
A powerful protection stone, Black Onyx absorbs & transforms negative energy. Black Onyx aids in the development of emotional & physical strength & stamina, especially when support is needed during times of stress, confusion or grief.


Amazonite has a powerful filtering action. It blocks the earth’s vibrations, absorbs microwaves and cell phone emanations, and protects against electromagnetic pollution. This is an extremely soothing stone.


Designs by Carmi Cimicata

Carnelian gives courage, promotes positive life choices, dispels apathy & motivates for success in business & other matters. Carnelian improves analytic abilities & clarifies perception. African Blue Agate

Considered the stone enhance mental Green Agate enhances Amethyst is extremely of evolution, African function as they improve mental and emotional beneficial to the mind, Turquoise brings about concentration, perception, flexibility and improves calming or stimulating great change and and analytical abilities, decision-making. It as appropriate. transformation within leading to practical is useful in resolving Amethyst enhances life. Its encouraging solutions. disputes. memory and improves energy opens minds to motivation, making you the possibility of newness. more able to set realistic It will renew your spirit, goals. energy, and path in life.

Aventurine Green Black Stone

Aventurine Green is a Black symbolize Howlite is an extremely Garnet inspires love comforter and heart healer, self-control and resilience. calming stone. Placed and devotion. It is said and general harmonizer, They have protective under the pillow, it is to be able to warn of protecting the heart. energies in the sense that an excellent antidote approaching danger and black is the absence of to insomnia, especially was long ago carried as a light, and therefore, can be when this is caused by protective talisman. used to create invisibility. an overactive mind. This stone strengthens memory and stimulates a desire for knowledge.

www.johnbead.com Canadian Jade Australian Jade Yellow Brecciated

Green Jade is the most A green Jade, it is said this Yellow Jade or Lemon Jasper Brecciated is an common Jade. stone instills kindness, Jade is energetic and excellent aid to keeping It calms the nervous goodwill and good luck on stimulating but with a your feet on the ground system and channels the wearer. mellowness, bringing joy and attaining emotional passion in constructive and happiness. stability. ways.

Jasper Jasper Picasso Jasper Lava Stone

Jasper Brown, also know It is said that this stone Jasper Red or Mahogany Lava stone or Black Lava as Serpentine or Picture has strong metaphysical Jasper brings problems to is regarded as a symbol of Jasper, is connected to qualities of grounding and light before they become fertility, endurance and the earth and encourages calming. It also known to too big and provides strength. It is believed ecological awareness. As promote weight loss and insights into the most to provide stability in a result, it brings stability assists in the development difficult situations. tumultuous times. Because and balance. of creativity It makes an excellent they come from the Earth, “worry bead”, calming it is said that it strengthens the emotions when our relationship with our played with. planet.

www.johnbead.com Mookaite Black Quartz Frosted

Mookaite Jasper, also Black Obsidian is a stone Quartz is the most When clear Quartz spheres know as Australian Jasper, without boundaries or powerful healing and are drilled, their energy imparts both a desire for limitations. Its truth-enhancing, energy amplifier on the flows are disrupted. new experiences and a reflective qualities are merciless planet because of its Frosting the spheres re- deep calm with which to in exposing flaws, weaknesses, unique helical establishes and maintains face them. It points out all & blockages. Nothing can crystalline form. Quartz a pure, balanced flow of possibilities and assists in be hidden from Obsidian. aids concentration and their energies. choosing the right one. Obsidian is a strongly protective unlocks memory. stone, forming a shield against negativity.

Quartz Grey Quartz Tiger’s Eye

Smoky quartz is a very protective and grounding Rose or Pink Quartz is the Sodalite unites logic Tiger’s Eye is a stone. It brings physical stone of unconditional with intuition and opens protective stone that and psychic protection. love and infinite peace. spiritual perception, was traditionally carried It removes negativity and It is calming, reassuring, bringing information from as a talisman against ill negative energy of any kind and excellent for use in the higher mind down to wishing and curses. It and transforms them to trauma or crisis. If you the physical level. As it assists in accomplishing positive energy. want to attract love, look calms the mind, it allows goals, recognizing inner no further than romantic new information to be resources and promoting Rose Quartz. received. clarity of intention.

John Bead Corp does not guarantee the health or physical benefits referenced. This brief summary shares in a light-hearted some of the most popular attributes associated with semi precious stones. You can read and learn a great deal more about these stones in the: THE CRYSTAL BIBLES 1,2,3 - THE DEFINITIVE GUIDE TO CRYSTALS BY Author Judy Hall