Es 6 and 7 of This Issue R-'-M - -'& *V\ '•.% .« •* Wfet V^§ Y^, \ ? ^ the Best Advertising "..Vi'ta
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^ • , es 6 and 7 of This Issue r-'-m - -'& *V\ '•.% .« •* wfet V^§ y^, \ ? ^ The Best Advertising "..Vi'tA . 4. TheThA <Only Medium Newspaper ta " fH Published Northern i^SVvV! in the it Connecticut ~S! Si;ay Town of Enfield, Ct. £$*&• -• ;V^vVr:-^v"^-:' COVERS AN AREA POPULATED BY 30,000 PEOPLE Fifty-Fifth Year—iNo. THOMPSONVILLE, CONN., THURSDAY, JULY 11, 1935. Subscription $2.00 Per Year—Single Copy 5c. of Old Age JOHN SULLIVAN WOMEN HEAR AN INSTALLED HEAD At the Polls EXPLANATION OF Town Plan Vote Pension $17,517 A Year OF K. OF C. HERE NEW TOWN PLAN Causes Much Board of Officers for En The electors will have 12 hours to This Amount Must Be Paid State On April 1 For cast their ballots on the question of Members of Revision suing Year Inducted adopting a new form of town govern Committee Address the Some Predict Proposal Will Be Badly Beaten v a Period of Five Years Regardless of Whether ment next Monday, the polls opening Into Office at Meeting at 6 A. M. and closing at 6 P. M. Representatives of Lo While Others Insist It Will Win by Substantial the $3.00 Tax to Meet It Is Collected or Not— The balloting will be at the usual Tuesday Night—Com polling places for regular elections: cal Women's Groups Majority — Lack of Interest Indicates Light All Residents Between 21 and 60 Must Pay Tax. District No. 1, Old Town hall, Enfield mittees Are Named. street; District No. 2, Precinct No. 1, Monday Evening. Vote Will Be Cast. Town Court Room; Precinct 2, Hig- Unless the law is hereafter chang District Deputy Lawrence Fagan of gins School Auditorium; District 3, Representatives of fifteen of the Hartford installed the new board of LAWN FESTIVAL ed the share of the State Old Age Institute hall, Hazardville. rt, • women's . organizations of the town Despite the rather slimly attended |?Ij\JAI IVfF'F'TflVf* Assistance Fund, which must be con officers of Washington Irving Coun In balloting the space at the top to the ntnrtbSr of about 50 were pres meetings to discuss it during the past!'®' •••1 ifllJlu JLJLL1m cil No. 50, Knights of Columbus, at ent at a meeting in the High School tributed by the Town of Enfield an of the machine used for voting on two weeks there is a general feeling OF S0MERSVILLE nually for a period of five years, will a largely attended meeting Tuesday referendum questions is used. Here Auditorium Monday evening to hear be $17,517.17. This is the amount evening at the council home on Pearl the title of the question is inserted an explanation of the proposed plan that there will be a good sized vote ON TOWN PLAN IS listed in the schedule for 169 towns street. He was assisted by Warden with "Yes" and "No" printed over it. for a new form of town government cast at the polls next Monday when PARISH TONIGHT and cities of the state and released Joseph LeDoux. The following were To vote pull the single lever at the which will be voted on next Monday the electors meet to ballot on the pro this week by the Tax Collector's of the officers installed: Grand Knight, left, then turn down the small indi at a special election. John S. Gor posed new form of town government. HELD LAST NIGHT fice. It is based on a population of John Sullivan; deputy grand knight, cator over "Yes" if you approve of don. Atty. Leo J. Dowd and Atty. Although the public meetings have Fred Boudreau; chancellor, James E. Henry F. Fletcher addressed the Annual 3-Night Event 13,404 and the first payment is due the plan and do the same over "No" not evidenced the quickening of in- n . j . T . _ _ April of next year. The aggregate Dineen; warden, Thomas McCormick; if you desire to vote against it. This meeting which was presided over by terest in the question as the day for i Jr resident J Ohn J. Burke of All Saints Church amount to be paid by the 169 munici recording secretary, Edward Casey; completes your vote, and there only Representative Miss Julia H. Doyle. the decision approaches, it is known palities annually is $2,100,000, which inside guard, John S. Bright; outside remains pulling the lever which opens • Mr. Gordon explained in full de that the electorate is paying far more of East Hartford Town Features Many Novel will constitute the State Old Age As guard, Dominic Lepore; advocate, the curtains which automatically re tail the set-up proposed in the act attention to it than at the outset. Atty. Leo J. Dowd. During the ex stores the machine to its original and the anticipated improvement in Whether this interest is favorable or Council Explains Oper and Amusing Enter sistance Fund to be administered by ercises which followed the installa town government resulting there the Commissioner of Public Welfare, condition. unfavorable to the question is not ation of Plan to Group who is to be advised and assisted by tion ceremonies remarks were made Because of the fact that most of from. Atty. Dowd discussed three quite clear to most of the local ob tainment Attractions. by District Deputy Fagan, State Sec the electors are unfamiliar with the important phases of the act, showing servers. Inasmuch as it is not as out the Public Welfare council. that under a town council plan the of Citizens. In order to meet the cost of this retary John M. Phillips. Warden Jo method of voting on referendums, the spoken as might be expected the feel- The annual lawn festival of All seph LeDoux, Trustees, A. J. Lara- officials urge that there be no hesita membership of the council would be fund to the various towns, the State more representative since each sec ! at v Saints Church, Somersville, -which is has enacted an Old Age Assistance bee, James H. Sullivan and George D. tion in asking for the necessary in ^The entire Satus^Xthe'question ^ ^ «ry likely be the last lay common consent one of the most Smith. structions from the officers of the tion, i. e., each voting district, would so far as the electors are concerned Pu"iic meeting to discuss the plan for Tax of $3 ($4. if not paid within 30 choose its own members to sit in the •popular outdoor social events in this days from the date it is due) from Grand Knight Sullivan announced election, who among other things are is decidedly puzzling. Outwardly, as a new form of town government section, opens this evening on the the appointment of William A. Mills there for that purpose. F. Howard council, the membership would be indicated by the public meetings, the which will be voted on at a special all residents with very few exceptions more responsive, since the council ^grounds opposite the church and con who are between the ages of 21 and ias financial secretary and Leo Slam- Stetson will be the moderator of Pre Vnrprc ava annoronfl\r arkofVio+4/* Tn_ « . _ tinues tomorrow and Saturday nights. on as lecturer. He also named the cinct No. 1, District No. 2. and will rntenrLT^HuIdt>f'aCV1rk ^ ' ^uafi? anTi^XTrXt' howl • ®Iect j" ne* Monday was" held "at" ttie 60. In the event of a sufficient Frankhn Theatre Plans for the festival have been going i following standing committees for therefore be chief moderator of the them districts electing ever, it is known that the proposal is last evening. The forward for several weeks by an ac amount to meet the figure set by the the next ygar: Lapsation, William A. election. state not being collected by the town, a Tin j i , going to receive a very substantial attendance, as has been the case in tive committee with the pastor, Rev. Mills, chairman, Samuel Gendron, Ar 11 the remainder of the fund must be Aity. uowa also made the point;support.tuppui u Therexnere iiss on xnethe otnerother handnana °all. meetings heldneia in connection witllwith thur Baillargeon, Max Beilitz, James that electors would feel more "free U1 n XL.i J.T !11 tUie r«AtrAm/>*i+ 'J..' _ Joseph H. Seiferman as chairman. made up from some other taxable unmistakable evidence that there will this movement, was small consisting H. Sullivan; relief, William A. Mills, to consult their representatives con a Assisting him are: Herbert White, source in the municipality. The Old be a very pronounced opposition to it. group of less than 100 citizens •Charles Malonson, Leo LaBrecque, chairman, Peter A. Crombie, Laur TOWN MANAGER cerning their private needs than they Much of the speculation regarding who, however, indicated a deep in- Age Assistance Tax is to be collected ence Carroll; sick, Fred Boudreau, would to come to a stranger. The •John Kraucunas, Mrs. Paul Paten- by the Property Tax Collector in the outcome is due to the uncertainty terest in the purpose of the gather- chairman, Max Beilitz, Howard Nash, membership would be more efficient, in -aude, Agnes Dwyer and Mrs. Philias about the same manner that the per as to the attiiyde of the political S- Chairman John M. Savage of Martell. Michael Long, William Ryan, Domin HELD NOT LEGAL since the members would necessarily groups towards it. I the committee that devised the plan, sonal tax has been collected for years, ic Lepore; insurance, William Mills, be alert as ^ to methods used in doing There will be a large number of by use of an enumerator's list of Neither the Republican or Demo- presided over the meeting and the •booths, where many attractive arti chairman, William J.