A Private Pullman Gar Forthe on Booster Girl's Toi Orel OREGON

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A Private Pullman Gar Forthe on Booster Girl's Toi Orel OREGON SIDE LIGHTS OH BE SURE OF THE HARRiMAN. 1 EJ , i .1 H fi .Lliil.,, ' S. CLOTHING YOU BUY SAN FRANCISCO, SAN JOSE, SANTA CRUZ, LOS Origin of Famous Saying by the Don't Take Chances V ANGELES and all the principal cities ' " Late Financier. ' Choose any Suit from our stock and you of California. - - HE ONCE DANCED IN PUBLIC. are safe. You can be sure of the Siyle, Would Not Talk Business at His Arden and that every detail of workmanship is '.Home and Offered Insistent Inter- perfect. " viewer a Glass of Milk One of Rail- A Private Pullman Gar for the road Man's Favorite Stories. , In the- famous Insurance investiga tion in New York it came out that much of the money used by the late Exclusive Use JEdward H. Harrimao in his railroad o the eauie'frorri insurance fights companies. James Hazen Hyde,, vice president of the Equitable Life Assurance society. appeared to be somewhat flattered by Mr. Harriman's attentions. Later at a CORVALLIS. ORE. directors' r meeting Mr. Hyde made a OREGON BOOSTER G RLS speech accusing Harriman and friends of trying to kick him out and to get control of the society and its $400,000,-00- 0 assets. s It was then that, white and speechless, Harriman sat back in How About s. Che AH Expenses will be'paid by The Uazette-Time- Two weeks of sight seeing, pleas- ihis chair and gave forth sounds which gity stables those nearest . to him .said later ure and recreation. The Oregon Booster Girls will be chaperoned by one of the apr That Fall Suit Everything new and up to ' " - peared to beil out in one continuous '"'' ' ; , , ,. , , mist prominent matrons of Linn County. ; r torrent. His resignation as- - a trustee Come and get a PRINCETON date. Rigs furnished on f the society' followed. College Cut Suit. The latest de- short notice.' Call NOMINATE YOUR FAVORITE TODAY Names will be the near j X "Not Vet, but Soon." i ft published in future signs in fabrics and styles. , and give us a 'Before the Armstrong committee he trial. Cor. told how on a certain night he had been kept at the Metropolitan club on Madison bne pretense or another while the 4el and i y Dealer in all Men's for the control of the Equitable-societ- Furnishings ' 3d was being put through. He said that We" sell ' cheapest because' we sell pon hearing that Thomas F. Kyan had for cash. L. - OREG0NB00STERGIRL' control of the he F.GRAY, Manager purchased society - - went 1o the new owner and demanded CORVALLIS, OREGON a half Interest, which was refused. ' In his testimony he explained that as far Dr. VIRGINIA V. LEWEAUX, ATTORNEYS ha Ryan was concerned any effort he Osteopathic Physician' - '(Harriman) could make would be J. F. YATES, ATTORNEY-AT-LA- to destruction of an unwor- - ," Office Rooms 1st Natl Bank VOTE SCHEDULE CONDITIONS Read Carefully the At Corvallis Hotel 3, 4, Bldg. ,thy object. When asked by Mr. Hughes to ac Jondaya, Wednesdays and Fridays NEW SUBSCRIBERS Any young lady is eligible to enter. whether he had taken any step this came: Candidates may nominate themselves. complish At Albany E. E. G.-T- WILSON ., prf- "Not soon." Daily 3 mos, $1.50 500 votes in yet, but . and Nominating coupon this issue good - Tuesdays, Thursdays Saturdays There was no mistaking the empha- 15-1- Law for 1000 votes if voted on or before 7 Brenner Building Attorney At Paily G.-T- ., 6 mos, $2.50. 1250 votes rsis, and the words became a classic in Zierolf Bldg. Corvallis, Oregon Saturday1, October 2. Only one nomi "Wall street .history. G.-T- ., 1 . 3000 votes Will Daily year, $5.00. nating coupon be counted for each ,,: Harriman and Odell. ! contestant.. AH nominations must be APPLES G.-T- ., '2 7000 votes Charles E. when Dailv years, $10.00. address of can- .' Hughes conducting Good Clean UNDERTAKERS accompanied by proper the? insurance investigation ' probed Apples G.-T- ., 3 $15.00.11000 votes didate. The county has been "divided Into of Daily years, ' deeply the intimate friendship ' BLACKLEDGE & EVERETT, Li- into two districts. One winner will be former Governor of For Cooking - - 75c per box ,jjr: Harriman4ind censed embalmers-an- d funeral direct-or-s. Each additional year......;....' 5000 votes sent- from each district. Candidates New York B. Odell. and Mr. Good Eating' - - $1.00 per box Benjamin in off a now Packed in Tiers, $1.25 to $1.50 box Have everything new coffins, G.-T.- may secure pYHarriman got familiar joke. per ,.l $2.00. 500'votes subscriptions anywhere.; ans-- :: Weekly year, must Man- has been Mr. for - - $2.00 box caskets and burial robes. Calls Reports be made to Contest "It charged," Hughes Fancy Shipping per " ' wered and assist- - G.-T- ., 2 $4.00 1250 votes at least once a week." "At" the said, "that through your relations with GRAVENSTIENS are Now day night. Lady Weekly yrs, ager Ready ant. - a tlose of the contest the votes will' be Mr. Odell you have political influence. Embalming specialty. Day G.-T- ., 2500 votes to Ind. 117 and 1153, Weekly 3 yrs, $6.00.. counted five selected the What have you say to that?" GEORGE ARMSTRONG . phones, Bell, 531; by judges, by came should 2129 1153. -. "Well' the reply, "I night phones, Ind. and Each additional . k . 1500 votes candidates. The who has received R. F. D. year lady Governor Odell had political 1, Corvallis, Oregon the number of votes in her dis psayjthatf : highest t' his relations with Phone 9053. " - ' influenfie because of M. 8. BOVEE, FUNERAL DIRECT-o-r .COLLECTIONS AND RENEWALS trict .will be declared the winner, in' her and Licensed Fnabalmer. Sno candi- ' . G.-T- district. Successful Harriman Danced. ., 3 200 votes respective When ' Bovee & Bsber Daily mos, $1.50.... dates must themselves under the GEO. W. DENMAN cesser to Corvallis, place In Wall street there are afloat plen Bell G.-T- ., .". Oregon. Ind. Phone 45. Phone Daily 6 mos, $2.50. 500 votes guidance and direction of the per- chaperone of anecdotes illustrating the at Law - ty Attorney 241, Lady attendant when desired. Daily G.-T- ., 1 year, $5.00. .'. 1500 votes and obey her reasonable commands. sonality of the man In later years. CORVALLIS, OREGON As the young ladies who make up the Whenever the impenetrable reserve of G.-T- Office in Fischer Graham ., 2 $10.00 . 4000 votes bnildin, oyer Gazette-Time- s Daily yrs, their and the financier is mentioned the story is ' The 50c per month. party will, by grace presence, , &. Wortham drug store ' G.-T- told of time on Daily ., 3 yrs, $15.00. 7000 votes advertise our beautiful city as well as invariably the only when ever showed thestate of Oregon, in no small way, record Harriman W.T. ROWLEY, M. D., PHYSICIAN Each additional year 3000 votes any animation in public-- It was in The Gazette- - Times they will be expected to wear such Daily and Surgeon. Special attention given G.-T- ., the fall of 1903, when the great Lucin Weekly 1 year, $2.00. 200 votes badge or badges as will be suitable for or 50c mo. to the Ere. Nose and Throat. Office cutoff, a pet project of Harriman's, By carrier mail, per of- G.-T- ., that Votes will be Issued on in Johnson Blag. Ind. 'phone at Weekly 2 yrs, $4.00.. 600 votes purpose. Was completed at Salt Lake City. old and new Votes" are - Let to fice and tesidence. subscriptions. On occasion Mr. Harriman us send it you G.-T- ., 3 1250 votes i this Weekly yrs, $6.0-0- hot transferable. Read the vote sched- flanced. At the close of the ceremonies ' Each additional year 1000 votes ule. - Mr, Harriman. who had been grave and dignified throughout, entered his private car to leave the scene. The band struck up "Yankee Doodle." A faint smile dawned on the Harriman features and began to spread. Pres- OREGON CALLS ently he began to balance gracefully, and soon, in the midst of a circle of proraiuput railroad officials, he was on Booster Girl's Toi doing the highland fling, in the most "MORE PEOPLE" Orel abandoned style. Suddenly the band ptopped playing, and Mr. Harriman gravely sat down. s Pass the word to your relatives and friends to come now. Gave Reporter Milk, Not News. At his home at Arden, N.- - Y., Mr. Harriman would' not discuss business Jnatters. .. He said to a reporter who Two of Fairest Daugh-- sought him there: ' COLONIST RATES Oregon's ' "I left all my business vexations be LOW .in-Ne- hind York city. This Arden j $o me is the Arden of 'As You Like To Oregon will prevail from the East it,' ' a retreat from the world's - ters Go From Benton County .worries. Here I seek to free myself : September 15 to October 15 ' . , S ifrom all business cares and worries, ' 1 'and so far have been successful. ; VIA THE See Your Favorite Is One of Them. She Be :My guests here are . made to under That Will stand that they are most welcome if they abstain from talking shop. And "so, most rah mm m "my dear young man, you are KMwmw to Be One of The Booster Girls From I IUI1 iHappy Oregon :welcome to: my table, but not to a i UIILUUI1 liniLIIUHU U I1IIIIUMI uu - ' financial interview. the do -- By way, ' - AND "you like milk? If you do I think you : "f. The has been Divided into the might like a glass from one of my County Following dairies." .
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    Bibliography Abdulhadi, Rabab. (2010). ‘Sexualities and the Social Order in Arab and Muslim Communities.’ Islam and Homosexuality. Ed. Samar Habib. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO, LLC, 463–487. Abercrombie, Nicholas, and Brian Longhurst. (1998). Audiences: A Sociological Theory of Performance and Imagination. London: Sage. Abu-Lughod, Lila. (2002). ’Do Muslim Women Really Need Saving? Anthropolog- ical Reflections on Cultural Relativism and Its Others.’ American Anthropologist 104.3: 783–790. Adams, William Lee. (2010). ‘Jane Fonda, Warrior Princess.’ Time, 25 May, accessed 15 August 2012. http://www.time.com/time/specials/packages/article/ 0,28804,1990719_1990722_1990734,00.html. Addison, Paul. (2010). No Turning Back. The Peacetime Revolutions of Post-War Britain. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Ahmed, Sara. (2004). The Cultural Politics of Emotion. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. Ahmed, Sara. (2010a). The Promise of Happiness. Durham, NC: Duke University Press. Ahmed, Sara. (2010b). ‘Killing Joy: Feminism and the History of Happiness.’ Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society 35.3: 571–594. Ahmed, Sara. (2011). ‘Problematic Proximities: Or Why Critiques of Gay Imperi- alism Matter.’ Feminist Legal Studies 19.2: 119–132. Alieva, Leila. (2006). ‘Azerbaijan’s Frustrating Elections.’ Journal of Democracy 17.2: 147–160. Alieva, Leila. (2009). ‘EU Policies and Sub-Regional Multilateralism in the Caspian Region.’ The International Spectator: Italian Journal of International Affairs 44.3: 43–58. Allatson, Paul. (2007). ‘ “Antes cursi que sencilla”: Eurovision Song Contests and the Kitsch-Drive to Euro-Unity.’ Culture, Theory & Critique 48: 1: 87–98. Alyosha. (2010). ‘Sweet People’, online video, accessed 15 April 2012. http:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=NT9GFoRbnfc.
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