CCLB 12-04-06 A 1 CCLB 12/1/2006 3:22 PM Page 1 Vol. 27, No. 49/$1.50 DECEMBER 4 - 10, 2006 LATENEWS GROOVY, BABY ■ RETRO CANDY BIZ EMINENT DOMAIN PUT ON TRANSLATES INTO BACK BURNER UNTIL ’07 SWEET SUCCESS FOR ■ The Ohio Legislature won’t be taking up eminent domain until the TRIO. PAGE 17 new session in January, a victim of a busy legislative calendar dominated by the state capital appropriations budget. State Sen. Timothy Grendell of Chesterland said early last week that he was preparing eminent domain legisla- tion for the current lame-duck session. The legislation would have included a constitutional amend- Condos in offing for Public Sq., Flats ment ballot issue that would have restricted the ability of the state of Howells & Howells LLC, in Howells plans to have one-, two- and and its cities to acquire private Park Bldg., former marina lined up for conversion describing his plans to convert the three-bedroom units costing upwards property. However, after Sen. nine-story Park Building into 26 of $200,000. Grendell met last Thursday with By STAN BULLARD on Scranton Road in the Flats will be for-sale condominiums and to add a The plan calls for the adjoining the Senate leadership, his office
[email protected] redone as condominiums under 10th floor of penthouses to the struc- Southworth Building to become two e-mailed that the Legislature plans two different developers are ture at 140 Public Square. floors of attached indoor parking would not be taking the issue up The Park Building, a century-old pursuing.