\ Newspaper Devoted . Complete News, Pioturrs ihr Community Interest l Presented Fairly, Clearly Full Local Coverage Inbepenbent - leakr And Impartially Each Week XLV-NO. 18 Entprert A« Second Claim Mattw WOODBRIDGE, fJ. .T., THURSDAY, JUNE 18, 1953 PublUhwl KT»I7 Th\ir«1»T ^4 —. it the Ptut niHffl, Woodbridne, N. J. »t IS Onto 8tM*t, Woo«hrirtK§, V 1. IE EIGHT CENTS otvnship Scouts California Bound—They Hope Hunt Still Curiosity Plus Gas Plus Matches These two boys, John D'Apolllo, State to Hear Port Reading, and Carl ZltKlrr, In Running Cause Critical Burns toLad, 11 Woodbridge, explorer scoute, WOODBRIDOF, — Curiosity the opening to Me If the tank have good reason to believe got thf better of 11-year-old wa» Full. thai they will b* Callfo.nia- Jimmy Mullen, son of School Instantly, the flames shot up, T For PO Job tommlsslohrr and Mm. Jameit covering Jimmy s face, head and bound next month. The youths Mullen, 151 Bernen Street, and PleaTomorrow neck. Despite the Intense pain are members of th'» troop as a result Jimmy Is in the Perth the youngster run to the home of sponsored by the Free Magyar Frelinghiiysen Due Here Amboy General -Hospital suffer- Mrs. E. O, Felfht, 511 Lym»n Reformed Church, Carteret, ing from third, second and first Avenue and asked for help. For Farley in Office decree burns about the face, and the ladles of the churA Mm, Felght called the Wood- Of Ex-GOP Leader head and neck. His condition is bridge Emergency Squad which For New Bank and friends have banded to- reported as "fair," took Jimmy to the Perth Amboy gether to obtain money to send WOODBRIDGE — Represcnta According to Sgt, Clnsindo General Hospital. The police them to the Third National tive Peter Frellnghuysen, Jr., will Zuccaro and Patrolman Joseph were unable to determine why come to the Township Saturday in the youngsters were interested In Roy Scout Jamboree In Cali- Dombrowski, Jimmy and two Chicago, Brooklyn Residents an effort to straighten out the other playmates were playing at whether or not there was gaso- fornia. To date, $215 has been snarled and tangled situation re- the sand banks, north of Me- line tn the bulldoier, as the boy collected by the ladles, but $135 garding the appointment of a per- tuchen Avenue, on property was in pain and could not "be manent postmaster in Woodbrldge questioned. He did not Identify Are Principal Subscribers; is still needed In order to pay owned by John Almasl, A bull- The conference Saturday will be i his companions. dozer was parked on the site, all expenses. The Jamboree will held at 2:30 o'clock in the office of The police also stated Jimmy be held July IT to 23 at Irvine Howard Fullerton, Fords, former and according to his own story was lucky that the Uak «u full, he took the gas cap off the bull- Opposition is Mapped Ranch1, a few mllet from the Republican Municipal Leader for If It had been half empty it Present will b Arnold Graham, dozer, lit a match and put It over Pacific Ocean. e might have exploded. present leader; Louis Stafelll, WOODBRIDGE—Arguments will be presented tomor- county Republican chairman and row before the State Commissioner of Banking and Insur- Charles M. Morris, Republican ance on the application for a charter for a proposed new State Committeeman. Former 'eacher Since '98 Board Takes Steps bank in Woodbridge. hblic Invited Tuesday to View Madsen is Nabbed Mayor August F. Greiner was also In accordance with regulations, all banks in the nearby Invited to attend but It is under- area have been informed of the hearing and it is expected tood he will be out of town. To Retire June 30 On Overcrowding {Sketches of New High School For Tipsy Driving According to Mr. Fullerton, Rep- that representatives of many of I v/t jODHRIDGE—The Board of Education today invited esentative Frellnghuysen is com- WOODBRIDQE — Miss Ethel A, WOODBRIDGE — Overcrowded Princeton Graduate them will appear to express their WOODBRIDGE - • Alfred E. to Woodbrldge because he has :nslee. a teacher in the Township ondltlons In the grade schools views. Former dtate Senator Jolm ..ihlic to attend a meeting next Tuesday at 8 P. M. in hool system since 1898, was re- lecessltated the approval of dou E. Toolen will represent the Wood- iii[;li School to view.sketches of the proposed new high Madsen, 31 Vesper Avenue, will ,wo contrary recommendations. appear before Magistrate Andrew "When I was leader," Mr. Ful- red effective June 30 by the Board lie sessions In the Avenel and Col- brldge National Bank In opposing .;"prepared by Alexander Merchant, architect. On D. Desmond Tuesday to answer a erton said, "I recommended John Education Monday. mia Schools for next year by the the application on grounds that lav, the sketches were shown to the teachers at the •tomplalnt of drunken driving. Hunt, who also had the support of Miss Insleo, who taught at Joard of Education Monday. public necessity does not require school with the request that they make suggestions. Madsen was Involved In an ac- r. Greiner and Dr. Nathaniel ichool 11 in recent years, has The sessions at Colonia will a second bank in WoodbrldRe. The ...• . .turn made was that the cident on the corner of Rahway "rankel, then county leader." eached the retirement age of 65. divided as follows; Morning, hearing Is scheduled to tnke place Mr. Fullerton indicated "he does Inasmuch as she was not a mem- at 10 A.M. iiui the locker rooms be Avenue and Creep Street early A. M., until 12:10 P. M.; afternoon, iot intend to interfere" but he >er of the Pension Fund, Miss i MI .students could come Sunday morning when he collided 12:15 to 4:15 P. M. The schedule at The origin of the plan tn estab- personally is still for Mr, Hunt." [nslee will receive a pension of ap- i .in outdoors and enter the with a car operated by John J. Avenel will be morning, 8 A. M.. to lish a new bank here had its basis Panconi is Edged After Mr. Fullerton retired as proximately $1,200 a year, approxi- :10ms without crossing the Lefkus, 125 Grant Avenue, Fords. 12:10P.M.; afternoon, 11:50 A.M., In the claim that "local" control ; Madsen's wife, Mary, 52, who was eader and Mr. Graham was ap- mately 28 per cent of her salary ,0 4 P. M. !l 'HI'. uring the past five years, as re- Is desirable. An examination of In Police Voting riding with him, was treated at pointed, the First Ward County Superintendent of Schools Vic- the list of the lncorporators or the ;1: ot the teacher* felt It the Perth Amboy tienera! Hos- Committee, led by Mrs. John W. luired by law. Hike too long for the stu- tor C. Nlcklas was authorized to proposed second bank, however, pital for Injuries and released. Boos, First Ward Vice Chairman, When Miss Inslee was first ap- : 1 enter the auditorium for WOODBRIDGE — Patrolman ascertain if the library at Colonla reveals that out of a total of 5,000 Brought to poljce headquarters, ecommended former Township lolnted she taught in a school for Nilvv periods, To thl«, Dr. John William Burns was elected presi- available for a kindergarten shares subscribed, 2,904 have been Madsen, whose car bears Cali- Attorney Leon E. McElroy for the ine years which Is now a part of ,1,11, principal, who has com- dent of the Woodbrldge Local, class to start In September and to assigned to out-of-town residents. Patrolmen's Benevolent Associa- fornia plates, was examined by Dr post. Mr. McElroy was also recom- Carteret. When Carteret became a continue until the new Inman : 1 -irsc it stands to reason," to be June 9, but was extended un- a close vote. He received 21 votes; School nearer her home and a pupils attending In the morning boy, 190; Benjamin Kleinben;,. til June 23. The U. 8. Civil Service 11. Uizo, '"that it will take and Patrolman Charles WaKKen- her own request she was trans- and the remaining half In the af- East Brunswick, 240; Heymiui rerity Is Renamed Commission stated the extension 1; : •: 1200 pupils to fill an au- hoffer received 20 votes while Pa- erred to Woodbrldge as a teacher ternoon. Kolton, Newark, 160. The thivc was granted to permit others to p:.'.:;'. n» compared to half that trolman John Faczak polled six Since that time she has taught in largest Township aubecribers ,u« file if they wished, but the real All pupils who will be in Grade JOSEPH A. ( AKRAGHER, JR. O'.ml." votes. No. 1 and No. 11 schools. 6 and residing in the area served W, Howard Fullerton, Fords, 400, To Assessor Post reason is believed to .be to give COLONIA — Mr. Carraxher, • ketches call for a covered The pending retirement of Sid by Strawberry Hill school will be and Lawrence S. Weiss and Joseph After six years of service as Representative Frelinghuysen an Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph :, front of the building at ney Pinkham, janitor at Colonla assigned to School 11 in Septem- Klein, both of Woodbrldge, with delegate to the State organization WOODBRIDGB^-Davld F. Ger- opportunity to get all factions A. CarraBher, Ohaln-0-Hills : rue buses will stop for the School, was also discussed. Mr. ber, 320 shares each. Patrolman Daniel Panconi was de- ity was reappolnted Township As- agree on one candidate for thi Road, was awarded the degree of •1;'.., to alight, Some of the Pinkham has been ill lor som feated by Patrolman Albert Nahau essor lor the First Ward, for a post. School 1, Instead of having Bachelor of Arts, at commence- As against the 2,904 shares sub- .' have indicated" they feel time. No definite action was taken m.-es should stop in the rear. by a vote of 25 tq 23. Panconi has period ol three yaars, at a salary Meanwhile, a rumor was otrtai- cl&sses from kindergarten to ment exercises of Princeton Uni- scribed by out-of-town residents, hoimh each of 1fte classrooms h«ld office in the State organlw,- of |1,4M a year, by the Town lated yesterday that 'WlHlam •». A letter-#:rwlyB>Jltwi-ww re* Grade a will have one fourth grade versity, Tuesday. 2,0W.sh4rffl tire subscribed by lo- marked for course of study tlon arid his close defeat as dele- Committee Tuesday. Htepatrick, acting postmaster, cetved from Mrs, Kathryn Mc class in the fall. Mr, Carragrher prepared for cal residents. Thus, 58 per'ami is English and Science, Dr. gate means he will have to give up At the same time John Samon whose appointment the Demo- Ewen Callstl who said she has Princeton at the Pinery School, of the stock is concentrated out- -iid that was done to indi- the State post. resigned a* secretary of the Board cratic Congress failed to affirm, talned a position in Freehold when At Princeton he majored in side the ^immunity. Numerically, ;!w number of rooms sug- Others elected were: Patrolman and the post went to William is planning to sue for the Job on her husband has opened offices ti English, being in the American the subscribers are divided equally practice dentistry. Miss Henricksen l but that the classrooms will John Yuhasz, vice president; Pa- Zlegenbalg who will receive an the basis of being a disabled war Civilization Program. He is a as between those who live in i lied by the principal not by trolman Edward Feeney, financial extra fee of $240. The post of sec veteran. Efforts to reach Mr. Fitz A delegation was present from member of the Charter Club and Woodtwddge Township and those i.'hitcct. secretary; Patrol Driver Joseph retary shifts each year, so that Patrick were fruitless as his office the Chain O'Hllls Civic Associatio Succeeds Sechrist was on the Club Entertainment living outside. each man on the board gets a said "he was out of town and could of Avenel and requested bus trans Committee. He was a Cheerlead- 3-Wing Building Grady; chaplain; Patrol Driver The complete list of lncorpo- Stephen Feiertag. treasurer; Pa- chance to receive the extra com- not be reached." portation for tlie children of thi er and was. active in the Student |!.c sketches as they stand now WOODBRIDGE — Miss Mar- rators of the proposed new bank pensation. Mr. McElroy said yesterday 1: development. Commissioner Har Christian Association, He was •\m< wings. To the left is trolman Eugene Martin, recording garet Henricksen was named head and the number of 'shares which Albert O. Weisman, Jr., am he is successful in becoming post- old Van Ness informed the boan also Athletic Director of the imiMratlve wing with offices secretary; Patrolmen Charles 011- of the Guidance Department at each has subscribed, follow. The •eter Kukan' were named engi master he.will not have to resign the delegation was well aware thi Princeton Summer Camp at |t:.' :nmnd floor and the library phnnt and James Danch, trustees Woodbrldge High School and Ed- first group contains the local res- neering aides In the office of th as a member of the Board of Edu- development was not two mile: Blairstown, The academic wing is 300 Installation of officers will take, ward P. Keating was appointed idents, attd the second contains Township Engineer, The forme: cation as it is an unpaid position from the school, as required fo: I-11:. with three floors, The place at the July meeting. member of the department by the He will join Carragher Bros. those who live outside the com- will receive $4,460 a year and th bus transportation, but the young- •A ma contains special func- Board of Education Monday, Corporation of Colonia as a munity; latter, $3,850. sters had to Cross a dangeroui irh as art, shops and gyms, Cooler Garb Approved Both will receive $200 additional vice president and will be the Margaret Crowlty was appointee highway in order to get to schoo In Woodbridje Township 1 mm. music rooms and home compensation to be paid as a bo- fifth generation Carrarher to en- clerk-typist m the office of thi For Traffic Duly Cops A spokesman for the delegatioi Lawrence 8. Weiss, WoodbridRe. IMMI'.S and crafts rooms. The Improvement Bids nus, with the understanding that ter the building industry. 1 building Inspector. She will re declared the group only seek 320; Max Minsky, Woodbridtte, if Harry Sechrist, who was named • •'I walk in front of the butld- celve $1,000 for the balance of thi WOODBRIDGE — Members transportation for youngsters ui 56; John Urban, Avenelr80; Bur- 1 assistant to Superintendent ot 41m feet long. There are Received by Town year. of the Woodbridge Police De- to and including the third grad ton F. Seward, Avenel, 16; Dr. :: f.icilitios at the left for the partment will be comfortable 'as the older children have Schools Victor C, Nlcklas should Complaint Pressed George F.. Frederick, WoodbririKP, Charles E. O'Nell was appointe return as head ot the Guidance ••••• and in the rear for the WOODBRIDGE — Several bids building maintenance worker lr this summer while standing in sense of responsibility." 16; Abraham B. Meistrich, Wood- •:.' ami the public. Department, they in turn will re- were received for curb and gutter the Memorial Municipal Buildini the hot sun doing traffic duty Must Bear Cost bridge, 8; Molly M. Meistrich, 1 :niiil provides for the basic turn to their former positions. improvements but no contracts to work under the supervision of Police Chief George E. Keat- Superintendent of Schools Victo On Riding School Woodbrldge, i; Joseph Ostiower. :•••; 1800 pupils and will Miss Henricksen has been serv- were awarded by the ^Town Com- William Huber, custodian. He will ing announced today he had C. Nlcklas reminded the Boar Woodbrldfe, 40; Oeraldine Rose, : .mi) to 1400, The adminls- ing as a member of the Guidance WOODBRIDGE — Complaints Wocdbrldje, 32; Henry A, Gerber, 1 mittee Tuesday. be paid at the rate of $1.37 per given permission to the men to that if they provided transport* .n. will contain offices for wear the new-type, short sleeve Department for several years, and against a "private" riding acade- The committee, after a recess, hour. tion for the district they wou Woodbrldgs, S40; Arnold S, Gra- • ;]).il mid vice principal, blue,uniform shirt which has have to pay the entire cost as th lias had an exceptional success in my at the end of Harrison Avenue, ham, Woodbrldge, 80; Joseph authorized rejection of bids on the assisting the girl students at the ' heads and a general proved so popular in other police State would not participate. Colonia, were made by Paskel Mer- Klein, Woodbridge, 320; Jolm ••'ll as publications room Hagaman Street curb and gutter school. departments in the,area/ "If you go along with this re- ritt and Thomas Leworthy at a Molnar, Woodbrldge. 80; W. How- .Mine department offices project, because of an error made Bergen Lone Dissenter Mr. Keating, World War II vet- quest you will let yourselves in for meeting of the Town Committee ard Puller'ton, Fords, 400; John ':•'!» the principal's office, in drawing up specifications. eran, has taught at the high schoo Tuesday. On Bid for Firework criticism. If these people are en- 8. Karnas, Colonia. 48, William ' •••••• above will be 57' 8" by Delegates Appointed since his return from Salpan at Other bids were received for St titled to transportation, therj the The complainants stated the Nemeth, Woodbrldae, 160; Ann '!•• •:icrt" win aLso be a con- WOODBRIDQE!' — With Polio the end of the war. He received his James Avenue curb and gutter To VFW Encampmen boys and girls in other sections place has been leased "by some Mahony, Woodbridue, 8; Wal- 'iii. librarian's office and Morelra Construction Co., $7,854 Commissioner John Bergen votini Bachelor's Degree at Dickinson Avenel fellows" and that "15 or 1 are entitled to it. It is just as far ter Kovacs, Avenel, 8; Nicholas •'• iMutl room. Alimonte Co., $7,046.80; J. Dela In the negative, permission wa, College and his Master's Degree more horses" are stabled on the AVENEL—Mrs. John T. Osthoj to Woodbridge Oaks North and Dmytrlw, Avenel, 8; Norman Du- . nieiiiic wing on the 1 from Rutgers University. He Is a conte and Sorts, $7,742; Larch given for a fireworks display was named delegate to the Sta they have dangerous roads to travel grounds. They complained that the •l""i will have two labora- member of Phi Beta Kappa. brow, Fords, 16; William V. Cu- Street curb and gutter, Moreira the Woodbrldge open-air theatt Encampment to be held In Wild' too. It-will mean two buses for this "riders race up and down the ••••'• an overflow room, eight rtate. Fords, )t; Wilson J. Stockd, Jonstruction Qo., $2,073.60; J. July 2 by the Town Committee wood June 26 to 28 at a meeting group, one bus for Chain O'Hllls, Miss Elaine Joan Ruckert, ef- streets creating a dangerous con- i.i'ims, five commercial (Continued on Page 8) Delaconte and Sons, a tie bid with Tuesday. of the Ladies' Auxiliary of Avenel south to IseltaJand two or three fective in September was appointed dition as there are many children a special teacher In the Vocal Mu- • H'.i health roornn. On the Morelra, $2,073.60; Alimonte Co Committeeman Bergen voted Memorial Post, VPW at Maplt from Woodbridge Oaks. I doubt if on the streets." I sic Department at $2,800, T •'"i there, will be faculty $2,099,52; Lewis Street, curb and againist the request because he felt Tree Farm. Mrs. George Gassa you have the money in the budget." Mr. Leworthy told tlie commit- gutter, Moreira, $3,864; Delaconte, "the fireworks display on a crowd- way, president and Mrs. Flora Rai tee "that last night the braying Accessories are Looted, "i 14 classroom*.The sec- clMe to Commissioner Winfleld Finn ; $4,186; Alimonte, $3,622.60. 1 will have IB classrooms ed highway and especially Bird, alternate, will also irepresen suggested the law In this regard FAVOR BINGO and neighing "of the horses kept Auto Owners Complain Bids were also received for th the Fourth of July weekend when the unit. is obsolete as conditions that ex- WOODBRIDGE—The New Jer- him awake. the traffic is always extra heavy, The Blatter was referred to the Divide Gym installation of two-way radio sys- Mrs. Albert Fischer wts electe isted when Woodrow Wilson was sey State Firefighters Association, WOODSRIDOE L Three cars tem in police cars and ambulances will create a traffic hazard." All governor, when the school trans- of which John Prekop of Wood- building inspector tp check the were stripped of accessories somti- • v HI may be divided into as a three-year trustee. The but they were held in abeyance be- the other members voted in the portation law was passed, and up- bridge Fire CompanJ No. 1 is presi- zoning. tlme Sunday night or Monday "its with the use of fold- day of Mrs. Elto| Linn was eel cause the specifications called fo: affirmative. held by the Supreme Court, do not dent, went on record in favor of morning, 11 Uons. For practical every- brated at the social after th leasjing the system and two of thi exist today." He suggested some Bingo playing at a meeting of the Attendance is Flimsy Lawrence Jefferson, 15B Bun us M'i'ses it can be divided into meeting with Mrs. Edward bid! were for outright sale. Thi (Continued on Page 8) association held In Rahway. Lane, reportefl to Patrolmen Wil- •III.S with the .center part band as hostess. bidders! were the New Jersey Bel Class of 1928, f At.Confufy on Parking liam Burns and Charles Buhr that 1 pames. There are allithe Telephone Company, Radio Corp seat coven arid the floor mat were '"I both girls' and bpys' Plans 25ihBjtfunion WOODBRIDJGE—Irving Sal oratlortof America and Link Radii stolen from his. car while it was •;, lockers and storkge. chairman of the newly-appoint- Corporation, Wew Yofk, WOODBRIDQH5 — Question- High Courage Prized Possession of Handicapped ! parfced jatlBunn's Lane and De iiium will seat 1,328 ed citizens parking committee, Soto AVenie; Multlgraphi! Addressograph Co naires have been «er>t out by the ulready has his troubles. 'ml there will be an al- Two fender slclrts were stolen off was the only! bidder on a book- Class of 1928 of Woodbridge JKI for a balcony seating He informed the Town Com- the car owned by Sylvia Ballon, 17a keeping machine at $ 1,271. Tin Hldti School In preparation for Pupils Whose Minds Grow Despite Wracked Bodies '•'• is also provision" for a mittee that although five Town- Elmwood Avenue, white it was the] 25th class reunion. the great sense of having learned friendly tussle with their friends. 1'mm1. baud loom, practice contract was not awarded. WOODBRIDGE — Each year at ship residents were appointed to parked in the driveway of her Ifovember 38 has ,been sug- so many new things gives a satis- If they are girls, they want to skip •la •! storage, Instrumental Cappel Motors was awarded thi this time, Mrs. Seymour Deber, the committee, only two others home. Feniter skirts Were also gested as a tentative date. On faction beyond compare. rape or tap dance. It is most diffi- .mil lavatory facilities for contract to provide a Ford sedar Sewaren, the "bedside teacher," besides himself have been at- stolen off a car owned by Evelyn the committee are Mlse Margaret "Injaglne the Joy of a small cult to sit by and see others do • •'in:: the stage. The stage is at $1,639 and a three-quarter tor hands in her annual report to the tending meetings. Peterspn, 16J Bunn's Lane, while Mil f|, Henrlcksen, Rloh&rd Shohfl, El- child Who has never gone to school what you never can. '*-!>- truck at $1,549 on bids received a Board of Education. Although most However, he declared despite the verlcle was .parked in the bur Richard^, Grace Huber Wus- upon opening a book and reading "You know, it la said that to the n'ar there are thre^shops the last meeting. Mutual Floorim reports are uninteresting to the that handicap, they were ready parktal lot on Peavl Street. 1 ser, Pat Lei«en Klsh, ;'•'• tiiciutles, health room Company was given the contract average person because of their it, taking paper and pencil and blind is given a keener sense of to make suggestions for Wood- hearing and touch than others i-fi-Livt* gym room. The to Install asphalt tile in the office! The next meeting will be held dull statistics, Mrs. Deber's report writing words and numbers. His biictge proper and a conference have. I firmly believe these chil- ••'i-iitH tioo vydth the kitchen of the Municipal Building at $2 July B at the home qf Mrs. Was- this year, as always, Is full of happiness Is as great as the older was arranged with, the Town dren have a keener sense ot en- 3rd Ward Voter Section ''"• There is also1 a stage 096. ser at 1132 Fort«lt Drive, Clark sympathy, tender understanding ones to whom history* geography, Committee for Tuesday. English have opened i)p new vistas joyment in knowing mental prog- "'' of the qafeteria which Township. All nwm^srs of the and fondness of her young students To Vie Church School f»r Ijflyond their former belief. ress. They looi lorwMd to a new "i tor cormnunity jaiher- class who are intwested in serv- —all handicapped. Tot Falls from Moving ing on the planning committee They are now a part of the school book in any subject as "heir friends '""•tiler inwUngs. There Public Service Worker In opening her report, Mrs. Deb- WCOD8RJDQE- Voters in the are Invited. The claaa totals 54 lit* of our cciintry even if they look forward for a school program ii (or a faculty dining er wrote; "One of the biggest and Car, Only Hurt Slightly Parish House dUtrict of the Third Breaks Fingers in Fall members. ' h&ve never entered a schoolhouse." or party. There seetna to be a feel- illt room, cratw, sewing most comprehensive w,ords we Ward WlU be In a Sunday School Knowledge Stimulant ing that although they are physi- WOODBE1DGE — A four-year- environment when they east their food laboratories knowln this world today is "On- "WOODBRIDGE — John Tomkc ward." Progress in all fields is Continuing her report Mrs. Deb- cally retarded, so Ions as they old boy escaped serious Injury ballots at the next election. 56,' Liberty Street, Fords, an em Royalty on C% Mined most neoessatx So it \t with these er stated: "I hav* found that to learn, they huts no mental su- Sunday when he fell:from a car The Board of Trustees of thf, ploye ot Public Service, was ferl OnToun Land i$ $1,0 pupils whom I teach. If <*ey see handicapped pupils, this learning periors. Their flinds ar* growing •driven by tyis ujiclej Wl% J* ffltat Pfeibyterlfjh church ^u/, bu»ly Injured Monday when he fel no accomplishment, the dkyg be- enters Into all phase* of their ex- and thought* and solutions are Charity, 25, Warren Street, Car fled ttwj Town Committee Tuesday from a pole In Avenel, come long and tiresome. istence. Selection of radio and sometimes much more Important teret, on Csrteret Road, Port Read that the "Parish House is no long- Taken to the Perth Amboy Gen- WOODBRIDQK 'r- A check for t»ltvl»ton programs, choice of lit- than aottoiu. From these have ing. * er suitable as a poilim: phm" (1,029 for royalties was received by "As the landscape now breaks eral Hospital in the Avenel First forth Into a beautiful scene .of col- erature, love oi music and arts, oorne our great books, our sym- The child, Dwlght Seldon. was However, U*e of the Sunday School Aid Squad ambulance. Toth was the. Township frpin thfl Valentine the desire to tee new places are phonies and our great paintings. riding In the rear seat when he rooms for such purposes was of- Brick Company for qlay mined or and growth, the carefully uu- treated for shock, back Injuries, itured seeds of learning from U>« stimulated by knowledge, To a Without them life would be very opened the door and fell to thi fered and Immediately accepted. and fracture of all ringers of thi during the month of May on mu- certain extent, all thUdren want drab.and material. We would live, pavement. He was treated at Perth "I gUCW it Will do us all liood to nlclpillly-owned p»QB»rty. The y- past year bring forth their Ww- rO soms. During the winter, perhaps to be alike. If they are lioys, they but not the same.", Amboy General Hospital and re go to Sunday School," Mayor Hugh altlM are paid at tn* rate of $.50 want to play baseball or have- tt (Continued on Page 8) leased. B. Qulgley remarked. 3S cents a ton. the taiks seemed difficult but now gW jjjye»tl«6ted. INDEPENDENT PAGE TWO THURSDAY, JUNF 13. 10,ri3 Crowley s Celebrate Modern, Comfortable Kmenihle Prizes Awarded Barbara Corcoran Wins Awarj Gffcen St Section of Iselin 46th Wedding Date By MRS. WILLIAM KNOT! , COI/ONIA — Mr. and Mrs, Wil- At Port Reading For Essay on Fire Prevennt^ 105 Indiana Avenue, Thane Mctuehen 6-1815-W liam Crowley, North Hill Road, ISEWN -- Barbara Corcoran, looking causes Hm mnrkrri their 46th wedding nnnl- PORT READING -Several prizes dnit»hti'r of Mr. and Mrs. Ray- ognlzed until fire . | versary nt nn open hpusc held at were awarded nt the nnnual 1 mond Corcoran, 15 Silzer Avenue,] our Two future flrpmen wnrp born. nrsdny nW.ht nt tin Orpcn Street] ttu; home of their son-in-law and Rraduatlon exercises Tuesday at won the Chiules E. Huttemnnn,' there Ig no thought of tl,i: wit, a son to Mr. and Mrs. i Ftrchouse with Mrs. Andrew Us- j daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Me- Port Reading School. SSr.r . Five Prevention Award prep - when thev nrp 1,^,1 c III---(» SerFlak, Elmhurst Avenue, clnskl presiding A letter was re- Cartln, same address, Prize winners were as follows: sentod by Iselin Chemical Hook the citlztns can do n , MI i i son (o Mr. and Mrs. Donald cetved from I he Memorial Day I Mr. Crowley IS a retired maln- For highest .scholastic standing In nnd L.idc'.er Company, District NO. with them by elimiiw:,. fml'iiirr, Fllzabeth Avenue. Both Comrnittee asking the Auxllinry to tenance worker for the Pennsyl- the eighth grade, given by teachers 1 1 11 for the past composition writ- ards which spell (-:,,,.1. ^.,in is mi Hdlve members of Ise- partirlpnte in the July 4 parade vanla Railroad. Mrs. Crowley Is of Port Rending and Ha(t«man ten bv an Ivlln rlRhth !',r.ide pupil rnakinR carefullnc.-., • liii V.lunleer Fire Co. No. 1. and requesting fm a donation. Thp.: th<. former Hannah Murphy of Heit'hts schools, Robert Lombardi HI Keasbey School. and prevent flres. auxiliary voted I" make a dynal.iun| Kilkenny. Ireland. Mr. and Mrs. Pu itpnned by rain on 8st.ur- and Janice Kollur; for malntalnliiK The prize, a $25 savings bond, 1 and tn accept the invitation. The. crowley were married in the Lady highest general average in grades In the large cities t;, (i.i. ,, the Cub Scouts held their cir- was presented by Jps'eph Daly at fire houses and nm!;.• ri Sunday afternoon on Cooper group bid fan well m Mrs. Roman \ of Oood Couriril Church. Newark, -, 6 7 and 8. given by Teachers Maykowski. charter member, whoj | f erly resided in Bloom- thlie Flarinigi DaI'n.yv . Assemblyft»arinui,y. . iriu»iuoj.Monday | mentmeni,; buQUtI even thini'. Avenue. Complete with "strong" iim mm Federation of Woodbridge Town- h d Miss iiii-M. -!ii:tkf» charmers and games o( will move to California at the end ;liin Robert Lombard! and Bar- Judaes for the 11 ward were Miss modern or DIR. they .,., .'kill, the boys put on a good show. of June I'lan.s for a merchandise bara Simeont; for most cooperative Victori/ictorina 1rese!- * •" ' .• "«•-Mrs. - —Bernlc• e T.nf- -- un|ess tnertheree jis s Kconpi •• , tus and Miss Florence Whltehem!. HII;K iviMMl by Roster Kenny, Cub- club were made ta start in Septem- pupils, given by Bertolaml Bro- teamwork amenu the,,. ber, with Mrs. Lester Balir in teachers at School 15, Iselln. m;i lei. tiip Den mothers and their thers Inc.. Ode Hawkes and Rob- community. charge After the meeting a social SEWAREN NOTES cri Lomburdi; lor highest average The winning cc.mposltion, In In the dlles nnd' i< hir.ijiiiiiN. everyone had a pan in was held with Mrs. Thtodore Al- T 1st- bii'.-cst "little show" Cooper. In history in the eighth grade given full, reads as fojlows: fire prevention week •., len sonai 1 "Fire Prevention" the men and women 1; Avenue has seen. Car! Zeismer sold Iwstrss, in clinrKe. --Mrs. Harper A. Sloan, West bv ladles Auxiliary of Port Rend- Fire prevention means very muntty the dlsnstor ,i lml tldns. A. Kull. popcorn! and H. —Mrs. Henry Frees. Benjamin Avenue, has returned after at- iii!> Firs' Company. Robert Lom- ;m much to the health and welfare of tlon fire can do, ami i,, WVnr.fr,, soda. Den mothers. Mrs Avenue, «as an overnkht patient tendinR the 20th year reunion of banli and Janice Kollar. ( the citizens of our country. Fire Is them ways-of preventn. l:u«ell Furze. Mrs. James Schmidt, in Perth Ambov Oenrr.il Hospital her class at Skidmore College over The graduates are Louis Derhe- aftfi a p.i.!iful ar: idi'iiL Monday the most destructive enemy of all; rid enemy are promiim;• },]':•• H Welman, Mrs. F. BaleViv the week-end. iti. Orie Hawkes. Robert Lombard I. :• .inrl t lie:1 ).';I:KI US the it destroys and .kills forest areas, Even though these me.i:' ;ii,.l Mi,s. A. Kull all helped. —Miss Helen Clark, who was Richard Piazza, Charles SHOO, Car- - Siimoi No. 6 held Its annual iif i...e iv;i-i :nv iiiiii'iilne men Santora. John Seaman. Carol towns, cities, »nd human life some people are still ] :lnd bncllv graduated with a BA degree by l>:enlc. In Roosevelt Park. Wednes-; sm.i.s»ita lic-r ii..;ht index Prtnclpla College. Elsarr; 111., last • Cnvtno, Oladys Hawkes. Janice every day of the year. The many The careless ones rmcii flll >er (lav .Supervised by the Home and i ^ - week, has returned to her home on Kollar. Dolores Kuctyak, Margaret thousanfls.'of dollars it costs com- ing 386 days of the ,1 silmnl Association and the school I —Mrs. James Schmidt and sons. Morcney. Anna Santorn, Burbarn munities would not be wasted If dently one week i.-n Jnlln Rn Rn visile Mrs Cliff Road for the summer. iffN'hi is it was the last activity of <* ?- d - —Mr. and Mrs, H. D. Clark, Pimeone. Elaine Toth, Margaret all citizens would practice fire pre- When a fire destroys <. ii i- s;•li'iol vear Schmidt's brother in Brooklyn, Cliff Road, who attended their Vernillo. vention. erty it will be a less-m « Sunday daughter Helen's graduation ex- Firemen in our community have The Ladles' Auxiliary of laeJIn —Mr. and Mrs, Richard Roloff hard way. If you have „. ercises In Elsah, 111,, have returned Everybody llatly formed committees to teach the Yulimieer Fire Co. No, 1 met Wed- and daughter, Lols,»Elmhur.st, Ave- after making short ylsl^s with Mr home owners fire prevention: they nue, and Miss Jane Knntt, spent First Voter—I think it was ter- and Mrs. Oliver Altnes In Niagara LAWN BOWIiS have liren popular MINT Sir I r.incis Drake Clobber- Sunday In Seaside Heights. ribly mean when Congress stopped Falls, N. Y., and Mr. and Mrs. ed the Spanish Arm:id:i . . . but it's n finch tlie Admiral wasn't as —Mrs, George Shepaid and son. sending us free seeds. D. G. Johnson at Fayetteville, N. Y. comfortable as this modern lioulrr. lie cumliiucs Imw-length Palm Knott, Indiana Avenue, spent Fri- Second Voter—I think it wa —Mrs. W. Prank Burns, who Beach Strollers in the new Charcoal (Try with a slii'rr spurt shirt n waste for Congress to send us Just so a lamp could be placed In a ' Remember! All t!.. day and Saturday visiting in Sea- of charcoal and white plaid. Knee Icnuih lisle sucks and Nor- visited members of her family in free seeds. They ought to plant particular spot. The oily rates and! that have been stnw side Heights, Wildwood Beach and wegian moccasins complete a miHtern, well-turncri-mit ensemble. waste they menu to use just once ly In the past. Only •; Cape May. town over the week-end, has re- the seeds and send 'us the vege turned to her home In Milton, more and many other Innocent I pie can help prevent -••Mrs. Regina Gerson and tables. N. H. grandson, Albeit Gehrum. Rldgeley Avenue, are visiting relatives in —Mrs. Clarence Zlschkau, East Sewaren Couple Feted Saturday Miami, Fla. Avenue, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Dorothy Marlcle In North- —Miss Ethel Sedlak. Elmhurst ampton, Mass., whose son, Scott, Avenue, was given a party in Iron- 1895 - CHRISTENSEN'S Is ill with the chicken-pox. On Silver Wedding Anniversary nr of her graduation from Wood- SEWAREN — Mr. and Mrs. John Brown and Marie Phillips, nil of bridge High School. Friday night, —Mrs, A. A. Dlscavage, Summit Avenue, has returned from a visit Venerus, New Street, were honored Perth Amboy. by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. ;md Mis. John Hivko and "The Friendly Store" George Sedlak. with her mother, Mrs. Steward Saturday evenini; on their 25th Everitt In Pen Argyl, Pa. Idair-'hti.T. Lind.i. Avenel: Mr. and —The Pleasure Club met at the wedding anniversary, by^ surprise Mrs. Ed'.vitrd Frey. Chatham: Mrs. home of Mrs. Sidney Blnnehard, —Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Damitz luffet supper given by their daugh- and Miss Emma Damitz, West Frank. Hasler, Isdin; Mr. and Mrs. Ridgeley Avenue, last Thursday ter. Arlene, in the St. John's Par- [William Roman. Metuchcn; Miss night, the final meeting of the sea- Avenue, attended the silver wed- ish House on dill Road. ding reception of Mr. and Mrs. Elizabeth Gleason and James Glea- I'or son. Plans were made to attend a Miss Roselyn Sgromolo, a niece son, South Ambuy; Mr. and Mrs, Coppcrcraft party at the home of Anthony Feltdedt in Nutley, Sat- urday. * of Mrs/Venerus, sang "The Anni- Merrill Sgromol;>, Railway, and Mrs. William Knott, June 18, and ersary Song," "Sorrento" and Mr. and Mrs. Sal Miuloriqre and to attend a performance of South —On Tuesday the Home and School Circle sponsored a free hot- "Smoke Gets in Your Eyes" ac- sons, Edward and Thomas, Union Pacific on June 25. The club will companied at the piano by Miss Mrs. Jo,,., „ Jar.p.ell and daugh- then disband for the summer. dog luncheon for the children of We're not speaking of a the Sewaren School. Joan Miglortore, another niece of ter, Mae, Mr. and Mrs. Harry —The Ladies' Auxiliary of Ise- Mrs. Venerus. O'Connor and daughter, Alice iSae. man's size —we're speaking lin Post No. 2636, VFW. will meet Local Residents Attend thet guests were: MY. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. John Lucan and about being King for a Day tonight at 8 o'clock in post head- Joseph Venerus, Mr. and Mrs. Cal daughter, Cheryl, Mr. and Mrs. quarters, Lincoln Highway. Trip Around Manhattan Venerus, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Frank Bloom sand daughters. GIFTS GALORE-From Il«-a«l (o lOi-Cool and Coinforlahlc and in —Dad on Fathers Day. Mangione, Mr. and Mrs. John Ol- Marianne ^d Ellen, Mr. aftid Mrs. WOODBRIDGE — A group of son, Mr. and Mrs. William Vansco, Charles Kimmick and daughter. Style, Too! Here's "a Gold Mine of Ideas for Father's Day - I$I;IIKI- Ladies, if you have difficulty OBITUARIES Woodbridge residents attended an Mr. and Mrs. Martin Ferraro and Diane, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Ledig. You Know - at the Right Price. xcursion trip around New York daughter, Linda, Mr. and Mrs. Mi- Mr, and Mrs. William and Miss j finding something for Dad, Sunday on the Motor Vessel Goth- chael •Caracus, Mr. and Mrs. John Pegsy Tombs, all of Sewaren. am, when the Army and Navy Eagle, Miss Betty Sipos and Ed- jlct us help you. We no doubt JOSEPH FUDE JSELIN*— Funeral services for Union, USA, w.as host to a number ward Nebila, all of Woodbridge. * If Any Shave a few ideas on the sub- Joseph Fude, 74 Wulson Avenue, of Allied officers stationed at Fort Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Spring- "Pa, what's a sinking fund?" were held Saturday afternoon in Monmuth, er and children, Susan and Eu- "A place, my son, where they ject as to his needs. We're the Greiner Funeral Home, 44 The group from Woodbridge gene, Mrs. Frank Sgromolo and hide the profits from the stock- $1,1 ro wo can help you. Green Street, Woodbridge, with consisted of Dr. George Frederick, son, Frank, and the Misses Lulu holders." Rev. Earl Hannum Devanny, pas- Mr. and Mrs. Charles Blum, of tor of the First Presbyterian Woodbridge Post, VFW;-MM. Hel- Church, Woodbridge, officiating. en Brashing, Dr. Frederick's medi- Burial was in the Cloverleaf Park1 cal secretary; Miss Marguerite Cemetery, Woodbridge. Makkai, Miss Ruth Wplk, Michael Frederick, Mrs. Regina Frederick SOPHIE ADAMSKI and Edward Feeney. AVENEL — Funeral services for The Allied officers, from Brazil, Mrs. Sophie Adam.ski, 30 Fifth Canada, Formosa, Denmark, Avenue, were hejd Saturday Jn St. France, Great Britain, Greece, In- Theresa's Church, Linden, with donesia, Iran, Italy, Korea, Leba- SLACKS Rev. Edward S. Kozlowski, cele- non, Netherlands, Norway, Pakis- SHIRTS JACKETS brant; Rev. Chester Miodowski tan, Philippines, Portugal, Thai By Arrow and Tru-Val Lightweight for Summer By McGregor and Tru-V.il deacon, and Rev. Ferdinand Miller land, Yugoslavl, are due to return s, Tropical Tops for leisure wear '/:, .sub-deacon. Burial was in St. Ger- to their native lands within tin In whites and neat colors fMITH ITMtt ton. KIN« will be pered models have lui; trude's Cemetery, Colonia, next few weeks. They have been and stripes. Right for PERTH AMBOY entertained extensively in Wood pletely relaxed in these backs for free i Camera Conscious bridge homes. Several parties for every need. Slacks. tion. Colonel—So you lost half your them have been arranged by Dr. forces by a trick of the enemy? Frederick who is a medical office FREE PARKING LOT Captain- Yes. They ringed up a at Fort Monmouth. At Rear of Store machine gun to look like a movie camera, and the boys just fought Penicillin is over-used through for a chance to net In front of it. out world, discoverer says.

an amazing How drapery and slip cover NECCHI colors l-l-M back to life! SOCKS NECKWEAR and Interwoven and Holepruf By Wembly and Botany HandkcrrliH SANITONE dry cleaning gets Argyle, ribbed solids in all Popular designs in regular Initialed and plain popular colors. Some in and new models to delight dally boxed for I-:-. MIRACLE-STITCHER nylonsT™1'"". Dad on His Day. Day giving that docs buttonholes, zig-zags, out so much more dirt! embroiders blind-stltchefl, cords, braids, etc. ' for only $ 148 'SANtTONE) in a beautiful port- payment. Terms arranged BATHING ! to suit your j&ELTS convenienoe. TRUNKS ^ SHIRf S liy Jantzen and McGregor McGregor -^ Arrow - Tru-Vftl SUSPEINDII' A pattern for every prefer- By Large selection to choose ence. Includes many with Choice of leather from in patterns and two-Way collars, short j.nd rics. Solids and jia solids. long sleeves. matching colors.

Men's Can van Casuals THE ONLY 4,95-5.95 SPECIAL VAIUES l,eath«r ON RECONDITIONED IISKD MACHINES MUTUAL SAVINGS BANK , Brown, Blue, ^ Men's SlipperH-2.95 to 5. Any Make Machine Repaired IN PERTH AMBOY or Electrified •Tart of the great Savings Hunks' Association of New Jtfsey!" at Reasonable Fricea Yuu'll never go back to ordinary dry Give Dad a Florsheim Gift Certifual- Cull today for FREE home cleaning once you've tried different, CURRENT DIVIDEND RATE - 2% demonstration, or visit better Sanitone Service. DJtt, $pow L stains simply vanish! | NECCHI THE PERTH AMBOY STORE HOURS: 9A. M,-6P. M. Christenseri. SEWING CIRCLE COPPOLA'CLEANERS SAVINGS INSTITUTION Friday Till 9 106 MAIN STREET WOODBRIDGE 23$ SMITTTSTREET PERTH AMBOY, NEW JERSEY Wednesday TU1 Noon SIKH t Perth Amboy 4-2212 WO 8-1735 Member Federal Hepogit Insurance C'ornonttlnn

mi' pEPENDENT-LEADER THURSDAY. JUNE 18, mr>3 PAGE THREE .• \..fcrr Social Notes, Organization Activities Throughout Township v. Eagan Feted Rutgers Instructor to Speak jMeclhcin-Kondas Graduated (.urn Miss Helen Elizabeth Sherwood Plans Completed jv /Vvenel Parish At Nursery School Open House Wedding is Held Weds Raphael McLain Kecrsley For Park Picnic WOODBRIDOffl IVfrs, Robert PORT READING - - Miss Made- ISKMN First roni!re:!atlnnnl WOODBRIDGE - Mr and Mrs, On Anniversary Stepheroon. Instructor' in Nurs- line Margaret Hondas, 1 Cliff Civil -li of Wcodbrldge. was tlie Al Piitnol, co-chairmen of the pic- ery Education at Rutgers Uni- 2,» Years of Service Kliwt, rinuxhter of the late Mi i -ritmi! of the mantane of Miss. nic to be held Sunday at Johnson's versity, will be guest spenker at an , \j|,;i .Ri«v. John .J. Eagan, iiiul Mrs. Frnnk Kondas, became Hi-lrn Kltoaueth Sherwood, diumh- j Park. New Brunswick, under the ,,f .HI Andrew's Church, open house to he hMd by the Adath the bride of Hobert Donald Meel- i*-i" (if Mr. Rnd Mrs. Charles Qares, sponsorship of Congregation Adath ,irrl U H testimonial din- Israel Nursury School. Monday at heln. stm of Mr. and Mrs. George 117 O'oper Avenue and Raphael Y Israel, announce that all arrange* •,•>„, pines to mark the 20th; the Woodbridge Jewish Commun- Meeihcin of (!19 Carson Avenue, Mrl.nin Knarsley, son of Mr. and menis lmvc been completed. . .,,v of His ordination to Ity Center at 8:30 P. M. Mrs. Ste- Mrs Raphael H. Kearsley of Lln- Perth Amboy, Saturday afternoon If It rains In Ihe mnming and lhon,| phensoti Is program chairman of in St. Anthony's.1 Rev. Stanislaus wnod. The double-ring ceremony 1 clears by noon the picnic will still , ' ^ rf the State Association for Nursery Milos officiated at the double-ring look place on Saturday, with the Kissnnn was master oi Education and consultant for co- Rev, Anthony Chadwick. pastor. be held, they stated. nl. the dinner which ceremony. ' operativfc schools for the same oitiriatinR. I Harold Wishnu chairman of the Milled by more than 200. The bride was Riven in marriage association. Her topic will be Escorted by her step-father, the (primmm committee, reported that IJPV. ffeorge Bowling, by her brother, FnuiK tioncus. "Nursery School us Preparation bride wore a white ballerina- i a complete program of activities , , McL save'the lnvoca- She wore an ivory silk taffeta 1 for both children and adults htt» T for Kindergarten. There will be no i:own fashioned with a portrait li'iitth nylon tulle ovcr.sutin (sown, been srhedulrd. l os the principal «l».ftfc-i admission chnrse and refrfsh- neckline trimmed with lace and i fashioned with a plented nylon St. Andrew's Church be served. ments wlll seed pearls. It had polntetLsleeves i tullft yoke, a satin bodice trimmed Serving on the committee are -iimpanled by Benedict Mrs. Milton Slrnkin and Mis and a bouffant skirt* Her full with lace and a full skirt of tulle. Dr. and Mrs. Samuel Bernstein, brother of Rev. Eagan, Maurice Pdlkowltz. co-chairman length Ivory veil of ..illusion fell Her finger-Up veil of tulle was ar- Mr and Mrs. Irving EllenDofen, ,-veral selections. of the Nursery School Board, an- firm ii Queen Ann crown of pearls ranged from a lace cap and she Chdiies Fippdman, Frank Hlrth, La Jovcra, nounced that a very active PTA and she carried her mother's heir- carried n bouquet of white roses. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kaufman, K it her Eagan, introduced program Is being planned for next loom pearl prayer baoic covered Mrs, Patricia Bpnjamen, Ports Sydney Lcbow, Mr. and Mrs. D«v!d .,,., r 'committee':- Mrs. Wil-jyear. There will be rive meetings with baby caln lilies. mouth. R. I., attended the bride Levine. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Miller, Dr. and Mrs, Isadore RabmowltJ!. = -,•••<•imeyer, president of the" during the course of the year and XI IC matron of honor was Mrs. S E W A R E N — Mis? Chine, as matron of honor, while Dary Walter Ruderman, Leon Welngar- s.-r'Rty and Patrick Coo- the Board Is presently dg AM a Trugllo. Long Island, and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Benjamcn served as his brother- n and Leftnanl Zlegler. ,.,'snlmt of the Holy Name authoritative speakers liivd ar- serviiw as bridesmaids wej'e Misses Crane, 660 West Avenue, receiv- in-law's best man. Thomas Hemsel. ranging for film strips suitable to Barbara Merandk, Duneilen, and ed a Bachelor of Science degree Cnrteret and David Kramer, Mont- ml Haythorne made a nursery education. Josephine Petrelli of WootibrtdKe. in Medfcal Technology, cum clalr, ushered. •,i!j,in to the guest of hon- Registration of pupils will be Joseph Felik, Perth Amboy, served laude, at the 162nd commence- The couple will reside in Lodi AtRKKT HANSEN held again early in September. The MRS, ROBERT STEPIIKNSON Clubwomen Hold belnlf of the Holy Name as best. man. Ushers were George ment of the University of Ver- after a wedding trip. For travel inu schricl Is scheduled to open on Sep- the bride wore a blue' shantung U()()I)HK1I»C.H — Mr. linn- -.,- ,nd Frank Maculatls pre- Meellieln. Perth Amboy, brother of mont, Sunday. Miss Ojne was tember 14 with Mrs. F. G. Cole and the bridegroom, and Russell Lair, elected to Phi Beta Kappa, and dress with white accessories and en. 1G Yandrrhilt I'laff, Wood- ;i Rift on behalf of the Miss Prances Slostak as head a white rose corsage. • iilriec recently completed 25 4th Card Party Sn-iety and the parlsh- Fords. Gerard Merancik, Duhellen, is a membevf Delta Delta Delta, teachers. Two Local Girls cousin pf the bridegroom; was ring The bride Is a graduate of Wood- years' of service with Th* Port of A mass In honor of Father social sorority. The school is non-sectarian and bearer, bridge High School, class of 1948, W York Authority, the self- AVENEL — The fourth In a , anniversary was cele- snpportlnjt. port development those Wishing further Information After a three-week tour of the and the Hackensack Hospital series of card parties sponsored by .; Sunday morning. . Awarded Degrees ney f the Staies of New Jer- may call Mrs. Polkowltz or Simkin. southern states, the couple will School of Nursing, where she is o the Woman's Club of Avenel was ,s included Msgr, James Virginia employed. Her husband was gradu- sey and New York. held at the home of Mrs. Leon Mc- V'Tth Amboy: Bev. Francis WOODBRIDGE — Miss Barbara reside, at the Clifl Street address. Bergen They will be at, home of July 5. ated from Pleasantvllle High Mr. Hansen joined the Port Michael, 54 Geortie Street, with Id-v Henry Sdhomlng, Ann Zilai. daughter of Mr. and Far traveling the bride chose' a School In 1B47 and has served four Authority In May. 1928 an assist- Mrs. Fred Hyde as co-hostess. H:iirv Weirhcln. from the, Mrs. John Zilai, 263 Green Street, years with the United States Army. Bride-to-Be-Feted cotton suit of black and white with ant superintendent at Its Statcn The door prize was won by Mrs. films; Seminary, Cornwall and Patricia M. Triggs, daughter Receives Degree At present he is attending Mont- black accessories. Island Bridges, the Bayonne and Daniel Levy; special award, Mrs. •<,. Pa.. Rev. Daniel Mundy, of Mr. and Mrs. Edward. M. TrlRgs, olalr State Teacher's College. The bride Is a graduate of Wood- WOOt)BRIDGE—Miss Vlrfilnla Ooethals Bridges and the Thomas McGarnel; non-players; i in! Powers, from Vinren- At Surprise Party 619 King George Road, Fords, re- Outerbrldge Crossing. He han- Mrs. William Carter and Mrs. Jo- ceived their degrees, Saturday at bridge High School, class of "49, DuvaJ Bergen, daughter of Mr. and -.•Munary. Princeton: Rt. Rev and McDowell School of Fashion dled n variety of accounting work seph Allgaler; table prizes, Mist the commencement exercises of Mrs. A. R. Bergen, 167 Main Street. Cn:i]'es O. McCorristln, and WOODBRIDGE — A surprise Desliin in New York. She is associ- for these crotatngs. Later he Marie Hayden and Mrs. McGargle. p.ivmtind Griffin. Wood- brldBl shower for Miss Alberta S. the State Teach«"r$ College Tren- received the degree of Bachelor of Activities Listed worked In various positions dn ton. •.••., ated with the Merchandising Corp. The next card party will be held Mrs. Robert Eagan the Resko. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. in New York as the assistant fash- Arts at the commencement exer- the accounting staff at the Hol- Monday at the home of Mrs. Alex- muther and his brothers. Albert Rfsko, 80 Cutters Lane, was A member of Ionian Sterna Sor- ion illustrator. Her husband at- land Tunnel, and today he Is an ander Tare?.. Minna Avenue with cises Sunday at Goucher College. At Avenel Church accountant in the Port Authori- tn nd was ordained to the b() Hden Szab0 and Mis, Science degree in Business Ad- is graduated from the Labora- Magyar, 528 East Avenue, have an- speaker, Miss Mary Nesbltt, wh lid on June 10, .53|3J oy ministration from Johns Hopkins tory Institute of Merchandising, ^iMarRarrt Tobias. Perth Amboy; nounced the engagement of their 45 West 34th Street, New York is a representative of the Boari Kosher Meats & Poultry ii Archbishop Thomas J ;Mr g Albert Resko. Mrs. Joseph University in 195-1. of Foreign Missionaries, will b New daughter, Antonette, to James H. City., The graduation ceremonies FEATURING: <>( I he archdiocese of -;Me8ysie, Miss Joyce Somers, and Auburn, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. were held in the Empire Room of present Thursday, June 25, Me :aifgl)tp baMn and Cftee* j iss Joan Stpos, Woodbridge. • Issac Gellis Delicatessen M James H. Auburn, Genesee Court. BOY'S BIKE THEFTED the Waldorf Astoria after which a speak to the various departments Mury's High School, Per.th Woodbridge. " WOODBRIDGE — Kenneth Ko- The dedication of officers an • Sloppy Joe Sandwiches (Meat or Fish) ,f for five'years and was'and Washington, N, Y., before luncheon was held. Miss Magyar is a graduate of chy, 15, St. George Avenue, re- teachers will be held Sunday • Appetizing, Home-Made Salads * or churches in South Am-1 becoming pastor of St. Andrew s After a short vacation Miss Si- Woodbridge High School, class of ported to Sgt. Kenneth Van Pelt os will join Hahne & Company, the 11 o'clock church service. Mr Our Specialty—Home Kosher Catering .•uyrevllle, Highland Park in 1944. • 1950, and the Albert Einstein Medi- Tuesday that his bike was stolen Newark, in an executive capacity. Krogh asks that the teachers am Sandwiches to Take Out cal Center, Northern Division from his home during the after^ officers meet in front of th School of Nursing, Philadelphia. noon. He valued the vehicle at church and that all sit together FREE DELIVERY OPEN SAT. NIGHT Mr. Auburn was graduated by $70. TO ATTEND CONVENTION on the left hand side of the front CALL WO 8-05?0 ALL DAY SUNDAY SEWING & DRESSMAKING Wcodbridee High School in the WOODBRIDGE -, Among the of the- church for these services. class of 1948. He attended Boanoke ARTIFICIAL INSEMINATION members of the Kiwanis Club of (loursrn for Beginners and Advanced College, Salem, Va,, for three years NEW YORK—An official of the Woodbridge who will attend the for Adults or Children and is In his junior year at Penn- Margaret Sanger Research Bureau 38th annual convention of Kiwanis sylvania State College of Optom- recently stated that more tlian 20,- International, June 21-25 at New To Be Held at the etry. Philadelphia. 000 children a year are torn'in the The wedding will take place in United States as a result of artifi- Fredenck M. Adams, Lotfis Horner PERTH AMBOY HIGH SCHOOL ! December. UNITED ROOSEVELT HKST (LASS-MONDAY, JUNE 29, 9 A. M. TO 12 NOON Savings and Loan Association 30 LESSONS $20 ENROLL TODAY! HAS DECLARED ANOTHER Call Mrs. Lcona Zak, Instructor WO 8-1032 SEMI-ANNUAL DIVIDEND DIRECT FROM MANUFACTURER FLAGSTAFF at the rate of i PANTS CO. The GIFT for DAD SLACKS In Fabrics, Colors, and Prices You I Can't Beat! Per Annum i()0% ALL VIRGIN WOOL GABARDINES As of June 30, 1953 Reg. $14.95 Savings deposited on or before the 20th of any, month The best money can buy! Full range of sbes in the earn dividends from the FIRST of that month Jatesl popular colors. 100% ALL VIRGIN WOOL TROPICALS Deposits Insured Up To $10,000 Reg. $12.95 By The qool, porous, wrinkle resistant *Q OR worsteds, handsomely tailored *|VVU FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN In a wtof! range of patterns. V CREASE RESISTANT i INSURANCE CORPORATION

GABARDINES OFFICRHOURS: Daily (Except S.ttiuduy) 9:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. Reg. $795 First Thursday Evening of each month 7:00 to 9 P. M. You'll find hundreds of shades J In our stock of U>«« hl*h value T-tow priced "Y«j, and you'll ROOSEVELT FREE: discover Flagstaff ALTERATIONS Tomafoss and • Mini bully hid, Savings and Loan Association totf.M. every Flagstaff Food laslesberferl" 17 COOKE AVENUE CARTERET 1-544 PERTH AMBOY SMITH •MM lm« Vkfwj H «. ••..•,:,„,„;.,.si INDEPENDENT I, THURSDAY, JUNK 13, lfl,r>3 PAGE FOUR

Warm Weather (.usual IT ear LOUISA'S Better Eating? LETTER ~ Wan' Bigger Savings.'

Dear Louisa: My husband Is very strict with the children In fart, lie l.s so much no tlmt his methods spem to be do- Ing tlie very thini? that he Is trying! to prevent j He docs not allow our high school; Dollar-Stretching dniiKliter '<> hnvp dates or co \a\ psi I ies nor does h* let our 16-year-' old son (Imp the car. They must he in bi-d tit 10 o'clock week days and week ends. The children have -gotten very rebellious here of late and the boyj has threatened to stop school and' go olT to work where he can have so'nw fun. Our daughter Is abso- Values! lutely boy crazy and deceives us by ^ M on Father'. Day by treating him to Wi favorite foods from A&P1 Kcc,, I,;,,, mfHirm dates In the movies. Mnkf 1 P tnly l-v .1nin« »H pur marketing in thl. thrift, food deputmen rtoi* wl,,,; I.nm vi'iy much distressed over h v the whole situation because I knowj Z no. W« fAll.irdd.ing price*, luit hundred.... not juat once ,„ a wb.le, U that my husband Is dolntf what lie [ 3l fZ no. W« fAll.irdd.ing p, t AU 1 thinks is best for the children but i Hay-in and (layout! Conic see . . . come save at AU 1 wh;M I think is ruining them. What course must I take? Mother—Conn. Answer: A&P's FRESH, TOP-GRADE BROILING AND FRYING Your husband is still living in COO!<—('OMKOHTAIilX . . . this miiple presents a smart example of correct warm wrather casual wear. His I'ulm Krncli slacks dp- a world uf the past. He (alls to signed by famous ci>1 f pro Jimmy Kcniarct are in (lie new Irides- Regular Style 0% J)## Rniy-tt-Cirt realize that people have learned cent shade, equally appropriate for spectator »r iictive sportswear. ( that the proper way ol resrliiK His shirt (if (Ircp-tmml broad stripes in new Charcoal (irey and Children Is by guidance and love dusty Iridescents cutnpit-went the ensemble perfectly. JatiiHi than by force. Chickens 33 We may lay down a thousand rules and try to keep our lambs: Irom the temptations of the world DAD'S FAVORITE—CHICKEN 'N but it will be of no avail if we have Health not earned their trust and confi- Boneless Round dence OCEAN SPRAY It is impossible to protect our SAVE UP TO 16< A LB. C children from the temptations of Cranberry Sauce the world and our best safe-guard Pot Roast 79 1m them is to teach them to be in- THE DEATH WRESTLERS Sometimes his heart is very heavy MORE OH THE 3-LB. BAG! dependent. Show them by word Among those who have pressed as he goes about an apparently No fat added to A&P Pot Roast hopeless task. But how many seem- Yrs—at thce spr'rial Inn jiri< rs, A&P saves you up /o and precept the right way to live forward in spite of opposition and CANS even death itself, in order to help ingly insuperable obstacles are 16c a pound n>ni|iiin'i| willi likc-qimlily mKers. Rcnifm- and then Rive them a normal brr, sale cmls i!ii« Saturday, JIIIII? 20lli, Take your _2 crumblinc before him. The re- ib. 75c amount of liberty. their fellowmen, none stand out 1 Sirloin Steak w searchers have come to his rescue choice of 3 tlrlu'iiuK lilrnils. You'll surely agree A&l You are certainly doing your more gloriously than the members Coffee laslet Letter—casts lost Hn Servict MM* D«pli , and found many drugs undreamed | child no good if you cause them to of the medical profession. 85c Turkeys' nd«f 10 n». of even after 25 or 30 years ago. Porterhouse Steak run away from home. He Is utterly Only a few hundred years ago it Mild and 1 Ib. r 1 1 unprepared to fend for himself as was the custom of an autocratic Banting and Best toiled in a lit- Mellov tan Ribs of BeefTiS - ib.53cZ>68» Turkeys ^SKiSr " "b-69a he has never had any experience ruler to have a physician or sur-tle qld basement cubby-hole until Eight O'clock b 7 with freedom and is likely to come geon slain if he did not succeed they knew the cause and treatment 3 ">• ><> $2.25 Dc „ ib 63c c ulib71c Smoked Pork Shoulders !> 49c to some bad end. And the same in saving the life of the tyrant to of diabetes. Today, on account of thiim applies to your daughter. whom he was brave enough to ad-their work, many thousands of dia- Chuck Roast or Steak B°"« " ib 39c Frankfurters s^«» «>-55e If she is accustomed to going minister some new drug. betics, who otherwise would be in Red Circle with boys and regards them as The wonder l.s that in spite of their graves, are enjoying good 3 »>• *>•* $2.28 Ib. 59c AVAILABLE IN FRESH FISH DEPARTMENTS Mends, ,she will be able to judge stupidity and threats of dire pun- health. Brisket Beef JTSL. them better and not fall for theishment, there were so many cour- It has not been many years since ground ib39° Flounder Fillet ^ ib59c first rotten apple that shows her ageous and adventurous spirits in the sulfa drugs came on tha mar- DQKQl «d Winty Ground Beef a little bit of attention, I do notthe world who pressed forward ket and were put to work saving excuse the girl for meeting her In the face of such obstacles in lives that would otherwise have 3 *• •>•« $2.31 Boneless Veal Roast ^^ M5c Fried Haddock Fillet • n> 59c dates on the; sly — such behavior their healing experiments. been sacrificed: docs her or her reputation no good When Dr. McDowell, of Ken- Then came penicillin, followed

— but her father is more to be ? : : tucky, removed a fibroid tumor by streptomyecin — both miracle ..' •'» •. .•',,;:Vi,-';t~; SS ""s -ii^'-i:^.i«•>•'•• •••• ••''• blamed than she. Every girl has a from the abdomen of a brave wom- drugs. Scarcely had the latter rinhi to a decent home in which an, It was the first time in the his- yielded up many of its secrets un- 2 9 to cntwUin her friends — boys tory of medicine. A howling mob til there is a report that another, or Riils. was outside of the cabin yelling which is still more potent, has Cling Peaches ,£±L 2 C ;; 55c Your husband had better wake that they would kill him if the been worked on for four years and De|Hwte up before it is too late or he Is in woman died. He had no modern now it is giving promise of becom- Libby's Pineapple Juice » 27* Fruit Cocktail 170,--25= 'lino for some disagreeable shocks. appliances and nothing but a ing one of the very best of them. Address your letters to;! kitchen table upon which to oper- Hi-C Orange Drink ^9^:270 Louisa, 1090 National Press ate. She made a perfect recovery White House 0 <" 9Ct Bids., Washington, D. C. and returned to her home in about Del Monte Prune Juice llll* Yours, two weeks after the operation, W Jk cans Mm • U)UISA In^iupon « joule. , i., , „ INSTALL Libby's Tomato Juice ^ „ 23= PARAKEET KNOWS NAME God works with the doctor who v ni> Fair is putting his whole soul into the FRESNO. Cal.—A lost parakeet work of saving human lives. The TODAY Facial Tissues « y 2 For father's Day ... per;hed on the shoulder of George doctor- does hot spare himself C. Stockle, who was working on his lawn. "I'm Mel's Corkie Boy," Take 3 Years to Pay Saves Yon large "f^C CIGAREnES -2.11 said the bird. Stockle checked a Von BETTRH IMPRIWSIOXS Enjoy Summer and Winter Sail p»f".se Detergent Up to 6c! 19oz.pkg. Regu^r size Including: Camels. Chesterfields, Lucky Strike, newspaper and learned that Mel- Old Golds, Philip Morris, Raleigh. vin Clark had lost Corkte Boy, who Air-Conditioning with a •was returned home. Printing Dry Milk Solids, Hydrox Cookies 33c Gold Medal, 51b. Hot Weather Beverage Buys! Explained Nabisco EIMIIV Gold Mcd THATCHER Ritz Crackers big Mrs; Youngbride—Now I know For Business riQUl Pillsbury,, Hecker'Hei S GingeGlngar Ale, Fruit FlavorsFlavors,*. ) 29,« 07. why It was that Dick went to work SYSTEM Club Socfa-pluSoih-pluii depositt fc botllcs L I EFFICIENT FORMS Wkito Roek, Gai .this morning singing, as., I never Crispo Bridge Cookies ^ P g 19c Sparkle Puddings ^ ?w 3 ^ 17c HI- WMt«Rook,CanadaOry, heard him sing before. Hodman-plus • Warm in Neighbor—"What was it?" Hnfcer Ale. Club Soda, Coola. O '• - • OUC Educator Crax . . i6«.^g 29c Salad Dressing .Set 29c T49c cans • Mrs. Youngbride—I made a mis- Winter 12 z z Hoof Beer-no deposit ** take and gave him birdseed for Bosco J$L ,:, 29c t 49c Mayonnaise Annpage i6oziar33c breakfast instead of breakfast • Cool in Hires Root Beer^^' 6^37c food. k Mummer Jiffy Corn Muffin Mix 8Vi0ZPkg 10c Garden Relish A™ page iooz|ar24c s a Orange Drink PK i 6^29' Who Can Compete with a Moon? Burnett's Vanilla Extract 29c Stuffed Olives S m^n*- "Caroline ls'false to the lfeague," Take |m Pepsi-Cola "t'tS" 6iX37c a girl growled at a strawberry fes- Plenty of Bon Olive Oil p°^ i6oz. can 55° Cut-Rite Waxed Paper v25(.,on25c tival. Time to Pay "False? How so?" said a visitor J ln d 12 Log Cabin Syrup . 12- jar27c Marcal Sandwich Bags p^ 4010c from the city. Let us help you design Piel's Light Beer ir 2 ,:; 31c "Here we are," the girl explain- Get Our FREE o z ed, "selling kisses for charity, and your printed matter, for Gravy Master Formakinggravies ^o , 14c Marcal Paper Hankies 3 ^ 22c Caroline is bootlegging them out- greater efficiency in the Heating Estimute side in the moonlight." office, factory or sales- room. Quality crafts- Hell Gei the Cream "I'm engaged in the dairy busi- manship assures satis- 1 ness at present," remarked the faction! Sweet Red Ripe, Juicy Father's Day Favorite, Fit for Your (Cing. lawyer^ iK(&0. "You don't say!" exclaimed his CALL friend, the doctor. $HJ^I$U»> Chocolate Fudge •pPact," rejoined the legal light, Watermelon 5 "I'm milking an estate." h The Frau's Footwork Freestone Peaches?^ Georgiaibt7c |^ Gold Layer Cake "75' "Somehow I get more kick out 18 Green St., Woodbridge KETZENBERG & OLSEN of bridge when I play opposite my AVENEL, N.J. California Lemons ^tr 4 ** 19^ wife." FOR UKTTEK IMl'UKNSIONB Other Jane Parker Values... WOODBRIDGE 8-2903 _ "So do I," said the other man as String Beans F,,,,. ^-.Lvfanr, IL15O /\nn|e pje Jane Parker he rubjbed his shins. large 8 inch pi« -h49c White Bread *"- WjOI-lwli^ 16ozUiSc Improved Lighting for Fresh Beets rby farms 8c Rolls ^.^X^, 8 19c Raisin Bread ^ WIA-N-T-E-D Fresh Carrots From ^t ^ bun* 10c Potato Chips cx S '*«. h 25c Rye Bread afi'/c New Jersey Turnpike r P or Celery RegaloBrand Wgesialk29c - —June Dairy Month of Values— NURSES Seedless Limes ^a «non of si 9c General Duty Cantaloupe Sliced American r Ched-O-Bit lb VINE LARGE i EXTRA y2ibPk9 27c Blended Swiss Cheese "Si"Si Perth Amboy General Hospital RIPENED SIZE LARGE SIZE Kraft's Velveeta %ib M 33« Sharp Cheddar Cheese X All A&P Super Markets and Self-Service Stores Frozen Food Values 7-3 Shift $2154265 Month Cut Green Beans «•«. »«4«.21i Orange Juice 2!;: 3-11 Shift $240-$290 Month Open Fridays to 9 p. m. LLemonadd e MiMxi J 2 t•:, ' 2299c Welch'Ws Grape Juice f« 22 J *MI«IC*"S fOKIMOJ! fOOD HUUI» 11-7 (Shift $225.$275 Monfti

Qua of the many new lighting 21 Days Paid Vacation , Za-Rex Syrup Swift's Preiq Bab-0 Cleanser standards being Installed on the Buy I it regular prlca 8 Holidays-12 Sick Days Pura fruit flavortd Lunchaon Mea| »t 1 Iw Wt grlet ^ New Jersey Turanika In tha COMPANY $000,000 expansion program that full Paid Hospitalization Insurance I6oi, 29c will provide even greater visi- 3 « 29c/ ThtM print tff«rtW« thru Satmdoy, June 20th, bility for night driving and during Social Security Coverage in Sint (Jft lanes of all IV interchanges of 118- EXTENSION 16 g Whltl 70^11,, Ufkt 70*07 mite express thru way, on bridge 3 caltl l aypro&chea and In Wl)(te* «eai

1 1 , ,,n.,inl_ii ''" jiiS' it ' b'Min •')•* 'i.l ^PENDENT-LEADER THURSDAY, JUNE 18, 1953 PAOE FIVE Twins Given Party Amboy Coat Factory Addition Ready Soon Just Judge of Men Mrs. Ward Honored )RT READING NOTES At Surprise Party By Paragraph On 7th Birthday SEWAREN—Mrs. Pauline Ward Mrs. m McDonnell of Woodbrldge was honored at a ,,,,„„,. WO-8-U12-W 9EWAREN — The twin dan«li- You Cm surprise birthday party on Sunday ters of Mr, and Mrs. Anthony Ku- You ran make thr average mnn by her brother and sister-in-law, bicka of Broad Street, Linaa and mad by referring tn him as an Mr ami Mrs. John Lucas, New Laura, were honored on their sev- average man, -Greensboro Hrr- Street § ., i,y Kracht, 285 Stuyve- enth birthday, last Saturday by a alri-Jmirnel, Guests were: Mr. and Mrs. John , llMr. Nrwark, was married I party at their home. Important Difference j Vciipnu. New Street: Mr. and Mrs Miirinus Juelsen, 227 Old Their guests Were Bonny Ku- They say listening In us R jEdwanl Whltehead, Perth Amboy: (cirmony whlch^toolc blcka, Arlene Kublcka, Irene Ku- monitor on the short wtov'rs is as | William Messick. Mr. and Mrs. afternoon In Beth- btcfta, Marianne Neveil, Billy Nc- much fun as living on a rural prtr- Emil Boehmer and children, Mr. . iiiiisli Lutheran Church, vetl, Billy Tagsart, Joan Klsiellski, ty line, and you get money fur it and Mrs Slirls Drost and daugh- ;' ' id-v, Carlo Petersen, pas- Tony Klslelesky, Mary Margaret -Portland OreRonian, ter, and Mrs Ward's husband. Pollock, Catherine cieban, Teddy We Don't Jumps nnd their daughter, all of iniiic was attended by herCleban, Cheryl Lucas, Billy Lima, It's reported the Don River WoodbridRC. .,,,, Mrs. Mildred Sorenson, Nancy Lima, Joan Butkowsky, basin Is where tine caviar coincs ,|' while Christian Nielsen, Marlene Medvlte. Allen Patrick from. Does anyone remember! •LEGAL NOTICE i;,.;i(|inu. served as best man Marilyn Patrick, Linda Rankin and whether there Is » chapter on this NOTirF TO ..trpfather. Susan Dpwling. In "Meln Kampf?"—Kansas Clly amiril wrtii will b« rfr*l»fd »t .the Purrhmtng Agrnt'» Office, Boom 105, .|.(nrn from the two-week Star. County Rword Building. New Bmn»- ,n,:,,n trip to Florida, Mr. Labor, management, pnlttlrlnns wlclt, Nfw J«rs«y. on Monday, June W. DRIVER, 90, FINED 1053, «t 1100 »m. D»vU«ht S»vln» •v Jiinlsm will reside at the and others who weep for the con- Time, for the fvirnlshlng «nd delivering ,i:i Avenue address. Mr. COLDWATER, Mich. — Mrs. sumer need something In tin- of the (olluwlnn tc RooMfrlt Hcmpltiil ,. i, iictive in Danish Broth- Lulna Seberlng was recently fined shape of a transparent handker- for Dlwtwa of the Cheit. Meturhen, Pert Carol Rwrd. who fore- N. J., «nd »t which time bldi will b« ',' ,,'t.ivitJes of Thor Lodge $9.16 after pleading Rullty to The above picture Is the Architect's prospective of how the Nrw York Olrl Coat factory at Ptrth chief, to peer through and sec charges of falling to yield the right Amboy will look when the 20 000 foot, two story addition, as shown jn the foreground on the right, casts the wMtthfr on W0B8- opened: ,;' ivitli Amboy, and U vice how they're doing with their Item tl-1 13" B^t «HM B T. of way with her automobile, caus- is completed. tears.^Detrolt News. TV iChannrl 2) six evening* * ,,i of the Danish Home, This Plant, also known as Amboy Manfacturiiu Cornpany, first began as a 20,000 foot hulldlng week, will serve ax a Judge fit Wlnd«or Wond Settre or jippro»ed equal. ,.II, board of management. ing a minor traffic accident. Mrs Unaffected Prtca per unit Sobering, who recently celebrated operating for the New Votk Giri Coat Co. In 1942. In 1947 a completely new 40,000 foot factory was Notwithstanding anything In the third nnnual National Men'i It*m #3—J Hurden «M0-Ma loose her 9flth birthday, insists she's us built connecting with the old original building. T :is 40,000 foot factory Is the low building in the Fashion Psunint, Sunday, June cushion MX—loose 3 ounhlon buclt In- \S» DRUM CORPS architect's drawing. Due to the Increase in buslne over the last five years, it has become necessary subsection (1) of this srctlon, »tltutlon»l typ« Miiple 8ottM—with much at home behind a steering- t that subsection shall not affect 21, In Anbury Park. N«ug»hyite corerlnu — rubberized tintr ,nhl is of the Fife and Drum wheel as she Is In a rocking-chair for the firm to erect the present addition ot 20,00 > fret on two floors, which will be used for shipping, with «hort spring*—bo» type cushions- ' M ill meet Monday after- cutting, and storage facilities. subparagraph (lll> of paragraph arid with ipccltl lacquer on maple (o of sub-section <1> of section frames per requirement! of Nnugthyde it is 30 o'clock for practice. The New York Girl Coat Co., of which Gftic Sagan, Soutl' Orange, Is the president, has been In mileriM «•* si; Piscataway Enclne ly before the turn of the century ented Jean Simmons in the title; — —: I™hJ™al^s More than 75 guests from Perth "I wish we'd get some ship- was held Thursday with Edward lthe right tino make the award to one ot HHUIIV #2: Clara Barton: Amboy, Fords, Woodbridpe an> when men and their families were Includes athePPaTSsCahusbiS » M»*h* G^ Holsten Bnd wrecked sailors jvashed ashore," Stern presiding. Two new mem- >»» V£ \ it I'rpp Fire Department; Port Reading attended the shower mo vint' In to farm their govern- Stewart Granger and Sorah W»llam Hahn' Honored «»* said the cannibal chief. "What Lers were Introduced, Eitianuel'thelr JJn' ,i Aid Squads of Menlo Park ment grants, much to the dismay were Rev. and Mrs. William Jus- Heller and Bernard Shore. Plans be accompanied by cash or i Kerr and Charles Laughton, The we need now Is a good dose of obeck In the amount of ten per cent ; (l.irii Barton; Ladles' Aux- NOTES of those who had been using the tice. salts."—U. S, Coast Guard Maga- were completed for a family pic- range for grazing. Attention is fo film 1B produced in/Technicolor, (10%) of the total bid. rv of Edison Volunteer Fire Mrs. Patrick Murphy, Brooklyn and Illustrates the ill-starred ro- ssine. nic, July 12, at Roosevelt Park, The Purchasing Anent reacrves the cused on the experiences of a 110 YEARS OLD right to reject any or all bids, and his miiiiiiy: each and every flre- is visiting the Daniel E. McDon- mance between Elizabeth I and; Mr. Schiller Is chairman and he . . ii ,md first aid man who nells, WoodbrldRe Avenue. young couple of pioneers and their DETROIT, Mich.—Mrs. Mary mm v« ...I.(AJ >,„ tt,.nrli. iitiK/4 Milan l» subject In nil rWpects to th* one of England's most prominent! win De assiscea oy riann wina- jpprovni 0[ tne Board of Chonen Free- Oerard and Brian McDonnel young son when the hostility of the Kw who We Like a Regular Trade man, Mr, Heller and Benjamin holders or the County of Middlesex, unlit so gallantly. cattlement begins taking a dan- young admirals during and after Sixth Street, are In Vanada Woods the reign of Henry VIII. bnma slave, recently celebrated hei Prison Governor (to released Fischer. Hosts lor the evening ^^ju******™** getting the boat In shape for thegerous turn. Alan Ladd, in the 110th birthday in customary fash- convict) — "I'm sorry, I find we were Milton Kushner and Hymail r. & Mrs. Wm. A. Coyle role of the sturdy young husband By order of the Board of Chosen summer season. Fellow Boy Scouts 1 Lloyd's reports world shipbuild- ion—smoking her pipe and watch- have kept you here a week too Plavin. Freeholder! of the County ot Middle- and father, is determined to re- Ing television. ' long," Bex. please note. ing off in first quarter. ARTHUR. L. BURROUGHS Convict—"That's all right, sir. Installment buying in March Is Purchasing Agent Knock It off next time." put at record 19 billions. I.L.8/1B DRIVt I! YOURSELF <


*The*t ruil'pr Fftlturei and ntw , Autrtjnic-Kye art uplirmu/ ut extra coil -

:;: fo ma&e your hleplw MrvfcVtvan fasftr.':! It's a good idea to jot down unlisted numbers and numbers you call most frequently, when they're instantly available. Beat place is in a Personal Numbers Booklet, available without cost at any business office;


OODBRIDGE AUTO SALES 475 Rahway Avenue NEW JERSEY BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OUIHUILE DEAU8 0180 FEATURES tOP VHIUB III SAFEIY-TESTE8 USED CARS- INDEPENDENT I.E,\I.I.-P PAGE SIX THURSDAY. JUNE 18. 1953 MOM Hu!-. five children and three Is said to have vi,,,, FIRST PRESBYTERIAN ST. JOHN'S CHURCH ; ,nr"m are B townrd tart- Noon" as Tier fiunni" CHURCH Sewartn mu Him Mi-errie s The first one to the year and Gary (•„,,, Jowoh Thorn**. I.»v Rmdrr e |..ini«l<> was Donna, in favorite actor. Pi inn Railway Avenue and Cnrteret l Mrs Dorothea Pocklembo. Organist R I» The Outfield." She was still prefers GITROI ]>,.', Road. WoodhrirUc v »:J0 A.M.. sunaay 8CIHKM. by "tile sister. NNoreene . Rrv. Earl Itanmim Hmnnr Mlnlrter 11:00 A M . morning prayer and ,,,,1 now its brother Hugh, who Gary Cooper, in y , . l.llllin P. Stfphmi, Organlit service. M t Sunday Service* llls, „„„„, seven, Hr will Play Cannes film festival, i , 11:15 A. M—Communion Sun- Sknltnn's mm m Mornlne Worship at 11:00. day, first Sunday of each month. the script of "The i n-, Sunday School, 9:45 A, M, He hopes to persuade in,, Refular Meeting* FIRST PRESBYTERIAN mnn to co-star wiiii , Your Church Welcomes Yon picture, First Monday Session meeting CHURCH OF AVENEI. May The Best Wife Win," In the church at 8:00 P, M. 621 Woodbridge Avenue. Avenel kh l'.is been (>n the shelf for Second Monday. Board of Trus- Sunday Services (im:e a while. IIRS boen pulled do\Vn Bins Crosby, who is ,• tees. White Church Guild at the The Rev. W. W. Warman, MlnUtrr mil scheduled by Twentieth Cen- In Hollywood about ,lm- Mrs. William R. Kmg, Oruafiln ry-Fox. This satiric comedy re- ! Manse. Mr*. Frank Maamt, »r., Choir Dlrecttrsj he plans to do >>t 1Mst L>... IWXflARIAN RKFOHMKI) ST. ANTHONYS R. C. CHURCH ADATH ISRAEL SYNAGOGUE ' Third Tuesday, Suiday School Mri. CharlH Miller, \o.•••PS around the machinations of in Ireland nrxt ym. Pnrt Reading ( HVK( II Amboy Avrnur. Woodbrldne j teachers. Youth Choir Dlrfctren throe women to advance the ca Rrv. SlanlkUna Mlliu, Pittor Mn. Charles Mriera. husbands, all of Cflrnrr of Srhmil ,ind James Rev. Samuel Newburger, Rabbi. rnevs of their d ll Austrian steel is cli;;i>> SMinlay Masses at 7:30, 0 00 and Fouri.h Monday. White Church Children'! Choir Dlrrttreli d Friday, 7:30 P. M. Regular Sab- Sunday, fi'iO A. M.. Sunday an empbyed by the same rope as a result or u, ;-. 11:00 A. M. bath services. .Gul'.d at the Manse. rrv Church School; 11:00 A. M., nmipnuv. Steel Industry plans |. Mils Mik'il.ili'lir tathmary, Wwlylay Masses at 8 A. M. Third >iirsda.v, Women's As- awl 1'hoif Itjwlor "hurch Worship. 7:00 P. M. West- its reeord ' Novena In honor of St. Anthony ST. CECELIA'S CHURCH ' -'.onintirm meets at 8 P. M. KiiznbPth it of England Order of Sm'rPS and Activities' Kpv. John Wllui, Patlor Second and fourth Wednesdays, minster Fellowship; Young Adults. each Tuesday at 7:15 P. M., with a(II Ald 7 P.M. Sunday. 8:45 A. M.. Sunday Itev. Shelly, St. Peter's Hospital. Sunday Musses, 6:30, 8:00, 9:00, j f' «' SortetyJ P. M. Bchuul; ni 9 A. M.. wor>liip service 10:00 and 11:00 A. M. Last Monday, 8:15 V. M. Men's I New Brunswick. In charge. Fellowship: third Mondty, Trus-' In Ennllsh: at 10 A. M . worship Weekday Masses, 730 and 8:00 FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST tees meeting at 8 P. M. Uirl Scouts, Color - Ful.. • service in HunKarUtn. A. M. SCIENTIST TRINITY CHURCH Wondfty, weekly at 7 P. M. Explor- Wednesday, 8:00 P. M., continu- SPcnnd Sunday at 3 P. M,, La- Corner Berkeley Boulevard and U'cst Avenue, Sewaren 'rs weekly, Monday ot 7 P. M. As a Spring Sunrise dles' Aid Snrlety mrntii!;!, Mis. All ous Novena to St. Judc, Patron o! (Joop«r Avfihue, lstlln Sunday School, B:30 A. M. Tuesday—Deacom meet second drew BUSH presiding. Hopeless Cases. Sunday School, 10 A. M. Church service, 11:00 A.M. fuesdny of February, April, June, Every S:itn;-(lny a! !) A. M., Con- Sunday Morning Worship, 11:00 Play - Fu!... COLON1A GOSPEL CHAPEL Reading rcom. Thursday, 2-4 August. October and December. flrmatiiin d;i;s. o'clock. P.M. In man Avenue at West Street 3oy Scouts at 7 P. M.: 2nd. 8:00 Every Mi.ndny nt 2:30, Released Yuimg Peoples meeting and ?. M., Ladies' Aid; at 7 P. M., Ses- As a Puppies' Convention Colonla "Is the Universe. Including Man Time Reliplou* Ediii-ation. :holr, 630 P. M. evolved by Atomic Force?" This sion. Sunday 8chool and Bible Classes First and third Mondays at 7:30 Sunday Evening Evangelistic Is the subject of a very interest-* Wednesday, third, 7:0(J P.M., SOMr.THlN*; NTW in 9:00 A.M. P. M.. Churchmen's Bratherhood Service at 7:45. j inn I psson*Sei"mnn to We given ir Youth Council; 4th. 8:00 P. M., for warm weather fvenini; «e;\r. hieetiiiK; Steve Dorkn, Ptr.slri*nt. Wednesday. Midweek Service, Gospel Service. 8unday. 8 P. M. nil Christian Science churches on Mr. and Mrs. Club. The lishtwrisht dinner jiiekrl in Second and fourth Mondays 45 P. M. Christian Women's Home Bible Sunday. Thursday, weekly, 3:45 P. M.. a new shade "Winter White." by YOUDK Pecp.c's Society meetitiK Fr.day, All Day Prayer. Class, Tuesday, 2 P.M. hildren's Choir; weekly. 7:15 1'alm Heaeh. Ilnnd srrpencd nil :i Young People s Meeting, Friday, The Golden Text is frnm Psalmsi pure silk, the "Leopard" cum- Every Tuesday ot 6:30 P. M.. "The earth Is the Lord's, and the Youth Choir; weekly 8:15 P. M, ST. ANDREW'S CHURCH P.M. Senior Choir; last 6:30 P. M. Cubs. merbund iiiul narrtiw Sundays. Sunday Services 9:45 A. M., Sunday School ence and Health with Key to the 172 College Ave., New Brunswick- C;il zoos, were used t,t wit;'; t!,c Bible Sehnol. 0:45 A. M. !,LS.SCS for all ages. Holy Day services, 10:00 A. M. Scriptures" by Mary Baker Etfdy First Church of Christ, Scien-| sprawling Ceylon plantation limit' 11:00 A. M,, Worship Service. Trinity Veatry, second Monday. MornlnK Worship, 11:01) A. M. will include the following: "Cre: tist, 172 College Avenue, New that Is destroyed by an .UIMS<\, 6:30 P. M., Young People's Fel- 7:M P.M. Stated Meetings ator. Spirit; Mind; God, who made Brunswick, N. J., holds Sunday, |ur(| at the climax of "EWhun; owship. Trinity Men's Club, second services and Sunday School at 11 j Walk" The house, together wit i Official Board, fli.it Monday, 8 all that was made and could not 7:45 P. M.. Gospel Service in Wednesday, 7:00 P. M. V M. and testimonial meetings' ornate iron grilhvojk and Y.ma P. M. . reate an atom or an element the ong and word. St. Agnes' Unit, first Monday, opposite of Himself. . . . God cre- on Wednesdays at 8 P. M. The s,:api.:fc', co.it "more than $100,000 Vuum! Adult Fellowship, first Wednesday 2:30 P. M. ates and governs the universe, in- readings from the desk are from Tuesday, 8 P. M. to build. 8:00 P. M., prayer meeting and St. Margaret's Unit, first cluding man. The universe Is filled the Bible and the Christian Scl- Fortnightly Guild, second and Bible study. ' * Wednesday, 7:00 P. M. with spiritual ideas, which He snee textbook, "Science and fourth Mondays, 8 P. M. Cary Grant, currently playing in Trinity Altar Guild meets quar- wolves, and they are obedient tc Health with Key to the Scrip- Funday School Board, second MGM's "Dream Wife." will s.ion )VR LADY OF PEACE CHURCH terly. ' ' the Mind that makes them." < p.p. tures," by Mary Baker Eddy. Thursday. 8 P. M, celebrate his thirtieth anniversary New Brunswick Avenue, Fords Trinity Junior Altar Guild, first 583.2951 Woman's Society of Christian The cimiuii ».».;-.tainsu nursery, in show Inisiness. Rev. John E. Grlmei, Pastor and third Mondays, 6:45 P. M. public reading room and library Service, third Wednesday, 8 P, M. Sunday Masses: 7:00, 8:00, 9:00. Trinity Acolyte Guild meets FIRST CHURCH OF ISELIN, n the church building. The read- It's said that 'Walter Disney's 0:00 and 11:00 A.M. quarterly. FIRST CONGRESSIONAL PRESBYTERIAN ing room is open Tuesdavs ''Frier Pnn." has nlready tuossed Weekday Masses: 7:00 and 8:15 Trinity Choir, Thursdays, 8:00 CHURCH Rev. Henry M. Hartman, Pastor Thursday and Saturdays from 1 ;over $7^00,000. Thafs not hay! Bar run and Grove Avenues M. P.M. Sunday Services: Family service Novena to Our Lady of Per- Trinity Church School Faculty, WoodbridRC Joe Pasternak is enroutp to tfial Help each Tuesday at 7:45 fourth Friday, 7:30 P. M. A. M.: Sundai School, 9:45 KfV Anthony S. ChadwitK. 1'h.I)., Rome for the filming of "The Minister . M. Boy Scout Troop 34, Friday, A. M.; Worship service, 11 A. M The job of "plain citizen" keeps Flame and the Flesh" with Lansi Mrs. ficarKe II. Khodrs, Confessions, Saturdays, 4:00 to 7:00 P. M. Nursery for children of those at- Truman busy. Mlnlstrr nf Music TuriH'r and Pier An;;eli. William II. Voorhw. Jr., 00 P. M. and 7:30 to 9:30 P. M. tending. Adequate parking space Sii|>prmtrii(lcnl of Siimlay Schools Tuesdays ST. JOHN'S EPISCOPAL iti rear of church. • Exports of cotton running one- \ ! Bill Corcoran, head janitor ;it Worship First Tuesday, Session. CHURCH Monday: 2:|0 P. M., Weekday half those of a year a«o. Sunday School — 9:45 A. M." Wednesdays 9:45 A. M., Sunday School. hurch School each Monday from Monday Worship — 11:00 A.M. Ladies' Aid Society, second and Fords October to May Inclusive; 7:30 Meetings '6'urtli, 2:00 P. M., at the church. Joan Lopet, Deiuwr P. M., deacons' meeting, second BOOKS as GIFTS Thursdays Official Board — Third Wednes- 11:00 A. M., Morning Prayer. Monday; 8 P. M., Ladies' Aid meet- Third Thursday, Women's As- for DAD and the GRADUATE day, 8:00 P. M. Weekday Activities ings, second and fourth Mondays, lociatlon meeting at 8 P. M. at the Monday Women's Association — Every Tuesday: 8:00 P. M., Young i^jj? CHILDREN'S BOOKS • EDUCATIONAL hurch. 7;30 P. M., Young Adults meet TOYS • DOLLS • STUFFED ANIMALS t other Wednesday, 2:00 P. M. Women's Guild, fourth Tuesday. Fridays second and fourth Mondays in \DULT ROOKS O BIBLES G. E. T. Club—Third Tuesday. •Wednesday: 7:30 P. M, Sunday Junior Choir, 3:45 P. M. honfts. 1 DICTIONARIES » ATLASES 8:00 P. M. Hiuh School Choir, 7 P. M. Tuesday School teachers and officers, at cal • DIARIES t TRAVEL IOCS, Eicma Alpha Phi Sorority -Sec- Adult Choir, 8 P. M. 7:00 P. M., Deacons, second of the superintendent, WRITING PORTFOLIOS, PA- We Also Feature a Complete Line of ond and Fourth Monday, 8:00 Tuesday. Thursday: 7 P. M,, Junior Choi: PER, NOTES 0 AlTOGKAl'H, PHOTO,. P. M. ST. JAMES' R. C. CHURCH 7:15 P. M., Boy Scouts. rehearsal every Thursday; 8 P. M SCRAP ALBUMS • ADDRESS, FRIEND- VANTA Underwear—Tots to Teens Young Married Couples — First Amboy Avenue, Woodbrldge 8:00 P. M., Ladies' Aid, second Senior Choir rehearsal every SHIP BOOKS • GAMES FOR THE ENTIRE Sunday, 8:00 P. M. FAMILY • GRADUATION and FATHER'S lit. Kev. Msgr. Charles G. McCorrUtln Tuesday. Thursday; 7:30 P. M., trustee; Paitor DAY CARDS. Pili'rim Fellowship—Every Sun- 8:15 P. M., Session, second Tues- day, 3:00 P. M. Rev. Raymond Griffin, Asslitant Pastor meeting' first Thursday of month Ili'v. (iustave Napoleon, Asslitant Pastor day. Choir Rehearsals Friday: 7:00 P. M., Boy Scou Sunday Masses: 6:45,'7:45, 8:54, Wednesday MAIN KIDDIE CENT! Chancel -Wednesday, 8:00 P.M. Troop 47, every Friday. CORNER BOOK SHOP 0:00 and 11:00. 3:30 P. M., Girl Scouts. Carol-Friday, 3:15 P.M. The Session meets the first Sun 79 SMITH STREET PERTH AMBOY Junior and Senior Sodality to '8:00 P. M., Mr. and Mrs. Club 90 MAIN STREET WOODBKIIM.l Junior-Friday, 3:45 P. M. day of the month after service OPPOSITE STRAND THF.ATIIK receive communion in a body Sun third. Wednesday in homes. Youth—Friday, 5:00 P. M. Community organizations using day. Thursday 3:45 P. M., Children's Choir. the church regularly are: Lions FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH 7:00 P. M., Youth Choir. Club of Iselln, First and Third Mondays, 6 P. M.; Iselin Women's Market and High Street 8:15P.M., Senior Choir. Club, Third Wednesday, 1 P. M.; Berth Amboy Rev. Peter Kowalchuk, Pastor OUR REDEEMER EVANGELICAL Iselin Library . Association, first 11:00 A. M., Morning Worship, LUTHERAN CHURCH Wednesday, 7:30 P. M.; Victory 9:45 A. M., Sunday School. 26 Ford Street, Fords Acres Civic League, third Friday, 6:15 P. M., Baptist Youth Fel- Rev. Arthur L. Krevllng, Pastor B P. M,; Chain O' Hills Women's tfese thwgs owshlp. Sunday School and Bible Class Club, first Tuesday, 8 P. M.; Eighth 7:30 P, M-, Evening Gospel Serv- 9:30 A. M. District Republican, Club, second Morning Worship at 10:45. Wednesday, 8 P. M Hey Fellas!!

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Chevrolet is again the lowest-priced line in its field! See 'em and get full details ai»y afternoon Monday through ... in Popularity Leadership! Again this Thursday between 4 and 5 P. M,-i\sk for the (jjrculation Man- . year-as in every single p^4twar year-more people are buying Chevroletvtfcan any other ager ulthe . • \ ~ Car. For (he £r«t 3 month! alone, Chevrolet is over 20% ahead of the second-choice car. Nearly 2 million more people now drive Chefroiets 1 than any" other rqiike, Independent Leader; - 18 Green St, Woodbridge •Optional at extra cort. Comblnttion of Power- glide uitonwtic 1/sojroiuion wid 115-li.p. "Ulue- V • •••,••• " % Ptan** engiil*"»v»il»bie on ^^o-Ten"' «nd »:l Air models only. Power £teer!itg av^lable on all Iturilan Twsp. - ^ords Beacon - 1|J Gr^en; St., Woodbndge models. MORE PEOPLE BUY CHEVROIEH THAN ANY OTHERCARl Carleret Press • 76 Washington ^ve., Carteret Or Telephone WO-B-lTttHir C^-S-SOOO JEFFERSON MOTORS, lac. Hew Jersey Bell Telf(bone. Company 16»X66 NEW BRUNSWICK AVENUE PEftTH AMBOV Kh I .vprcpENDENT-LEADER THURSDAY, JUNE 18, 1553 i PAGE SEVEN ^ stone. The mortar IR crumbly, and walk of concrete In mv breeze- a steel float. All of this work is In all rases using plugs, drill the WORK WhKK I am sure thai it needs pointing up done with a fairly liquid cement. liMrcit's Day JERSEY SCRAPBOOK ******* way. I wou'd like to coior it. My hotai to plui itee «r smaller. U«e The Bureau of Luftor Statistics Ahswtr: Repolnting stone Is mixer! a metallic red H the color dam not penetrate a masonry drill bit, or a hand not mu«h dfaTtrrtii than re- well. It wBI tide. drill tapped llf htly with a ham- reports that the averase work week )ljs(Tved Sunday pothtlng brlek or blocks. OoufC powder when he laid his walks, mer. lf(a»y Mows will fractur* fur factory warkeri In thl? country out all loose material, brush but they have faded terribly. Whfct Question: I am loin* to build a the brick. was 48 hours— u many hours u enn I do to make a permanent ' I, An oiitsUndin^pro- dowfc With » wir« brush, anfl wnii around nry fireplace with during the peak of World War II Sunday at the tttett Mftk the mil thoroughly. Job? I want the color to be a sub- knotty pine, but am stuck on how and one hqur more a week than dued red. TRAPPED ON POLE iy Church In ob- Make k mortar o( 1 part cement a year ago, The report showed in fasten the boards to the solid DETROIT -Victor Vafi M«r ,1 'children's Day. The and V< parts sand, to which Answer: The powder Is Iron average Weekly earnings at 171.40, water has been added, and a oxide. You mar buy It under brlrk wall. berck, 48, tflenhone trneman. .,•;!•; us follows: near the record level, and hourly waterproofing agent (liquid thlf or a trade name. The sur- Answer: You can attach wood spiked hi,s way up a pole In an nl- -,,,,1 df find" was played nay average 11.85, Including over- ;,niiiiiII us a prelude, the tjpts which your buildinK luppfy face coat of cement must be to brick with any of the follow- ley to m»ke n inln.r repair. Feel- dealer carries). Press into all time. , i,.,)] und tlin cnncregfi- about '. Inch thick when the ing: la) steel cut nails Into the ing hent from below, he looked grooves between stones with mortar Joints. >bl fl>»r "'••-< i I,, Kin!! "Our Fathers' powder is sprinkleS over It. Work down mul saw flames licking at his your trowel point. Brush smooth set In drilled hold In the brick, [,, i; t'Ytsko presented a the powder Into the top • i Inch I l.tfckj Mnn with a whisk broom. Build up a into which screws ma» be I«I. fri't A smoldering rubbish heap iv.iiliiiK. and Robert. deep, with a stiff brush. Then t "Anam, they tell me you and eov« between the wall and floor trowel the surface smooth with Ic) Inserting lead anchors In li.ul set f\v« to a fence and the pole i- ;i prnypr. aloft* the jrint, extending up the was on fire. He hurriedly tapped a : Brother Donald were In a railway a wood float. If you want a holes drilled In the brick, with ' nreldent Did you collect, any dam- ,:,,! n<'(>n:«, superintend- wall and over the oor about % <\ teicplmne linemen.' called the 11 irlated surface—which bright- Inn screw.: set Into the lead lines? i iH.'i'innrrs' department inches. ens the color somewhat—wet plan, Id) plastic anchors set In .wn'ei\ vim called firemen. He I ihr |!1OI1P tfhtlKfi Vfll'l- "We did But nrvn a shilling the surface before the cement drilled holes In tbe brick Into wns rescued just in the nick (if „., , Hull performed, Lau- wild we have, had 1 thwhf, to kick Question: I nm to hiy n j'ts, and trowrl nvfcr a*:iin with which wood screws may be se*. IIJ i;;ivc !i recitation en- Monoid in the face." , i: (;iiir" nnri ''Greetings" •ril by Dennis Krutzler, :i!!'i.nn. Kiiren Chester. WHO WON A10N6 KiiUiiKton, The begin- CON- ..liim-nt then performed ,,n iif "All («f Me iNir .Je- me ., ;;im:. "CllmWnif Sun-

• .niiiry department wiu '•mtinrd by Us superln- f \ii's. (). H, WuflcrlltiR ,!ni. Hubert Kosl'1, Wayne ,:.il Hubert Warren pre- 4pipopucror'me i -;unip of reading books MfgcHAN/wu e urn SCHOOL ,.': t nn-nl. recited tlie 1001.1 $HeSTAt?T£0 Oor7D8P ,,, ,,iii" ;i sonn, "A Prayer A SCHOOL rim's Day." Aline and A , io, .loyce Hoffman. Holly ; . ii. Margaret Wldmuyer i i TI, Nancy Munzel an< ll;i;icker then reoltec MCOl. , \u\" Offeratory music (I uv Kay Wnrman and II V prayer was given by £ Melt Proof />', v.i y down. Cover and place in a 350 Bag Free ' i <• Bemmueller, super- decree oven and cook until par- ilien introduced the tially tender (about Vi hour,) Re- ;, mmnit. Richard Han- nic>\(> cover and turn chicken. Pour barbecue sauce over the meat. Wonderful eating! What n treat whpn served wltli Dairy iiiiiil piano selections crest leu rroamt Half-Gallon Carton '1" • iiiiilc sonc books. A reci- Continue baking without a cover I :,i- Word of Ood." was for at least one hour. Baste fre- quently. This recipe will make Kicher, creamier, smoother! Real fruit flav- ,io!in Tellenhart und LAROE FANCY FREESTONE ors! You'll agree, here's the market's finest ..Vii'ih, Patricia Urban, four servings, • • .;.',c:i, Joan Peterson. For other excellent kltcnen- ice cream value! Keep a supply in your re- . ,M Kiibnvetz recited tcstf'd recipes, write the National frigerator freezer unit! cut ton Council. P. 0. Box 18, Peaches "iin/.i I, James O'Rrien. Memphis 1. Tennessee,' for your 1 II: \ i I , ('linrios >f •:" J I • V, free copy of "Menu Magic with RED RIPE C .'riii, Ronald HolTman, Miirnarinc" an attractive 24-page Sandwiches, Pops 35 • • 'IT, Kenneth EchreU- booklet in two colors. \:i> 'ri MlHer presented a : Christian life and f;;iUi Watermelon •••,iili and fifth grade br-ys Ice Cream Cake Roll - 3 9' memory passage from Handyman lc.icli n for whirh weni ( i•: ion. James Kruizicr, I',. s-i-i". Joseph Ruck'r, Kcn- HJVKBI'X UKI) CHICKEN :ii. Hubert Hensel, und SAVE MORE ON ACME MEAT VALUES! If you have 'Thicken every Sun- FROZEN FOODS! !'• sl on. .-. -v entitled "Saul, Meet day" ut your house, you'll want r was presented by I)i>ris several chicken recipes. There is : i:ol)crt Gassoway, Prcd- nothing like a savory barbecue IDEAL FANCY i:! iiund Kenneth Fetzko. dinner! You'll lute tins new recipe Chuck Roasw 33 iiiilay.ScJiQol and the con» for tantalizing thicken with a :i •,:ni:: irdosing hymn, "1 mouth-watering barbecue sauae Bone in. Cut from Acmes top-quality beefl At all Acmes! Tell The Sttfry." Bene- that takes Its zest from peanut Question: Will you please tell French Fries •.'..i., uttered'by the. Rev. butter, margarine •• and lemon!me how to repair badly cracked , Wurman and a worship juice, rather than tomato catsup.! walls for painting? the walls are TOP-QUALITY ROASTING ..dry program was con- Laiy "Q" Chicken | firm, but cracked. Below a few of "Oven-Ready" Roasting 2 & ,, i.lit- junior and senior the windows the paint has scaled 2 frying chlrkens <2't-'S pounds Chickens. :'.!»"iit with Mrs. Walter each cut In quarters) otr. ,; .Mrs. Warren W. Wur- Mrs. E. B. W., Schnectedy, N. Y. 1b. Salt and pepper Idctl Conocnlrtted An?wer: Where-^ paint has 65 'j cup fortified margarine Chickens • 49 •mcb Ctn O «•»'• • I'ux, Anna Smith, Jean scaled off below the windows, Guaranteed Top-Quality! Plump, tender, meaty, exceedingly delicious! At all Acmes! Lemonade Mikd I Qt. *• nm Karen Winquist, Barbecue Sauce dampness is responsible. Calk all .ir.'iia, and RoKer Flor- ''.! cup fortified marRarine window seams outside the house Ideal Peas 2 $?.: 33c I ,(- ushers and the deco- 1 teaspoon salt where the frame meets the Stibrook »-... 22c l\ teaspoonful black pepper, Boneless Chuck ». 55c Midget Liverwurst ,b. 59c Frcocli.d Qritn pkf. ininiitee was headed by frame meets the house walls, r v (iiMii assisted by Karen Dash Tabasco sauce and around the drip cap too. Rib Roast Beef £ 59c Midget Salami lb. 59c Strawberries 31c uul Leo Barnaby. '•> cup lemon juice Inside, scrape out loose material .:; uvcr the entire pro- 1 tablespoon peanut butter from cracks., dampen thoroughly Boneless Brisket •"S.55c Fresh Frosted Fish Mrs. Carl KroRh, asslst- 34 cup finely chopped celery and apply patching plaster or Plate Beef No tun, no man! Etidy for tht F»n! All food, DO wuljl Klmer Hobhs and Mr,s. 1 tablespoon chili powder plaster-of-Paris. Smooth off to .b. 10c LIBBY'S SLICED 1 1 1 '•Inrkcy. 1 cup vineyar surrounding level, sand when Chuck Lamb J! "'." " ' ,b. 43c Fillet of Haddock p'ki 45c To make the barbecue sause; dry, and then size with 2 coats Midget Pork Roll ,0.79c Fillet of Whiting V. IIIHTKS Melt, the margarine,in a saucepan of shellac or glue sizing. •ft 29c L. L. LlbDj -;.;••(• aw; ol an auto thief over low heat. Add salt, pepper, Midget Bologna ik 59c Scallops Prt.Cooked, Peaches Question: My house has a field- • • 1111I y is 18. according toTabasco sauce, peanut butter, stone foundation and a new con- :-••! ntt'd at the first an- chopped celery, and chili powder. crete floor. After the new floor IO'/J-OZ. i•: -: inn of the Interna- Add vinegar slowly. Blind sauce to cured it gave off a persistent can 1 i,iti;;n of Auto Theft ! the simmering point, stirring con- lb. 19' clamp and musty odor. I now have Large Fresh Shrimp 69 .:... While he may be stantly. Remove from the heat and seepage between the foundation '• i trying to show off, a ' cool. Then add lemon juice. stones after every heavy rain. I've : i i.iin! for a thrill, or a I To barbecue chicken; Season read all kinds of books about re- : mil, for a fast dollar, chicken with salt and peppar. Rub polnting and repairing concrete :' I.S becoming a serious well with margarine. Place in a walls, but nothing about field- • •••'iilrlil. -• shallow baking pan, skin side 33 WELCH'S GRAPEc JUICmCEM NlBLETS CORN ^ ™°" 2 •• 31 MINUTE RICE -«— 13 Evap. Milk Del Uonlt 2 1^25c Fruit Cocktail ll-oi. can 25c Mayonnaise noM-DK-UTE oq. HEW LOW Hcaiti Dellfht t»oi. DOLLS OF 16*oi. Jm tiul^ I'rceittm BalttJ can 35G Salad Dressing HOM DE1.1TE aQ- W-oi. Jar *•"- Pineapple Z£f can 19c HPKN DAILY «) A. M. to 9 1\ ^. IUEAL irif, COFFEE PRICES Prices Slushed to 60% 1 1 UU U. j THE NATIONS! Stuffed Olives 4ii oi. J« *" ' 2 e>u 21c SUNDAY TILL 6 1\ M. j Below Our Original juice sar. l 35c SID Vlllcr (lost to Produce. Kvery- Tuna Fish Z" US' M-ol. b«tll« 27c "it fi-uin ttM. Maiuifiicturer ... oil plain wooden rnunti-rs Prune "mi i'uetury showroom specially foiiverted fur this lust thiiiB Must Go Regard- Marshmallows X: 37c O Mo.. 47c less of Our Loss. Asco Coffee M BotUtt limited Jelly Ripples Bttlf H.rl. 07. m ll-oi. pk(. *11' savt the TUyt PteX p I/* #•. ALE CONTINUES - ONE Oilly Marshmallows : 1Q-O». 44A lb. I M -••• 78 bags -, Nabisco Grahamsi NABISCO 98 Lemon Drops Waffle Cremes • «-oi. ctllo MORE WEEK! Witb $5 Purchase Candy Pops Package of 1? 19c Clover Leaves Y Do not confuse with Inferior quality HAY WHITK IHtKSS S5. 6. 7. 8. 9. dolls selling at or near this price. COLORED MAHGAH1NE SUNSHINE 90- JUNE 21 S3. 4. 5. 6. Wine rest Butter Cookies 10-01. Bk|. Your choice of 12 exquisite mddels. Qaarteri This amazing offer only at A lb. flirton rlinur Molll CUVH *ma CIIO1DI eg. SHIRTS SHIRTS SHIRTS Markets! pkf. Princess Ib. «ut«o MILDlb. lib. OU~~ CIIAIT CHUN X1NQ (Iwrleo bugs $2.25 Blue Bonnet Coffee bag 77 Chop buey 1, No,«i« u.ai C .77 .57 Ik, nrtan 97 $2 $2 DAIRY VALUES! 2 tor $5.50 • Slightly Irrciiiilar THOUSANDS T() BAKERY VALUES! THOUSANDS TO Keg. $4.95—All Si/en CHOOSE FKOIH Special! Father's Pay EXTRA ( 11O0SK I1COIU SHARP lb « • Chec(Ueck this complete assortment. The newest, most Cheese 79 d patterns and fabrics. c It wanted style's in all the favored pa WI8W1DI gHABF BiienotD \ Nylons - Rayons - Cottons • TecTeca:s - Seersuckers - Cheddar Spread Snappy Cheese Sleeves - Short Sleeves Layer Cake 89 ;• -jr S• -J (hecks - I'laids - Stripes - ljbng Slee Kraft Velveeta X 57c FREE! Pal Injector Razor and 12 Blades Gorgonzola Cheese 81c ALL COLORS ALL SIZES ($1.50 Value) ... §MtMi with every Father's Day Cdket Cottage, Cheese 21';. 35c (JIT SET FOR THE 811MMKR! AT THESE PRICES / it ' •'/ - ' •• !' ' Gruyere Cheese •"*"'' VOL CAN IIAVI^ DKAWERFAJL1 / jj f 'Rich, golden layers; smooth chocolatt THEM BY THE BOX! buttercream idng! Pecan Honey Buns *'- £i^1.fti.30c Prices Efhttive Through Sit, Jm 20 And Get an ADDITIONAL Discount! Thin-Sliced White Bread ,8CT.V i«c -All Ames Open Fridays till 9 PM 147 NEW HUUNSWICK AVENUE iIOFKLAWN PE-4-1580 MAIN STREET, WOODBRIDGE INDEPENDENT !,FtA|,,,:i) THURSDAY, JUNE 18, 1953 PAGE EIGHT is Unit, of several teachers. How- terlal. However, he, Ml., Mary L. Fusco, Metuchen, 32; Vlr ever, a warm welcome and a many and varied jiiui sihia M. Nickenlg, Metuchen, 3A PIT fret (.ombitwtion sparkling eye to greet me is ledge of all outside jnll,' , Dr Paul F. Zito, Perth Amboy, 32; crent reward, I hope I am not deed great. Aithmn.j, Michael P. Stofega, Jr., Perth Am- walks, her parents take alone a teacher but also a kind 1 boy 16; Dr. S. Gordon Berkow. friend. places and she seem, i,,;' ested and happy t i,,,, „ Perth Amboy. 40; Ralph L. Fusco, "To quote a current song,' I be- n never romplatns ami ,,,. Metuchen, 376; Andrew Piscfltelli. lieve for every drop of rain that Joy what goes on nfomn ,','' South Amboy. 160; Benjamin (alls, a flower grows.' I hope for enjoyed my work win, Kleinberg. East Brunswick, 240; these children the blooms are the n, {, sure with a little Heyman Kolwn, Newark. 160: blKpest, the brightest, the finest Now Hint the hot weather has tract Juice To this fldcl grape subject matter Michael Tomasko. Metuchen, 80. For them. I am sure, there will al- come, the smart, housekeeper will Juire, IHIHIRP juice, flnd lemon ,:ompleted, she will Nathan Goldberper. Perth Amboy, "•'lvs be n nlnee In our, great Ameri- have on hand' the Ingredients to Juice. Barely defrost and add Orade work next yeni n,,'.' 18; Max L, Peskoe. Highland Park, can way of living. In return, I am make a nmilnu drink at. a minute's srushed pineapple. Serve very cold. are most appreciative ,, V 80; Martin M. Conn, Tenafly, 32^ sure they will contribute much Uvrv ami I litre: nnitiv Be sure that the chilled stirrinB well Just before serving. ul. They take her on i',,',,. Max Oerber. Chicago, 560: Floyd uieir line and understanding of Arthm T Y, >iu;-'. Rfi drink is appealing to the eye as vhlch widen her swipr ,.•" Grapefruit Punch Taylor, Chicago, 8; Harry Press- their fellowmen will be of the Avenue, FricN vill he among the v.i-'l us the palate. edge and make he, ,,,','„,. man, Rahway, 80: Abraham highest and certainly that Is what 35 Middlesex C'ountv members of I 1 quart water :ontented. My work wv-',', Hetthon, New York. 80; Joel Le- the world needs today, Their the Rutgers University Air Forre j April nt »ni Orange Punch 2 cups sugar ieen most enjoyable ' vlne, Woodmere, N, Y., 8: Samuel thnnk-i and loynlty to this country Receive officer TniiniriK Corps' t package trdien aprfcoU 3 cans frozen grapefruit Juice Case E—girl, 6, crip;,', . Schlestnger, Perth Amboy, 8; which has given them the chance who win attend four-week en- 2 cups defrosted frozen orange 1 can frozen lemon Juice Inent, stomach paiah total, 2,904. to learn will be unbounded. What : campments tin.s summer. Mr. juice 1 small bottle of minted cher- ny first year of work' • {•renter gift can anyone give?" YounK will i>o to, AFB. Sumtrr. '., mps frozen defrosted lemon ries hlld. . . , E—is a veiv ,,' $ C mi .June 22. . . Robert C.wr, mice Boll sugar and water together >( Mrs. Deber then went on to glvr MIDII with whom to « , for 5 minutes. Cool. Add fruit Woorll)rl(l':i'. will attend Jersey [ '4 cup frozen defrosted lime Teacher Since )K a case history on each of her pu- friendly, with an exc.-\i , Juices and minted cherries. Chill Boys St:,te beKiiiniriR June' 21 as juice pils In order that they be given nc oackground. She, too. i L 'nil thoroughly. Serve in glasses helf (Continued from Page 1> represent,Hive of Wnoclbririne Post, | 1 cup sURar effort be made to Impress on thr publicity, we have changed thi erested In all that i,c( v the American I.euinn. There will j 2 quarts carbonated water or mied wiin ice. Garnun with a mmes to letters in alphabetlca' ier. She is exceptioimiiv whole cherry and a section ol legislature the nerd to amend the •••'i-'fii be a wk-loni! youth preffram and Hinder ale rdrr. writing and seems to i , : grapefruit. law, The matter was tnken under ' ''• U there will be sin opportunity to iYiaraschino cherries Polio Victim's Case ent co-ordination. I i,;•, participate in sport*, especially Defrost apricots. Run through advisement. working with this chii.i Golden Float Case A •-girl, 16, post-polio par- basketball, swrnimirm (ind Lernl.s, ;i sieve. Add orange Juice, lemon Henry Mndes, real estate agent. leal. I feel she will nl-.v.>•. Thin slices of banana offered to sell three lots adjacent alysis: "With this pupH I havf . . . Companies F find O, 114th nine, lime juice and sugar to aprl- i •ompleted a sophomore course a.' herself to clrcumsUmn Infantry Hepinicnt. Woodbridge r, i .lust before serving add CRr- Orange sherbert to the Inman Avenue school, for succeed. Her parents ;,,, Ginger ale $600 a lot, The Oder was referred i outlined and presented to me bj Armory, will sil.trnd annual field ii i ed water and pour over ice. Or Lozr> and the guidance depart- landing; and co-opcr.it! , training August S-22. at, Camp To each glass place a few thin to the grounds committee. .vish only for her mlv.,;, o .rnish with maraschino cherries. ment of Woodbridge High School Drum, N. Y. . . . Veronica laconic slices of banana and a scoop of Conditions for teaciiin V-has done unusually well in al! 173 Avenel Street. Avenrl; I.inda Lemonade orange sherbert. Fill with ginger- mme are excellent. I d,; subjects. To do this type of work ai Peterson. 40 William Street, Fords; 1 3 cups cold water ale. High Courage lerived a great deal fun: home calls for effort and concen- Sandra IMolctti. 10 Marconi Ave- 1 if teaching which sin , 2 cup powdered sugar '•'•'•! Pineapple Jnlep 1 ration. She has given freely o! nue, l.selin and Sandra Warfleld, 2 3 cup defrosted lemon Juice School." That makes i. , both. Despite her handicap, hei My 165 Freeman Street. Woodbridse. Mix sugar and water In a pi ten- 3 cups pineapple juice Prized Possession ill her friends who ;II:. • philosophy of life is Indeed fine are attending the annual Citizen- T. stir until sugar Is dissolved. Add ',i cup lime Juice (Continued from Page 1> lally, With this appro.i,:, She meets each challenge with ship Iselin for Girls, this week, lemon juice and mix well. Just be- 1% cups ice water Mrs. Deber's keen interest in lever fall. Plrst Qnule ?n "•Mil strength and courage. Her schoo' sponsored by the New Jersey State fore serving add ice cubes. Gar- Vi cup fresh mint leaves her young, handlcupped charees be easily covered In the i work has greatly enlarged not only Fpticr.ilion of Women's Clubs at nish with siloes of lemon and Vi cup powdered sugar is revealed In the next paraoraph Case P—girl, 6, post-)i her scope of enjoyment of thing: New Jem-y College for Women. sprigs of mint. Chop mint leaves to make V* of her report as follows: "Beyond tlysls; "For this pupil, I , >he may meet but also pleasure? cup, add sugar and rub well. Add this there seems to be instilled in 10 card and asked for ic thai come to others. It has been Nvwwllex: Raspberry Grape Punch pineapple and lime juice. Add ice these boys and girls a creat cour- ation. Her request [»i ,• water. Let stand in a cool place. rtlfve than rewarding to work with :ame late tn the yen Emilc Arnold, 564 Woodbridse 2 packages frozen raspberries age which is almost beyond expec- Serve with Ice and a sprig of mint A—. Home conditions are excellent chedule wa« oompleielv :• Avenue. Avelel, (.-completed 25 years 3 cups grape Juice tation. Complaints are very tew As pretty us they are versatile' Thrsp smart little hoy shnrls and on each glass. and I have enjoyed greatly all con- ever, since she had beei, servk.e with Public Service re- l cup defrosted orange juice and satisfaction Is paramount. 1 tacts with her family. "or a year and two IU.M.- cently and was presented a Hold meticulously tailored blouse are a jierfeet combination for summer '/i cup defrosted lemon juice have tried to be a little more than Coffee Punch Case B—boy. 15, muscular dys- ier lllne^. I hove tn< d service emblem in honor of the fun. Both shorts and blouse ate made in a wonderful "ready-on-a- 1 package frozen crushed pine- a teacher. The approach to each 4 cups hot coffee trophy. "With B—I am doing home when ".me would pun,;- Avenue. Avenel, completed 25 years apple " • •, Individual tfiust be different. The moments notice' fabric—(he result of blending Acrllan and Avisco Mt pints ice cream, vanilla or work from Grade 5 and some form 'ier the text! and ni. • - occasion Joseph Klein is con- Barely defrost respberries and age range Is very wide, from pre- rajon. chocolate Grade 6. , . . This boy is a con- ire used In tjie system ]• valesciiu' at his home on Barron press through chese cloth to ex- prlmary to high school. Personali- Grated nutmeg scientious worker and a pleasun feel her parent"! are . Avenue after beir.c hospitalized for ties ntturally differ. By showing Pour coffee over ice cream. Beat to teach. Since his disease is PTO- [ know It makes her : : several weeks as a result of an op- an Interest in their everyday lift, lightly with a wire whisk until ice gressive, accomplishment at times s a bright and un; eras ion. . . . Tro-jp 34, sponsored by I have found that a great feeling of t Mortgage Loans cream is partially melted. Pour seems slow. However, he has a child who should do vti. Trinity Episcopal Church, Wood- friendliness develops and then any into punch glasses and dust wit \ areat fund of general knowledge any help. I have eni•".. biidRc: Troop 37, sponsored by task is not too hard to accomplish. This Sunday nutmeg. and a desire to go ahead. His im- soclatlon with her a p>- WoodbrHne Fire Company; Troop t Business Loans „ 'huU Forever' provement in some subjects ha.' 31. sponsored by St. Anthony's; Tomato Juice Shake Church. Port Reading; Troop 45,! IS t Safety Deposit Boxes "Isn't this a program more than been remarkable. I enjoy working sponsored by Colonia Pbst, Amerl-1 1 can cnilled tomato juice worthwhile? Jewels may be lost or with B. . . , Home conditions are WALTER Milk excellent and the cooperation ol can Legion mid Explorer Post, 253, j • Christmas Clubs stolen but learning lasts forever. sponsored by Our Lady of Peace' Father's Day! BY FRANCES DELt Ground cloves Our Veterans' hospitals are en- his parents perfect." Church, Fords, art among the Boy If you are planning ori doing Shake can of tomato juice, and gaged in much mental therapy. Case C— boy. 7, spinal blflda READE Scout tro.ips registered (or the! • Trust Service some modernizing to your hope or add half as much fresh milk. Pour Should not these boys and girls "This is C—'s second year of in- openlnn .veek at Camp Cowaw, Co- building a new home—doing the into glasses and add a dash of have the same? They too have been struction. ... He does very well. lumbia, starting July 11. • Small Loans work yourself—here are a tew jround cloved to each glass. stricken, not by war, but by acts His sense of numbers Is especially helpful "dont's" you may be In- beyond control. Let's help them to good. Despite his handicap, he PERTH AMBOY * Mint Delight terested In. ?o on, never in a shadow. For takes a great interest in all acti- folliiifis; • Auto Loans vities about him. It is a pleasure to , Don't start right In cutting, rip- 4 cups cow waier them, the sky should be bluer, the work with him and I am sure he I believe that it was a wonderful ping or hammering. Have a de- V2 teaspoon green coloring clouds pinker, the sun brighter. will be able to do Second Grade gesture of the teachers' union to • Foreign Currency tailed blueprint and follow It. Find ',2 teaspoon peppermint flavor- These and learning would com- activities in September. Home MAJESTY establish a scholarship lor a mem- out if you need a building permit. . Ing pensate for the void they have ex- conditions are very good and his ber of the graduating class each Don't start tearing out a parti- 2 cups lemon juice perienced. parents are moat grateful and ap- year. If the recipient of the schol- tion before you find out whether 1& cups sugar "My appreciation and thanks go NOWPI.AYIM; preciative. This is a boy of whom arship maintains good scholastic or not it is a bearing walK Also 3 cups cold water to Mr. Nicklas for his help and anybody could become fond." THRU SATURDAY, ,H M !f stundiiiK he will receive $100 a check for pipes, ducts or wiring. Mix 4 cups water, green color- fine understanding of this work, to 'She Never Walks1 Ilumprrrry Borurl •year for the lour years of college. ing and peppermint.flavortrrg: Pour the Board of Education who em- Don't buy eiectrical equipment Case D—girl, 9, amyelonic con- It will mean that the union will into a freezing tray and freeze ploy me, to the Junior Red Cross June Allysim have to raise $400 each year for until you check with the utility into cubes. genital. D—is a frail child who company on the need for a two- of Woodbridge High School. St. needs a calm and quiet approach the scholarships. , . , Miss Claire Combine lemon juice, sugar, and Anne's Unit of Trinity Church, to hundred and twenty or a two-hun- 3 cups cold wafer. Stir until sugar to any presentation of new ma- Baesiack, 97 Maxwell Avenue, the Craftsmen's Club of Wood- "BATTLE CIRCUS" dred ami forty line into your hdffie. • is dissolved. Pour Into a freezing Fords, has completed her work at bridge for Christmas gifts and Prevue Saturday Ni::lit the Katherine Gibbs School, New Know whether or not your house tray, freeze to a mushy-Uke con- parties for these children and, of of Next Attradiini York City, and has secured a po- will require vapor barriers. This sistency Mash with a spoon and course, to the parents who are so sition with the Carborundum Com- will depend largely on the type of mix with 2 cups of water in a grateful and cooperative. SUNDAY THKU TU.MlU pany, Keasbey. . , . The teachers insulation you choose. Don't for- pitcher. Partly fill each glass with get to caulk, patch and prime be- "I am proud to be a part of this had a wonderful party at Herms. the icy lemonade mixture. Add a FORDS, N. J. - P. A. 4-0348 They honored Steve Werlock, Har- fore you paint. green mint ice cube and decorate program. The classes I have taught Don't overlook the need to budg- have been pre-primavy through "President's Lady' ry Si'chri.st, Miss Brown and Miss with a sprig of mint. TODAY THRU SATURDAY Jeanne Giroud. . . . et for Interior furnishings, shrub- the grades to a high school sopho- With Susan Hit.vtt.ml. on bery and landscaping. Don't plant more. The work is not easy and Walt Disney's l'mductiim Charltim llt-vtini more lawn, shrubbery and trees the preparation and presentation I ml Hut Not Leutt; than you can conveniently care State to Hear Born at Perth Amboy General for. (Continued from Page 1) "PETER PAN" STRAND Hospital. . . . From Woodbridge, If you are modernizing, don't Woodbridge, 8; Dr. Benjamin Ia-lln, N. J. and a son to Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Savings forget to have your insurance cover Weisenfeld. Woodbridge, 80: Dr. Met. 6-IU'J ISELIN "MUTINY" NOW THRU SAT I lam * Kozlak, 73 Fulton Street: a daugh- ShQw Dad you think he's the added value 01 the procertyjif- Joseph Lang, Woodhridge, . 48; With Mark Stevens, Richard Carlson - ,l>"i I''11"11 ter to Mr. and Mrs.Theodore'Lach, tops with a gift from PUB- (Starting July 1,1953) ter modernizing. total, 2,096. NOW TO SAT., JUNE 20 Angela Lansbury 87 Strawberry Hill Avenue; from Outside Woodbridire Township Winner of 1 LIX. We've a wide selec- Not Recommended for Children SATURDAY MATINEE ONLY Fords, a son to Mr. and Mrs. Ber- RUSSIAN ROULETTE FATAL Benjamin Okin, Brooklyn, 480; "Magnetic Monster" nard Scibienski, 67 Pittman Ave- tion of perfect presents for Samuel M. Cohen, Brooklyn, 240: Our Regular Program Plus OKLAHOMA CITY, Okla.—John "Moulin Rouge" inue; a daughter to Mr. and Mrs., Alfred Faggioni, Metuchen, 32; lour Cartoons and Comedy Plus Stepelin MrViM\ Pop, each a man-size value Mel Baker, 17-year-old . youth, Jose Ferrer - Zsa Zsa (ialior Louis Cyktor, 31 Ford Avenue; a "The Bank Marie Faggioni, Metuchen, 32; Starting at 2 P. M, showing his 15-year-old bride of Plus "MR. WALK1E TALKIE" "SPLIT SWUM" son to Mr. and Mrs. James Hefie- for the money. Saturday and Sunday three days how to play Russian George Faggioni, Metuchen, 80; dus, 154 Liberty Street; a daugh- Continuous SUNDAY AM) roulette, spun the cylinder of a .22 STJN. TO TUliS., JUNE 23 ter to Mr. and Mrs. John Orllck, 44 Rhonda William Street; a daughter to Mr. • MEN'S TOILETRIES IN with revolver, put it to his temple, and Bob Hope - Mickey Eooney SUNDAY THRU TUESDAY and Mrs. J6seph Fazzari, 821 King GIFT SETS fired. A bullet entered his brain, George Road, . . . From Iselln, a killing him instantly. "Off Limits" "PONY EXPRESS" Nationally known Brands I'lii* Hicliard Carlson "ANGEL FACE" son to Mr. and Mrs. John Shafer, Everything" 111 Culnr 6J GeoiBe Place; a son to Mr. and "MAGNETIC MONSTER" With Robert Mite hum, Plus TROB1.I M ( Mrs. George Sedlak, 181 Elmhurst t SHAVING SETS.AND STARTS \VEI>., JUNK ^4 Jtan Simmons Avenue; a daughter to Mr. and Also TUESUAV DM' RAZORS TED'S All New • Latest Hit in Mrs. William Moorhead, 29 Park "DOWN AMONG THE : > SPANISH Illl Avenue; a daughter to Mr. and 3 DIMENSION SIIELTEIUNC; PALMS" "ROSTROS 01.1 "nl Mrs. William Scank, 44 Adam • PEN & PENCIL SETS Tailor Shop Keep With William Umdigan, Street. , . . from Avenel, a son to "Man in the Dark' Mitzi Gaynor El- TIORE ENMAM \ Mr. and Mrs. John Felton, 308, • CAMERAS & PHOTO First Bank Your Baby Woodrull Avenue; from Keasbey! SUPPLIES a soil to Mr, and Mrs. Andrew Fodi, Tuxedo Playtex" 410 Smith Street. . . . Acceptable '• • CIGARS • PIPES and Trust Rental - 3 BIG DAYS NATIVE-BORN Baby Pants Tues. Wed. Thurs. While some people may not be- • CIGARETTES Service Won't cut circulalion because lieve it, six out of seven residents Company they're maile of smooth, liq 11 id of New York Staite are native-born • HALLMARK CARDS latex. Washable, walerproof. Americans and nearly tvyo out of Jhree were born In the Empire Smith Street at Maple 481 . 79 »t y A pastoral pattern ufieriiif; it John WAYNE - ponna REED in STEVE AND DICK'S lileasant backgroiiml t'ur in- SHELL SERVICE FATHER i'uiinal dining. Complete upeu A ^TROUBLE AlONG THE WAY" 37B Amboy^ve., Woodbridge At The Theatre slouk un modern horizon shupe, ~ FOR THE FIRST 200 Jiltiil lur k\U giving, it yuu can Plus Eonald REAGAN - Dorothy MAJLONE In mtnssHop part with it! "LAW AND ORDER" ' - STARTS TUESDAY - (In Color) The Sensation of "BITTER RICE" U 103 MAIN STREET KIRBY'S SS FARMS WEDNESDAY THRU SATURDAY WOODBRIDGE -PETE* PAN" LATE SHOW NIGHTLY, 10:30 P M N«xt to woalwortb'i VM ST. QEOKUES AVEMIK • AVENEL ff UA 7-0425 SomethincL for the (In Color) — No Advance In Price* • «Btr»nce»-u. g. aouU 1 Md Bt. Qeot'it ivwui Opon Fridaj Till t \VV Alsu (lurry IIOI'T'MAN's Fine ReverttKiiH \ , MDEPENDENT-LEADER THURSDAY, JUNE 18, 1953 Htm

(StfSHEStRSWa FORDS NEWS - leatet F0RDS |0.1 Graduates Fine Program Marks Graduation Norma Dickson Keasbey School Presents Diplomas to 109YFf Units Honor Receive Awards Yesterday at Hopelawn School Bride of Brown Eighth Graders at Commencement, Yesterday Former Officers HOPELAWN — Annual gradua-' Yanovsky and Dorothy Polhnmus. ,,.|is Prizes were awarded to KEASBEY— One hundred and I The graduates were: William Al- Jean Dollial. Carol DronlRke. Edna tlon exercises were held at Hope- The program was as follows:' HOPELAWN-The marriage of FORDS — A past commanders' j',;,^ nt eighth grade com- lss Norma nlne eighth graders were graduated brecht. Albert Alexander, Donald Fair, Patricia Fullop. Barbara lawn School yesterday when 69 Procession of graduates: lnvoca- " Dickson, daughter of yesterday from Keasbey School. Aqullla, William Beagen, Arthur and past presidents' dinner-dance ,.[l1(>nt exercises held by Mrs Corn Funk, Margaret Phyllis Hill, Ar- eighth graders received their di- tlon, Rev. A. L. Kreyling; choral - Dickson, 9 Lee Street, letsch was held by Fords Memorial Post ,i NO. ^ as, follows: plomas. A llle late Nmman Jhe program was as follows:' ? ' **** Bliss, Carl Chris- lene Hunt, Mary Isivan, Barbara reading. 'The Amazing Story of ™ Dickson, to * tensentfinenn . RoberDAuii't Curleyr*nv.lnii. Charleninivtios T\^De-1 Kaye, Virginia King. Marilyn KIs- 6090. VFW, In post headquarters. ]];!,, Joan Ellar, Richard Rober BBrown, son of Mr. and Oolden Jubilee Overture, orches- They are: Eugene Aber, Edward Uncle 8am," graduates' remarks U DeWald, ter. Barbara Knuths. Mary Jo Quest* were Michael Slavic of 8gt. llirJt Margaret Lesko and Mrs Brown. 32 Hanson tra; processional. Nobel Spirit; Anderson, Gerald Baluha, Robert Superintendent of Scho61s Victor - S®*^ Dragos, Koslc. Barbara Kovacs. Veronica John B. Egan Past, Perth Amboy; ,,l liin-man: history, Joan El- 'uiT, Michael EWley, Kenneth Enz, Avenue, Pords^ took place at the C. Nlcklas; presentation of diplo- Fair, Carl Fischer, Kunie, Audrey Kuslw, Jo Ann Lim- Mrs. Slavic, past county counsel of Mirhnel Plwmer, Margaret Fred Flake, Werner Frey, John First Baptist Church, Perth Am- the auxiliary; Warren Rrtlfe. past ' | Ronald Bierman; geog- mas, J, Lester Neary, member of „,.„.,„,„. „„. _ ,•,„••• Albert Foglla. Walter Ooos, Daniel bertl, Barbara LUzenberg, Carolee int Oarber, Francis Gomez, Richard boy. The double-ring ceremony 1 1 11 national alde-df-camp of the VFW , Hminlcl Blerman, Joan El- jBoard of Education; overture, ^^LK^ :^^ !. .^"-: Healing, Robert Hodes, Robert Matls. Kathleen Mau- Orezner, Nils Jensen, Theodore! school orchestra; special prize was performed by the pastor, Rev, and Mrs. Matilda Ericksen, Gold Michad Plesher, Margaret Koslu, Robert Kreudl, Robert awards, Mrs. Marie Sackett, presl- Petrr Kowalchuk. Star mother. Barbara Andersch; Lucas, Gary Mandy, Frank Martin, dent of Home and School Assoeia- The bride was- „-give. -n In marriage ,,, iii-, 'Carolyn MastrovltCh, Commander Vincent Faninkton nr Alia Marnoner, Barry Mohr, Ml- tion; Louis Panek, Hopelawn VFW; by her grandfather, Samuel Pirn presented ribbons to the past com- plesher, Margaret Lesko of class. Victor cha.el Mohr, Lewis Monzo, Robert "Thank You," Allan Yanovsky; of Port Murray. Her cousin. Miss : Magee, Richard Mayer, Leonard Schulman. Ernest Sebest mander Is as follows: Edward Mll- •|,ym Ellar; general averages., tatlon of diplomas. Leo Farley, Morrl&on, Arthur Neves, Richard "Farewell," graduates; recessional. Arlene Dickson. wag maid of honor McCarthy, William McCarthy, yen, George Selp. Robert Slep- Jes, Harold Stover, Glrn A. Nelson. , i.ihir, Ronald Bierman, Mar- member of the Board of Education; Panek, Alex Pelgeibeck, Anthony and a sister, Miss June Ann Dick- Aaron MedineU, Charles Mezera, mann. Eric Smarldge. Ronald 8r, and William Jenkins, Mrs. Al- ,i ij.ski). Richard Mufdock and prize awards. Miss Elsie Wittne- Pollack, Richard Puskas, Jack Ti- 9 son, was junior bridesmaid. Alex- Alfred Moyer, Ronald Pellegrlno, Spano. Roger Stone. Joseph Tylka, ice Domejka, first president of the ,,,:, Andersch: scholarship, bert. principal; farewell address, balc, Robert Timko, John Urbanski, ius E. Brown, Jr., served as best Richard Petran, Anthony Procanik, Roy V*nCleft, Robert Wildblood, unit, presented gifts to the follow- , iiini and Ronald Bierman; Kay Warman; class song, words by Robert Vetesy, Andrew Vlg, Joseph man for his brother. Ushers were Robert Qulnn, Alvln Saddler. Peter wf.odzinskl. Bruce Zlegenbalg ing past presidents: Mrs. Emily Lesko and Daniel Lutheran Parish Evelyn Pflug and music by mem- Wodzlnski, Allen Yanovsky, Leslie Henry Gnemey, Paramus, and PfttrlciS' Pelkey. Evelyn Pflug, Wesjlake and Mrs. Astrid Martin, bers of ci6 Also, Shirley Anderson, Joyce Youn*. Charles Mueller, Bloomfleld,'mem-1 **'- recessional, orchestra. Laura Pintlnlcs, Patricia Ryan, ana to the present president, Mrs, , |, were donated by Fords Avery, Elizabeth Barder, RoRemary |l( Rose*Marie Aiuto, Rose M. An- bers of Phi Beta Tau fraternlty| Ushers were Charles Finch, Shirley 'Sampson, Norma Schiller, Dorothy Farrington. ,.^ ,',.,\ Club, Fords Women's Welcomes Pastoi Basarab, Joyce Becerra, Virginia Upon their return from a wed- Ralph Kummler, Leo O'Keefe. j Bodnar, Carol Burnett, Maureen Patricia Sheppard. Arlene Smith, ,, , iii( Club, Fords Republican drejeak, Caroline • Bach, Helen Mrs. Caroline Rolfe; past de- l; Brongs, Jean Bushman, Margaret FORDS — The Rev. and Mrs. ding trip to the Pocono Mountains, Ronald Samson, Valerie DeCasas, Cahill, Marie Carmlche, Janet Evelyn Stanskl.'lwratne Swetlts, L |,,ids School 14 PTA, Fords Herbe H h partment chaplain, presented flve- Calabro, Delores Chinchar Sybil rt « t. new pastor of the Pa., the couple will reside at 61 Evelyn Lawyer, Patricia Milks. Chapman, Barbara Choma. Gloria Ruth Thume, Lily Turner. Eliza- I,,,. •; PTA, Fords 8chool 7, Grace ,year membership bars to Mrs Do- Cogllolo. Sally Collins, Eva Damen Grace Entfkh Lutheran ChurcChurchh, Herbert dtreet, this place, (Elaine Molnar and Jeanne Wki- Cohen, Frances Cooper, Barbara beth Waether, Kay Warman, Pa- mejka, Mrs! Westlake Mrs Kath- t,.',..< Federation and the Fords Perlh Amb maler. tricia Whltele? and Ann Zahony! Patricia Dyczok, Mary Ann Falk °yy. .»" " thee OracO e Lu- Mrs. Brown, a graduate of Csjrconran, Patricia Cornelller, erlne Lucka, Mrs. Martin. Mrs. i'lull Pusan Flakel , Emily Frederick, A.|theran Parlsh Hou*- were non- Ellen Mathlasen, Mrs. Laura Slo- ed aatt 9a dtnnB dinner and reception in Woodbridse Hlf>li School, class of Gluchjwsklj, , Maryliy n Jennings, |^ ^and reception in '^9, is employed in the office of the ver, Mrs. Betty Lund, Mrs. Louisa CaroCl l KielKil ,R Rose M. Manehec, Mil- the local parish house. Termite Damage Report Hansen, Mrs. Rose Westlake, Mrs. The guests of honor were pre- Esso Standard Oil. Linden. Her Spaghetti Dinner jdality Inducts dred Mohr, Patricia Morrison, Ger- husband Is a graduate of Wood- Miss Helen Dobna Helen Zandor, Mrs. Ann Levan- aldlne O'Nlel, Jean Oross, Patricia sented with a gift on behaff of the On School Due Shortly doski, Mrs, Rose Bartonek. Mrs. Ladles' Aid Society by Mrs. Lester bridge High School, class of '48 and Parks. Beatrice Pierson; Dorothy will enter his senior year at Newark Rose Lambertson, Mrs Lillian Slate of Officers Pilot. Dorothy Polhamus', Barbara' filler Chris Miller president of Set for June 30 FORDS—The Better Schools As- Is Church Bride College of Engineering in Septem- sociation met at the home of Mrs. Burke, Mrs. Margaret Peterson and Radwinski, Gloria Sak, Joan the churoh council; Mrs. Soren Mrs. Ftrrtngton, ber. FORDS—The Ladlts1 Auxiliary F. Arnold, Wildwood Avenue. us installation of offl Swartz, Barbara Swaylik, Susan Petersen and Mrs, Cornelius Rod- HOPELAWN -The marriage of of Fords Memorial Post, 6090, Mrs. Irving Kahree, president, A framed charter was presented i held by the Benlor So- Szabo. Patricia Toth, Rose Vleira, ner were honored for their years of Miss Helen Dobna. daughter of VFW, met In post headquarters reported she was Informed by the to Mr, Farrlngton by Mr, Slover. ,if Our Lady of Peace Joanne Wedln. service. Corsages were presented Mrs. Mary Dobna. to Andrew John and heard Mrs. Louise Browq, Board of Education that a report Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Lund were a i ii meeting in the school. Prizes were awarded as follows: to Mrs, Hecht, Mrs, Petersen and Gabor, nephew of Mr. and Mrs. Graduation Party eighth district president, speak on would be sent to the association co-chairmen. Milton Lund and , • inducted were: Mlfis Jo- Highest average in all subjects, Mrs. Rodner. Joseph Meslcs, 58 Albert Street, the ban on blngo-playing. from the exterminating company Capt. John Egan w*re program iiiiiiiitu, prefect, succeeding Eva Damen, Carol Kiel, Rose* Vl- Members of the society were Woodbridge. took place in St. of the damage done by termites In chft|rm«n. Mrs. Louise DeMarco :, :,i •!• Kordelslci; Miss Anna eira; highest average in Arithme- hostesses. Mrs. Ben Juhl was chair- Mrs. Emily Westlake, American- Stephen's Church. Perth Amboy. Given by Makos School 14 and what has been done and Mrs. Ann Mako were in charge Vitkosky, vice prefect; Miss tic, Arthur Neves and Anthony man of the affair. Music was by ism chairman, read an article on The pastor, Rev. Zenon Leinlowskl, to eliminate them. of hospitality.' ., Rdiiiita, secretary; Miss Pollack; niRhest in English, Eva Eugene Martin at the piano. Flag Day. A membership drive is performed the double-rtng cere- FORDS — GcorRC Mako, Jr., son mony. !!,Msn/.ki. treasurer. Damen, Susan Flake; highest in of Mr. and Mrs. George Mako, 39 planned for the fall. A donation Tentative plans were made for a , ii N recited the rosary and Geography, Robert Timko, Michael Koyen Street, was given a party in was voted to the United Cerebral picnic to be held in Roosevelt Park The bride was given in marriage Palsy League. Miilcy Levandoski, moder Mohr: highest in tory, Carol Marianne LaBance | honor of his graduation from June 22. Mrs. William Meyer was by her brother, Edward Dobna, Evelyn Tobias : the Sodality, preached ( Kiel, Michael Edl best effort, Woodbridge High School. A spaghetti dinner will be held named chairman. Carteret and attended by Mrs. ^iid Have the benediction Eva Damen, Susan Flake; did post Guests included: Miss Joy Chris- June 30. Mrs. Ann Mako an- Charles Oliphant. Colonla. as ma- . , imiTh preceding the meet for class, Barbara Radwinski and Engaged to Kish tiansen, Mr. and Mrs. John Mako, nounced tickets may be obtained tron of honor. James Leahy, Ave- Engaged to Wed Francis Gomez; greatest improve- Jr., and sons, Thomas and Ed- from any member. Mrs. Mary Cake Sale Scheduled nel, served as best man. ,n: were outlined for a fall ment since September. Geraldlne FORDS — The engagement of ward, Mrs. Mary Mako, Mr. and Kmiec was named entertainment By Little League Unit The couple will reside at 160 FORDS — Mr, and Mrs. Alex :i ;;hpw to Hheld In the O'Nlel; Fords Women's Democratic Miss Marianne LaBance, daughter j MrsrAndrewMaWMr. and Mrs. chairman for the month of Sep- William Street. Perth Amboy after Tobias, 175 Hillside Avenue, South ; juditojflum. Miss Batlsosz Club Award for Applied Citizen- of Mr. and Mrs, Frank LaBance, 18, steve Misak nnd daughter, Tessle, tember to arrange for a Heart As- FORDS —Mrs. Larue WyckorT a honeymoon to Canada. River, hav*. announced the engage- i named chairman. Members ship, Patricia Toth and Francis Grant Street, to Francis Z. Kish, Mr and Mrs Antnony DeMarco, sociation program at that time. presided at the meeting of the Mrs. Gnbor Is employed at the ment of their daughter, Evelyn, to ., senior und Junior Bodali- Gomez; Federation of Teachers son of Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Kish, of th, pl,l(,e: Mr and Mrs- Jameg The unit planned to hold only Mothers' Auxiliary of the Fords Cotton Craft, Perth Amboy, Her Albert R. St. Mlklosy, Jr., airman .'•Y. •••\\v on a committee for Award, high scholarship, Eva Da- 417 High Street, Perth Amboy, has Lopozanski, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph one meeting a month during July Little League held in the Amboy husband served in the U. S. Navy second class, son of Mr. and Mrs. iii;.,! picnic to be held June men, Carol Kiel; Hopelawn Post been announced by her parents. Kot of Perth Amboy; Mr. and Mrs. and August, on July 13 and August Avenue flrchouse, Raritan Town- In World Wtor II and is now em- Albert St. Mlklosy, 23 Evergreen i.!:,idy's Qrove. • VFW Award, citizenship, Allan Miss LaBance is a graduate of Peter Sllacjyi of Sewaren; Mr. and 10. ship. ployed in the American Cynamld Avenue. St. Mary's High School, Perth Am- Mrs. Frank Murnch and children, Plant. Miss Tobias, a graduate of South boy, class of 1949, and is employed Mrs. Paula Salva, Mrs. Norman Robert and JoAnn of Linden; Mrs. Thorp, Mrs. John Scholey, Mrs. River High School,,ls employed in / by the Fords Foundry. Her fiance Bertha Romanowski and Mrs. Wil- ZUni Nmneil President the bookkeeping dipartmontof the is a graduate of Perth Amboy High Jg»eph Schuller, Mrs. Frank Pa- liam Railey of Newark; Mrs. Helen McCallen Receives steka, Mrs. M^ry Nagy, Mrs. M. R. National Bank of N. J., New Bruns- School and reeved his bachelor . Hayk0 anci S0Ili Walter> of CaT Gross and Mrs. Sue Hack were Of Passenger Agents wick. Her flance, a graduate of Woodbridge Oaks News of science degree in electrical' en- By Gladys E. Scank welcomed into membership. Woodbridge High School, is acrv- glneering from Drael Institute of Bachelor Degree FORDS—James S. Zllai. Liberty mg wim the weather observation 128 Elmhurst Avenue Technology, and-W«nplBjred at the A cake sale was planned for July Street, son of Mrs. John-"'" ' 1 detachment station in Essex, Eng- TcL Me. 6-1679 Westlnghouse Electric Corporation. FORDS — Howard H. McCallen, 11 from 2 to 5 P. M,, in the Amboy Main Street, Woodbridge, and the land., Prior to enlistment in the 1 Raritan Towiuhlp. He is a veteran Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Avenue flrehouse witji Mrs. S. L. late Mi . Zllai, was elected presi- Air force, he «K graduated from Ondisko- Terebush Renick, Mrs.-S. Tl Niigy and Mrs. ;ma ,tcr Rfcger Keriny, as- man. Bender Avenue, entertained of three years' service in the U. S. H. McCallen, Sr,, 7 Clum Avenue, dent of the city Passenger Agents the Newark School of Criminology William Pasteka in charge. Money Association of New York at a meet- iv the den mothers was in Ponald Furtoncy, Rosellt, Satur- Army. * received the degree of bachelor of and was' employed by the Merit arts in government at ceremonies will be used toward the building of ing held in'the Hotel Picadilly, it a rub circus, which was day evening. Engagement Told Investigating Company. AT FORT DIX for students of the College of Wil- a Little League stadium. New York City. the field on,the corner of —The Friday evening Man Jong A September *eddiing is FORDS—Pvt. John J. Deffler, FORDS — The engagement of liam and Mary', Williamsburg, Vir- A former secretary, treasurer |) . Avenue and Green Street. Clubf met at the home of Mrs. Da- planned. son of Mr. and Mrs. George E, Def- of Miss Irene Agnes Terebush to ginia. FATHER-SON NIGHT and vice president, Zilai joined the ii: included a pa.ra4e, side vid Wetssman, Bender Avenue. FORDS—Father and son night fler, 22 Grant Avenue, has been as- Stephen M. Ondisko, son of Mrs. While at the Virginia school, Jersey Central Lines in a clerical .mil names of skill. The Guests present were Rita Stein- signed to D. Co., 39th Inf. Regt,, will be celebrated. June 24 in the capacity, later becoming a pas- •,i> to have been held on Mary Ondisko, 313 Barclay Street, McCallen was a member of Theta berg, Paula Weissman, Esther 9th Inf. Div., at Fort Dix for basic Perth Amboy, and the late Steph- VFW Home by the Mothers' Club senger agent. He is a graduate bf v but on account of the Delta Chi fraternity and was active Last Rites Held Franks and Mary Signore. training. en Ondisko, has been announced of Boy Sc»ut Troop 51, sponsored Woodbridge Hiph School and was :ii n™ther was postponed In varsity basketball, the Back- —Susan Cummin gs, Reynolds by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter by the Fords Lions'Club, known as a semi-pro baseball <:•' ,ii, 1:30 P. M. Proceeds drop Club, Wesley Foundation, Avenue, celebrated her birthday, GETS BASIC TRAINING Terebush, 50 Gordon Avenue. player. For S. A. Jacob Hi-us will be used for a Varsity Club and in Intramural STRAWBERRY FESTIVAL Saturday. The neighborhood chil- FORDS—Pvt. Richar., .,d J.. Dubiel _ , A graduate of Woodbridge High sports, : tin1 boys. FORDS —A strawberry festival dren were her guests. MT And FORDS — Stephen Aj Jacob, tii.I Mrs. Henry Happel, 4-, T School. Miss Terebu,sh is employed will be sponsored by the Ladles' blel, 23 Highland PlacePlace, has ar- ^ Ht ^^ H fl 45, 3i Henry Street, died at home -Mr. and Mrs, Harry Schott. RaHtan Her flance Aid Society of. Our Redeemer ; i. were hosts Sunday rived at Fort Dix for eight weeks b Receives Degree, Adams Street, visited Mr. and Mrs. is a graduate of St. Mary's High Officers Are Elected Evangelical Lutheran Church, June after a short illness. He was em- of basic training. o.imeily. Jersey City. Henry Schoit, Orange, Friday. School, Perth_ Amboy, and 4s em- 25. Mrs. J. Bell Turner and Mrs. ployed by the Brunswick Ordnance hi xt meeting of the Acorn By Junior Sodality Department of Mack Motors, New —Mr. and Mrs. John Schaefer, RON IS BOON ployed by the'Raritan Arsenal. Oswald Nebel are in charge, To Teach in Fall .: > in-ill June 36 'at the 61 George Place, announce the Brunswick, as 8 machinist. KEASBEY-Mr. and Mrs. An- F.QRDS-—Miss Helen Siska pre- Mr.v Jumes MoDermott, birth of a son, Monday. SILVER WEBDI.NG CHARTER NI0HT FORDS — Miss Dorothy Timko, Surviving are his widow, Ann: drew Foldi, 410 Smith Street are sided at the final meeting of., the —Mr, and Mrs. Walter Varkley,* FORDS—The 25th wedding an- FORDS—Charter night will be daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John L. a son, Jeffrey; two sisters, Miss * the parents of a son born in the niversary of Mr. and Mrs. Louis season for the Junior Sodality of Marie Jacob, Fords and Mrs. Wal- Qi.inlan, Place, 93 James Place, are the proud par- held by Boy Scout Troop 54, June Timko, 27 Ling Street, received a James Perth Amboy General Hospital. Bekus, 40 Maple Avenue, was cele- Our Lady, of Peace Church held in ter Frank, Nejv Brunswick,; four • tik-ond at Greenwood ents of a son born this past week.. 25 in the church hall of Our bachelor of science degree in edu- brated at a family party In the the church school. brothers, John and Michael, Fords: —Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Franks, NEW ARRIVAL Redeemer Evangelical Lutheran cation at exercises at the New Jer- Stockholm Restaurant, Somerville. The following were elected foi George, Perth Amboy and Andrew, Hi Mrs HerbertKramn^ Wood Avenue, entertained Mr. and FORDS—Mr. -and Mrs. Joseph Church. sey State Teachers Qollege campus next season: Miss Arlene potez Metuchen. Mrs. John Smith, Newark, and Fazzari, 821 King George Road are rn Glassboro. Annie, attended the SURGICAL PATIENT ' prefect; Miss. Charlotte Ta'rr, vice PARISH PICNIC Mr. and Mrs. Larry Steinberg, the parents of a daughter born in Miss Timko . was active In all Funeral services were held yes- ' lilui;; anniversary of Mr. FORDS — Miss Agnes Kovacs, prefect; Miss Margaret Ann Ka- FORDS—The parish picnic of Wood Avenue, Saturday evening. the Perth Amboy General Hos- intramural spprts and maintained terday from Our Lady of Peace i Hairy Margolia, New daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William bala, secretary; and Mips Arlene Our Lady of Peace Church will be —Mr. and Mrs, Join Trimmer, pital. membership in. the College Glee Church. Burial was* in the Holy F. Kovacs, 293 New Brunswick Ave- Schicker, treasurer. held June 21 in yarady's Grove. Club, Dramatic Club and Future Trinity Cemetery. Mali Jung Club met at ^von Terrace, entertained Mr. and nue is a surgical patient in .the ADDITION TO FAMILY Teachers of America. She will • >'l Mrs-. Letter Jentis. vlrs. Jack Slmanton, ^Washington, Perth Amboy General Hospital. SON FOR THEREGESENS N, J.. and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth FORDS — Mr. and Mrs. Louis teach in the Raritan Township Avniui' The members school system next year. FORDS—Mr. and Mrs, J. Rus- ii iiiilccl Mrs. Su( Moscar- Holjis, Highbridge, Sunday. Miss Cyktor, 31 Ford Avenue, are the RUMMAGE SALE Today's Pattern parents of a daughter born in the Your Garden sell Theregesen. 44 Fifth Street, i.in mine Kramer, Mrs. Kay Kice of HighbridRe, was a FORDS— Fords Woman's Club Perth Amboy General Hospital. PARENTS OF DAUGHTER are the parents of a son. Eric Rus- ''•ii Mrs. Olympla Am- tuest for a week at the Trimmer will sponsor a rummage sale Sat- FORDS—Mr. ami Mrs. John Or- sell, born lr\ the Presbyterian Hos- ionic. urday in the Farmers' Market, HEIR ARRIVES lick, 44 William Stijeet, are the pital, Newark. Mrs. Theregesen is —Mr. and Mrs, Larry Steinberg, Perth Amboy, from 5 A. M. to 1 This Week ^ Bradford . FORDS — Mr. and Mrs. James parents of a daughter born In the the former Irma Lybeck, Linden Wood Avenue, had as dinner P. M. ' i i me and asked to re- Hegedus, 154 Liberty Street, are Perth Amboy General Hospital. Avenue, Fordj, {uests, Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Ben- By Charles H, Connors 'fi- lutle daughter Ter- the parents of a son bflfn in the jamin Mender, Newark; Mi's. I. RIDES BIKE CAL.-N. Y. Itutfiers University, the iiumi' had disappeared. Perth Amboy General Hospital. 'in1 children with whom Gelb, Irvington; and Miss Flor- NEW YORK—Donald Mainland Stale University of New Jersey iiyitiK left the carriage encje Gedalji, Long Island. TO HOLD LAWN PARTIS 21-year-old Marine corporal, rode a bicycle all the way from Cali- "•w .stores. The child is^ —Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Vardl, FORDS—A lawn party will be 1 While on vacation two years ago, ii Us color is aqua. In ivon Terrace, celebrated their held at the home of Mrs. John fornia to New York—a distance qf no vert: in a region where the 1 was a boy doll and a 4nth wedding anniversary Satur- Janderup, 728 Amboy Avenue, June 2,962.8 miles.in 14 days, 11,hours Watch and 50 minutes. That's i\early orjle Kosebay ' Rhododendron maxi- I i. anyone knows anything day. They attended a theatre and 23, by the Fords-Raritan Township week better than the current cross- mum i i.s native. In that year there ; matter please let Mrs. had dinner in New Vork. Branch of the jVomen's Guild; of country bicycle speed record of 20 were very few flpwers. for the • How, -Guests at the j Vardi home Perth Amboy General Hospital. days, seven, hours, 29 minutes, held It does not require much ex- Sunday were Mr. and Mrs, U i ..— •I' liobcrt Duffy, infant. by Eugene McPherson, of Colum- amination tg see the reason for the 11 Fragola and children, Nutley. Mr. SQUARE DANCE • •'in! Mrs. Michael Duffy, bus, O. liieH*of bloom. The plants were lit- 1 and Mrs. Vardi and family and HOPELAWN — Hopela«(n Me- I'liicc, was eh»ihtened erally covered with seed pods from Opening their guests motored to Keans- "- Ki-v. JohtJM. Wllus of morial Post I3p2, VFW, \*ill hold Pretty, Please the bloom of the year before. 1 •-• church, The sponsors iurg. a square danoe in VFW Home, "So, youjVe fought an automo- Where rhododendron plants are > and Thomw Waraksa. •Mrs. Katherlne Kovacs, Perth Fords, Saturday. bile, have-jfou^Do yop drive itor on what,might be> called a mere About AUG. 15lh llul Ambpy, was a week-end guest of Mrs. Huryk, Irvington in honor of Miss Sophie does your wife drive it?" maintenance supply Of plant food v Mr. i.nd Mrs. Frank Kovacs, Adams 'iiiu\ entejrtained Mrs. Lyszczek who graduated from Irv- , "Neither of us drive it. We coax materials, this, sort of thing is '•'' ini-r. East Orange, over Strait. Of Another Modern 1 ington High School. likely to happen. Food, materials • '-ml. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Scank that mialit go into growth and de- ll|l Mrs. WalteV Kvonert Adams Street, entertained Mrs. h|1| velopment of flower buds for next », Wood Avenue, at- Arthur Markell and Miss Janet FORDS, HOPELAWN and KEASBEY year are being used to form seeds. n BELL'S DRUG STORE "- ^riiduation Of Miss Markell, Rahway, and Mr. Joseph Consequently, fa,w or no flower 1 1 'iivi'i , Newark, Monday Esbold, Vineland, Saturday. buds will form. INCORPORATED '•' itaduated from Oliver -iMiss Kathleen Maxwell and CALENDAR OF COMING EVENTS An ovrpss nf fertilizer will cause -luml. Miss Violet Scank, Iselin, visited OAK TREE ROAD, ISEHN (NOTE: For Insertions in this "* birthday Friday -Katherlne Elaine Pflster. PJy- 20—Square dance, sponsored by Hopeluwh Memorial Post 1352, plant! Excessive growth Is liable to ;|t his party Included mouth Drive, had ? birthday party, be kifled back. • 111 VFW, held In'VFW Home, Fords, > PRESCRIFHON SERVICES | ''''in, Kathleen Finn, Saturday. Her guests included 2^—Rummage sale In Farmers' Market, Perth Amboy from We have found that the decay of MI.II\V, RUymbnd CJro- Kathy and Laurie Finn, Lorraine itu oukleaf mjfffl) m«ln)alned the OXYGEN SERVICE • ! ar tjtary MqliiughlUw Diane year round KEZaboi/t 6 Inches' in aifd PaU'iPft ftW Janet §2—Picnic In Roosevelt Park by Better Schools Association. depth supplies the needs of the HOSPITAL BED RENTALS •f»s Street, .big, Jersey City. 31—Lawn parts »t the hftme of Mrs. John Janderup, 128 Amboy Dlant. In addition, it performs the Avenue by Fords-Rarltan Township Branch of the Wom- *n. Sunday, where- -'Mrs. Alec Cuthbertson and son, 1 l valuable physical functions of A Complete Line of All Popular Brands of •Hi-il it the home Qf Mr. Dickie. Oak Tree Road, and Rob- an'sOuUo 0' ta Perth Amboy General Hospital. keeping the soil moist and cool in Kr. I WittersaliJ. ert S Scank and children, Janet 2*T-Fftther flfiA son night in VFW Home by Mothers' Club of Boy Pattern 9391: Misses' Size* 12, summer and w,».r-m In winter. Cosmetics • Toiletries Scout Trpop 51. sponsored by Fords Lions Club. Mrs. David. Weiss and Bobble. Adtuns Street, visited IB. 18, 2(k> Site 16 taken 4ft At this season it ^advisable to JiS-rStrawberry featlval in church hall lay Ladies' Aid Society of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Maul, iselin, rdi 35-luch (abrlc. remove flower headi of rhododen- AN UP-TO-DATE SODA" FOUNTAIN Our Redeemer Evangelical Lutheran Church. Send Thirty-live cent* in coins T 1SENBERG 28—Charter nj|ht by Boy Scout Troop 54; in Our Redeemer drons as soon as flowers drop ^Saturday dinner quests at the for tble pattern—add 6 cents for You will find that .the rachls or home of Mr. and Mrt Alec Cuth- I^angeUoal Lutheran Church. etch pattern U you wish 1st class Watch for Our M-Picnic In Roonevelt Park by Our Redeemer Evangelical Lur mallias. Send to 170 Newspaper flower stem is. brittle and snaps off bertson, Oak Tree Road, weie Mr. easily. ThU cftn be done without and Mrs. Robert C. Bcank, lylln. theran Church- PatUrn Pept, m Went 18th 8t, N. 4. 30~rSpa|hettl supper from 5 to 8 P. M., by Ladies' Auxiliary of New York 11, N. Y. Print plainly damaging the W growths or Grand Opening 1 ThMtrt -Mr. ••ad-Mrs. Edward Binet Post 6080 growth buds Just balow, Be sure to F«d» MtitW'ftl > WW NAMK, ADDRE88 with WN* 1 <•'• M. and ion. Ouk Tree Bond, attended do this before mi po4s form. party. Sunday, at UllirrYUNUMBefc; • drive in Congress and efforts to bring Fed- FOR BETTER, OH FOR WORSE? eral Government expenditures into balance 36% ol Slate's Voters % with income, points out the National Con- Hnfh WWUmton Kelly ference of State Taxpayer Association Ex- Murch 8, 1878 — Aufa«t 2, 1942 ecutives. In advocating the first sevftn approve of New Jersey %, AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPEB appropriations billg of the current session, The Leader-Jonrnil __. (1IM) the House of Representatives trimmed The Woodbridte LMder _ (IMS) Government's Present h::, Wo-Mibridl* Independent (1919! about $1.8 billion dollars from original The iMlta Journal (1919) budget requests. But, warns the Taxpayer*' ChirteTirGtttorrr group, back-home support will be needed With Regard to Taxes Editor and Publisher to make the economy drive a success. PV KENNETH FINK, DIREC- The other is n, Published Every Thursday by One way to make big savings, in Federal TOR. PRINCETON RESEARCH voters across the The Wcodbrldge Publishing Company spending, points out the Taxpayers Con- SERVICE more disapproval Woodbrldge, N. J. ference, is to "stop depending upon the PRINCETON -'- How do voters publicans, The Vote by p- CMrtei K. Oregon, President Federal Government to do the tk^ngs for in Uic state feel about the New Uwreaoe F. Campion Jcrsi'y state government's pres- Vk» President and Treasurer us which we should be doing for ourselvfcs." r lit. policy with regard to taxes? By c«ri*r questioned said that they cehu. All payable in Mrince. fhe end of the line—the taxpayer. This disapproved of the New Jersey truism has long been noted by the New state government's present policy That there's u.i:i Jersey Taxpayers Association which calls with regard to state taxes. with It; that It's uu About 1 in 3 132% i approve. for "delegation of the various governmental hard-on anybody; i:;.i At the same time, another! in to have taxes; tii.it N. functions to the lowest levels of government 1 3 (32 ;; ' expresses no opinion on better off in the m;,: • capably of fulfilling them efficiently and the matter. taxes than other st,,;, Meed The Sole Issue economlqally, thus placing maximum re- In other words, among those New Jersey has nn • Application for an additional bank to liance upon the democratic process." bavins an opinion, the number or sales tax arc i \, who disapprove Is approximately reasons offered by n, serve Woodbridge wilfbe argued before the As a step in this direction and toward the same as those who approve— they approve of tU State Commissioner of Banking and Insur- '.the disentanglement of the expansive and 36';. disapprove and 32% ap- state governm«ii\ |, prove, i All public opinion polls ance in Trenton tomorrow. The hearing policy. expensive program of Federal grants-in-aid me subject to a 4"'f deviation.> That state tnxr; ,,,, comes on the heels of a conclusion by the to state and local government, the New These were the findings when that there are ton n United States Treasury Department that Jersey organization also has endorsed, In Princeton Research Service's and that some of ti,- Now Jersey Poll Staff reporters cigarette tax and :•;< there is "no well-defined need" to expand principle, the Taft-Halleck bill in Congress rrrently asked the following are not beln« usi-d ! banking facilities in the area at this time. establishing a Commission to study inter- question of a representative pose Intended are i:. cross-section of the state's vot- sons offered by in» We assume that the proponents of the government relationships, including grants ers: they disapprove of t application feel to the contrary, and are -in-ald. These companion measures have •On the whole, would you say emment's present ; r prepared to present proof to substantiate won approval in both the Senate and House that you approve or disapprove This newspaper |i of the New Jersey state govern- reports of the New ,ir their position. Obviously, decision on the of Representatives. ment's present policy with regard cluslvely In this an ,i application will hinge on their ability to to taxes? Not the national gov- Copyright, 19M. i, ernment's, the state govern- Research Service prove that the strong Woodbridge National ment's?" Bank is not sufficient to accommodate all German Visitors Impressed , STATEWIDE RESULT DRAFT INCREASE local requirements. To us, this appears to Disapprove 36% By U.S. Schools Approve • 32 The recent order m\ ,. be a formidable assignment, particularly No opinion ' 32 size of the armed torn- ,, when it is considered that additional bank- In the months of February and March Two interesting findings effective on June ;tn ;.. , a number of German teachers and school emerge from today's survey. ' pected to reduce the di : ing capacity is provided by several other young men between ii,. , officials visited some 220 U. S. communities One is that the larger the com- institutions in adjacent and nearby com- Under the Capitol Dome munity, the greater is the disap- and 26. The available ,i". munities. in 29 states. Their visit was part of the Ger- proval of the state government's of this afee group has \,-, man Teacher Education Program and their 2y J. Joseph Gribblns present policy with regard to cally exhausted and i!,i•,. The paramount necessity of the new not enough men tnmin comments should be interesting to Ameri- taxes. bank advocates is to prove beyond any For example, only about 1 in 4 half each year'to keep up. three cents between 50 cents and can school officials, and all Americans in TRENTON — Ltgp the dismissal of Deputy <26M>i rural area residents ques- "3,647,000,80 1116 den.v.nii doubt that a second bank can exist and one dollar, and over one dollar chlnery of the atate Senate and Attorney General Nelson P. tioned said that they disapproved to reduce the size ,<>f 'i: general. the tax would be three cents on prosper because ofj its conspicuous need. General Assembly will be put in Stamler on insubordination of the state government's tax forces, rather than !ur,> each dollar. Since the tragic days of the thirties when The points which impressed the Germans motlpn again next Monday to charges, deserve orchids for con- policy,; whereas among big city raise the draft pcrind ,! clean up all major Issues, includ- stant devotion to duty. years. so many banks were unable to weather the most about the U. -S. school system are as LADY DRIVERS: Female motor- residents questioned (people liv- ing legalization of bingo and raf- They include Senators Harold 1 ists in New Jersey who are usually in Newark, Trenton, Elizabeth, EISENHOWER'S TKH storm and caused untold hardship by such follows: fles, rent controls and court in- W. Hannold, Westville, chair- Paterson, Camden and Jersey avoided on the highways by male President Elsenhower •! tegration. Three sessions are man, Wayne Dumont, Phillips- City) the number who disapprove failure, government officials.rightfully have 1. The consideration for each student's planned before sine die adjourn- motorists are not being discour- ington on May 10th I'm a burg, Republicans; W. Howard aged from driving by the heavy amounts to nearly 1 out of every been alert to the requirement that bank personality in the average U. S. school. 2. ment. Sharp, Vineland, Democrat; As- trip to Minneapolis, liu I),::! -Jil traffic. 2 (46% I. semblymen William T. Cahlll, New Himpshire and Nia stability be guaranteed, they have held The way we proyide our students an oppor- Later In August, 45 days after State Motor Vehicle Director Here's how people in the vari- Collingswood; Elden Mills, Mor- trip had been announced final adjournment, the lawmak- William J. Dearden reports that ous city sizes feel on the matter; that the public interest is so involved in the tunity to practice citizenship in our schools, ristown; Raymond E. Bowkley, ly as part of the Prcidr ers will return to the State House approximately one-third of .aty Califdn,1 Republicans, and Ray- to get out amonu the pi soundness of the banking system that it thus enabling them to'become useful citi- to formally receive all bills ve- licensed drivers in New Jersey mond J. Stewart, Yardville, port on his Adminislrai;" toed by Governor Alfred E. Dris- are women.' Forty-three in every P 4) cannot be jeopardized by any step which zens. 3. The self-discipline which exists in Democrat. "3 « o* O coll, To simplify matters, Gover- }00 persons passing the driver might even remotely adversely affect exist- our schools and society. 4. The friendliness nor Driscoll plans to return sev- "Thlif Is So Sm'.di The committee has conducted examinations during 1952 in New Recipient of Leap V<.. ing institutions. of the American people. 5. The unselfishness eral disapproved bills to the Sen- • 28 sessions since last February, Jersey were women, ate and General Assembly next Disapprove 26ft Sl% 38% 46% sal- -I regret I cann-ii - ' each session lasting from 10 A. M. During 1952. a.total of 214,722 This will be the task of those favoring the and generosity of our people in general. 6. Monday, so they may be disposed Approve 33 44 30 20 answer now, Gerund'- to 4 P. M, and the attendance applicants for driver licenses were of during the regular session. No opinion .. 41 25 32 34 again in 1954. application, and of course we ascribe to The standard of living which has been record of the lawmakers has been examined by State motor vehicle them only good faith in their undertaking. achieved in the United States. 7. The provi- Three separate constitutional perfect. The committee has also inspectors. Of the total 163,767 sion for education of all the citizens of the amendments introduced in the leaned over backwards to pre- passed the tests and 50,965 were If their preparation for the hearing tomor- form of concurrent resolutions, vent rumors of "white-wash" and rejected for failure to pass the row xan prove beyond, peradventure that United States. The Germans are amazed which do not need the signature through, the help of Augustus road, written and vision tests. Studer, committee counsel, has new and separate facilities, are in the com- that the points above were almost universal of the Governor, will be consid- Among the applicants for driv- CHtlCKI.es ered by the Legislature next Mon- dug deep into the ramifications in all parts of the country. er licenses who were over 65 years mon interest and that the business in the day. The Governor is opposed to of syndicate gambling and the pld, 987 passed the tests but 72 BY YOUR INSURANCE COUNSELLOR bingo and games of qhance. One curse It has placed on office hold- community is sufficient to warrant the per cent could qualify for condi- TXKT ASK AMY The following criticisms of our schools amendment Is' limited to bingo, ers'where it was allowed to flour- CAQ WHO WfVS tional licenses only. CEPClEOPATR0A 0 MORE QUESTIONS profitable operation of two banks instead ish. 9 were made:. 1. Waste of food, and other the second to raffles and the third When female applicants failed VJHEN DID SHE LIKE DUCKY' YOU KNOW of one; then they certainly have earned the is a combination of both. The Senate Sergeant - at - Arms it was usually In the road test, WHO WAS THE KING KILLED goods. 2. Teachers were sometimes too de- 1 right to have their petition granted, , Legislature will decide which George A. Harkins, of Merchant- Director Dearden admits. Of EGYPT? WHECE A CAT pendent upon text books. -3. A failure to question will be placed on the ville, who doubles at sergeant-at- DID HE LIVE ? DID As we have said before, however, it is our properly challenge the ability of the more ballpt at the general election arms fos the committee, also de- Every 5.2 •person passing the ME HAVE A BEAGD ° next November 3. considered opinion that this will be a most serves much praise for his faith- examination was licensed condi- gifted children. 4. Over-emphasis on ath- A Senate-approved rent con- ful service. He, likewise, has not tionally to wear glasses while difficult task at this moment. letics. trol bill will be considered by the missed a single hearing, thus driving. More than a fifth, 22 per General Assembly. The measure, helping the committee to secure cent, of this group were under 21 The visitors also expressed the dpinion if passed by the lower branch of a perfect attendance score, prob- years of age. that some of our secondary schools and the Legislature, would take ef- ably for the first time in the his- POLIO: As the polio season Let Us-Not O.S.—Do It colleges did not cultivate a high enough fect on the expiration of Federal tory of legislative investigations. approaches, the, State Depart- Everybody wants to know if the hifurance they hu\ •• controls and would run to De- ment of Health reyiinds parents Consult us for expert advice. We specialize in cmvi.i. "We'll take less from government, if standard of academic achievement. But in cember 31, 1954. The proposed SHORE SALES TAX: When the virus is believed to spread in new developments and are highly qualified to ad-.. government .wJU take less from us'." general, the visitors were most impressed law gives municipalities the op-1' the Legislature reconvenes .next most easily and rapidly as a re- such insurance .coverage. This should" be the theme of taxpayers tlon to freeze rents at the level Monday, another eifart will be sult of personal contact, such as and amazed at, the continuity of spirit and existing July 31, except for land- made to enact a law authorizing ordinarily encountered in a fam- across the nation in support of the economy procedure found in American schools. lords who may show they are not seashore municipalities to enact ily household. receiving a fair return on in- local tax ordinances. The meas- The polio virus probably enters vestahents. ure, sponsored by Senators Rich- the body through the mouth, on A big fight is scheduled in the ard R. Stout, Asbury Park, and food, dishes, hands, washcloths, State Senate on Governor Drls- Anthony J. Caftero, Wildwood, towels, or other articles that have Opinions of Others eoll's plan to" merge 35 county was defeated in the State Senate become contaminated with the court judges at $20,000 per year on May 26 by a single vote. germ, Cleabliness, with particu- each, Into the State Superior Under the proposed law the (Contlnued on Page 11) THE V. N. FLAG sides attacking the motives of FAITH IN DAILY LIFE Court. A bill providing for the tax could Ise levied on retail sales change, skimmed through the of cigarette, cigars or other to- When the springtime sap be- their opponents Instead of the (This is another in a series of General Assembly on May 20 by bacco products, alcoholic bever- gins to^low in Washington the arguments Involved in'the issue. article* by members of the Boul- a vote of 32 to 13, with 31 needed ages, cafe, restaurant, hotel and congressional hopper fills up with In my opinion, we are con- der Junior Chamber of Commerce for passage. In the Senate,, it js bar charges, hotel, inn and Bills that had better be left over fronted with a situation where in conjunction with their pro- doubtful whether the measure boarding house aecomodations, for cooler weather and cooler gram urging renewed faith in the real Communists* remain will be adopted without Demo- rentals of rolling chairs or beach heads. Such a bill is the proposal Obd and church attendance.) pretty secure, tt is easy to hide in critic minority help. chairs and cabanas and on ad- just approved by tiie Senate Ju- a lynching mdb and, indeed, yell iRellglon in my everyday life is diciary Comjnlttee forbidding the , mission tickets to theatre and out to put the finger on people best typified by a phrase Jrom' other places of amusement along ddisplai y oi th,e United Nations flag PROBE: Seven lawyer mem- who might really pin things on the Bible, "The Lord is my Shep- bers of the New Jersey Legisla- the -Atlantic shore. i n a position equal to or superior herd; I shall not Want" — for you. On the other hand, civil ture who comprise the Joint Leg- The tax would be two cents on t? the American flag,* exoept at strength, for knowledge, for VN meetings. Just what the pro- rights are not well defended, tyy islative Probe Committee .(inves- items between 12 and 50 cents; mudslipers although the sling- whatever ability is needed to ponents of this measure hope to meet my problems, j. achieve is a little difficult to see. ing of mud, Is said to be in de- fense of civil riihts. This phase from jthe 23rd* CLAMOR GIRLS Actually, of course, the UN will Psalm has been my spiritual staff prosper according to the measure Nor are civilf rights well de- fended by people who refuse to of comfort since the day early to of its accomplishments, not the the war when I returned to Tklie V recognize serious dangers to na- height'of its flag. But these at- aircraft carrier with a planet so tempts to belittle the UN—as tional security. I regdrd with some seriousness the fact that badly shot up it was doubtful It though by lowering its prestige could be landed wjthout crashing. beginning back In 1922 the Com- that of our nation would Imme- Unconsciously I turned to Him for LOANS intern schemed*and planned to diately rise like a counterweight. what I needed most at the mo- infiltrate the United States in —are the work of narrow minds. ment—courage I A't present the UN flag code asks what it termed to be sensitive "The U>m is my Shepjierd; I BUILD BUSINESS merely that the United Nations areas. The question before us is shall not want—for coUtftge," I flag be at least of the same size this: To what extent is the Rus- repeated io myself; and the fear and at the same level as tjhe flags sian-led Comintern successful, if that was almost panic stepped Increased production, large sales, of any nations in whose cpmpany at all? This requires' objective, back to let reason and previous rn it flies. The American flag thus calm, serious study: morj job opportunities, greater <-" training do their Job. retains Its honored position at It has been said that the Com- Now—in a business t)>pt Is un- munity prosperity , . . thes* are the the right. There is no need to al- munists achieve their purpose s ter this arrangement. The Stars through setting extreme groups der pressure day and night—the constructiye. rwolt* of bank loa«' and Stripes represents the liber- against each other because in Lord has become more than, my ties and free institutions of the ensuing battlu those in the confidant and partner. His pres- An importgnt part of this bonks America. Thif UN flag stands (or middle (the real.enemles of Com- ence makes me Bjiitlve that no business is lending money safely »° similar freedoms and institutions munism) are crushed. Thinking matter what thc/wmt" Is—lort- which the UN Is attempting to back over the past three years, I qlght for future planning, Intelli- "' responsible pwplo. We welcome th« gence to solve a knotting prob- foster throughout the world. They am beginning to believe this to be opporunity to mak« »uch loans- belong together. — New York true. lem, or ability to whip some un- Herald Tribune. foreseen difficulty—that «eed I trust thjit there are still will be. met.'MPtey Hogan.-. Open Friday 4 to 6 P. M. enough who are in the middle to FOE TAE MIDDLE WAY Camera (Boulder, Colo.) .stand up against the extremists I believe It Is time to speak out no matter how, loudly they con- PROFESSOR EINSTEIN'S ejulnst (be /'smear." . It has demn us from both sides.—Rep. THEORY reached ft point now' in this Xhoma* B, OurU* o( Mis- Woodbridge Hational Bank However much one jfflty in> country wher» % public issue can- souri in Newsletter t» ConsUtu- sttoctlvely sympathise flfch Pro- not be AlKUMed without both ' ents, (Continued on Page U) MM, MI. nw runitt »TKBW*«, IM. won* item tnnw. F«tar»| Sytitm PAGE one hasn't got t bad figure." INDRPENDENT-LEADER THURSDAY, JUNE 18, 1953 PAGE ELEVEN

phasized, the department advises. basis of reports of local magis- ple cool weather and rainfall dur- bets totaling 148,885 848 during tection og $12,952,000,000 at the ..CLASSIFIED Miss Vera Sverada Symptoms at the onset may re- trates, there were 3,832 traffic ing the spring season have been the 2i-day spring racing meet start of 1953 ... semble other minor ailments. In- t arrests on the New Jersey Turn- ideal for the growth of pasture this year. . . , New Jersey em- dividuals with fever, headache, pike during 1952, of which 73 and hay In New Jersey. . . . The ployers met a five-and-a-half CAPITOL CAPERS: New Jer- HELP WANTED BOTOTILUNQ sey cows produced an average of Weds Linden Man sore throat, respiratory or stom- per cent were for excessive speed. State Department of Agriculture billion dollar payroll In 1952 for . . . Nineteen new well drillers reports bonds totaling $9(53,000 workers covered by the State's 3,453 quarts of milk during 1953, BTEUBER'S ach upset Bhould be watched STEADY WORK have been licensed by the State have been filed by 321 produce employment security* laws. . . . compared to 3.237 quarts for the ROTOTILUNG SERVICE I3ELIN—The marriage of Miss carefully. Call a doctor, but In highly publicized Wisconsin cow. HOSTESSES Department of Conservation and dealers, commission merchant* New Jersey runners are making Gardens and Lawns Vera Sverada, daughter of Mr. and the meantime put the individual . . . Advertising by lawyers in- WAITRESSES Economic Development as the re- and brokers who purchnse fruits substantial contributions to pro- RototUled Mrs. Philip Sverada, 310 penjamln to bed and keep other members volves self-praise and puffin*, FOUNTAIN CLERKS sult of recent tests. ... A state- and vegetables from Garden State viding the tuition's dinner tables iPhone wooaonage 8-2571 Avenue, to Michael Hochfun, of of the family away. leaving the conscientious, ethical DISHWASHERS wide mobilization of civil de- growers. , . . Nullification of the with the urentest variety of nu- Linden, took place Saturday after- It is wise to avoid fatigue and practitioner at the mercy of the. HOWARD JOHNSON 5/1-6/25 fense forces Is being planned for 1950 law creating the New Jersey tritious foods known In the his braggart, the State Supreme noon in St: George Byzantine over-exertion during a period .,..,, $ 25 WOODBRIDQE next fall by Leonard Dreyfuss, Instate Building Authority by fli lory of the world. , , , The Stnte Court claims. . . . Investigatory WANTED TO BUY when polio is prevalent. The pre- TELEPHONE ,$-1700 Greek Rite Catholic Church, Lin- State Civil Defense Director. . . Supreme Court has stymied more Plnnninr. and Development Coun- hearings held by legislative probe vention of over-exertion and HAVE BUYERS for one and two den, Rev, M. J. Miyo officiated at Attorney General Theodore D than $20,000,000 In cnnlemplnln cil Is urging an airport near committees furnish a priceless oil WOMAN to represent family houses. If your house la the double-ring ceremony. chlllinn tends to reduce the sever- Parsons warns that 250 persons construction for various agen- Lakewnml as an eastern terminus stage for disgruntled office seek- ,\l, siIiK HOSIERY PR0D- or sale, won't you call me? Given In marriage by her father, ity of involvement In the event will be killed and 12,000 Injured da Of the State Government for let planes. , . . New Jersey ers, political opportunists and Full or part time with BERKS the bride wore a French ChantlUy Infection does take place. on New Jersey highways during ... Race track patrons nt. Cumin families owned 9.(101.000 inV In- prevaricators, Governdr Drlscoll , for advancement. C. E. 100 W. Grand Ave Rahway lace over satin gown, fashioned JERSEY JIGSAW: On the the next thrre months . . . Am- State Park, near Cnmrien. plnrn surance fiiniilies, providing pro- claims. B,nI,-R P.O.BOX 191, Belmar, Ra 7-3311 with a fitted bodice. Elizabethan B ' ' 5/21-6/25* 5/14 tf collar with lace edging and a bouf- fant skirt extending Into a cathe- [•|li.,l,l' WANTED—FEMALE A. A. A. dral-length train. Her finger-tip veil fell from a coronation crown BUSINESS DIRECTORY ASSEMBLERS AMERICAN* AUTOMOBILE trimmed with seed pearls and \,.nut\ Start at once. Pay rates ASSOCIATION rhlnestones and she carried white ('i,.,ii Now plant. Clean work. Established 1902 orchids on a prayer book with Clothing Excavating • Moving and Trucking* • Radio & TV Service • • Railings tor interview to Box 15, In Over 3,000,000 Members streamers of lilies of the valley. ,,t tins newspaper. Nationwide Service Miss Helen Hochrun, Linden, 5/28-6/1 Ferd Kertes, Local Agent sister of the bridegroom, attended Al's Radio and Television 217 State Street. the bride as maid of honor,_whlle PANTS CO. Complete Moving Job ORNAMENTAL Perth Amboy 4-1248 the bride's sister-in-law, Mrs. Wal- Prompt Exix>r| Repairs :.uATORS wanted; light, 12-6-tf ter Sverada, Carteret, was matron 3 Rooms $2S 5 Rooms 935 RCA Tubes Si Purtg •,,,(!>• work; excellent wages; Stocks clSlflcte / IRON RAILINGS of honor. Bridesmaids were Miss 4 Rooms |3t 6 Rooms $40 Batteries ,. ,,i- piece work basis; paid MISCELLANEOUS Irene Gaboda, Linden and Miss Reasonable Storac* 30 Days Free Custom Made & Installed ,I,,IIIS, holidays and rnsur- 34 PF.RSHING AVE. DARAQO'S AUTO DRIVINO Joan Hansen, Perth Amboy. Rose- All Loads Usur«d—10 yean exp. ,, Normandy Robes, 54 mary Haluska, Linden was flower QUALITY WORK SCHOOL ECONOMY MOVERS CARTERET, N. J. , ,-it Avenue, Carteret. girl and William Sverada, Iselln, DIRECT FROM MANUFACTURER Largest and Oldest In County. 6/12-7/3 was ring bearer. Paul Irvine, Man- Rab.war A. Klsh, Jr., Prop. Free Estimates Hydramatlc, Fluid and Standard, 499 SMITH ST.,' PERTH AMBOY hattan, Kansas, served as best 7-3914 Telephone CA 1-5019 Perth Amboy 4-7365 or * man, and Walter Sverada, Carteret One Plock from Victory Bridge fit HI. ESTATE FOR SALE • Charter 9-1191. and Michael Sverada, Iselln, bro- SHARKSKiN 12-6-tt J. A. TRUCKING M. thers of the bride, and George 100% • s Refrigeration W0OD3RIDGE TR0PICALS ASPHALT DRIVEWAYS WO-8-3146 IF YOUR DRINKING has becor*3 Demko, Pottsville, Pa., cousin of wnni * (irccn Street location, just ik problem, Alcoholics Anon- the bridegroom, ushered. ' & PARKING LOTS ,,,i for professional man— After a wedding trip to Niagara nUUL • GABARDINES ymous can help you. Write P. O. Our Specialty For Service, Colonia Cancer Fund dfiitlst, lawyer, etc. Box 253, Woodbrldge, or telephone Palls and Canada, the couple will FACTORY PRICES •si'ICIOUS COLONIAL Market 3-7528. 12-6-tl reside at 37 West Eleventh Street. 5 TON POWER ROLLER Commercial Total Stands at $950 liiidi'd by the best homes, Linden. For traveling the bride REASONABLE RATES I, run- needs decorating tou PAINTING and PAPERHANGING wore a Navy blue suit with red Cial —7—7 or Domestic, COLONIA — A total of $950.09 rest of the home will en- , Free Estimates accessories and a white orchid cor- Financed Thru F. H. A. was collected In the Cancer Cam- CHARLES V. TOKARSKI sage. • Musical instruments • Call paign In Colonia, an Increase of .us tile roof, 5 year old ! 108 Russell Street The bride is a graduate of Wood* COAL - FUEL OIL C A-1-6897 $124 over lust vcar, according to ,,il unit, 2 car garage, WOOd'brldge 8-0029 bridge High School, class of 1948, an announcemerit made by Mrs. i in combination wlndowi 3-26 tf and is employed at the office of OIL BURNERS Henry St. C. Lavln, chairman. hunt: corner plot. • Merck and Co., Inc, Rahway. Her Stanley's Refrigeration Mrs. Lavln wishes to thank all husband attended Linden schools hose Who helped to make the drive ASKING ONLY »13,760. FREE , CALL ENROLL TODAY SALES - SERVICE Beautiful Venetian Planter Lamp and served in the U. S. Army. He in our success. •V,k for Mr. Pellteone. Is employed by the Buckeye Oil NO MONEY DOWN 4!) IRVING STREET |j!i;oi!NELL. KRAMER & for any lady having a Lloyd's FANWOOD 2-5477, BEGINNERS Plastic Party in her home. For ln- Co., Linden. CARTERET, N. J. SEIDBL & CO. FANWOOD 2-4567 ACCORDION Other Opinions nil R Grand Street formation call Perth Amboy 4- 3 YEARS TO PAY PROGRAM Continued from EdttorUl P»«e) KUZABETH 4-4900 5785. 6-18' FINAL BOARD MEETING Free Estimates PLAINFIELD 71459 and Siding • 6-1 WOODBRIDGE — The Women's Remember, then fessor Einstein's siiRKestlon that MONEY TO LOAN No Obligation to Buy la no accordion to Civic Club of Woodbrldge will hold intellectuals called before Con- boy. WAY: 5 rooms; open porch, its closing executive board meeting CALL t Funeral Directors t gressional investigating commit- MORTGAOE MONEY Henry Jansen & Son tees should refuse to testify, it ikf.i.st nook, pantry, cellar, Available for Real Estate at the home of the new president, Complete Line of Musical Tinning: and Sheet Metal Work has to be pointed out that this -jiU $10,500. SENSEN1G, Long Term If Desired Mrs. D. R. Fales, 533 Lyman Ave- WDGE. 8-1400 Instruments at Low Prices Milton Avenue, Rahway nue, tomorrow at 8:30 P. M. All would be most unwise. Two Small or Large Amounts SYNOWIECK1 Roofing, Metal Ceilings and wronns never did add up to one 5-1 tf officers and chairmen are urged to Call Perth Amboy 4-8505 rlsht. attend. EDDIE'S MUSIC CENTER Furnace Work 6/18-9/24 AVENEL Funeral Home . AND SCHOOL OF MUSIC What Professor Einstein lias FOR SALE done Is to go to an extreme on LOST AND FOUND 588 Alden Street Ed BonkosU. Prop. the opposite side from Senator WRINGER type washing Capital Dome COAL & OIL CO. Woodbridgc, N, J. LOST — Brown alllgato/ grain 46 Atlantic Street 357 STATE ST. P. A. 4-1290 McCarthy and his followers. This ime. Used only 11 months. Telephone 8-1246 may be to err In the right direc- wallet. N. J. fishing license. (Continued from Editorial Page) 826 RAHWAY AVE., AVENEL Carteret, N. J. OIKI condition—as good as Reward. Return to 28 Martin Ter- lar accent on thorough hand- tion, but is is nevertheless an er- siiii. Phone Rahway 7-8804. race, Woodbridge, or call WO-8- washing after going to the toilet ror. One cannot start from the Telephone Carteret 1-B71S Service Stations • premise that Congressional com- 6/18 tf 1670-J. ' 6-18* and before meals Should be em- Concrete •Plumbing and Heating* mittees have no right to cfuestion 5'ii'M BUILT couch and club tenchers and scientists ov to seek Holohan Brothers out subversives wherever they ; Mahogany and leather S. KENTUCKY AVI HIGH TEST QUALITY can find them. Contawsmnn have plus lamps. Only 3 years 3h* FETTER FAMILY HOTELS ATLANTIC CITT GARAGE •iiMinable. Can be seen Sat- CONCRETE that right; what is profoundly .ind Sundays at 68 Louis OSCOBEl Charles Fan Calso Products wronR is the way some of them Min. 6/18 Laboratory Approved Phone are exercising it. An Investiga- Plumbing - Heating tion which had no taint of witch- TV SHOP equipment. $500 FLYNN & SON Woodbrldgc 8-0064 and 8-0533 huntinR, no bias of untl-intel- Crashed Stone - Washed Gravel Electric Surer Servtoe lectualism, no prejudice, no dis- ., all. information, call WO FUNERAL HOMES Corner Amboy Avenue and HfctAllihe* 111 Vean torted Ideas of whit Is guilt and 7. 6-4 tf Washed Sand • Waterproofing 420 East Avenne Telephones: Second Street subversion would be irreproach- Llmi - Briok • Cement - Plaster Firestone Tires and Tubes able. • tli 1KKY P, -Plot # 242C Perth Aniboj Woodbridee 8-0594 or 8-3036 pon. 4 plot grave 23 Ford AT*,, Fords Woodbridge, N. J. Of course Professor Einstein AMIRICAN MAM v lioubre on top of each P.A. 4-0358 Woodttrldf e, N. J. and others who feel righteous in- The Jefferson C*ocbtoil Isungt • Cofft. Stop dignation will say that they op- i front location, Call Du- Sodo kr • SIM D*i I Sola rl Ml Raritan Mercantile •r writt' to Box 491, Dun- 621 LINDEN Af ENUE Taxi pose the investigations precisely it buy. 6/11-28 because fliey do not fulfill these Corporation qualifications, However, It is one thing to fight the investigations Phone PE 4-0375 Furniture because of the manner of their procedure and another to oppose FRONT AND FAYETTE STS. BUY ON THE HIGHWAY the right of investigation, which PERTH AMBOY, N. J. AND SAVE! has always been one of the fun- TAX damentals of our governmental BETTER FURNITURE I1 ' 1 systeni. LOWER PRICES 8-02080200 * The situation which Professor Dancing School Call Einstein rebels against certainly • > needs correction, but the an- Wayside Furniture Shop PE-4 swer does not lie in defying the SUMMER CLASSES IN Hlfhwaj 2S ATenel, N. J. 7960 DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE law. McCarthyism will be de- BALLET AND TAP Open Dailj 10 A. M. to 8 P. M. , METEltED HATES feated when a sufficient body of. ' public opinion has been built up 1 Phone Woodbridce 8-1577 First '/i Mile 15c eld In Old Post Office Building to deprive the McCarthyitfes of Each Additional ' i Mile . . 10c power and to sweep t^ieir ob- 77 Avenel Street, Avenel Key Shops OFFICE: 443 PEARL STREET scurantist and un-Americaji ideas WOODBRIDGE, N. J, into the wastebasket of history. — ENROLL NOW — • PLUMBING This tide of freedom and enlight- ment is certainly gathering force - Recital in Fall Albrecht's Key Shop 124 Washington Avenue Tiling and it will become irresistible b,y FOR DETAILS CALL CA 1-5295 • HEATING a natural process of the reasser- CA 1-7163 tion of those moral and political Carteret School Hand and Power Lawn Mowers ART TILE CO. principles on which our nation Sharpened and Repaired • OIL, GAS 60 MANHATTAN AVENUE has always been based. To em- of Dancing Saw Filing ploy the unnatural and illegal AVENEL, N. J. 138 Edgar Street, Carteret Bicycle Sales and Service INSTALLATIONS forces of civil disobedience, as' Hardware BATHS, KITCHENS Professor Einstein advises, is in this case to attack one evil with • Devoe and Reynolds Paints t REMODELING RUBBER FLOORING Free Pick Up and Delivery another. 'McCarthyism shoi^ld be fought cleanly and openly, and Dmg Stores (QUALITY FIRST) • RADIANT It will certainly be defeated in t Liquor Stores § Phone: WO-8-2927 the long run. To think other- W. NIER WO 8-2?68 wise Is to lose faith in the Ameri- Avenel Pharmacy Telephone Woodbrldfe 8-1889 HEATING * can people. — The New York Times. \ 1010 RAHWAY AVENTJI Woodbridge WOODBRIDGE 8-1914 Used Cars Liquor Store DUCK DOESN T LIKE WATER Win. A. BALABAS SALT LAKE CITY, UtahAThe JOS. ANDRASCIK, PHOP. Albert W, Hormans have a duck— Retid about the-good things, (produced in New Jersey. Complete Stock of Domortlc Plumbing & Heating Contractor "BETTER USED CARS" a recent gift to the family-—thai; WHITMAN'S CANDIES doesn't like water, When he's Consult the'chart which tplls when different fruits and Imported Wines, Beers 29 GRANDV1EW AVENUE placed In the family pool, he pad-' Cosmetics - Film - Greeting Cards dies out as fast as he can and stays and Ljquors FORDS (Raritan Twap.) N, I. BERNIE AUTO SAVES out, He's a queer duck! and*vegetables are available and when they are at 574 AMBOY AVENUE their peak. Look over the recipes for jams and jellies, W0ODRBinn«?. N. J. 405 AMBOY AVENUE QUINTS NINETEEN RAYMOND JACKSOti NORTH BAY, Ont. — Dionne pickles and relishes. We have included up-to-the- Pet Shop WOODBRIDGE, N. J, quintuplets celebrated their 19th birthday on May 28th. It hardly AND SON IF YOU'RE IN BUSINESS Wdge. 8-1020 f- 8-1021 seems. 19 yeajftj since the news of minute information on canning aiyl freezing. The YOUNG PARAKEETS the birth of five baby girls to Mr. DRUGGIST YOU SJlOULD BE LISTED and Mrs. Oliva Dionne startled an coupon is for your convenience. Just fill it in and amazed world. 88 Main Street ' HERE. Just Out Upholstery of the . • . mail and we'll send you a copy Woodbridge, N. 1. LOTS OF POLICING LOW RATES Nest GREENWICH, Conn, — Three of this book. Ttlephawn i-HM "police" dogs (Germun shepherds > " *» KVH E ELECTWC AND OM Coutm .25 ~ New Home Beauty slept soundly while a burglar M WO-84710 '5, no pwk Place, Newark, N.J. Thru ugh walked/ past them and stola their • Bill) Covers, mistress's handbag containing $90. # Electricians , • Draperies, When three detectives arrived, they • 1 ' '^' scud me a COM of your booklet Th« Masonry HAMSTERS-$1.25 Ullptyt , barked furiously at them. Mecetwrlel '^oiNowJer^y". , Seed and Supplies A-tU-U To Bird Breeders Call FAMILV OF 7 SLEEPS IN 2 CARS TED SIPOS Telephone CA 1-6472 At Wholesale Prices Metucben CHICAGO—The family of Wil- Electrical Contractor 6-1716 liam Loose has been sleeping in Thomas Britt Tropical Fish the family car mid an old station 188 SHERRY STREET Tanks t Supplies MASON wagon for the past several •weeks WOODBRIDGE, N. J. = Suburban Decorators because they have been unable to "Decontort or Distinction" find an apartment. The parkins Sidewalks, Curbs and Driveways JOE'S pjrr SHOP 327 LAKE AVK., METIiCHEN 1903^ Everything Estimate* Cheerfully Glfen lot i$ near a drive-in restaurant NBW BRUNSWICK AVE. where Mrs. Loose is employed.. TJM Electrical 3 ELMWOOD AVENUE ,1 iamily of five THURSDAY, JUNE 18, 1053 LEGAL tEOAL NOTICES Ks WiiLV* »,EGAL NOTICES^ LEGAL NOTICES JToitDtNANCe Ihr niitt,.r , HI- of properlyt , nml I),,. «T Per hour pwi>h1* Nofice Is hereby Riven that tlie fol- Frank Vifih Engaged M0.9S fn>t tn n ft«ki' *t tho northwest mm of miller Ihf thlTPtli, Is til In, , , pral lowing ordinance was. regularly pasted TfTll. • nrfler nf Inndu (if the WfmilbrldK'* Im- and udoptAi *t » regular meeting of Simkin to Head provement <'»m|tflnv. f'lrm^rly Hinmillf; To Eleanor Madam the Township Commuter] ef the Town, B. All other mn||,.r, ,, Ihfiicc (J) N 7I<* 4(1 SO" K .along the «»ld improvement in, i,(. COLONIA ACTIVITIES lutiiln rtf ihf unld WooilhritlRp Improve- •hip of Woodbrldge. In the Count*, of tlon. If »n», frnm th,. ,,, COLONIA — Frank Vigli, son of ment Company ZS.rtll tret to ft *tske In v Middlesex. N«w Jersey, held an the 16th ratlnns M miry In, r,,,,,,,, ' (Social Nnlw from Colonla'proper, Inm«n Avenue SMtton, New Association the noiithwcnlfrly corner of Uniln con- BtTiinlnit: to l»\ - rlny of June, 1053. Mr, niii) Mrs, Stephen Vlgh, North prnitroaj nf work, nhnli i,, and ColonlB VlUare) 'pyeil tn A. Giitfmer. Jne. no hercMnahnve R, J. nilMGAN, Tnwnihlr Clerk Remiliitlon of th,, Tnwi, i Hill Road and his fiancee. Miss .tRtnl thence Id N II" 4ft' E nlmii.' AN ORDINANCE i»OR tHfc VACA- 0, The mm nf \,\u. the westerly line uf land ' ' By Mrt. Henry Strober PERTH AMBOY-Samuel F• Elenno|iur Rue Mndarn, daughter of line vf lan y Atlf TION OF AND THK RK.l.KASE AND (mri.M) Dollnr* I, i,,,,., A. dusmi'r Inc. n$ nfnrpsulrl 4flft.9f> feet EXTINGUISHMENT UF THE PUIIMC nt, n dnwn pnymfiil [nr u, Rahwar 7-6737 8lmklh. trensurf r of Clfflrlel s SSim-i 1 M). am)Mr s Raymond Maradn, to a ntfihe the plm-^ _ of BEGINNING. UIOHTS IN OR ARIHINti OUT OP A•aii! inn hlvlnii h,,,,,..., Ind*ppndrnt-I,r'»dfr on kin & Sons, has b«n *lcci«1 first, gM,K!)Valt, P8, were Week-end The above Heserl(jti<>n contHltiinjli r .BB 4 I'ORTlOrJ (IK STKI'IIF.NS I'l.ACK, IN 1 president of the newly-formed \ ^ ' former's parents. of an fKrp nrrortllnu to H Hltfvvy mnile hy THE T0WNSHI1 W WOODIIRIDCK. IN Ttn Thoiuntul I|., ot Uw PROPOSAL The Vllliifc Brllcs met. In the | Larry. Jr.. nnri Jonn, Clark Town Umm * Fax C. E. dal«1 June, 15121. THK COUNTY OK MIDUI.F.SKX AND Dollar* (I10.K AtaonotHMtlM ^ . from which the above rourftei nnd dl«- by the ie nf Mr;. Henrv OoWrll, IxWR-' ftn Sealed ; will bo rerflvr 8TATK, OK NKW JF.ttREY. n* msy.be tit'ci'^snrv ^ ptriK. Air Conditioning have hern tnktn. Togftther with urntlnii of the nt*-H tu mci't tin- n(4, Pack M9 will hold Its an- nouni'Pd their enengement recently nil the rlehl. til)'- nml intr#»t of party Board o IIK IT ORDAINED, l.y the T felloiv Uriv Three new members Cammlllei' of !!!«• Townthlv of Wood- said Improvrmrnt. nunl fiimily plcnlr. SRtiirday in tractors. at a dinner party in their home, of the nt part in nnd lu thti linn's lying v.i'ii' wclriiinci! inio membership. in the bu*,,., '"Hi B, Table 3A and j the renter Hnen thereof, nit Extension of Route »3~lo Avrnol prU^eil purHtiam to i YiiKuwsk.v iiiid Mrs Tlmmiis O015- vf bet-h. or arc aUnut t " "' " be held in ill' IMIITIC (if Mrs. Do and will be assisted by the den j HK(ilNMN of th<' I't-rth Amboy are h«reby mithnrltni Wnodhrldnf Railrudd, nflitj hefflnn Specifications as to npproxUnnte „„- -if St<.ph«n» t"l»". «iH P»lnt its annual picnic on June '27 ud ,g ; \V^*u™"M*"Mtt erly llm- 1110 Hidw ttoiid. entertained Mr. LEGAI NOTICES point Win if niilv (ftO) ffft nnuthpy cr buse,„ s to. tie used.... ,. schedules. £ 6|f> as- R 100.no fi'H mwnurid ls hl S and Mi:. Hobert .Srhultz and 28 ant tlitle nn-housejf i outletsThe' rCmnclo n 8SMe , i,,sw. ***ci-1 from an iron i»ipe net nl the inlorsei-titm anda approxlmntapproximatef inimhpluimber of pupilP"Pjs t^o« ; ,|w, 'th. northerly U;«. "' . The Suppli'im-n ii! i.. of the westerly line f»f th«' 1'erlri Amltoy DC iranaportPd may .b. r securp™d at the. ,,,, r frnm th_# .ptilnun f mier tlon nf rtqtiired by Law him |> "'Hi, Nanry Jean. Dicxi'l Hill, chuirnun of the affair Is J«Ph v.:bn of MMW F Vniirsc- AN ORDINANCE k l & WoodbridiTf' Hnilrtmd with the northerly gfflo" of the soperintenrtent of !hf northtrly line of Sx«pnpnffl»ohpnii« Pl»r« with Alto in the OAVe of th, i Mii7lhnwskik1 . presldfllt Notice III hereby K'vcn thnt the fol- Prospect Avemir. us the emtcrly line of Lyrrmn Ave.; and nald auutnrnt i-oiiti, Pa. :ors, lowlnti ordinance wriH regularly ptiBsea j line WfsUrly; thencthenepe (1) atimiatiKf the K llobK tl" northerly line matlon rtimlred hy It s -Mrs Charles Hoffman. Hiih- pf Ambcw Mwttr P'.umbers, •nil adopted at a resulur meeting or (II 9 — Clir-ry!, ni-lnk. dnuphUr T of Mr. M line of the. IVrth Amboy A Womlhridge Townswp of W) N fill" II. J.. DUNIGAN. Tnwn.i.,,. OK1HNANCE KNT1T1.KII merly HintdiU'; thence (Si alonii the Notlrr Is herpby Klven thnt thf fol-ail' W n:i 12 feet ninny ihc Kontherly line To be ad»«rtlwd m :i;i, innsldi northerly line "of fliid Woodbrldgt lm- lowltiK orrtlnnnre was renulnrly pasned of Stephens 1'lace to a point. s*M point Independsht-Leader oi: 11 blrthdiiy ofenient Cnnip«ny S 7iiD 4fi 60" Wand adopMd nt a regular memng of brlnx ion,ill) feel «mt uf Lymati Avenue; 1.S5 feet to H ntHkc in the retiiaininit the Township Commute* of the Town- dance nf Eduar; theticp HI alonit the shln o' Woodhrlduc In the County Of ilacr »f hctlnninit. NOT1CK John init Innil, nf K.W. N 11° IV E Middlesex, New Jersey, lield'on ilie IBth TO HENET O. JOHNSON the must ensterly SH.12 feet of Jll Spring Street. Ellynh Parson; feet to ,,.,.. ... the noiitVirrly. dny of June. 19M. Avf-nue un fxtrnriffl Rti'phtns Plaee. Or to whom It may conn, nf Prospect II. J. PIlNHiAN. Township Clerk 2. This Ordinance thill lake effect Joseph Past.ina. Pmil Thomas, Jr . Smile,! SIZE OK IUIIUHNGS ANU oTHtiit ettttrW; thrririb ' lne<> TION (IK ANI> THK HKI.KASK AND tisement ns ri'iinlred by law. 11 A. M. o'clock, daylight Lyttln Santos. Jean MuSko. Karccii family picnic Guests included Mr KXTINtil'ISIIMK.NT (IK THK rUIII.IC •'•'M I and Mrs Thomas Burns. Mr. and crjr.MT f*;,^ *: ClUD 1 LOT FBCilNNlNC. • HU(1H B. QU1OLBY. at Woodrjrtdec Auto - Damon and Nancy Dy.-zak. Cantaininn 2.1 If Acrif». HRiMTS IN OR AHISlNli OUT UF A Commllteeman'at'LHrK^ Mr j ; COURTS _ PORTION OK KHAHCIS STUKKT ANII A tiMCM, Prop., 475 Hnln • An THF. DENSITY OK POPULATION: REjSH HS wliivwn on Keepetl. Chapter 112 l.m- - Mrs. Robert MaelntyTe and WOODBRIDGE—Donal—— d Henry 1 1. Thnt purl ion ,.f Fnm,i« Si reel anil lowing ordlrjfinfp waa reKlllarly pawed Hiiinrich, Pcnsacola. Fla,. and Rev. Ailoptfd Jnni c. ' ht'T-ptnfu' ' r 101 y Jaw, CoiM.ih.f f ^jjlim'f a* ttbtfvo from the iledioitl" liny of Jims, J953. 5HH lurr,,-. ,,,J di'ie. Fairview Avenue, entertained ern California ai commencement HITRH H. QtilCLKY. Hnni' are lifrfliy frnm naiil and Faiher Cnitty is Mrs. MrCar- hrrohy nmcndiMl by additiv h Comrnitlei nmn-Ht-Lnrwe B. J. DUNIRAN. Township Clerk W J Mr. and Mrs. J. Cantz. Mr, and exercises held Saturday In Alumni t'tinii. tu he ik>Alnnat«nd adopted at a regular meetlhg or min ,„ si,r w,,Bt ,,, ,<,,., lo ,„,, fclrmi,r OK MIDDLESEX: WoodarldfB, on July 7ih. • spent an evening at the* Ramble ;he Towqshlp Committee of the Town-1 i,,i,. ,,,,|i, ,,f ,(,,, Southerly «ide of 1... H..y, improvement o..f bot. ..h. ald\ ofMemorial Municipal Buikim,- - daughter. Mr. "and Mrs. . Robert ric.ia, who graduated from Hope- Townwhip. Middlesex County. J«mi* r ln Herpen SStreet t frof m thtb« westerltly property Inn to celebrate their seventh wed- Hry 19»1. Hcorue R. Mtrrifl. Town- ihin of WoodbrlcltlC. In.the County of prani,ia street with tlie We.terly »idc of Street. WoodbrldKe. N ,1. :<,• -,., awn School. North- line of Amboy Avenue, westerly to the Frank, 315 Chain OTlills Road. ding anniversary. They were ac- xhip Knttint'er." and as shoWn on fl Middlesex New Jersey, held on the 16th J ltrond Strfi't; thence (il(HIl u easterly line of St. Jam(!s Avenue, approx- of 392 gallons of paint. m»l) rtdrftwn Bud delineated niul day of June. 1953. eriy lo the left wiitJi a rnilius (if 611 feet, imately 1575 feet, including radius re- miry be prtu 'irrd 1 - Mr and Mrs. Manny Goldfaib, companied by Mr. and Mrs. James 1 un arc dietan«e of 7K.B4 feet to the point niRrki'il in accordance with tho nfori - H. J. UL) ,•**...'.*.'. Tnwnsliip Clerk turn* at all street iliter»ectioji», on both Vlncetl't W, McDonnell. ,t ;i; ..;!,r 107 Mulflcld Road, attended a din- Ikus, Iselin. ' Hnid mnp entitlpri "Zoninii Mnp nf AN ORDINANCE TO FUHTHF.lt of "••'•'\NlNn side* of the Mreet ia^htfrvby authorized th« Memorial :Munlclp»l HnL:.:L:,.; BEING a portion uf Broad Street and ner dance ill Oak Hills Manor Woodbridnf Townshiji. Middlenex AMEMD AN OROINANCK TO CRFATF, a local improvement. Ins regular office hours —Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fenton, County. New Jersey, March 11140. AND fcSTAlll.lSH THK POST OF MAIN- Francis Street., al she nut rM-itiin, Lnefi .. sponsored by the Fords Lions Club Chain Oils Park as the same appear on the Map of Lincoln 2. 8aid improvement shall be known Trje State nl New Jersev Vr^aw 1055 Woodruff, Street, were visited GEORGE R. MERRILL, Civil Engi- TENANCK RF.I'AIHMAN (CF.NKRAI.) neer and Land Surveyor, WuodbrfflKe. Manor, tiled March 27, mS. in the Mid- as the Bertren Street Curb ami Gutter of Conservfttlon and EtoMitih^ bni --Susan Graham, dauehter of DEFINING ITS DUTIKS AM) FIXING Improvement. ment. Division of Veteram s>rw> Sunday by Mr. and Mrs. Crawfard New Jersey, nhbll be and tlK duiie COMPF.NSAT1ON. dlesex County Clerk'n Office as Map WM. b Mr, and Mrs. Gcoi'KC Graham. Jr., flic 617. 3. All the Work of gaid improvement ip aervea the right to reject ;.ir, *,; .-.5 Reports Edwards and son, William, New iK hereby ennnireil to "LiKhi Influfl- HE IT ORDA1NK1) HY THK TOWN- triul Zones." 2. Thin Ordinance shall take effect im- to be dune in accordance with'the Plant! If It Is deemed In Its best :m*r» niendale Road, is spending the York. SHIP COMMITTKK OF THK TOWNSHIP and Profile of Iferucn Street curb and Grace K. Kull OF WOODBRlnc.R IN THF, COUNTY OF mediately upon iU ailoption and adver* to do. week with her RrandparenLs, Mr. SUB-SECTION "A" tiiu'ment us required by Law. ffiltter as heretofore ileueribed made by TO be advertised in ti.e w-ni!, —Mr. and Mrs. J. Sinnott, 128 th*'smith MIDDLESEX AND STATK OF NEW Howard Madison, Townihlp Engineer. and Mrs. George Graham, Ridne- 1064 Woodruff Street UEGINNING iti point in HUGH B. QUIG1.EY, lndep«ndAnt-Leader on June WUi Elizabeth Avenue, motored to theGFly line of the extension it' l'*OH|)..r JKRSEY. THAT and the apecificationa therefort. which : in widt Committecman-at'-LarKe and June 18th, 1953. wnod. . Me. 6-0808-M Avpnuc «.. ^Htroi't GO ft' SECTION I of said Ordinance is hereby Attest: plans and specifications are now on file shore Sunday to celebrate their cxtpniled westprly from thi- wpjvtt'rly nmemlelt to read as folluvvs: with the Township Engineer. VINCENT W, MoDONNEI.I.. A:ni Mr and Mrs. EdKar Krcmp, 1. Mflintenanre Repairmnn ((ienerall ". J. DUV1GAN. Tnwnshiv Clerk STATE EMERGENCY HOUSING I seventh wedding anniversary. nf the riaht of way of thi> Perth Ambii To ba advertised as adopted In the 4. The; work shall be performed by the Outlook Avenue, and Mr. and Mrs. & WondbridKv Hmlroad; ! 1 19 "Graduation Day" at Adath Israel Nursery School. quiet that it's a joy atnd an inspiration just to hold fondest dreams. , , * •ID Schools in Township officially close for summer'receas. • me wheel in his hands. 21 Annuul picnic of Congregation Adath Israel, Stag Grove, And if you think it's time you did something &" Johnson Park, River Road, New Brunswick. And he knows, it, too, from the fceling-af pride and yourself, then we suggest you come in and see us. 22—Card party sponsored by Avenel woman's Club a,t hotne of satisfaction he tnjoys as he looks forward to the Mrs. Alex tai'Ms, Minna Avenue, Avenel. Let's make it "Cadillac time" for youl , • 23—Children^ beaelr party at .Metedeconk, jponsored, by the Mothers' Club of Woodbridge, 25 - Meeting of the Avenel Fifth District Republican Club at 166 BR0TH PartmOutn Avenue, Aveuel.it 8:18 P. M. /27- Food $«le sponsored by the Avenel Fifth District Republican |BS, Club on the lawn of tlie home of Mr and Mrs. Joseph 4f fttoltu Avenue, Avenel. I \-nRPENDENT-LEADER THURSDAY, JUNE 18, 1953 PAGE ThlJuEEW SPORTS ROUND-UP Upset Wins Scored By Johnnie Royle By Browns, Pirates St. Cecelia's Boys Club Holds Loop

Various teams In the Woodbridge Little League were In Little League ,l|vrn a mental lift this past week when a couple of 1 American Division Lead, Halting Athletics for 5th in Row iijisi'l.s sidetracked two championship-bolind teams. W otic manager put it, ''Now that the leaders have irowns 4 v Tigers 3 h(( n proven beatable, the rest of the clubs in the cir- Indians 3 BELTS 'EM FOR BRAVES ,,,11. nrc clamoring for a shot at them. The spirit Senators ..." 1 Red Sox Drop 8-6 By^Alan Mav.r F(m]s Js Vultures, (lyclones, ankees 0 .|llUnr1 both circuits has perked up and a couple of the led Sox 0 %ATHEW$, Hawks arc Knotted i,:,nis are talking pennants. It's the best thing that National Division Battle to Yankees POOKlg 21-3 by Iroquois i , • happened in the organization this season from the ' W i TOTALS or 25 Giants .... 4 For 2nd Position I.,,[;;' standpoint, of course." lardlnals ».. .3 In Fords Circuit In Mid-County Tilt * '* * ,* 'lrates .... 2 I.FAdUE ,8TANni!S LEAGUE STANDING^ .BECAUSE FOItOS One of the most stun- Braves L in the National Division, the Knights of Columbus Dodgers , AMERICAN DtVISION CLUB /f£ HAD 10 AMP ning upsets recorded In the Mid- w 3O /H ONLY County Baseball League In recent St. Cecelia's Boys' Club 5 0 onlinals, with a veteran array of stars, were conceded Cubs 0 Pords Vultures 4 1 Intefboro Red Sox 4 we 3O years took place earlier this week th,. circuit title after only two games, but those who Our Lady of Peaoe Yankees 4 (JPRI5/NG when the Iroquois of Perth Amboy Avenel Hawks 4 1 WC*)DBRIDGE—A fellow by the Cyclones 4 1 r:i|l(| the Cards so highly were not members of the name of "Upset" had a big day inFords Lions Club Tigers 1 OF 71HE whipped Our Lady of fcace by a Demons 3 2 I urns Club Pirates, who faced the Cardinals In a recent the Woodbridge Little League this Dudlcs Browns 0 surprising 21-3 score. week as the highly regarded Reo Perth Amboy, by virtue of its Sewarrn Boys' Club 2 3 gillie, and showed little fear of their opponents' publi- Diner Tigers and Knights of Co- NATIONAL DIVISION decisive win, slipped into second St. James' C.Y.O .... 2 S Woodbrldge Athletics v.\, 1 4 cize! strength. As a result, they walked off the field lumbus Cardinals went down to W place In the standings and dropped stunning defeats at the hands or Walter's Ph'macy Dodgers 4 the Pords entry down to third with Ironoukes 0 5 with a well-deserved 3-2 victory, the Pirates, managed the C.I.O. Browns and. the LJons Caawell Strauss. Cubs 3 three defeats. Apaches 0 9 Popovltch Phillies 2 l,v Hay Somers, Jack Bauman, Alex TrachimowfciE and ^lub Pirates. Clayton Vereb was the lucky WOODBRIDOE - 8t. Cecelia's i:d springer, are now the darlings of thfe National loop The Browns mastered the pre-Dixie Belle Giants 0 pitcher to work from the center Boys' Club of Iselln continued to lously invincible Tigers by a de- \ ,hir to their recent showing. The Lions Chrt> team may PORD? — The once Invincible of the diamond while hit Iroquois set a torrid pace In the Recreation cisive 6-1 score and thereby took team-mates were spraying base Intermediate Baseball (League by nut climb to the heights bf capturing the pennant, but over full ownership of Interboro Red Sox, defending EXPICT0P, hits all over Pords Park. However, champions of the American Divi- HE'S REALLY whipping the Athletics. 15-U. for there's one item for sure—they proved to the rest of in the American Division, Bf£fl A the wild scoring failed to over- their fifth straight win since the ( umph was the C.I.O. nine's fJBrth sion of the Fords Little League, shadow Clayton's fine two-hit kids in the division that no team Is immune from met their conquerors this week, circuit was Inaugurated three , straight this season. performance over the Our Lady weeks ago. • the Our Lady of Peace Yankees, of Ppacc sluggers. at. While mentioning the Pirates' triumph, we'd Matthew Fratterolli, the Brown's who tripped the Red Sox by an 8-8 The league-lending tselln nine to toss a bouquet at Alex "Butch" Trackimowicz, dependable mound artist, served score. Both clubs are currently In an effort to stem Perth Am- had the situation well In hand up one of his best pitching efforts boy's nvalanche of base knocks, All-Star backstop in 1952, who unshackled his by soothing the usually heavy hit- facing each other at the top o after driving home nine runs in the circuit. Our Lndy of Peace sent five pitch- the first Inning on five walks, an •hing tools to handle the mound assignment against ting Tigers to two hits during his ers, Boros, MIRIPCZ, Hutnick, Ko- six Inning stint. He fanned 11 bat- Shockley, the Yankees' ace error and timely base hits by Mul- If Knights of Columbus—his effort was a brilliant valesky rind Lukasluk, to the ter and Joe Limoll. The Athletics tres and failed to issue one walk. hurler, emerged the hero of the mound, but all felt the vibrations |t ,'.n hitter. Eddie Ballo, Reo Diner's ace, wasgame by holding the usually hard rallied to close the gap in the bot- of the Iroquois' resounding blows. tom of the flnst bu^thnt was as far • • • • » nicked with the setback after al- hitting Interboro team to five hits The Iroquois launched ft deci- lowing four hits and walking three over the six-inning distance, He they got as Gethard, St. Ce- sive start in the first Inning by celia's starting chucker, bore down (Her in the American Division, the tower of strength lingers. He also struck out 11 was also Impressive In the strike rapping home sijt runs. Pords men. out department with 12 checkei to keep Woodbrldge in check for IdpiHaied to be the Reo Diner Tigers, the loop cham- notchpd one In the bottom of the the remaining distance. The Browns took the defending off to his credit. first to make the score read 8-1. i.ms of 15)52. They, too, left an early wake of wrecked division champions In stride by The Red Sox started the garni After being checked with one One of the odd features of the leiiibs behind them, including a 31-1 victory over a driving in twin runs In the first, In routine fasHion by scoring on marker in the second frame and contest was the II runs the Ath- third and fourth innings. Tony run In the first Inning on a trlpl none in the third, the Perth Am- letics tallied on four base hits. A -.'.(i bracket team. A youngster named Matthew Frat- Barcellona accounted for the by Gatyas and an infield ball oft boy wreckers then tore the game survey of the statistics q>closed MIIO, a pitcher on the C.I.O. Browns' staff, was nomi- Tiers' lone ta,Hy with a'home run the bat of Donworth. Interboro apart with three in the fourth, that St. Cecelia's committed an eight bl« ones In the fifth, "and amazing total of nine errors to IKI by his mentors, Tony Cacciola, Steve Pochek and over the left field fence In the made it 3-0- in the third when first frame. Remenskl doubled down the left three token tallies In the sixth allow the Athletics to run wild on ;irl Smith, to halt the on-rushing Tigers in quest of field line with the bases jammed* the base paths and chalk up a Trailing 2-0 at the end of the Gather IS Bkigles double figure of runs. i ir third straight title. Before game time, the young- top half of the first inning, the Wo walks and an error permitted Lefty Castell, Max Sablne- and Lions Club Pirates made a dra- the full occupation o! the sack! DeFazIo save his batting aver- i is assignment became a workmanlike task when before the big blow. Mike Budzck paced the Iroquois' matic comeback in the same stanza 15-hlt outburst with three hits age a boost by collecting three ; r Reo Diner combine elected to send Eddie Balio, one with a three run cluster to upset hits in as many trip's from St. Go Out in Front apiece, Budzek had a. home run, t I he Little League's most versatile pitchers, to the the previously undefeated Knights' Gary Peterson opened the Yan Cecelia's ducout. Muller and Ll- of Columbus team by ia close 3-2 Art and George's Combine Clicks while Sablne chipped in with a moli also enjoyed success at the ;niMind dais. However, after the first pitch, the Tigers' Kees' third by taking first base oi double and triple. score. an interference call and immedi plate with two hits. records diminished in Fratterolo's thoughts as he Subyak and Andy GorechlaiJ South Amboy Briggs continued Demons Trip Sewaren ately raced lo 'second OR a passei Over Bartons, Keeps Skein Intact to dominate the league by shutting < ;tiid down to pitch a sweet two-hitter on the strength started the Cardinals' first Inning' ball. Don Elko then doubled Peter The Demons recorded their rally by drawing walks. After the w L four-hit attack with two safe out St. Anthony's of Port Reading. if which the Browns won by a 6-1 count. At the pres- son home and Shockley followei Jiggs Tnvem 4 0 blows, while Buchko was Molnars' 6-0, for its seventh straight win. third win of the season by tripping pair advanced a base on a wild with another two-play wallop the Sewaien Boys' Club, 11-9, with et. the C.I.O. combine is sporting a spotless record and iltch, they romped in to score on Art & George's Assn .'. 4 top man with the stick after club- Another league contest saw the knock in the second tally an Mauro Motors 3 bing two singles. Metuchrn C.Y.O. upset Calso of a three-nun splash [n the seventh hue is nothing that would cause more deep ,grins tommy Deter's two base hit to close the gap to a 3-2 count Innjng. hallow- centerfleld. Barrons ; 2 Perth Amboy by a 9-5 count. The Back-to-back singles by Pastek; Stan's Tap Room 2 Throe walks and a home run by mind the league than a victory by thejast-place l!r Beats Throw win was only Metuchen's second and Jensen gave Our Lady Molnars 1 Mroz Tigers Cain since [he start of the current Vail brought the Demons from be- c.varL's Red Sox over trVpresentfleadi Trailing, 2-0, the Pirates came to Peace two more runs and a 4 Shorty's A.C. V... 0 campaign. . ' *' hind' to lead by a 4-2-score at the *"" ""•," * in the bottom of the first edge. Woodbridge Oaks Yanks 0 conclusion of the first frame. The tanza and Steve Ur immediately Th' Yankees increased their 5th Straight I in victors added three additional v\ hen handling young baseball aspirants from 8-12 ook four balls to acquire a ticket WOODBRIDGE — Art and markers In the second .stanza, but slim advantage in the fourth George's Association kept pace K; of age, it is of utmost importance to maintain a o the ihltlal sack. A passed ball stanza with two runs which came LEAGUE STANDINGS Woodbridge Posts Sewaren forced tn the front, 9-8. ind wild pitch enabled Ur to move with the circuit leaders, Jiggs Tav- W at the end of six Innings with i' level of competition to prevent the participants by way of walks to Ifullop and ern of Hopelawn, by trimming the Tigers round to third from where he Bauer, a passed ball aaiJ-H timely Mroz . 5 scoring spurts in the fourth, filth ••• !i developing a defeatist attitude and loss of faith irmed across the plate on Alex Barrons, 9-1, for" their fourth Plynn & Son . 4 Win Over Amboy 9 and sixth. single by Peterson. straight Win in the Recreation liieii ability. If a boy becomes discouraged by play- rakimowicz's bounc«r to short, straigiu win in me necrenuun i Hopelawn AAcec s , 3 Trakimowlcz was safe afflrst when In the fifth, the game reached Senior Softball League, Mike Ros- [ , ~ Trilling by one run in the last scorching proportions when the , HornetHornets 2 PERTH AMBOY — Art and with a team which repeatedly takes' a licking, he throw went to the plate In an key and Bill Distelcamp starred pp heads 2 George's Association of Wood- of the seventh stanza, the Demons Interboro nine tied the score at Co er immediately tied it up at 9-9 on i'-'s a possibility that he may turn away from base- ffort to nip the speedy Ur. Bree for the victors from the center of gewaven i 1 bridge extended their striny of Hancock then drew the second 616. Denworth and Terefenko the diamond by checking the van- consecutive victories with a well- successive base hits by Keleman .nid seek another outlet for his energy. A good started the Vikings 1 walk of the inning and came rally with successive qUished nine with two base hits. St. James' Grammar 0 ricserved (i-5 verdict over .the Tri- and Fiorn. Two walks and an- iiii of individuals are under the impression that round to score behind Traklmo- base hits; then Nagy worked i Roskey started on the hill for angle Cafe. The Columbus Park other safe blow off the bat of Lan- icz when the Cardinals committed for a free pass to load Art and George's and coasted along WOODBRIDGfc—The. Mroz Ti- zottl gave the Demons two mare • nip aim o£ Little League baseball is to put two diamond was the scene of the tilt. costly combination of three er- ie bases. At this point Damocl for three innings on the strength gers of Avenel ran their current Johnny Ur made his debut us a runs and ceniented the triumph. i on the field and "let 'em go." But believe us, ors, itepped Into the bater's. box ando( a 4-0 lead. When Roskey de- skein to five straight in the Rec-WoodbridKe chucker a decisive suc- Fiorn went the distance for the '• i ;i three-year survey, we've come to thp conclusion Trakimowicz, rated as one of the aced a fat pitch to right field for parted from the mound, Distel- reation Junior Baseball League by cess by clinching the win over "the Demons to record the win. While base-cleaning triple. amp took over and held the Bar-virtue of a hard earned 5-4 trl-Triangle Cafe with a neat five- working from the center of the '; there Is more to it than Just giving the kids the division's top catchers, also proved imself a valuable piece of pitching Our Lady of Peadeycame from •ons scoreless Yor the'four remain- mph over the Hornets In a game hitter. Although he recorded only diamond, he fanned eight batters •i^rtunity to play baseball. They're delicate, impres- •roperty by holding the aggressive iehlnd for the second time in the ing frames. Roskey, the starter re- ayed at the Freeman* Street two strikeouts, Ur demonstrated and gave up seven hits. Pete iamond. Sllagyi was charged with Se- niiie human beings; therefore, they have to-be Knights of Columbus' nine to two ifth when Shockley walked, took jelved credit for the win, while gooti control, forcing the Amboy ingles. He was.effective In the cond on a passed ball and came 'rank Janer absorbed the Barrons' Avenel took the initiative in the batters to repeatedly hit into the waren's setback. •billed in a careful manner. One way to ward off the trikeout department, fanning 14 xound to give his team a 7-6 mar- Ipfeato. rst inning with a two run out-dirt. The Fords Vultures remained ibio development of a complex is to find a solution batters. Mike Schneider was tagged ;ln on Pasteka's double. Bob Gat- Pete Johnson and Red Moore mrst; then went on to Increase Art and George's took a 1-J3 ad-deadlocked for second place in the with the Cardinals' first defeat of •as then drilled a double to center ihelled out two hits apiece to lead he margin to a 5-0 count over vantage In the top of the first In- loop line-up after coasting to a 'vent one-sided scores and encourage the team o score Pasteka with an insurance Irt & George's in the batter's box. the Hornets by driving across three ning when Pete Johnson walked, ; i] he season, although he hurled a 16-4 victory over the last-place n'ars up and topples the leaders every so often., good game, checking the Pirates •uh. Johnny Konlck and Paul DeSantis more runs in the third. Woodbridge stole second and romped across Apaches, The fracas was played at 1 with two hits—doubles by Higley Betires Side :ol!ected the Barrons' two came to life in the bottom of the the plate on two infield ground the Oak Street diamond, '••"•r the boy who stands up to a champion with hird with a group of three markJ balls. However, the edge was .short 1 l and Trakimowicz. In the top of the sixth Inning, iafeties. The Vultures' 1^-hlt '-m:t and corr}g§ out of a game, himself a victor." hockley protected the Yankees' Jiggs' Tavern, the senior loop ;rs to draw the tally closer," 5-3, lived when the Triangle nine came After absorbing three straight fter four scoreless Innings, the up with two runs in the bottom of led by Sharlcjt, Majco.i Koyacks defeats, the P.B.A. Dodgers, the -6 lead by bearing down to re- avorites, made it four In a row and Perrlck •wno^WlfecrxMt' ;tw< y conquering , the Woodbridge Hornets came up with a run in the the first on a single oft the bat of •two il( defending Little League champions, ,ire the side via the strike-out hits apiece. Redllng drove out a >OKEKS.... BobOillis, Sr., remembered as a star •oute. Nagy was charged with the Oaks Yankees by a 5-1 score in a seventh, but were retired before in- Tom Glassett and a towering home hit the victory road with a 10-6 licting further damage on the run by Bud Pancoe., home run in the Initial frame for •'•i>>all player with the old Ktngwood A. C, is re- ed Sox first defeat this season. ame played at the Hopelawn dia- decision over the St. Anthony C|ihs, mond. •' -, 'igers. Whitey Mizerak opened the sec- Pords. nn Tied in 5th Three runs in the bottom of the ond frame for Woodbridge wl|h fA fi'om a recent operation. . . . The local Hi iixth inning enabled the Walter's Start Scoring E*arly Al Cuna went the distance for Ferrick received the mound win k The D%gers, took a 4-0 lead he Mroz nine to clinch the moiknd a double down the left field llnje. for the'Vultures after spacing six lishing club caught better than 276 assorted flsft 'harmacy Dodgers to come from The Jiggs nine tallied single runs 1 after two inning's of play, but the verdict. Whilie working from the Whitey had hardly time to catch hits over the seven-inning route. ';t time they journeyed out where only the flying Cubs battled back to lock flie score lehind to whip the previously un- n the first and third stanzas to diamond podium, he struck out six his breath before Richie Boland [efeated Caswell Strauss Cubs, Oberdick absorbed the Apaches' at 6-6 at the conclusion of the fifth n-eeze ahead of the Yankees, 2-0, batters and gave up seven hits. drove him home with a triple to defeat. •'••• P'ay. , . . The Fords Little League Tag Days f-6, in a National Division fracas, but the gap was narrowed to a"2-1 and it appeared at the time as Stanley Predricks, the Hornets' tie the score at 2-2, Art and Cyclon'es Triumph '•tit with Keasbey being canvassed tomorrow and though thettB.A.'s initial triumph ' The win was the Dodgers' fourth ount In the fifth when a run wasstellar chucker, was charged with George's heayy shelling continued 1 itraight since the start of the cur-pushed across on Kozic's timely A nine-run surge In the fifth 'Saturday, according to an announcement made was not to te had. However, the the defeat, but hurled a good game when Johnny venerus parked a Inning paved the way for the Cy- ent campaign and their, most im- base hit. However, the Hopelawn home run in deep left to put his •"'Rinnan Bob Reilly, Proceeds are slated for the Dodgers were not to be denied the allowing six safeties. clenes' 14-8 conquering at the victory, as they went on to wrap portant since it moveij jthem into nine rose to-the occasion in the The Hopelawn Aces maneuvered team ahead, 4-2. undisputed possession of first ixth lining to drive home three Sewaren Boys' Club. The wiri sent filiation's stadium now under construction. . . . it up with four runs in the sixtti nto third place in the circuit Art and George's put the game the Cyclones into a three-way tie n stanza. place in the loop standings. The •uns and ice the contest. standings on the momentum of In the deep freeze in the sixth " .Y Dobos, the Barrens' star first sacker, was Cubs dropped down to the second for second place with the Vultures 1 Henry Trost was the Dodgers' Johnny Shlcker, John Masluck their 8-5 triumph over the Copper- after Pete Jonhson singled and and Avenel Hawks. •! to the Group IV Ail-State team^ Johnny is con- lot, with a single defeat. Johnny Zullo belted a circuit clout big man in the batter's bqx, shell- Kostik and Borkes gave their bat- heads, The scene of the tussle was Schwartz was the main cog in " ^ foregoing a college stretch [to enter prof.es- ing two doubles and a single in The Cubs held a 8-4 edge going ting averages a lift by blasting out the Hopelawn field. to left center for the fifth and sixth two1 safeties each. Get 2 Hits Each tallies. the Cyclones' 18Thit uprising with ba I. The Detroit Tigers have |he inside track four trips from the dugout. His nto the sixth Inning, but it soon a double and two singles. Timin- teammates, Francis Lombard!, evaporated when Arnold Olsen Stan's Tap hoom balanced their Krudel, Budzek and IMohr were Johnson and Venerus sparkled • "'vices.... Jimmy Deter, the former Reo Diner record on thq Reason thus far bythe Aces' handiest slbgers with for Art and George's in the bat-skl, Tatarka, Segylinski and Mac- Robert Zambo and Ronnie Hoyda belted a I double to center field to Dowell garnered|j two safeties. Jim 1 ;t»ti Knights of Columbus Little Leaguer, made assisted tte nine hit offense with send home the tying and winning •eaching the .500 mark with a wel two safe blows apiece, whjlle Smith ter's box with two hits apiece, while earned 7-4 victory over Shorty's turned the trick for thej Copper- Bolftnd and Zullo rated recognition Jaeger waa, top man for Sewaren, two apiece. Al Notchey and Kaphan runs, going thred for three on the after- ''^'i outside jthe baseball realm, graduating asjthe of St. Anthony's enjoyed success at A.C. heads. - t for thqir long belts—a triple and I10 Kalya went the distance for 'wr student at the No. 11 grammar school this the plate with two bas« knocks. Walter's Pharmacy to pjck up the Erhlei Petro went the distance Novak, after turning In a sparkl- home run b y thh elt lattert . noon. 1 to annex his second ing seven hit performance was The Woodbridge Little League All-Star game ,mound triumph. While working off the rubber, he struck out sixmbtind]trlurnph since the start o awarded Hopetewn'! pitching vic- Llt<'il for July 4 at the stadium Richie Boland batters and walked, nine. His the campaign. While toiling from tory. Seminskl accepted the Cop- perheads' loss., ;ikin mound opponent, Miller, was the diamond dias, Petro struck ou 8 a startling comeback with Art & George's CUT-RATE ARMY only one. batter but limited his Flynn & Son of|pords remained 11 nicked with the defeat after giv- team, which is currently setting the pace in ing up ten hits and issuing the opponents to six hit*. Whitney and one game behind the pace-setting and NAVY STORE same number of free passes. Rasmussen divided Shorty's hurl- Tigers with a one-sided 10-2 vie-, !' (Near Hudson BUeet) Kalya also reaped laurels at the able chucker, coasted to his easi- 1 '• Happens To Us," after being whipped 21-3 by Mike Roskey picked up his sec CARTERET, N. J. plate for the Dodgers with three ond pitching win of the week b' est win of the campaign, spacing Open Every Night singles m four attempts. Yacki tying- a major role in Art t four hltp ad downing seven batters nous, the Cubs' stellar shortstop, Georges close 3-2 verdict ove via the three swing route. Bud 81- IN i gave hit bitting average a healthy Momars. monsen went. Mle. distance iom lO: WELFARE JOBS WORKING MAN'S lift with three doubles and a single i Art * George's nailed down the center of the diamond fan Se- • CANARIES III A I 1.170.000 taxpayer* Thp Health, Education and Wei in four trips from the bench. His 2-0 lead In .the first inning on waren and was the recipient or the ; Federal Government fare Department has given dis SPECIALS! team>mate, Cosky, hit a home run. walk to fete Johnson, a two-pl; defeat. He was .clubbed for eight • CAGES and STANDS 1981 and prior The Dixie Belle Giants, < hits, but was ^pressiva with *12 15 Types. Full Line of Accessories missal notices to about#,200 em wallop off the bat of Red Moore |rT| to f8S«,049>0e0- ployes because of prospective bud- shadow of their 19B2 Champion and two files to deep centerfield strikeouts. &ccorln ISIS UN PERSONALS ask«d tp meet at the church at his teammates Wt>ipin ''', *^\ 9:30 A. M. NATIONAL DIVISION Mlele and Frazer u^j ; ,,"'lrk», Ily MRS. (11.ADYS E. SCANK _ Tonight—Braves vs. Cubs, St. James' Field COLONIif — Ninety members lri •The Woman's Club of Iselln COLONIA — A past president's up honors -.jfith two lm '!" "l i:»fi Klmhurst Avemir, Telephone Me. 6-1679 held a sunshine and uloom party Tonight—Cardinals vs. Dodgers, School 11 and Ruesta attended the supper pin was presented to Mrs. Robert Kovac*. Joe Zesa „„„ Wednesday afternoon in the rec- TonlghU-^GIanU vs. Pir*t«a, Van Btiren Street Stadium Monday In the Colonla Library to Morrlssey at a meeting of the sparked St. Junes' w.u.,. reation room of the Presbyterian Monday—Cubs vs. Cardinals, Van Buren Street Stadium mark the closing meeting of the ladles' Auxiliary of Colonia Fire twin safeties apiece- ' Members of Iwhn VPW Post meeting will be held In September. Church. Monday—Dodjer* vs. Giants, St. James' Field Colonln Club. Co., Mondny, In the flrehouse. 263li .in- niil.mj; pliins for the —Despite the heavy down pour The Lion's Club of Iselin held Monday—Pirates vs. Braves, School 11 Mrs. Bart. Drlscoll reported that A donation wns made to the of rnin on Saturday afternoon, the July 4iii i>.n'iiil-• iiiwl services. The its Insinuation dinner and ladles' \Vfdneylny—Giants vs. Cubs, Van Buren Street Stadium 7,500 cancer dressings were made Kiddie Keep Well Camp. laying of the cornerstone and Wednesday—Dodgers vs. Pirates, School 11 Red S<>\ MiMiiuiMl I)ii\ I'.II.KIC had to bn nluht at the Phoenix Grill in Fords, and that cancer dressing meeting t A committee was named to help postpoin ci n:i liiMiiitit of rain. All dedication of 3tlCecelia's School Saturday nlKht. Charles Christian- Wednesday—Cardinals vs. Braves, St. Jamea' Field nights for the summer are July 20. (Continued from Rp , and the blessing of St. Cecelia's the firemen with the picnic to be ()11 ; tl'.osp '.vim I'Mpici lo participate sen was the tonstmaster and AMERICAN DIVISION and August 17. Mrs. John Bacskay Church ceremonies took place. held June 27 and 29 at the flre- stint. Shuller was iuv,\ arc I'fqiicsir'd to inert at, 9:30 on James Fraser was the Installing Tuesdw—Red Sox vs. Senators, School 11 ' reported the club has 15 ne* mem-' house as follows: Mrs, George '•'»> the Rev. James A. Harding, pastor of officer. The officers Installed In- Olants' fifth loss.' thai riav nt p;-! hciidqimrtcrs.The Tuesday—Tl«ers vs. Yankee*, St. Jantei' Field bers and Mrs. Henry Strubel noted Scott, Mrs. Roland Parker,, Mrs St. Peter's Church of New Bruns- cluded: President, George Sedlak; Swalllck Kid Prihisi, post is ;ihn ns-isiiiiR in the reor- Tuesday—Browns vs. Indians, Van Buren Street Stadium '. that bhe club will purchase a bed- Joseph MaRlla, Mrs, Mary Leh- wick, preached the dedication ser- first vice president; Harry Kline, Popovltch »tars at the |, i!iini?:itinn fit Wuorinrldge Veter- side table for the polio hospital. man, Mrs. M»ry Sandranato, Mrs mon. second vice president, " Harold FORDS LITTLE LEAGUE two base hits apiece sim ans' Alliiinnv I A hand engraved gravel was Jack Condas, Mrs. Robert Schuss- - TIIP first, Installation cere- —Chlldrens' Day was observed Ooetchius; third vice president, Tonight—Phillips vs. Cubs, Roosevelt Park up two for the GlanU presented to the new president, ler, Mrs, John DeSllva, Mrs mony to l)r hdi] In ihi1 new St. Ce- by the First Church of Iselln, Howard Wilson; secretary, William Monday—Giants vs, Cubs, Roosevelt Park Mrs. Joh» Belz, by the retiring Presbyterian. Mrs. Norman Jen- James Staunton, Mrs. William The fourth (amp r.f celia's t'miyi'h wa.^hrlcl by St, Ce- Dangcll: treasurer, Walter Jawor- Tuesday—Yankees vs. Browns, Roosevelt Park president. Mrs. John Feldman. sen and Mrs. J. H. Roberts were In Price. saw the Dudles Browns;, ' Ml celia's Holy Niiine Sof'irtv this past •;fcl: lion tamer, Theodore Jarsln; Wednesday—Dodgers vs. Phillies, Roosevelt Park Hostesses for the supper were Mrs. Lions Club Tigers battle • 1 charm of a program of recitation work Tin iilJictTs Installed were tail twister, John Cwiekalo; direc- William Blllift, Mrs. John t Elli- tie before the garni' * •i Kl-l; C5of>]'!!' Finery, president; Prank nnd songs by the children of the ,ors, Harry Morris, Stanley Czado, March personal Income at $282,- klndergnrten and primary classes ott, Jr., Mrs. Frederick Creuz. Mrs. because of darkness. M.istiiiiulii ;i. (list vice president; Stanley Zlellnskl, Frank Cooper and Mrs. May Duchemln, Alleij- | of seven to two at Kennedy Field. Felriman, Mrs. Bernard Chercss, 500,000.000 annual rate. of the Sunday School. The affair and Joseph Neupauer. The speaker 1 Hnbrr! M:illhe\vs, sprond vice hurst: Sunday. —Cub Scout Pack U9 will hold Mrs. Robert Morning and Mrs. was a very delightful one. The lit- of the evening was Arthur Scott. president: Hdlierl Peterson, secre- Its annual family picnic", June 20 Herman Parer. tle ones represented flowers. Bar- Rev. William H. Schmaus. rector —The marriage of Miss Kathryn Isiry: C'!i;iili's O'Niill, treasurer; at Roosevelt Park. Those planning New members welcomed were bara Dobbs was the announcer. of Trinity Church, Woodbridge, De Oennaro, Vernon Street, to John Miiiren, marshal; and Jo- to attend are asked to get In touch Mrs. W. H. Sargeant, Mrs. Fred- Frnnk Penton Rave a Scripture gave the Invocation and the bene- Nicholas Younger. Woodbridge, seph CnriT'an, ilcli'i;:ite. A busi- with Paul Burke. Rahway 7-5263 erick Miles, Mrs. Edward Hueston, 1 reatiinK, Karen Jensen and Ruth diction. The men and their wives will take place Saturday. ness miriin was held and ra- or nny den mother, Mm William Kulick. Mrs. Carlton fre..sl]iri("ils weic M'lved. The next BlodKett nave plAno solos. It was were presented with pins in recog- --Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton Bill- nition of 100 per cent attendance. mss, Jr., Wright Street, enter- —The Woman's Guild of the Laundrte, Mrs. Robert Sommers. It w»s announced that the state ;ained Mrs, Leah Vanderhoof, Presbyterian Church will hold the Mr* John Visinko, Mrs. Daniel The U'lmdhririsr Township Recreation Department Softball and convention would be held at At- Bloomfteld. Saturday, Mr. and final meeting of the season Tues- Beflis, Mrs. Robert Hudspith, Mrs. I.I:II:IIC schedule for the week of June 22, Is as follows: lantic City. June 19, 20, and 21. Mrs. Billings and family and their day, June 23, at eight o'clock at Margaret Stevens. Mrs. Charles: Morrison, Mrs. Edmund Palchanes.! SENIOR SOFTBALL LEAGUE The two new members Installed by iuest motored to Atlantic High- the church. Mrs. Marie Mlhalkovitz. Mrs. Dan- All names Start at 6:00 P. M. Mr. Fraser were Fred Walker and lands where they attended a birth- Anthony Oliver. day party In honor of Mrs. Joseph B.L.S. INDEX iel D'Adamo, Mrs. Ted Crincoll. MONDAY —Mrs. Norman Jensen assisted White. The Bureau of Labor Statistics Mrs. Feldman was master of cere- Oak Yanks vs. Shorty's A. C, at Kennedy Park by members of the executive board —Mrs. Prank Reedy, Wright reports that average primary mar- monies for the program of enter-; Art.v AA fim-Kr Association vs, Mauro Motors, Freeman Street of Iselin School No. 15 PTA, was Street, has JusfVeturned from a ket prices decreased 0.1 per cent talnment and participating were Stan''- Tap Kmim vs. Barrons, Sewaren in charge of the third annual two-weeks' vacation at Lake Ho- during the last week In May, due Mrs. Manny Ooldfarb. Mrs. Charles' Motnais vs. Jim Tavern, Hnpclawn Claybank luncheon for the school faculty patcong. | primarily to a decline of 0.9 per Johns, Mrs. Simon Kluj, Mrs. John WEDNESDAY and other personnel. Mrs. Lloyd —Mrs. Joseph Rapacioll's Girl cent in farm products prices—cat- Plcaro, Mrs. Charles Ronge, Mrs Art> A (ieorre Association vs. Shorty's A. ('.. Oak Street Harayda presided at an executive Scout troops will go on a trip to tle and grains. Fresh fruits and I Errfest Hegedus, Mrs. Elmer Dent Molnars vs. Woodhrirlce Oak Yanks, Hopelawn School board meeting after the luncheon. Washington, D. C, Monday, and vegetables were somewhat higher Mrs. Fred Tramer, Mrs. Florence JIRES Tavern vs. Stan's Tap Room, Freeman Street Plans were rrpde for the fall. The spend three days visiting points and pork products caused the meat Kolhoefer, Mrs. Frances Hayes Slippers & Shoes for Dad Barrons vs. Maura Motors, Sewaren next meeting will be held in Oc- of Interest. index tp Increase 1.4 per cent. tober. Mfa, Bernice Loftus was JOB TOTALS THURSDAY —The Ladles' Auxiliary of Iselln made chairman for obtaining sub- VFW Post 2636 will meet tonight at Just For Old Times' Sake- The Commerce Department re- JiKgs Tavern vs. Mauro Motors, Hopelawn Claybank scriptions to the PTA magazine 8 P. M. at post headquarters. Teacher asked a seven-year-old ports that unemployment in the THE BOOT SHOP Arty & (lenrprr Association vs. Woodbridee Oak Yanks, Free- and Mrs. Joseph Neupauer heads —St. Cecelia's Junior Holy girl what a bridegroom was. nation during the first week of man Strtet the welfare committee. Name Baseball Team defeated "Please, teacher," was the re- May totaled an estimated 61,858.- 113 MAIN STREET W()OI)BKIIH,| Fiirriins vs. Shorty's A. ('.. Sewaren -Iselin First Aid Squad again Sacred Heart Junior Jloly Name ply. "It's a thing they have at wed- 000—a record high for May and Stan's T;ii> Room vs. Molnars, Hopelawn Scbaol showed its wonderful spirit when Team of New Brunswick by a score dings." 400,000 above April. INTERMEDIATE BASEBALL LEAGUE the crash between the two bnses MONDAY occurred at the Green Street Cir- Like a lot of other things, the paint you buy today is a much better product Cyclones vs. Avenel Hawks, Avenel cle Sunday. They were right on the than it was just a few years ago. It spreads more evenly, has a smoother finish, St. .lames CYO vs. Sowaren-Boys Club, Oak Street lob. l)i minis vs. Woodhridge Athletics. Keasbey Heights —Mr. and Mrs. Albert Saddler and a much longer life. One reason paint is better is gas. Some paint ingredienu Irnndukes vs. Apaehes, Hopclawn School Trento Street, entertained Mr. am St. ('rrcliu'x Hoys Club vs. Fords Vultures, Fords Park Mrs. Joseph Derfllnger, South 10 U9GU IU IIIQIVO pQl such as rcsins ^ oils w «cooked)» and t0 prcvent loMe$ from ^^1^ ^ Plainfleld, Monday. TUESDAY amount of heat applied must be exactly controlled. Recently developed ffiditmt —Mr, and Mrs. John Catina S 5 urnm ma c 0 Demons vs. Apaches, Hopelawn School Trento Street, visited Mrs. Ca- l0Ct InnfiOr I " ^ ^ P ^* critical control of exacting high temperatures. This Cyclones vs. Woodbrtdgr Athletics, Port Reading tina's father, Mr. Warrick, who is Iniiidiilies vs. St. Cecelia's Boys Club, Fords Park a patient in Newark City Hospital ) IdOl lUllUul • result is a uniform paint of superior quality—a paint that will give your house Avenel Hawks vs, Sewaren Boys Club, Avenel —Mr. and NJrs. Joseph Mauceri and all painted surfaces greater protection, longer. WEDNESDAY Bird Avenue, were hosts to Mr. am SI. James CYO vs. Fords Vultures, Ffl'rds Park Mrs. Robert S. Scank of Wood COMPANIES SERVED BY TEXAS EASTERN SERVE YOU THURSDAY • bridge Oaks and William Scank ol Sewaren Buys Club vs, Woodbridce Athletics, Oak Street Rahway, Sunday evening. Satur- Irmidulies vs. Demons, Fords Park day guests at the Mauceri home . Aveni-1 Hawks vs. Folds Vultures, Port Reading were Mr. and Mrs. Thomas (3er- lando of Amityville, Long Island. Cyclones vs. Apatites, Kennedy Part —Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Kamin- St, .lames' CYO vs. St. Cecelia's Boys Club, Avenel ski and children, Linden, were en- JUNIOR BASEBALL LKAGUE tertained Saturday at the home of i I Games Start at 6:00 P. M.) Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Madia, HopclIMII AcfK vs. Flynn & Son, Hopelawn Clayb&nk Bird Avenue. IJiirncIs is. ViliiiiKS, Oak Street —Religious Vacation School at Sewarcn .!:mi(irs vs. Mroz Tigers, Sewaren it. Cecelia's Church bt'Kins June Co])|i"i heads vs. SI. James Grammar, Freeman Street 12. Sessions bestfn at 9 A. M. SATURDAY —Mr. a»ct Mrs. Harry Kline, lGames Start at 10:30 A. M.) Oak Tree Road, save a graduation ViliiiiKs vs. Fl.v.nn & Son, Oak Street party Sunday in honor pf their Sewaren Juniors vs. Hopelawn Aces, Sewaren daughter, Constance, who gradu- Hornets w Copperheads, Freeman Street ated from Woodbridge High St. .lames' Grammar School vs. Mroz,Tlgers, Avenel School. More than 100 guests were FIREMEN'S SOFTBALL LEAGUE present. SUNDAY —Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Duffy, Hiipelawn Fire Co. vs. Port Reading Fire Co., Port Reading itiddlesex Avenue, were hosts to vlr. and Mrs. Whitford Duche- WiiodhridKe First Aid vs. Avenel Fire Co., Avenel nin and daughter. Jean, Neptune, Good Jobs, Good Pay for Girls at RCA

Resins and oils, the basic vehicle of paint and enamel, are cooked "in Piping and walkways aj Texas Eastern Transmission Corporation'! large gas-fired kettles. After the vehicle and pigments are tnix?d the Barton, Alabama; compressor station gleam with new aluminum p»JOt. I paint passes over a mill as pictured below —notice the smoothness and The neatness that's characteristic of all installations along Texas Eastern's I uniform mixture. Gas is supplied to the S)ierwin-Williams plant, 4200-mile pipeline system is the result of a constant'maintenance program * \ that kecp^t grounds and equipment in tiptop operating coflditiort. Cleveland, by The East Ohio Gas Co., a customer of Texas Eastern. Unusual Opportunities for Girls as Radio Tube Assemblers As the result of the relocation of a part of its Harrison, N. J., manufacturing facilities to a new, modem build- ing now under construction in Woodbridge Township. , Employees will be trained in Harrison prior to assignment fo fhe new building. Convenient transportation arrangements will be available. If BENEFITS WAGES At RCA you will enjoy: , Day Shift—Start $50 Modern Retirement Plan Opportunity to earn up to $59.20 Free Life Insurance For 5-Day 40-Hour Week Free Hospital-Surgical Coverage * Higher Earnings with overtime ,Friendly Working Atmosphere Additional Bong*; for Night Shift Work

O»t In On The Ground Floor -^ / Apply/NoW in Person Only1 fir Monday through Friday, S a.m. fo 4-.3Q p.m. Saturday*, 8 a.m. to I p.m. TEXAS EASTERN World's Be$t Tub* Maken '


«•»• ...At.