Political Parties in Nepal by a Nepali

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Political Parties in Nepal by a Nepali July 19, 1952 THE ECONOMIC WEEKLY Political Parties in Nepal By a Nepali EPAL does not have any been one of betrayal. The same backward economy, this is invari­ N genuine democratic tradition fate overtook the Nepal Praja Pari­ ably the method that has to be and the existence of an autocratic shad also. One of its important followed. family system among a people very members, allured by the assurances The Biratnagar strike was sup­ largely illiterate has created a mass of the Ranas, turned approver. pressed and nothing substantial was psychology which is still impervious Almost all its top-ranking leaders achieved. Neither the demands of to democratic ideas. The history of were arrested during 1942-43. Of the labourers were met nor could the political parties of Nepal, there­ these, Sri Dharma Bhakta, Ganga the political objectives be fulfilled. fore, is a history of emigre groups Lal and Dashrath Chand were shot On the contrary, the strikers were working mainly outside the country dead and Shukra Raj was guillotin­ crushed and Koirala and most of or at any rate drawing their leaders ed; Tank Prasad, Chuda Prasad and his associates were arrested and and inspiration from there. The Ram Hari were condemned to sent to Kathmandu. Here they Rana autocracy dominated Nepal rigorous imprisonment for life. were thrown behind bars without and the overthrow of this system trial. In any case a legal trial was the main object of all such Nepali National Congress would have been a mere farce, with groups in the past. Quite naturally, the Prime Minister having all the any attempt to establish such groups Following the ruthless suppres­ authority. Henceforth, the Govern­ within the country was ruthlessly sion of the Praja Parishad in this ment became all the more vigilam suppressed. way, no political activity against with regard to political activity. the ruling Ranas was discernible Shri D. R. Regmi was made the Early Beginnings for some years and outwardly, tran­ acting president of the Congress. quillity prevailed upto 1946. The Six months later, when Shri B. P. The anti-Rana movement goes as embers of revolt, however, had not Koirala was released and Regmi far back as 1881, when some non- died down. They continued to was called upon to relinquish his Rana feudal chiefs organised a move smoulder and all that was needed office, the latter categorically refus­ to liquidate the entire ruling family. was to fan them into a flame. This ed to do so. This attempt, however, was foiled could be done by an organisation at the last moment. In 1916, a which could bring together the Split in the Congress paper was started in Banaras to forces of revolt and fuse them into carry on anti-Rana propaganda. It one national movement. At last, This led to a crisis and there was continued lor six years. But these the Nepali National Congress came a setback to the movement. An were merely isolated efforts and into being in 1947, as the outcome unfortunate split in the only cannot be described as activities of of the Calcutta Conference held in national organisation in Nepal political parties. 1946, largely by the domiciled diverted energies from the main The Pracchand Gorkha, organis­ Nepalese brought up and educated task of overthrowing the Rana rule ed in 1927 under the leadership of in India. This was in a great mea­ into destructive criticism of the Chandan Singh, was probably the sure the work of Shri B. P. Koi- other camp. All attempts at con­ earliest political party in Nepal. rala, who was elected acting presi­ ciliation aimed at bringing about a Today, it is defunct. The leaders dent, in the absence of Shri Tanka compromise proved abortive and of the party were betrayed four Prasad (of the Praja Parishad) who political workers shifted from one years after its inception. One of was in jail. A regular correspond­ camp to the other. The two groups them was arrested by the Nepal ence passed informally between the carried on under the same name Government and the party then leaders of the newly-formed Con­ and refused to be reconciled. There disintegrated. In fact, the Prac- gress and the imprisoned leaders of were hardly any clear-cut ideologi­ chand Gorkha was not so much a the Praja Parishad. This harmo­ cal differences between the two political party as a clique of persons nious combination resulted in the groups and the division was due who had taken to sporadic terror­ launching of activities on a wider istic activities. to struggle for ascendancy between scale than heretofore. the leaders of both parties. Praja Parishad The group under Shri B. P. Biratnagar Strike Koirala exerted greater influence— The Nepal Praja Parishad, estab­ both in virtue of strength of mem­ lished in 1936, was the first orga­ Under the leadership of the bership and the dauntless under­ nisation to attract public attention Nepali National Congress, workers ground activities in the interior of to the problems of democracy in in the jute mills of Biratnagar (the the country. In 1948, Shri B. P. Nepal. This party, patronised by only important industrial centre in Koirala was arrested while working the King, consisted of a number of Nepal ) were called upon to launch underground at Kathmande. 'The patriotic young men burning with a strike in January 1947. Demands Nepali National Congress held its the desire for putting an end to the for increases in wages and measures session in Calcutta in March 1949. tyrannical order established by the for the amelioration of their gene­ It was there that Shri M. P. Koi­ Ranas. The story of all such par­ ral conditions were put forward. rala (the present Prime Minister), ties, however, inspite of the pro­ In this way, it was hoped to achieve a former civil servant, who had found secrecy with which all their political objectives through eco­ taken part in the Biratnagar strike activities were surrounded, their nomic and social demands. Wher­ and had been working in the Cor- exclusiveness and the devotion of ever parties have to function il­ gress since then, was elected presi­ their members to their leaders, has legally under a tyrannical rule in a dent. 736 THE ECONOMIC WEEKLY July 19, 1952 Democratic Party There were fundamental differences the Nepali Congress. But frankly, Early in 1948, a new party was of opinion, outlook and approach this was ' opportunism' and a great formed at Calcutta, called the among the members of the new blunder on Regrni's part. Natur­ Nepal Democratic Party, with Shri party. Nevertheless, had there ally, he could not get a warm Mahindra Bikram as president and been no merger between these two reception from the people of Kath­ Shri Soorya Prasad as general secre­ groups, the overthrow of the Rana mandu in the first instance. But in tary. This party was composed regime within eight or nine months view of the embarrassingly confus­ mainly of " C " class Ranas driven would not have been possible. The ed state of public opinion, his party escape by the King early in Nov­ out of Kathmandu Valley by the could win the sympathy of the ember of the same year to take then Rana Prime Minister, Juddha people in course of time. The asylum in the Indian Embassy was Shumshere in 1935. The rule of credit for this largely goes to the an event of even greater signifi­ succession from brother to brother Party's occasional publication (Bul­ cance. Again, this merger will according to seniority in relation­ letin), which depicted the burning decide the question whether the ship, which determined .succession problems of the day and showed national struggle led by the Nepali how the Government approached to the " Gadi" of prime minister­ Congress (following the escape of ship, prevented heads of another them without any serious purpose. the King) will be capable of pro­ The Bulletin always indulged in section of the Rana community ducing the desired results. from sitting on the " Gadi" after destructive criticism and had noth­ Juddha's reign, and as the " C " ing constructive to suggest; but it Flight of King Tribhuvan served the purpose of winning sup­ class Ranas were supposed to be As is well known, the Kings of the real obstacles, all the members port for the Regmi group. Nepal have been for decades the Shri Tanka Prasad (of Praja of that class were driven out of virtual prisoners of the Rana Prime the valley in accordance with a Parishad and elected president of Minister who ruled the country in the Nepali National Congress in conspiratorial plan in league with their name. The crossing- of the the Prime Minister. Rana Mohan Calcutta Conference) was also border by King Tribhuvan in Nov­ released along with a few of his Shumshere (the last Rana Premier) ember 1950 with the help of the played a decisive part in this cons­ colleagues, and they were welcom­ Government of India, to the horri­ ed at a mammoth demonstration. piracy. Most of these expelled fied amazement of the ruling Ranas took refuge in India, and it Against all expectations, he set him­ Ranas, led to the beginning of the self to reorganising the Praja Pari­ was the integration of all these dis­ War of Liberation by the Nepali gruntled elements along with their shad and openly declared himself Congress insurrectionary forces against the internecine warfare sycophants which led to the forma­ under Shri Subern Shumshere's tion of the Nepal Democratic Party. among the different groups within command; Birganj (which lies on the Nepali Congress.
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