 0 Bododioulasso .... 6 1 3 2 MACAO 6-i2.vm Magaria....................... 0 Bobodioulasso: Hôpital 3 1 0 0 1 N iam ey....................... 1 3 Macao ( P ) ................ 1* Boromo ........................5 0 0 0 D jib o ........................... 5 0 1 0 ^ Confirmé par examen bactériologique le 14 août/ ................... 15 2 Confirmed by bacteriological examination on 14 August. K o u g o u s s i 3 0 NIGÉRIA — NIGERIA 23-29.VU N o u n a ............................1 0 2 0 Ouagadougou .... 1 0 0 0 Northern Region C c Ouagadougou: Hôpital 4 4 0 0 Y a k o .................................0 0 10 0 SARAWAK 30.Vn-5.Vni 6-12.VUI Provinces Dinsions Adamawa.................... 4 c C B a u c h i....................... 1 Kuching....................... 2 2 KENYA 30.'Vn-5.Vm 10. vm Bénué............................ 3 Simangganp rj i4.vni K atsin a....................... 8 Mombasa (A ) ...................... 1^ N ig er........................... 33 Sardauna ................... 1 VARIOLE - SMALLPOX Central Province Western Region Nairobi, District (excl. Afrique — Africa local area of Nairobi c D Colony, Province. 1 (Embakasi) airport). 3 CONGO (cap. Léopoldville) RHODÉSIE ET NYASSALAND 6-12. vm Nyanza, Province RHODESIA AND NYASALAND Provinces South Nyanza, District 1 K asai........................... 33 2 N o rth ern R hodesia 81 0 ^ Provenant de/Originated in : Nyanza, Province. Léopoldville................ Provinces ^ Variola minor/Alastrim. c c c L u a p u la ................... 8 S o u th e rn ................... 1 COTE D ’IVOIRE — IVORY COAST LIBÉRIA 1-30.IV 1-31.V 1-30.VI LIBERIA Cercles N yasaland Counties Abidjan: Treichville. 2 1 Central Province . 31 AgboviUe.................... 1 0 Cape Mount 0 0 1 Bondoukou ................ 1 0 Grand Bassa 3 2 8 TANGANYIKA Bouaké ....................... 6 0 Maryland 0 3 0 D aloa........................... 6 2 Montserrado 0 1 36 Dimbokro ............... 13 1 Dar es Salaam (PA). 4 G agnoa....................... 5 1 Provinces Grand-Bassam .... 1 0 Provinces Grand-Lahou .... 1 0 Central 6 4 41 C en tral....................... 2 Man..................... 1 1 Eastern 0 2 0 E astern ....................... 3 Séguéla . 2 0 Western 41 15 3 Southern Highlands. 1 — 359 — VARIOLE (suite) C D D c D C D c D c D SMALLPOX (continued) INDE (sultej 2S.VI-LVII 2-8.VII 9-15.VII INDIA (continued) INDE (suite) 2-8.Vn 9-15.VH Amérique — America INDIA (continued) Pondicherry, State Pondicherry, Dial. 11 8 c c Andhra Pradesh, State 12p 8p 2p ip BRÉSIL — BRAZIL 16-22.VH 23-29.VH Districts Punjab, State Anantapur . 3p Op 3p 2p Op ip Districts Rio de Janeiro (PA) . 24 15 Chittoor .... Op 2p 5p ip 5p Op Guntur............... Op 5p Op 3p Ambala .... 1 3 2p ip Hyderabad . Sp Ip 8p ip Amntsar .... 3 0 Khammam . Hp 3p Bhatinda .... 4 2 Krishna .... Ip ôp A8p ép 2»p llp Ferozepur . 1 0 Kurnool'. ... ip ip Kama! .... 2 ÉQUATEUR — ECUADOR 7-13.V Nclloro............... 0 2P ip IP Op 5p ip Mohindergarh. 1 0 Visakhapatnam . Op ip IP Op Op 2p Patiala............... 5 1 West Godavari . 3p ip Op ip Sangrur .... 2 0 7p 2p Manta (P )................ 1 Assam, State Rajasthan, State Kamrup, District ... 1 0 ... Districts Bolivar, Province Sikar................... 2p Delhi, State» . 1 1 7 0 5p ip ip U daipur................... IP ip Guaranda, Canton Gujarat, State Uttar Pradesh, State Guaranda, Pair. 11 Districts Districts Ahmedabad. 1 0 Agra................... 2 0 Baroda................ 1 I ip Op c Aligarh............... 3 0 ip ip 4p dp Manabi, Province Bhavnagar . 19 2 3p Op Allahabad . 16 4 S u r a t ................ 2 0 ip ip Bahraich. 0 0 2p 3p Portoviejo, Canton B a llia ............... 19 8 Banaras (Varanasi) 9 0 5p ip Madhya Pradesh, State B anda............... 1 1 Bareilly .... 1 2 Op Portoviejo, Parr. 14-20.V 1 ip ip dp Rewa, District • ^P Op ... ... Basti................... 4 4 5p 2p 5p Op » » . i8.V-3.VI 1 B ijnor............... 4 0 » » . 18-24. VI 1 Bulandshahr . 2 0 Deoria............... 8 Madras, State 1 3p 3p Faizabad. 2 2 Sp ip 2p 3p Gorakhpur . 4 0 ip Op Dbtrlcts Hamirpur . 3 2 URUGUAY io.vm Jalaun............... 0 0 dp ip Chingleput . 1 0 Jaunpur .... 1 1 Coimbatore. 16 6 ip op Jhansi............... 3 1 ip dp Artigas, Dept. Madurai .... 12 4 Kanpur .... 14 9 lOp 6 p North Arcot . 1 1 Kfaeri............... 2 0 2p dp S alem ............... 2 1 3p dp ip Op Lucknow . 10 0 ip Op ip dp  llen d e........................ • lil South Arcot . 14 4 - Mainpuri . 1 0 Tanjorc .... 4 0 ... 6p ôp Mirzapur . 7 2 9p 3p * Importé de/Ifflported from: Rio Grande do Sul Tiruchirappalli . 3 2 Muzaffamagar . 1 0 State, Brazil. Tirunelveli . 15 5 4p 2p î'dp dp Nainital .... 0 0 ip dp Pilibhit............... 3 0 Pratabgarh . 1 0 Rae BarcilU. 0 0 ip dp ip dp Maharashtra, State Safaaranpur .
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