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RESOURCE-SAVING TECHNOLOGIES OF RAW-MATERIAL BASE DEVELOPMENT IN MINERAL MINING AND PROCESSING Multi-authored monograph UNIVERSITAS Publishing Petroșani, 2020 UDС 622.002 Recommended for publication by the Academic Board of the National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Ukraine. Minutes № 5, 29.05.2020 Reviewers: Mihaela TODERAS, Ph.D.Habil.Eng., Professor, Vice-Dean Faculty of Mines University of Petroșani, Romania Jiang LI, Doctor of Science (Engineering), Professor at the China University of Min- ing and Technology, China Vadym SHCHOKIN, Doctor of Science (Engineering), Professor, Director at the Scientific-Research Mining Institute of Kryvyi Rih National University (NDGRI), Ukraine Resource-saving technologies of raw-material base development in mineral mining and processing. Multi-authored monograph. – Petroșani, Romania: UNIVERSITAS Publishing, 2020. - 514 р. ISBN 978-973-741-694-0 The monograph considers potential technological development of ore mining and processing industries through updating mining machines and technologies The book is intended for a broad mining audience of scholars, practitioners, postgraduates and students. UDС 622.002 The materials of the multi-authored monograph are in the authors’ edition. References are obligatory in case of full or partial reproduction of the monograph content. All rights are reserved by the monograph contributors including their scientific achievements and statements. ISBN 978-973-741-694-0 © Composite author, 2020 2 Table of contents Preface ....................................................................................................... 5 Malanchuk Z.R. Justification of the prospects for innovative development of the enterprise for the extraction of copper-containing basalts ................ 6 Moshynskyi V.S., Solvar L.M., Semeniuk V.V., Kucheruk M.O. Technology of production and processing of peat at enterprises of the Rivne region .... 34 Alaba, O. C., Abdulraman, S.O. Correlation of blasting performance with loading and crushing time to minimize energy consumption ..................... 53 Korniyenko V.Ya., Chukharev S.M., Zaiets V.V., Vasylchuk O.Yu. Recla- mation of destructed lands owing to illegal amber production in northern regions of ukraine ..................................................................................... 67 Tomiczek Krzysztof A study on the influence of mining face advance rate on the risk of rockbursts and deformation of a rock mass and a land sur- face ........................................................................................................... 85 Tkhoruk Е.І., Krystopchuk M.Е., Soroka V.S., Holotiuk M.V. Resource- saving and reliability of transportation systems .......................................... 109 Krukovskyi O.P., Krukovska V.V., Bulich Yu.Yu., Zemlianaia Yu.V. Some aspects of development and application of the bearing-bolt supporting technology ................................................................................................... 123 Askarova G.E., Shautenov M.R.,Nogaeva K.A. Processing technology for refractory gold-bearing ores ......................................................................... 143 Kovshun N.E., Savina N.B., Malanchuk L.O., Radko A. O. Marketing in- novation in the manufacturing of stone-grinding products . ........................ 158 Kourouma Mory, Keita Daouda, Viktorov Gleb Prospection geophysique pour la recherche des eaux souterraines a silidara (Concession de CBG) .... 174 Shepel О.L., Rymarchuk B.I .About a question of a decrease of a rock pressure at an ore drawing from the brought down block ........................... 181 Suleimenov B. A., Kulakova E.А. Development of intelligent systems for optimal process control ................................................................................ 198 Zhomyruk R.V., Malanchuk E.Z., Stets S.Е., Khrystiuk A.О. Localization of pollution of soils and groundwaters within the influence of the technogenic switches..................................................................................... 224 Serhii Pysmennyi, Kanay Rysbekov, Serhii Chukharev, Branko Gluščević Mining of underground deposits in difficult geological conditions ............. 238 Kushnir N.B., Moshchych S.Z., Veretin L.S., Okseniuk R.R. Rationale of the strategic development of the energy industry of ukraine with use of resource-saving technologies ........................................................................ 252 Peregudov V.V., Hryhoriev І.J., Hryhoriev Y.I. Substantiation of optimal parameters of the man-made deposits ........................................................... 265 Kostrychenko V.M., Ignatyuk I.Z. Implementation of technologies for cri- sis management of enterprises ..................................................................... 276 Serilko L. S., Lyashuk O. L., Sasyuk Z. K., Serilko D. LThe research of inertial conveyor transitional chute oscillations influence on its technical and economic indicators ............................................................................. 293 3 Sakhno S., Korolyova J., Yanova L.,Pischikova O. Investigation of the mechanism of dust formation during transportation and transshipment of raw materials of a cement-mining enterprise using discrete-element mod- eling .,............................................................................................................ 310 Yatskov M.V., Korchyk N. M., Budenkova N. M., Mysina O. I. Improve- ment of iodine extraction technology from concomitant waters of the oil- fields ............................................................................................................ 331 Filatieva E., Sokolenko V., Oleynichenko A., Filatiev M. Features of me- thane release in the wing of a mine field during mining of gas-bearing coal seams...................................................................................................... 345 Shwager N., Komisarenko T., Nesterenko O., Bliznukova O. Systematic approach to the analysis of occupational injuries in potash salt producing enterprises .................................................................................................... 361 Astrelin I., Kosogina I., Kyrii S. Utilization processing of waste of alumina production into water treatment reagents ................................................... 371 Kharytonov M.M., Gonchar N.V., Gavryushenko О.О., Mytsyk О.О Eco- logical assessment of the state of rocks in the of reclamation process in the nikopol manganese ore basin .................................................................... 392 Deineka K. Yu., Naumenko Yu. V. The effect of the decrease in power intensity of self-oscillating grinding in a tumbling mill with a reduction in an intrachamber fill ..................................................................................... 414 Zhukov S.O., Palyvoda O.A., Lutsenko S.O. Raw materials aspects of national security of Ukraine ......................................................................... 434 Melnychuk V.G., Polishchuk A.M., Melnychuk G.V., Krynickaya M.V. Substantiation of investment in study and industrial development of the “Zhyrychi” copper ore occurrence in Volyn ................................................ 450 Popov S.O., Ishchenko M.O., Ishchenko L.F., Kolosovskyi D Modelling and design of technological schemes of underground development of iron ore deposits at the increase of the difficulty of the conditions of their functioning ................................................................................................. 467 Didenko M. Prediction of rock pressure effects in mine workings in the zone of longwall face nfluence .................................................................... 487 Sadovenko I.O., Rudakov D.V., Zahrytsenko A.M., Derevaygina N.I. Optimization of environmental engineering protection and water resource use at the most watered mine in Ukraine .................................................... 501 4 PREFACE We are glad to present the monograph “Resource-saving technol- ogies of raw-material base development in mineral mining and pro- cessing”. The monograph considers some specific features of technological advance in the mining and processing industries including the neces- sity of updating current enterprises and developing mineral deposits in various regions. The stages of forming foundations of developing deposits and parameters of mining enterprises are revealed. The com- ponents of the technological advance forecast are under analysis. Global trends in developing the mining and processing industries and forecast of basic development trends of these industries are presented. New efficient technologies applied to mineral mining and processing are analyzed in detail. Со - еditors, Zinovii MALANCHUK - Doctor of Sciences (Engineering), Pro- fessor, Director Institute of Postgraduate Education, National Univer- sity of Water and Environmental Engineering, Ukraine. Roland MORARU, Ph.D.Habil.Eng., Professor, Research Vice- Rector University of Petroșani, Romania. 5 JUSTIFICATION OF THE PROSPECTS FOR INNOVATIVE DEVELOPMENT OF THE ENTERPRISE FOR THE EXTRACTION OF COPPER-CONTAINING BASALTS Malanchuk Z.R. National University of Water and Environmental Engineering (NUWEE), Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Department of Development of Deposits and Mining, Ukraine Abstract Attracting investments for the development of natural resources enterprise needs deep justification