CORPORATE & INSTITUTIONAL BANKING CORPORATE & INSTITUTIONAL BANKING Nov 2019 STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL ‘World’s Best Bank for Sustainable Finance 2018’ 2 Number of signatories / AUM in US$ trn Asset Owners (AO) 90 2500 80 Number of signatories 2000 70 Asset Owners (AO) 60 50 1500 40 1000 30 20 500 10 0 0 Apr-06 Apr-07 Apr-09 Apr-12 Apr-13 Apr-08 Apr-10 Apr-11 Apr-17 Apr-18 Apr-14 Apr-15 Apr-16 Assets under management (US$ trillion)

AO AUM ($ US trillion) Principles for Responsible Investments (PRI)

■ Assets Under Management (AUM) by SRI investors in the US reached $12 trillion in 2018, an increase of 38% from 2016; SRI AUM now represent over 25% of all USD AUM

■ The top individual ESG issue for investors is climate change, with $3 trillion in assets managed while applying climate-related criteria

■ Growth in AUM under social criteria outpaced that of environmental, and more assets are now managed using social criteria than environmental

Source: UN PRI

3 Source: BNP Paribas Securities ESG Global Survey 2019

4 ■ Integration of ESG scoring directly into credit ratings, since Jan 2019, shows how ESG impacts individual credit rating systems of corporates / financial institutions ■ Although the majority of credit ratings have not been impacted, 1,536 were impacted ■ Very good feedback from press and the market ■ Upcoming: ESG scoring for CLOs, public sector and sovereigns

■ Originally the pioneer in ESG practices within credit rating, but recently overtaken by Fitch ■ Integrates of a risk-based ESG factor into credit ratings, and proposes numerous ESG-related non rating products ■ 1000+ corporate ratings have an ESG factor as an important element in their rating analysis ■ S&P recently launched its ESG Evaluation, a benchmark that provides a cross-sector analysis of an entity's capacity to operate successfully in the future (separate from credit rating)

■ Initial approach was based on feeding ESG risk concerns into the credit rating committee’s review as qualitative data – this approach was deemed too “soft” ■ The agency has recently acquired Vigeo, a Franco-British ESG rating agency, to “further Moody’s objective of promoting global ESG standards for use by market participants” ■ Credit Transition rating for 11 sectors on how well they are managing carbon risk

5 6 Sustainable finance aims to align a company’s financing with the its strategic sustainable initiatives. • It signals to investors, customers, employees and other stakeholders a commitment to sustainability and a forward-looking approach to business operations. • It is associated with increased shareholdings by long-term oriented investors and genuine savings on borrowing costs.

Tying traditional corporate financing to sustainability initiatives for added benefits What is sustainable  Use of Proceeds (UoP) – the borrower will use the proceeds for investments with positive environmental and/or social impacts finance?  Sustainability goals – funding cost will vary in relation to pre-agreed Sustainability Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

A sustainable finance lens can be applied to many products – BNP Paribas offers nearly 20, with more under development. The following have been most popular with issuers: What products are  Green / Social / Sustainable Bonds available?  Green / Social / Sustainable Loans  Sustainability-Linked Loans

 Potential for reduced funding costs  Signalling sustainability commitments to financial markets and other external stakeholders What are the benefits?  In capital markets transactions – additional demand, investor diversification, and the opportunity to engage with sustainability-focused investors

 Provide innovative financing solutions with incremental benefits so as to accelerate the transition towards a more Why is BNP Paribas sustainable world committed to  Support lending commitments to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) with a goal of €185 billion of financings sustainable finance? directly addressing their achievement by 2020

7 Sustainability Climate Action / Green Bond Social Bond SDG Framework Bond Transition Bond

Environmental Social Green + Social Environmental + Social Environmental Type

. . Affordable basic . Combination of Green Linked to the UN SDG: . Transition away from . Energy efficiency infrastructure + Social Categories 1. No poverty the most dirty fuels . Pollution prevention and . Access to essential 2. Zero hunger (Coal/Gas) control services 3. Good health and Well-being . Sustainable management of . Affordable housing 4. Quality Education . Steps are being taken living natural resources . Employment generation 5. Gender Equality to establish a new . Terrestrial and aquatic including through the 6. Clean Water and Sanitation category of “Transition” biodiversity conservation potential effect of SME 7. Affordable and Clean Energy bond that would . Clean transportation financing and 8. Decent work and Economic Growth facilitate accessing the . Sustainable water microfinance 9. Industry Innovation and Infrastructure market to issuers from

Categories management . Food security 10. Reduced Inequalities ‘sensitive’ sectors . Climate change adaptation . Socioeconomic 11. Sustainable Cities and Communities . Eco-efficient and/or circular advancement and 12. Responsible Consumption and economy products, empowerment Production production technologies and 13. Climate Action processes 14. Life Below Water . Green buildings 15. Life on land 16. Peace, Justice and Strong institutions 17. Partnerships for the Goals BNP Paribas, Terna, , , TenneT Icade, Anglian Water, Encevo, Societe du Grand NWB, CAFFIL, KHFC Region Ile-de-France, BNG NAB, ANZ Bank, BBVA SNAM, China Light and Power

Examples Paris, Sovereigns (France, Belgium, Ireland)

8  Although Companies can be eligible to both products on the basis of overall ESG criteria,  …the Sustainability-Linked Loan and the Green Loan correspond to different o use, o framework and o pricing mechanism  … and could both involve an extra-financial rating agency

 4 pillars

1. Use of proceeds / Provision of 3. Management of proceeds funding 4. Reporting 2. Process for project evaluation and selection

 Eligible domains across sectors o Sustainable water and o Renewable energy wastewater management o Energy efficiency o Climate change adaptation o Pollution prevention and control o Eco-efficient and/or circular Environmentally sustainable o economy adapted products, management of living natural production technologies and resources and land use processes o Terrestrial and aquatic biodiversity o Green building conservation o Clean transportation (1) Sector / Company relevant, quantifiable and audited (2) With sufficient volume to justify a dedicated financing / tranche

9 BNP Paribas is fully committed to building a more sustainable future. To fulfill the Group's commitment to sustainability, we have a series of achievements and targets regarding our Indirect impact:

■ 15% of our corporate loans extended to companies contributing strictly to the achievements of the UN SDGs ■ Contribute to the 2°C scenario international commitments and more than double our financing to the Renewable Energy sector from 7.2bn in 2015 to €15.4bn in 2018 ■ Apply a zero-net deforestation policy through our financing decisions ■ Invest €100m in energy efficiency and cleantech start-ups by 2020 “We’re determined to live up to our role as a responsible bank by ■ Continue to integrate a stringent ESG risk management framework, applying supporting companies and countries that are committed to the 8 CSR policies (e.g. Agriculture, Coal-fired power generation, Defense, Mining, transition to sustainable energy use.” Nuclear, Palm oil, Oil Sands and Wood pulp) ■ Exit the financing of coal-related activities (coal mines and coal-fired power- plants) and companies whose principal business activity is the exploration, production, distribution, marketing or trading of oil and gas from shale and/or oil from tar sands ■ Ceasing its financing and investment activities related to manufacturers of tobacco products, as well as producers, wholesalers and traders whose revenue is derived mainly from tobacco ■ Pilot shadow carbon price credit analysis launched, and have joined the Carbon Pricing Leadership Coalition ■ Contribute to microfinance and social business with more than €1.6bn "BNP Paribas is partnering with sustainability experts to bring a invested and with 250,000 beneficiaries today, and increase our commitment wide range of new financial services to corporate and investors to supporting more than 350,000 individuals and their families by 2020 clients and supporting them build a more resilient business model"

10 No. 15 / 397 companies in the No.1 bank for in the sector banking sector of “diversified banks” according to (77/100) Vigeo’s 2017 rating with an overall score of 70/100 ‘World’s Best Bank for Sustainable Finance 2018’

No. 2 / 250 banks in No.1 French bank in the the “Commercial “diversified banks” sector (and Banks & Capital among the 28 banks listed in the Markets” sector DJSI World universe out of 212) in (C Prime) in 2017 2017 with a 86/100 score

Rated A- in the “A” score in MSCI BNP Paribas is #1 bank of 2017 Carbon Disclosure ESG Ratings 2017 ‘Global 100 Most Sustainable ‘Best CSR Banking Project 2017 Corporations’ ranking Group Europe 2017’

Listed in Euronext Vigeo World 120, Europe 120 and France 20

BMCI maintains its presence in Listed in Dow Jones Euronext-Vigeo Eiris Ranking Sustainability Indexes, Emerging 70 World & Europe

11 This presentation has been prepared by BNP Paribas and BNP Paribas Securities Corp. (collectively and with its affiliates, “BNPP”) for information purposes only and is not intended to be a complete and full description of the products of BNPP or the risks they involve. This is not a research report nor prepared by the BNPP Research Department. Although the information contained in this presentation has been obtained from sources which BNPP believes to be reliable, it has not been independently verified and no representation or warranty, express or implied, is made and no responsibility is or will be accepted by BNPP as to or in relation to the accuracy, reliability or completeness of any such information. This material should neither be regarded as comprehensive nor sufficient for making decisions, nor should it be used in place of professional advice. You should consult your own advisors about any products or services described herein in order to evaluate the merits, suitability, and financial, legal, regulatory, accounting and tax issues raised by any investment and should not rely on BNPP for this. Neither the information nor any opinion contained in this material constitutes a recommendation, solicitation or offer by BNPP to engage in any trading strategy or to buy or sell any security, futures contract, options contract, derivative instrument, financial instrument, or service, nor shall it be deemed to provide investment, tax, legal, accounting or other advice. This information is not tailored for any particular investor and does not constitute individual investment advice. This material is only intended to generate discussions regarding particular instruments and investments and is subject to change, or may be discontinued, without notice. The information and opinions contained in this presentation does not constitute a prospectus and are not intended to be the sole basis upon determinations as to the advisability of any transaction contemplated herein. Accordingly, recipient(s) hereof should make their own judgment and assessment of the information contained in this presentation. Any views expressed herein reflect the judgment of BNPP as of the date of this presentation and may be subject to change without notice whether or not BNPP becomes aware of any information, or whether specific to a transaction or in general (including changes in prevailing capital markets conditions), which may have a material impact on any such views. BNPP will not be responsible for any consequences resulting from the use of this presentation or reliance upon any view or statement contained herein or for any omission. Information relating to performance contained in this material is illustrative and no representation or warranty is made that any indicative performance will be achieved in the future. Past performance is not indicative of future results. This presentation is confidential and may not be reproduced (in whole or in part) or summarized or distributed without the prior written permission of BNPP. Recipients of this presentation agree to keep its content strictly confidential and undertake not to disclose the information contained herein to any person other than those of their employees who need access to it for the purpose of the transaction. BNPP may, from time to time, have a position or make a market in securities or other obligations of entities mentioned in this presentation, or in derivative instruments based thereon, may solicit, perform or have performed investment banking or other services (including acting as adviser, manager or lender) for any company, institution or person referred to in this presentation and may previously have used the information herein contained, or the analysis upon which it is based. BNPP does not provide any tax, legal or accounting advice and you should seek independent professional advice as appropriate. Accordingly, any discussions of U.S. tax matters contained in this presentation (including any attachments) are not written or intended to be used, and cannot be used, for the purpose of (i) avoiding penalties under the Internal Revenue Code or (ii) promoting, marketing or recommending to another party any transaction or matter addressed herein. Neither BNPP, persons connected with it, nor any of their respective directors, partners, officers, employees or representatives accepts any liability whatsoever for any direct or consequential loss arising from any use of these materials or their content; any of the foregoing may, from time to time act as manager, co-manager or underwriter of a public offering or otherwise, in the capacity of principal or agent, deal in, hold or act as market makers or advisors, brokers or commercial and/or investment bankers in relation to the securities and derivatives that are discussed herein. Any of the forgoing may also from time to time directly or indirectly, effect or have effected a transaction for their own account in the investments referred to in this material before or after the material is published to any customer of a BNPP or may give advice to customers which may differ from, or be inconsistent with, the information and opinions contained herein. 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12 The material in this presentation was produced by BNP Paribas SA, BNP Paribas Fortis SA/NV, or one or more affiliates of BNP Paribas SA (together, “BNPP”) for information purposes only. Although the information and opinions contained in this presentation have been obtained from you or public sources believed to be reliable, it has not been independently verified, and BNPP makes no representation, warranty, or undertaking, express or implied, whether such information is accurate or complete, and it should not be relied upon as such. There can be no assurance that any estimates, targets, or projections are attainable or will be realized. Past performance is not a guide to future performance, and future returns are not guaranteed. Any views expressed herein reflect the judgment of BNPP as of the date of this presentation and may be subject to change, without notice, if BNPP becomes aware of any information, whether specific to a transaction or general (including changes in prevailing capital markets conditions), which may have an impact on any such views. These views also may differ from or be contrary to views expressed by other departments and/or affiliates of BNPP. This presentation is not, and should not be construed as, an offer document or an offer or solicitation to enter into any transaction, nor should it form the basis of or be relied upon in connection with any contract or commitment whatsoever or be taken as investment advice, and BNPP makes no representation as to the actual terms on which a transaction may be entered into. BNPP will not be responsible for the adequacy or appropriateness of this information for your purposes or any consequences resulting from the use of this presentation or reliance upon any view or statement contained herein or for any omission. BNPP accepts no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any direct or consequential loss arising from any use of material contained in this presentation. Accordingly, you should make your own judgment and assessment of the information contained in this presentation, which is not intended to be the sole basis upon which a determination as to the advisability of any transaction contemplated herein should be made. BNPP does not provide any tax, accounting, or legal advice, and you should seek independent professional advice, as appropriate. 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