
Friday, 14 May 2021 Record/Northsider @RdptRecord [email protected] Distribution: 47 400 copies Lighting up the ‘hood

By providing electricity to these set- public meeting on Sunday, 25 April, the communities for the projects, with Sonja Amy Slocombe tlements, City Power hopes to decrease Ward 85 councillor, Sonja Meyer, clarifi ed adding that the CLO for the Princess pro- the incidents of cable theft, vandalism, that the prepaid meters will be installed ject has already been selected. Princess — Towards the end of March, accidental electrocution and illegal con- on the selected stands and the residents “This has been a long time coming and the MMC for Housing, Mlungisi Mabaso nections coming from Ward 70, 71 and there will need to buy their electricity like I am so grateful it is fi nally happening. I announced the formalisation plans for 85, especially because Rugby Club and all other citizens. Rugby Club has been support this project 100 per cent, espe- two Region C settlements – the Rugby Princess have been identifi ed as hotspots approved for the electrifi cation of 436 cially because it is improving the lives Club and Matholesville informal settle- for these crimes, and residents surroun- houses as well as the installation of street of these residents. The benefi ts will be ments. ding the settlements are often left to suff er lights. Collectively, about 4 200 house- reaped by the whole community. I urge Initially, the Housing Department stated in the aftermath. holds will benefi t from this process. residents to please be patient with City that Princess informal settlement would not Princess is shared between Ward 71 and Mangena further Power. There may be interruptions and be included in these plans, but some good 85, so at the moment, only the stands confi rmed that 20 inconveniences, but we must please bear news has arisen. that fall within Ward 85 will be labourers and one with them,” concluded Sonja.Sonja. After years of behind-the-scenes work, a included in the electrifi cation pro- CLO (community — [email protected]@caxton.co.za budget has been approved to electrify the cesses. Approximately 2 773 liaison offi cer) will section of the Princess settlement that falls stands within the settlement be selected from local within Ward 85. According to City Power will benefi t from the elec- spokesperson, Isaac Mangena, work to trifi cation. In addition, electrify the Rugby Club informal settle- 900 street lights will ment and the approved sections of Princess be installed in the began this week (10 May) and, depending area to further ensure on allocations from Housing, is set to be the safety of residents completed within the next three months. and motorists. At a

City Power representative, Tebogo Sehlako, with Ward 85 councillor, Sonja Meyer, at the public meeting to discuss Princess’ electrifi cation. Illegal connections in Princess will hopefully soon be something of the past. 2 Community www.roodepoortrecord.co.za 14 May 2021 #JusticeForTshego: Bail denied

Jarryd Westerdale day, 7 May. Magistrate Delize Smith justifi cation to grant the accused a left the matter on a dramatic pause on temporary release prior to trial. Key Roodepoort CBD — Backed into a 26 April, after state prosecutor Paseka points raised were the accused’s will- corner, desperation compels the use Temeki and his opposing council, Ad- ingness to help locate CCTV footage, of every resource to escape confi ne- vocate Shaddy Sithole, each submitted his dismissal by his employer that he ment. long arguments for and against grant- was hoping to appeal, and the fi nancial Ntuthuko Shoba launched a second ing the accused bail. position of his grandmother whom he bail application on 25 March and the The court had to weigh up several claimed to support. accused awaited a decision in the issues with what the defence had In a 22-minute judgement read out Roodepoort Magistrates’ Court on Fri- claimed was ‘new evidence’ and by Magistrate Smith, she sited that the accused’s father and mother are both on pension and the accused brother lives in the area, negating any argu- ment about his grandmother being left The accused, Raymond Tshova, Themba Sithole and Smilo Thwala destitute. in the Roodepoort Magistrates’ Court. Photo: Amy Slocombe. It was also stated that Shoba’s ac- cess to his legal council would enable G4S case postponed yet again him to appeal any decision taken by his employer. Roodepoort — Hours after a tially understood to be the start of It was believed by the court that deadly cash-in-transit heist took their trial. However, the absence Shoba’s willingness to cooperate was place in Florida on 30 October, of the accused’s lawyer, meant the irrelevant as police would have gained three G4S guards were arrested trial could not proceed. access to any surveillance footage for suspected involvement. The The presiding magistrate with or without his help. Furthermore, suspicion that the guards were in- reminded the accused that the the accused had off ered his residential volved came after approximately conditions of their bail still stand, property and pension as surety for his R3,2 million was recovered from and instructed them to return to release, but it was disclosed that the under the seats of the bombed the court on 31 May for the start house was not entirely his, but was co- armoured vehicle and from inside of the pre-trial procedures. registered in the name of his ‘lobola the dustbins on a nearby premises. HAWKS spokesperson Ndi- partner’. During the bail application hear- vhuwo Mulamu initially stated the “The applicant has placed nothing ing of the accused, the men stated suspects would be facing charges compelling before this court, taking that the money had been hidden of murder, armed robbery, con- into account the new evidence and under the seats of the vehicle to spiracy to commit armed robbery, the elaboration already on the known save time while they were loading possession of suspected stolen facts that exceptional circumstances ATMs. money, perjury and defeating do exist why it would be in the interest Since their arrest, Raymond the ends of justice. The charges of justice to be released pending trial. Tshova, 41, Themba Sithole, have since been amended and the Bail is denied,” concluded Magistrate 26, and Smilo Thwala, 28, have suspects now only face a charge Smith. all resigned from their positions of theft. National Prosecuting Shoba left the courtroom to a chorus within G4S. Authority (NPA) spokesperson, of jeers and insults levied at him by In their second court appearance Phindi Mjonondwane, has been the gallery, and will now wait for 17 all three men were granted R5 000 contacted on several occasions May where an indictment will be bail. to enquire about this case, and served before the case is moved to the The accused all appeared in the the big change in the charges, but High Court. Roodepoort Magistrates’ Court there has yet to be a response. Ntuthuko Shoba conferring with his council. — [email protected] again on 10 May for what was ini- — [email protected]

Scan for video 14 May 2021 www.roodepoortrecord.co.za Community 3 NPO honours graduating students

doors as possible. It is an honour Jarryd Westerdale and privilege to be associated with Synergistic,” said board member, Davidsonville — The passing of Lancaster Botha, who is a lawyer time has seen the tools of wealth by trade. creation evolve from a ham- Sponsors Deevan Smith and mer to a complex connection of Darryl Miller of Smith BEE Con- circuits and drives. sultants are an important cog in Synergistic Covenant Network the Synergistic machine, provid- NPO hosted a graduation ceremo- ing fi nancial and industry support. ny for their recently completed “This is a well-oiled machine. Information Technology End User As an institution that cares, it Computing Skills programme provides meaning, growth and on Saturday, 1 May. Almost 60 inspiration,” said Deevan. Ward students from across councillor Rene Benjamin, who assembled at the Davidsonville has supported Synergistic since Recreational Centre to collect their inception, added, “They do their certifi cates, enjoy a healthy incredibly important work. They dose of inspirational tunes and know what the community’s Ellery Booth and Pastor Anthony Sherman. party the afternoon away. needs are and they work to fulfi l Chairperson of the community- those needs.” driven NPO, Pastor Anthony The heart of the organisation Sherman, kicked off proceedings are the facilitators, led by Centre with his trademark fi ery delivery. Manager, Ellery Booth. “We have “We wanted to make it special for a great passion for helping the the graduates as they don’t get to youth and seeing them grow. I experience this every day,” said have to praise and thank God be- the pastor of the extravagantly cause when I look back to where transformed hall. The end-user we started I am grateful for all the programme is designed to give obstacles we have overcome. Al- graduates the basic computer ways know that when challenges skills needed to enter the work- start, God is present,” preached force. Ellery. Board members, sponsors and The certifi cates fl owed before local government were all present Keagan The Rapper got everyone in support of a cause close to their on their feet, cueing celebra- hearts. “With the current econom- tions, photographs, dancing and ic climate and the severe state of champagne. aff airs we need to open as many — [email protected] Deevan Smith and Shilinnia Foster. Virgil Nkosi. Bejaardes baat by groot skenking Roodepoort — Solidariteit Helpende picare Kruinpark in Wilropark toe, Hand se Roodepoort-tak het onlangs en die fi nale stopplek was Emmanuel saam met dié welsynsorganisasie se Bejaarde Tehuis in Krugersdorp-Wes. liefdadigheidswinkel, Ons Winkel Die skenking is ook kosteloos deur Florida, hulp aan vier tehuise vir be- Etienne Bezuidenhout van Etienne’s jaardes aan die Wes-Rand verleen. Transport vervoer en by die onder- Volgens Adrian van de Werken skeie tehuise vir bejaardes afgelaai. van die Helpende Hand Roodepoort- Dit in ’n duidelike voorbeeld van hoe tak, het die tak op 30 April ’n massa gemeenskapskrag werk en hoe die skenking van 200 bokse weggooibare gemeenskap kan saamstaan. bedlinne ontvang wat die omstan- “Ons is baie dankbaar oor die groot dighede vir bedlêende pasiënte baie skenking. Dit is Helpende Hand gaan verbeter. Die skenking van se missie om kinders, bejaardes en etlike duisende rande sal ook die taak gestremdes te help,” het hy gesê. van die versorgers en verpleegster “Skenkings het opgedroog en baie ligter maak. “Elke boks bevat 24 instansies wat na die bejaardes lakens, bekend as ‘peel-aways’, met omsien trek swaar. Dit is ons plig as sewe lae waterdigte bedekking om gemeenskap om na die kwesbares in waskoste te bespaar. Dit kom neer op ons omgewing om te sien. Ons kon ‘n totale skenking van 33 600 lakens nou ’n groot donasie afl aai, maar ’n wat ’n massiewe besparing vir die kort kuiertjie of ’n vinnige inloer kan instansie teweeg bring,” het Van de ’n groot inpak hê en ’n glimlag op ’n Werken gesê. bejaarde se gesig sit. Saam kan ons ’n Hul eerste stilhouplek was by verskil maak.” Residentia Ons Huis in Florida, en Besoek Helpende Hand Roodepoort toe Serenity Frail Care in Discovery. se Facebook-blad en raak saam die Etienne Bezuidenhout, Adrian van de Werken, Mariette van de Werken en Irene Havinga. Foto: Jarryd Westerdale. Van daar af is die vragmotor na Hos- tak betrokke in die gemeenskap. 4 Letters www.roodepoortrecord.co.za 14 May 2021

Roodepoort Laughter is the record Contact us: Heaps of Friends of Kloofendal best medicine events not to miss Tel: 011 955 1130 Fax: 011 955 4803 A long list of fun activities await you Address: Cnr at the Kloofendal Nature Reserve this General Pienaar & May: Ham St, Witpoortjie FromF the editor’s desk PO Box 5064, • 15 May from 9am to 11am – Essential Horison, 1730 I remember watching an episode without batting an eyelid, South Snakebite First Response of my favourite character, Mr Africans hopped onto the hu- • 15 May from 1pm to 3pm – Biomim- Business Manager Bean, visiting an amusement mour roller coaster to help them icry Walk Jeanette Peach [email protected] park and going on a roller work through the trauma of what • 16 May from 9am to 1pm – Eco-anxi- coaster ride. While everyone they had just witnessed. ety Workshop Editor else on the roller coaster was The heroic driver was given the • 18 May from 8am to 10am – Week- Adéle Bloem screaming and yelling during the title of ’s Chuck Nor- 083 386 0089 day Birding roodepoortrecord@ ride, Mr Bean was sitting in his ris, and the internet was fl ooded • 22 May from 9am to 11am – Long caxton.co.za car, looking quite bored (and if with memes, parody videos and Walk I am not mistaken even falling Chuck Norris jokes, keeping the • 23 May from 10am to noon – Butter- Journalists asleep at one stage!). whole country entertained. Amy Slocombe fl ies Walk 066 206 3915 This episode made me think of It is said that laughter is the best • 29 May from 9am to 1pm – Venom- [email protected] South Africans living their daily medicine, and I think that in the ous Animal First Responder Seminar lives, and even going through case of South Africans, this is Jarryd Westerdale • 30 May from 9am to 11am – Tree, 072 266 3444 traumatic and shocking events true. I believe we turn to humour Shrub and Forbs Walk [email protected] without even batting an eyelid. because we see so many dis- Contact Karin Spottiswoode on 079 Take for instance the recent turbing, barbaric and senseless Sales Manager 693 5608 or visit the website www. Debbie Pienaar incident of the driver of a security things happening in our country kloofendalfriends.org.za. Covid 19 062 633 7652 company vehicle escorting a CIT that if we do not laugh we might regulations will be adhered to, so [email protected] van who risked his life to ensure cry and never stop. please wear a mask and keep a social Sales Reps they did not become victims of a I, for one, want to salute this distance. Tana Arp CIT heist. driver for trying to save lives 076 045 9826 I am sure that this is something on that specifi c day, and, even [email protected] these guards go through every though he is one of our new Lynn Bennett day without anyone noticing or meme kings, every South African 082 427 0711 even realising that this is hap- citizen thanks him for being so [email protected] pening, but, because of leaked dedicated to one of the most Lee Fritz dashcam footage, South Africans dangerous jobs currently in the 082 085 7023 were given the opportunity to country. [email protected] see a real-life hero in action. Until next week, stay safe and Classifi eds And in true South African style, look out for each other ... 087 285 0575

Distribution Queries Veronica Nel Thank you, moms! 011 955 1130 Code of Conduct Anonymous writes: mother-in-law ... This newspaper Mom is the one who cares, she Thank you for your love, pa- subscribes to the Code of Ethics and Conduct is sincere, shows compassion tience, care and being a major for South African Print and is there when we need a part of my, my wife’s and our and Online Media that shoulder to cry on. son’s life prescribes news that is truthful, accurate, With Mother’s Day on 9 When I was hungry, you fed fair and balanced. May, let’s honour her. I’m sure me Ride the train at Len Rutter Park If we don’t live up to the Code, within you did something special When I needed you, you were Rand Society of Model Engineers in Florida is open to the public again every fi rst and 20 days of the date for mother dearest which you there third Sunday from 9am to 3.30pm. Enjoy fun train rides on mini trains, for all, in a park of publication of the would like to share not only When I was naughty, you setting! Private parties can be arranged on the other weekends or Saturdays! Visit material, please contact the Public Advocate with Roodepoort but with the disciplined me https://www.facebook.com/RandSocietyofModelEngineers for more information or con- at 011 484 3612, fax: rest of South Africa. When I didn’t need your help, tact 072 493 5705. Alternatively, send an email to rsme.fl [email protected] 011 4843619. You can also contact our Case To show appreciation to all you helped me Offi cer on khanyim@ moms, send us a picture of your When I cried, you wiped the ombudsman.org.za Witpoortjie Community Mar- mom to roodepoortrecord@ tears away or lodge a complaint ket on our website: www. caxton.co.za and tell us why We love all of you The Witpoortjie Community presscouncil.org.za you love her, and what she has Let’s show the town that Flea/ Farmer’s Market takes done for you that is so special. mom is our champion. place at 27 Teenstra Street, To my mother, stepmother and Thank you to all our mothers! Witpoortjie every Saturday from Publisher 8.30am to 2pm. A variety of Published by Caxton stalls, including food, fresh pro- Local Media, 9 Wright Winter is om die draai duce, toys, clothing, jewellery, Street, Industria; and printed by Caxton home and outdoor and more, Anoniem skryf: drie maande – drie maande van Printers, a division of will help you to help empower CTP Limited, 16 Wright Die winter is amper hier … vasbyt. Street Industria. All rights small businesses. For more Gelukkig het ek goeie nuus Ek dink ek praat namens talle and reproduction of all information, contact Roxanne reports, photographs, want dit is nog eintlik herfs. in die land as ek sê die winter on 084 207 6549. drawings and all Dit is weer stadig maar seker gaan my nie onderkry nie. Veral materials published in this newspaper are tyd om daardie ligte kleertjies met die pandemie wat ook nog hereby reserved in weg te pak en te vergeet van in ons agterkoppe is. Of dit nou terms of Section 12 (7) swem want die winterseisoen sal vlak 5 of 1 en yskoud is, ek gaan Braving the chilly air on Melville Koppies of the Copyright Act No 96 of 1978 and any binnekort sy kop uitsteek. Dit steeds ‘n vleisie tan, buite geniet Despite the cold front that hit us all on Friday, 30 April and reminded us that winter amendments thereof. raak al hoe vroeër donker, en so en dinge doen. Dis immers rug- is just around the corner, keen hikers were undaunted and came to celebrate on 1 skuins voor 6 waai daar reeds ‘n byseisoen en die Britse Leeus- May. Come and visit now and you’ll see the Koppies’ own brand of autumn colours: koue windjie. toer lê voor. the russet termite mounds and quartzite rock, purple tinges in some of the grasses, Die winterseisoen in Suid- As jy nie na motbolletjies wil and a variety of yellow fl owers. Melville Koppies Central (Nature Reserve Afrika begin amptelik in Junie ruik nie, gee solank jou winter- and Heritage Site) is open every Sunday in 2021 from 8am to 11.30am. AuditAudit en duur tot Augustus. Dit is klere lug. No need to pre-book. Adults R80 and children R40; all income used for maintenance and security of the Koppies – R22 000 per month needed. TheThe ddistributionis of this ABABCC newspaperne is Security on the Koppies is provided; park in secure parking opposite indepeindependentlyn audited the entrance at Marks Park on Judith Road, . Mid-week to the pprofessional sstandardstandar administrated tours can be arranged. Contact [email protected]. Check out by the AAudit Bureau of www.mk.org.za for more detailed information about the history and CCirculationsirculat of South what you can see. AAfrica.frica.

Dowwe Dolla at Garden World for the last time Dowwe Dolla at Garden World for the last time, ever! Dowwe Dolla will visit Garden World for the last time on Sunday, 23 May. The vultures are circling above, SAA is on Mayday, Tito is trying to veto, Cyril is stuck in the middle, cause Ace is still running the place, Woolies is sellingselling hyena-friendly honey, Dolla celebrates 21 years in the industry,ndustry, and Ouma Dowe Dolla is coming for the birthday celebrationsations ... all of which mean South Africa is in bigger trouble thann we all

thought … ‘Things will have to change my broer ... dis nouou ofof *$2$ nooit!’. Details: Contact 011 957 2545. 14 May 2021 www.roodepoortrecord.co.za 5 6 www.roodepoortrecord.co.za 14 May 2021 14 May 2021 www.roodepoortrecord.co.za 7 8 Community www.roodepoortrecord.co.za 14 Mayy 2021 On a mission to Afropop star iss enrich young minds paving his ownn wawayy Roodepoort North — Artists are the ves- sels that spin whirlwinds of universal en- Horizon View — Rising through the hard-rd- ergy into parcels of picturesque positivity. ships of the current state of the entertainmentnment Riding a cosmic wave of energy, Marika industry and the brutal nature of carvingg a papathth ‘Creative Rabbit’ Gregory, and her com- in the musical world, Anele ‘Akzo Mbunge’unge’ munity co-conspirators have been rebuild- Nkonzo is doing things his way. One halflf of ing Roodepoort CBD’s self-esteem brick the soul duo ‘Impande’, Akzo has just droppedropped by brick. Musicians, humanitarians, fi tness his new solo EP, Izulu Nomhlaba. freaks, sports coaches and community se- First testing the musical waters as a rapper,per, curity personnel have all chipped in to do Akzo found his home in the Afro-pop genreenre their bit to bring back some shine to these and can boast working with industry standardndard potential-fi lled streets. bearers such as Donald and Kwesta. Disillu-sillu- Next on the list of community uplift- sioned with certain aspects of the local mmusicusic ment projects is the launch of an arts and scene, Akzo has turned down big labels iinn book club that aims to promote reading order to start his own record label, PYROOOO and creativity among the youth in the area. Records. “I know what I am worth. I loveve mmu-u- Together with Thabo Radebe of Rood- sic and love providing opportunities for new epoort Sports Academy, and Mohamed artists,” said Akzo. Surtie of Roodepoort ICE, Marika will be The 27-year-old father of two is on ann hosting the bi-weekly art and book club in upward trajectory and knows what is needededed ttoo the heart of the Roodepoort CBD. give him that extra edge. The art and book club will launch on “I love singing in my own language. YYouou Saturday, 12 June at Roodepoort City need to stand out, you need to be originalal and Hall with the kick-starter event featuring you need to bring something fresh. I don’tn’t several artists, dancers and authors from want to make history, I want to make a ddiffiff er- the area. ence,” he beamed. “With the initiative we will be focus- The music is what matters and the prevalentevalent ing on children aged six to 18, but we themes laced around Akzo’s soothing tunesunes are also have plans on running workshops for love, heartache, passion and broken prom-m- adults in our community to teach them ises. “It is not only about telling my story,ry, but new arts and craft skills that will hopefully knowing there are always two sides. Youu don’t lead to job creation,” said Marika. always have to be right because nobodyy is When not channelling her passions to- perfect,” he said. ward the betterment of others, the buzzing Hoping to transcend his music in the yyearsears bunny unleashes her vivacity on the empty to come, his mind is focused on the grind,nd, Scan for video spaces around her. saying “Support your music for yourself The white exterior of her Roodepoort Marika ‘Creative Rabbit’ Gregory. because nobody is going to do it for you”. Anele ‘Akzo Mbunge’ Nkonzo. North home was transformed into a Photo: Jarryd Westerdale. — [email protected] Photo: Jarryd Westerdale. vibrant mosaic of traditional southern African designs, a project that has taken or be able to manifest their dreams into a several weeks to complete. Other than reality, thus forever staying trapped. As using her own front porch as a canvas, Einstein said, blind belief in authority is she also specialises in thought-provoking the greatest enemy of truth.” ‘We will miss her’ chalk murals. The art and book club can be a vehicle Her latest mural, titled ‘Freedom is to free young minds, and ‘Creative Rabbit’ Amy Slocombe Blind’ was completed last week just be- has been working frantically to ensure fore the rains came down. “Many people the road ahead is clear of obstacles. She Florida — The Toastmasters exist question the reason behind me using this has secured several donations but is still internationally to help people build medium as it simply washes away with in need of a host of items, and can be their confi dence and self-worth through water. To me, chalk art is like life, it has contacted through her Facebook page, practising public speaking in a safe its beautiful moments but nothing is ever Creative Rabbit. environment. permanent,” she mused. As for the subject Investing in the expansion of youthful On 26 April, Toastmasters International of the mural, she explained, “It’s simple: minds and their innovatory spirits is a gift suff ered a huge loss in their tight-knit man-made laws make most people believe eternal. they are free while struggling to survive community when one of their members, — [email protected] Beth Thomas, passed away after a diffi cult battle with a terminal disease. Tim Knights from the Florida Toastmas- ters Club shared his grief in a tribute to the fallen public speaker, activist and friend. Tim referred fondly to Beth’s impressive drive, which enabled her to rise through the Toastmasters’ ranks from member, to District Governor, to a very successful International Director. “Beth can claim a lot of the credit for Beth Thomas. Photo: Supplied. the huge growth of Toastmasters through- end; reaching out to under-privileged out Africa,” explained Tim. In the late 90s, people, setting up Toastmaster clubs in she helped start Toastmasters Clubs in under-funded universities and prisons. Botswana, Zambia, Malawi and Mozam- The prison-based clubs she helped to start bique. In early 2000, she started a club in have become part of the prison rehabilita- Kenya, which spawned 12 other Toastmas- tion process and because of her eff orts, ters clubs in Uganda and Tanzania. prisoners have even competed at area and In the next few years, this incredible divisional levels in the Toastmasters. woman was able to bring the Toastmas- Away from the clubs, Beth would work ters to Nigeria, Benin and Ghana. “Beth’s tirelessly to help orphans and homeless achievement is all the more remarkable children she encountered. considering the economic and political Tim described Beth as a remarkable upheaval, and all the unrest throughout Af- woman, doing remarkable work. The rica,” he continued. Record sends their deepest condolences to With all the successes Beth achieved the family and friends of this fallen Toast- in her lifetime, she was described as a masters icon. humble, people-orientated woman to the — [email protected]

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Communties have closed their doors to everything... except us 14 May 2021 www.roodepoortrecord.co.za Community 9 Angel’s Place’s only combi stolen

Discovery — Angel’s Place Foster Care is a and are encouraged to grow and develop in non-profi t organisation and place of safety order to reach their full potential,” explained that currently provides alternative care to six Maime. children. The children are able to stay in the home’s Founded in 2007, this NPO is run by the care for as long as they need. Every two Bethany House Trust in Krugersdorp, but years, their fi les are reviewed to see if it is the care is provided by house parents Maime safe for them to return to their families, but Smith and Gert Jonker. Their main priority if it isn’t they are able to stay in the home is to ensure each one of the children receives until they are 18. If they pursue further stud- the love, warmth, attention, guidance and se- ies after high school, they are able to stay in curity they deserve. “Each child learns that the home until they turn 21. they are special and have a purpose in life, All six of the foster children are cur- rently eenrolled in school. Sadly, on 19 April, whwhileile MMaime was at one of the schools for a mmeetingeeting with the educators, the NPO’s only cocombimbi wwas stolen from outside the school. The ississueu was reported to the Florida Police bubutt ththee vehicle has not been recovered. UUnfortunately,nfortu Netstar was also unable to rrecoverecover the vehicle and the insurance payout iiss nownowhereh near the amount needed to buy a safe, rroadworthy vehicle big enough to Mapule Moruti (a carer at Just In Time) and Georgina Caetano (founder). ttransportranspo all the children. The ccombi was used to transport the chil- dren to and from school and extra murals, bubuyy grgroceries,o pick up donations, and take Sanctuary’s new home tthehe chichildrenl to social activities and outings. AAngel’sngel’s Place is pleading with any willing many reasons, the most imprtant one being the ccorporateorpora sponsors or community members Amy Slocombe need for a baby box in the area. ttoo helhelpp with a donation, no matter how big Georgina made it clear that the organisation oorr small,sm to help them raise funds for a Discovery — A home is not defi ned by four does not in any way support abandonment and neneww vehicle. Section 18A tax certifi cates walls but by the love and people that fi ll the explained that the baby box will be completely for tax rebates can be issued for any space between them. anonymous. As soon as a baby is put inside, dodonations. Georgina Caetano founded Just In Time an alarm will sound and one of the carers will If anyone is able to assist this desper- Baby Sanctuary in 2016 hoping to provide fetch the baby. There, they will wait for emer- aatet foster home, please contact Maime a nurturing, caring, homely environment for gency services to arrive and assess the baby to on 081 303 8510, Gert on 082 900 children in need of foster care or temporary determine any health needs. 77832, or the Angel’s Place home num- safety. The sanctuary recently relocated to To help support mothers in need, the sanctu- bber on 081 459 3979. Discovery, and since their move, Georgina ary also puts together hampers for the mothers — [email protected] has said that she has felt an amazing sense of wo do not have any baby neccessities. calmness. Currently, the NPO cares for eight As soon as the baby box is functional, the children between the ages of one and fi ve years Record will post an update with more informa- old. “One of our main goals is to create a safe tion. To fi nd out more about the sanctuary, visit and homely environment that doesn’t feel like www.justintime.org.za, email info@justintime. House mother, Maime Smith. an institution,” said Georgina. org.za or call 062 045 8219. Photo: Amy Slocombe. The sanctuary identifi ed Roodepoort for — [email protected] 10 School news www.roodepoortrecord.co.za 14 May 2021 ‘n Week vol pret vir Bastion se 40e Witpoortjie — Hoërskool Bastion het onlangs hul 40e bestaansjaar gevier en dit was beslis ‘n groot makietie wat sommer ‘n week lank geduur het. Die feesvieringe is afgeskop met ‘n manne- aand op 16 April waar groot rugbylegendes soos Toy Dannhauser, Willie Kahts, Thys Lourens en Alex Visser die manne met inter- essante en hartroerende stories vemaak het. Gaskunstenaar Andries Vermeulen het die gehoor met sy pittige humor vermaak, en Danie van Niekerk en Barney Armstrong het vir die musiek gesorg. “Die koue aand het beslis nie die gees gedemp nie!” het Amanda de Jager van die skool gesê. Yominda Herselman, Bongi Msomi en Wilma Laban. Volgende op die feeslys was ‘n dame- soggend wat op 17 April aangebied is. Amanda het vertel dat nagenoeg 185 vroue die glans-ryke geleentheid saam met hulle geniet Hories leer by die beste het. Behalwe vir ‘n smullekker vonkelwynon- tbyt het die vroue ook die geleentheid gekry aanvallende vleuel, en het die jong netbalspel- om die bekende Hannon Bothma, of te wel Skandeer vir meer foto’s Jarryd Westerdale ers aangemoedig om so veelsydig moontlik te Glam Guru te ontmoet. Ian Willemans en Biance Fourie wat die Ga- Die partytjie was nog nie verby nie en Lean- wees. “Toets jouself in verskeie posisies sodat la-aand bygewoon het. Foto: Natasha Pretorius. Horison — ‘n Ontmoeting met ‘n nede-rige jy ‘n afgeronde netbalspeler kan word,” het die Lombaard Bräsler het vir hulle gesing, rolmodel kan inspirasie, hoop en vas- sy die spelers aangemoedig. Afrigting is ook gevolg deur drama-onderwyseres Simone gaan partytjie hou. beradenheid aanwakker. belangrik, omdat Bongi twee oefensessies per Carstens. Hulle het die dag afgesluit met ‘n Die vieringe is Donderdagaand met die Die o.13-netbalspan van Laerskool Horison dag vier dae per week aanbied. motiveringspraatjie deur die bekende Krugers- Gala-aand afgesluit. is op 3 Mei by die Ampie Barnard-sportkom- “Ek sorg dat ek my tyd vandag beter ge- dorpse biokinetikus, Carmen Roberts. Amanda het vertel dat die oud-Bastionners pleks getrakteer met ‘n persoonlike ontmoet- bruik as gister.” Sondagoggend, 18 April het die leerders, bedank is vir die veilige hawe wat hulle vir ing met die Spar Proteas-kaptein, Bongi Die o.13-netbalspan se afrigter, Joane ouers en onderwysers ‘n kerkdiens in die leerders in die omgewing geskep het, en dat Msomi. Die leier van die nasionale span, wat Dreyer het vir Bongi bedank deur te sê, “’n skoolsaal bygewoon wat deur pastoor Zandri hulle hulde gebring het aan al die leerders, in KwaZulu-Natal grootgeword het en tans Groot dankie van Laerskool Horison se o.13- Visser gelei is. “Hierdie gedenkdiens is gehou personeel en ouers wat die afgelope 40 jaar by werksaam is by die Universiteit van Johan- netbalspan aan Bongi Msomi. Ons bedank om die Here te dank vir die 40 jaar wat Hy die skool betrokke was en sommige steeds is. nesburg, het vrae beantwoord en advies gegee haar vir haar tyd en kennis; die meisies het Hoërskool Bastion geseën het met voors- Na toesprake deur die skoolhoof, Gert aan die opgewonde jong dames. soveel geleer.” poed,” het Amanda vertel. Koekemoer, die nuwe beheerliggaamvoorsit- Die meisies het Bongi uitgevra na haar Die Spar Proteas-kaptein wat die netbal- Donderdag, 22 April was ‘n groot dag ter, Mike Combrink en optredes deur huidige suksesresep en wat dit verg om suksesvol te baan as haar ‘gelukkige plek’ beskryf, het vir die skool, en ook die afsluiting van die en oudleerders is ‘n lekker ete voorgesit bly. “Ek het eerlikwaar nooit geweet dat ek beklemtoon dat geestelike en fi siese voor- week se feesvieringe. Die oggend het pastoor terwyl Danie en Barney weer musiek gemaak ‘n netbalspeler sou word nie. Ek het eers in bereiding ewe belangrik is. ‘Waardeer jou Zandrie weer ‘n diens vir die leerders gehou het. Graad 11 begin speel, maar ek het na elke afrigters, want jy het besluit om jouself tot en hulle het saam met ‘n sanggroep die Here Gert het die mense wat by die aktiwiteite oefening agtergebly en aan my vaardighede netbal te verbind. Onthou dat niks jou keer geloof met sang. betrokke was, die borge, die ondersteuners, gewerk,” het die ster vertel. om so suksesvol te wees as wat jy wil wees Later die dag is toekomstige Bastionners die oud-Bastionners en die personeel bedank Bongi, wat reeds meer as 100 wedstryde vir nie.” bederf met ‘n pretdag. Al die Graad 7’s van vir hul bydraes. haar land gespeel het, is ewe tuis op senter as — [email protected] die omliggende laerskole is uitgenooi om te — [email protected] 14 May 2021 www.roodepoortrecord.co.za 11 12 Community www.roodepoortrecord.co.za 14 May 2021 Water pipe upgrade to take four months Constantia Kloof — Construction is current- includes: ly under way in Constantia Kloof to replace • Replacing about 408m of 100mm and upgrade water pipes. Residents have diameter steel pipes with 110mm diameter been plagued by water outages and frequent high-impact mPVC Class 16 pipe bursts in the area. • Replacing about 235m of 75mm diam- Louis Pretorius, community liaison offi cer eter steel pipes with 110mm diameter high- for the WPR project in Constantia Kloof impact mPVC Class 16 said it had been a slow start for the project • Replacing about 465m of 110mm diam- but the fi rst pipes were laid on Friday, eter steel pipe with 110mm diameter high- 7 May. The contract duration is expected impact mPVC Class 16 to be four months. • Replacing about 202m of 110mm diam- Site investigations were done by Johan- eter AC pipe with 110mm diameter high- nesburg Water Engineering Services Unit, impact mPVC Class 16 to assess the project site and ensure that the • Replacing about 25m of 100mm diam- scope of work was adequately understood eter pipe with 110mm diameter HDPE pipe and measured. It comprises the replacement using horizontal directional drilling method of existing 100mm diameter steel pipes • Replacing about 25m of 150mm diam- with 110mm uPVC pipes, 75mm steel pipes eter pipe with 160mm diameter HDPE pipe with 110mm uPVC, and 110mm steel pipes using horizontal directional drilling method with 110mm uPVC pipes by means of the • Locating, exposing and protecting exist- conventional open-trench method, as well ing services as the horizontal directional drilling (HDD) • Doing three tie-ins to connect the new construction method on major road cross- network to the existing network ings. • Reinstating surfaces to original condition Streets that are expected to be aff ected are • Replacing 65 below-ground domestic Bamboes, Boomgom, Worsboom, Kroton water meters with above-ground meters and road crossings. The scope of the work — [email protected]

Nico de Jager, Florence Roberts and George Feneysey at the scene of the accident. Metrobus drivers’ ability questioned Nico de Jager, believes the City should take Jarryd Westerdale responsibility for their contribution to the circumstances. “Not only are the road signs Wilro Park — Failure to maintain the lit- not suffi cient but the sidewalks are also tle things can breed the circumstances for overgrown or in a state of disrepair, leaving greater problems. residents with no option to use the road to A 65-year-old man is in the intensive care walk,” he said. unit of a local hospital after he was struck De Jager claims mismanagement by City Clive Shatzky and colleagues hard at work. Photo: Alice Mpholo. by a Metrobus on Wednesday, 28 April. The entities such as Metrobus is failing the man is believed to have been walking up communities they are supposed to serve. CR Swart Road toward the Wilgerood Road “Accidents are often a result of maintenance Clinic ready for vaccine registrations intersection when he was clipped by the failures or driver behaviour. For many years Princess — Several clinics in the West Rand pending on the queue and number of people oncoming Metrobus at roughly 7.30am that now the entity did not receive Capex invest- District are ready to register residents for that are there,” she explained. People inter- morning. The force of the impact left the ment to start with a re-fl eeting programme, the Covid-19 vaccine. Princess Clinic is one ested in registering for the vaccine need to man with a fractured skull which has since while the entity also did not receive suf- such facility that is ready to begin register- only have their South African ID with them. been operated on. fi cient budget to do the necessary mainte- ing residents 60 years and older. The second Legwale said they are still facing a challenge In the days following the incident, au- nance on old busses. One would hope that phase of the vaccination process is expected with undocumented people, but discussions thorities and concerned parties have been Metrobus will fulfi l its obligation to provide to kick off in mid-May and will solely focus were currently ongoing to resolve the matter. attempting to piece together the puzzle to ongoing training and refresher courses to all on senior citizens. More than 320 000 doses of the Pfi zer vac- understand how this accident could have its drivers in advanced driving skills,” stated Manager of the Region C clinics, Rose cine are expected to arrive in the country this been avoided. The matter was reported to De Jager. Legwale said the challenge with some facili- week, followed by weekly deliveries. Min- Roodepoort Police, and Met- JMPD, who have been accused of not ties has been the lack of network or Wi-Fi ister of Health, Dr Zweli Mkhize said doses ropolitan Police Department (JMPD) and attending the scene as per procedure, are connections. “Registrations are open in of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine are set to Metrobus are all aware of the matter, with compiling their response to the incident. three clinics; the Siphumlile Clinic, Princess be released from the Aspen Pharmaceutical each investigating the incident. Meanwhile, Metrobus are currently embark- Clinic and the Sol Plaatje Clinic have already plant in Gqeberha sometime this month. Democratic Alliance (DA) Member of ing on strike action and will respond in full started registering people during the week. Residents can also register to be vaccinat- the Provincial Legislature and Political in the coming days. Registrations are open from 8am to 1pm, de- ed on https://vaccine.enroll.health.gov.za/#/ Head for Greater Roodepoort, Councillor — [email protected] 14 May 2021 www.roodepoortrecord.co.za Motoring 13 Must-have emergency

DRIVEN BY: Roodepoort items in your car record Our ability to move ourselves and goods across short and long distances is an important element of economic activity. It is thus important to prepares for any emergencies which may occur on route. There is no such thing as an ideal car This may vary from a fl at tyre, an accident and or a fl at battery just to name but a few. There’s no such thing as the ideal car. Here’s a checklist of the emergency Due to my line of work, I’m often asked items we suggest you always carry in your which car to purchase. vehicle thanks to our sister newspaper, The question usually follows with an Lowvelder. abundance of fi gures and specifi cations • A notebook and pen should be from diff erent models. If it’s a 4x4 vehicle standard issue in every car. the fi gures include approach and departure • Spare tyre, jack and other tools to angles; if it’s a performance car the change a fl at or damage tyre with. conversation sways to acceleration times • Emergency triangles and refl ective and max G-forces obtained on cornering, all jacket are essential to safeguard you which is totally meaningless to 99 percent of and ensure visibility especially with consumers. emergencies at night. Car manufacturers resort to selling a • A tow rope. lifestyle, with the vehicle being the gateway • Jumper cables in case your car’s to that lifestyle. If you are in the market battery needs to be brought back to life. for a 4x4 then the sales process involves • A well-equipped fi rst aid kit. convincing you that you can always • Always good to have your car’s manual transverse the Sahara desert with your also at hand inclusive of dealer emergency chosen model, and a lifestyle based on contact numbers. Indiana Jones is used to sway any doubts • A good fl ashlight. Remember to check you may have about your chosen purchase. the batteries before you set off on your Performance models focus on meaningless journey. acceleration times and vehicle dynamics • A rain coat or quality umbrella – it is not measured in milliseconds and G-forces, fun replacing a fl at tyre in the rain without both of no real value in a country with speed a rain coat. limits and roads full of potholes. Destroy an • A multi-tool like a Leatherman. expensive rim and tyre that is designed to • Warm clothes and a blanket or space perform at 250kmh on a pothole and you will blanket. defi nitely feel the regret and fi nancial pain. • Extra water for both drinking and For most of our needs there is no ideal perhaps fi lling a problem radiator or purchase. Modern vehicles do nothing cleaning your hands once you have exceptional but everything well, a balance to repaired what needed to be repaired. cater for the needs of a broad market. Most • Battery charger for your phone. will sail through the fi rst 100 000km with little • Although we all use Google maps, a more than basic maintenance. Possibly the good old conventional paper map can be a only thing to concern the prospective buyer lifesaver. is to investigate the security of the brand • Spare cash. regarding physical footprint, and after-sales • A lighter. ability/ availability. • A roll of duct tape. Like cable ties, duct The fi nal choice comes down to what fi ts tape can be used for an infi nite number of your needs and budget. Don’t be fooled by temporary repairs. marketing hype. – Matthys Ferreira — Matthew Ellis Matthew Ellis doing what he does best. Photo: Jarryd Westerdale. [email protected].

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Fred van der Westhuizen Mario Cardoso Andre Bronkhorst 082 414 5434 082 569 5339 072 049 0978 Visit us at - www.suzukiwest.co.za Cnr Ontdekkers & Mouton Roads, Terms and Conditions apply. E&OE. While Horizon, West Rand, Roodepoort stocks last. Mandatory insurance are WEST RAND (011) 760 2307 excluded. Pictures shown are for illustrative An Authorised Financial Services purposes only Pricing excludes metallic Provider no 27903 in terms of FAIS Act paint, licence registration on the road costs. 14 www.roodepoortrecord.co.za 14 May 2021 14 May 2021 www.roodepoortrecord.co.za Sport news 15 More than just a running club our members, past and present Jarryd Westerdale to please come and join us at the time trials and Sunday runs. Mem- Horizon View — Getting oneself bers from other local clubs are out the front door to hit the also most welcome to join in on tarmac alone is an often insur- the fun and comradery, as visitors mountable obstacle, making are also welcome,” said Golden a running club an invaluable Reef Running Club member, Bill asset. Brough. Golden Reef Running Club “It is about group support and a has been off ering road running social environment. We run every athletes an outlet for almost 45 weekend from a diff erent venue, years. With headquarters on and afterwards we have breakfast Andrew Street, their clubhouse or a coff ee together. We are like and facilities off er an ideal setting family and you will feel part of to improve, measure and sustain the family when you join,” said marathon performance. As with chairperson, Rikus Kranhold. many clubs, the 2020 health scare Various incentives are being con- has robbed them of vital member- sidered to breathe fresh impetus ship numbers as the need to train into the road running scene, and for marquee events has dwindled. further information or queries can “As the restrictions have been be directed to Rikus on 082 450 slightly eased, the club is again 5459 or rikus@sothebysrealty. having time trials every Thursday co.za. evening at 6pm. We appeal to all — [email protected] First match a test for players Roodepoort — Saturday, 1 May of good running from the backline saw Roodepoort Rugby Club players. take on a youthful University of The battle in the front row was Johannesburg (UJ) rugby side tightly contested throughout the in a preseason friendly played at match, but UJ had the better of the Scorpion Park. home team. The U/21s, 3rd teams, 2nd At some point in the second teams, U/19s and fi rst team took half the score was 15–14 in favour part. of Roodepoort but that lead was The Roodepoort outfi t came short-lived as UJ fl yhalf Rethabile with guns blazing and opted to Nzamo produced a moment of start with their experienced prop brilliance when he cut through a Ian Pottas and their hard-tackling usually reliable Poorte defence to centres Louis Trichardt and cross the white wash. Brandan Rieck. The signs of the Poorte narrowly lost the match lack of game time were always 19–15 to a more determined and going to be visible between the disciplined UJ side that was never two teams, but the match did not shy to dominate at the breakdown. disappoint as there were episodes — [email protected]

Ethan Anderson receiving the ball. Photo: Thabisile Mgwali. Sport Scribe by Jarryd Westerdale Weekend rugby action not hitting the spot Atmosphere need not be felt in by the thousands in attendance. person to gauge the magnitude of Meanwhile, in the Rainbow-Currie- a moment. Although preferable, Super gemors the snore fests in neither does it require thousands Johannesburg and Cape Town crammed into a stadium to give resembled watching a family of the athletes that extra push four uninterestingly play Monopoly through the hard yards. with each other for the tenth time Some may be sick of complaints this month. around the lack of supporters With Australia and New Zealand in South African stadiums but now going ahead with a trans- watching the Super Rugby AU Tasman Super Rugby, the cold and Aotearoa fi nals surely had shoulder given by the Europeans fans longing for the buzz in the to South Africa is feeling far icier. grandstands. Spare a thought for The launch of a certain pay-TV South African domestic franchises service’s schools competition has who must suff er through the same pumped some impetus into the regurgitation of fi xtures in the youth, making school rugby poten- mind-numbingly empty arenas in a tially more of draw than the pros macabre, forced sense of déjà vu. at this stage. Who could argue as The contrast in quality of the prod- any player would rather have 100 uct is painfully obvious as this past passionate people screaming from weekend’s action in Brisbane and the sidelines or the fence than 1 Christchurch were exciting, ener- million watching them on TV play getic and engrossing encounters in the deafeningly silent tombs of where each phase was amplifi ed SA rugby. more Extended branding on our trucks about us... The Caxton delivery trucks are available to extend your brand’s message into the Sport Scene streets of the suburbs for two months at a time. Our runners can also wear www.roodepoortrecord.co.zawww.roodepoortrecord.co.za branded gear e.g.: T shirts, caps, bibs supplied by the advertiser, to further RoodepoortRoodepoooortrt Record/NorthsiderRecord/Northsiddeer @RdptRecord@RdptRRececorord [email protected]@caxton.co.za enhance your visibility in the communities Friday, 14 May 2021

Val Esplin, Sue-Ann Roux, Dalina Brits and Joey Niewenhuizen. Crazy hats, fine bowls the chance to dote on their female members, Jarryd Westerdale doing all the legwork to and from the bar and kitchen. Part fundraiser for the club, a portion Florida North — The spirit of competition of the day’s proceeds also went to helping is not only about victory, but appreciation, those aff ected by cancer through Cancer As- respect and comradery. sociation of South Africa (CANSA). The Florida North Bowling Club rolled out Every woman would leave Florida North the red carpet for the fairer half of the Sables with something, part of the organising com- District, hosting a Ladies Day on mittee’s emphasis on the collective spirit. “A 6 May. Over 90 femalemalle llalawnwn bbowlsowlls ententhu-hhu- bibigg ththankhank you to FFloridalloriidda JJunctionunctiion SpSparar fforor siasts embraced thehe ‘A feather in my cap’ alwaalwaysys ssupportingupporting us over the yeyears.ars. Thank theme, showing upp in an arraarrayy of colourfcolourfulul you to all the clubs and their presidents for plumage proving tththeyey were as competitive ensuring the day was a massive success,” with their outfi ts asas they are in pursuit of the said Johann. jack. — [email protected] The day began withwwith a lightlight breakfast before the outlandish headgearddgear was unleashed on the greens. Teams plplayedayed out a sspiritedpirited tug of war over 18 ends ooff fours action, where after the famished womenmen were treated to a sump- tuous lunch and a ffefeww cold refreshments. Even though scoresees were quietly compared, the day was not aboutbout winning but lettinlettingg down the hair and appreciating fun aandnd friendship. Annatjie von Brandis and Xonica van Tonder. Photo: Jarryd Westerdale. The day was nott devoid of men, as club president Johannaann Lourens and secretary Francois van Aswegen took Darts club doubling on accuracy with triple the atmosphere

Discovery — The precise calculation of fi rst. Waving the JDA fl ag high are two speed and fl ight divides those that come female miniature missile throwers, Xoni- within a bristle’s width of glory or medi- ca van Tonder and Annatjie von Brandis. ocrity. The pair have been selected for the dis- Like a secret club hidden in a back trict team through their top six fi nishes in room down a quiet alley, Johannesburg the 24 and 25 April district qualifi ers. Darts Association (JDA) meet to thread Currently JDA’s numbers sit at 23, with the eye of a needle from just over two 19 male players and four females playing metres away. There is, of course, nothing league fi xtures every Monday night at cloak-and-dagger about the gathering as their home, Burg’s Sports Bar. Widely they welcome everyone with open arms considered a pub sport, the club still has to their friendly and well-lit hub of darts a mandate with DSA to promote the sport action. among the youth. Parents can rest assured The club boasts the prestigious honour that the darts section is separate from the of being the oldest darts association in bar, and strict non-smoking rules are ap- the area, calling Roodepoort home since plied around the dartboard. 1948. District borders are strictly adhered “People may have a certain perception to, yet geography is not as important as but we have a constitution that is strongly the personalities that make JDA a big followed. We have a development offi cer draw. “It is the people who make this club that is here to teach the game, so we en- what it is. It feels like a little family,” said courage anyone to come down and have JDA president, Gert van Niekerk. a look at the venue,” said JDA secretary, Selection for the Darts South Af- Lucas Venter. If one considers oneself rica (DSA) National Championships in worthy of that ultimate ‘One Hundred and Bloemfontein later this year are under Eighty’ cry, double your eff orts for triple way but in order to qualify, the district the reward. and provincial gauntlet needs to be run — [email protected] Club president Johann Lourens. Mattie de Jager and Midge Caliccho.