Etisalat Misr Climbing the pyramid of success with U900 The UMTS 900 network (U900) is the invisible engine that powers networking in today’s Egypt. Whether it’s a business exec calling up an Uber cab in Cairo or a tourist updating Facebook with a selfie by Tutankhamen’s tomb, they have the U900 to thank for shortening distances between people and making work and play a whole lot easier. Scan for mobile reading By Zhang Yu and Yue Xiaopin Editor: Gary
[email protected] WinWin ISSUE 24 46 Winners Coupled with a simple refarming solution, Etisalat Misr deployed GSM 1800 to improve G1800 coverage, meet GSM KPIs, and guarantee basic voice services. ieroglyphs, pyramids, the Sphinx, in 2007 after acquiring the nation’s third mobile mummification…Egypt has truly operator license. The relative latecomer began by given the world a treasure trove of building the nation’s first 3G network, but it wasn’t historic and cultural gems. Every long before the competition began heating up. Hyear 15 million tourists descend on the nation of Carriers started aggressively vying for a piece of the nearly 90 million to explore its secrets. Figureheads action, offering lower rates and accelerating MBB of Osris guiding boats down the Nile and the network construction. mysteries of Pharaohs’ tombs are ripe for sharing Since then, Etisalat Misr’s network traffic has with people back home. Those lucky 15 million doubled every year, heaping considerable pressure travelers, of course, post their exotic Egyptian on network capacity, which is expected to continue travel experiences on social media across mobile in 2016.