I AM Because YOU ARE!


With a firm commitment to alleviate the poor education, poverty incidence and all the accompanying social ills, the Sisters of the Religious of Jesus and Mary in Timor-Leste strive to devote their energy and resources to “ Educating for Life.” Thus began our story in the social sector of the courtry, in collaboration with the Jesuit Social Service. Br. Noel Oliver SJ and Sr. Mary Francis RJM with Mana began to respond to the needs of the women of Ulmera. The Tais groups were born in 2015. Soon the necessity for full time committement felt and and in 2017 Sr. Vidya Pathare RJM stepped in as the Project Co- ordinator for Social Interventions. And so began the RJM- Jesuit venture. On 30th July 2019, the National Prison of Timor Leste granted permission to start rehabilitation and income generating programmes of weaving Tais for the female and handicrafts for the male inmates. Here are the success stories of two inmates interviewed by Sr. Vidya.

I am Amer. I was in the military. I enjoyed my life with food, clothes, women and vices. My crime- I speculated that a neighbour used black magic and murdered my friend and

in a state of drunkenness, I snatched the away the life of this woman, leading me to 18

years of imprisonment first in Becora Prison and then to Gleno. I am grateful for the on-anger management and lessons I had in the prison. I met God in the prison especially in the Sisters and Priests who visited us. That meeting God has changed my life. No matter how hard the past is, you can always begin anew The skill of making handicrafts with used Tyres gave me new wings. I must admit, I was lethargic and never wanted to be part of this project. But Sister Vidya’s words, “I think Amer is not interested in the formation program, so let’s make him the leader.” gripped me. I had to say said, “Yes,” to this new opportunity that was knocking at my door. I began to work very closely with the trainer and observed his every move. I realized doing this was changing my thought patterns. The negativity and lethargy of my past was disappearing and a new, free person was emerging. True conversion was

happening. My sentence reduced to 10 years. I was set free from prison in July 2020.

In the second week of my release, I felt a call withing to start handicraft work with a group of young people in my neighborhood. Sister Vidya assured me that JSS would continue to support me. Today I am able to earn my daily dread and bring hope to my society. I am extremely grateful to God and JSS for their intervention in my life.




I am Eem, an Indonesian, married a Timorese. Five years ago, I started a restaurant and bar to earn a living. My business did well, with the Indonesian young girls working for me. Since the girls needed the job, I did not have any written documents signed with them. A complaint was launched against my husband and me for the crime of prostitution in my bar. Meanwhile, my husband left me. I was broken. I had no support and could not prove myself innocent of the charges. In 2016 I received a sentence of 4 years of imprisonment. But something changed for me in the Prison. I was able to be reconciled with the allegations against me. Though, Indonesian and of a different religion, I received equal treatment and the opportunities at the Prison. Spending time in prayer and decorating the Chapel brought deep peace to my heart. I learned to use a sewing machine, to stitch clothes and rexin bags. I am grateful to JSS intervention through Sister Vidya and Mana Carlota, in my life. Many of us found consolation in talking to sister. Gradually, realized my life was changing. The desire to work hard and do something with my life began to surge. I was released from Prison in May 2020. I decided not to go back to my previous home and situations. I wanted to make a new beginning. I took up a rented house and started earning my living with dignity. Stitching masks, bags, and cooking food is my new source of livelihood. The income is little, the peace of mind and self-worth is beyond. I dream of saving enough to get back to Indonesia and my children there. Thanks, JSS for the formation and continuous accompaniment.

If you would to be a part of this mission in any way pease contact us: [email protected].

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