^ • , es 6 and 7 of This Issue r-'-m - -'& *V\ '•.% .« •* wfet V^§ y^, \ ? ^ The Best Advertising "..Vi'tA . 4. TheThA f'aCV1rk ^ ' ^uafi? anTi^XTrXt' howl • ®Iect j" ne* Monday was" held "at" ttie 60. In the event of a sufficient Frankhn Theatre Plans for the festival have been going i following standing committees for therefore be chief moderator of the them districts electing ever, it is known that the proposal is last evening. The forward for several weeks by an ac­ amount to meet the figure set by the the next ygar: Lapsation, William A. election. state not being collected by the town, a Tin j i , going to receive a very substantial attendance, as has been the case in tive committee with the pastor, Rev. Mills, chairman, Samuel Gendron, Ar­ 11 the remainder of the fund must be Aity. uowa also made the point;support.tuppui u Therexnere iiss on thexne otherotner handnana °all. meetings heldneia in connection witllwith thur Baillargeon, Max Beilitz, James that electors would feel more "free U1 n XL.i J.T !11 tUie r«AtrAm/>*i+ 'J..' _ Joseph H. Seiferman as chairman. made up from some other taxable unmistakable evidence that there will this movement, was small consisting H. Sullivan; relief, William A. Mills, to consult their representatives con­ a Assisting him are: Herbert White, source in the municipality. The Old be a very pronounced opposition to it. group of less than 100 citizens •Charles Malonson, Leo LaBrecque, chairman, Peter A. Crombie, Laur­ TOWN MANAGER cerning their private needs than they Much of the speculation regarding who, however, indicated a deep in- Age Assistance Tax is to be collected ence Carroll; sick, Fred Boudreau, would to come to a stranger. The •John Kraucunas, Mrs. Paul Paten- by the Property Tax Collector in the outcome is due to the uncertainty terest in the purpose of the gather- chairman, Max Beilitz, Howard Nash, membership would be more efficient, in -aude, Agnes Dwyer and Mrs. Philias about the same manner that the per­ as to the attiiyde of the political S- Chairman John M. Savage of Martell. Michael Long, William Ryan, Domin­ HELD NOT LEGAL since the members would necessarily groups towards it. I the committee that devised the plan, sonal tax has been collected for years, ic Lepore; insurance, William Mills, be alert as ^ to methods used in doing There will be a large number of by use of an enumerator's list of Neither the Republican or Demo- presided over the meeting and the •booths, where many attractive arti­ chairman, William J. Hughes, Wjl- work and since their reports at coun­ those liable for the tax. The chief cratic organizations have openly tak- principal speaker was Atty. John J. cles will be displayed and a platform lard H. Furey, Timothy J. Sullivan; UNDER NEW PLAN cil meetings would be given openly to en a stand on the matter or made any Burke of East Hartford, where prac- executive of each town shall have the publicity, Edward Casey, chairman, all interested enough to attend. has been erected for dancing each power at any time to abate the Old public attempt to influence the rank tically the same method of town gov- evening for which a five-piece orches­ William J. Hughes. Leo F. Slamon; buch efficiency would, he asserted, and file of the parties as to voting on ernment as is now proposed for this Age Assistance Tax if any person is •membership, George Fleming, chair­ tend to economy in town affairs. tra will furnish music. There has too poor to pay the same. Town Counsel Sullivan the question. Both, however, have town, has been in operation for the been an unusually successful distri­ man, Rev. Franklin J. Corrigan, Max Atty Fletcher summed up the'sev­ done some undercover speculating as Past few years. Application for the Old Age Assist­ Bielitz, A. J. Larabee, Thomas Quin- Gives Selectmen Opin­ en months work of the committee, bution of the season tickets through­ ance must be made to the chief ex­ to the possible effect of its adoption! , ^tty. Burke, who is president of lan, Nicholas Scura, Charles Alaimo, their investigations as to plans in use out the parish, with their chances for ecutive authority or his appointee of ion That Town Council on their future. It is the consensus! the East Hartford Council, stressed cash prizes and the canvassers have Henry Jamrogowicz, Michael Mitsky, in other towns and the reasons for of opinion among them that the Dem- j the fact that he personally led the the town in which the applicant re­ Dominic Lepore; house, James Sulli­ choosing the plan now being used in met with hearty response from the sides. The local authority must make If Adopted Could Not ocrats have more to lose by its adop-1 opposition to the plan when it was people desiring to win some of the van, chairman. A. J. Larabee, Ed­ J^ast Hartford. He stressed the evi­ tion than the Republicans, which idea 'proposed for East Hertford but has the original investigation and for­ ward Lynch, Arthur Baillargeon, Jo­ dent need of a change in our method articles donated by the businessmen ward the facts to the State Depart­ Name Town Manager. is largely predicated on the fact that [earned from experience that it has of the town. The admission to the seph Connor, Michael Martin, Edward ot town government. The audience it is the party in power. This is an1.,1sen a good thing for that commun- ment within 30 days after the applica­ Casey, William E. Spring, Peter J. was invited to ask questions and 1 r ^grounds as usual will be free and the tion is_ made, together with recom­ The fear that a town manager interpretation of the situation that is tJ * explained at length the sys- ^attendance is certain to be large, as Kapinos, Fred Boudreau; admission, interesting points toto beue expeciea.expected. Itxt is very likelyliKeiy that'that ,as it worked out there. John S. mendations as to the disposition of could be appointed by the new Town ln e the festival attracts not only the resi- William E. Spring, chairman, Mich­ °H, t? general1 dis-3 manyany Democratsemo crats whowho taketake their poli- i Gordon of the revision committee and the case. Any person shall be eligi­ ael E. Mitchell, Samuel Gendron, Ed- Council, if the plan is adopted, ap­ eussioS^ft TvZS* W™ * : ?? _ ^ 1 .11 , their poli- •dents of Somersville, but many from ble for an old age assistance award Tiro-i j , I* present tics seriously will vote against it on Representatives Miss Julia H. Doyle the surrounding towns. mond Turgeon. Edward Murray, Rev. pears to be dissipated this week by clear, compre- that account while for the same rea-ian4 Stanley Yesukiewicz also spoke. The following will have charge of who has attained the age of sixty-five Franklin J. Corrigan, John S. Bright, +i?r Presentation of the act by son a number of Republicans will fa- ^ number of questions were asked years; has not sufficient means to a legal opinion submitted to the Se­ e the booths during the festival: Candy, Thomas McCormick; entertainment, lectmen by Town Counsel Philip J. j . speaKers, and many expressed a vor it. regarding various features of the support himself on a reasonable Fred Boudreau, William Chaine, Tim­ su e att n Iai Su John Lakonski, Jr., Stanley Petkis; Sullivan, Jr. The point had been „ ' *0 ? f °ther meetings that On the whole, however, there is lit- i R > h? Pt- of Schools Edgar H. standard of health and decency, and othy J. Sullivan, George D. Smith, arkman 4 1 exchange, Herbert White, Francis has no person legally liable and able raised recently by Arthur N. Jones 4-u~„ r .7 this week soau thatmai. tietie totu indicateinuicate thattnat; eithereitner nartvparty'£ », Arthur ...N. Jones of the- -- Warga; household articles, Henry MondTv7Tn?v8 telllgentIy on ^ next senses any great advantage or disad-j* _ 1 Town Plan Commission,PnTYtmicciAn HaroldTT«, Den- so to support him; is a citizen of the of the Town Plan Commission and it y 15- •Goyette, John Kraucunas, Herman (Continued on Page Four) was at his request that the legal y. j vantage in its adoption or rejection. by of the Town Finance Board, M. United States and a resident of Con­ W. Hullivan and Clarence D. Bur- Cormier; homemade pastry. Stanley necticut, who has resided therein five opinion was sought. In his opinion, rr imbabt D. ATkrci (Those who vote will do so largely on } .^Wiyan and Clarence D. Bur- Gorman, Joseph Adams; doll and GIVEN TESTIMONIAL DINNER CLAMBAKE PLANS PROGRESS j the basis of the individual idea of its i bank. With the exception of Mr. I years during the nine years immedi- which was addressed to First Select­ J nes wwft0 blankets, Henry A. Cormier, Francis man William J. Hughes. Atty. Sulli­ A . _ ~ " _ 'meritsI merits or demerits, and will be uninunin--ii ,P,o .. ho voiced his opposition to Bourque, Emil Gould; refreshments, jately preceding the date of his ap- Annual Outing of American Legion fluenced by any possible political con-1 £ e Plan, all present were apparently • plication for an award, and has re­ William L. Delaney Honored by As­ van says: av •Charles Malonson, George Sharon, sociates at the Enfield Inn. "Town managers are provided for in Hazardville, Sunday, July 28. sequences one way or the other. f °rable to it. Monday evening a sided therein continuously for one Ihe reports presented at the meet- Those who are taking a real interest, to discuss the plan was held Philias Martell, Arthur Bourque, Mrs. year immediately preceding such William L. Delaney, who has been under the General Statutes, Chapter Paul Patenaude; ice cream and candy, ° the general committee in either for or against the question are'U1, Wawel hall at which Judge James date; is not receiving institutional in charge of the accounting and cost 30, Sections 433, 434 and 435. Any w Agnes Dwyer, Mrs. Joseph Dulack, 1 charge of arrangements for the an-,more concerned about the size of the! - Hayden was the principal speak- care at public or charitable expense; department of the sewer project and town_ having a boai-d of finance may v er Mrs. Mitchell Gautreau; dancing, recently resigned to become assistant appoint a Town Manager whose du­ nual field day and clambake of Hor-, °te than the actual result. * , majority of those present were has not made an assignment or trans­ ace _J. Tanguay Post No. 80, American All sides are of the opinion that it I apparently opposed to the plan John Lakonski. Sr., Henry Gould; fer or other disposition of property to Secretary John M. Savage of the ties are those conferred and imposed tickets, Mrs. Philias Martell. Thompsonville Building and Loan by law upon the Selectmen, the Man­ ijegion, which was held Tuesday eve- would be unfortunate if the vote was — for the purpose of qualifying for an ning indicates that steady progress is small and it was decided by a nar- award; is not serving a sentence in a Association, was tendered a testimon­ ager being selected by the Board of ial dinner by his associates on the Selectmen after nomination by the bemg made for this affair which will row margin. If a reasonably good penal institution and is not on proba­ be held at Henry Smith's Grove in s'ze vote is cast the margin either CARPET UNION tion from any court; and has paid the project and town officials at the En­ Board of Finance. This is the gen­ w ADDITIONAL field Inn last evening. First Select­ eral law on the subject. Some com­ Hazardville, Sunday, July 28. The »y will make little difference. As to tax hereinafter provided for to the ticKets which are limited this year how large a vote will be cast, it is full extent of his obligation. man William J. Hughes presided over plication in determining the above PLAN OUTING the exercises following the dinner question occurs by reason of the re­ are being distributed by a committee being placed by some at fifty per cent The maximum amount which may consisting of Willard Young, chair- of the registered electors which FUNDS GRANTED be awarded to a beneficiary under this During the evening Mr. Delaney was cent Special Act passed by the Gen­ presented with a brief case. Vocal eral Assembly altering the govern­ man, 1 eter Kapinos, Jack Higgins, would mean close to 3000 votes. On act shall be seven dollars per week, Charles Blunden, Darius Bouchard, the other hand the claim is advanced FOR AUGUST 11 but no payment shall be made for a numbers by Francis A. Burke and mental plan of this town. It there­ BY THE ELECTORS impersonations by Joseph Colligan fore must be determined whether the Lawton Needham, Walter Knox, that less than 1000 voters will go to fractional part of a week. Upon the Michael Needham, Laurence Griffin, the polls to ballot the question Mon- death of a beneficiary, his funeral ex­ provided the entertainment features. provisions of the Special Act remove Charles Furey, Edmund Meagher, day. Event Initiated at Meet­ penses, not to exceed one hundred dol­ Among those present were William the town from the operation of the a Special Town Meeting E. Savage, Frank J. Merwin, K. D. General Statutes, Chapter 30, dealing j « * Arthur Carmel and Ed- There is no indication that anv or- ing of Shop Committee lars, may be ordered paid by the wa™ Ryan- , . .ganized effort will be made to bring bureau of old age assistance. No Allen, Michael Shea, Sylvester L, with Town Managers and their ap­ 1 Tuesday Evening Also Mitchell. Martin E. Brodrick, Char­ pointment. he. bake will be in charge of a the electors to the various voting Will Be Annual Affair award shall be made to an inmate of committee consisting of George Gan- places. The revision committee which Favors Selling of Liq­ an almshouse _ or other public or pri­ les H. Allen, Sylvester Bourque, "There is much in the Special Act George Howard, First Selectman W. inconsistent with the said General ner, Walter Kriox, Abe Sisisky, saw it through the special town meet- —Many Visitors Are vate institution, but any person i nomas Hulery, Thomas Kineas and ing and legislative hearing will not uor on Sunday; Session otherwise eligible residing in an J. Hughes, Town Clerk Timothy J. Statutes. There is also provision for Expected to Attend. Sullivan, Property Tax Collector succession of the duties of Selectmen. Jack Higgins, while William Thomp- raise a hand in that direction. The by 500. almshouse or other public or private son and Louis Haight will arrange members feel that they have done Attended institution may make application for Francis A. Burke, former First Se Under the provision of the Special lectman Ira S. Bushnell, Walter R. Act. Section 17, the Town Council has and carry out the sports program, everything possible to bring the de- At a joint meeting of the shop com- an award. If the bureau of old age Charles furey is chairman of the tails of the plan to the attention of mittees of Local 2188, United Textile In what will be the last town meet­ assistance shall find, after investiga­ Furey and Joseph Colligan. all of the power conferred upon the Selectmen and under Section 18 has geneml committee and Darius Bou- the voters and that it is now uo to Workers' Union of this place, plans ing in the event of the new town gov­ tion. that such applicant is eligible to chard, secretary. , them to make their .choice. As to were drafted for holding an outing at receive an award and can be ade­ the duties and powers imposed upon Brainard's Grove, North Thompson­ ernment plan being approved next Bridge Repairs Underway. towns and cities, not otherwise pro­ ^ i what that choice ^ will be, opinions quately and properly maintained out­ By arrangement with the State Constructionvwisuutuuu Loansi^oans Granted.^ranted. |Y aiV:iy.\ , Many see*>ee it't ueaienbeaten byDy a ratio ville, Sunday, August 11. The out­ Monday, over 500 electors assembled side of an institution, it may make an vided for in the Special Act. Fur­ Highway Department 40 local FERA ther, under Section 24 of the Special Construction and home financing |j h'ffh as 3 to 1 while others are con- ing, in reality, will be an old-fashion­ in a special session at the Enfield award, provided payment thereof workers will begin next week, the loans to the number of 14 and "dent that it will be approved by a ed picnic. Delegates from rug and s ot begin until such Act a Finance Board is created to High School Auditorium Tuesday eve­ u Ji J* applicant painting of the Suffield-Thompson- succeed the present Finance Board. amounting to $24,000 were granted substantial majority. All of which is carpet centers of Massachusetts, New shall be residing outside of such alms­ pure uess Ttork. Rhode Island, New Jersey and ning, appropriated $10,000 additional ville Bridge. The work will be paid W have therefore, two agencies, the by the board of management of the F work, for it being the first house or other public or private in- for by the State Department and will e Thompsonville Building and Loan As- exPerience of this kind in the history Pennsylvania will be present. In ad­ for roads and bridges, added $25,000 stitution and the bureau shall be duly Council and Board of Finance for the dition all textile workers of Western to the welfare account and voted to in no manner affect the allocation of nomination and selection of Town sociation at its monthly meeting at the town there is no means of bas- notified thereof." a inff even a Massachusetts permit hotels, restaurants and clubs funds for the local FERA project. Manager. On the other hand there is 25 Pearl street last Monday evening.' reasonably accurate esti- and Connecticut iriB It is expected that it will require a The appointment of William F. De- mate- Consequently the figures after be invited. to serve liquor with meals from the much in the Special Act inconsistent Vice-President Gorman, leader of liours of 12 noon, until 9 o'clock on Lake Association Elects Officers. six weeks to do the job during which with the idea of a Town Manager, laney as assistant to Financial Secre- P°'ls close Monday night which W the textile strike of year ago, will Sundays. The meeting was presided The Shaker Pines Lake Associa­ the men will be paid 49 cents an hour Under Section 7 of the Special Act, tary John M. Savage, was unanimous- "1 tell the story must be awaited. a tion has elected the following officers working nine hours a day. ly approved by the board. Mr. De- — be present and it is expected that the over by F. Howard Stetson and the a chief executive is elected, namely a residents of Thompsonville and sur­ records were kept by Town Clerk and directors: President, Milton president of the Town Council, who, laney succeeds Mrs. Grace McKin- Voting Machine Instructions, Sweet of Glastonbury; vice-president, Engagement Is Announced. or rounding towns will be present to see Timothy J. Sullivan. according to the act, is the chief ex­ ney, who has for the past few months ^— the purpose ofVJi instructingniUKi uv/i/iiig thetiiC William Hart of Wethersfield; treas­ Mr. and Mrs. Louis Galimberti of been serving in that capacity. voters on the mechanics of balloting him and hear him speak. Other out­ The purposes of the additional ap­ ecutive officer of the town. This is standing labor leaders will also be propriations were explained by First urer, Henry Isabelle of Springfield; Oak Avenue, announce the engage­ certainly inconsistent with the idea of on the new form of town government secretary, John P. Ostiguy of Spring­ ment of their daughter, Louise Made­ Miss_ Esther Frigon of this town •v-at theLUC special election next Monday, present. This outing will be open to Selectman William J. Hughes and a Town Manager as chief executive. union members and their families and Town Clerk Sullivan and were dis­ field; directors, E. D. Johnson, Milton line, to Myron Spazzarini, son of Mr. The determinant in such cases as this and Miss Rita Balthazar of Chicopee the selectmen have placed voting Sweet, Guy Langley, Henry Isabelle. and Mrs. Anthony Spazzarini of 49 Falls, Mass., are spending a week at machines in on of the stores of the all oi the people of Enfield in generaL cussed by Clarence D. Burbank, At­ is: What was the intention of the e The local union hopes to bring about torney Henry F. Fletcher, Frederick Elliott Clapp, Charles Wegner, Wil­ Park Avenue. The marriage will General Assembly, particularly in Roseneath cottage at Groton Long Furey Block on Main street, the liam Hart, Carl Nordstrom, George; take place in St. Patrick's Church, Point, Conn., where they are the Polish National Home, Institute Hall a better understanding of the «im» R. Furey, Louis Burns and Atty. A. view of the apparent inconsistency and purposes of the organization Storrs Campbell. Following the dis­ Andrews, Peter Jordt, Leonard Coit 1 Wednesday morning, September 18, and contradiction between the Gen­ guests of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Wish- in Hazardville and the Old Town Hall and J. P. Ostiguy. I at 9 o'clock. art of this town. on Enfield street. among the people of Thompsonville. cussion the two resolutions providing eral Statutes and the Special Act. In Stanley Yesukiewicz was appointed for the appropriations were adopted O'Flaherty vs. City of Bridgeport, 64, chairman of the committee on speak­ unanimously as was the article in the Conn. 159, which was a case of con­ ers, publicity and invitations, and he warning providing for the borrowing flict between a special act and a Gen­ will be ably assisted by several co- of the money in anticipation of taxes. POLITICAL OBSERVATIONS eral Statute as applied to the City of ANNUAL UNION FAIR TO BE workers. Raymond Stone will be in The vote on the selling of liquor on Bridgeport, the Supreme Court of charge of arrangements on grounds Sundays was taken without discussion AT THE CAPITOL CITY Errors stated that the inconsistency HELD IN ELLINGTON, OCT. 2 and will supervise the dispensing of following a motion providing for the of a Special Act with the General beverages. Gus Carenzo will take same by Clarence D. Burbank. Two Statutes is sufficient for the Special charge of other refreshments. Ar­ voice_ votes on the question left the Franklin D. Roosevelt was elected ing if he didn't know something of Act to prevail. Adopting this rule, According to the Handbook of in existence. This means that by thur Fortier will supervise the clam­ the inconsistency in this case of the decision in doubt and it was decided President by a very large popular political maneuvering. He is a Fairs and dates just published by the comparing the two years, 19 new bake and William Chaine will conduct to take a ballot on the same which statesman and who dares to be the creation of a chief executive in the vote, and having Congress with him, State Department of Agriculture, the fairs have come into existence. How­ the games of chance and'other novel­ resulted in 246 in favor of the Sun­ judge of what great statesman he is. person of a president of the Town ever. the Department of Agriculture ties. Both men have done good work day law and 132 against it. he was able to have things done that He was elected by the people. He Council with the idea of a Town Man­ annual fair of the Union Agricultural reports that the number of new fairs along this line in connection with were attempted by Hoover but which is Commander-in-Chief of the Army ager under the General Statute, Society, composed of the towns of will be in excess of this figure as the other events sponsored by civic, fra­ Bridge Lights Restored. he was not able to do by reason of and Navy. It is said that he has his causes the Special Act to prevail and Enfield, Somers, Ellington and East past 10 years have witnessed the rise ternal and other organizations. The lights on the Thompsonville- having an unfriendly Congress. eye on the next election. Maybe he nullifies the application of the Gen­ Windsor will be held this year in El­ and fall of several agricultural so­ George Van Nostrand has the Suffield bridge which were dimmed No matter what any president at- has, but who can say as to what de­ eral Statute on Town Managers to lington on Wednesday, October 2. cieties. The Department finds that pleasant task of arranging a musio two years ago by order of the State te'mpts to do, he will be criticized by gree. He must surely be given credit the town of Enfield. Connecticut's fair season will official­ while the total number of fairs in the program, dancing and athletic events. Highway Commissioner are being re­ men of the opposite party and this for having an honest desire to better "However, the above discussion and ly open on August 22 and- continue state is remaining fairly constant It is rumored that he will stage a stored. Work of restoring the lights criticism will be open and severe the conditions of the people and to issue become somewhat academic in through October 12. During this over a period of years, the type of series of softball games after which was commenced this week by the whether or not it is deserving. remove the gloomy atmosphere of view of the provisions of Section 435, period 35 fairs and two flower shows fair^ is changing considerably.—j. „IanyM he will personally select the all-star Northern Connecticut Power Com­ Prominent men of a president's own five years of depression. a section of Chapter 30 of the Gen­ will be staged. This represents two of the large towns or country fairs, playerspiayers of Thompsonville. Members pany's force and it is expected that party will be for or against the presi­ In the position that he holds who eral Statutes dealing with the matter more than were held last year but as well as the State Fair, have passed of the organization and friends pre- the illumination of the bridge, which dent s measures, whether honest or would not want to honestly make a of a Town Manager. This section two less than the total number in out oiof existence anaand in xneirtheir places| dietuict matthat thistnis willwill undoubtedly beDe thetne caused considerable agitation in the otherwise. It may be that Roosevelt name for himself and do what is provides that the' Town Manager operation ten years ago. have sprungSDrunff Unup Gr&nceGrange fairs which largestI lar^PSf old-fashionednlH.fflfltii'nnoil mVni/*picnic avorever IheldiaM past two years, will be again in op­ is a politician. With years of exper­ Thirty-Beven fairs were held in in many cases are considerably I in this community. It is planned tot eration within the next day or two. ience in politics, it would be surpris­ (Continued on Page Eight) (Continned on Page Four) 1925 and of this number 16 are still smaller. {make this an annual affair, ViSg&iS! THE THOMPSONVILLE PRESS, THURSDAY, JULY 11, 19351

Baseball S Boxing -m IS : Track mil' Vfv-ii md/5oftbatl :

something to say about it. Blondie I Borys Starring With Pa. Club. BUSY WEEK-END is coming along fast this year scor­ 9 Frank "Fling" Borys, local boy Second Round of Softball m Bickey Meets Brouillard In A-).") ing three knockouts in four battles, who is playing with the Greensburg- his victims being Paul Kelly, second #W- club in the Western Penn. League, is FOR TERRORS A. C. round; Charlie Stevens, decision; Gene playing great ball according to re-, Menard, three rounds, and Joe Cap- ports received here. "Fling" is sta­ . te' . League Begins Friday Night Star Amateur Clash Tj§igbt cuo in the second heat. Landry has tioned as the regular first baseman, Local Team Has Five appeared here before, making im­ and is fifth in the batting order. The pressive showings. following excerpt was taken from a Games Booked, With A match that should be loaded with Pa. newspaper: Frank Borys, star Collins' Team, First Round Winners, to Meet the Rhode Island Fighters Feature Bouts at V. thrills and excitement will be staged first baseman, hit a home run with Three to Be Played on between Mickey Rickey of Rhode Is­ Cummings on base in the seventh in­ Greys, N. C. P. Co. Tackles Silver Grill and Out of Town Fields. F. W. Arena—Card Appears to Be Best Yet land and Nick Peters of Chicopee. ning today to give Greensburg a 2-1 This is a rematch between these two victory over the Charleroi Tigers in Merrill's Motor Clash With Legion. Arranged by Matchmaker Bourque. fighters, Rickey receiving the decision the second game, after the Tigers If rain does not interrupt their oyer Peters in their previous session. had won the first contest, 9 to 8. The schedule, the Terrors A. A. will ex­ Rickey is a powerful hitter, demon­ clipping went on to describe the two With unabated interest on the part Town Softball perience its busiest week of the cur­ Action should be the key word at most of the observers gave him the strating it against Peters in the first games. "Fling" bats in the fifth posi­ of players and team managers, the rent season with no less than five the weekly amateur fights tonight at scrap. Bickey is a two-fisted punch­ clash. The Chicopee boy was making tion and came through with a hit in second round of the Town Softball League Standing games to be played. A clean sweep the V. F. W. Arena on Belmont Ave­ his first start after a long layoff of these contests will enhance the nue, as some of the foremost scrap­ er having equal power in either hand. against Rickey which accounts in part each game out of three attempts. League will officially get underway standing of the local club tremen­ pers in New England have been lined Perhaps the outstanding feature of for his defeat, and the tables may be tomorrow night at Mt. Carmel Park First Round (Final) dously. The opponents for the Ter­ up by Matchmaker Ernie Bourque. this popular scrapper is his fine changed in tonight's battle. Legal Notices. W L P.C. with three interesting games schedul­ rors tomorrow night will be the West The majority of the fighters on to­ blocking ability which makes it al­ Gene Menard of Woonsocket ex­ Collins 5 0 1.000 Springfield Memorials, a fast semi- night's card performed in the local changes blows with Albert Jones of ed. At the main diamond, No. 2, Tom N. C. P. Co. 3 2 .600 most impossible for his opponents to pro combine. This game will be play­ ring three weeks ago and scored a score any effective blows. In a few Wilbraham in another clash. They Liquor Permit Collins' boys, champion of the first Merrill Bros. 3 2 .600 ed at the latter's diamond. Ryder smashing hit with the large crowd in will battle in the welterweight divi­ NOTICE OF APPLICATION Silver Grill 3 2 .600 words it can be said that this scrap round with five straight victories, will be on the mound for the local attendance. Right through tonight's is a "natural." sion. Menard is a classy southpaw •will make every effort to keep their Greys A. A. 2 3 .400 club. program from the opening three- slugger who fell a victim to Blondie Legion 0 5 .000 In the semi-final, Jackie Williams, This is to give notice that I, Wil­ record clean when they tackle the Saturday afternoon the Kegley- rounder to the main-go are boxers the Webster bomber, will swap blows in a recent clash when he failed to liam E. Rutherford of Brainard hard-fighting Greys. Manager "Aus" Games Friday Night coached squad will journey to the Os­ who rate with any in their division. with the sensational Negro boxer get away from one of the latter's Road, Hazardville, Conn., have fil­ Reilly of the latter team is confident Diamond No. 1. born Prison Farm in the eastern sec­ A championship match is the fea­ from Springfield, Art McAlpine. To­ murderous rights. Jones is no new­ ed an application, dated July 8th, that his charges are about set toi Merrill Bros. vs. Legion tion of the town to play the prison ture of tonight's card, bringing to­ night's fued will be the first between comer to the boxing game having 1935, with the Liquor Control Com­ make a steady drive for honors inj nine. George Rypysc, freshman gether two boys holding a title from these two boys and a corking fight done extensive fighting throughout mission for a Tavern for the sale Diamond No. 2. hurler of the team, will do the mound their respective states, Rhode Island New England. The fourth bout will this round and that their first victim! Collins' vs. Greys should be the outcome. Both boys of alcoholic liquor on the premises, will be the much-heralded Collins1 work for the locals. A Tri-County and Connecticut. Mickey Bickey, pack a deadly wallop which should be staged with Young Gamache of Brainard Road, Hazardville. Conn. crew, who Reilly claims are playing! Diamond No. 3. League game will take place Sunday Rhode Island title holder in his di­ keep them on their toes throughout WJoonsocket and Joe Aldino of Wil­ The business is owned by William over their heads and will come down; N. C. P. Co. vs. Silver Grill afternoon when the Terrors play the vision, will battle Tommy Brouillard, the three round duel. The Webster limantic. Both boys are feather­ E. Rutherford of Brainard Road, to earth with a thud. How much of j Bay State aggregation, this contest lightweigt champion of this state. bomber will be out to stop the win­ weights. Young Canata, brother of Hazardville, Conn., and will be con­ this is true can be determined only;gilver Grill went on a rampage taking place on the local diamond. Brouillard is a brother of Lou Brouil­ ning streak that McAlpine has built Sol Canata, will swap blows with ducted by William E. Rutherford of lard, former world's welterweight Tony Costa of Rhode Island. Two by actual combat and tomorrow against the Legion scoring 35 runs On Tuesday night the Terrors will up in the local ring. Brainard Road, Hazardville, Conn., night's the night. Mike Kegley doing the big stick work play a home game here against the title holder. The winner in tonight's Roy Carvel from the Springfield Y. other bouts will complete the card. as permittee. West Springfield Memorials. Wind­ encounter will take possession of the In case of rain the fights will be held Probably what will be the most with two home runs in one inning. M. C. A. faces a newcomer in Young WILLIAM E. RUTHERFORD colorful game of the evening will be The Greys gave Merrill Bros, a hard ing up its week's work, the Terrors two titles. Movey from Woonsocket, R. I. Car­ on Friday evening. staged at diamond No. 3 when the old fight, the latter winning 9 to 8, scor- will travel to Stafford Springs to op­ Neither fighter needs any introduc­ vel has pleased the crowd in every Dated July 8th, 1935. (July 11-18) •warriors representing the Silver Grill ing four runs in t],e finai frame. Tom pose the town team of that commun­ tion to local fistic followers for they appearance he has made, for there is Playing Great Ball. clash with the Northern Connecticut. Collins' fast stepping crew kept up ity. Joe Naughton will do the hurl­ have fought the best of them in the no let-up in throwing punches when The strong Somersville baseball Power Company gladiators. Possess- j their brilliant work taking the Power ing- for the local combine simon pure ranks. Brouillard will be he steps into the ring. He has scor­ club is experiencing one of its best BUILDING PERMITS GRANTED The Terrors have four men among!making his initial appearance in the ing plenty of power and fighting,crew< n to 3. A1 Noll's boys worked A 1 <1n /li M • i.1. _ rn - /t- ...M i.l> £ _ •• nn.. nl+V /-ill «Vl UniTIVl/W ed two triumphs this year over the years since its formation. The team spirit both clubs are out to give their hard for a victory but their many the leading stickers in the Tri-Coun local ring this year, although having bullish Ralph Pisano of Agawam. has scored victories over a number of Bessie Lebeshevsky, King Street, all m order to get away with a vie-, displays spelled their undoing. ty League, which included all games fought here a number of times in the Sheer nerve and coolness have been the leading clubs throughout this sec­ gasoline station. tory at the start of the new round, j Qf interest to all members of the played during the first round. Buck past two years. He is a hard punch­ a big factor in Carvel's success in the tion, which explains why they have Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Jackson, The Power Company boys took ad-(six teams is the fact that the Greys Angelica, hard hitting first sacker, is er and a fine boxer, and has proven ring. Little is known of Movey* but had such fine crowds in attendance. residence, Pearl Street Extension. vantage of an opportunity for a little A. A. have offered the shower facili- leading the local team with the wil­ that he can absorb punishment in it is said that he is a powerful hitter. A throng of over 1200 witnessed a Per order of low with an average of .455, and is past ring engagements as he has yet tuning up last evening when theylties to all players who desire to use Lou Blondie, leading fighter from game three weeks ago, which is un­ Enfield Zoning Commission. played host to the United Electric j them following each game. A small the third leading sticker in the cir­ to hit the canvas. this town, will have Ray Landry of usual in these parts these days. softballers of Springfield. The gamejf f ten cents will be charged for cuit. Eddie Gwozdz has earned an Mickey Bickey is the fan's popular Buddy Dunne, "Skee" Lakonski, Gene Dated at Enfield, Conn., this ee 0 Danielson for his opponent. The lo- 4th day of July, 1935. was played at Mt. Carmel Park and this service. A meeting of the team average of .433, with Art Gebo hit­ choice as a scrapper, possessing the caj scrapper will be out to annex his Howard and Johnny Urbon are the resulted m a victory for the local managers will be held next Monday ting the ball in fine fashion for an essential instruments in reaching fourth straight victory at the expense boys who have been performing in Herbert A. Varno, Clerk. boys, 5 to 2. in a well played and in­ evening at 7:30 at The Press Office average of .333. Carlo Angelica is greater heights in the boxing game. of Landry, who. however, may have spectacular style thus far this season. (july 4-11) teresting contest. With Bill Camp­ at which various affairs of the league the fourth Terrors player with an In his last scrap here three weeks ago bell, their ace hurler, doing his stuff, will be discussed. even .300 mark. The latter is tied against Pete Stanley, Bickey put on ably backed up by Mickey (Mouse) for first place in runs batted in and a stirring battle, although only get­ Legal Notices. Legal Notices. Legal Notices Noon on the receiving end, the Pow­ runs scored in the league. ting a draw for his night's work but er Co. boys were never in danger al­ To Play Willimantic though given a tough tussle by their Liquor Permit Liquor Permit Liquor Permit opponents. Poor umpiring on the Thread Nine Sunday NOTICE OF APPLICATION NOTICE OF APPLICATION NOTICE OF APPLICATION part of Ed Lynskey and Ray Chouin- ard somewhat marred the contest but St. Louis Cardinal scouts will be Giving 'em the Once Over This is to give notice that I, Al­ This is to give notice that I, This is to give notice that I, An- in a spirit of friendly rivalry the present when the Greys A. A. oppose bert Rossi of 8 Thompson Court, James I. Higgins of 133 High gelo Bottom, of 14 Lincoln Street, players of both teams overlooked By "MAC" GRAY Thompsonville, Conn., have filed an Street, Thompsonville, Conn., have Thompsonville, Conn., have filed an most of the rank decisions. After the American Thread nine at Willi­ application, dated July 8, 1935, with filed an application dated July 11, application dated July 1, 1935 with the game a general get-together was mantic next Sunday. With keen Hold Golf Tournament. distance and one doesn't know when the Liquor Control Commission for 1935, with the Liquor Control Com­ the Liquor Control Commission enjoyed by both teams and at its con­ baseball-wise eyes watching their ev­ Last Saturday a group of golfers he may double up from an attack of a Tavern for the sale of alcoholic mission for a Restaurant permit for for a Package Store for the sale clusion the Home City boys were gen­ ery move, the Greys will be out to from the Bigelow-Sanford plant held cramps. . . The weight that Bill Fuge liquor on the premises, 58 North the sale of alcoholic liquor on the of alcoholic liquor on the prem­ erous in their praise for the good fel­ put on their best performance. In a tournament at the Franconia is putting on is going to be a big as­ Main street, Thompsonville, Conn. premises. 108 Main Street, Thomp­ ises, 47 Pearl street, Thompsonville, lowship and hospitality extended by facing the Thread nine the local club course which consisted of a match, set to him at Enfield High next year The business is owned by Albert sonville, Conn. The business is Conn. The business is owned by the local utilities crew. will be up against the stiff est sort of kickers' handicap and long driving for it should help him on the grid­ Rossi of 8 Thompson Court, owned by James I. Higgins of 133 Calogero Alaimo, 218 Pearl street, Ted Merrill's up and coming motor opposition for the Willimantic team contest. In the match game, Team iron if he plays, which is almost cer­ Thompsonville, Conn., and will be High Street, Thompsonville, Conn., Thompsonville, Conn., and will be squad will start their second round has registered victories over some of A emerged victors by three strokes tain. Bill will be in the class of three conducted by Albert Rossi of 8 and will be conducted by James I. conducted by Angelo Bottoni of 14 activities taking on the American Le­ the fastest teams in the state. Flash over Team B. Jimmy Jackson was letter men as he now plays varsity Thompson Court, Thompsonville, Higgins of 133 High Street, Lincoln Street, Thompsonville, gion club at diamond No. 1. Al­ Fiore will get the assignment on the the bright star coming up with a 78 basketball and baseball. . . Two town Conn., as permittee. Thompsonville, Conn., as permittee. Conn., as permittee. though favorites to win, Merrill's will mound against the Thread mill team. for the winners. In a hole-in-one championship series will be played ALBERT ROSSI JAMES I. HIGGINS. ANGELO BOTTONI. have to be on their toes as Charlie He has been impressive in the box contest, H. Blomstrom was declared this fall for the town titles, the Ter­ Dated July 1st, 1935. for the Greys this year and should Dated July 8th, 1935. Dated July 11th, 1935. Furey's Legionnaires have plenty of the winner stopping 14 feet from the rors facing the St. Adalbert's, with (July 11-18) (july 11-18) (july 4-11) strength and with a little more team make it tough for the Willimantic flag, while Eddie Foley took second the Greys tackling the Trojans for play is ready to go places. nine next Sunday. Dick Copeland place with a mark bf 16 feet. Com­ the senior and junior honors. A resume of last week's games will be on the receiving end of Fiore's petition was quite even in the kick­ * • • Liquor Permit Liquor Permit Liquor Permit would indicate that all varieties of fast ones. Reilly at first, Kin^ at ers' handicap for there were four To Attend Card Training Camp. NOTICE OF APPLICATION NOTICE OF APPLICATION NOTICE OF APPLICATION Softball, baseball, hockey, football second, Mpnette, short, and Cynosky ties, Harold McKinney, Bert Dono­ Three members of the Greys base­ and so forth were indulged in. The at third will complete the infield with van. C. Cleary and Eddie Foley hav­ Boland, O'Brien and Pryzner in the ball club will attend the St. Louis This is to give notice that I, Al­ This is to give notice that I, Wal­ ing a net of 85. In the long driving Cardinals training school which op­ This is to give notice that I, Hed- lace Stephen Faber of 33 Alden outfield. u. contest at the fourth hole, N. Dow wig Pauline Trappe of 989 Enfield ma J. Schofield of 103 Main Street, ened at Willimantic today and will Thompsonville, have filed an appli­ Avenue, Thompsonville, Conn., have took the honors with Roland Duprey continue Friday and Saturday. The Street, Thompsonville, Conn., have filed an application dated July 1st, Davis Stars For Hazardville. second. boys who are expected to make the filed an application dated July 3rd, cation dated July 10, 1935, with the A lusty three base drive with three * * • Liquor Control Commission for a 1935, with the Liquor Control Com­ trip are Franny O'Brien, Niggie Mon- 1935, with the Liquor Control Com­ mission for a Package Store for the men on the sacks in the last inning - mission for a Restaurant permit Hotel permit for the sale of alco­ gave the Hazardville ball club a 6 to Trojans Drop Two Games. ette and Fran Boland. These thi ee holic liquor on the premises, sale of alcoholic liquor on the Two more ball games were lost by players have been performing on the for the sale of alcoholic liquor on premises, 53 Church Street, Thomp­ 5 victory over the Somersville Bull the premises at 924 Enfield Street, Thompsonville Hotel, 103 Main Dogs at Hazardville last Thursday. the Trojans this past week with both diamond for several seasons and ap­ Street, Thompsonville. The busi­ sonville, Conn. The business is EVERY SUNDAY defeats due to lack of hitting in pear to have the ability to go higher Thompsonville, Conn. The business The losers showed the way to the is owned by Hedwig Pauline Trappe ness is owned by Alma J. Schofield owned by Wallace Stephen Faber of !:• BOUND TEIP Powder village team_from the very the pinches. The Trojans found no in the national pastime. Monette is of 103 Main Street, Thompsonville, 33 Alden Avenue, Thompsonville, *' YAILBOAD FABE reason for celebrating the Fourth of an infielder, while O'Brien and Bo­ of 989 Enfield Street, Thompson­ Conn., and will be conducted by $2.00 start, hitting Gaskell in the pinches. ville, Conn., and will be conducted and will be conducted by Alma J. Lt. Springfield 7:00 A.M. Victory looked hopeless for the Haz- July for they were humbled by the land patrol the outfield. Schofield. 103 Main Street, Thomp­ Wallace Stephen Faber of 33 Alden Lv. Thompsonvill. .., 7:16 A.M. Osborn Prison Farm team, 11 to 8. • * * by Hedwig Pauline Trappe of 989 Avenue. Thompsonville, Conn., as Da* 125th Street .... 10:15 A.M. ardville team as they went into the Enfield Street, Thompsonville, Con­ sonville, as permittee. Do* New York* 10:25 A.M. final frame trailing by a score of 5 Time after time the local nine could Call for Tennis Candidates. permittee. have put the game on ice if they had necticut, as permittee. ALMA J. SCHOFIELD. pr. Xtw York* "....., 8:25P.M. to 2. With their erstwhile silent bats Frank Olschafskie. director of the HEDWIG PAULINE TRAPPE. Dated July 10th, 1935. WALLACE S. FABER. 1/T. 125th Street 8:35 F.M. coming to life they filled the bases not fallen down on their hitting es­ Enfield Y. M. C. A. tennis team has • Grand Central Terminal pecially when runners were in scor­ Dated July 5th, 1935. (july 11-18) Dated June 29th, 1935. and it was here that Babe Davis issued the first call for candidates at (july 11-18) (july 4-11) (Eastern Standard Time) caught hold of one of Connell's fast ing position. It was just the oppo­ Memorial Park next Monday night. site for the prison combine, for they Tickets rood on ipeclal eoaeh train «a ones for a triple, driving in three A number of players from last year's Liquor Permit at Station Ticket Ofllce» runs to knot the score. A single sent hit when hits meant runs. Dudeak crack team will again see action on did the hurling for the losers but Liquor Permit Liquor Permit NEW HAVEN Davis home with the winning tally. the courts this year. Eddie White, NOTICE OF APPLICATION NOTICE OF APPLICATION was not wholly responsible for the Bob Macintosh, Dick Stevens, Billie NOTICE OF APPLICATION defeat as he received ragged support Fuge and John Santanella are the This is to give notice that I. Jo­ s to from his mates. Somersville eked out veterans who are urged to be pres­ This is to give notice that I, Max seph Dulack of Main Street, Som­ , ™ is , Siye notice that I, Ra- a close win over the Trojans by a Block of 34 Enfield Street, Thomp­ chel S. Slaybard of 14 Pearl street. ent Monday. Last year the team met ersville, Conn., have filed an appli­ Thompsonville, Conn., have filed an score of 7 to 6. This game developed with considerable success winning all sonville. Conn., have filed an appli­ cation dated July 3rd, 1935, with into a real nip and tuck affair with of its matches. cation dated July 9, 1935. with the application dated July 1st, 1935, the Liquor Control Commission for with the Liquor Control Commis­ each team holding the lead several • • • Liquor Control Commission for a a Tavern permit for the sale of al­ times. Going into thgjast frame one Restaurant permit for the sale of sion for a Package Store for the Two Home Games For Saints. coholic liquor on the premises, Cor­ run behind the local team was suc­ alcoholic liquor on the premises, 34 ner of Maple and Main Streets, sale of alcoholic liquor on the prem­ cessful in placing a man on third Manager Walter Legenza has book­ Enfield Street, Thompsonville, Con­ ises, 14 Pearl Street, Thompson­ SHADY LAKE ed two hard games for the St. Adal­ Hazardville, Conn. The business is ville. The business is owned by base but he was left stranded. necticut. The business is owned by bert's nine for Saturday and Sunday. owned by Joseph Dulack, Main Rachel S. Slaybard of 27 Fairview Mickey McNulty pitched a fine game Max Block of 34 Enfield Street, Street, Somersville, Conn., and SOMERS, CONN., IS NOW OPEN for the Trojans although Somersville On Saturday the Saints will face the Thompsonville, Conn., and will be Avenue, Thompsonville. Conn., and strong Holyoke Criterions at the A. Michael Zuraw, Park Street, Haz­ will be conducted by Rachel S. kept him in the hole several times. conducted by Max Block of 34 En­ ardville, Conn., and will be conduct­ * * * D. Higgins School field. Jedziniak field Street, Thompsonville, Conn., Slaybard of 27 Fairview Avenue, and Jackubiez will form the battery ed by Joseph Dulack, Main Street, Thompsonville, Conn., as permittee. Enfield A. C. on Short End. as permittee. Somersville, Conn., as permittee. for the church team. They will be MAX BLOCK. RACHEL S. SLAYBARD. The Osborn Prison Farm baseball facing another strong combine Sun­ JOSEPH DULACK. Boating -- Bathing -- Dancing nine showed plenty of power in turn­ day when they oppose the Easthamp- Dated July 9th, 1935. Dated July 3rd, 1935. Dated July 1st, 1935. ing back the strong Enfield A. C. ton Collegians at Mt. Carmel Park. (july 11-18) (july 4-11) club last week, 11 to 4. Taking a Kukulka and Jackubiez will do the commanding lead in the early frames heavy work for the local club. Liquor Permit ELECTRICALLY LIGHTED FOR NIGHT BATHING the Prison nine coasted on to victory Liquor Permit NOTICE OF APPLICATION Liquor Permit SLIDES AND SWINGS FOR THE KIDDIES! holding the local combine well in NOTICE OF APPLICATION NOTICE OF APPLICATION IDEAL FOR PICNICS, OUTINGS, ETC. check. The heavy stickers of the En­ Trojans To Oppose This is to give notice that I, field squad were unable to solve the This is to give notice that I, Wladyslaw Olechny of Alden Ave­ This is to give notice that I, offerings of the opposing hurler, Hazardville Sunday Joseph M. Devine of 183 Pearl nue, Thompsonville, Conn., have Alexander Cybulski, of 46 Windsor many taking their three healthy SUFFIELD, CONN. street, Thompsonville (Enfield) filed an application dated June 29, Street, Thompsonville, Conn, have JOSEPH ROMANO, Prop. swings. Bania and Dukie were the A hard fought game should take have filed an application dated July 1935, with the Liquor Control Com­ filed an application dated Juiy 1st, best for the locals. place at the Higgins School diamond 3, 1935, with the Liquor Control mission for a Club permit for the 1935, with the Liquor Control Com­ next Sunday when the Trojans face Commission for a Druggist permit sale of alcoholic liquor on the prem­ mission for a tavern permit for the r Oddities in the Sports Mirror. the Hazardville baseball club, the for the sale of alcoholic liquor on ises, Corner of Church Street and sale of alcoholic liquor on the prem­ "Buck" Angelica of the Terrors game getting underway at 2:30. Lit­ the premises, Corner Main and Alden Avenue, Thompsonville, ises, 54 Whitworth Street, Thomp- and Franny O'Brien of the Greys are tle difference can be found between Pearl Streets, Thompsonville (En­ Conn. The business is owned by sonville, Conn. The business is the only boys who have connected for either team in hitting or offensive field). The business is owned by the Polish National Home Assoda-t owned by Alexander Cybulski, 46 "THE AGRICULTURAL WAREHOUSE' homers thus far, Angelica connecting power which should bring about a Josephine M. Devine of 183 Pearl tion, Inc., of Corner.Church Street Windsor Street, Thompsonville, for three. Both boys are leading their closely played battle. Hazardville Street, Thompsonville (Enfield) and Alden Avenue, Thompsonville, Conn., and will be conducted by teams in batting. . . Morry King and took the measure of the strong Som­ and will be conducted by Joseph M. Conn., and will be conducted by Alexander Cybulski of 46 Windsor Louie Bourque have joined Ed Casey's ersville club last week, but have fall­ Devine of 183 Pearl Street. Thomp­ Wladyslaw Olechny of Alden Ave­ Street, Thompsonville, Conn., as Is* Trojans. . . The defeat of Kid Lamag- en before the local nine in their in­ sonville (Enfield), as permittee. nue, Thompsonville, Conn., as per­ permittee. na last Friday was his first this year. itial meeting. The Trojans were the JOSEPH M. DEVINE. mittee. ALEXANDER CYBULSKI, ...... Boxing Commissioner Frankie WLADYSLAW OLECHNY. pist! Seasonal Suggestions victims of the Somersville team on Dated July 10th, 1935. •* Dated July 2d, 1935. ! Rypysc is greatly interested in Lou two occasions which makes it impos­ (July 11-18) Dated July 2d. 1935. (july 4-11) y fm?4 Blondie's ring career and acts as an sible to figure out their real strength. (july 4-11) 11 Seed Oats, Seed Potatoes, Garden and Farm advisor to him. . . The Zula Canni­ Davis, Gaskell and Miller are a trio bals, a traveling baseball attraction, of the star performers for the village Liquor Permit Liquor Permit Liquor Permit Seeds, Lawn and Farm Fertilizers, Incubat­ are trying to book the Greys for a team, while Cowles. Cogatella and NOTICE OF APPLICATION game here but are not likely to ap­ Guminiak are the boys playing good NOTICE OF APPLICATION NOTICE OF APPLICATION pear as the guarantee desired is too ball for the Trojans. The .local nine ors, Brooders, Fountains, Feeders, Small high. . . Kukulka dropped a Triple A will be at full strength for this scrap This is to give notice that I, Mil­ This is to give notice that I, Vic­ ton G. Parakilas of 86 Pleasant This is to give notice that I, P. League game last Saturday, 5 to 0, with Louie Bourque toeing the rub­ tor R. Moschetti, of 887 Enfield Edward O'Brien, of 24 Alden Ave­ Chick Starters and Growing Mash. the victors being the Chicopee Falls ber for the first time as a Trojan street, Thompsonville, Conn., have Street, Thompsonville. Conn., have filed an application dated July 9, nue, Thompsonville, Conn., have Wlesties. . "Fling" Borys is still play­ player and Morry King doing duty in filed an application dated July 1st, filed an application dated July 3rd, ing heads-up ball in the Western the outfield. 1935 with the Liquor Control Com­ 1935, with the Liquor Control Com­ mission for a Package Store for 1935, with the Liquor Control Com­ EVERYTHING FOR THE FARMER Penn. League . . . Mickey (Himself) mission for a Tavern for the sale mission for a Restaurant permit Noon, ardent baseball fan, and super- the sale of alcoholic liquor on the of alcoholic liquor on thepremises, premises, 90 Pleasant street, for the sale of alcoholic liquor on salesman on the side, attended sever 89 Asnuntuck Street, Thompson­ the premises at 1516 Enfield street, al of the Holy Cross and Providence Thompsonville, Conn. The business ville, Conn. The business is owned is owned by Milton G. Parakilas Enfield, Conn. The business is own­ College baseball games this season. by Victor R. Moschetti of 887 En­ ed by P. Edward O'Brien of 24 Al­ . . . This town has its share of crack ADDITIONAL of 86 Pleasant street. Thompson­ field Street, Thompsonville, Conn., .•m ville, Conn., and will be conducted den Avenue, Thompsonville, Conn., Geo. S. Phelps & Co. swimmers, particularly those of high and will be conducted by Victor R. and will be conducted by P. Edward school age. It is no hard task for SPORTS ON by Milton G. Parakilas of 86 Pleas­ Moschetti of 887 Enfield Street, O'Brien of 24 Alden Avenue, them to swim across the Connecticut ant street, Thompsonville, Conn., as Thompsonville. Conn., as permittee. Thompsonville, Conn., as permittee. TELEPHONE 34 River and a host of them swim across permittee. PROSPECT STREET - f THOMPSONVILLE, CT. and back without resting awhile on PAGE3. MILTON G. PARAKILAS. VICTOR R. MOSCHETTI. P. EDWARD O'BRIEN. < the opposite shore. This is a dang­dam?* ir'AtedDated July 9th,yth^ 1935.l«7o5* Dateduaveci July 1st,asv> 1935.x&do* Dated July 3rd, 1935. V erous stunt, however, for ftit is some / (July 11-18) (july 4-11) V' (inly 4-ii) : • > -I J i ' •ii'V:. '.4/$ t THE THOMPSONVILLE PREJI! THURSDAY, JULY 11, 1935, era of home construction already] St. Adalbert's Trim the fourth, giving them a margin heralded :by certain 'developments,! I® which they easily held. Jacius, who INSURING will place the associations in greater Indian Orchard 8 to 4 can perform at any position, was on need of resources than has ever been INaTHE HELD OF SPORTSil it; the receiving end of Jedziniak's of­ experienced before. Even the associa­ ferings and turned in a fine after­ « ACCOUNTS GETS tions, therefore, which today have ONE, WIN SECOND Led by the heavy hitting of Johnny noon's work, besides getting three idle funds unable to find an outlet, punches which caused Referee Billie Jacius and Wally Legenza, the Saint solid bingles. Startling fielding by Taylor to give him the verdict. The Adalbert's baseball club took the Legenza saved the day a number of should give their thorough considera­ PRO BOUTS FAIL it last two sessions found _ both boys Defeat Manchester by | B.&L.APPROVAL tion to insuring shares and getting measure of the Indian Orchard Eag­ times for the local club. Pietrusza 1 themselves in a position to attract furnishing plenty of action as each 5-2 Score—Drop Close les. 8 to 4, in a game played last and Zawada showed up well in the was trying for a knockout. Vargus Saturday. Jacius and Legenza bang­ infield. The game scheduled for Sun­ mi ;* hew money whenever the need ap­ TO ATTRACT FANS hit the resin in the last round but for JJ. S. League Official pears. Game to the Wethers- ed out six hits between them which day was called off due to rain. "There seems to be little doubt that no count. The decision was roundly accounted in a large measure for the H Says Plan Has Become the public favors federal insurance of booed when Taylor raised Vargus' field Prison Nine. eight runs that crossed the plate for Win For Warehouse Point. Only 900 Witness Open­ hand but the cro^d was largely Home the home team. "Lefty" Jedziniak Joe Naughton and Pete Frangia- Means of Redirecting its deposits and investments. The ex­ City fans favoring Maloni which ex­ perience of the banks, that of the sav­ ing Card at V. F. W. Coach Dick Copeland's Greys base­ was in rare form against the Orchard more, ace. battery for the Terrors, Flow of Investments ings, building and loan associations plained some of the razzing. team holding them under control all performed with the Warehouse Point which have already been operating Arena — Vargus De­ Carlo Daponda and "Shoemaker" ball team broke even in the two con­ the way. The Saints took the lead team against the Hartford Bever­ Into Home Mortgages. with share insurance for five or six Tom Grady, both from Springfield, tests played over the week-end, win­ in the second frame garnering two ages club, winning 8 to 7 in a game feats Maloni. fought a four round draw in one of runs and added two more markers in played last week. months, and the reactions of the pub­ the undercard bouts. Daponda sur­ ning over Manchester. 5-2. but were The foremost decision to be made lic expressed in a survey made by the prised the onlookers by taking the on the short end of the score in their by 80,000 officers and directors of building and loan associations last The initial attempt to put on pro> first two heats, but Grady came back battle with the crack Wethersfield fall, all point to the preference of in­ fessional boxing at the Belmont Ave to take the final two rounds which Prison nine, 5-4. "Skee" Scavotto, savings, building and loan Associa­ vestors for a guarantee of solvency nue Arena here failed to meet with Both southpaw ace, toed the rubber for the tions throughout the country this earned him a draw decision. for their capital even if returns have any degree of success last Wednes­ fightersitois missed over half of their Greys against the Manchester nine COAL — WOOD — COKE year will be whether or not they plan to be slightly diminished to offset the day evening, for the card drew only b^fws and were on the canvas at the an 1W would make more work during the late fall and winter for the unemploy­ TELEPHONE 216 ed and lessen to a great degree the *r.'3;<.Vv : 1«M HNFIBLD if. cost of welfare work which might THOMPSONVILLE, CT. Xjriafhaa* Iff have to be done by the town at that I LOUIS CHEVROLET CORP. time. _ . |

rest from the dealers, which, being ... The iThompsonville human, they like to enjoy like other folks. 'The Sunday opening Was of What The Press, fggp| course an experiment in the liberaliz­ Entre Nous ; * 51 Published Thursdays by 5 ing of the liquor laws, and it has Said 25 Years JTHE ADVANCE PRINTING AND proved a failure. This may be a If ever the prayerful ejaculation to PUBLISHING COMPANY the Lord about delivering somebody Ago This Week somewhat surprising and wholly un­ or something from friends could be 27-29 High Street, Telephone 50 expected result, but it is a fact, never­ ! Thompsonville, Conn. , appropriately applied, it is in the Thompsonville ;:XXXXX:: theless, that has been definitely prov­ case of the proposal to establish a |: PHILIP J. SULLIVAN ed during the past year. new form of town government here. Miss Katherine Connors is visiting Editor and Business Manager The phase of Sunday law which was This, to this observer at least, com­ relatives in Leeds, Mass. favorably decided here Tuesday nighf paratively simple and sound plan, Harvey and Chester Brainard have' Entered at the Post Office, Thomp­ did not enter into the problem at all after successfully running the gaunt­ been spending the week on Long Is* let of public opinion so far, appears land Sound. sonville. Connecticut, as second class for the past two years so that the i/VM matter. to have wound up in the somewhat Charles Thomason left this week public reaction to it is still to be turbulent and decidedly muddy for an outing and trip to the Sound worked out. It is not likely, how­ stream of local divers# discussion. in his launch. mi Summarizing the Situation ever, that it will be unfavorable. The » » »' Miss Bertha Hallas is spending a 111! Being almost on the eve of the day long established primary purpose of The thing has reached the stage week in Boston with her aunt, Mrs. -Xi'S}?- pKv*)n which the electors of this town restaurants and hotels to a consider­ in its progress towards the trial Lorimer. f;- able extent is to provide food. Serv­ which it will undergo before the local Judge Dtyiiel F. ' Murphy of New JiflllfSI |||?«will go to the polls and approve or bar of public opinion, the ballot box, ing liquor either with or without York is expected here for his annual > - disapprove the plan for a new method where it appears to be whirling visit next week. ' meals is a secondary consideration around in ia mealstrom of conflicting ; of managing our municipal affairs, it Miss Dorothy Parkman has return- entirely. It is deemed essential how­ views and emotions actuated by a ed from a short vacation in North- is deemed appropriate to re-state ever, and largely through custom, wide variety of purposes and stimu­ field, Mass. some of the aspects of this import­ rather than necessity. Unless it is lated by ideals both lofty , and debas­ Matthew Henry, who has beear ;I: : ant question that have been com­ abused by resorting to the old ing. It is being buffeted- around traveling through New York State, mented on in these columns from "Raines Law" hotel subterfuge, it hither and yon, no less so by some will return tomorrow. time to time. For years this publica­ will work out all right. Should any of its friends than its,, foes. . Mrs. Andrew I. Brown returned to­ :V tion has held that the town had out­ such abuse enter into the situation, • » -m'0 \ /X'.fiX/> day from a five weeks' visit with grown its present system of govern­ To the somewhat innocent and relatives in Canada. .Xj this, as well as all other communities amused bystander, nothing ever quite L'ii ment. That having done so, our af­ in the state, have the veto power of Mr. and Mrs. John Long and ^ ;• like it has ever occurred here, which children left last Friday for a week's " ; ^ fairs could not be conducted efficient­ the ballot on the whole liquor situa­ is perhaps not surprising, for it is ly or with due conservation of the outing at New York. tion. the first time in over 250 years that John K. Bissland has returned taxpayers' money. It has been point­ This, in fact, is something that all any such thing was attempted in this from New Haven, where he played m&.; ed out that the several attempts to who are engaged in the business political unit. It is not the thing in the Connecticut State golf tourna- improve the present system not only might well keep in mind. In the two itself, however, that is so entertain­ ment. served to make it more cumbersome years that liquor has been legally sold ing, for it really is serious business, Miss Louise Burgess of New King1 and unwieldy but expensive. here there has been a commendable this change in the form of conducting street is spending a few weeks at the ' our municipal affairs, but the kaleid­ home of her uncle, W. Miller, in Hart- The continual patching up of our disposition to comply strictly with oscopic picture of mental agility on ancient political structure threw the the regulations. This has been due ford. i." the part of some of the electorate Daniel Browne has spent the week uniformity which is essential to good largely to the firm stand of the pro­ which it presents. government completely out of joint • • * . in New York, purchasing for his new secuting authorities that the law housefurnishing and undertaker's es­ and not only added to problems of must be obeyed and a ready inclina­ At the moment it appears to be suffering from an overabundance of tablishment. the town officials, but increased the tion to comply with this order. Un­ matter of a change will not end Christian Endeavor Societies. The The Misses Grace iand Patience burden of the taxpayers. This condi­ super stimulated enthusiasm of new there. Several new plans are said to service this Sunday will be held near der the new set-up the temptation found friends.. The scampering on the Broad Brook Congregational Love of Garden street left today'for tion and the increasing cost to the be germinating in the minds of a a'month's "visit with relatives in Bos­ will be still greater to break the law the band wagon which the proposal number of citizens who are going to .Church. Mr. S. Read Chatterton will taxpayers for the measure of good by the sale of hard liquor where such is experiencing just now is one of be the leader and the topic is, "What ton and vicinity. : take up the cudgel for a change in The Misses Edith Parsons and government they were receiving has sale is not permitted. The attitude the highly amusing touches in this the system—if the voters drop it on Does Religion Mean to Us?" A cor­ lone been recognized not only by The of the prosecuting authorities will civic comedy. Our local political op­ dial invitation is given to all. The Ruth Klein are spending a few weeks next Monday. Which goes to show St. Mary's, Hazardville. annual field day of the Enfield Chris­ with Miss Marjorie Brainard at Press but by progressive and think­ naturally be more forbidding than portunists seem to have suddenly what we citizens can do when arous­ At the morning service at 10 next tian Endeavor Union will be held on ing citizens. Supplanting the older conceived the idea that the plan has ed. Sunday, the rector, Rev. William P. Northfield, Mass. ever and the vigilance of the police Saturday, July 13, at 2:30 at Babb's Miss Leona Leandeff and Miss Al­ system with something more modern greater. a chance to be adopted and their cold­ * * * Downes will give the morning pray­ Beach, Congamond. ness and out-and-out hostility to it That in one or two instances where er and sermon. The Church School ma Lagasse are spending their vaca­ has been discussed here for years. It If those who are engaged in the meeting will be omitted. tion in Fitchburg, Boston and neigh­ has been the subject of discussion has suddenly melted away and in the proposed change requires legis­ business act as sensibly as they did place of it there has developed a lative enactment there is not going TOWN MANAGER boring shore resorts. among the civic and even fraternal for the past two years in the matter St. Andrew's Episcopal. Mr. and Mrs. William P. Gourlie- feverish and frenzied support of the to be any waiting for two years There will be a celebration of the groups of the town for more than one of obeying the law, all will be well. proposal. hence. The Governor is to be peti­ HELD NOT LEGAL and Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Thompson Holy Communion next Sunday, July (Continued from Page One) generation. It is nobody's pet theory If, however, they act otherwise and * • • tioned to include it in the call for will leave Saturday for a two greeks* 14, at 10:30. Rev. Louis I. Belden vacation at Westbrook. or individual's idea. Neither is the should get out of hand of the; local Unfortunately however, this change the special session of the Assembly of Christ. Church Cathedral, Hart­ suggestion that the matter be taken of attitude has not contributed much which he is expected to issue this ford, will be the celebrant and will wnnllfc™ Mrs. M. E. Doyle of Wallace street police, which is not likely, they accompanied by her daughter, Mrs. op officially. It was the natural cul­ should remember that they will have to its support, for the average citizen fall. preach the sermon. The Sunday j ™^ * • • morning service wili be continued/.nntimioS ™won ana® uy use oi votingvoxing machines,macmnes. H. J. Birney of New Haven are mination of the discussion of the to answer to the people of the town looks upon this right about face with month q ^ i Therefore, by the very terms of the considerable suspicion. Rightfully That hourly evidence that despite throughout the summer General Act only a meeting of elec­ spending the week in Boston. question over a period of years. It and their power to definitely say each the usual hour, 10:30. H. H. Long and a party of friends^ actually originated with the people or wrongfully he or she attributes some convictions, and frequent warn­ tors could cause the adoption of the year whether or not they may con­ an exceedingly ulterior and inordin- ings by the police, passenger busses, Town Manager Plan, if it is adopt- left Sunday on Mr. Long's launch themselves which is exactly where it tinue in business. ately selfish motive to it. He big and small, continue to be driven Enfield Congregational. abie. for a week's outing on the sound and. should come from. It officially began Morning worship Sunday will take "A peculiar quirk in the legal sit­ in the vicinity of Westbrook. dangerously fast and a steady disre- place at 10:45. The minister, Rev. . uu m view at a town meeting and it will end one - - -- — gard for the safety or rights of other (uation11W arises at thisB point in view of The Misses Agnes and Gertrude : Two Types of Citizens Raymond A. Waser, will preach the the provision of Section 4, Article II, O'Hear, their aunt, Mrs. Cusickj and way or the other in exactly the same fluenced a single bit by this latest motorists on our narrow streets. sermon. The Daily Vacation School j0f the Special Act. This provides way. Perhaps at no time in the history development. Time to "put on the heat" again. began its sessions on Monday, July i that after the first Monday of Octo- Miss Mamie McKelligott, left Monday 8, An enrollment of 61 is the fine.ber no town meeting shall be held in for a two weeks' visit to Atlantic It is not to be denied that the de­ of the town, or at least in recent City. cision to be made next Monday will But the nondescript character of That if ,itv is true that some of the mark reached this year. The teach-j the town of Enfield but for the elec- generations, has the inherent weak­ this new found championing of the tavern keepers voted ers of the school are: the Misses ition of town officers and for certain Cornelius J. Sullivan, accompanied be a momentous one. The result will and worked ! iver otlier ness of some of our citizens on civic plan does not make those who have' against granting the hotels and Elizabeth Carson, Corabell 01 J Purposes arising in connection by his son, Cornelius, Jr., will leave either leave the affairs of the com­ consistently supported it, because of restaurants here the right to serve I wapui* £?et Ckmphell and with government under the new plan tomorrow afternoon for an extended munity to carry on in the present niatjters been disclosed as during the their, belief in it, very happy. The liquor on Sundav aV the town ^ Mr' Wf ser- schoof has had which have no relation to the matter trip to the Pacific Coast and through discussion of- the plan for a new form liH; Jr. „ 1 H ^ 1 a, haPPY ,and promising week and will at hand- It therefore appears that manner or provide a new set-up thing is, in fact, proving somewhat ing on the senseless theory that if close with special exercises on Friday > it mayibe impossible, legally, to hold the Northwest, making stops at Seat­ of town government. It is the amaz­ v tle, Portland, Or., and other cities and which is based on the most modern embarrassing totV themVUC1U forA Wl theyVllCj areaiv^ we" cantv have it,*Wj, ^Vl«you can't,"vuu they areMt>w evening,— • — Q J Julyw 19, atMV 7:30.•aw* Onv __ Satur-la town meeting (election)vt, on the thought for communities of our size. ing lack of knowledge of even the being taunted by those who honestly guiltyeruiltv of grosscross strmiriitv.stupidity. TheyTViov areova davday afternoon.afternoon, .TulvJuly 13,IS. thetha annualannual'Town TnTOn Mono^Manager issue. will return by way of San Francisco, From the day the plan was evolved fundamentals of the local govern­ oppose the measure regarding the adopting the quickest means of bring- field day "Of"the Enfield Christian En- "I advise your board as follows: Denver and Chicago about Septem­ this publication, pursuant to its duty mental scheme. And the astonishing quality of the new found support and in& this liquor question before the nil"1 Union will be held at 2:30 at Upon adoption of the Special Act, if ber 1. The younger Mr. Sullivan thing about it is the fact that it is the effect if the act really becomes a bar of local public opinion—the bal- „,ni if . Congamond. Sports. adopted. a Town Manager Plan can graduated with high honors from to $his community which it serves, law. lot—with its discomforting anri un- u be conducted until, the supper be adopted only by ballot of the elec- what might be called the more than Holy Cross in June, and while on the- has spared no pains or expense to • • • certain Wsibilities^ forthfm Noth h°U£' be tors at the polls; that there is con- rn, , ^ .. , •„„„ possiDumes tor them. Noth- conducted at 7:30 by the Rev. A. Ros- siderable doubt, after the adoption of coast will make a study of the exist­ place the text of the new plan before ordinarily intelligent and enlightened A ing conditions with a view of perma­ citizens who are lacking this perfect­ They openly attribute the motive of ing would precipitate a liquor license coe Metzger of Ellington. This aft- the Act if any such town meeting for the people here. It has endeavored some of the more ardent of new spon- "f?ht here mpre quickly than a quar- ernoon the Ladies' Benevolent Socie-i a ballot on this question,^can be-held. nently locating there. ly simple and easily acquired infor­ —j un Miis question,.jcan oe neia. to intelligently interpret the import­ sors to be that they forsee that it rel among the dealers themselves. tVty "Willwill meet forfOT* aA SllvPl*silver tootea atOf the .IT tVlthereforeA%«n adviseny^mnn nnnyour board i.1.»i.that a_ At a meeting of the Enfield busi­ ant features of the plan for its read­ mation. The trouble is, of course, opens up office holding possibilities They should remember the old one home of the. Misses Whitney. Town—— **Manager cannot,1 1legally, be ness men's association, held in the ers. It has favored the change, not that they make no attempt to acquire that they have consistently failed to about hanging together or hanging appointed by the proposed Board of selectmen's rooms last Thursday, Methodist Episcopal. in screaming headlines or enlarged it. They accept the plan of conduct­ achieve under the present town gov­ separately. Finance and proposed Town Council, Howard A. Long, Attorney William mm m A union service will be held in this' acting in concert, J. Mulligan and Albert J. Epstein type, but in a sensible and perfectly ing the town's affairs On general prin­ ernment system. This, of course, is church next Sunday at 10:30, the somewhat substantiated by the fact That the proponents of•*"- the Sunday were appointed a committee to look honest conviction that it should be ciples and let it go at that. enin dld First and United Presbyterian con­ They are in most instances sound that many of them have been thrown °P S not display any too much gregations participating. Rev. G. CARD OF THANKS into ^he matter of having an outing • made. It still unqualifiedly sticks to sma rtness at this summer. and dependable citizens, who watch into the political discard by the elec- . . the meeting. In fact Stanley Helps will preach on "God that position. tors time and again. its leadership gave a fine demonstra­ Speaking. Through Nature." At 7 P. Thomas Dorsey and Thomas Fergu­ as though from a distance the func­ We wish to sincerely thank our In the discussion of it, however, in • • • tion of dumbness in appearing there M., the union outdoor , services are be­ relatives, friends, ana neighbors son have purchased the business of these columns, it has frankly given tioning of the local governmental But those who have misgivings re­ without even a scrap of paper in the ing held under the auspices of the and all who in any way helped to the Scitico Grocery Company, recent­ credit to the honesty of opinion of machinery, year in and year out, with­ garding the purpose of this support form of a resolution. While they lessen our sorrow in the recent ly owned by the late David Ferguson. those who oppose it, except those out ever getting close enough to it of the plan and the possible outcome were wallowing in uncertainty when REPORT OF death of our beloved wife, mother, Mrs. George E. Thorp and Miss to find out what it is all about. They the question came up, an alert oppon­ and grandmother. We would es­ Ella Davis are enjoying shore life at whose motives were easily detected. if it is adopted need not worry. The the condition of are rarely in a position to under­ electorate has an uncanny way after ent with a simple resolution could pecially thank those who sent flow­ North Truro, Mass., Miss Ruth Thorp Many by reason of tradition and the have annihilated them and ended the ers and offered the use of their cars. and Frederick Thorp will join Mrs. natural reluctance and skepticism stand the significance of this or the all in separating the wheat from the The Thompsonville Mr. Charles Bryant, chaff in the matter of local officials consideration of the question for the Thorp tomorrow for a two weeks' that enters into such a question will meaning of that act on the part of time being. They should have had, Trust Company Mr. and Mrs. Eugene LaMore visit with relatives in Provincetown. - the authorities. They have to depend and aspirants for office and it loses and family. oppose the plan and will be taking a none of its powers under the new set­ when a question of that importance Thompsonville, Conn. Miss Emma F. Lay and Miss Ger­ position that is their right beyond for both the facts and the analysis to up. was to be considered, a properly At the close of business on the 29th trude Wiesing are at Bonny View question. On the other hand it is the them on somebody else, and that • * • drawn resolution to present to the day of June, 1935. Farm, Beckett, for ten days. conviction of this publication, and somebody else is almost unvariably There may be some sound reasons meeting. They were inviting disas­ Miss Bertha Smith and Miss one which is shared by many citizens, as misinformed as themselves, and for voting against the new plan of ter by this apparently dumb over­ ASSETS CLASSIFIED ADS Louise Parsons are guests at the sight. Loans and discounts $253,472.21 Brainard bungalow in East Northfield that the adoption of the plan would the result is distorted facts and local government, but one of them is Overdrafts .... 41.77 wrong interpretation. And because not the character of some of the sup­ for a week. mean the dawn of a new civic era in Other Securities (net of Mrs. H. M. Marks and daughter of this community. they do not know any different, and port it is now receiving or the pos­ JOHN SULLIVAN reserve for depreciation) 199,381.36 WANTED sibility of it opening up political op­ Banking House and Furni­ this village have returned from a trip It would arouse the people from being naturally credulous they have LOCAL SALES REPRESENTA­ to New York, where they went to portunities for those who have been HEADS THE K. OF C. ture and equipment —~~ 15,655.05 TIVE wanted by "Golden Rule" their civic somnolence and revivify no other alternative but believe what Other Real Estate 20,620.40 visit the son and brother, Herbert A. they are told. weighed in the political balance and Nash, nation's leading maker of and resurrect our latent civic ideals. found wanting in the past. In fact, (Continued from Page One) Cash and due from banks™ 344,273.39 fine Custom Tailored men's clothes. Marks, who is on the United States It would attract to the management This is of course a deplorable situ­ this latest aspect of it is ludicrous in Cash items and exchanges 204.86 400 imported and domestic Fall battleship Nebraska. ation, where many well intending cit­ Funds set" aside for Sav­ of our municipal affairs the most the extreme and is not worth devot­ James H. Sullivan, John Sullivan, ings Depositors: . . fabrics now ready, priced $19.75 up. capable men and women available, izens are unintentionally lending ing this space to it were it not for the LeOj, iSlamon, A. J. Larabee, William Mortgage Commissions ana bonus average Hazardville themselves to confusing the public Rywf, Max Bielitz, John S. Bright, 25 per cent. Impressive selling many of whom have been reluctant fact that some very decent and intel­ James Dineen, Willard Furey, Wil­ loans —-.$461,395.00 equipment furnished free. Write Andrew Gordon has a new six- to contribute their services in the mind, and misrepresenting the actual ligent citizens are taking it seriously liam ; Mills, Edward Lynch. Collateral and today for details. The A. Nash cylinder Oldsmobile. facts in connection with public prob­ •which they should..not. other loans 8,300.00 past because of the political factors The council is arranging for its an­ U. S. Gov't Company, 1924 Elm St., Cincinnati, Thomas Houle and family moved' that enter into them. In fine, it is lems. Of course this type of a citi­ nual i lawn party to be held Septem­ Ohio. $ Monday to Agawam. 1 Seen and Heard in. Passing ber 6, 7, 13 and 14 on the grounds Securities ~ 221,510.63 our conviction that the change would zen is not to be confused with the surroundine the council home. Other Securi- WANTED —A maid for general Miss Marthal Tyrie has returned , ft- be the greatest contribution to the meddlers and chatterers who know That exceedingly acceptable "quiet ties 358,340.68 housework. Telephone 871. tf after a few days' stay in Stafford more about the affairs of the local Fourth" with its entire absence of Real estate and Willimantic. community progress in generations. N. H. ROAD CONTINUES taken foi* government than do the officials who rowdyism of any character. Of LOW-RATE EXCURSIONS Mi3s Ann Parsons of South street As the voters give it a final study be­ ^ debt 27,350.00 TO RENT was pleasantly surprised at her . M- fore balloting for or against it, the are in daily contact with it. They course the youngsters made a little Cash and due "racket" here and there, but who Low-rate excursions to. New York TO RENT—Tenement in Suflield, home Saturday afternoon, the occa­ thing to remember is that nobody are the least harmful after all, for from banks 226,678.41 not far from bridge. Inquire sion being her 85th birthday. Among nobody takes them seriously and both would have the hardihood to deny the will be run from here every Sunday -1,303,574.72 claims perfection for it, for such a "kiddies" that time honored privilege. in July by the New Haven Railroad, Telephone 640, Thompsonville Di­ the friends prsent weere her two bro­ w thing is not possible in any munici­ the officials and the public have them m m m making it possible to enjoy family Total Assets $2,137,223.76 vision. dl3 thers, Edward and Ashmun Prickett pal government plan. It is, however, quickly and thoroughly catalogued. outings to the metropolis at modest LIABILITIES TO RENT—Nine-room house, all of Hazardville and her sister. Re­ That prompt and universal obedi­ freshments were served on the lawiu the product of a long and intelligent They are harmless, excepting that at ence on the part of liquor dealers to expense. While hundreds of thous­ General Deposits $492,533.45 modern conveniences, desirable lo­ ands of people leave New York every Treasurer's, Certified, Div­ cation, excellent condition. In­ Mrs. Parsons was the recipient of a -1m•Mm- study of our requirements on the times they are somewhat of a nuis­ close last Sunday when given orders ance. Sunday during the summer to enjoy idend Checks, etc. 5,662.41 quire Edward Stimson, Main St., number of gifts from her many part of a capable group of citizens, from the authorities that it must be themselves elsewhere, New York it­ Christmas Club and Thrift Hazardville. Telephone 966-5. dl4 friends. and for that additional reason is en­ This type, too, has been exceeding­ done. The tavern keepers because self is an attraction for other hun- Funds 17,422.75 Robert Bridge attended the New • -flf; titled to the thoughtful consideration ly active during the discussion of the the new liquor regulations which went reds of thousands. The baseball Savings Deposits 1,303,574.72 TO RENT—Half of duplex house, six games, the nearby beaches, Bronx Capital Account: rooms and bath. Located on Main York vs. Cleveland baseball game • fes of every elector and taxpayer. new town plan and its ineptitude \?as into effect July 1, ends Sunday busi­ at New York last Saturday. ness for them, and the hotels and and Central Parks and zoos, the ac- Common stock street, Hazardville, opposite school never so pronounced as it has Ibeen quarium, the Empire State and other outstanding 100,000.00 house. Available July 15. Apply restaurants pending the local option Mrs. David Gordon, Hazardville, while the consideration of it was in dec^ion on the same. buildings, the many theatres, Radio Surplus 100,000.00 LOVE $ The Liquor Situation City, and the thousand and one other Telephone 61-5. »dl3 progress. The trouble with this type U n d i v i ded Spirit of Love, what power thine. of a citizen as compared with the attractions which the city boasto profits 86,910.62 TO RENT—Six room apartment, all There are one or two rather sur­ That rather premature request for make it an ideal place to spend a Reserve for To weave a net so strong, newly decorated. Janitor service. That mighty worlds from every climt* prising aspects to the local liquor sit­ other, is that he has n®t the capacity legal decisions on the new town gov­ Sunday holiday. contingen- Located on Burns Avenue. Apply of absorbing even the rudiments of a ernmentvimireui yimi.plan. TimejLnue ertbugh,enuugn, isit strucesstrikes Next Sunday's ball game finds the J Devote their rhyme and song. uation and no doubt the same condi­ cies 31,119.81 Van Doren Service Bureau or Louis Thrice happy home, so blessed with' tion obtains throughout th$ state. It civic set-up or problem, while the this observer, to begin to seek that White Sox and Yankees at Yankee 818,030.43 Burns. Phone 450. dl8 when the thing becomes the munici- Stadium, on July 21st the Browns love, •will for iasttface be a surprise to other has, if he would only exercise it. nd It reaches Heaven's throne, pal laws. However, it just goes to ? Yankees, and on the 28th hall Total, including capital And on thee untold blessings pour, many that the tavern keepers with Neither are contributing a great deal prove that there are a lot of folks |ans.wlU have their choice of the account $2,187,223.76 FOR SALE few exceptions are pleased rather to the solution of the problem _of £ood awav fthpnd , i««. Senators and Yankees or the Giants Known to thee alone. •, than displeased at the new regulation government in the community. tVinn w ut * +* • 6B?arter and Dodgers. The excursionccursion train ^t® ^ of Connecticut, County of FOR SALE—A good milking cow. than we are for anticipating or imag- leaves here at 8:15 A. M. (D.( S. T.) Hart*ord, ss.: Enfield, Conn. Reasonable. Inquire J. Rosenblum, Great God, the power of love be­ Which compels them to close on Sun­ ining trouble was never one of our and is due at Grand Central E 1427 Enfield Street. dl3 stowed K. of P. Officers Installed „ — — — —. ullulu central Terminal .. *» «win T. Gowdy, Treasurer of Upon the human race, day. They have In fact never particu­ strong points—we just meet it when at 11:25 A. M. On the return trip aforesaid Thompsonville Trust FOR SALE OR RENT—Six-room larly liked it. It was a failure from At the regular meeting of Asnun- it comes. it leaves New York at 7:25 P. M., due Company, do solemnly swear that the Came straightaway from Thy heart tuck Lodge, Knights of Pythias, next * * • back at 10:36 P. M. foregoing statement is true to the house with sun parlor and break­ and flowed • business standpoint, and was not week, Tuesday evening, in Odd Fel­ fast nook. Also garage. Located Through channels of Thy grace. popular with the people regardless of lows Hall, the officers for the new That if the decision on the town ^ (best of ^yWledge and belief. on Martin Terrace, Hazardville. Sweet Mercy, help me with Thy love term will be installed by District government nlan in to be advprao Theodore Roosevelt was the young- EDWIN T. GOWDY, Treas. Inquire at location during working To pass through life's short day, their attitude towards the liquor which it seems likely to be at this' lft presif|nt of ^ United. States. Subscribed and swoiro to before me, hours. After 6 P. M., inquire of question, and took away the day of Deputy David Dixon and staff of 42 And with the wings, aB of a dove, • Memorial Lodge of Manchester ~ siting, !T,f Edgar LeBlanc, Main Street, Som- To reign witbt Thee for aye. ersville. , *dl4 -'—Teresa Lawler. j - •iwm T3HR. THOMPSONVIIXE PRESS, : THURSDAY, JULY 11, 1935.

other games, on the lawn and an el- routed J)uring Stay in Antarctic ouard, Charted Ballard, Robert Berg­ aborate display of fireworks, in the eron, Edmund Turgeon, Frank Char- , evening. ..Out-of-town guests at this FRENCH SOCIETY ette, Ernest Larabee, Wilfred Keller, SOCIAL AND PERSONAL celebration -were Mr. and Mrs. James ; Pickens, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Pick­ Israel Frigon. George Girouard, Louis ens i,nd Mr. "and Mrs. Robert Hyde ANNUAL OUTING DuBois, Raoul Pruneau, William Ro­ Mr. and Mrs. Harold F. Bardwell liamsburg, Caaad&i wbejre they and son Henry of Wilbraham and billard, Henry Croteau, Ledger Mi- y and son, Roger, have returned to their stopping for a week arid touring to Mrs. McLeish's sister, Mrs. David chaud and Ernest Boudreau. home in Rochester, N. Y.t after visit­ other points i in that province. They Russell, with ' her sons Donald and SET FOR SUNDAY ing Mr. Bardwell's parents. Mr. and will visit the Thousand Islands and Richard of Springfield, who was en­ HILDITCH—PEASE NUPTIAL ||§«' Mrs. A. F. Bardwell of Enfield street, take a steamer trip up the St. Law­ tertained at the home throughout the o o rence River and returning will drive Final Plans For Picnic The marriage of- Carrie Esther ^ffl Miss Mae Mitchell, daughter of along the northern shores of Lake , . Pease, daughter -of Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester L. Mitchell Ontario, stopping at Toronto, will One often wonders what it is that Made by Committee in Marvin K. Pease of Enfield street to if of Enfield street, was one of the ap­ visit Niagara Falls and Watkins Glen, makes a person or a place a success. William Hilditch, son of Mr. and Mrs. plicants certified by the State De­ spend a day sight seeing in the Fing­ Charge—Will Be Held But it often happens, one place is a WJilliam Hilditch, Jr., of Prospect ••'fr'S ^ T . Wj partment of Public Welfare for posi­ er Lakes region and stop at other success and another place equally at Smith's Grove, Haz- street, took place Wednesday eve­ tions under the new Probation Law. places of interest along the home­ pleasing is not a success. Hollyhock ning, July 3, at the parsonage of the ir Sixty-nine persons took the written ward route. House, 1274 Enfield street, where ardville. United Presbyterian Church. Rev. *&M i and > oral examinations at the State O O they serve pancakes and syrup—all George Whiteside, pastor of the Capitol last week, of whifch twenty- Mr. and Mrs. Camille Landry, the you can eat for 25c—is a success, es­ The annual outing and picnic of the church, performed the ceremony. The five were certified for positions. Misses Margaret Landry, Eleanor pecially with the people of Thomp- Franco-American Circle will be held bride was attended by her sister, o o Malley, and Rita Sheehan, Ralph sonville. Parties of young men or next Sunday, July 14, at Smith's Miss Dorothy Pease, and George Wil­ : Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ghabour and Landry, Edward Landry, Roland young women and frequently young Grove, Hazardville. All members and liams of this town served as best •S|W daughter, Hazel, of Enfield street Robillard and Louis King of Thomp- men and young women walk down their friends are invited. There will man. have returned from a trip to Maine. sonville, Mr. and Mrs. Crosley Haw­ there and also parties drive down in be no admission charge and a good Following the ceremony a reception They visited at Monson and Rowe thorne, Ray Ryan and Eddie Prior cars—lots of them. The pancakes time is assured all. A feature was held at the home of the best man, Pond, Bingham. They were accom­ of Hazardville, Tony Sadlak of are delicious, the rooms are pretty, of the sports program will be the tug George Williams, on Fairview Ave­ panied by Mrs. Elizabeth Chadderton Rockville and Miss Dorothy Zils of ^?il! the furnishings are dainty and the of war between a team captained by nue. Mrs. Hilditch is a graduate of • ' of Sword Avenue. Hartford spent the Fourth of July service is prompt and efficient. But Darius Bouchard, who will try to de­ the Enfield High School and Mr. Hil­ Q 0 and week-end at the Placek Cottage after all, it may be the welcome that feat the team headed by John Car­ ditch attended the local schools and Mrs. George Murray of Hartford on Lake Stafford in Stafford. is so sincere, and the evident desire rier, which carried off the laurels a is now employed by the Bigelow- Avenue, accompanied by a party of o o that everybody shall feel at home year ago. Another feature will be Sanford Carpet Company. The young .four, Mrs. Mabel Otto, her mother, Mr. and Mrs. William McLeish and will eat all they can that does the ball games between the married couple will make their home with the Mrs. George Murray, both of Maple- were host and hostess for the annual the trick. At any rate Hollyhock and single men and also the marriedj groom's parents for the present. ville. R. I., Mrs. Joseph C. Goodson Fourth of July gathering of a group House has become a success and peo­ women and the girls. There will also} - , of Bigelow Avenue and Mrs. John of relatives and friends at their home ple are going there in increasing be a watermelon contest along with Connors of Hartford Avenue left by on Elm street last Thursday. numbers.—Adv. a general program of field day events car for a trip to Canada Sunday. Twenty-six were present to enjoy the o o for both adults and children. Anyone ; They planned to make an over-night pleasures of the day, which included Mrs. Tudor Gowdy of Franklin desiring transportation should meetj SIGN-OF-THE stop at Minerva in the Adirondacks, a bountiful dinner and picnic supper street is a guest at the homestead in Bernt Balchen, noted pilot; Dr. Dana Coman, with the luxuriant beard he at Franco-American hall, Pearl street continuing on the next day to Wil­ served on the porch, Croquet and Hinsdale, N. H., for the month of grew In the Antarctic; and Walter J. Lanz, three of the members of the Lincoln between 12 and 1 P. M. j July. Other members of her vaca- Ellsworth Transantarctic expedition, as they returned to New York. Ellsworth There will be a meeting of all the! KNITTING txon party are friends from Hartford, again was frustrated by bad weather in his attempt to fly across the Antarctic committees for the event tomorrow j o o continent. evening at 8 o'clock in Franco-Amer­ BALL Route 20 Somers, Conn. Friends in town, where she former­ ican hall. Robert Bergeron is chair-! ly resided, will be interested in learn- man of the general committee, assist- j ing that Mrs Wilbur F. Gordy of were sent to act as instructors for the ing a week as the guest of Miss Eliz­ ed by Alcide Girouard, vice-chairman; July 12th and 13th Cut Carpet department recently open­ abeth M. Ryan of Southington, who and Edmund Turgeon, Israel Frigon, j Hartford sailed'yesterday from New Ledger Michaud and Wilfred W. Kel­ York on the Hamburg of the Ham­ ed in that city by the Bigelow-San- is a member of the A. D. Higgins A FASHION DISPLAY OF SLAYBARD'S ford Carpet Company. John Hutton, School teaching staff, at the Ryan ler. Sub-committees are as follows: FAMOUS burg American line and will tour in Sports, Ledger Michaud. Ernest Bou-, Three Well-Known Imported Gins Are Now Made in Scotland during her six weeks' trip formerly of this place, is superintend­ cottage at Battam Lake, Conn. She abroad. ent of the department. is accompanied by Miss Kathryn M. dreau, Darius Bouchard, Wilfred Kel- - America and Sold at Great Reduction! o o o o Hannon of New Britain, also a teach­ ler, George Girouard, Charles Bal­ TIOGA Dresses er at the Higgins School. lard, William Chaine, Edward Keller,. Miss Nettie Z. Phillips of the Cent­ Mr. and Mrs. William H. Gourlie Omer Chaine; refreshments, Mrs. Jo- [ er School faculty is spending a part and daughter, Carol of Hartford, seph Keller, Mrs. John Carrier, Mrs. JUST RECEIVED of her vacation at the home of her spent the Fourth and week-end with QUALIFICATIONS SET Rosaire DuBois, Mrs. Charles Bal­ and Suits cousin, Miss Mary F. Potter, in Hart their parents, former Postmaster FOR PUBLIC NURSES lard, Mrs. Henry Croteau. Mrs. Wil­ Plan to come to the Knit­ GILBEY'S DISTILLED LONDON DRY ford. William P. Gourlie and Mrs. Gourlie liam Robillard, Miss Irma DuBois, GIN, fifth ;. o o at their summer home at Pleasure Through the medium of its month Mrs. Raoul Pruneau, Louis DuBois, ting Ball and see the loviest $1.25 Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kendrick of beach, Waterford. Guests this week ly bulletin, the State Department of William Robillard, Henry Croteau, of knit fashions. at the cottage are Mrs. Harry Blow- BLACK PRINCE DISTILLED HOLLAND Greenfield, Mass., have been spending Health announced today that it had Raoul Pruneau, Frank Charette, Er­ a few days with their cousin, Mrs. en and daughters, Miss Lillian and nest Noirrix, Charles LaGrange. Law­ DRY GIN, fifth k « $1.25 Minnine A. Hardaker of Cook Ave­ Miss Carolyn of Enfield street. set up minimum qualifications for rence Chaine, Mrs. George Girouard; LUCRETIA OLMSTED nue. o o public health nurses, which have been tickets, Israel Frigon, Fred Gamache; PHONE 691-4 BLACK PRINCE DISTILLED HOLLAND o o Mr. and Mrs. Harold E. Sullivan of approved by the Public Health Coun­ grounds, John Carrier, Alcide Gir- LEMON DRY GIN, fifth ...... $1.50 Mrs.! Clarence Sayles and daugh- Pleasant street are rejoicing in the cil of the State. These are intended er Jean of New Rochelle, N. Y., are birth of a son on Friday, June 28th. to serve as a guide for those employ­ GORDON'S DISTILLED LONDON DRY spending the summer with her fath Mrs. Ellen Sullivan of Frew Terrace ing public health nurses, and they GIN, fifth $1.95 er, David Hilditch of Enfield street, and Patrick McCarthy of New York, emphasize the fact that a public! o o a former well known resident, are health nurse who must handle the A suggestion: Add sugar, ice, sparkling water to Black Mrs. Mary C. Hilditch and daught- the grandparents of the child. entire job in a community alone Prince Holland Lemon Gin for a perfect Tom Collins. , Miss Isabella Hilditch of Nation­ o o should have greater training than one al City, Calif., arrived in town last who works under nursing supervision. week and during their stay through Clifford T. Merrill, who had been in These qualifications are as follows: Instant Hot Water! KENWOOD STRAIGHT WHISKEY, the month are entertained at the the U. S. Veterans' Hospital at New- the nurse working on a staff provid­ •now 1 year old, 90 proof, quart $1.49 home of their sister-in-law and aunt, ington for nearly five weeks, recover­ ing well qualified nursing supervi­ Miss Mary Hilditch of Pearl street. ing from the effects of an operation, sion should have a high school educa­ MlEADWOOD STRAIGHT WHISKEY, Their trip eastward was via Mon returned to his home in Highland tion or its educational equivalent, as now 1 year old, 100 proof, quart $1.75 treal and Quebec, but they will re­ Park Saturday. ' His many friends determined by the State Board of turn by a southern route. Miss Hil will be pleased to learn that he is Education, fundamental nursing ed­ OLD MR. BOSTON STRAIGHT WHISKEY, ditch, who is a graduate of the En much improved in health. ucation with graduation from an ac­ field High School, is vice-principal of o o credited school of nursing, and state now 1 year old, 100 proof, quart tlMHNIHM $1.95 the Sweetwater Senior High School, , Mr. and Mrs. Emil Abrahamson registration; all other public health Kreuger's Light Beer and Cream Ale, case . $2.00 o c arid little daughter, Carol Jean, of_ nurses should have all three require­ * Miss Peggy Fitzgerald is at Corn­ Hightstown, N. J., spent the Fourth ments already listed together with Weibel's Light Beer and Golden Ale, case ....IHIIHIMIUWI $2.00 field Point, Old Saybrook, Conn., for and the week-end with his parents, special training, education and ex­ her annual vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Claus Abrahamson of perience in public health nursing, or, In addition to these new attractive offerings we have Mrs. Walter Stack of Franklin John street. ^ more specifically, a public health every desired liquor in stock for your enjoyment. street and Miss Stella Pohorylo of o o I, nursing course recognized by the Windsor street have been in Chicago Miss Edna Plamondon of South National Organization for Public PHONE ORDERS PROMPTLY DELIVERED for the past two ihonths where they street and Miss Teresa Sheehan of Health Nursing, and. two years ex­ Walnut street sailed on the Algon­ perience on a public health nursing quin from New York last Wednesday staff providing well qualified nurs­ 14 PEARL STREET Phone 99 THOMPSONYILLE for a month's _fcrip to Galveston, ing supervision. In addition, it is T.exas. important for every public health o o nurse to have suitable personal Mrs. Emma W. Morris of Water- qualifications. bury is visiting at the home of her sister, Mrs. Arthur Sumner of Pearl street. o o Special SALE of Genuine Mr. and Mrs. John Fitzgerald of Cottage Green are the parents of a SIGNS son, born at home yesterday morn­ € ing. The grandparents of the infant OP ALL KINDS are Mr. and Mrs. Andrew White of RED CROSS Cottage Green and James Fitzgerald ELECTRICAL SERVICE of Lowell, Mass. RADIO REPAIRING o o v George Williams of Fairview Ave­ Workmanship Guaranteed nue was the recipient of a very pleas­ Inner + Spring ant honor at his home Wednesday evening, July 3, tendered by a large gathering of relatives and friends in Frank J. Oates celebration of his 21st birthday. Red, 87 Asnuntuck St., Watson Block MATTRESSES white and blue crepe paper decora­ cw tions were used in adornment of the home for the event. Singing, games - • and dancing were enjoyed followed by Complete Eye a supper served at 11 o'clock with WHEN YOU NEED covers laid for fifty. A feature of the decorations was the big birthday Service cake with 21 lighted candles used as Broilers or Chickens enjoy this 24-hour service for EYES EXAMINED a centerpiece for the table. Mr. Wil­ ALIVE OR DRESSED liams received many attractive and only a few pennies a day! GLASSES FITTED useful gifts from the guests present, o o Call JOHNSTON'S Oculist's Prescriptions Filled Mr. and Mrs. Floyd B. Davis of PHONE 137-13 Hot water for the morning shower at less than Convenient Terms Arranged Hazardville are receiving congratula­ the cost of your orange juice! Who would be tions on the birth of a daughter. Mr. Davis is principal of the A. D. Hig without this service when it means so much to gins Junior High School here. comfort and convenience? ; A. B. MITCHELL o o Miss Ruth E. Hughes of Pearl FRANK BARRILA An automatic water heat that is always ready Registered Optometrist street returned to her home Satur­ to serve you at the turn of the faucet can be the EXPERT IS PEARL *1. day after spending some time in Nor­ privilege of everyone. Once installed you never folk as the guest of her sister, Mrs. have to wonder if the hot water faucet will run John D. Mulville. RADIO SERVICE The Sleepmaker o o AD Hakes cold before you are through. And because it is , Dr. and Mrs. Wl. Fletdier Daum are automatic, it never requires attention. [TAPE TIED OR TUFTLESS—AS YOU PREFER] vacationing for the month of Jul;ly at PHONE 1057 Sugar Hill, New Hampshire, wivnere The actual cost of this service is so small you they are registered at the Hotel S7 No. Main St. ThompMnvflle can only compare it with other daily expenses STAR ANN in\investment in life-long comfort Lookoif. that average you around 5c a day. i FEATURES \. —at a sensationally low price! The o o Jl The men's branch of the Mt. Car- it Electrically tempered name RED CROSS on a mattress assures mel Society were the guests of the steel iaoer-sprinc unit. woman's auxiliary of the organization YOU CAN RENT you the highest quality craftsmanship and at a social gathering in the American 4r A#*Te stitched insu­ Legion Hall, Tuesday evening. The lated pad over top of materials. . . . This Sleepmaker model HOLL YHOCK An Automatic Gas Water Heater For As unit. arrangements were in charge of Mrs. has a reinforced stitched border to Nicola Longe, chairman, Sarah Rug- Little as 5c a day, payable monthly. it Coils knotted on both gerio, Anna Romano. Carmela Anz- HOUSE ends. prevent stretching under hard usage, olotta, Mrs. Frank Bosco, Mary Rav- 1274 ENFIELD ST. • Taped roll edge. and to increase durability. . . . The ALL STRAWS anella, Susie Grippo and Rose Cas- • Tape tied or tuftless— erella. During the evening Miss YOU CAN PURCHASE RED CROSS people have co-operated AND WHITE Susie Grippo, president of the wom­ Pancakes and Syrup t as you prefer. en's branch, presented a sum of An Automatic Gas Water Heater ' • Fine quality imported with us to bring you this high-grade, HATS AT money to L. Albano, president of the panel ticking — in 4 men's branch to help defray the ex­ ALL YOU Ot ^ $3.00 down. lovely colors. comfortable, long-wearing mattress at a penses incurred in building Mt. Car- CAN EAT -*Custom>tailored bargain price! The imported ticking (a mel Hall on the society grounds on FOR throughout. Reduced Prices Park Avenue. • Spring edge—theefdes hall-mark of higher-priced mattresses) They're light, they're cool, and 0 c PAYMENTSSUP TO 3 YEARS can't break down. they're new and smart! And Miss Rose Crowley who has been a is in blue, rose, green, and orchid. Twin, they're prised so low you can teacher in the Nortn School for sev­ ic Automatic spring han­ Single, and Full Bed Size. have one for each costume if eral years, has tendered her resigna­ $10.00 Trade-In Allowance For dles for easy turning. you wish! Make your selection tion to Superintendent of Schools »"'P while our stock is complete! Edgar H. Parkman, to accept a teach­ RAINBOW Old Water Heating Equipment CUSTOM-BUILT, UPHOLSTERED BOX SPRING ing position in West Haven. A CLEARANCE! • o Spaghetti House TO MATCH—AT THE SAME LOW PRICE! Mr. and Mrs. Carmelo Caramazza LADIES' SKIRTS of 10 Windsor street celebrated their Charles Barrila, Prop. 25th wedding anniversary, Saturday, 740 ENFIELD STREET TELEPHONE 3Q0 TELEPHONE 300 Take Advantage af This Special Offer! AND BLOUSES July 6. Following attendance at a' At Reduced Prices! .high mass 'in St. Patrick's Church, Near Alden Ave. Phone 741 £*v?v»tV where they were blessed, a break­ . Store Clotet at 12:15 P. M. Wednmidayt, During July and Aagatt fast was served at the home at which all members of their family, relatives SPAGHETTI PUT UP TO and friends were present. Mr. and TAKE HOME The Northern Connecticut THE MALIA Mrs. Caramazza received many beau­ SHOPPE tiful gifts in honor of the occasion, v J. Francis Browne o o WINE AND BEER Power Company * 53 Pearl St. O'Hear Bldg. Miss Grace Sullivan, assistant at .•*i 4.| the Enfield Public Library, is spend- The amount so borrowed shall be repaid from said taxes or from the sale of such bonds, wmmm dent, and may, from time to time, revoke such designation the vicinity; to suppress gambling houses; to provide for Act Concerning the ana iappoint some other councilman to be acting president. the health of said tdwn and for the abating of every kind The acting president shall have the powers and discharge A of nuisance in said town; to regulate and prevent the loca­ - \ "• Article II, the duties of the president of the council during the absence tion and use of sinks, cesspools, pig pens, storm sewers,- of the president from the town or his inability to perform privies, filth and rubbish in said town, and to compel the re­ Government msiof the ^ k ti>- f TOWN OFFICERS. the duties of the police. The president and the members ill moval, from any place in said town, of all nuisances injur­ Sec. 4. At the town meeting of the town of Enfield to of the council shall be sworn to a faithful performance of ious to health or offensive to the public, at the expense of fown of be held on the first Monday of October, 1935, and biennially their duties. the owners of the premises whereon such nuisance may thereafter, the electors of said town shall choose in the exist; to regulate the moving of any manure, swill, night- manner provided by law, a president of the council, three r ' * / ArtiArticle IV soil or other offensive substances through the streets of selectmen, a town clerk, two registrars of voters, a town ^GENERAL PROVISIONS. THE TOWN COUNCIL said town; to provide for the collection and disposal of filth, iK5#Sv' treasurer, a board of relief consisting of three members, garbage, ashes and rubbish within the town; to make, alter ipfelsie* Article 1. three assessors, a town school committee of nine members Sec. 10. Each of the five voting districts hereinbefore and repeal ordinances, not conflicting with the general sta­ and seven constables. The selectmen shall exercise all the provided for shall be entitled to the following number of tutes, regulating the licensing and registration of plumbers Section 1. On and after the first Monday of October, powers conferred by the constitution and laws of this state representatives in the council, each of whom shall be a resi­ and electricians and other tradesmen in said town and to f. 1935, no subdivision of or minor municipality in the town on the selectmen of towns concerning the making of elec­ dent elector of the district from which he is elected: Dis­ confer upon the health officer such powers and duties in. } of Enfield shall be established under any general law. Said tors and the erasure from the registrars' list of the names tricts having from one hundred to five hundred electors, connection with his office as may be necessary, together s town shall be governed by a council elected as hereinafter of those who have forfeited the privileges of electors in two councilmen, and for each additional one thousand elec­ with the power to prescribe rules and regulations concern­ j; . prescribed and shall have a common seal designed and ap- said town. All other powers vested in and imposed upon tors or fraction thereof, one additional councilman; and, if ing licensing and registration; to license milk dealers and proved by the council, which said council may alter at pleas­ selectmen of towns by law shall be vested in and imposed any councilman shall remove from the district from which regulate the sale and mannen of distribution of milk and to ure. All political and legal rights of said town, all property, upon the council. The powers and duties had and perform­ he was elected, he shall cease to be a councilman one month prohibit the sale thereof unless in accordance with such J property rights and choses in action of any kind belonging ed by the town clerk, registrars and constables shall be after he shall have removed from the district, and the coun­ regulations; to regulate the sale of, and to provide for the ^ to the town of Enfield shall pass to and be vested in the such as are by law and this act conferred and imposed upon cil shall thereupon declare a vacancy in the office and pro­ inspection of, all meats, vegetables, fish, produce, fruits and | town of Enfield under the form of government herein estab- them as officers of the town. No town meeting shall be ceed to fill such vacancy in the manner provided in this act foods exposed for sale in said town and to prohibit the sale- 1 lished, and all debts, contracts and obligations of said town held in the town of Enfield except for the election of town The number of electors in each district shall be determined thereof when in such condition as to endanger public health; shall remain unimpaired by the passage of this act. All officers and for such other purposes as are herein provided by the registrars of voters thirty days prior to the first to provide for the inspection of weights and measures and |: statutory provisions in force at the time of the passage of for. The warning and call for biennial town meetings shall Monday in October, 1935, and biennially thereafter, and to prevent the fraudulent use thereof. The council may fix • this act or which may become effective which convey rights be signed and published by the town clerk. All of the elec­ said registrars shall determine the number of representa­ the penalty for the violation of any of the by-laws, ordi­ ^ or powers or impose duties or liabilities upon the towns of tive officers of said town, except the assessors, town clerk, tives on the council each voting district shall be entitled to nances and enactments made by it not to exceed a fine of P this state or upon the municipal authorities of towns, cities registrars of voters, board of relief and town school com­ and file their report with the town clerk not less than thirty one hundred dollars or imprisonment for thirty days or | or boroughs, so far as the same may be applicable, shall mittee, shall be elected biennially for the term of two years days prior to the first Monday in October, as aforesaid. The both, and may also designate any person or persons to pro­ ^ confer such rights and powers and impose such duties and from the first Monday in October and shall hold office until provisions of sections 567 and 576 of the general statutes secute and bring action for any such violation. No ordi­ ^ liabilities upon the town of Enfield and upon the officers their successors shall be elected and shall have qualified. relating to the "to be made" list for town, state and nation­ nance or by-law passed by the council shall take effect un­ thereof. The town clerk and registrars of voters shall hold office for al elections shall not apply to the town of Enfield. At all til ten days from the passage thereof nor until it shall have Sec. 2. (a) The town of Enfield shall be divided into two years from the first Monday in January succeeding their electors' meetings and town elections in the town of Enfield, been published in a newspaper having a circulation within five voting districts, the boundaries of which shall be as election and until their successors shall be elected and shall the moderator of the second voting district shall be the pre­ the town of Enfield, and the clerk of the council shall cause have qualified. At the biennial town election held on the siding officer for the purpose of declaring the result of the each ordinance or by-law passed by the council to be pub­ first Monday of October, 1935, one assessor shall be elected ballot of the whole town, which result shall be declared in lished without unnecessary delay and a certificate of the District One. for a term of two years and two assessors for the term of the polling place of the second voting district, and of mak clerk of the council upon the record of such ordinance or four years, and, at the next succeeding biennial election, ing returns to the secretary of the state and to the town by-law that the same has been so published shall be prima Beginning at a point on the easterly bank of the Con there shall be elected one assessor for the term of four years. clerk of said town as required by law. The moderators of facie evidence thereof in any suit or proceeding. necticut river, and running thence easterly along the north- At the second succeeding biennial election, and quadrennial­ the other voting districts shall be assistant presiding offi ' erly line of the Hathaway tract, so called, to Enfield street; ly thereafter, there shall be elected two assessors and at the cers and shall make returns of the polls as required by law. £r. thence northerly along the easterly side of Enfield street to third succeeding biennial election, and quadrennially there CONTROL OF STREETS AND HIGHWAYS ¥ Hazard avenue; thence easterly along the southerly side of after, there shall be elected one assessor, and the assessors Sec. 11. On the first Monday of October, 1935, and bi V. Hazard avenue to Washington road; thence southerly along so elected shall hold office for four years from the date ennially thereafter, the number of representatives in the Sec. 18. The council shall have power: (a) To desig­ the westerly side of Washington road, crossing the Middle of their election and until their successors shall be elected council, as provided for in section ten of this act, shall be nate or alter the width, course, height, grade and level of road to the South road; thence southerly to the westerly and shall have qualified. Members of the board of relief elected for a term of two years. the streets of said town, except state or trunk line high­ bank of the Scantic river; thence along the westerly bank shall be elected in the manner and for the term provided ways and, may either order the owner or owners of lands $ of the Scantic river to the town line of East Windsor; herein for the election of members of the board of assessors. Sec. 12. The council shall meet at least once a month, and buildings fronting on highways and streets in said thence westerly along said town line of East Windsor to There shall be elected on the first Monday of October, 1935, on a date to be fixed by the council, at which meeting any town, including state highways, to install suitable walks the easterly bank of the Connecticut river; thence norther­ a school committee of nine members. Said committee shall elector or taxpayer of said town shall have the right to ap­ and curbs of such material as the council may deem advis­ ly along the easterly bank of the Connecticut river to the be composed of two classes, one class, four in number, to pear and be heard as to any business of said town. A meet­ able, or the council may, in its discretion, after public hear­ place of beginning; and including "King's Island," so called, hold office for two years, and the second class, five in num­ ing of the council shall be held on the Tuesday following ing, construct suitable walks and curbs at the expense of situated in the Connecticut river westerly to the westerly ber, to hold office for four years. No person shall vote for each biennial election. The president of the council shall the town and assess the cost of the same upon the adjoin­ 'j' boundary of said district. have the power to call a special meeting of the council at ing property and such assessments shall be a lien upon such more than three candidates of either class. Biennially any time and shall call such meeting whenever requested property as hereinafter provided; (b) to order the owners thereafter, there shall be chosen for a term of four years, 'l\ District Two. by one-third or more of the councilmen to do so. The call of property abutting on any highway to provide and erect either four or five members of said school committee, de­ for each special meeting of the council shall state the pur­ such railings or guards along the sidewalks in front of their * Beginning at a point on the easterly bank of the Con- pendent upon the number of those members whose terms poses of the meeting and shall be served upon or mailed to premises as public safety may require; (c) to order any necticut river and running thence along the southerly bank expire. Said committee shall perform the same duties and each councilman at least twenty-four hours before the hour such proprietor to repair a sidewalk, curb, guard or railing of Freshwater river to North road; thence southerly along have the same powers as provided by statute for town of such meeting; but the lack of a call or the insufficiency as aforesaid, within such time and in such manner as the . , the westerly side of North road and the westerly side of school committees in towns having a consolidated school of the service thereof shall not invalidate any meeting at council may designate and direct, and to order such owner Washington road to Hazard avenue; thence westerly along district except as otherwise provided in this act. The town which all the members shall be present. No business shall to keep his sidewalk in repair. If any such owner shall §!f; the northerly side of Hazard avenue to the westerly side of registrars of voters shall be, ex officio, registrars of voters be acted upon at any special meeting except that concern­ neglect to comply with any order issued under the authority % Enfield street; thence southerly along the westerly side of for the five voting districts provided for in this act, and ing which notice of proposed action shall have been given of this section, the council may cause such order to be ex­ , ' Enfield street to the point in Enfield street where the north- may appoint assistant registrars for each district. All other m the call for the meeting. At any meeting of the council, ecuted, and the expense thus incurred shall be paid by such erly line of the Hathaway tract, so called, meets Enfield officers required by law by the terms of this act or by any any member may demand an aye and nay vote on any ques­ delinquent owner and shall be and continue a lien on such street; thence westerly along the northerly line of the Hath- ordinances adopted by said town, except those whose elec­ tion to be voted upon and such vote shall be recorded. A land and buildings, in favor of the town, which lien, and all ;V. away tract, so called, to the easterly bank of the Connecti- tion is hereinbefore provided for in this section, and ex­ majority of the members of the council shall constitute i other liens imposed under the provisions of this act, shall ><>, . cut river; thence northerly along the easterly bank of the cept the judge and deputy judge of the town court and the quorum for the transaction of business. take precedence of all other liens or incumbrances on the ^ ^ Connecticut river to the place of beginning. officials who are by law appointed by them, the superin­ property whereon the same is placed, except taxes due to tendent of schools, teachers and other employees of the TOWN APPROPRIATIONS AND EXPENDITURES the state, or to the United States; and legal proceedings District Three. school committee, and the laborers, clerks and other em­ may be taken for the collection thereof by civil action Beginning at a point in the easterly bank of the Con­ ployees legally hired by other officers of the town, shall be Sec. 13. The council shall annually make an appropria­ against such delinquent owner or by foreclosure for such necticut river, where Grape brook joins the Connecticut appointed by the president, with the advice and consent of tion or appropriations for each department of town expen­ liens; provided any such lien for sidewalk improvement the council. No such appointee shall be removed by said ditures, making the same in as great detail as is practicable shall not continue for a longer period than twelve months river, and running thence easterly along the southerly bank after the final execution of such order or installation, un­ of Grape brook to Terry road; thence southerly along the council because of his religious or political beliefs or opin­ and including therein the requirements of all sinking funds easterly side of Terry road to Freshwater river; thence ions. - — * of said town, and any deficit of the preceding year, and shall less, within said period a certificate of such lien shall be westerly along the northerly bank of Freshwater river to also state the amount which it is estimated will be received lodged with the town clerk for record. The council shall u St6, 5j iThe- counci1' board of public works, board of from every source of revenue of said town, except general have power to designate a line or lines on the land adjoin­ _ the easterly bank of the Connecticut river, thence northerly health and charity, and board of police commissioners shall ing any highway or street in said town between which line £ along the easterly bank of the Connecticut river to the have the power and authority to compel the attendance of town taxation, and also the amount required to be raised ifiace of beginning. by general town taxation, and shall cause such appropria­ or lines and such highway or street no building or part witnesses before any hearing held by the council or said tions to be published annually in the town report or other­ thereof shall be erected. If any persoi? shall erect or per­ boards, and the council shall have authority to pass an or­ mit to be erected any building or part of a building between District Four. wise m the discretion of the council. No officer of said town dinance or by-law outlining and defining the method of ex­ shall have power to draw any order without such an appro­ any line or lines so designated and the highway or street, | Beginning at a point on the state line on the easterly ercising the powers conferred in this section, and said coun­ he shall forfeit to said town a sum next exceeding one cil may also prescribe penalties for a violation of or non­ priation or in excess of the appropriation, or to contract any |j- bank of the Connecticut river, and running thence easterly bill, payment of which has not been provided for by the ap thousand dollars, or shall be fined not more than two hun­ |. along the state line to Terry road; thence southerly along compliance with such ordinance or by-law. propriation unless the same shall be required by some ex dred and fifty dollars or imprisoned not more than six y Terry road to Grape brook; thence westerly along Grape Sec. 6. The president of the council and the councilmen Prefs Provision of law* Upon such estimate, the council months or both, for each offense, and the continuance of jg brook to the easterly bank of the Connecticut river; thence hereinafter provided for shall constitute the council of said shall forthwith lay a tax on the property liable to taxation any building or part of a building so erected, after such northerly along the bank of the Connecticut river to the town. The town clerk shall be, ex officio, the clerk of the and prepare and sign, the proper rate bills therefor. Such line or lines shall have been designated, between such line . place of beginning. council. Said clerk shall keep the records of all meetings tax rate shall be included in the budget of receipts and ex or lines and the highway or street, for each day of twenty- ot the council and shall perform such duties as may be im­ penditures hereinbefore referred to. it is expressly provid­ four hours after the commencement thereof, shall be a . District Five. posed upon him by the council. Copies of the records of the ed that no vote or resolution of the council ordering a pub­ separate offense, but both civil and criminal proceedings council, duly attested by the clerk, shall be admissible as lic work or improvement which shall require an expenditure shall not be brought against the same person for the same All of said town lying to the east of the following boun- act and default. When the council shall designate a build­ dry line: Beginning at a point on the state line on the east- evidence m all courts and have the same validity as the of fifty thousand dollars or more shall be obligatory on said records of the town clerk. The town treasurer shall be town unless approved by a majority vote of an electors' ing line on any street, it shall appraise the damages or i>_ erly side of Terry road, and running thence southerly along benefits to all owners of land damaged or benefited there­ %.Cthe easterly side of Terry road to North road; thence south- ex ofRcio, treasurer of the town deposit fund, the Phelps meeting duly warned and held in the five districts for that tund, and the town school funds. The Auditors shall exam­ purpose, which vote shall be by voting machines. by, and notice shall be given of the time and place of acting erly along the easterly side of North road to Washington upon the question of designating any such line or of making |j/road; thence southerly along the easterly side of Washing- ine and verify all accounts of the town, including those of Sec. 14. If any appropriation shall be found to be in­ the town clerk, town treasurer, collector of taxes, clerk of any such appraisal, and any owner of any any person in­ ton road crossing Hazard avenue and the Middle road to sufficient, the council shall have the power, by a two-thirds terested in such land shall be heard, if he shall so desire, igthe South road; thence southerly to the Scantic river; the town court, board of library directors and the town vote of the council, to make an additional special appropria­ school committee, and shall annually make a sworn report before such designation or appraisal shall be made. Ap­ M?thence along the easterly side of the Scantic river to the a re uired aw tion within which bills may be contracted and orders drawn peals may be taken from any such action of the council and IgEast Windsor town line. The registrars of voters shall wi 5 ky l - They shall have access at all reason­ in the same manner as the annual appropriations. The coun­ proceedings thereon heard as provided in section twenty. f make and keep a separate list of the voters residing within able times to all books and accounts, bills and vouchers of any department, officer or employee of the town. cil shall determine by ordinance when the fiscal year of the The council shall have power to make such ordinances rel­ each voting district. town shall close ative to the removal of snow and ice from sidewalks, cross­ walks and footpaths, on or across any street or highway :# v- Article III. Sec. 15. The town treasurer shall be agent for the town TOWN BONDS. deposit fund and the Phelps fund. The council shall require within the town, as shall be reasonable, and shall prescribe Sec. 3. The town of Enfield is authorized to issue its PRESIDENT OF TOWN COUNCIL. of each town officer, agent and employee, having custody penalties for failure to comply therewith, to provide for of the town funds, a bond, executed by such officer, agent the oiling of streets, or otherwise abating the nuisance of / interest-bearing bonds to meet the cost of one or more pub­ Sef; Jhe president of the council shall be the chief dust in said town; to provide for the suitable lighting of lic improvements, or to refund such bonds, when callable, executive officer of said town and, ex officio, a councilman. or employee, and by some authorized surety company in an ( with bonds in the same outstanding amount and of the amount satisfactory to the council, and the cost of such streets of said town; to license, regulate or prohibit the He shall preside at all meetings of the council and shall be bonds shall be borne by the town. manufacture, keeping, sale or use of fireworks, torpedoes,, same maturity dates. The town is further authorized empowered to give a casting vote in all cases where the ac­ firecrackers, gunpowder, petroleum or any other explosive :: when it shall have incurred debts exceeding ten thousand tion of said council shall result in a tie, but shall have no Sec. 16. The council shall have power to fill any vacan­ or inflammable substance, and the conveyance thereof dollars, on account of general expenditures as distinct from vote in cases involving a confirmation of an appointment cy that may occur in any town office except in the school through any portion of said town; to regulate or prohibit public improvements, to issue its interest-bearing bonds, submitted by him. He shall have power to preserve the department or town school committee until the next suc­ the discharge of firearms within said town; to regulate all provided the total amount of bonds shall not exceed in total peace of said town and may suppress all tumults and riots, ceeding election. If a vacancy shall occur in the office of parades and processions, public assemblages, shows and mu­ amount three-quarters of the total amount of taxes, due with force if necessary, and, in the performance of said president of the council, the council shall have the power to sic in public streets; to regulate, except as prohibited by the and unpaid, not including taxes assessed and payable with- duty, may, at all times, require the aid of any sheriff, dep­ fill such vacancy until the next succeeding election, and may general statutes, the speeding of animals, motor or other ve­ in the fiscal year in which such bonds are issued. The to- uty sheriff, constable or policeman, or all of them together, make temporary provision for the performance of the duties hicles and street cars in the streets of said town; to make tal amount of any bonds and all other indebtedness of said or any elector of said town or may call upon the governor of the office until the person so elected shall take office. repair, clean and keep open, and safe for public use and ii town at any one time outstanding shall not exceed, subject for the assistance of the state militia. He may, at any time Sec. 17. The council shall also have all powers which travel, and free from obstruction, streets, highways, side­ , to the exclusions provided in section 72b of the 1933 supple­ summon before him any officer of the town for information! walks, gutters, public grounds and public places in said ment to the general statutes, five per cent of the grand list consultation and advice upon the affairs of the town. He are or may be conferred by the general statutes upon select­ men of towns and the municipal authorities of cities or bor­ town; to regulate the naming of all streets and the number­ of said town. The issue of any bonds shall be in conform- shall sign all contracts, bonds, deeds or other instruments ing of all lots and buildings thereon; to regulate coasting ity with a vote of the town council only after investigation, requiring the assent of the town, and shall take care that oughs, except as otherwise specifically provided herein. It shall have power to make by-laws and ordinances which and sliding, and the use of bicycles, velocipedes, tricycles recommendation and report of the town board of finance, the terms of the same are duly performed. He may sus- or other conveyances on sidewalks; to prevent persons from which vote shall, subject to the foregoing limitations, spe­ Pfifld any officer appointed by the council from the exercise shall have the force of law within the limits of said town or within the parts thereof to which they are, by their terms loitering on the streets, 'sidewalks, spaces between side­ cify the aggregate amount of such bonds, their time or ot the duties of his office until the next meeting of the walks and buildings, or in or about the entrance of build­ s times and place of payment, their denominations, the rate council, and shall report such action and the reason there­ applicable upon the following subjects: To provide the mode of keeping the accounts of said town and auditing the same ings, public or private, to the obstruction or annoyance of «of interest which they shall bear, whether and when they for to said meeting for the action of the council. The com­ the public; to protect and care for public burying grounds fpshall be callable, the town officers by whom they shall be pensation of any officer so suspended shall cease upon sus­ adjusting claims against said town in conformity with the provisions of this act; to regulate and fix salaries and com­ and to prohibit trespass in any parks, cemeteries or other Jgsigned and the manner of disposition of such bonds. When pension ; but, if he shall not be removed by the council, he public inclosures within said town; to regulate placing of pbonds shall be issued by said town with provision for a may, in the discretion of said council, be paid compensation pensation of all officers and employees of said town, except school officers and employees, and define the duties of said signs,_ banners, flags, parquets and awnings over the streets jinking fund for the retirement thereof, the council is au- during the period of such suspension. If any vacancy shall and sidewalks; to regulate the posting or painting of noti­ j?b thorized in its discretion to invest such sinking fund in exist, by reason of such suspension or for any other cause officers and employees when not otherwise fixed and defined by the provisions of this act; to regulate the manner of ces, signs or advertisements on trees or poles or elsewhere, v jbonds of the United - in tads of the state of Con- he shatl-take such action as is, in his judgment, necessary 111 or adjacent to^the streets of said town; to regulate or 1vjiecticut, in bonds of said town, or in bonds of any other to provide for the performance of the duties of the office so warning meetings of the council and the times and places of holding its meetings in said town, not otherwise provided prohibit excavations in streets, highways, and public Estate or in county or municipal bonds which may be au­ vacated until the next meeting of the council. grounds for public or private purposes, and the location of thorized by law as legal investments for savings banks or for in this act; to prescribe the amount of bonds to be given 4rust funds. The town council may provide, at any time, Sec. 8. He shall, annually, and from time to time, com­ by town officers and to confer upon the several officers of any work, whether temporary or permanent, upon or under ^ for the discounting at current rates of interest of all sums municate to the council such information concerning the said town all necessary authority to enable them to execute the surface thereof, the disposition of building materials assessed for taxes but not yet payable. It shall have power affairs of the town, and such suggestions and recommenda­ and discharge their powers and duties; to control and regu­ of any description on any sidewalk or highway and the re­ x to borrow, in the name of the town of Enfield, from time tions relating thereto as the interest of the town shall, in late the use and the occupancy of all town grounds and moval of buildings upon or through the same; to prohibit, to time, such sums as in its opinion may be needed for town his judgment, require. buildings ; to regulate the carrying on, within said town, license or regulate the selling or disposing of wares and mer­ purposes, in anticipation of the sale of bonds which may of any kind of trade, manufacture or business, prejudicial chandise of every description upon said streets, Sidewalks ; Sec. 9. The council shall, within one month after elec­ to public health or dangerous to. or constituting an unrea­ or public places; to regulate the planting, removal and care £ |utve been ordered by th§ town council according to law. tion, designate one of the councilmen to be acting presi­ m*' sonable annoyance to, those living or owning property in (Continued on Following Page) X., wm% - THE THOMPSQNVILLE PRESS, THURSDAY, JULY 11, 1935.

not contrary to law, and said board may prescribe suitable shall cause to be exercised and enforced such by-laws, rules, penalties, including suspension from office, for the infringe­ two or three members to the zoning appeal board for a term regulations and orders, and the health ordinances of the of four years to fill the places of those members whose ment of its rules. The board shall have power of appoint­ town and generally do and cause to be done Whatever may ment and promotion of all officers under such rules and reg­ terms expire. The powers and duties of the zoning appeal be prescribed by the ordinances of said town or by the board shall be as prescribed by the general statutes- ulations as it may adopt for the purpose. All appointments council, to preserve the health of said town, (d) The by­ and promotions in the police department shall be made by laws and ordinances of the town of Enfield and of the vari­ X TOWN PLAN BOARD. 4 affirmative vote of a majority of the board of police com­ ous subdivisions thereof, as existing at the time of the ' Yr % missioners and such appointees shall hold their offices dur­ passage of this act, relating to the health of said town or Sec. 37. The council shall be the town plan board, whose Town of Enfield ing good behavior and until removed for cause. , " H?;, the subdivisions thereof, are validated and confirmed, and powers and duties shall be those prescribed in the general statutes. . - . : Sec. 22. The board of police commissioners shall have such ordinances and by-laws shall continue in force and ef­ pm^fpt fect until the same be amended or repealed in accordance (Continued from Preceding Page) power, for cause, after a hearing on charges made in writ­ TAX COLLECTOR. WM.I isfWk ing, to remove, reduce in rank or suspend without pay any with the provisions of this act. (e )Said board shall ap­ *>f trees and plants in the streets and public places of said bfficer in the department. No reduction in rank, suspen­ point one of its members to be president thereof and may Sec. 38. During the month of October, 1935, and bien­ sion or removal shall be made for political or religious rea­ appoint a clerk and such employees as may be authorized by nially thereafter, the president of the council, with the ad­ •A^Vtown; to provide for keeping the streets and public places shall be fixed by town ordi­ ^SHiuiet from all unnecessary noise and to regulate the ring­ sons. Charges against any officer may be preferred by the the council whose compensation vice and consent of the council, shall appoint for a term of ing of bells, the blowing of power whistles or the making chief of police or any citizen and shall be served upon the nance or by vote of the council, (f) The necessary expenses two years a tax collector, who shall collect all taxes of what­ person accused at least forty-eight hours before the time ot said board shall be paid by the town, but no member of soever nature, payable in and to the town of Enfield. The • vK>f any disturbing noise; to regulate or prohibit the running the board shall be paid for his services as such. vat large of animals in said town; to make suitable rules, fixed by the board of police commissioners for the hearing. tax collector shall be bonded in accordance with the provis­ by-laws and ordinances regarding the licensing and regu­ Any officer of the department who shall have been removed ions of section fifteen of this act. by the board may make application to the superior court BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS. lation of public taxicabs and other vehicles and the charges TOWN OFFICERS' SALARIES. •of taxicabs and public service drivers, cartmen and truck- within and for Hartford county, or any judge thereof, in Sec. 29. There shall be in the town of Enfield a board , .men and to designate, by ordinance, the officers who shall the nature of an appeal from such order of the board, which Pu^c works, consisting of five members, one of whom Sec. 39. The council shall have the authority to pre­ application shall be made returnable not more than six nor 'issue such licenses, in accordance with the provisions of shall be a member of the council and be appointed biennially scribe, by ordinance, the salaries of all town officers, not 8® law; to license and regulate sports and exhibitions, billiard less than three days from the date of such order, and a copy during the month of October by the president of the coun­ otherwise provided for in this act, except that members of life? rooms, pool rooms and bowling alleys within said town; to thereof shall be served upon the town clerk at least forty- cil, with the advice and consent of the council, for a term of the board of police commissioners, of the board of public •designate fire limits in said town and to prescribe such con­ eight hours before the time to which it shall have been made two years. The other four members of the board shall be works, of the board of health and charity, of the board of ditions and regulations as to the erection of buildings or returnable. Said court or such judge, having given such appointed from the electors of the town by the president of library directors, of the finance board, of the zoning com­ parts of buildings therein or the removal of buildings there­ further notice as may be deemed necessary, shall forthwith the council, with the advice and consent of the council, in mission, of the zoning appeal board, of the town plan board 5 in or thereto, as it shall deem adequate for the protection hear such application and may approve, modify or revoke the following manner: During the month of October, 1935, and of the town school committee shall receive no salary i «of property within said limits from the danger of fire or such order and may award costs at his discretioh. During two members shall be appointed for four-year terms and or compensation, provided the necessary expenses of said ? otherwise; to regulate the heating of buildings and the the pendency of any such applications, such order of the two for two-year terms, and biennially thereafter, two boards, committees or commissions shall be paid by the 'Cleaning of chimneys; to regulate the construction, repair board shall be in effect, subject to the authority of such members shall be appointed for four-year terms to fill the town in the manner to be prescribed by the council. -or use, within said town, of any building; to provide for judge, if such order shall be modified or revoked, to make places of those whose terms expire. Not more than three safe and convenient means of egress, in case of emergency, his decree relate back to the date of such order. members of said board shall be of the same political party. Article VII v from any building, designed, wholly or in part, for public The public parks and playgrounds of the town of Enfield TOWN COURT. use or the assemblage of persons, within said town and to Article VI. in existence at the time of the passage of this act, and those prohibit the use of any building which may become unsafe which may be established within the limits of said town, Sec. 40. The town court of Enfield, established under by reason of insufficient facilities for egress or for other APPOINTIVE BOARDS AND OFFICIALS. together with all park property which may be acquired, shall the provisions of an act approved April 23, 1897, as amend­ ed, shall have jurisdiction granted by said act, over all -cause. The council shall have power to prohibit the use of Sec. 23. The president of the council, with the advice be under the management, care and control of the board. buildings in said town for such manufactures, trades or and consent of the council, shall biennially appoint, for the The board shall have the general management of the streets breaches and violations of the provisions of this act and purposes as will, in the opinion of the council, expose any term of two years, a director of public works, who shall be and storm sewers and make all needful rules and regula­ over all by-laws and ordinances made under and pursuant such building or any other building to unusual risk of fire; a duly qualified civil engineer. Said director shall, ex officio, tions for the government thereof, not contrary to law, and thereto when such breaches or violations shall occur within and, whenever the council shall determine that any building be the general director of the departments controlled by shall have the care, management and control of all grounds, said town, the punishment for which shall be a fine not ex­ is so used, it may prohibit the continuance of such use, and the board of public works, subject to the orders of the said used for park or playground purposes, which are or may be ceeding two hundred and fifty dollars or imprisonment for shall, thereupon, give notice, in writing, to the owner there­ board and the council. He shall also be the purchasing owned by or in control of the town and may give designat­ a term not exceeding six months or both; and also for the of or the person or persons so using the same, of such order agent for the board of health and charity, the police de­ ing names thereto, and shall have all the powers and duties recovery of all fines, penalties and forfeitures for the viola­ or prohibition. When any such person, after due notice, partment and the departments controlled by the board of vested in and imposed upon town tree wardens as prescrib­ tion of any of the by-laws, ordinances, rules and regulations shall fail to remove immediately from such fire limits any public works, and shall have charge of purchasing coal for ed m the general statutes. The director of public works of said town and for the recovery of all fines, penalties and building or part thereof, or addition thereto, erected within shall have the general management and supervision of the forfeitures for the violation of any provision of this act for the school department and the town library. The director which the fine, penalty or forfeiture shall not exceed in or removed into said limits, or in process of erection there­ of public works shall supervise the activities of the street streets, storm sewers, public parks and playgrounds and of in, in violation of the provisions hereof, or, after notice, all officials and employees thereof, including the superin­ amount two hundred and fifty dollars or imprisonment for department, and shall have power to suspend forthwith any a term not exceeding six months or both. shall continue any use prohibited as aforesaid, of any build­ employee of said department for a period not exceeding tendent of streets and storm sewers, subject to the orders ing, such person shall forfeit to said town the sum of five ot the board of public works and of the council. forty-eight hours. In such case said director shall prefer Article VIII hundred dollars for each thirty days of such failure to re­ charges against the suspended employee before the board • i?60!!?0* Durin£ the month of October, 1935, and bien­ move or of such continued use as aforesaid, to be recovered ot public works, and said board shall hear the charges and nially thereafter, the board of police commissioners, the TEMPORARY PROVISIONS FOR THE CHANGE. in an appropriate action in the name of the town; or shall take appropriate action thereon. public works, the board of library directors, and Sec. 41. The terms of office of all of the officials of the be fined not more than two hundred and fifty dollars or im­ the board of health and charity shall each appoint one of prisoned not more than six months or both, and each thirty town of Enfield, except the town clerk and the registrars BOARD OF FINANCE its own number to be chairman of his respective board, and of voters, shall terminate on the first Monday of October, days of, such failure to remove or of such continued use each board shall also appoint a clerk. Vacancies occurring shall be a separate offense; but both criminal and civil pro­ 1935, provided all persons holding administrative office with­ Sec. 24. There shall be in the town of Enfield a board at any time in the office of the chairman and of the clerk in the limits of the town of Enfield at the time that this act ceedings shall not be brought for the same act or default. may be filled by the board in which such vacancy occurs. The council shall have power to provide for the perform­ of finance, consisting of the president of the council, the shall take effect, whether elected or appointed, shall con­ ance of all duties and functions required or permitted or town treasurer, the two auditors and five other electors of tinue in office and in the performance of their duties until which may be required or permitted to be done by towns or said town, who shall hold no municipal office. The neces­ CORPORATION COUNSEL. provision shall have been made in accordance with the pro­ sary expenses of said board shall be paid by the town, but visions of this act for performance of such duties or the dis­ cities, not otherwise provided for in this act; to appoint and Sec. 31. There shall be a corporation counsel for the prescribe the duties of the corporation counsel; to prescribe no member of the board shall be paid for his services as a continuance of such office. Powers conferred and duties im­ member thereof. . ^ town whose duties and compensation shall be fixed by by­ posed by law upon any office, board, commission or depart­ the form of proceedings and mode of assessing benefits and laws or ordinances of the town. He shall be an attorney of appraising damages in taking lands for public use, when Sec. 25. During the month of October, 1935, the presi­ ment of the town abolished by this act shall, upon the tak­ at least five years' practice, a resident elector of the town ing effect hereof, be exercised and discharged by the office not otherwise provided for in this act; to prescribe the form dent of the council, with the advice and consent of the coun­ and shall hold no other appointive or elective public office. cil, shall appoint two electors of the town members of the oi department designated by the council, unless otherwise of proceedings and mode of assessing benefits and apprais­ The president of the council, with the advice and consent provided herein. Any of such officers whose compensation ing damages in taking lands for public use, when not other­ board of finance, to hold office for the term of four years of the council, during the month of October, 1935, shall ap­ wise provided for in this act, and to prescribe the time when from the first Monday in October, 1935, and three electors is fixed by the month or year shall be entitled to receive the point a corporation counsel for the town for the term of proportionate part of his monthly or yearly salary for the and the manner in which all benefits assessed shall be col­ of the town members of said board to hold office for the two years from the first Monday in October, 1935, and until term of two years from the first Monday in October, 1935. time during which he shall have served prior to the termin­ lected, when not specifically prescribed in this act. his successor shall be appointed and shall have qualified. ation of his term as herein prescribed. Biennially thereafter, the president of the council, with the Biennially thereafter, during the month of October, a cor­ advice and consent of the council, shall appoint either two TAKING PROPERTY FOR PUBLIC USE. poration counsel for the town shall be appointed or reap­ Sec. 42. This act shall not take effect until it shall electors or three electors, depending upon the number of pointed in the manner herein provided for the term of two have been approved by a majority vote of the electors of Sec. 19. When, by the provisions of this act or of the members whose terms expire, to serve as members of said years. Any vacancy in the office of the corporation counsel the town of Enfield voting at a town meeting to be held on general statutes, the town of Enfield shall be authorized to board for the term of four years. for the town which may occur shall be filled in the same the fourth Monday after the approval of this act by the take any property for any public use, by right of eminent Sec. 26. The board of finance shall annually prepare a manner as provided herein for regular appointments. The governor, except that so much of this act as relates to said domain, the council, by itself or by a committee of its mem­ budget for submission to the council and estimate and re­ corporation counsel for the town may compromise and settle town meeting shall take effect from its passage. The se­ bers, shall appraise the damages resulting from such tak­ commend the rate of taxation required. Prior thereto, the bonds to the town of Enfield given in the town court of lectmen of said town shall warn a town meeting to be held ing, to all owners or persons interested in the property tak­ board of finance shall give notice to each municipal board said town after forfeiture, in the same manner as a state's on said day for the purpose of voting upon the approval of en, and notice shall be given of the situation and the amount and department to submit its respective board or depart­ attorney may compromise and settle bonds for the state. this act and for no other purpose. Such vote shall be taken of land or other property so taken, and the time and place ment budget to the board of finance. When it may become by voting machines at the usual voting places in said town of hearing on such appraisal, and the owner or owners necessary for the town to borrow money either on notes or BUILDING. INSPECTION. and the polls shall be opened at six o'clock in the forenoon thereof, and persons interested therein, shall be heard, if other evidence of indebtedness, the board of finance shall and closed at six o'clock in the afternoon of said day. In • Sec. 32. (a) The council may provide by ordinance for the conduct of the meeting, the town clerk and the regis- they so desire, before such appraisal shall be made; and the investigate and make such recommendations as it may deem the establishment of a department of building inspection council shall give notice to such owner or owners, or persons advisable to the council. The council shall make no appro­ trars of voters shall have and exercise those powers con- and for the appointment of such officers and employees ferred upon them by the general statutes relative thereto interested, of the amount so appraised to be paid by them, priations or authorize the expenditure of any sum or sums therein as the interests of said town may require. It may respectively, at least thirty days before the time when such in excess of the estimates made by the board of finance. and the moderator shall declare the result and forthwith include the appointment of a building inspector, an electrical file with the town clerk a certificate signed by him showing payment shall be required to be made. Within two weeks None of the departments or officials of the town shall ex­ inspector, a plumbing inspector and deputies, assistants and from the date of the aforesaid notice, any such owner or pend any sum in excess of the appropriations made by the the result of such vote. If such vote shall be in favor of council. employees, to be appointed in such manner and for such the approval of this act, it shall thereupon take effect and person interested may appeal from such appraisal to any terms as may be found advisable, (b) Said department of judge of the superior court, for a review of such assessment a certificate of approval, signed by the town clerk, shall be building inspection, its officers and employees, shall be filed m the office of the secretary of the state. or estimated damages and, upon notice to the town as the BOARD OF LIBRARY DIRECTORS. charged with the duties and vested with the authority usual­ judge may prescribe, the judge shall; after due hearing, ap­ Sec. 27. There shall be a board of library directors con­ ly imposed upon or exercised by building inspectors, plumb­ Approved June 21st, 1935. point three disinterested freeholders of Hartford county, ing inspectors, electrical inspectors and their deputies, not residents of the town of Enfield and not owning real sisting of nine members, which board shall have charge of and supervision over the town library. One member of the (c) The council may provide by ordinance for the submis­ property in the town of Enfield, to review such assessment sion of plans, specifications and details of any building or estimate, so far as the same relates to such person or board shall be a member of the council and be appointed bi­ ennially by the president of the council, with the advice and thereafter to be erected or materially altered or repaired, so persons claiming to be aggrieved. Such freeholders shall far as the same shall relate to ventilation, light, plumbing give due notice to all persons interested, to appear and be consent of the council, for a term of two years. The presi­ dent of the council, with the advice and consent of the coun­ and drainage, to said department of building inspection for heard before them at such time and place as they may fix its approval and may provide that, if the ventilation, light, and shall make such assessment of benefits or estimate of cil, shall, during the month of October, 1935, appoint four electors of the town to the board of library directors for the plumbing and drainage of any such building be approved as fltP/ damages in the premises as shall seem to them just and conforming to law and ordinance by said department, the fair, and make return of the same, under oath, to the judge. term of four years from the first Monday in October, 1935, and four electors of the town for a term of two years. Bi­ approval thereof by the town board of health and charity The judge may accept the report or may set the same aside of said town shall be unnecessary. and appoint other persons qualified in the same manner to ennially thereafter, the president of the council, with the advice and consent of the council, shall appoint four elec­ perform such duty. If, upon the acceptance of any such TOWN AUDITORS. report, it shall appear that the amount of damages has been tors of the town to be members of the board of library di­ increased, or the assessment of benefits decreased in favor rectors for a term of four years. The necessary expenses Sec. 33. The president of the council, with the advice of the applicant, the cost of such application and review of said board shall be paid by the town, but no member of and consent of the council, shall, during the month of Octo­ shall be paid by the town, otherwise by the applicant, and the board shall be paid for his services as such. ber, 1935, appoint two auditors, one for a term of four years the judge shall have power to issue execution for the and one for a term of two years, and, biennially thereafter, amount of the costs. The report of the freeholders accept­ BOARD OF HEALTH AND CHARITY. during the month of October, one auditor shall be appointed lift ed by the judge shall be filed with the town clerk and en­ in the manner herein set forth for the term of four years. tered upon the records of the town. Sec. 28. (a) There shall be in the town of Enfield a The two auditors shall not belong to the same political board of health and charity, which board shall have all the party. The powers and duties of the town auditors herein jurisdiction, powers, privileges and duties which are or may Article V. provided for shall be as prescribed in the general statutes be by law vested in and imposed upon town health officers, for town auditors. TOWN DEPARTMENTS. and, in addition, all the powers and duties vested in the board of selectmen of the town of Enfield or which may be ASSISTANT PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR. THAT'S WHAT YOU GET IN Sec. 20. Each of the following departments of the town vested by law in the selectmen of the several towns of the A GLASS OF government shall be administered by an executive head un­ state, in relation to soldiers', orphans' and widows' pensions, Sec. 34. The director of public works, with the advice der the general direction and control of the council and sub­ the support of paupers, the care of the insane and indigent, and consent of the council, may appoint an assistant engi­ ject to its orders and ordinances and by-laws adopted by the adoption of children, the commitment of imbecile chil­ neer or engineers, as may be deemed advisable by the coun­ Allen Bros. Pasteurized Milk the council, unless specific authority shall be otherwise con­ dren to suitable institutions, the appointment of overseers cil, and the duties and compensation of any such employee ferred by this act. and conservators, duties relative to the deaf, dumb and or employees shall be fixed by the council. Youthful pep! Concentrated vitality! That's what blind and concerning all other matters affecting dependent makes ALLEN BROS. PASTEURIZED MILK better! Sec. 21. The police department of the town of Enfield and defective classes, (b) The board of health and charity ZONING COMMISSION. No other food offers the same advantages, all the neces­ shall continue as organized at the time of the passage of sary body and vitality building elements, in a form as shall consist of five members, one of whom shall be a mem­ Sec. 35. The council shall be the zoning commission of this act. Said department shall be under the supervision ber of the council and be appointed biennially during the easily digested. And no other food offers as much at so - of a board of police commissioners consisting of five mem­ and for the entire town. The zoning by-laws and ordinances small a cost. Make Allen Bros. Pasteurized Milk a menu month of October by the president of the council, with the existing at the time of the taking effect of this act are vali­ bers, one of whom shall be a member of the council, and be advice and consent of the council, for a term of two years. habit. Serve it at every meal, and use it freely in cook­ appointed biennially by the president of the council, with the dated and approved, and such by-laws and ordinances shall ing. More pep for every member of the family will be The other four members of the board shall be appointed by continue in force and effect until such time as the same shall advice and consent of the council, for a term of two years. the president of the council, with the advice and consent of the result! The other four members of the board, not more than three be amended or repealed by the council in accordance with the council, in the following manner, from the electorate of the general statutes. The powers and duties of the council of whom shall be of the same political party, shall be ap­ the town: During the month of October, 1935, there shall pointed from the electorate of the town, by the president, as zoning commission shall be those powers and duties pre­ Pasteurized—Certified—Buttermilk be appointed two members of said board for a four-year scribed by the general statutes. with the advice and consent of the council, in the manner term and two for a two-year term and, biennially there­ following: During the month of October, 1935, two mem­ after, two members shall be appointed for four-year terms WE USE NOTHING BUT MILE SUPPLIED BY LO­ bers of the board of police commissioners shall be appoint­ to fill the places of those whose terms expire, (c) Said ZONING BOARD OF APPEAL. CAL FARMERS M. K. SKIPTOWN'S ICE ed for four-year terms and two for two-year terms and bi­ board of health and charity may, from time to time, make Sec. 36. There shall be a zoning appeal board of five CREAM ON ORDER . . . PHONE 832. ennially thereafter two members shall be appointed for such by-laws, rules, regulations and orders as, in its judg­ members, no one of whom shall hold any salaried municipal four-year terms to fill the places of those whose terms ex­ ment, the preservation of public health shall reouire, pro­ office. During the month of October, 1935, the council shall pire. The board of police commissioners shall have the gen­ vided the same be not inconsistent with the constitution or appoint two members for a term of four years and three eral—- management™ —of the, police department and "make, e allaii iawo ALLEN BROS., Inc. M AM <3 a4>1AMTC 4-AU i>l> A —_J_ tJ1. A laws of the state or of the"le Uniteduiuuju Statesotaies or withwitn thetne charcnar- members for a term of two years, and, biennially thereafter needful ?ules and regulations for the government thereof ter or ordinances of the town of Enfield, and said board during the month of October, the council shall appoint either STATE LINE, THOMPSQNVILLE

. .ax J ,. . ..v"V v , i. •' :/-rv-v.,-:-v


with several added features appropri­ camp will be a day camp, the boys GOLDTHORPE—PRENTISS, mont College at Nashville Tenn., and ate to Connecticut's Tercentenary. leaving their homes each morning Political Observations was graduated with a bachelor of CAMP VAGABOND The camp will be in charge of Bob and returning to them early in the V ''f, < Af the Capitol City REUNION HELD Local Young Man Married Last Fri­ arts degree from the University of Burr, who was associate director last evening. There will be at least one Michigan. Mr. Goldthorpe is a grad­ year and proved very popular with all-day or over-night hike, and a day in Charleston. S. C. (Continued from Page One) A wedding of much local interest uate of Wesleyan University and re­ the boys. Mr. Burr has had a great bicycle tour will be conducted for the BY CLASS OF'95 ceived his master of arts degree from deal of experience in boys' *wor£ He boys who have bicycles. The camp is took place Friday afternoon, July 5, _ in Charleston, S. C., when Mrs. Wei- Harvard. is a native of Manchester and is at open to all boys between the ages of best for the government and the r MONDAY, AUG. 5TH present boys' work secretary of the 10 and 15, and the charge for the people it represents. It is said that Graduates of the Enfield ™Z Prentiss, daughter of Mr. and f. Winsted Y. M. C. A. He is a grad­ week is 75 cents, plus a small charge the $4,880,000,000 will help win the •ft* i | m ww * « m > Mrs# Gcor^G G» Wouhfip of Stt Al~ Next Saturday the eleven societies bans, Charleston, and Theodore F. of Enfield"• and surrounding towns uate of Springfield College and has for whatever handiwork or craft/work next election for him. Perhaps some High School Mold Ses- 10-lJi.1 -J. | *]yj Will Be Located Again had a nufnber of years experience in the boys may purchase. voters will be influenced by part of an( rg> that comprise the Enfield Christian camp work. Application blanks may be procur­ the money that they will receive from sion at Hartford Last Arthur ^Goldthorpe of the town, Endeavor Union will hold its annual P-'Hk •% at Pine Point and Is ^ ^ e „oaiowl „ ed at Baronian Bros' store on Pearl this fund. Strange it would be if were united in marriage. The cere­ field day and quarterly rally at Babbs' ; ...• • ft Mr. Burr will be assisted by Ash- Saturday. -Irk:- Sponsored by Enfield ton M. Tenney, who has spent the street and at Tom Whiteley's store on they were not. mony was performed by Rev. Ernest Beach, Congamond. The sporting Main street, and should be returned There are those who say that Thompson in the gardens of the home events will begin at 2:30 and the at Geneva, Switzerland, as aS ex- to J. M. Donnelly, chairman of the everything he attempted from the The members of the class of 1895 ^ Dr. and Mrs. Hugh Thompson, rally which will be led by Rev. Ros- « • 'f'wfi'siy Boys' Work Committee Hu h % ;>Lf r,#\n*»4-«r V" TVf r A I change student of Springfield College. camp committee, as soon as possible. NRA to the QZG have been failures. of the Enfield High School held their « Thompson attended her coe Metzger of Ellington at 7 P. M. ; <©I vOUIUy X • I'li vv» -ra.» Mr. Tenney has travelled ^xjbe^isively Parts of some or parts of all may not annual reunion in Hartford Saturday lister as matron of honor and the %Tm ' • •• 'through Europe by bicycle and has work well, but originally they were afternoon and evening, with Miss: °es ,man was Dwight M. Allgood, for- r?/'tsfel'i 4 * '. Camp Vagabond will open its sec- j been engaged in boys' work a num- all gotten out and decided upon for Ethel M. Darling of Farmington Ave- j Tt1^ associated with the bridegroom 6ink' ,Vi-'-v-- ondj season~ at»x dPine:»a TP*;**.Point on Monday,Mnvtrlav harber rt-Pof summerscnmm avc atof. variousvnrimis boyshnvs WEDS MISSOURI the purpose of doing good. Many are nue as the hostess. After a pleasant Ludlow. Mr. and Mrs. Goldthorpe August 6, under the auspices of the; camps in the New England ; States. loud in recalling that Roosevelt said drive through parks and other in­ are spending their honeymoon at J Francis Browne during the campaign he would lower teresting places in the city, they were White Sulphur Springs and Virginia Enfield Boys' Work Committee of the j He has made a particular study of Beach and later will make their home, UNDERTAKER Hartford County Y. M. C. A. The: Indian lore and will conduct groups 1 MAN SATURDAY the expenses of the government. No entertained at Miss Darling's home - Residence, 15S Pearl Street camp will be conducted in a similar in the study of the Connecticut In- doubt he wanted to, but could he? and the reunion dinner was served at in Charleston where he is assistant! ®C'f njanner to last year with a program dian, and Indian handicrafts. Mayors, governors and presidents Miss Edward's in the Old Judge Cal­ manager of the American Fork and! ' PHONES: •' r V UI Datwict ! 43 Whitworth St. daughter, of .Mr. and Mrs. A. I. Mac- • MSccartTlM Good Bratoi iSlll • Fawn of 7 D'Annunzio Avenue, and ,others, who believed in justice as they presence as the guest of honor, of Per Hour |Per Second BrfetBraktCw Should StopCar Tm*lc4 After saw it, were satisfied with the words Mrs. John F. Dowling of Hartford, ktAmMAfttr In This Distance Seeing John Mack ..Schlicht of Caboo, Mis Mn|D«(tr WIU YOURS? Danger souri, were united in marriage at an of Father Coughlin who every week, who, before her marriage was Miss attractive home wedding Saturday over the radio, gave hope to a large Margaret Leary of Scitico, and THE ALAIMO afternoon, July 6, at 4 o'clock at the number of people. Right or wrong among the pupils when she taught in home of the bride's parents. Rev. G. in his policies he gave them hope and the old grammar school, now the 20 N. 29 Ft. right or wrong with the policies of Center School in Thompsonville, were Stanley Helps, pastor of the Metho­ 25 N. 37 Ft dist Episcopal Church, performed the Roosevelt the thought of rebellion the members of the class reuniting. ceremony in the presence of a large has gradually disappeared. She was presented with a bouquet of 50 M. 44 Ft. Ft• y • ^56 Ft' THRIFT MARKETS Roosevelt can just as well be pink sweet peas and delphiniums as gathering of relatives and friends. 55 N. 51 Ft. 15 .ru- ,. \ ;• 61 • Ft.v - ^\,74-Fr •*;; • 7; Garden flowers were used in decora one-term president as Mr. Hoover, a special tribute to her personal but the rank and file of the American character and ability as a teacher, a 40 N. 59 Ft. r> rt \ 80 Ft. ..™_2lx95 F* ' tion of the home for the occasion and citizens should listen to the words poem also expressing the regard in the living room was very attractive 45 M. 66 Ft. 101 . Ft. Utt Ft: * of individuals and platform speakers which she was held, had been com­ Creamery Roll Butter, 25c lb. in its decorations of yellow and white 50 N. 75 Ft -'io Ft..v 125 FVi ^ 144 r streamers extending from a large with care and consideration for there posed and was read by Mrs. Frank white bell in the center of the room are too many who want to make A. Stuart, the secretary of the class, Land o' Lakes Butter, 29c lb. under which the ceremony took place their life and livelihood a job with after the repast. to the corners of the room. the government and this applies to Mrs. Dowling responded with ap­ HARRY W. JARRETT ^ Miss Vincy Vesce of this town at­ republicans and democrats alike. preciation and interesting allusions tended the bride as maid of honor The American people are so forget­ to the old school days. The social 31 HIGH ST. (Next to The Press Office) PHONE 22-2 PILLSBURY'S BEST FLOUR and George Russell of Springfield ful. Catchy phrases such as "Soak pleasure of the evening was continued "INSURANCE THAT INSURES . . . AND PATS" served as best man. The bride wa3 the Rich," "Equal Distribution of at the home of Miss Darling and al­ 98 lb. sack, $4.29 24V2 lb. bag, $1.11 gowned in white organdy with white Wealth," "Sound Money," etc., lead together this was one of the happiest picture hat and carried an arm bou­ many astray. of the reunion events of the class. quet of bride roses. Her attendant The Republicans have made the Mrs. Thomas Couch of Suffield, the wore a salmon crepe gown with most of the recent tax bill by using president, Mrs. Arthur C. Eddy, Mrs.' Chase & Sanborn's Coffee 25c lb. catchy phrases. Editors have fol­ Stephen H. Bodley, Mrs. James C.j l matching accessories and carried an Tender Leaf Tea, 7 /2 oz. pkg 29c arm bouquet of tea roses. Following lowed in line in commenting, using Lamont, Miss Catherine P. Cope and' the ceremony a reception was held the same catchy phrases. "Soak the Miss Gertrude E. Wiesing of Thomp-1 Build That Home Now! Royal Gelatine, 3 pkgs. for 17c for the immediate relatives of the Rich" is to be condemned, yet but a sonville, Mrs. Verdine Mather of family and a buffet luncheon served. few months ago it was "Soak the Windsor Locks and Miss Louise Mr. Schlicht is a graduate of the Rich," 'honestly meaning to "soak" Worden of Agawam were the others Make the Dream of Years Come 5' Caboo High School and is a petty of­ them, when it was discovered that present. True by Building That Home Now p Kellogg's Corn Flakes, 4 pkgs. for 29c ficer in the U. S. Navy. Mrs. Sch­ Mitchell, head of the largest bank in Red Cross Toilet Paper, 6 rolls for 25c licht is a graduate of the Enfield the country, had resigned from office Rotarians Inspect Dairy Farm. High School here and is very well because it was disclosed that he had Thompsonville Rotarians had a Our association with its $600,000 in assets and the ; Evaporated Milk, 4 cans for 25c known and popular among the young­ by manipulating evaded paying a just meeting of exceptional interest, yes­ almost unlimited facilities of our Federal Home Loan ' er set of the town. Upon their re­ tax to the government. J. terday noon, when they were guests Bank membership is ready and willing to aid you in turn from a wedding trip the couple P. Morgan paid an income tax in of Richard M. Smyth, former select­ realizing your ambition to own your own home. will reside in New London, Conn. England but was able to evade it in man and member of the Enfield Board SUMMER SQUASH, lb this country. The government of Education, at his extensive dairy Membership, through being a shareholder in our as- . ICEBERG LETTUCE, large, each - LARGE TRUCK OVERTURNS brought action against former Secre­ farm on Hazard Avenue, following sociation, is the safest and most productive means tary Andrew Mellon, a fabulously the regular luncheon at the Enfield of saving in existence. CUCUMBERS, each Load of Blueberries Scatter Over the wealthy man because he failed to pay Inn. Mr. Smyth spoke briefly at the three million dollars tax which the luncheon on present-day dairying Highway Following Crash. government claimed. NATIVE STRING BEANS, lb Misjudging the curve at Hyland's methods, and .the meeting then ad­ Corner on Enfield street, added one There is no attempt in this article journed to the farm, where opportuni­ more to the large number of motor to place the blame or act as judge as ty was afforded for inspection of the THE THOMPSONVILLE accidents that have occurred at this to what is right or wrong, what poli­ modern buildings erected last year BONELESS POT ROAST 22c lb. cies should be overthrown and what and for viewing the various processes point. Involved in the mishap was should be pursued. There is so much the two-ton truck owned by Stephen in the handling of milk, including that BUILDING & LOAN going on that it is hard, out of the of pasteurizing, which was of parti­ Bodner of Tresckow, Carbon County, many things, to understand thorough­ cular interest. Fresh Broilers - - - 39c ea. Pa.t and driven by Joseph A. Shic- ly any one problem. So far as great­ ASSOCIATION kore of that place. Peter and er taxes or wealth are concerned it Joseph Bodner, brothers of the own­ Mr. and Mrs. William F. Fletcher Resources Over $600,000 Member Federal Home Loan Bank must be remembered that under this of Pearl street left yesterday for a er, were also passengers on the form of government and our ways of Land o' Lakes Fowl, 59c ea. truck which was loaded with 138 motor trip to Vermont to visit rela­ 25 PEARL STREET PHONE 350 living and. what-not extraordinary tives and friends. large crates of berries. wealth has been created and if the Taking the corner at a high rate government now is in need, the fab­ LOIN OF PORK, half or whole 27c lb. of speed the truck left the road and ulously wealthy ought not to be­ I crashed into a pole, causing it to grudge supporting the government FRESH SHOULDERS 21c lb. I overturn and scatter the berries over under which they lived and accumu­ | the highway. The truck was badly lated their pile. 19c lb. MACKEREL, 4 lbs. 25c 'damaged and Peter Bodner received It; can be definitely stated that FRANKFURTS . |a gash on the left side of his face, Herbert Hoover will not be a candi­ VEAL LOAF .. ... 19c lb. HADDOCK, 4 lbs. . .— 25c j which required two stitches by Dr. date for re-election. His name will ...... 19c lb. FILET, 2 lbs 25c | Frank F. Simonton. It was estimated not be presented in the next Republi­ MINCED HAM .. jthat half of the loaded berries were can National Convention and it can , ruined and they are covered by in- BOLOGNA COD STEAK 10c lb. be almost definitely settled that only SWORDFISH, lb ...... 29c , surance. Patrolman Charles Lock- one name will be presented in the POLISH RINGS 19c lb. .wood who investigated the accident Democratic Convention and that the ! decided that it was unavoidable due name of Franklin Delano Roosevelt. 1935 brought many major car advances—t in part to the skidding of the truck Roosevelt is the only man who can CATSUP, 2 large bottles 25c on the slippery highway from rain defeat himself and it all depends on Besure y6u get them in the Gar you buy! when the brakes were applied: whether he holds or loses ground with the public between now and the BEETS, 3 bunches for William L. Miltner, scoutmaster of next election and how favorably the Boy Scout Troop 19, is in Boston to­ wind may turn to help the republi­ CARROTS, 3 bunches for day representing the Scantic district cans, providing a satisfactory nomi­ FRESH TOMATOES, per lb. at the reception in honor of Sir Bad­ nee is secured without too much en Powell of England, originator of trouble in the Convention. CANTALOUPES, large, each the Boy Scout idea. It is expected Important Ford that about 2600 scout troops will be 10c '•••presented. features common to all HAZARDVILLE At tha recent family reunion at body-types the home of Mr. and Mrs. William • 85 b. p., V-type, 8 cylinder W. Gordon, among the guests was engine—aluminum cylinder their son, Dr. Donald Gordon and his heads and dual downdraft wife and three children. Dr. Gordon carburetor is on furlough as medical missionary / j in Brazil. There was in all 35 guests, • 123Hs-inch springbase for representing four generations and in­ riding ease—on a 112-inch cluding all the seven children of Mr. chassis for handling ease WARNING! and Mrs. Gordon. • Torque-tube Drive Eugene Cormier and William Vol- ovka, Jr., were elected delegates to • Front; seat 50V4 inches wide the convention of the Connecticut ;.. Ample luggage space in State Firemen's Association at Plain- is all models at no extra cost SPECIAL TOWN MEETING field, August 23 and 24 at a meeting of the Hazardville Fire Department, • Welded steel-spoke wheels held Monday evening. ABOVE:—The Ford V-8 with 4-inch rim Announcement was made this Engine—the only V-8 engine • All-steel body welded into The Legal Voters of the Town of Enfield in the State of Connecticut, qualified to vote week of the marriage of Miss Helen in a car selling for less than one piece $2300. While this type of in Town Meeting, are hereby warned to meet in each Voting District in said Town at Blonka, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. • Big, positive brakes with 12 the usual place of holding elections in each of said Districts, to wit:— Frank Blonka of North Maple street, engine costs more to build, inch drums and more brak to Crosley Hawthorne, son of Louis only Ford has succeeded in ing surface per pound of car Hawthorne of South street. The putting it in a low priced weight than any other car ceremony was performed in New car. By bringing this luxury In District No. 1—At the Town Hall, Enfield Street York State, Thursday, July 4. The under $1095 bride for several years has been an within reach of every motor OB AS • 4 double-acting hydraulic At the Tow Pearl S1 instructor at the Hazardville play­ ist, Ford has made it unnec­ shock absorbers In District No. 2, Precinct No. 1— ^£,*X' " grounds. essary for you to be satisfied Diagram shows Font K-#'i PmU- with anything less than V-8 fioatmg Spring6ase-~l23yb 17 plate battery Miss Bernice Borosky of Main riding ease. Note bow passengert At street. Hazardville, is spending some power and smoothness tween the axles. • 6.00 x 16-inch air balloon In District No. 2, Precinct No. 2- ^iS|»^ 23A&** time in Maine as the guest of Mrs. tires—at no Extra cost Frank Rossi who recently removed to that place. • Safety Glass all around—#/ In District No. 3—At the Institute in Hazardville Mr. and Mrs. Paul Becker and son no extra cost are on a week's trip. They plan to tNY Ford V-8 body-type you select gives you all POLLS OPEN 6AM. — CLOSE 6 P. M. visit Richmond, Va. the major 1935 Ford improvements.

.5. • PRICES DELIVERED IN The only difference between a Ford V-8 and a jfc -V • LEGAL NOTICE THOMPSONVILLE • ' Deluxe Ford V-8 is in upholstery and equipment; AT A COURT OF PROBATE held in There is no mechanical difference and no difference fa*' Monday, July 15th, 1935 Enfield, within and for the Probate in engineering standard whatsoever. District of Enfield, on the 11th day Check the list above carefully. Be sure you get all $601— TO VOTE ON THE FOLLOWING QUESTION: of July, A. D.. 1935. * 4 these important 1935 advances in the car you buy; FOR 5 WINDOW COUPE : - Present: Hon. James W. Hayden, Judge. And then, arrange with your nearest Ford dealer to Do you approve an Act entitled: "An Act Concerning the Gov­ Estate of Margaret McArthur let you drive a Ford V-8.;.. There's no true way to :.00 Clark, late of Enfield, deceased. /;-• • .x ernment of the Town of Enfield," enacted by the 1935 Session of the An application having been made know Ford V-8 performance and comfort except $61& General Assembly of Connecticut, said Act being a Special Act to this Court by the Administrator to jeel them for yourself. FOR TUDOR SEDAN D. B. N. C. T. A., for permission to Bats terms tlnutk Univtrtal Credit Ctmi making various changes in the Government of the Town of En­ sell certain real estate, it is "Watch the Words go bp* The A »tk»rix»4 Ferd Finance PU». , Ordered, That said application be field? . ft* heard and determined at a Court of AUTHORIZED FORD DEALERS OP NEW ENGLAND r. Probate to be held in Enfield on the WILLIAM J. HUGHES, 18th day of July, A D., 1935, at 11 On tho Alt—Fred Wiring and his PennfylnnUn*, erery Toej4>7 night, 8:30 to9:30 E.S.T.—Colombia Brotdc*stingSrstca o'clock in the forenoon of that day, and that notice of the pendency of ANDREW KORONA, said application and of the time and place of hearing thereon, be given, ; HENRY E. SMITH, by publishing a copy of this order 1 SELECTMEN OF ENFIELD, CONN. once in a newspaper having a circu­ FRANCIS H. CROMBIE lation in said district, and by posting • >"'AathorixmdSaUt and Servic* Dated at Enfield, CouL, this 3rd day of Joly» l9U. a like copy on the public sign post, and due-.return nuke to thig Court 904 Enfield Street.? Telephone 690 ' Thompsonville JAflES W. HAYDEN, Judge.

... SMI-