Rare Golf Books & Memorabilia
Sale 513 August 22, 2013 11:00 AM Pacific Time Rare Golf Books & Memorabilia: The Collection of Dr. Robert Weisgerber, GCS# 128, with Additions. Auction Preview Tuesday, August 20, 9:00 am to 5:00 pm Wednesday, August 21, 9:00 am to 5:00 pm Thursday, August 22, 9:00 am to 11:00 am Other showings by appointment 133 Kearny Street 4th Floor : San Francisco, CA 94108 phone : 415.989.2665 toll free : 1.866.999.7224 fax : 415.989.1664 info@pbagalleries.com : www.pbagalleries.com Administration Sharon Gee, President Shannon Kennedy, Vice President, Client Services Angela Jarosz, Administrative Assistant, Catalogue Layout William M. Taylor, Jr., Inventory Manager Consignments, Appraisals & Cataloguing Bruce E. MacMakin, Senior Vice President George K. Fox, Vice President, Market Development & Senior Auctioneer Gregory Jung, Senior Specialist Erin Escobar, Specialist Photography & Design Justin Benttinen, Photographer System Administrator Thomas J. Rosqui Summer - Fall Auctions, 2013 August 29, 2013 - Treasures from our Warehouse, Part II with Books by the Shelf September 12, 2013 - California & The American West September 26, 2013 - Fine & Rare Books October 10, 2013 - Beats & The Counterculture with other Fine Literature October 24, 2013 - Fine Americana - Travel - Maps & Views Schedule is subject to change. Please contact PBA or pbagalleries.com for further information. Consignments are being accepted for the 2013 Auction season. Please contact Bruce MacMakin at bruce@pbagalleries.com. Front Cover: Lot 303 Back Cover: Clockwise from upper left: Lots 136, 7, 9, 396 Bond #08BSBGK1794 Dr. Robert Weisgerber The Weisgerber collection that we are offering in this sale is onlypart of Bob’s collection, the balance of which will be offered in our next February 2014 golf auction,that will include clubs, balls and additional books and memo- rabilia.
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