VOLUME 48, NUMBER 6 NEWS REVIEW $ 3.00 NOVEMBER 15, 2006 ‘Constitutional Republic’ Versus Zionist Stranglehold

11/11/06 (20-87) As Esu (Jmmanuel), the Master Teacher, said to AIPAC WINS U.S. ELECTIONS Sat., Nov. 11, 2006, Year 20, Day 87 Simon Peter (also known as Akhenaton, Socrates, , William Lloyd Garrison and most recently, Doris The giddiness of some pundits over the “sweeping “dharma” Ekker) 2,000 years ago: “… [T]hou art changes” brought about by the recent elections in the When goodness grows weak, Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and is simply foolishness. As the Money When evil increases, the gates of hell shall not prevail against it,” according Masters have proven over a long period of time, it I make myself a body. to Matthew 16:18. makes no difference whatsoever whether “Republicans” “Body”? “Church”? The original word in the or “Democrats” are theoretically in power. In every age I come back Bible appears to have been ekklesia: “a calling out … It certainly makes no difference to AIPAC as we To deliver the holy, especially a community of members on Earth or can read on their website: To destroy the sin of the sinner, saints in Heaven or both”. “AIPAC reached nearly every lawmaker To establish righteousness. As portrayed in the chart of “25 Years of elected in Tuesday’s mid-term congressional Increasing Awareness” presented in the September 20 elections as part of its effort to educate political —Bhagavad Gita issue, many have been called and ever more have candidates on the value of the U.S.-Israel made and are making their choice to return toward relationship. During the campaign that ended Can there be any doubt that goodness has grown Godliness. Indeed, “I make myself a body.” Tuesday, nearly every viable candidate met with weak and evil has increased in our World? The For the holy members of God’s body (the hosts of AIPAC professional staff members and submitted response of GOD to this condition is: “I make myself God) it is not enough to be delivered; the purpose of a position paper summarizing his or her views on a body.” And what kind of a “body” would that be? this ekklesia is ‘to destroy the sin of the sinner’ and U.S. Middle East policy. … AIPAC has for decades ‘to establish righteousness’. All together now, please: worked with Republican and Democratic members “WE’RE WORKING ON THAT!” of Congress to strengthen the ties between the PLEASE NOTE YOUR SUBSCRIPTION After all, as GCH reminded us: “If you cannot United States and Israel.” EXPIRY DATE ON THE LABEL BELOW. summon PASSION for the cause of GOODNESS— The new Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, has you are lost.” already ruled out any possibility of impeachment (Continued on page 2) CONTACT FIRST-CLASS MAIL P.O. Box 27800 U.S. POSTAGE PAID Las Vegas, NV 89126 BAKERSFIELD, CA ALSO IN THIS ISSUE: PERMIT NO. 758 Final Warning: Part 10a...... page 6 Gold and Other Interesting Things: Part 8...... page 9 FIRST CLASS MAIL Marching to Satan’s Drummers...... page 10 CNI Foundation Full-Page Public Service Ad...... page 11 World News Desk...... page 12 GAIA Public Notice: IRS, UST and TIGTA...... page 14 Page 2 CONTACT: PHOENIX JOURNAL REVIEW NOVEMBER 15, 2006 proceedings. She has also affirmed her commitment the Fall 2006 issue of the Journal of International of tens of millions of dollars! 94% of House seats to Zionism. According to Jennifer Jacobson, writing Affairs published by the Jewish Institute were won by the candidate spending the most for JTA: for National Security Affairs (JINSA). He money. As reported by “CapitalEye” of identifies numerous Bush administration members (emphasis added): “She likes to say that, growing up in who have been (and are) associates of JINSA, ‘a Baltimore, she went to a bar or bat mitzvah every virtual agency of the Israeli government’. … The average cost of winning a 2006 Saturday,” Amy Friedkin, a former president of “… [I]n the fevered minds of JINSA and hard-line House race was about $960,000, based on pre- AIPAC and a friend of Pelosi’s for 25 years, Zionist elements,” Mr. Piper writes, “the real concern election finance reports, and $7.8 million for a wrote in an e-mail message to JTA. is that there are growing numbers of people high up Senate seat. … Friedkin noted that there’s even a soccer field in the FBI and the CIA and in the military who are Based on pre-election spending reports, the in the Haifa area of Israel named after the getting ‘fed up’ with Zionist power in America.” Center has revised its prediction of the total cost lawmaker’s family. Of course, anyone who would so much as of the 2006 federal election, from $2.6 billion to While the Republicans had campaigned partly QUESTION 100% backing of anything and everything $2.8 billion, including candidates, national on the premise that support for Israel among Israel does, including its own acts of state terrorism political parties and outside issue advocacy Democrats has waned, exit polls from Tuesday’s such as the last-minute indiscriminate blanketing of groups. That would make ’06 the most voting show that Democrats won an overwhelming with cluster bombs, must be some kind of expensive midterm election ever. majority of the Jewish vote. “Jihadist”, at least from a Zionist perspective. … Despite the record expense to elect With Pelosi as speaker, Jewish activists and To their credit, certain truly patriotic members of Congress, nearly one quarter of House races—111 officials are confident that the U.S. Congress the FBI have not backed off on their investigations of in all—involved a candidate with zero financial will remain strongly pro-Israel. opposition. One senator, Richard Lugar “I’ve heard her say numerous times (R-Ind.), faced no financial opposition. that the single greatest achievement of In 36 House races, the winning the 20th century” was the [achievement candidate ran completely unopposed. of the Zionist goal of] founding of the Another 75 winning candidates faced modern state of Israel, Friedkin wrote. challengers who either spent no money “She has been a great friend of the or filed no reports with the FEC. U.S.-Israel relationship during her entire Federal rules require candidates to file time in Congress and is deeply detailed reports of their contributions committed to strengthening that and expenditures if their campaign relationship.” raises or spends $5,000. … Rabbi Doug Kahn, director of the “The House changed hands, and Jewish Community Relations Council in the Senate might too, but overall this San Francisco [is] confident that Pelosi, election was not competitive,” [Center as speaker, will be effective in for Responsive Politics Acting persuading people with a broad range of Executive Director Sheila] Krumholz views on the Middle East, the said. “Incumbents overwhelmed importance of maintaining bipartisan their opponents—or simply ran support for Israel. unopposed—because they had a When it comes to Israel, “she truly gets it,” numerous Zionist scandals, including the outing of huge cash advantage.” said Matt Dorf, a consultant to the Democratic Valerie Plame, the “dancing Israelis” following 9/11, The most expensive race in the country, as National Committee. She gets “Israel’s value and the Franklin-Abramoff-AIPAC scandal and more. measured by the candidates’ spending before asset to U.S. security” and its “importance as the Mr. Piper sums up his piece by listing several Election Day, was the $45.7-million Senate race in only democracy in the Middle East”. … (old) FBI investigations involving those in the JINSA New York—and it was not much of a contest. sphere and “possible misuse of American defense and Incumbent Hillary Rodham Clinton, the Let’s just pause and look at that word, intelligence information on Israel’s behalf”, including: Democrat, spent at least $35.9 million and won “democracy”, for a moment, before proceeding to • The founder of JINSA, Stephen Bryen, a former with 67 percent of the vote [“Someone” REALLY expose the Zionist-AIPAC connection. A democracy Senate aide on Capitol Hill, faced certain indictment wanted to ensure Hillary’s victory, “no matter is supposed to do the will of the people, right? on charges of espionage for Israel until pressure on the what”, by the looks of things.], defeating Republican Some 362,346 people participated in the MSNBC Justice Department forced Justice to back off; John Spencer, who spent at least $4.8 million. At online “Live Vote” shown on this page and 87% of • Richard Perle, investigated in the 1970s when he last report Sen. Clinton had about $14 million left in them said BUSH SHOULD BE IMPEACHED. His was a top aide to then-Sen. Henry Jackson; the , which she could apply to a presidential party has just been DESTROYED in the elections; the • Douglas Feith, who—although later promoted to campaign, should she decide to run in 2008. so-called “Democrats” have an absolute mandate to a high post in the Bush administration in 2001—was While the overwhelming majority of yesterday’s REMOVE the great Decider—but somehow, in this fired from the National Security Council of President races featured incumbents running for re-election, purported “democracy”, the nightmare goes on and on. ; and money was also decisive when newcomers And that’s the way it is: You have so-called • Paul Wolfowitz, now head of the World Bank squared off. The top spender in House open- “Republicans” who don’t give a damn about the and former deputy secretary of defense in the Bush seat contests won 88 percent of the time. … Constitutional Republic and “Democrats” who don’t administration, investigated in the 1970s by the FBI on Following a long tradition, Tuesday’s care a lick about democracy, all servants of the Money suspicion of passing classified information to Israel. elections did not go well for self-financed Masters and all conspiring for Zionism. Of course, all of the parasites named above are candidates. Forty congressional candidates spent We don’t want to steal American Free Press’ still well ensconced in the power circles of more than $500,000 of their own money in 2006. thunder but Michael Collins Piper has an excellent Washington, DC (District of Criminals), now aided Only 23 of them even made it to the general article coming out in their November 20 issue and abetted by a “new” rubber-stamp Congress and election, and just six appear to have won … (available online already) captioned, “Zionists Call for Senate which won’t do ANYTHING to undo the Witch-Hunt”. As a bit of a teaser, we’ll excerpt some damage done by those whom they have replaced. THIS IS NOT A REPUBLIC; IT IS NOT EVEN of this piece while encouraging readers to support Patriot Acts I and II, the War Commissions Act, A DEMOCRACY; IT IS A PLUTOCRACY—RULE American Free Press—and Michael Collins Piper’s the 9-11 cover-up, the bogus “War on Terror”, the BY THE WEALTHY. And it is surely just a efforts in particular—as you are able, please. wars of aggression in Afghanistan and Iraq, the coincidence of some strange kind that the wealthy are, The article begins: “A leading voice of the pro- looming Israeli attack on Iran—the elections changed overwhelmingly, ZIONISTS? Israel lobby is pushing for an old-style ‘witch- NONE OF THE ABOVE. The Money Masters and The REAL WAR is between those who still hunt’—under the guise of ‘homeland security’—to their parasites are still in pretty much complete control believe in the existence and principles of the identify (and expel) individuals in the U.S. of the vital organs of the Constitutional Republic. Constitutional Republic in which they “thought” government and our military who are suspected of Perhaps we should mention the role that MONEY (assumed) they were raised and the plutocratic, being hostile to Israel.” played in these so-called “free” elections. Oh, sure, Mammon-worshipping, Zionist supremacists who will Mr. Piper attributes the call for a witch-hunt to “Anyone can be president,” IF they have the backing stop at nothing in their efforts to enslave all of NOVEMBER 15, 2006 CONTACT: PHOENIX JOURNAL REVIEW Page 3 mankind—beginning but certainly not ending with the “While reportedly under investigation for her information to and why? Look at the following e-mail Muslims, WHO DO NOT BELIEVE IN USURY and ties to an influential pro-Israel lobbying from Mr. Abramoff to his Israeli friend with the will not go along with this New World Order’s organization, California Rep. Jane Harman last handle: “Octagon1”. monetary enslavement of nations. month hosted a private dinner for the group that Just how FREE is “the land of the free” today? was attended by two top Bush administration From Abramoff, Jack (Dir-DC-Gov) The battle is joined and there is no doubt that officials—Director of National Intelligence John Sent: Monday, March 18, 2002 8:31 AM Goodness will prevail, just as soon as the parasites are Negroponte and Secretary of Homeland Security To: “octogon1” removed from power in the host body of the United Michael Chertoff [who is in charge of ALL defense Subject: RE: Sunday States. Let’s look at how things are shaping up and intelligence agencies]. through the eyes of Dr. Abbas Bakhtiar of Norway, a “The Sept. 13 dinner took place at the home of I was sitting yesterday with Karl Rove, Bush’s top “dissident voice”. Harman, the ranking Democrat on the House Select advisor, at the NCAA basketball game, discussing [QUOTING, emphasis added:] Committee on Intelligence, and was attended by over Israel when this email came in. I showed it to him. 120 top financial backers of the American Israel It seems that the President was very sad to have U.S. vs. AIPAC Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC). The highlight of come out negatively regarding Israel, but that they By Dr. Abbas Bakhtiar,, 11/2/06 the evening was a panel discussion in which Harman needed to mollify the Arabs for the upcoming war played the host, questioning Negroponte and on Iraq. That did not seem to work anyway. Bush Anyone remotely familiar with the American Chertoff about Mideast developments, international seems to love Sharon and Israel, and thinks Arafat, political landscape knows that the Israeli lobby plays terrorism and homeland-security issues, according is nothing but a liar. I thought I’d pass that on. a very large role in shaping U.S. foreign policy in the to an AIPAC official.” Middle East. This influence has been achieved Why was California Rep. Jane Harman being Octagon1 is the handle for Jack Abramoff’s friend through clever use of financial muscle and control of investigated? who apparently was an Israeli official. large sections of the media from newspapers to cable The FBI has been looking into claims since Exactly one year after Mr. Abramoff’s email to TV channels to think-tank organizations. … It was mid-2005 that Harman of California, the top his Israeli friend, President Bush informed the thought (correctly) that media played a very important Democrat on the House Permanent Select American people that having tried all diplomatic role in creating or destroying the public image of any Committee on Intelligence, made explicit pledges to avenues to solve the Iraqi “crisis”; he had no choice minority group in the country. the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, but to invade Iraq: But somehow along the way, some of these AIPAC, in exchange for the group’s support in her organizations were hijacked by Zionists who equated quest to keep her spot on the intelligence panel. March 18, 2003 Jewishness with being the loyal supporters of Israel. The Washington Post reports one of those [The “somehow” has been very well explained; it was pledges was that for AIPAC’s help, she would ask Dear Mr. Speaker: (Dear Mr. President:) NO ACCIDENT but rather an intentional plan Republican administration officials to ease up on a Consistent with section 3(b) of the exactly as spelled out in the Protocols of Zion more probe of two former AIPAC lobbyists charged with Authorization for Use of Military Force Against than a hundred years ago.] This minority group set violating the Espionage Act by receiving national Iraq Resolution of 2002 (Public Law 107-243), about turning these lobbying groups’ agendas from defense information and transmitting it to and based on information available to me, one of fighting against prejudice to one of working to journalists and Israeli Embassy employees. News including that in the enclosed document, I advance Israel’s interest. A large number of Jewish of the FBI’s investigation first appeared last Friday in determine that: Americans naturally did not, and do not, agree with Time magazine. (1) reliance by the United States on further the aim of these Zionists. This silent majority (such What is being produced in the intelligence diplomatic and other peaceful means alone will as the Neturei Karta group, Peace now movement committee? It is Intelligence assessments, of course. neither (A) adequately protect the national security [Jews Against Zionism] etc) is seen by the Zionists as The very thing that can be used to justify wars such of the United States against the continuing threat false Jews who are traitors to the state of Israel. as the one going on in Iraq or the one that is posed by Iraq nor (B) likely lead to enforcement [Well, not really, but it makes a nice cover story.] contemplated for Iran. of all relevant Security Council … After having succeeded in penetrating the … Every now and then, through these scandals we resolutions regarding Iraq; and corridors of power, these groups have become get a glimpse of the power of AIPAC. We have a top (2) acting pursuant to the Constitution and overconfident and arrogant. What used to be elected official pledging allegiance to a lobby group Public Law 107-243 is consistent with the United suggested is now demanded. What was previously for Israel to KEEP HER JOB on the INTELLIGENCE States and other countries continuing to take the politely asked for is now commanded. How long can PANEL. What does this say to you? Is it the necessary actions against international terrorists this continue before it triggers a terrible reaction is American people who are determining who works in and terrorist organizations, including those nations, anyone’s guess; but it surely cannot continue various positions in the government or state of Israel? organizations, or persons who planned, authorized, unchecked for long. Anyway, why was she, while being under investigation, committed, or aided the terrorist attacks that The strength of these groups [has] increased to such giving a dinner party for the very same group of people occurred on September 11, 2001. a level that they can now determine the outcome of that she was being accused of working for? And more Sincerely, elections (through money and the media). The situation importantly, who were these AIPAC financial backers GEORGE W. BUSH has gotten so bad that now, most of the congressional and what did they want from Director of National hopefuls (Democrats and Republicans), even Intelligence and Secretary of Homeland Security? Why Well, it seems to me that some lobbyists knew much presidential hopefuls, have to declare their absolute did they have dinner with a person that is under more about U.S. foreign policy than some elected support for Israel first before even entertaining the investigation? Can you think of anything? Could it be officials in the Congress and the Senate. Again I may thought of running a serious election campaign. that they were discussing Iraq II (i.e. Iran)? be totally wrong. It may be that the AIPAC financial One of these pro-Israel lobbying groups is the But it seems what is very obvious to outsiders, is backers wanted to discuss the tax reform and its effect on American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC). still unknown to the American people. Even after the intelligence services’ employees. After all there must We know of course that AIPAC has some very scandal after scandal, the things continue as before. have been something to do with intelligence work wealthy members. These supporters (official/ The Iraq war is still claiming thousands of lives and otherwise they would not have invited the Director of unofficial) also control major part of the media. yet people have already forgotten how it was started National Intelligence John Negroponte and Secretary of Money and media are the things that determine the in the first place. They have forgotten that it was the Homeland Security Michael Chertoff. outcome of most elections. So it is not surprising to very same lobbying groups and their favorite Or maybe AIPAC wanted to talk to these see that most politicians and government officials politicians (both Democrats and Republicans) that gentlemen about Jonathan Pollard, a convicted Israeli always try to stay on extremely friendly terms with were manipulating facts to start a devastating and spy and a former United States Naval civilian AIPAC and its clones. unjustified war. We just have to look at one of the intelligence analyst. After all, recently most of the But things have gotten out of hand. One no convicted lobbyists to see who knew of the events a Israeli newspapers have been saying that Mr. Pollard longer can determine where the U.S. foreign policy year before the American people did. should be released and sent to Israel. starts and where Israel’s ends and whether the U.S. If I was an American, I would ask my President Or maybe they wanted to know about the U.S. foreign policy is being formulated in Washington or in to explain why some lobbyist like Abramoff would intelligence agencies’ progress in finding the supposedly, Tel Aviv. Are the elected officials in U.S. (knowingly know about the plans for an invasion of Iraq a year Israel’s highly placed agent code named “Mega”. or unknowingly) working to advance U.S. interest or before he informed the congress. And who was In the 11 years since former Navy analyst Israel’s interest? Abramoff’s Israeli friend that he was passing the Jonathan Jay Pollard was convicted of selling U.S. Page 4 CONTACT: PHOENIX JOURNAL REVIEW NOVEMBER 15, 2006 military-intelligence documents to Israel, both These tapes, according to the sources, were hand- THE INFECTION Jerusalem and Washington have worked hard to heal carried back to Tel Aviv, and were then used to By John Kaminski,, 10/23/06 the wounds from that spy scandal. But apparently blackmail the Clinton administration into calling off both countries are still stealing secrets from each other. the search for “Mega”; the threat was that if the search ... the Holocaust has become a device for Last week the Washington Post revealed that the for “Mega” were not shut down, the Israelis would exempting Jews from normal human obligations. It National Security Agency’s electronic snoopers, which begin leaking material from the tapes. has authorized them to bully and blackmail, to extort had been listening in on the phone conversation of an Or maybe they wanted to talk about AIPAC’s and oppress. This is all quite irrational, because even Israeli intelligence officer, uncovered tantalizing Steve Rosen and Keith Weissman problems. if six million Jews were murdered during World War evidence that Israel may have a mole even better The immediate issues of illegal receipt of II, the survivors are not entitled to commit the slightest placed than Pollard was: a senior U.S. official code- classified information, possible espionage, and failure injustice. If your father was stabbed in the street, named “Mega” who may be passing on U.S. to register under the Foreign Agents Registration Act that’s a pity, but it’s not an excuse for picking diplomatic intelligence. (FARA) are bad enough, but the larger issue is the someone else’s pocket.— Joe Sobran After all, during Monica Lewinsky affair, there exposure of AIPAC’s operating methods. The FBI were strong rumours that the President was being has a couple of years’ worth of wiretap evidence, and American freedom has been lost for want of pressured to forget about Mega or else. the information initially leaked to Rosen and understanding shadows. The motivational The British investigative journalist Kevin Dowling Weissman by Larry Franklin was linked to the push underpinnings of our own societies. For want of has released an article for publication to a variety of for war with Iran (a rather timely issue, to say the comprehending the essential mechanics of our own British and American news organizations, charging least). The Israel lobby knows good and well that if the reality. If you dare, contemplate honestly the new that the Israeli Mossad was bugging the Watergate transcripts of their conversations with Capitol Hill staff American Gulag Machine, a decidedly private apartment telephone of Monica Lewinsky, and was get publicized by way of a trial, they are going to be a operation that buys and controls governments, and able to obtain material used to blackmail the Clinton lot less effective. Their power has rested on being able squanders human lives like so many expendable bugs. administration into shutting down a probe of to promote Israel’s interests (as they see them) away Your vote simply doesn’t count anymore! The widespread Israeli espionage in Washington. from public view—i.e., they didn’t have a position on the computers are rigged, and the media is bought off. Dowling reports that well-placed sources in Tel Aviv Iraq War resolution, but everyone in Washington of any They do the corporate tabulations, and they don’t let say that full transcripts of more than 30 sexually explicit degree of political sophistication knew that they were you audit their calculations. If you challenge them, conversations between Clinton and Lewinsky are held by making an “unofficial” effort to secure its passage. If they’ll put you in jail. [And no matter whom you the Israeli foreign intelligence service, the Mossad. most Americans knew the extent of this sort of “hush elect, the plutocracy will still control the nation The backdrop is as follows, Dowling reports, and hush” political arm twisting, and the damage it does to because only their candidates are provided with it is backed up by published sources in the U.S., that American interests, there would be a movement to sufficient wherewithal.] the U.S. government was aware, from late 1995 on, counterbalance AIPAC, particularly now that a clear As we speak, our own army is being destroyed that the Mossad was carrying out extensive espionage majority of Americans believe the Iraq War was a by poisons invented by the same people who sent activity in the United States. When the Defense mistake, and have an interest in knowing who was them to war. Our citizenry is being poisoned by the Investigative Service issued a warning to defense responsible for misleading us into it. very medicine supposed to lead them toward health. contractors about the Israeli spy program, the Anti- Or maybe the AIPAC financial backers simply And our minds are being poisoned by a sweet melange Defamation League of B’nai B’rith went into an all- wanted to know about all those Israeli agents that were of alluring technological distractions as the ground we out mobilization to denounce the DIS memo as “anti- arrested right after 9/11. walk on oozes the very poisons we have put into it. Semitic”. [Definition of Anti-Semite: Anyone whom … Or maybe they just wanted to shake hands with We are poisoning ourselves. the Zionists hate.] Of course, just one year earlier, the big guys in the government. Whatever the case The demented snigger of soulless profit swaggers the ADL had been the subject of a lengthy espionage may be, there is simply too much evidence of Israel’s through the twisted smile of U.S President George W. probe by the FBI and the San Francisco Police; and involvement (mostly through lobbying groups such as Bush as he giddily pronounces death sentences on the ADL had earlier been deeply implicated in the AIPAC) with how things are run in U.S. This creates hundreds of thousands of people with rationales that Jonathan Pollard spy affair. a huge problem in a democracy; where people expect wouldn’t fool a 12-year-old. The U.S. has killed In May of 1997, the Washington Post and other their representatives to work for their interest and not nearly 2.5 million Iraqis in the last 20 years, all of media reported that the U.S. National Security Agency for the interest of a foreign power. The United States them innocent of any real crime. Iraq was never a had intercepted a phone conversation between a simply cannot become an enforcing arm of the State threat to the United States. Mossad officer posted at the Israeli embassy in of Israel. It is too costly for the United States and too … America is not yet learning as a country that as Washington, and Danny Yaton, the Mossad chief, in dangerous for the world. We have seen some of the you sow, so shall you reap, and all Americans better Tel Aviv, during January 1997. The Mossad agent consequences of this in Iraq, and if we are not careful, get ready for the profound travail that is about to was seeking clarification whether he should attempt to we may see it again in Iran. Who will be next: Syria, occur in our world, directly as a result of American obtain a copy of private letter from then-Secretary of Egypt or Sudan? Which other country is on the list of hubris. State Warren Christopher to Yassir Arafat, via a threats to the state of Israel? Should United State … What has happened in Palestine, Iraq and Mossad mole high up in the Clinton administration systematically engage in one war after another to make Afghanistan is about to happen here, and you ought to codenamed “Mega”. The Mossad boss told the agent Israel feel secure? What about U.S. security? Should be concerned about it. They’re turning the world into that under no circumstances should “Mega” be U.S. start a war with 52 Islamic countries, one after a Wal-mart parking lot, ringed by razor wire. Is that approached, as s/he was the top Israeli penetration the other, just to ensure that Israel remains a regional what you prefer? agent inside the Clinton inner circle. An extensive superpower? Are the American people willing to pay All Americans are now at risk from justified and FBI counterintelligence probe to determine the identity the price? Will the silent majority (Jews) remain righteous reprisals from decent people all over the of the high-level Israeli mole in the U.S. government passive and allow this Zionist minority group to world who are fed up with United States Tyranny, and was triggered by the NSA intercept. destroy them as well? These are questions that only the pain we have caused everyone by letting Comparisons to the Pollard spy affair were the American people (Jews and gentiles) can answer. pathological money manipulators destroy the social naturally raised; the deeper issue is that many Abbas Bakhtiar lives in Norway and is currently fabric of the human community. observers believe that Pollard’s controller (sometimes writing a book about the reasons behind the United But the more pressing danger is our own referred to as “Mr. X” or the “X Committee”) is still States involvement in Iraq and Iran. He’s a former government, which is so blatantly manipulated by the burrowed deep in a high-level position in a U.S. associate professor of Nordland University in Norway. corporate puppeteers who ultimately control the minds government agency. He can be reached at: bakhtiarspace- of everyone on Earth, and fleece the people of the According to the Tel Aviv sources cited by [email protected]. world through their slimy sub-lieutenants, local heroes Dowling, there was an emergency meeting of top [END QUOTING] like Saddam Hussein who took the bribe knowing he Israeli intelligence officials, as soon as the NSA Mr. Bakhtiar is excused for his naiveté with would eventually become the designated patsy and intercept was discovered; a Mossad electronic-bugging regard to the parasitic INFESTATION which has media spectacle. team of yalohim was dispatched to Washington, and taken over the United States. John Kaminski, never No matter what religion, everyone on Earth who one of the targets of their operation was the home one to pull his punches, calls it an “infection”, isn’t part of this deliberate destruction for profit—this telephone of Monica Lewinsky. which is almost as appropriate with regard to its controlled demolition of human society—everybody According to the Dowling sources, the Mossad debilitating effects on the body of the once-vibrant who can look at somebody they love in the eye and obtained wiretap tapes of at least 30 X-rated Constitutional Republic. get that sparkle back—knows in their deepest heart conversations between the President and Lewinsky. [QUOTING:] that it simply doesn’t have to be this way. NOVEMBER 15, 2006 CONTACT: PHOENIX JOURNAL REVIEW Page 5

As we speak, a seriously unconstitutional Jewish porno ever since. Everyone must ask this question of everyone clampdown on freedom is under way in the United Since Jesus’ time, this remains the great unspoken else, and those who are preventing it must be held States. Tanks have been spotted massing in national fear of the intelligent world. For fear of the Jews, we accountable. parks for deployment for some unknown purpose. free human beings are not able to live our lives as This is the way the world should be. Their movements tonight (10/22/06) in Ocala (Florida) nobly and honestly as we would like. And for this A 2,000-year-old infection, ever festering in more National Forest have set aware residents on edge. effrontery, we non-Jewish citizens of the world are putrid fashion, is preventing that. Without radical With the nation whispering about sudden notices being systematically exterminated, like the Jews intervention by those who value love and of planned troop deployments to the Persian Gulf— falsely claim they were being exterminated all those forthrightness, individual human freedom will be lost. sparking fears of a U.S. war for Israel against Iran— long years ago in Poland. Those in the know, know And your high praise for the phony government and Congressional passage of new draconian laws it was the American bombing that caused most of the you think represents you will be exactly the reason nullifying the personal protections of confronting the deaths from starvation and typhus. your own blood is needlessly spilled. This is the evidence against you, it is now appropriate to regard As Nicola Tesla, arguably the greatest inventor in prognosis for the infection that is killing us all. the regulation of citizens’ freedoms in USA 2007 at a human history, once said to his secretary after his John Kaminski is a writer who lives on the Gulf level that actually exceeds anything imposed by the tower burned down in mysterious circumstances: Coast of Florida who has been banned by hundreds of former and deranged Soviet Union, some of websites around the world. While his early work whose operators have been subsequently hired on 9/11 issues was widely acclaimed, his later (Primakov) as expert functionaries by this amoral essays have created a panic among shills who American Gulag Machine. pretend to support free speech but are corrupted Fact is, you can be arrested and tortured at by Jewish financial pressure, resulting in his 2005 any time with no legal recourse. This is what adjusted gross income of minus-$1850, which American democracy has come to. was as high as it was due to the generous But these interesting historical tidbits contributions of desperate dreamers like yourself. won’t mean much when the tanks roll into His numerous essays have been collected into town, and anybody who says anything several anthologies, available at wrong—remember now, the President can say who’s right and who’s wrong, and you can [END QUOTING] now be put in jail without the right to defend The BODY of the United States is sick unto yourself—all in the name of the corporate war death and needs a remedy, immediately. We on terror ... when these tanks roll into town, it suggest cutting off the lifeblood of the parasites, will be too late to do anything, and everyone the flow of DEBT MONEY which has proven so without the requisite amount of money or toxic. THEY ARE, AFTER ALL, connections will be, as you might have BANKRUPT IN EVERY WAY. guessed, shaken out of the tree. Mr. Kaminski has obviously been squeezed Don’t think about organizing a voter drive pretty hard himself by the parasites infesting or public protest. Those are deliberately the organs (offices) of the United States. induced bread and circuses, inevitably Please note that his INCOME is subverted by those assigned to such tasks, NEGATIVE—and support this man, if you made-for-TV dramas to demonstrate the power can. He is hitting the nail squarely on the of the fascist headcrackers. head time after time, hammering home the Don’t think about collaring your local truth to an audience of mostly somnambulists Senator, either. It takes hundreds of Brazilian cartoonist Carlos Latuff captures the essence who just don’t “get it”. thousands of dollars to ever get him [or any All we can do to support John is to do our serious Mammon worshipper] to look at you. of Zionism in this prize-winning work about Palestine. best to provide some additional exposure to his Don’t think about taking these things to court. “Never trust a Jew.” work, and so we will. The judges are all paid to fleece you and expedite the Ever hear the term “Jewish lightning?” In “Sheep’s Clothing”, dated November 1, 2006, great consolidation of America into a more streamlined Think of it happening to the world, because it is. John Kaminski writes: money machine, full of strip-mined national parks and Kindly note that all those objecting to the humanoid robots medicated into the properly content of these remarks cannot do so substantively, … I could end the war in Iraq in one day. functioning attitude. or on the basis of actual historical fact, but only by Simple. Ship the entire U.S. Congress to Baghdad And what attitude is that? aspersion, by ad hominem assertions that have no and let them loose on the street. Then we could Don’t question anything, or we’ll kill you. basis in consensual reality and only pertain to the clearly focus on what should be done about Israel That’s the new American way. Only maybe not distracting purposes by which they hope to and the Jews. so new. obfuscate and camouflage by slander and stratagem When are the American people going to wake Why can’t everyone see that corporate criminals the essential message of this analysis, which I up and realize our criminal government has are running our world right off the edge of a cliff? consider of primary importance if the human already destroyed virtually all of the Constitutional And the thing is ... we know who they are. species hopes to continue to survive and maintain protections we Americans have enjoyed for 200 They’re the ones that reluctantly give us our its universal goal of individual freedom. years? Are they in a coma? As a result of U.S. paychecks, and squeeze the last ounce of life out of We may not hope to do this without focusing actions over the past five years, ALL Americans our souls. We’re hooked into the system that on the true criminals of human history, who have are eligible for the death penalty for their promotes this crap, and are terrified that if we speak dogged us down through time, a sinister gang of complicity in the illegal wars on Afghanistan and out against the madness, our lives will go even further moral thugs who have scourged their way out of Iraq, in which trillions of dollars and millions of and faster into the crapper. Egypt into Persia, which it perverted and destroyed; lives have been wasted in this colossal charade for This is the attitude that got the Germans into so and it where it festered for a thousand years, before nothing but the profit-strategies of Halliburton, the much trouble. They let it happen to themselves a little always grabbing control of the money and the Carlyle Group, and other criminal corporations. at a time. And by the time they noticed, it was too religious upper hand and subverting empire after This bogus War on Terror is a complete fraud. late to do anything about it. empire: Rome, Venice, Spain, Holland, England After five years, no principal figure has been Sixty years after the fact, the spin machine still (Bank of England established by Dutch bankers, arrested for the crimes of September 11, 2001. tells us how stupid they were. And we’re behaving 1694), the Bolshevik Revolution and Marxism were That can mean only one of two things, and both just like them. wholly Jewish creations, Germany (where Jews are bad. Either the actual perpetrators are Not taking the threat seriously. That’s what got us were taken in and allowed to prosper), and worst enjoying the protection of the hypocritical into trouble to begin with. and foremost, the United States. politicians who are supposed to be protecting us, The Kennedy Assassination. The mechanics It should be clear to all that the United States or the people who our government says committed behind it were Israeli, acting as the paid assassins for and its puppeteer Israel are currently executing a this history-changing crime don’t really exist. the international bankers who are exclusively Jewish. plan that will lead to the end of individual freedom … It is becoming obvious that virtually the America’s fortunes have skidded south into demented on this planet. entire Congress is complicit in the mass murder Page 6 CONTACT: PHOENIX JOURNAL REVIEW NOVEMBER 15, 2006

and treason that was 9/11. Further, they are equally complicit in the mega mass murder in both Afghanistan and Iraq, as the rationales for Final Warning: Part 10a attacking both countries have long since been exposed as lies. … In order to continue with this excellent outlay of their advisors, specialists bred and reared from early information from author David Allen Rivera’s Final childhood to rule the affairs of the whole world. There are many more, excellent essays on John Warning: A History of the New World Order at a Do not suppose for a moment that those Kaminski’s website and he has been denied coverage reasonable pace, we are going to skip through the statements are empty words: think carefully of the by many of the more popular sites. (So, whom do material highlighting just the most useful parts. successes we arranged for Darwinism, Marxism, they serve?) Please support him, if by doing nothing Accordingly, Part 10a in our series skips over the Nietzcheism. To us, at any rate, it should be plain more than sending him a note of thanks and author’s introduction to the Protocols in order to get to see what a disintegrating importance these encouragement for his efforts. You can email John at at the meat of the matter: some excerpts from the directives have had upon the minds of the goyim. [email protected] to show your appreciation. Protocols themselves. Through the Press we have gained the power We conclude Part 10a with some examples of to influence while remaining ourselves in the MONEY MAKES THE WORLD GO AROUND military men who have “gotten wise” to the plan and shade; thanks to the Press we have got the gold in their subsequent ignominious disposition. Part 10b our hands, notwithstanding that we have had to As we have seen, MONEY determined the will cover the lies surrounding Pearl Harbor, gather it out of the oceans of blood and tears. participants in and winners of the elections—advocates reminding us from historical records of that which all To this end we have stirred up every form of or tacit supporters of Zionism almost all the way down should know about the more recent “Pearl Harbor” enterprise, we have armed all parties, we have set the long line of candidates. And those not in that event, 9-11, which has been used by the Zionists to up authority as a target for every ambition ... category are relegated to obscurity and powerlessness launch the “War on Terror”. disorders and bankruptcy will be universal. in the face of Mammon. [QUOTING, emphasis added:] We appear on the scene as alleged saviors of The most peculiar thing about this “money”, the the worker from this oppression when we propose U.S. dollar we’re talking about here, is that it is not a PROTOCOLS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION to him to enter the ranks of our fighting forces— marker of wealth but of DEBT. This debt “money” Socialists, Anarchists, Communists—to whom we has been used to enslave the people and there is The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion is a will always give support. simply no end to the amount of either “money” or 25,000 word document, which contains 24 ‘Protocols’ Our power is in the chronic shortness of food enslavement, apparently. Need a few TRILLION by a member of a secret group of Jews, known as the ... Hunger creates the right of capital to rule the “dollars” for an unending War on Terror? NO Elders of Zion. ... worker more surely than it was given to the PROBLEM, say the banksters, we’ll give you all the One inescapable fact is that the Protocols do aristocracy by the legal authority of kings. enslavement—er, ah, debt—er, ah, money you want! reflect some of the views of Weishaupt and the By want and the envy and hatred which it As Willis Carto points out in his recent article, writings of various Socialists on Bolshevism; and engenders we shall move the mobs and with their “Lord Keynes and the End” (also from the November because of that, they were not easily dismissed. Even hands we shall wipe out all those who hinder us ... 20 issue of American Free Press), a TRILLION is a though they were written so long ago, they have When the hour strikes for our Sovereign Lord of very big number: become an accurate barometer of events during this all the World to be crowned it is these same hands “Look, in the past 2,000 years some century and seem to parallel the goals of the which will sweep away everything that might be a 63,072,000,000 seconds have elapsed. It will take Illuminati, as you can see in these excerpts from the hindrance thereto. another 31,500 years for 1 trillion seconds to tick by. Victor Marsden translation: This hatred will be still further magnified by “Look at it another way. Light travels at about the effects of an economic crisis, which will stop 186,285 miles per second. It takes some two months Out of the temporary evil we are now dealings on the exchanges and bring industry to for light to travel a trillion miles.” compelled to commit will emerge the good of an a standstill. We shall create by all the secret Citing financial writer Martin Weiss, Mr. Carto unshakable rule, which will restore the regular subterranean methods open to us and with the aid points out that there is a total $285 trillion out in “very course of the machinery of the national life, of gold, which is all in our hands, a universal high risk” derivatives. “That’s over six times the 2005 brought to naught by liberalism. The result economic crisis whereby we shall throw upon the output of the entire world ... and 25 times the entire justifies the means. streets whole mobs of workers simultaneously in U.S. federal and agency debt,” [Mr. Weiss] says. Let us, however, in our plans, direct our all the countries of Europe. Concluding his piece, Mr. Carto writes: attention not to what is good and moral, as to what Remember the French Revolution, to which it “… [T]he resourceful pols and generals and is necessary and useful. Our power in the present was we who gave the name of ‘Great’: the secrets admirals have come up with the answer. tottering condition of all forms of power will be of its preparations are well known to us, for it was “The answer is war. Constant unending, perpetual more invisible than any other because it will wholly the work of our hands ... war. Perpetual war for perpetual peace, as Harry remain invisible until the moment when it has We shall create an intensified centralization of Elmer Barnes first called it. … gained such strength that no cunning can any government in order to grip in our hands all the “And how to guarantee public support for war, longer undermine it. Before us is a plan in which forces of the community. We shall regulate high taxes, skyrocketing debt? Easy. The corrupt is laid down strategically the line from which we mechanically all the actions of the political life of press can always be counted on to wave the American cannot deviate without running the risk of seeing our subjects by new laws ... These laws will flag and manufacture hatred of any enemy perceived the labor of many centuries brought to naught ... withdraw one by one all the indulgences and by its Zionist masters. Real neat scheme, eh? Only force conquers in political affairs, liberties which have been permitted ... to wipe out “Now, you’ve gotta understand that America’s especially if it be concealed in the talents essential any unenlightened who oppose us by deed or word. foreign policy is directed by an alien force called to statesmen ... This evil is the one and only We have set one against another the personal Political Zionism, made in a foreign country, Israel. means to attain the end, the good. Therefore we and national reckonings of the goyim religious and What Israel wants, Israel gets …” must not stop at bribery, deceit and treachery, race hatred, which we have fostered into a huge At the risk of sounding like a scratched record: when they should serve towards the attainment of growth in the course of the past twenty centuries. GLOBAL ALLIANCE HAS THE SOLUTION TO our end. In politics one must know how to seize This is the reason why there is [not] one State THE MONEY PROBLEM. WE—ALL-INCLUSIVE, the property of others without hesitation if by it we which would anywhere receive support if it were YOU, TOO—ARE THE CREDITORS OF THE secure submission and sovereignty. to raise its arm, for every one of them must INTERNATIONAL BANKERS. Our international rights will then wipe out bear in mind that any agreement against us THIS WHOLE SITUATION CAN BE TURNED national rights, in the proper sense of right, and would be unprofitable to itself. [We just have to AROUND ‘IN THE BLINK OF AN EYE’ but this will rule the nations precisely as the civil law of butt in here to say that the Global Alliance will not happen until the people who can do it make States rules the relations of their subjects among Program has UNDONE this protocol, if anyone the CHOICE to participate in the rising ekklesia themselves. The administrators, whom we shall cares to USE it.] We are too strong—there is no (Phoenix, if you will) of GOD (by any name of your choose from among the public, with strict regard to evading our power. The nations cannot come to choice, please). A new world has been prepared and their capacities for servile obedience, will not be even an inconsiderable private agreement without awaits all who answer the call unto Goodness. Who persons trained in the art of government and will our secretly having a hand in it ... will answer the call? therefore easily become pawns in our game in the Nowadays it is more important to disarm the Ronald Kirzinger hands of men of learning and genius who will be peoples than to lead them into war ... NOVEMBER 15, 2006 CONTACT: PHOENIX JOURNAL REVIEW Page 7

In order to put public opinion into our changes in existing laws, for this right will be Sion 1801-1844) to sift through the Vatican documents hands we must bring it into a state of given by us to the responsible president, a puppet taken by Napoleon. Before he died in 1875, he said that bewilderment by giving expression from all sides in our hands ... We shall invest the president “... a new political and religious ‘universal Kingdom’ to so many contradictory opinions and for such with the right of declaring a state of war ... would be established, and that it would be possessed length of time as will suffice to make the goyim Not a single announcement will reach the by ‘him who would have the keys of the East’.” This lose their heads in the labyrinth and come to see public without our control. Even now this is unusual comment has lead researchers to believe that that the best thing is to have no opinion of any already attained by us inasmuch as all news he had access to the original Protocols document kind in matters political, which it is not given to items are received by a few agencies, in whose which was kept at the Mizraim Lodge. the public to understand, because they are offices they are focused from all parts of the Protocol number 3 states: “When the hour strikes understood only by him who guides the public. world. These agencies will then be already for our Sovereign Lord of all the World to be crowned This is the final secret. entirely ours and will give publicity only to what it is these hands which will sweep away everything By all these means we shall so wear down the we dictate to them. that might be a hinderance thereto. ‘Ours’ they will goyim that they will be compelled to offer us Our wise men, trained to become leaders of the not touch, because the moment of the attack will be international power of a nature that by its position goyim, will compose speeches, projects, memoirs, known to us and we shall take measures to protect our will enable us, without any violence, gradually to articles, which will be used by us to influence the own. Ever since that time we have been leading the absorb all the State forces of the world and to form minds of the goyim, directing them towards such peoples from one disenchantment to another, so that in a Super-Government ... Its hands will reach out in understanding and forms of knowledge as have the end they should turn also from us in favor of that all directions like nippers and its organization will been determined by us. King-Despot of the blood of Sion, whom we are be of such colossal dimensions that it cannot fail to Economic crises have been produced by us for preparing for the world.” subdue all the nations of the world. the goyim by no other means than the withdrawal Protocol number 15 states: “When the King of Israel We shall raise the rate of wages, which, however, of money from circulation ... You are aware that sets upon his sacred head the crown offered to him by will not bring any advantage to the workers, for at the the gold standard has been the ruin of the States Europe he will become the patriarch of the world.” same time, we shall produce a rise in prices ... We which adopted it, for it has not been able to satisfy Number 17 says: “The King of the Jews will be shall further undermine artfully and deeply sources the demands for money, the more so that we have the real Pope of the Universe, the patriarch of an of production, by accustoming the workers to removed gold from circulation as far as possible. international church.” anarchy and to drunkenness ... Thanks to such methods (paying interest on And number 24 reads: “I pass now to the method In order that the true meaning of things may loans), allowed by the carelessness of the goy of confirming the dynastic roots of King David to the not strike the unenlightened before the proper time States, their treasuries are empty. The period of last strata of the earth. The prop of humanity in the we shall mask it under an alleged ardent desire to loan supervenes, and that has swallowed up person of the supreme lord of all the world of the holy serve the working classes and the great principles remainders and brought all the goy states to seed of David must sacrifice to his people all personal of political economy about which our economic bankruptcy. inclinations.” theories are carrying on an energetic propaganda. ... [By the implementation of] any form of It concludes by saying that “certain members of The intensification of armaments, the taxation per head, the State is baling out the last the Seed of David will prepare the Kings and their increase of police forces—are all essential for coppers of the poor taxpayers in order to settle heirs ... Only the King and the three who stood the completion of the aforementioned plans. accounts with wealthy foreigners, from whom it sponsor for him will know what is coming.” It is What we have to get at is that there should be borrowed money from the pockets of the poor to signed “... by the representatives of Sion, of the 33rd in all the States of the world, besides ourselves, those of the rich ... degree”. These strange references have been linked to only the masses of the proletariat, a few We have got our hands into the administration a little known organization known as the Prieuré de millionaires [well, nowadays, billionaires] devoted of the law, into the conduct of elections, into the Sion, which will be discussed in a later chapter. ... to our interests, police and soldiers. press, into the liberty of the person, but principally In a word, to sum up our system of keeping the into education and training as being the corner- TOP MILITARY MEN SACRIFICED governments of the goyim in Europe in check, we stones of a free existence. shall show our strength to one of them by terrorist ... [I]t is indispensable for us to undermine Gen. George S. Patton wanted to retire because attempts and to all, if we allow the possibility of all faith, to tear out of the minds of the he planned on being able to speak his mind about general rising against us, we shall respond with the unenlightened the very principle of Godhead America being “soft on Communism”. However, guns of America or China or Japan. and the spirit, and to put in its place before resigning his Commission, he died after an Our directorate must surround itself with all arithmetical calculations and material needs. automobile accident forced him to be hospitalized. In these forces of civilization among which it will have When we come into our kingdom it will be 1979, Douglas Bazata, a former Secret Service agent to work. It will surround itself with publicists, undesirable for us that there should exist any other for the Office of Strategic Services (OSS, the practical jurists, administrators, diplomats and, finally, religion but ours of the ‘One God’ with whom our predecessor of the CIA) revealed that he was ordered with persons prepared by a special super- destiny is bound up by our position as the Chosen by the Director ‘Wild Bill’ Donovan to kill Patton in educational training in our special schools. People and through whom our same destiny is 1944. Although he didn’t, he knows who did and said We have in our service persons of all opinions, united with the destinies of the world. We must that Patton was killed with cyanide at the hospital he of all doctrines, restoring monarchists, demagogues, therefore sweep away all other forms of belief. was taken to after the accident. socialists, communists and utopian dreamers of ... James Forrestal, a partner and President of every kind. We have harnessed them all to one After reading these words, you may also have a Dillon, Read and Company, was appointed Secretary task: each one of them on his own account is feeling of uneasiness. Seemingly, the Protocols do of the Navy in 1944, then the Secretary of Defense in boring away at the last remnants of authority, is elaborate on the Illuminati program for world takeover 1947, until Truman asked him to resign in 1949. striving to overthrow all established forms of order. that would not have pertained to the world at the time After the War, he became dedicated to destroying We have fooled, bemused and corrupted the the Protocols were alleged to have been written. Communism because it seemed as though the United youth of the goyim by rearing them in principles Because of the depth of information given on the States was constantly yielding to them. Truman and theories which are known to us to be false various aspects of the plan, I believe that they were believed Forrestal was under a lot of mental stress and although it is by us that they have been inculcated. written by or based on the writings of someone who had him admitted to the U.S. Naval Hospital at Above the existing laws without altering them, had an intimate knowledge of the future plans and Bethesda, Maryland. ... On May 22, 1949 ... James and by merely twisting them into contradictions of inner workings of the international bankers. ... Forrestal [FELL] from the 16th floor of the hospital. interpretations, we have erected something [The document] speaks of a “King of the blood of Found on a third-floor projection, the cord of his grandiose in the way of results. These results Sion” who will preside over a “Masonic kingdom” and bathrobe was tied around his neck and the hospital found expression first in the fact that the that this king will be of “the dynastic roots of King released a statement that he committed suicide, even interpretations masked the laws: afterwards they David”. It claims that the “King of the Jews will be though there was not enough evidence ... entirely hid them from the eyes of the government the real Pope” and “the patriarch of an international [END QUOTING] owing to the impossibility of making anything out church”. Also covered in some detail is the death of Senator of the tangled web of legislation. Eliphas Levi (Alphonse Louis Constant), who had Joe McCarthy, who died on May 2, 1957, ALSO at The chamber of deputies will provide cover joined a Martinist-affiliated Masonic lodge, which later the Bethesda Naval Hospital. “No autopsy was ever for, will protect, will elect presidents, but we shall merged with the Memphis and Mizraim Lodges, had performed.” There is no mention of Admiral Jeremy take from it the right to propose new, or make assisted Charles Nodier (Grandmaster of the Prieuré de Boorda, who died of a shotgun blast to the head. Page 8 CONTACT: PHOENIX JOURNAL REVIEW NOVEMBER 15, 2006 Gold and Other Interesting Things: Part 8 2/21/00—#1 (13-189) was followed by ABS-CBN’s anchorman Noli de CHAPTER 16 Manila, Philippines Castro’s interview with Nelson over DZMM Radio. AGENT REINER JACOBI In their conversation, Nelson reiterated his AH, WHERE TO BEGIN preparedness and willingness to testify on everything Reporting on his Swiss gold-hunting mission, he claimed, despite the denial made by National PCGG Chairman David Castro told President Aquino Hatonn—... When people put their very lives on Security Adviser Emmanuel Soriano. Soriano branded on June 20, 1992 that he had finally confirmed the the line—only to have bits and pieces of their very Nelson’s story “a big joke”. existence of some $5 billion worth of gold owned by bodies and lives chopped away—is it not somehow No one from the Aquino Administration admitted former President at the Kloten unacceptable to just pray and pray for God to save participation in any gold recovery. Two years later, Airport warehouse and other places in . you? WHY WOULD GOD DO THAT? IT IS TIME Philippine Newsday reporter Barbara Fabian dropped His informants included Reiner Jacobi, an ex-PCGG YOU REALLY CONSIDER THIS POINT! an unexpected bombshell. She revealed that President agent, who had been arrested in Germany for illegally May we please, Dharma, move on with the topic ’s relatives were in in 1988 to tapping into Swiss bank computers, and an American underway so that we can better see the passage and ask the former strongman for “eighty percent of an lawyer based in Geneva. players involved. alleged gold hoard worth $25 billion, in exchange for Castro reported that two sets of prospective [Ed: Comments from GCH not directly related to permission to return home”. The deal, however, fell buyers from and Rome had shown him the subject matter have been redacted from the body through. Mrs. confirmed this documents and footage of the gold hoard totaling of this writing due to space constraints. There is no information in an interview aired over GMA Channel 325 tons. However, another newspaper reported dharma seal at the end of the writing for this reason.] 7’s program, Business Today. that Castro saw the gold only on film clips shown [QUOTING:] When President Ferdinand Marcos finally agreed on German television. to give the authority to sell the gold, the relatives Castro told Malacanang reporters that the same CHAPTER 15 asked for 80 percent of the earnings, with 20 percent sources had said that the gold was minted at the DENIALS AND MORE DENIALS going to the Marcoses. The former First Lady further Central Bank minting plant, based on their files, added that “There exists a document containing the which they later turned over to the PCGG. “They found gold in Napindan,” Craig Nelson proposal for a $20 billion-$5 billion sharing agreement However, another news report claimed that Castro tells a couple of reporters from Ang Pilipino Ngayon of the proceeds from the sale of the gold.” had based his findings on the deposition of several (APN), Rufino Miranda and Al Pedroche, in a Asked by Marcos how much money would go to trustees of Mr. Marcos, three of whom are Filipinos telephone interview held on April 12, 1989. Nelson, the Government, the relatives said, “Nothing”. and the remaining three, foreigners. an American who lives on the island of Saipan, was a Marcos then insisted that his share should go to the According to Jacobi, Adoracion Edralin Lopez, a major investor and the Assistant Project Manager of Philippine Government. “There are (also) documents relative of Marcos, claimed to be one of the the Napindan Dam Gold Recovery Project. to prove this deal,” Mrs. Marcos pointed out. “Some signatories when the gold was deposited in the Kloten Why had Charles McDougald never mentioned were even signed by Ambassador Emmanuel Pelaez.” Airport bonded warehouse in 1983. She likewise anything about Napindan in his two books? Pelaez, however, denied having seen such a claimed that the other two signatories were a Filipino In the same interview, Nelson expressed his document, much less having signed anything and a foreigner, both living outside Switzerland, but willingness to help the Government recover all of the pertaining to it, in a separate telephone interview from did not reveal their names. The gold was deposited at 340 tons of gold bars dug up in the area, even if this Washington, D.C., with television host Ricardo Puno. the Airport to avoid having to declare and register the would mean having to make personal appearances in “This is either a fantastic story or the product of entire list at Customs. Lopez added that Marcos the halls of the Philippine Congress. somebody’s fertile imagination,” Pelaez said. rented the space for ten years until 1993. Nelson vehemently denied allegations that he But on May 22, 1991, Tarlac Rep. Jose Lopez flew to sometime in 1990, a year executed a “second affidavit” disavowing his previous , Jr., younger brother of President Aquino, after Marcos’ death, to inquire about the gold. This exposé of 340 tons of gold recovered in Napindan, faced newsmen in a press conference and virtually was how she discovered that her name had been worth about $4.5 billion at that time. According to admitted, for the first time, the truth behind Mrs. deliberately deleted as signatory, without her him, the only document that bore his signature had Marcos’ testimony. He confessed his involvement in permission. “Her objections at the bank fell on deaf something to do with the full payment of a drill rig, Operation Big Bird launched in 1986 to recover part ears,” writes McDougald. “She knew the power of the which he had purchased for $150,000. The rig, of the Marcos wealth stashed in Swiss . people she was dealing with, so she came home to subsequently used in the Napindan project in Cainta Cojuangco was also mentioned in the report Manila to try and think of a way to reclaim her rights. (Rizal), became the object of much talk when Nelson submitted by Rep. Victorico Chaves of Misamis Eventually, she and Mama Mary crossed paths.” sent a fax message (to no. 415-883-3473) which read: Oriental, Chairman of the House Committee on Mama Mary reportedly has been a close friend of “I hereby authorize Atty. Ted Hume and Kevin Accountability, and said to have been briefed on the Mrs. Marcos since her teens. Her real name is Maria Kinzler to be my representatives concerning the recovery operation. I. Gosilatar, but Imelda fondly calls her the “Midnight hydraulic drill I purchased in September 1988 Sen. , who was held responsible for Lady” because of her unusual habit of visiting the (CLLDM-115). This drill was placed in the name of having aborted the operation, likewise mentioned First Lady at ungodly and late hours. She claimed to a company formed and owned by Mario Ongkiko, Cojuangco as having authorized the appropriation of a have once had possession of the “Blue Book” which CHARLES MCDOUGALD, and the brother-in-law of twenty percent commission for Michael de Guzman, allegedly contained a complete record of all the Emmanuel Soriano.” who carried out the secret operation together with Marcos gold shipments to different banks, with their Nelson stipulated in the message that he was to be General Jose Almonte, then Chief of the Economic corresponding account numbers. paid immediately the amount of $75,000. Otherwise, Intelligence and Investigation Bureau (EIIB). A year after Castro submitted his report, a the rig would remain under his ownership until the According to Daily Globe’s Miguel Genovea who London-based television network reported the very balance of $75,000 was paid in full. covered the press conference, Almonte and Rep. Dante same old story about the Kloten gold, with slightly [H: ... TELL ME AGAIN WHY GOD SHOULD Tinga of Taguig-Pateros disputed claims made by differing sets of figures. A report by British Channel ANSWER ALL YOUR PRAYERS FOR Salonga that the latter had no knowledge about the 4’s Dispatches program indicated 1,240 tons of gold, ABUNDANCE? WHEN YOU WILL SCREW operation, that he did not abort it, and that the whole worth about $15.5 billion, stored in a bonded YOUR VERY PARTNERS AND LIE, CHEAT AND operation was a “big sting”. warehouse at Zurich’s Kloten Airport. LITERALLY “STEAL” FROM THEM—WHY Chaves overturned Salonga’s statement by “We are not storing the Marcos gold,” says Walter SHOULD GOD HELP YOU GAIN ANYTHING?] presenting a letter from one of the Swiss lawyers hired Michel, a manager at Freilager AG, the storage Ang Pilipino Ngayon was the first publication to by the Philippine Government, which clearly indicated company named by British Television. “I wish we have exposed the alleged gold recovery in Napindan how Salonga and then Secretary of Justice Sedfrey were, because it would be great business,” he added. on March 29, 1989, based on the three-page sworn Ordonez had instructed him (the Swiss lawyer) to The program, likewise, quoted one gold dealer to statement made by Craig Nelson, which was annexed “stop the operation”. Thus, Salonga could not feign have said, “Its very existence can’t be admitted at the by Charles McCubbins, Project Manager of innocence—since his very own people had been moment due to a deal between Imelda and the International Precious Metals, Inc. (IPMI) in his letter regularly updating him on the progress of the entire Philippine Government that she would return the to Executive Secretary Catalino Macaraig, requesting operation. booty.” The hoard, which would be more than double Malacanang to “dig deeper into Nelson’s story”. This Denials, denials and many more denials. the gold holdings of the Bank of England, is now NOVEMBER 15, 2006 CONTACT: PHOENIX JOURNAL REVIEW Page 9 reported to be in the custody of major Swiss banks. real consumer hero who did not allow himself to be Amargo went on to expose the interlocking Rhona O’Connell, a bullion analyst of T. Hoare a puppet,” adds Amargo. directorates involving Far East Bank & Trust Co., and Company, said, “The sources of any Marcos gold Licaros openly opposed World Bank-IMF Arthur Andersen & Co., Societe Cooperative and hoard were usually assumed to be purloined Philippine impositions. During the oil crisis in the 1970s, he was SGV, concluding that “Whichever way the wind production and Japanese war booty. The Philippine pressured to sell our gold reserves to finance the blows, we are at the mercy of the SGV.” Government had been buyers of gold from 1978 to importation of crude oil. Instead, Licaros chose to “Our international reserves have gone down so 1980 at an average of about $620 per ounce. It then deposit our gold abroad, in case the credit of the low to the extent that a new Central Bank Authority became a distressed seller at around $440 in 1985.” Philippine Government was placed in serious doubt. is being created so that investigators and researchers Just when the Philippine Government was “Our deposits of gold abroad served as an umbrella so cannot anymore follow the trail of our gold after the finally closing in on the Marcos gold, another cloud that when IMF-World Bank conditionalities and Licaros years,” laments Amargo. “I know the real of mystery surrounded the PCGG office. impositions were not palatable, Governor Licaros ran story why Licaros was forced to resign despite another Magtanggol Gunigundo, the man who took over to these banks where our gold was deposited for help. six-year term... I know the people who intrigued with from Castro, discovered that some documents on Such a strong psychologically planned buffer held us Marcos to have Licaros booted out of the Central the Marcos gold were missing. The new PCGG in good stead in the Licaros years,” Amargo explains. Bank. They are very visible among the ‘Mafias’, and boss suggested sabotage, because the discovery of Note: This was the reason why the late President they are afraid that my exposé on the SGV, AA & the missing papers coincided with the discovery of code-named his last will and testament, The Umbrella, Co., and the Societé Coop will certainly blow the lid four paper shredders situated in four offices at the specifically appropriating 80 percent of all his earthly off a situation that is hidden from the public eye.” commission. Gunigundo found the presence of the possession to the people of the Republic of the Maybe so. But the question remains unanswered: shredders highly questionable. Philippines through a Marcos Foundation, all these Where is our gold? ... [Hatonn comment removed.] acts cloaked in secrecy. This document now being Since the early ’80s, the Trilateral Commission “I came to realize that the shredders could controlled by the duly authorized yet undisclosed key had exerted exceptional pressure on the late [have been used to destroy] vital documents, which personalities is different from that being exhibited President Ferdinand Marcos into finally concurring can otherwise be taken out or removed from the lately by Mrs. Imelda Marcos at the Newsmakers to convert our Central Bank into a Central office,” he said. Forum at the Hotel Sofitel on March 26, 1998. This Monetary Authority. This would have been another Noemi Alacala, a staff writer of the Daily Globe, personally handwritten will of the late President was masterpiece by the international banking Mafia to reported that among the missing documents were the willingly executed to assure the people of the Republic specifically gain full control over the Marcos gold files of Reiner Jacobi, the commission’s controversial that it is the strongman’s intention to make them truly scattered in different banks worldwide, particularly consultant on intelligence and security. benefit from his funds, consequently vindicating his in the U.S. However, the wily Marcos immediately Jacobi reportedly was the first to discover the gold name. At the time, there was so much pressure from discerned and quietly detected the ulterior motives through industrial espionage. A German court refused both the banking Mafia and the Trilateral Commission of the globalists. He instead made his snappy move to extradite him due to insufficient evidence. that Marcos had to let Licaros resign. to protect the Central Bank by making the good Earlier, the Philippine Government set in motion On one unexpected occasion, Licaros confided to Governor Licaros become the convenient fall-guy an investigation on the alleged attempt by a group Amargo how he developed a nervous and acidic to effect the conversion process. claiming to represent it, and allegedly commissioned stomach from all the American and other outside The Trilateral Commission attempted to repeat the to withdraw hundreds of millions of dollars worth of pressures. And these came at a particular time when same modus operandi with the Ramos Administration gold from a Swiss bank in London. intrigue against his person was relentless. “Julie, and they almost succeeded. Upon personally learning Castro, however, pointed out that before any when I am gone, fight for the Filipinos,” Licaros said. about the treacherous scheme, I immediately contacted gold could be withdrawn, “the consent and “We are actually sitting on a mountain of gold; hindi the office of the Presidential Commission on Good participation of at least four unknown Marcos dapat maghirap ang Pilipino; my hands are tied, and Government (PCGG), headed by Chairman Magtanggol trustees would be needed”. Obviously, not one of I am too old to battle the giants.” With the parting Gunigundo, and the office of the National Security the trustees was a part of the group which words, Licaros handed Amargo important detailed data Adviser, Jose Almonte. At that time, I still did not know attempted to rip off the gold deposits. and whispered, “These will prove how I have tried to these gentlemen that well but, out of a strong sense of manage well the monetary system of the country duty, I knew I had no other recourse. Even my most CHAPTER 17 despite tremendous pressures. I have fought basic instincts led me to decide immediately to inform WHERE’S THE GOLD? devaluation because it is the poor man’s Waterloo. If them about what I personally uncovered to be the factual I had my way, every Filipino should be able to stand reasons behind the banking Mafia’s move to convert our “Where’s our gold?” Julie Amargo, the on his own two feet.” Central Bank into a Central Monetary Authority, to be indefatigable protectress of consumers’ rights and Amargo waited for the proper time to use her controlled by private bankers. The reason behind the welfare in this country must have asked the nagging secret weapon. It came when Jaime Laya committed rush move to create the CMA was to gain full control question several times in her newspaper articles. the serious mistake of accusing the Licaros over the Marcos gold with the Central Bank’s “The people have the right to know,” Amargo Administration of overstating our international imprimatur. Through the conversion, the global bankers insists. She’s absolutely right. Article VI, Section 6 reserves by $600 million when, in truth and in fact, would ultimately own the FM gold (with CB seals). It of the Philippine Constitution states: “The right of the it was the other way around. “Our gold reserves was but a dream turned into another nightmare for a people to information on matters of public concern appeared in the Central Bank records at historical while for these bankers. shall be recognized. Access to official records and cost, which was $35 or less per ounce and during They can never touch the Marcos gold kept in documents pertaining to official acts, transactions or the Licaros years, at one time, the price of gold their banks because the CB seal markings make decisions shall be afforded the citizens subject to such even soared up to more than $800 an ounce,” them the property of the Republic of the limitations as may be provided by law.” Amargo counters. This led to Amargo’s exposé of Philippines, while every movement of the gold is Amargo’s invocation of constitutional rights was a the gold in the latter part of 1983, leaving Marcos carefully monitored by international exchanges like reaction to the sudden replacement by President no choice but to transfer the erring Laya to the the London Metal Exchange. Marcos of Central Bank Governor Gregorio Licaros, Department of Education, Culture and Sports. ... [A] friendly foreign intelligence officer claims in favor of Jaime Laya. Amid the cry of protests from In her now famous Open Letter to Laya, the feisty that the reason behind President John F. CB officials and employees, Licaros was woman activist raised the following important Kennedy’s assassination was the late American unceremoniously eased out of his position on January question: “Considering that the Central Bank President’s insistence to convert the Federal 15, 1981. “Many say that it was IMF pressure”, says continues buying gold up to September 30, 1983, a Reserve Bank of America into a Central Bank Amargo, “but I am more inclined to believe that it had total of $848 million worth of gold was demonetized entirely controlled by the U.S. Government. This got to do with our gold.” per CB official records, what happened, Governor, to reportedly caught the ire of Corporate America, which To Filipino consumers, Licaros was some sort the rest of the gold deposits of December 31, 1980, controls the U.S. banking system through the Federal of a demigod who built several vital structures such the gold deposits of the Central Bank indicating Reserve Bank. [Emphasis added and please note: as the CB building, the PICC complex and the DBP location and number of ounces, are as follows: (1) ‘Corporate America’ is ZIONIST, as has been well building, all of which are monuments to his Federal Reserve Bank of New York, ‘874,651,970’; documented by author Michael Collins Piper.] foresight and vision. Licaros was a true statesman, (2) Bank of Nova Scotia, ‘112,429,702’; (3) Bank of The American situation was the reverse of the who saw to it that the welfare of Filipinos always England, ‘68,910,381’; (4) N.M. Rothschild, Marcos situation, but with still the same fixation— came first and foremost. “Gifted with an executive ‘72,071,898’; (5) Trade Development Bank of Geneva, gold control. ability that is unmatched up to this time, he was the ‘202,040,819’?” [END QUOTING] ... Page 10 CONTACT: PHOENIX JOURNAL REVIEW NOVEMBER 15, 2006 Marching to Satan’s Drummers DESTROY! these corporations. Its aim is “revolution” i.e. No wonder we see so many young people ROCK MUSIC’S SATANIC MESSAGE “communism”—banker world dictatorship and the wandering around looking like zombies. What is the By Henry Makow, PhD,, 10/29/06 destruction of Western Civilization (i.e. the four pillars pernicious message constantly whispered in their ear? of our strength and identity: religion, nation, family Is the Illuminati breeding terrorists in our midst, but Recently NBC Dateline had a story about two and race). They need to translate their control of our real ones this time? average American teenagers who murdered and cut up government’s credit (ability to print money) into total Society cannot eschew God and pretend to be a friend, put the body parts in a garbage bag and hid control using their cultural and political puppets. This neutral and secular. God is synonymous with it in a drain sewer (Dateline Videos: “It began as a is why opposition to socially destructive elements (e.g. universal spiritual ideals: truth, love and justice. You Teen Drama”). promoting homosexuality to straights) often is NOT cannot turn off the Light without being consumed by The announcer, the parents and the audience shook tolerated, but vicious hatred against Christians and Darkness. Don’t be fooled. People who remove the their heads and asked: “How could they do this?” society in general is not only acceptable, but actually Ten Commandments from public life are merely I was dumbfounded too. After watching a ten- bankrolled. making room for golden calves and sacrificial altars. hour, 4-DVD presentation on the Satanic agenda “Christianity is our only real enemy since all the The “Open Conspiracy” is a cancer at the heart of infusing much youth music, I have the answer. political and economic phenomena of the bourgeois Western Society and it is reaching a critical stage. Do Incredible and bizarre as it sounds, the younger states are only its consequences,” a member of the we have the “eyes to see and the ears to hear?” The generation is being inducted into Satanism. It is being Illuminati explained. source of this cancer’s power is the private central taught to murder, rape and hate society in general, and The DVD reveals that the Columbine shooters banking cartel. Do we have the courage to tackle it? especially Christians and Christianity. knew the lyrics of Satanist bands by heart, and literally Henry Makow Ph.D. has a web site, Entitled, “They Sold their Soul for Rock and were acting out these instructions. They deliberately, which exposes Feminism and the Roll” the DVD makes a convincing case that targeted Christian students but the term “hate crime” New World Order. He welcomes comments at espousing Satanism is the price of success in the doesn’t apply to Christians. [email protected]. music industry. Starting with the roots of Rock and Cassie Bernall was asked to reject God to spare Roll, down to Heavy Metal, Goth, Grunge and Rap, her life. She refused. She is a Saint but there is little this documentary shows that many famous musicians mention of her in the Illuminati media. actually see themselves as evangelists for Satan and “How could this happen?” Tom Brokaw intoned. say they derive their power from him. They have With one hand, the mass media pretends to be shocked, literally sold their souls to the devil, and their primary and with the other hand it teaches children to kill. goal is to make us do the same. The MTV network Similarly, media and government pretend to stamp is the handmaiden of this agenda. out child predators while at the same time promoting Produced by “Fight the Good Fight Ministry” the rock groups that encourage children to have sex. The DVD analyzes the lyrics, interviews and album art of DVD shows a “Spice Girl” serenading a six-year-old more than sixty superstars. The consistent espousal of with a song advocating self-abandonment. It shows the ideas of Satanists Aleister Crowley, Anton LaVey 14-year-old teenage girls who look like hookers (Howard Levey) and Madame Blavatsky, and their admitting that group sex orgies are commonplace. inclusion in the album art, along with familiar Satanic Reaction to this DVD often is shock and denial. imagery, is part of a deliberate elite agenda. The list There is a tendency to dismiss it as the overzealous of artists exposed includes the Beatles, the Rolling work of Christian fundamentalists. Indeed, the makers Stones, Michael Jackson, Madonna, Led Zepplin, Kurt are too quick to reject Eastern religions as Satanic and Cobain, Marilyn Manson and Eminem. You can see they fail to see how some performers like Elvis Presley excerpts on line. I recommend you watch Cobain, might have been honest dupes with good intentions. If Manson and Eminem. you’re not a Christian, I urge you to overlook the This excerpt from “DEMONS” by Rigor Mortis is sermonizing (although I personally think it is typical of heavy metal: pertinent). The overall message cannot be denied and should not be ignored. Satan’s Drummers: The Secret Beat of Evil We come bursting through your bodies Brainwashing Rape your helpless soul The Illuminati started off innocently in the fifties Can be ordered through: Transform you into a creature and sixties, urging the young to defy authority and Phoenix Source Distributors Merciless and cold indulge their libido. Little did we suspect that We force you to kill your brother “Sergeant Pepper” referred to the Satanist and MI-6 Eat his blood and brain Agent Aleister Crowley and that the Beatles’ label (800) 800-5565 Shredding flesh and sucking bone EMI stands for “Electrical and Mechanical Till everyone’s insane Instruments” one of Britain’s largest war contractors. PUBLIC SERVICE AD We are pestilent and contaminate Little did we know the music industry is controlled The world Demonic legions prevail by corporations using the mob, and many performers (See Facing Page) are brainwashed and drugged, and live in fear. Little The DVD explains how music is the most did we suspect that their rebellious message advanced The ad copy on the facing page was run full- effective means of brainwashing and mind control, the Illuminati’s “divide and rule” strategy. Or that page in . We present it here especially if the audience thinks it’s listening to their prescriptions for living would make us without compensation as a PUBLIC SERVICE. spontaneous creative expression. The DVD traces the dysfunctional and ruin our lives. Contact information (cropped from the full Satanic message “Do as thou wilt” (formerly “do your To a large extent, our lives are shaped by version of the ad due to the difference in format own thing”) in many songs advocating free sex, drugs, controlled popular culture and history. We are fed our violence, murder and mayhem. You are God! You ideas and beliefs instead of using common sense and between this tabloid and the NYT broadsheet) is can do anything you want! There is no moral order first-hand experience. We are someone else’s lab provided as: based on universal Love. The rock concert scenes are experiment. The “someone else” is a disciple of Satan chillingly reminiscent of the Nazi Nuremberg Rally. who has hijacked humanity. CNI Foundation The unabashed espousal of evil raises the question: An argument can be made for some aspects of the Council for the National Interest Foundation why are the world’s biggest corporations purveying this “Sexual Liberation” and “New Age” movements but 1250 4th Street SW, Suite WG-1 poison? Why is tainted spinach intercepted, yet this the bottom line is they were designed to dilute and Washington, DC 20024 toxic filth is actually pumped into the minds and souls undermine Christianity and serve as an intermediary 202-863-2951 • [email protected] of millions of unsuspecting children? step to a “Clockwork Orange” society (“Grand Theft The Illuminati’s central banking cartel controls Auto” meets “Brave New World”). • NOVEMBER 15, 2006 CONTACT: PHOENIX JOURNAL REVIEW Page 11 Page 12 CONTACT: PHOENIX JOURNAL REVIEW NOVEMBER 15, 2006

similar, but narrower, legal action was brought in Germany in 2004, which also sought the prosecution of Rumsfeld.” After reassurances from the Bush World News Desk administration that U.S. authorities and the courts would deal with the allegations, Germany did not By Jerry Schnoebelen pursue the matter and disposed of the case. Zagorin continues: “In bringing the new case, [email protected] however, the plaintiffs argue that circumstances have changed in two important ways. Rumsfeld’s DEMOCRATS=NO DIFFERENCE through and through. Along with the connections he resignation, they say, means that the former Defense has the sordid past necessary to fill the role. Secretary will lose the legal immunity usually The more you read and observe about this Politics For example, the final report of the Independent accorded high government officials. Moreover, the thing, you got to admit that each party is worse than Counsel for Iran/Contra Matters, issued on August 4, plaintiffs argue that the German prosecutor’s reasoning the other. The one that’s out always looks the best.— 1993, said that Gates “was close to many figures who for rejecting the previous case—hat U.S. authorities Will Rogers played significant roles in the Iran/contra affair and were dealing with the issue—has been proven wrong.” was in a position to have known of their activities. “The utter and complete failure of U.S. authorities Relieved that the Dumbocrat Party has supplanted The evidence developed by Independent Counsel did to take any action to investigate high-level the Republicant Party Americans are basking in the not warrant indictment....” involvement in the torture program could not be afterglow of this midterm election extravaganza. In addition to his role in the Iran-Contra affair and clearer,” says Michael Ratner, president of the Center Feeling that our democracy-in-action has come his role in the Iran-Iraq war (above), Gates has been for Constitutional Rights, a U.S.-based non-profit through once again and secure in their uninformed criticized on several other matters: helping to bring the legal action in Germany. He also belief that the Dumbocrats will clean up the mess, I According to Robert Parry, a reporter who closely notes that the Military Commissions Act, a law passed envision the majority of citizens having some milk and tracked CIA history in the 1980s, “In 1985, Gates by Congress earlier this year, effectively blocks cookies, unrolling their mats and taking a political nap. closeted a special team to push through another pre- prosecution in the U.S. of those involved in detention How convenient for the powers that be—just cooked paper arguing that the KGB was behind the and interrogation abuses of foreigners held abroad in when it seemed that Americans have begun to remove 1981 wounding of Pope John Paul II” despite the fact American custody going to back to Sept. 11, 2001. the sleep from their eyes. Considering that there is that CIA analysts knew that the charge was bogus. As a result, Ratner contends, the legal arguments really no difference between the Big Two parties and Critics have charged that Gates concocted underlying the German prosecutor’s previous inaction that the Communist butcher Joseph Stalin’s view of evidence to show that the Soviet Union was stronger no longer hold up. elections, being that it’s not who votes that counts but than it actually was, and that he repeatedly skewed rather who counts the votes, describes our current intelligence to promote a particular world view. ZIONISTS’ AGENDA MOVES FORWARD election system—a coincidence cannot even be Critics have also said that over a period of many years considered. Here’s a case in point. How does Senator as deputy director and director of CIA, Gates and his The stranglehold of our Zionist Occupied Joe Lieberman (an ardent Zionist by the way) lose the staff failed to predict the decline and disintegration of Government continues with a couple of key positions, 2006 Democratic primary election, not change his the Soviet Union. the Speaker of the House and the Secretary of party affiliation, yet win re-election as an independent? One has to wonder if Rummy had been set up to Defense, staged to go to sympathizers of the Zionist/ Those Zionists sure are a lucky lot! be the scapegoat for the quagmire in Iraq and he was Israeli agenda. In regards to Iraq one has to wonder how things smart enough to quit before he was fired. With only Now with the Democrats holding a House will be different. Democrats have said they would two scapegoats left, Rummy’s pupil VP Cheney may majority Representative Nancy Pelosi, current begin a phased redeployment of U.S. forces and likewise be in the unemployment line soon. With Minority leader, is the heir apparent to the top seat in require Iraqis to take responsibility for their country. James Baker and big Bush’s coterie of cronies now on the House. Ms. Pelosi’s allegiance is easily They have also promised to double the size of Special the scene with the Iraq Study Group, Daddy Bush is determined by a pep talk she gave to AIPAC on May Forces in order to track down and destroy terrorist trying to make sure his bungling and idiotic little boy 27, 2005. networks such as Al Qaeda. Redeployment and stays on track and not be a scapegoat. The American Israel Public Affairs Committee doubling the size of Special Forces sure doesn’t sound Is it safe to say that if Cheney goes, the next (AIPAC) is a special interest group that lobbies the like anything new to me. VP has an inside track to the 2008 Republican United States Government in favor of maintaining a Democrat Nancy Pelosi, House minority leader presidential nomination? close U.S.-Israel relationship. Describing itself as and expected to become Speaker of the House in “America’s Pro-Israel Lobby” it is a mass-membership January 2007, has said she will not try to end U.S. DETAINEES SEEK CHARGES AGAINST RUMSFELD organization including both Jews and non-Jews. funding of the Iraq war, and has rejected calls to AIPAC was formed during the Eisenhower attempt to impeach Bush and drive him from office. A dozen men who were held at Abu Ghraib intend administration, and since then has helped increase But she has said Democrats would hold congressional to file charges with Germany’s top prosecutor to seek American aid and support to Israel. It has also been the oversight hearings, which could include such matters a criminal investigation and prosecution of the source of much controversy and criticism, including as whether he manipulated the facts to build early outgoing defense secretary, along with various other alleged espionage and its heavy political influence. support for the Iraq war. top Bush administration officials, over the detainees’ In today’s climate a political career is determined alleged mistreatment. by how well you lick the boots of AIPAC and in her GOODBYE RUMMY—HELLO GATES The plaintiffs in the case include Mohammad al- pep talk Ms. Pelosi shows how it’s done. Qahtani, a Saudi held at Guantanamo, whom the U.S. Here are a few excerpts to gather a close-up look Don’t be sad, America that Donald Rumsfeld, has identified as the so-called “20th hijacker” and a of her thoughts about Israel and the Middle East: Secretary of Defense, has tendered his resignation. would-be participant in the 9/11 hijackings and 11 “Thank you, Amy Friedkin, my dear friend for so Feel secure knowing that his likely replacement, Iraqis who were prisoners at Abu Ghraib. many years … are proud of your great leadership at Robert Gates, is just as much—if not more so—the According to lawyers for the plaintiffs Brig. AIPAC. And to Bernice Manocherian, President of Zionist, war mongering, recycled political insider that Gen. Janis Karpinski, the one-time commander of AIPAC, thank you. This spring, I was in Israel as part Israel, oops—I mean Washington, expects. all U.S. military prisons in Iraq, will testify on their of a congressional trip … One of the most powerful Look at his resumé—president of Texas A&M behalf. Karpinski has issued a written statement to experiences was taking a helicopter toward Gaza … University, former Director of Central Intelligence accompany the legal filing, which says, in part: “It We set down in a field that belonged to a local under Dubya’s daddy, H.W. Bush, 26 years in the was clear the knowledge and responsibility [for kibbutz. It was a cool but sunny day… and it felt at Central Intelligence Agency and the National Security what happened at Abu Ghraib] goes all the way to that moment as if I were home. One thing, however Council. He also, until November 10, 2006, served as the top of the chain of command to the Secretary of is unchanged: America’s commitment to the safety and a member of the bipartisan commission headed by Defense Donald Rumsfeld.” security of the State of Israel is unwavering. America James A. Baker III, the Iraq Study Group [THE Adam Zagorin of Time magazine says that, and Israel share an unbreakable : in peace and “WISE MEN”] that has studied the Iraq campaign “Germany was chosen for the court filing because war; and in prosperity and in hardship. There are since its inception on March 15, 2006. German law provides “universal jurisdiction” allowing those who contend that the Israeli-Palestinian conflict Recall that Baker was Secretary of State under the for the prosecution of war crimes and related offenses is all about Israel’s occupation of the West Bank and elder Bush so it’s quite clear that Gates is a Bush man that take place anywhere in the world. Indeed, a Gaza. This is absolute nonsense. In truth, the history NOVEMBER 15, 2006 CONTACT: PHOENIX JOURNAL REVIEW Page 13 of the conflict is not over occupation, and never has on your computer. Mahusay, who even produced evidence of Mike been: it is over the fundamental right of Israel to exist. · Innovators with the “next big idea”: Startups and Arroyo being Jose Pidal, or the recantation of a Proliferation represents a clear threat to Israel and to entrepreneurs will be muscled out of the marketplace Sharia’h Judge Moner, who had executed a sworn America. It must be confronted by an international by big corporations that pay Internet providers for statement for the Senate, to the effect that he was paid coalition against proliferation, with a commitment and dominant placing on the Web. The little guy will be some P3 million by Gloria to keep his trap shut about a coalition every bit as strong as our commitment to left in the “slow lane” with inferior Internet service, the poll cheating in Mindanao. His affidavit also the war against terror. The United States will stand unable to compete. stated that Big Mike, along with a Presidential with Israel now and forever. Now and forever.” · Ipod listeners: A company like Comcast could Security Group member, was involved in financing the I’m sure you get the drift and keep in mind that slow access to iTunes, steering you to a higher-priced special poll operations. should a sitting president be unable to fulfill his duties music service that it owned. ... Experienced in the ways of getting witnesses to the Speaker of the House is next in line behind the · Political groups: Political organizing could be recant their testimony, Malacañang must have figured vice president in the transference of power. slowed by a handful of dominant Internet providers who that getting Atong Ang to recant and testify against Through his previous member status in the Iraq ask advocacy groups to pay “protection money” for their Erap would get Erap convicted by the Study Group Robert Gates likewise exposes his true websites and online features to work correctly. —by giving the court the “justification” colors. The Group, an independent commission set up · Nonprofits: A charity’s website could open at snail- for his conviction. by Congress with the approval of President George W. speed, and online contributions could grind to a halt, if Still, it is a bit too late for that, since the parties Bush and co-chaired by James Baker with a roster of nonprofits can’t pay dominant Internet providers for have rested their cases. But if Ang is called in Bush cronies, may recommend carving up Iraq into access to “the fast lane” of Internet service. anyway as a rebuttal witness—which, to quote Justice three highly autonomous regions—an agenda that has · Online purchasers: Companies could pay Internet chief Raul Gonzalez “merely shows that the been a Zionist goal for more than a century. providers to guarantee their online sales process faster prosecution case is weak”—at least in the case of the In his Complete Diaries, Vol. II. p. 711, Theodore than competitors with lower prices—distorting your alleged rape victim Nicole against the four American Herzl, the founder of Zionism, says that the area of the choice as a consumer. servicemen—what will he be rebutting, the testimony Jewish State stretches: “From the Brook of Egypt to · Small businesses and tele-commuters: When of Erap on the alleged tobacco tax diversion of some the Euphrates”. Rabbi Fischmann, member of the Jewish Internet companies like AT&T favor their own P130 million? But that is a pretty stupid rebuttal, Agency for Palestine, declared in his testimony to the services, you won’t be able to choose more affordable given the fact that this Chavit testimony has been UN Special Committee of Enquiry on 9 July 1947: “The providers for online video, teleconferencing, Internet ripped to pieces by Erap’s counsels. Besides, the Promised Land extends from the River of Egypt up to phone calls and software that connects your home Commission on Audit reports already show a pattern the Euphrates, it includes parts of Syria and Lebanon.” computer to your office. of diversion of the funds by Chavit from the day the In 1982, Oded Yinon, an Israeli journalist and · Parents and retirees: Your choices as a consumer law he crafted was passed. formerly attached to the Foreign Ministry of Israel, could be controlled by your Internet provider, steering This was way before Estrada became President. wrote an article called “A Strategy for Israel in the you to their preferred services for online banking, health But Malacañang needs something to make sure Nineteen Eighties” that appeared in Kivunim care information, sending photos, planning vacations, etc. Erap stays in detention. Once freed, he can become (Directions), the journal of the Department of · Bloggers: Costs will skyrocket to post and share a big headache for Gloria, especially if he is acquitted Information of the World Zionist Organization. video and audio clips—silencing citizen journalists before the polls are held. As translated by Israel Shahak a former Professor and putting more power in the hands of a few It will be recalled that it was during the senatorial of Chemistry at Hebrew University in Jerusalem, the corporate—owned media outlets. campaign of 2001 when Estrada was ordered arrested former president of the Israeli League for Human and Cable and telecommunications giants such as by Gloria, which gave rise to Edsa III. Civil Rights, and an outspoken critic of the Israeli BellSouth Corp, AT&T, and Verizon clearly have an Erap on the campaign trail was making mincemeat government and of Israeli society in general, this agenda with plans to eliminate the Internet’s open road out of the Gloria bets. People came in droves to see him document is the most explicit, detailed and in favor of a tollway that protects their status quo and listen to his campaign spiel for his opposition bets. unambiguous statement to date of the Zionist strategy while stifling new ideas and innovation. If they get Now more than ever, Gloria needs to win the in the Middle East. Furthermore, it stands as an their way, they’ll shut down the free flow of majority of the seats in the House and in the Senate, accurate representation of the “vision” for the entire information and dictate how you use the Internet. as she knows that having the opposition in the Middle East of the presently (1982) ruling Zionist These and other similar companies want to be majority will spell her end. regime of Begin, Sharon and Eitan. Its importance, Internet gatekeepers, deciding which Web sites go Even worse, she is in a fix about Estrada. If he hence, lies not in its historical value but in the fast or slow and which won’t load at all. They is acquitted, it will be a big problem for her, since the nightmare which it presents. want to tax content providers to guarantee speedy raison d’etre of him having been ousted was the The plan operates on two essential premises. delivery of their data. They want to discriminate in charge of his having plundered public funds, as well To survive, Israel must 1) become an imperial favor of their own search engines, Internet phone as him having accepted bribes, both of which Estrada regional power, and 2) must effect the division of services, and streaming video—while slowing down proved to be untrue. Her illegitimacy will have been the whole area into small states by the dissolution or blocking their competitors. proved completely. of all existing Arab states. Small here will depend These companies have a new vision for the If he is convicted, there is still that problem, but on the ethnic or sectarian composition of each state. Internet. Instead of an even playing field, they want one she and her spouse believe can be contained by Consequently, the Zionist hope is that sectarian- to reserve express lanes for their own content and her prostituted generals. based states become Israel’s satellites and, services—or those from big corporations that can What bothers them is that the courts are now ironically, its source of moral legitimization. afford the steep tolls—and leave the rest of us on a deemed unsympathetic to her whims and caprices, if winding dirt road. not her outright prostitution of the Constitution. INTERNET UNDER ATTACK For insights into the situation in the Philippines, This now presents a big problem for Gloria and we turn to the following Tribune editorial. her spouse, who will continue to enjoy power and According to Congress is [QUOTING:] privilege as long as his wife sits in Malacañang. pushing a law that would abandon the Internet’s First The Supreme Court has given too many signals Amendment—a principle called Network Neutrality DESPERATE MEASURES that it won’t take her many gross violations of the that prevents companies like AT&T, Verizon and By Ninez Cacho-Olivares, The Daily Tribune, 11/1/06 Constitution. The other lower courts seem to be Comcast from deciding which Web sites work best for singing the same high court song, which doesn’t sound you—based on what site pays them the most. If the Gloria and Chavit Singson must be running really too well to Gloria’s ears. public doesn’t speak up now, our elected officials will scared these days, as reports have stated that Singson, Given the many strikes against her and her regime cave to a multi-million dollar lobbying campaign. as well as Big Mike, and even Justice department by different courts ... what guarantee does she have The Coalition is more than officers, have been visiting Charlie “Atong” Ang in now that the anti-graft court won’t buckle to Palace 1.2 million everyday people who have banded together Las Vegas, reportedly to convince him to testify pressure to have Estrada convicted? What if the court to protect Internet freedom by urging Congress to against the detained President, who remains popular rules on pure merit and the law, which would mean an preserve Network Neutrality. despite all the demonization of him and his being acquittal of Erap, because very definitely, the charges How does this threat to Internet freedom affect you? imprisoned for over five years. weren’t proved by the prosecution at all. ... · Google users: Another search engine could pay But given their histories, they are pretty good at [END QUOTING] dominant Internet providers like AT&T to guarantee having witnesses recant their testimonies, as evidenced The situation in the Philippines looks much as it does the competing search engine opens faster than Google by the recantation of then eye witness Udong in the U.S., waiting for the birds to come home to roost. Page 14 CONTACT: PHOENIX JOURNAL REVIEW NOVEMBER 15, 2006 Public Notice This notice will be construed as a continuation of compliance with provisions necessary to establish presumed fact (Rule 301, Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, and attending State rules). If all interested parties fail to rebut any given allegation or matter of law addressed herein, the position will be construed as adequate to requirements of judicial notice, thus preserving fundamental law. A true and correct copy of this Public Notice is on file with and available for inspection at the newspaper Contact (P.O. Box 27800 Las Vegas, NV 89126, USA) which is responsible for publishing the instruments as a legal notice. In the Republic of the Philippines, comments and objections may be filed in writing by addressing Global Alliance Investment Association at 6751 Ayala Avenue, Makati City, Metro Manila, Philippines. Others may be addressed to Global Alliance Investment Association, 3132 West Post Road, Las Vegas, Nevada, 89118 USA.

At the end of April 2006 a certain agency of Global Alliance Investment Association (which shall remain unnamed for now) was approached by an agent of the IRS with an allegation of possibly unlawful activity and a request to submit a comprehensive list of documents for review. Global Alliance Investment Association shares with Cosmos Seafood Energy Marketing, Ltd. the status of Creditor with regard to the United States Treasury (documented by cross resolutions which have been previously publicly noticed). The Internal Revenue Service is the collection agent of the United States Treasury (for the Federal Reserve System and International Monetary Fund—and ultimately the International Bankers), i.e., the debtors. Thus, the action of the IRS was a case of the debtor making demands of the creditor. Our initial response was to both Mr. John Snow, then Secretary of the Treasury, along with a Notice to Cease and Desist Actions against the Creditor to the Internal Revenue Service’s Mr. Gerald Reese. Mr. Snow immediately resigned as did the General Counsel. There has been no protest against the Cease and Desist Notice. In late July, however, a letter from a Special Agent of the Treasury Inspector General Tax Administration (TIGTA) suggested that the letter to Gerald Reese could be construed as “an attempt to interfere with administration of internal revenue laws through corrupt or forcible interference”. There is nothing, of course, either corrupt or forcible about our contractual, commercial position. Our response to the agent’s suggestion is contained in our letter of July 21 to J. Russell George, the head of TIGTA and the agent’s top boss. There has been no protest or response of any kind to that communication.

This letter along with a copy of the Notice to Cease and Desist Actions Against the Creditor at the top of page 15 was sent by certified mail to then Secretary of the Treasury John Snow and was signed as received May 23, 2006. Mr. Snow resigned immediately.

In fulfillment of legal requirements for sufficiency of notice, this is the third and final running of this notice. NOVEMBER 15, 2006 CONTACT: PHOENIX JOURNAL REVIEW Page 15

In fulfillment of legal requirements for sufficiency of notice, this is the third and final running of this notice.

This Notice to Cease and Desist Actions Against the Creditor was sent to the IRS at the same time as the letter to Treasury Secretary John Snow on the previous page. A TIGTA agent suggested it could be construed as “corrupt or forcible interference”, hence the need for the followup letter, below.

This followup letter to J. Russell George, Treasury Inspector General Tax Administration, was sent by certified mail. To date no protest or response of any kind has been received. Copies of the Global Alliance Articles of Incorporation can be obtained for a fee through Nevada’s Secretary of State. Page 16 CONTACT: PHOENIX JOURNAL REVIEW NOVEMBER 15, 2006

NEVADA CORPORATIONS: Phoenix Source Online email: [email protected] Manifold Benefits Of -Published and unpublished Journals - CONTACT back-issues Keeping A Low Profile

Budget’s “Tip of the Week” #9:

Keep A Low Profile

It has been estimated that over 90% of all lawsuits in the entire world are filed in the United States. A medium-sized business is typically involved in a lawsuit per year here and larger corporations are compelled FAIR USE NOTICE: to maintain teams of full-time attorneys to defend themselves. At the other end of the scale, an individual This News Review contains excerpts of copyrighted material intended to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, proprietor risks everything to engage in business without a corporate structure and even individuals who economic, scientific and social justice issues. Such use is considered are not involved in business are at risk if they have any assets attached to their names. Meanwhile, the law ‘fair use’, exempt from copyright laws as provided for in Title 17, Ch. schools keep churning out more attorneys at an increasing rate. 1, Section 107 of the U.S. Code. What’s the solution? KEEP A LOW PROFILE. In business and in our personal lives, too, ideally it would be best to never show up at all on the enemy’s “radar”. In the game of “getcha” it is always better to present a minimal target profile for the “getcha gang” and the best way to accomplish this feat is very often through the use of Nevada corporate shelters. In some cases it may be possible to shelter assets and income in a single corporation but when success (800) 800-5565 is achieved and that first corporation starts to take on a higher and more vulnerable profile, it’s time for Phoenix Source Distributors some creative thinking. The first step should always be to separate assets from potential liability, so if you have an operating business it is good to ensure that it holds no assets of its own. Often the best solution NOW AVAILABLE is to have the operating entity lease its equipment from another, unrelated (by ownership) corporation. The Because we want you around to enjoy what’s coming! next step could be to consider spinning off the existing business’ departments into separate corporations: the marketing department could become a separate marketing company, as an example. Almost all businesses must purchase some goods from outside sources, so why not deal with a friendly supply company, Turn back the clock on the one over which you may exert some control from behind the scenes? aging process and enjoy the Not only will this approach severely limit the prospects for damage by prospective litigants, it will also, rejuvenating effects of better by and large, keep the IRS out of your affairs. Audit rates continue to show (not surprisingly) that the hormonal levels and balance. smallest corporations have by far the lowest audit profiles. A corporation with less than $250,000 in assets Look younger, feel younger and had an audit rate of just .28% in the year 2000, while the rate for a corporation with $1 million in assets stick around a while for the was more than TEN TIMES as high at 2.90% and the rate for the largest corporations skyrockets to more FUN stuff ahead of us. than ten times that figure at 30.51%. The key to making this work is to treat each corporation as its own separate interest and to ensure that each entity always acts out of its own self-interest. In so doing you ensure that each corporation has minimal BACK IN STOCK! GET YOURS NOW!!! exposure to lawsuits and IRS audits and the aggregate exposure is far, far less than it would be with a single, high-profile corporation. For some 7 years over 100 Phoenix Journals were withheld from the public domain never having been CORPORATION SETUP AND MAINTENANCE FEES published. We acknowledge Dr. Overholt for his efforts in collating the writings of Commander Hatonn into Journal format and are pleased to now Budget Corporation—includes: Nominee Service $200 be able to offer these Journals “as-is” until such time as others can apply the finishing touches (titles, z First-year resident agent fee Obtain EIN $ 75 indexing, etc.) z Corporate Charter Bank Account Setup $100 Free Download at: z Articles of Incorporation Expedite (24-hr. setup) $150 z Corporate Bylaws z Corporate Resolutions Annual Resident Agent Fee $ 85 For the latest News on the z Budget corporate record book Budget Mail Forwarding (18 per yr) $ 50 z 3.5” floppy disk of resources Full Mail Forwarding (240 pcs/yr) $150 ‘DivinePlan’ TOTAL $410 unfolding from the Philippines: For more information: Global Alliance Investment Association “THE NEVADA CORPORATION MANUAL” Priced at just $45, including shipping and handling NOW, TELL ME AGAIN WHY GOD SHOULD ANSWER ALL YOUR PRAYERS FOR ABUNDANCE? WHEN YOU WILL SCREW (702) 870-5351 YOUR VERY PARTNERS AND LIE, CHEAT “Nevada corporations P.O. Box 27103 AND LITERALLY “STEAL” FROM THEM— at Budget prices” Las Vegas, NV 89126 WHY SHOULD GOD HELP YOU GAIN E-Mail: [email protected] ANYTHING?—GCH, 2/21/00