UNIVERSITY School of Planning & Architecture


National CONVENE • PARTAKE • ACQUIRE CONVENE • PARTAKE Association of Students of

PROJECTIONS NASA Architecture Achieving Excellence Together

POORNIMA COLLEGES GROUP OF COLLEGES POORNIMA • Poornima College of Engineering GROUP OF COLLEGES • Poornima Institute of Engg. & Tech. (Affiliated to RTU, Kota & Approved by AICTE) • Poornima Group of Institutions

• School of Engg. & Tech. • School of Planning & Architecture • School of Management • School of Commerce • School of Basics & Applied Sciences UNIVERSITY • School of Design (Estd. by Rajasthan State Legislature vide Act No. 16/2012, Notification FIL2(26) Vidhi/2/2012, dated 16/05/2012) B.Tech. | M.Tech. | B.Arch. | BCA | B.Des. | BBA | MBA | B.Com. | BFA | Ph.D.



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. nowedmen . Sndia . EeuieCouni . onaCouni . eooornimanieri . onaSConenionuumnLeae . nnuaSConenion . inneroCropie . CSedue . eamC . Eenniaion . nauuraionaediorCeremon . eoeSpeaerr.auerora . eoeSpeaerr.anSueann . eoeSpeaereinCampe . eoeSpeaerr.aariaapara . aneiuioneinininnnoaion . CoeeConeraion . orop . Lioorop . oropueandeuaion . Compeiion . LioCompeiionandinner . Sieanduidinan . erorminriSno . erorminriaiaSear . erorminriSamraSarar . erorminriarirama . andaorueandeuaion . aiiie . Ouraron . Soooanninandrieure. . Soooein . mporanEmerenConaumer . GimpeoC . eimonia . ediaCoerae . CCenre

National Association of Students of



Dear Reader,

Greetings from Team C

School of Planning & Architecture, Poornima niersit takes immense pride in presenting the nnua S Conenion andook. e elcome ou to itness the inest orks from all across the Countr. This conention has een speciall conceptualied for architecture students to COVEE, PARTAE & ACIRE ideas & learn from experiences of experts. It aims to redeine design & set a ne enchmark for the student fraternit.

e ould like to express our special thanks to ASA India for elieing in us and giing us this opportunit to host this ears annual conention. e ish to take a moment to gratefull acknoledge the assistance and contriutions of all distinguished personalities, renoned architects, facult, sta and aoe all the olunteers i.e. the students of Poornima niersit for their commendale hard ork and for making this eent possile.

Poornima niersit promises to gie ou an insight into the orld of creatiit, here e eliee that excellence is the priorit. e thank each one of ou for our immense contriution to the nnuaSConenion.

app earning & Enjo a poer packed C

arm Regards eam C

National Association of Students of



The ational Association of Students of Architecture, commonl referred to as ASA India, is one of the largest Architectural Student Organiations in the orld ith student participants from more than to hundred Institutions all oer India and countries around the orld. ASA India proides a platform for architecture students to learn & interact, engaging them directl and indirectl through oth online & ofline platforms. ASA India conducts eents, conentions, seminars, orkshops, design competitions and trophies at oth national and onal leels. Annual ASA Conention is the largest eent in the calendar of ASA India hich aims at engaging students across the countr and aroad under one platform

Sndia is an interactie platform for students that rings together the creatie minds & their ork for the societ. It also helps in documenting our rich heritage & the architectural deelopments in the countr and proides design solutions for masses such as slum deelopments, earthuake rehailitation etc. ASA India has een proiding 56 ears of education and netorking opportunities for professionals and has conducted more than 100 educational sessions. ASA India • as more than 500 speakers and 30,000 architecture students as memers.


National Association of Students of



Shahan ao Suairha uta President Secretary

Sriarhan aalinga ahir oronha Vice President Public Relations

Anit uar Ar Saareeh Sureh Treasurer Advisor

National Association of Students of



ohan eroi Shahiant hahani Zone President (Zone - 1) Zone President (Zone - 2)

Sona uar arit angli Zone President (Zone - 3) Zone President (Zone - 4)

ueh rare Sana Anton Zone President (Zone - 5) Zone President (Zone - 6)

National Association of Students of



Shanti Education Societ (SES), the promoter of Poornima niersit is running the largest netork of professional education in Rajasthan. Presentl it has more than 9000 students and 1000 facult & sta memers in four campuses at Sitapura, Jaipur. Poornima niersit estalished in ear 2012 follos the ision of creating knoledge ased societ ith scientiic temper, team spirit & dignit of laor to face gloal competitie challenges. The students are at the core of our ision & mission and hence our motto is our Dreams, Our Goal this is our dream, this is our commitment.

School of Planning & Architecture (SPA), P is approed and recognied Council of Architecture, the apex od for Architecture Practice & Education in India. SPA, P oers creatie learning enironment to its students through case studies, site isits, research, consultanc, real time architecture practice and arious orkshops & sessions taken senior architects & professionals from across the gloe.

National Association of Students of



Autumn is the time hen eerthing ursts ith its last eaut, as if nature had een saing up all ear for the grand inale. Similarl, O-ASA held at SPA, Poornima niersit on 16th & 17 th oemer 2013, aimed to oer a conention like neer efore, a prodigious eent initing architecture schools from one-1 to participate and add to its charisma. This solitar conention hosted numerous on the spot eents, oisterous actiities, discussions ith renoned personalities and perpetual learning.

SPA, Poornima niersit planned a scholarl successful eent areast rejuenating exercises for its participants. Rajasthan, the most colorful state in India, possesses artistic as ell as cultural traditions hich relect the ancient Indian a of life. It has a rich and aried folk culture from illages hich is often depicted smolic of the state.

Autumn eaes 2013 held at Poornima niersit, Rajasthan, catered its guests ith oomph of the state culture and shaped this eent in an alluring manner. O-ASA 2013 turned the pages of histor oer and started a ne chapter ith its unconentional ideas.

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National Association of Students of



ea on Arrial 400 meter relay race

igher than the allet Designing & construction of the highest possible structure

lo orn Clay pot decoration (Theme: Truck Art)

he ecorate She Umbrella Decoration

rige the a Designing & construction of the longest possible spanned structure

ulinar raft Pumpkin carving

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Ari Quiz competition

Panel icuion Suer eet Discussion by prominent architects 200 meter race

loet hater eie aathan Newspaper costume & accessory design Cultural evening

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Rajasthan, is a northern Indian state ordering Pakistan. This land is a colourful melange of massie forts, stunning palaces, dierse cultures, delectale cuisines & arm people, along ith sight and sounds that can transport one into a folk lore. Poornima niersit catered its guests ith oomph of the state culture and shaped the conention in an alluring manner. Set amidst lush green surroundings, far aa from the hustle-ustle of the cit, Poornima niersit campus as perfect to house the participants for the conention and the milieu added charm and excitement to the alread rimming energ and charisma of the annual conention. School of Planning & Architecture (SPA), P hosted an unprecedented conention, itnessing scads of explorator actiities including orkshops, seminars, isits & discussions ith eminent personalities leading to perpetual learning & a scholarl successful eent. Parallel Projections, the theme of 59th Annual ASA Conention, merel plaed the gatea to the inentor of the parts of ones enisionment getting lost along the process of it eing implemented. A Parallel Projection has a uniue capacit of leelling the human ee and its perspectie. It leels all indentations to a singular surface, to the extent that it denies the perception of actual form space realit. It corresponds to a projection ith ininite focal length. hateer the mind of a man can conceie & eliee, it can achiee. apoeoni

Parallel Projections ent lie from 16th 20th Januar 2017. AC 2016-17 turned the pages of histor oer and started a ne chapter ith its unconentional ideas. The conention as a prodigious eent hich inited Architecture Schools from our ation & eond to participate, adding to its charisma. Propositions are ound to e altered as one tries to frame them into realit, causing the idea lose part of its sheen, making it go unnoticed there making its projection mandator. 59th Annual ASA Conention, happened for the 1st time in Rajasthan and it turned the pages of histor oer and started a ne chapter ith its unconentional ideas. SPA, P alluded that this eent ill e an experience like no other. SPA, P along ith Annual ASA 2016-17 added glor there making it a memorale segment for all delegates. SPA, P and AC 2016-17 thanks each and eer delegate, guests and olunteers for their presence & cooperation hich led this conention reach the acme of success.

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LeCoruierrop Citation Academ of Architecture, Mumai. nnuaSeinCompeiionrop Citation CET, Triandrum Chandigarh College of Architecture Special Mention Amit School of Architecture and Planning, OIDA niersit school of Architecture and Planning, Delhi BRIC School of Architecture, Pune Loui.anrop Citation Chandigarh College of Architecture Special Mention IT Trich euenrop Citation Sarajanik College of Enginnering and Technolog, Surat SPA Delhi Special Mention S RAEJA School of Architecture, Mumai S GOGTE Institute of Technolog, Belgaum AOA, Mumai Landaperop Citation BMS College of Architecture, Bengaluru TAR School of Architecture, Mumai Special Mention ASMITA College of Architecture, Thane Academ of Architecture, Mumai BPS College of Architecture, Pune Jurs Choice Bharati Vidapeeths College of Architecture, ai Mumai COrop Citation Facult of Architecture & Ekistics, Jamia Milia Islamia M S niersit of Baroda Special Mention Academ of Architecture Mumai IES COA Mumai IT Trich G.Senrop Citation TIAGARAJAR College of Engineering, Madurai SPA Bhopal Special Mention MAIT Bhopal I.E.D Gujarat Jurs Choice Chandigarh College of Architecture

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nieriOeminerrop Citation VIT agpur Special Mention Amit School of Architecture and Planning, OIDA itkarini College Of Architecture, Jaalpur TIAGARAJA College Of Engineering, Madurai ariGandirop Citation B..P.S College of Architecture, Pune Special Mention Bharti Vidapeeth College of Architecture, ai Mumai I.E.D Gujarat SMEFS BRIC School of Architecture Jurs Choice G35 nduriaeinrop Citation MAIT Bhopal Special Mention Facult of Architecture & Ekistics, Jamia Milia Islamia ASMITA College of Architecture, Thane IT Calicut Crop Citation .S.RAEJA School of Architecture, Mumai Rachana Sansads Academ of Architecture, Mumai Special Mention Sarajanik College of Enginnering and Technolog, Surat B..P.S College of Architecture,Pune .S. RAEJA School of Architecture, Mumai LCrop Citation CET Triandrum Special Mention SAP, GGSIP e Delhi Gatea College of Architecture and Design, Facult of Architecture & Ekistics, Jamia Milia Islamia Grop Citation Sinhgad College of Architecture Special Mention Facult of Architecture & Ekistics, Jamia Milia Islamia Academ of Architecture Mumai Vastukala Academ, e Delhi

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anuareroa ii imin enue Delegate Registrations 10 AM-11.59 PM Registration Desk Breakfast AM-10 AM Food Court unch 12 oon-3 PM Food Court Dinner PM-11 PM Food Court anuara ii imin enue Delegate Registrations 12 AM-12 oon Registration Desk Breakfast AM-10 AM Food Court Inauguration 1 9 AM10 AM Seminar all A1-G02 orkshops & Competitions 10 AM-5 PM Varies unch 12 oon -3 PM Food Court Inauguration 2 6 PM7 PM Main Stage eoeSeion Ar. Rahul Mehrotra 7 PM PM Main Stage arard School of Design Dinner PM-11 PM Food Court Poornima Trends 2017 PM9 PM Main Stage Performance Students 9 PM10 PM Main Stage Troph Registrations 9PM onard Exhiition all Troph Paneling 10 PM onard Exhiition all Basketall Matches 11 PM onard Basketall Court anuara ii imin enue Breakfast AM-10 AM Food Court orkshops & Competitions 10 AM-5 PM Varies unch 12 oon-3 PM Food Court eoeSeion Ar. Tan Sue ann 6 PM7 PM Main Stage (Surana Jurong) Battle of Bands 7 PM- PM Main Stage Fashion Sho Competition PM-9 PM Main Stage Dinner PM-11 PM Food Court Performance Skknock 9 PM10 PM Main Stage Troph Registrations 9PM onard Exhiition all Troph Paneling 10 PM onard Exhiition all Basketall Matches 11 PM onard Basketall Court

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anuara ii imin enue Breakfast AM-10 AM Food Court orkshops & Competitions 10 AM-5 PM Varies unch 12 oon-3 PM Food Court Panel Discussion 6 PM7 PM Seminar all A1-G02 Design + Thinking Innoation Dinner PM-11 PM Food Court Performance PM10 PM Main Stage Rasika & Group Troph Registrations 9 PM onard Exhiition all Troph Paneling 10 PM onard Exhiition all Box Cricket eague 11 PM onard Volleall Grounds anuara ii imin enue Breakfast AM-10 AM Food Court orkshops & Competitions 10 AM-5 PM Varies unch 12 oon-3 PM Food Court enoeSeion Daid Dernie & elin Campell 6 PM7 PM Main Stage Group Dance Competition 7 PM-.30 PM Main Stage Dinner PM-11 PM Food Court Performance Samrat & Group .30 PM10 PM Main Stage Troph Registrations 9 PM onard Exhiition all Troph Paneling 10 PM onard Exhiition all Box Cricket eague 11 PM onard Volleall Ground anuara ii imin enue Breakfast AM-10 AM Food Court orkshops & Competitions 10 AM-5 PM Varies unch 12 oon-3 PM Food Court enoeSeion 6 PM7 PM Main Stage Ar. VallariTalapatra Dinner PM-11 PM Food Court oerormane PM10 PM Main Stage Parikrama Band Troph Registrations 9 PM onard Exhiition all Troph Paneling 10 PM onard Exhiition all Valedictor 10 PM onard Main Stage

Troph Pin don & Exhiitions ill e announced on the spot. Meetings of .Sec & D ill e announced on the spot. Venue Seminar all A1-B02

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S.o Committee Facult Adisor Student Incharge 1 Core Committee Ar. Rahul Singhi ilesh Mod Ar. P S Shekhaat Shardul Garg Ar. Gaura Rana Archit Jain 2 ospitalit Committee Ar. Parul Gupta Aarti Singh Ms. alitha akshmi Vina Asrani 3 Registration Committee Ms. Shikha Gautam Viek Somani 4 Finance Committee Mr. Mohit Sharma Aush Jain 5 Accommodation Committee Mr. Ashok Poonia eha Godar Deepak Singh 6 ousekeeping Committee Mr. Ramesh Gurjar arshit othari 7 Transportation Committee Mr. apil Shriasta Gaura Sharma Securit & Discipline Committee Dr. Rakesh Gupta Saloni Bhagat 9 ogistics Committee Mr. Simranjeet S Om Prakash 10 Catering Committee Mr. Shiraj Sharma Deepali Bafna Manisha ama 11 Sports Committee Mr. Prana Satpute Puru Sharma 12 Cultural Committee Mrs. Shikha Singh omal umari Mr. Jatin Seth 13 orkshops & Seminars Committee Ar. Saurah Sharma Sourah Trehan Aksha Jangir 14 Competition Committee Ar. Sati Bahale Shaista Tinala 15 Trophies, Jur Committee Ar. Shruti Milan Joshi 16 Result, Aard & Documentation Committee Ar. Vishal Chettr Mohneesh Gupta 17 Printing Committee Ar. ipun Singhi Jaineet Mandot 1 Store, Purchase & Stationar Committee Mr. Baulalji Jangid artik Mahatma 19 esite,Branding,Media & Marketing Committee Mr. Paras Bassi Arjun V 20 Anchoring Committee Ar. Aditi Chaturedi Apoora Sriasta Ar. Raktim Saha

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The Main Inauguration ceremon of the Conention commenced at 7 PM at the Main Stage. Students form the host college performed Ganesh Vandana. The conenor of Indian Arch Magaine Mr. Gitam Bisas addressed the Chief Guests, ASA India and the delegates from arious colleges and gae his est ishes for the conention. Director of Poornima niersit Ar. Rahul Singhi elcomed the chief guests and the delegates in the 59th AC and extended his ote of thanks to ASA India and the host college for making this conention possile. Conenor of the 59T AC Mr. ilesh Mod elcomed eerod in the conention and hoped to make this eent successful and memorale. President of Council Of Architecture, Ar. Bisaranjan aik. also addressed delegates. e elcomed eerod in the conention. e shared his experiences of his college das and ished eerod good luck for their careers ahead. e shared his ies on the education sstem of the nation regarding architecture and some suggestions to make it etter for a udding architect. e talked aout the upcoming changes in the ATA examination and estalishment of Research & Deelopment training centers for architectural teaching throughout the countr initiated COA. e extended his ote of thanks and est ishes to ASA India, Poornima niersit and the delegates to make the 59T AC remarkale and historic. The Vice President of COA Ar. V.P. Garg addressed the conention next and ished eerod to make the conention successful. e shared his ies oer the necessit of leadership ualities in Architects for uilding a etter nation. Dr.. S Bhatia, President Poornima niersit addressed the conention next and extended his arm ishes to all the dignitaries, delegates, ASA India and the host college for the conention.Director of Poornima Foundation, Ar. Shashikant Singhi addressed the conention and gae a oost to eerods excitement. The inauguration ceremon concluded ith the ote of thanks the President of ASA India Mr. Shashank Rao. The 59th AC came to an end ith the Valedictor Ceremon here the inners for the 13 Design Trophies ere announced. ASA India handed aards to their executie council team for their contriution in hosting such an amaing conention. Vote of thanks ere gien to ASA India, Poornima niersit and all the delegates ho contriuted to make the The 59T Annual ASA Conention, trul historic. astl 60th Executie council as elected and the names of the fello memers ere announced.

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The Conentions irst e ote speaker as Ar. Rahul Mehrotra (.1959). Ar. Mehrotra commenced the session talking aout his mainstream in the profession. e shoed some of his est projets such as The Buildings of the ala Ghoda Art District. e talked aout the deelopment in the profession of architecture in India since independence. According to him the Architecture Spine of Aareness in post- independent modernism consisted of these folloing cities: Chandigarh, e Delhi, Ahmedaad, Vadodara, Mumai, Goa and Pondicherr. e talked aout the grand scale of umh Mela here a cit is constructed in just 2 months on the sand rieranks to accommodate more than 7 million people at a time, eer ear. Ar. Mehrotra concluded the session talking aout the importance of organiational structures and ho to use architecture to soften the threshold eteen an architect and client. Ar. Rahul Mehrotra (.1959) is an architect, uranist and educator ho is the Founder Principal of RMA Architects and is Professor of ran Design and Planning and Chair of the Department of ran Planning and Design at arard niersits Graduate School of Design. Mehrotra has designed projects that range from reccling uran land and master planning in Mumai to the design of art spaces, outiues, eekend houses, factories, social institutes and ofice uildings across India there engaging dierse issues, multiple constituencies and aring scales: from interior design and architecture to uran design, conseration and planning. e studied at the School of Architecture, Ahmedaad ith a Masters Degree in ran Design ith distinction from the Graduate School of Design at arard (197). Apart from his engagement ith the design of uildings, Mehrotra has een actiel inoled in ciic and uran aairs in Mumai, haing sered on commissions for historic preseration and enironmental issues, ith arious neighorhood groups. e as the Executie Director (19942004) of the ran Design Research Institute (DRI), here he is no a Trustee and has taught at the niersit of Michigan (20032007) and at the School of Architecture and ran Planning at MIT (20072010). Some of the major ritings of mehrotras include coauthoring BomaThe Cities ithin Consering an Image CenterThe Fort Precinct in Boma. In 2000, he edited a ook for the IA that earmarks the end of the centur and is titled The Architecture of the 20th Centur in the South Asian Region. Mehrotra has also edited the irst of the three ooks that document the 2004 Michigan Deates on ranism, and in 2011 rote Architecture in India Since 1990, hich is a reading of contemporar Indian Architecture. is renoned projects are: athigaon (Jaipur, Rajasthan), MC Corporate Ofice (deraad), Visitor Centre At Chhatrapati Shiaji Maharaj Vastu Sangrahalaa (Mumai) ouse In A Tea Garden (Conoor), Visitor Centre (ith Taj Mahal Conseration Collaoratie) (Agra), P Softare Campus (Bengaluru) National Association of Students of

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Ar. Tan Sue ann is Singapores oung Green Architect of the ear 2015, aarded the Building and Construction Authorit and the Singapore Green Building Council. The Second das ke note session commenced ith AR. ann talking aout his ke projects explaining the sustainale approaches in them. e explained the role of technolog in making todas cities smarter and safer. e explained the role of Smartu, an intelligent sensor control sstem hich can monitor the hole cit at once leading to etter healthcare & hgiene, lesser crimes and immediate response against an unfortunate eent in the cit. e concluded the session explaining the role of Smart Automating Industr in making the uildings of toda highl sustainale and future read.

Ar. Tan Sue ann is a Registered Architect ith the Board of Architects, Singapore, and is the ead of the Sustainale ran Solutions Studio and Principal Architect at Surana Jurong, Asias largest planning, infrastructure, architecture and engineering consultanc, headuartered in Singapore. Sue ann is also a BCA Green Mark Manager, and currentl seres on the Council of the Singapore Institute of Architects as Chairman of Sustainailit. Sue ann graduated ith a Master of Architecture from the ational niersit in Singapore in 2007, ith a thesis conducted at CA, and a BA Arch (First Class onors) in 2006. e as aarded the ee uan e Medal, Architecture Alumni Association Prie and Board of Architects Medal on graduation. e has also een Adjunct ecturer at the Department of Architecture, S and the School of Design, Singapore Poltechnic, and a freuent guest reieer at the Singapore niersit of Technolog and Design. Sue ann as also the Architecture Editor of Singapore Architect, the oficial architecture journal in Singapore, from 200-2012. e regularl participates in architecture, sustainailit and smart cit conferences as speaker and moderator. Completed projects orked on Sue ann include the Green Mark Platinum Aard-inning Park Roal otel on Pickering (OA), aard-inning SPACE Asia u (OA), ofice interiors for Ogil & Mather Singapore (OA) and CT u (OG&OG), a commercial and industrial mixed-use uilding, as lead Architect. Aout Surana Jurong: eaduartered in Singapore, Surana Jurong Priate imited (SJ) as formed in June 2015 through the merger of Surana International Consultants, and Jurong International. In August 2016, SJ acuired orld-renoned SMEC oldings. It also announced on 13 Octoer 2016 that it has acuired 100 shareholdings in AETOS oldings Pt td (AETOS). ith these latest acuisitions, the Surana Jurong Group ill no hae a gloal orkforce of almost 13,000 emploees in oer 95 ofices across 40 countries in Asia, Australia, the Middle East, Africa and the Americas, ith an annual turnoer of around S1.3 illion. Projects in India: Amaraati (Capital Cit of Andhra Pradesh), Indian eritage Centre, IMS ospital (Triandrum East), IMS ospital (Thonnakkal), olkata East-est Metro ine, Mumai Metropolitan Region Concept Plan and The Daulat (Madras St, ittle India).

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elin Campell has oer 35 ears experience in uran design theor and practice in the nited ingdom and aroad. Trained as an architectplanner, he is a committed uranist J orking primaril in complex uran enironments as an uran designer for the majorit of his professional life. is earl career as in the research and deelopment of suatter settlements and third orld housing programs. e ent on to deelop his expertise and experience in self uild housing, ne ton planning and communit deelopment programs, orking for a range of social change organiations and pulic and priate deelopment sectors in South Africa and South America. This experience has alas inluenced him in his uran design thinking, here he sa the rapid eect small changes made on deliering successful outcomes. elin as Visiting Professor in ran Design at the niersit of estminster and is knon internationall as one of the leading igures in his ield. e has ritten goernment polic on uran design, pulished numerous ooks and articles on the suject, regularl speaks at conferences and has adised a numer of cities on design matters. e has passionate interest in the future of cities and tons ,in particular deelopment of ne thinking on processes and methods to unlock good uranism and eectie ciic leadership. In 2013 he receied the ifetime Achieement Aard at the ational ran Design Aards for his contriution to the profession and as later aarded the 151 Roal Commission Felloship in the Built Enironment. elin is the co-founderofSmartranism,aresearchanddeelopment organiation committed to doing, learning and inluencing sustainale uranism and social innoation. Smart ranism is no one of the largest online communities on inked In. eal so continues to act as a consultant director to ran Initiaties Studio, proiding an adisor role to the practice. ith a strong sense of purpose, elin elcomes opportunities to change the status uo and challenge the estalished truths, alas anting to e at the forefront of his chosen ield. In doing so he has ritten and pulished a numer of manifest to sand think pieces that hae receied ide acclaim in his profession. This is a challenge that elin is looking to address in orking ith niersit College ondons Centre for Adanced Spatial Analsis (CASA), through his to-ear Felloship in the Built Enironment, on a research project supported the 151 Roal Commission. The suject of this project is MASSIVE SMA: Smart ranism in an pside Don orld, hich looks to reconcile the conlicts and potentials eteen top don and ottom up processes in uran planning in order to create the conditions for a iale human haitat.

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During the Third das kenote session,Ar. Vallari Talapatra shoed some of her initial orks such as A Prairie Project, Prairie Crossing, and ake Aldo eopiod and the challenges she faced during dealing ith these projects. She also shoed the orks of some Master Architects like F.. right and utens. Rehailitation of odi Gardens, e Delhi The Blackerr alk, e Delhi, etc. ere among such ine projects. She concluded the session after shoing a couple of projects here landscape design factors ere ignored and the general pulic had to face the conseuences, such as The Barapullah ala Floer, e Delhi. Vallari is a professional, creatie, expert designer and artist. er professional title is President at Eco Scapes. Inc., hich specialies in andscape Design and Installation. Eco Scapes, primaril focuses on Design and implementation of natural landscaping solutions in the Chicagoland area and she has led large scale initiaties to enhance natural areas, storm ater management est practices and promote sustainale sites. She is teaching since 1996 at local aroretum and since 2005 at communit college. Prior to Eco Scapes Inc She has orked ith Arm Corp of Engineers in IC, Eco ogic, an enironmental consulting irm and Taught andscape Design in School of Continuing Studies at orthestern niersit, Chicago. er skills and areas of expertise include andscape Design and Installation. She receied her Masters Degree in andscape Architecture from niersit of Illinois, SA and Bachelors Degree in Architecture from School of Planning & Architecture, e Delhi, India. Currentl, she is also inoled ith South Asian omans Conference and American Societ of andscape Architecture. She is dran to and passionate aout charitale organiations such as Feed: M Staring Children and American Diaetes Foundation. er hoies and interests include Reading and oga. She explained the importance of andscape Architecture. andscape design deals ith ater, Vegetation and Matter-she said hile explaining the arious factors inoled in landscape architecture.

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Design is a paradoxical condition. It excites, engages, & frustrates us - all at the same time. In spite of the man ranges of emotions e go through, e neer tire of it. h do e get such a kick out of it, h are e alas on a design-high Is there a good-design, ad-design, and if so ho to recognie it Is there is process e can chart out or document, hich can positiel lead us to good design here does intuition it in the design process hat is innoation o to kno the dierence eteen real innoation and fake innoation here does materialit it in These are some of the uestions hich eseech the mind of a designer all the time, e it student or practitioner. The experience of these highl professional and successful panelists ill help us understand some of the inner orkings and ill thro light on the matter. e can see through the mechanism of their minds, as to ho the hae come to deal ith the paradox of DESIG. e can use this space here to inentiel discoer ho to decode DESIG. The panel discussion as moderated Ar. irmal ulkarni of AM Architects. The panelists and a brief of their respective sessions: . r.diiSin - industrial designer SPA e Delhi : Ar. Aditi shoed some of her most proliic projects and the approach and concept ehind them. . r.GurudeSinDean at arachna niersit : Ar. Gurude Singh shoed some atrocious orks his students at arachna niersit and the thoughts ehind them. is panel consisted of arious paintings, models, designs and projects him and his students. . r.iioA Design Co. : Ar. ikith shared his experiences during his student das to graduation and founding his on irm. e shoed some of the amaing orks done his studio and the progress the made after eer passing ear. According to him-the three ingredients to succeed in the profession of design are-Sketch, Trael, Read. . r.SonaSaneiOpolis Architects : Ar. Sonal shoed some proliic orks her students and her on design prolems of her college das. She shared her experiences of orking ith Japans highl celerated studio- Maki Architects on the Amraati Cit Project. According to Ar. Sanchetti-The Four concepts of Creatiit are- eeping it Simple, Make the Perfect Moment, Plaing Multiple Roles, and There are no rules. . r.iorSoaniStudio Vihor Sogani : ith specialiation in Industrial Design Ar. Vihor has designed trophies for arious national and international sports tournaments for India as ell as other countries. is orks include the troph for India-Pakistan Test Cricket Series in 2002 and arious other. He called his works- “An Affair with an Alloy”. He has designed the art installation at AIIMS garden, New Delhi, the concept behind which was “India sprouting in the ield of innovation”. The Panel Discussion concluded with Ar. Nirmal Kulkarni thanking all the panelists and dignitaries for giving their precious time to help students understand the concepts of innovation & design and wishing all the students very best for the convention and their lives ahead.

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The 59th AC itnessed informal conersations eteen the delegates and renoned architects oer a cup of Coee. Moderated Ar. Gaura M. Mathur, Coee & Conersation turned out to e an immense success and one of the ke highlights of the conention.

Coneraionwir.reeiarwa The session sa Ar. Preethi Agaral explaining the delegates the importance of internship in the academics and ho to choose the right ofice for the same. She also shared some of her er interesting experiences in the profession and ished the audience er est in their careers ahead.

Coneraionwir.SaianSini In this session delegates had conersation ith the Founder & Director of Poornima Foundation, Ar. Shashikant Singhi. Ar. Singhi shared his aluale experiences, from enrolling into the course of architecture to opening one of the most successful architecture and engineering colleges of Rajasthan. e told, alas eliee in dreams and strie to achiee them no matter ho hard the circumstances are.

Coneraionwir.Sarade In conersation ith Ar. Sharad Methl delegates asked aout his opinions on the future of architecture and ho to tackle the groing competence in the market. The session itnessed man of Ar. Methls experiences during his college das and as a neie in the profession.

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Coneraionwir.aiGupa This conersation as ith one of Rajasthans most senior and highl celerated architect, Ar. Rai Gupta. e talked aout ho dierent education and the a of life as ack in the da as compared to todas scenario. Ar. Gupta told delegates to alas respect this profession and adised on keeping in mind the uman Scale and Rhthm hile designing. Coneraionwir.auSini This session ith Ar. Rahul Singhi, Assistant Director, Poornima niersit, as solel focused on ho an architect can contriute to the profession of architecture ithout getting into mainstream practice. e explained the delegates aout the importance and eneits of Management in Architecture. e explained the perks of student-professor relationship and ho to manage it, so that it proes eneiciar for oth. Coneraionwir.areC.ara This conersation ith Ar. aresh C. akra, Dean, SPA Poornima niersit as ased on his aluale experiences hich he gained during his time in DCO. e talked aout the initiaties the goernment for proiding households to the poor and need. Ar. akra put forard some solutions to meet the suppl & demand of land and housing in the nation. Coneraionwir.aendraurir.Sanaoari The session ith Ar. Rajendra Puri & Ar. Sanja othari as mainl oriented toards giing the desired amience and adding feelings to ones design. Ar. Puri talked aout the transition in architecture oer the ears here it has ecome a monopol to design fascinating uildings ith ero logic to earn mone. The session concluded ith Ar. othari and Ar. Puri telling the delegates to keep it simple, design sensil, e fearless hile designing and keep eoling.

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The orkshops in this ASA are going to e more in terms of numer & ersalit. The orkshops are diided into roader categories i computational ased, knoledge ased, art ased, skill ased and communit ased. Eminent experts from all oer the countr are going to conduct the orkshops and are going to gie hands on experience for the related sujects to the participants. The orkshops aims at harnessing ne skills and techniues in the participants that ould enhance their ailities as an architect. It ill gie asic understanding of the topics and ould gie a scope for students to explore their strengths in arious genres. It ill look eond knoledge and ould e fun exercise imparting expertise on aried sujects.


orop Animation (A) poered i-urture ae 16,17 Januar ime 10 AM to 5 PM enue Admin Block (est) 2nd Floor eripion The intention and inclination of orkshop ould e on creating learn asic skill aout animation. The arious session ould enale the participants to take up there interest to professional leel. 3ds-Max, Maa and After Eects ould e the major approaching tools to derie the respectie design output.

orop auri Baker ae 16,17 Januar ime 10 AM to 5 PM enue T A1-30 (Brieing) & Open Space next to os tent eripion The orkshop aims at discussing aout sustainale haitat deelopment, cost- eectie construction practices and resource management in construction. First part of orkshop ould e to hae a classroom discussion session ith the participants folloed half da of design exercise in groups and resource moiliation. And ands-on construction orkshop on second da.

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orop orld of Bamoo ae 16,17,1 Januar ime 10 AM to 5 PM enue Brieing at T A1-111 & orking at perola Entrance Garden eripion The 3-da orkshop ould include some mind oggling sessions aout amoo. Our team ould e happ to share some presentationsideos practical experiences ith the participants. The hands-on orkshop ould inole one group exercise hich ma include constructing a amoo fencean prototpe per sa. ands on orkshop ould start ith a asic introduction to toolsjoiner methods.

orop Araish ae 16-19 Januar ime 10 AM to 5 PM enue Brieing at T A1-B16 & orking at Dome Basement eripion The orkshop deals ith local art of all coering in intricate loral detail or smoothened ase. It ould gie the students exposure to ork on the all pattern and detailing.

orop and Parametric ae 16-19 Januar ime 10 AM to 5 PM enue Studio A1-306 & A1-307 & Basement Dome Courtard eripion The orkshop aims at using parametric softare to design tessellation and then conert these 3d models into phsical realit using hands tools. The conersion of irtual to phsical realit ill e an extremel fascinating actiit for students. Speiaoe Students should hae their on aptop ith Rhino ith Grasshopper plugin pre- installed.

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orop Theater ae 16-19 Januar ime 10 AM to 5 PM enue Seminar all A1-102 & a A1-164 eripion Theater orkshop ill e a platform for students to ork in an art form totall apart from architecture. The orkshop ould teach students aout forms and techniues of theater and enale them to express their thoughts more freel and more creatiel

orop 6 (umer 6) ae 16-20 Januar ime 10 AM to 5 PM enue Brieing at T A1-115 & orking at Footall Ground eripion In this orkshop students ill e experimenting dierent joint part of the construction of temporar, modular and collapsile tent structures and modular endale furniture such as chairs, tales or sleeping surfaces. Our prime material ill e amoo eams, 2.5 m in length, assemled ith either strings or needles. It aims to make 5-6 endale half-cue octahedron shapes inside hich a space can e organied for either liing, sleeping or chilling. After these initial structures are completed, it ill e designing the furniture itself. For coering it ill use knotted palm designed the participants or eaed palm leafs.

orop Audio Visual Stortelling ae 16-20 Januar ime 10 AM to 5 PM enue Online a A1-G21 eripion The orkshop ill coer the oerall aspect of Film-Making in general. Ideation, Stor oarding of a possile audioisual narration. Then planning, Tricks and trips for capturing and documentation, Editing and adding Animation in the inal ideo, shortcuts to edits and recoering ad footage. ploading asics in ouTue and other social media and puliciing of said content. Emphasiing on architectural media creation, logging, and eent documentation. Speiaoe Students should hae their on Camera and aptop ith premiere pro or Final Cut Pro installed, Premiere Pro is preferred. After Eects has to e installed as ell. If someone cant procure the softare, trial ersion ill e proided. An camera taking ideos in 100p is oka.

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orop Digital Intuition 3.0 ae 16-20 Januar ime 10 AM to 5 PM enue Seminar all A1- B02 (Onl for 16)Admin Block (est) Basement, ext to Central Court eripion The orkshop ould primaril address the eolution of computation in the ield of architecture oer the past fe decades, here computers aid more as a design tool than a drafting tool. oeer, up until till no, a theoretical frameork has een asent, hich ould allo for a comprehensie pedagogical agenda for the teaching of digital design in architecture. It ould also reak the mths hich usuall reole around the ield and ould proide its participants ith the ke fundamentals ehind the sstem and make them understand the entire scope that it deines. Speiaoe Students should hae their on aptop ith Rhino ith Grasshopper plugin pre- installed.

orop Janata Garage ae 16-20 Januar ime 10 AM to 5 PM enue Brieing at T A1-B11 & orking atAdmin Block (est) Garden eripion The idea is to create a site-speciic project ale to proide a space for one or more users and, at the same time, e a useful tool through hich moing around dierent contexts and situations ecomes eas. For this, the deice is characteried the moile ase. Moreoer, the context of the orkshop proides insights into an anser for the essential uestion for hom

orop eeardists - Architecture & Comics ae 16-20 Januar ime 10 AM to 5 PM enue Studio A1-314 eripion Architecture has graduall ecome a er sought after profession in India toda. The lack of interest toards narraties, draings and poor presentation communication are a fe of the donfalls noadas of our ield. This orkshop ill help in making this ield more interesting Speiaoe Participants hae to ring their laptops ith pre-installed Adoe Photoshop.

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orop Parametric Modeling and Structural Design ae 16-20 Januar ime 10 AM to 5 PM enue Studio A1-311 eripion Students ill explore the design and farication of shell structures. Inspired the ork of designers such as Guadi, Otto, and Isler, the digital tools like Rhino and Grasshopper ill e used in the design. Participants ill go through dierent exercises and use scripts to make farication draings. Finall, an installation ill e uilt ased on the concepts discussed in the orkshops. Speiaoe Participants hae to ring their laptops ith pre-installed Rhino ith plugin Grasshopper.

orop Pixel and 1.0 ae 16-20 Januar ime 10 AM to 5 PM enue T A1-114 eripion The Pixels n Papers 1.0 is a orkshop that aims at promoting, deeloping a ne notion of expression in the ield of architecture through architectural and trael journalism. A team of 50 registered participants is to ork on nesletter and a magaine. The nesletter ould consist of the dail happenings of the AC hile the magaine ould contain articles, photographs, sketches, doodles etc. coering a roader arena in the ield of architecture. At the end of each da a nesletter ould e pulished issued at the conention. The magaine ould e pulished issued on the last da of the conention. Certiicates ould e aarded to the memers at the aledictor ceremon. Speiaoe Participants hae to ring their laptops and camera.

orop Re-Rum ae 16-19 Januar ime 10 AM to 5 PM enue A1-146 & Courtard - Opp T A1-146 eripion Four Art forms to e coered: Coee Painting, Miniature cutting, Pencil lead and lame ash art. One art form to e coered per da. sing eerda items to create not so eerda orks of art.

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orop Sand Casting ae 16-20 Januar ime 10 AM to 5 PM enue Brieing at T A1-215 & orking at Footall Ground eripion Sand Casting also knon as Sand molded Casting, is a casting process characteried using sand as the mold material. In this orkshop the students ill learn ho to make molds from sand hich can e used for making arious .

orop Sound Aesthetics & Acoustics ae 16-20 Januar ime 10 AM to 5 PM enue Studio A1-143 Centre Room eripion The orkshop ould explain aout role and ehaior of sound aes in interior spaces and its impact. Then it ould discuss ho to articulate them ith some interention in terms of material and shapes.

orop Snopsis ae 16-20 Januar ime 10 AM to 5 PM enue T A1-211 eripion sing draing as our tool e ill tr to explore, re-order, underline the knon forms of life that are mostl inisile in our architectural draings ut important in a 1:1 scale. hat is omitted is as important as hat is included. Spotted indicators of uran life ill e documented to re-order the cit and the landscape don to a plaful collection of scenes.

orop The Open Box Project ae 16-20 Januar ime 10 AM to 5 PM enue T A1-153 (Brieing) & Footall Ground (orking) eripion Exploring alternate design methodolog ith climatic and material contextualism as driers to sole architectural infrastructure housing communit space issues. The Open Box project aims to imagine an open ox as the asic spatial unit of a communit. The process of the orkshop is as important as the product. The process is hat acknoledges the students as users. The product(s) acknoledges slum inhaitants refugees orkers disaster ictims as users

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orop Vie oop ae 16-20 Januar ime 10 AM to 5 PM enue Studio A1-205 & A1-20 eripion Mapping the existing memor paths of the natie user and intereaing an imaginar ie the participants to create immersie loop - design, inspired the existing uilt spaces, landscapes and sensor oserations.

orop atering Through the esterears poered Dronah foundation ae 16-20 Januar ime 10 AM to 5 PM enue Old Cit (Visit) & Studio A1-305(orking) eripion ater and architecture in India hae a eautiful and cherished co-relation. Setting in this context, the course aims to introduce the students ith the ater sstems hich hae eoled through the ages in the cit of Jaipur, here forts such as Amer, Jaigarh and ahargarh hae exceptional rain ater haresting sstems.

orop Re-turn ae 17,1 Januar ime 10 AM to 5 PM enue Brieing at T A1-214 & A1-215 and orking Behind -3 eripion This orkshop aims at deeloping a sustainale approach toards uilding construction, using alternatie techniues and locall aailale materials. ith hands on experience the participants get to learn the onsite implementation of the aforementioned.

orop Virtual Realit (A) ae 17,1 Januar ime 10 AM to 5 PM enue Studio A1-31 eripion Virtual Realit is an increasingl popular phenomenon in architecture. sing real time modeling and rendering techniues an structure can e experienced at its est. The orkshop ould teach students the asics 3d modeling using softare like Sketchp, VRa, Photoshop and similar ones.

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orop Puppet Design & ith Traditional Costumes ae 17,1,19 Januar ime 10 AM to 5 PM enue Studio A1-221 & A1-225 eripion Puppet making and decoration is an important art form of Rajasthan and has een around for man ears. The orkshop ill excite students as the ill not onl make puppets ut decorate then as per theme and learn aout human proportions as ell.

orop Architecture de Modelisation ae 17-20 Januar ime 10 AM to 5 PM enue perola Entrance eripion The orkshop deals ith creating 3d models of architecturall important structures ranging from ancient to modern histor. The students ill get to ork on state of the art sstem for model making and produce models of professional ualit.

orop ime Jaali ae 17-20 Januar ime 10 AM to 5 PM enue Brieing at T A1-21 & orking at Terrace eripion ime is one of the rarest and interesting traditional uilding craft of Rajasthan. The orkshop is intended to make Jaali patterns using lime as a material. It is one of the most ersatile art hich can hae arious designs like loral patterns and motifs hich are generall engraed on lime sheets.

orop Deconstructing Documentation ae 1 Januar ime 10 AM to 5 PM enue Seminar all A1-102 eripion The orkshop ill e a concise introduction and exploration of the process of site selection. Choice of site can make or reak an documentation. The orkshop stries to guide students at making informed decisions in choosing and then orking ith the documentation.

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orop Animation-B poered i-urture ae 1,19 Januar ime 10 AM to 5 PM enue Admin Block (est) 2nd Floor eripion The intention and inclination of orkshop ould e on creating learn asic skill aout animation. The arious session ould enale the participants to take up there interest to professional leel. 3ds-Max, Maa and After Eects ould e the major approaching tools to derie the respectie design output.

orop Paper Pitara ae 1,19 Januar ime 10 AM to 5 PM enue Studio A1-325 eripion Students ill learn aout creating screens using paper tues hich can e used in arious places and for dierent purposes. It ould help students in understanding the reccling of paper tues and its application in architecture and usage. The orkshop ill itness participation of 50 students.

orop Aeromodelling ae 1,19,20 Januar ime 10 AM to 1 PM enue Seminar all A1-B02 eripion It is a orkshop to introduce student aout Aerodnamics and its eect making airplane models. hen student make their on model and l them the learn er important phsics principal in uite eas a. Speiaoe Each team ill get their kits if an team damage his kit then no extra kit ill e gien. e do not take responsiilit of an students injur during the orkshop and AirSho. If an student reaks hisher model hile ling then e ill help them to repair ut no ne kit ill e gien.

orop akh &Thikri ae 1,19,20 Januar ime 10 AM to 5 PM enue Brieing at T-A1 B16 and orking at Corridor - Basement eripion Students ill learn making products of akh and understanding its application in design and the art of inlaing hand cut pieces of mirrors using diamond scalpels into perfect shapes and arranged into frescoes on the ceiling and the alls.

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orop 3D Printing poered CADD Center ae 19, 20 Januar ime 10 AM to 5 PM enue Studio A1-B6 & A1-B7 eripion earning aout 3D printing and 3D modeling and to gain experience on moile hand deelopment. It is the most interesting technological adancement. It is a ooming industr in est. This orkshop ill proide illustration and description on 3D printing.

orop Building Information Modeling poered CADD Center ae 19,20 Januar ime 10 AM to 5 PM enue Studio A1-206 & A1-207 eripion Improisation of project delier and etter managed design information across the entire project life ccle using BIM methodologies. Proiding design irtualiation and digital collaoration, teams ill get eneit from improed design coordination and analsis. Speiaoe Students should hae their on aptop ith Reit pre-installed.

orop Cla Modeling ae 19,20 Januar ime 10 AM to 5 PM enue Brieing at A1-121& orking at Corridor - First Floor eripion The orkshop aims to uild a design relief cla models understanding the asic concepts of cla modeling. Relief is a sculptural techniue here the sculpted elements remain attached to a solid ackground of the same material.

orop aaga ala ae 19, 20 Januar ime 10 AM to 5 PM enue Brieing at T-A1 B16 & orking at Tennis Court eripion Paper art and production is an important art and is eing practiced since ages in Jaipur. The orkshop ill enale students to learn the art of paper making and help them in making products of dail use.

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orop Museum and Access ae 19, 20 Januar ime 10 AM to 5 PM enue Studio A1-306- A1-307 eripion The orkshop ould intend to displa and detail out the sensitie dimension of structures and create an oject hich can e understood touching it. The orkshop ould strie to proide the students to think and feel at the same moment.

orop Paper Mache ae 19, 20 Januar ime 10 AM to 5 PM enue Brieing at A1-21& orking at Terrace eripion In this orkshop paper pulp ill e used to create sculptures and decoratie products. It ould help the students to learn aout usage of ra paper form and conerting it into usale products. It ill e a good experience for students illing to produce from ra form.

orop Pluming se ae 19, 20 Januar ime 10 AM to 5 PM enue Brieing at A1-30 & orking at Terrace eripion earning applications and techniues of pluming sstems and products. To improe skills of student in pattern deelopment and screen deelopment.

orop The Art of Blue Potter ae 19, 20 Januar ime 10 AM to 5 PM enue Brieing at A1-11 & orking at Dome First Floor eripion Blue potter is idel recognied as a traditional craft of Jaipur, though it is Turke- Persian in origin. The name Blue Potter comes from the ee-catching lue de used to color the potter. Jaipur lue potter, made out of a similar frit material to Egptian faience, is glaed and lo-ired. The orkshop aims to design a mural using the techniue of lue potter.

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orop The ae 19, 20 Januar ime 10 AM to 5 PM enue T A1-214 eripion Origami is the Japanese art of folding paper into decoratie shapes and igures. In this orkshop e ill exercise ones creatiit and decorate spaces model making using patterns and folds of paper. The orkshop ill cater 50 participants ho ill understand the concept and design arious paper models.

orop Virtual Realit (B) ae 19,20 Januar ime 2 PM - 5 PM enue Studio A1-31 eripion Virtual Realit is an increasingl popular phenomenon in architecture. sing real time modeling and rendering techniues an structure can e experienced at its est. The orkshop ould teach students the asics 3d modelling using softare like Sketchp, VRa, Photoshop and similar ones.

orop Matla i Baat - A eritage alk ae 20 Januar ime 2 PM - 5 PM enue Old Cit eripion An extensie alk through heritage of Jaipur and its architecture ill enlighten the students aout rich culture and heritage of our cit. This alk ill e in the most important places of Jaipur alled cit.

orop Cartooning orkshop ae 20 Januar ime 10 AM - 1 PM enue T A1-215 eripion Cartooning orkshop ill e a great learning experience for students ho are expressie and ish to tr ne techniues and mediums for expressions themseles. The orkshops ill teach them tools and techniues to create cartoons and caricatures hich ill e explanator of humor and creatiit.

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orop ighting Design: umina Experience ae 20 Januar ime 10 AM to 2 PM enue a A1-125 eripion orkshop aims at rieing students aout asic light sources, units in hich e measure light and ho architecture design impacts the merger of natural and artiicial lighting. o the dierent stles of architecture incorporate lighting in their spaces To e folloed an Exercise that makes students experience dierent forms of light and the are left ith that experience for life. e conclude the orkshop ith a small presentation on IGT POTIO and this interaction is eond this orkshop.

orop Augmented Realit poered i-urture ae 20 Januar ime 10 AM to 5 PM enue Admin Block (est) 2nd Floor eripion Architects hae long relied on paper, phsical models, ield isits, and, more recentl, digital tools to cone progress on a project. Earlier this ear, Autodesk announced plans to make 3D models created in a selection of its softare programs compatile ith Microsofts olo ens augmented realit (AR) technolog. ence, in this orkshop students ill learn ho the can take the adantage of such a fascinating technolog into architecture.

orop The Magic Carpet poered Jaipur Rugs ae 20 Januar ime 10 AM to 5 PM enue Brieing at A1-11& orking at Central Court eripion The orkshop ill commence ith a journe from the origins to the contemporar stles of carpets, here students ill get a sneak-peak into the ehind the scenes of ho a eautiful carpet is reall made. Get a chance to experience lie demonstrations of ancient practices ehind carpet making like the art of hand carding, . The orkshop inites students to dell in the unexplored craft of eaing, ho lifestle fashion originates from the grassroots and adorns the most luxurious spaces across the gloe. In this interactie session, ou ill itness unlimited potential for innoation in the carpet industr and its transition from a mere commodit to a piece of art that ou can alk on

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• Poornima niersit ill not take responsiilit for an students injur during an orkshop. • First-aid ill e proided Poornima niersit for minor injuries. • o participant ill e alloed if heshe is late for the an of the orkshop. • If an student misehaes ith training sta then heshe ill e restricted from orkshop. • Participants should ear comfortale and arm cloths. • o extra tools & materials ill e proided per participant or team. • The rules and regulations drafted Poornima niersit pertaining to all the orkshops are inal. An discrepanciesdouts regarding the same ill not e entertained during the das of the conention. • Participation in an orkshop ill e permitted onl after registration and it must e done onl ith the respectie college codes. • umer of participants is restricted for each orkshop and its registration is strictl done on a irst come irst sere asis. • Delegates ill not e alloed to participate for an orkshop ithout their delegate ands • Decenc and Decorum to e maintained in all the orkshop enues. In case an unit is found misehaing, that institutions shall not e entertained for an orkshop and shall e reported to the Executie council, ASA India • Most of the orkshops are planned in a friendl manner to educate and learn. So kindl make good use of them

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Competition proides motiation to achiee a goal to demonstrate determination, creatiit and perseerance to oercome challenges and to understand that hard ork and commitment leads to a greater chance of success. ife is full of situations here there are inners and losers: a sports game getting a jo idding on a contract not getting into the desired college. One need to learn ho to cope ith disappointment and to e ale to genuinel appreciate the good fortune, talents and ailities of the inner and then look forard to the next opportunit to tr again. Competition teaches us to dig deep and ind resources e neer kne e had proides us ith the opportunit to think outside the ox and explore other as to succeed. The pressure to in or succeed can often inspire more imaginatie thinking and inspires us to deelop additional skills. The lesson through these competitions eing hosted Poornima niersit in 59th Annual ASA Conention, is extended to life donoearompeiionaueiinueneonouiinpire peopeoreaneandweawin

IST OF COMPETITIOS Compeiion Poornima niersit Draaati Rier Rejuenation Troph ae 16-20 Januar ime Da ight enue Introduction at T A1-B50 folloed site isit & later on orking in Academic Building eripion The 47km long Draaati Rier hich is located eteen Jaisala illage at the foothills of the ahargarh Fort and the Rier Dhund, has deteriorated into a nallah, oer the last 100 ears. At arious places, polluted ater from near areas, garage and deris hae caused comprehensie damage to the condition of this rier. In this project, esides the amortiation of 170 MD polluted ater, more than 100 fall structures ill e constructed to ensure the aailailit of ater in this channel throughout the ear. Aout 16,000 trees ill e planted and 65,000 suare meters green area ill e deeloped under this project. Additionall, places hae een marked in Seapura and Mathuradaspura to dispose the deris. and has also een made aailale near the Maaar Dam at ishanagh, Sushilpura, Deri, Jhalana Chod, near the Sanga Bridge at Sanganer, Bamala, Delaaas and Jirota illage for seerage treatment plant, atch mix plant, ofice and store. The primar aim of this Brief is to guide the phsical aspects of the Smart Cit scheme to ring aout a series of high ualit deelopments that ill contriute to a ider, cohesie ision for Draaati rier. This deign troph is in association ith Jaipur Deelopment Authorit and Jaipur Smart Cit imited. odiuminie: 1st CAS, College of Architecture ashik 2nd BIT Mesra

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Compeiion Phsiognom Through Tread Art ae 16Januar ime 1 PM - 5 PM enue Corridor - Second Floor eripion String art, or pin and thread art, is characteried an arrangement of colored thread strung eteen points to form geometric patterns, representational designs, portraits also. Through string art arious portraits are created ith facial features or expression, especiall hen regarded as indicatie of character or ethnic origin. String art, or pin and thread art, is characteried an arrangement of colored thread strung eteen points to form geometric patterns, representational designs, portraits also. Through string art arious portraits are created ith facial features or expression, especiall hen regarded as indicatie of character or ethnic origin. odiuminie: 1st BMS School of Architecture, Bengaluru 2nd PIADS agpur Compeiion e portal Design ae 16 Januar ime 1 PM - 5 PM enue Online a A1-G59 eripion e design encompasses man dierent skills and disciplines in the production and maintenance of e sites. The dierent areas of e design include e graphic design, interface design, authoring, including standardied code and proprietar softare. The term e design is normall used to descrie the design process relating to the front end design of a esite including riting mark up and user interface design. To design alid and responsie esite on a certain topic (topic ill e proided on the spot) hich should include all necessar logs for the same. odiuminie: 1st Acharas RV School of Architecture 2nd COA SVIT, Anand Compeiion ogo Design ae 16 Januar ime 10 AM - 1 PM enue Corridor-Basement eripion It is a design that is used an organiation for its letterhead, adertising material, and signs as an emlem hich the organiation can easil e recognied, also called logotpe. Often uniuel designed for read recognition Trend and feel good randing ith professionall created artork for logo. To design a logo for gien organiation or irms. (Design suject ill e gien at the time of competition onl). odiuminie 1st VIT agpur 2nd ITS, Ramtek

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Compeiion Poster Design ae 16 Januar ime 10 AM - 1 PM enue Online a A1-G59 eripion A poster is a ell-positioned displa of text and images or graphics elements that communicates just the highlights of our program to capture a moing audience ith a message. The primar goal of a poster is to inform, ut it can also adertise or stimulate conersation aout ideas and concepts. A poster tells a stor aout our research results or our program. Determine ho our target audience is and then decide hat signiicant message ou ant them to get from our poster. Posters are usuall displaed in pulic to earn more than a passing glance, make our poster isuall appealing and center it on a clear, old message ith a strong title. it is poster design task ased on a gien topic. odiuminie 1st BIT Patna 2nd CIET Coimatore Compeiion Illusion ae 16 Januar ime 10 AM - 5 PM enue Corridor - Ground Floor eripion An Illusion is a distortion of the senses, reealing ho the rain normall organies and interprets sensor stimulation. Though illusions distort realit, the are generall shared most people. Illusions ma occur ith an of the human senses, ut isual illusions (optical illusions), are the est-knon and understood. Task is to design an illusion on gien surface of proided dimensions use of gien medium and materials ased on theme. odiuminie 1st M.S niersit of Baroda 2nd Gatea College of Architecture & Design e Delhi Compeiion ite Fling ae 16 Januar ime 10 AM - 5 PM enue Tennis Court eripion A kite is traditionall a tethered heaier-than-air craft ith ing surfaces that react against the air to create lift and drag. A kite consists of ings, tethers, and anchors. ites often hae a ridle to guide the face of the kite at the correct angle so the ind can lift it ite ling is popular in man Asian countries, here it often takes the form of kite ighting, in hich participants tr to snag each others kites or cut other kites don. The kite ights are at their highest during the spring celerations and the ighters enjo competing ith rials to cut-loose the string of the others kite. ite ling is the main festial of Jaipur called sakrant. The sk on this auspicious da is illed ith eautiful lanterns and colorful kites. To design kites of arious shapes and sies ith the gien materials and make them l high in the sk. odiuminie 1st BIT Patna & CAP Guntur 2nd TAR School of Architecture, Mumai

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Compeiion Pot Art ae 16 Januar ime 3 PM - 5 PM enue Terrace eripion Pot art is the practice of appling paint, pigment, color or other medium to a solid surface of pot. The medium is commonl applied to the pot ith a rush. Pot art is a mode of creatie expression, and the forms are numerous. Competition ill e the creation of pot art ith gien material ased on gien theme. odiuminie 1st Rii College of Architecture, Mumai 2nd BIT Patna

Compeiion Shuttering Design ae 16,17,1 Januar ime 10 AM - 5 PM enue Boundar all eripion Shuttering or form ork in concrete construction is used as a mold for a structure in hich fresh concrete is poured onl to harden suseuentl. Tpes of concrete construction of form ork depend on material and tpe of structural element. ood in planks or strips can e used as a temporar structure to contain setting concrete, to support the sides of trenches. Competition ill e the lie experience of shuttering design ith gien material. odiuminie 1st Amit niersit, Galior 2nd COA SVIT, Anand

Compeiion Scrapheap Confrontation ae 16-20 Januar ime 10 AM - 5 PM enue B 3 & Tents eripion A scrapheap or Junkard is a place here people take large things such as old furniture or machines that the no longer ant or use. It is a ard or lot that is used to store and collect junk, such as scrap metal, ooden planks, pipes, etc. some of the aste from scrap ill used to create sculptures, interior, murals or ase material for some of the creations. Design the gien set of articles or usale interior or exterior furnishing ith structurall sound and usale articles using scrap material. odiuminie 1st indu School of Architecture, Sonipat 2nd Ss GOGTE Institute of Technolog, Belagai

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Compeiion Floor Design ae 17 Januar ime 10 AM - 1 PM enue Tennis Court eripion Floor design is designing a loor means of arious patterns or material according to the identiied area hich is applicale technicall as ell as aestheticall. Floor coering is a term to genericall descrie an inish material applied oer a loor structure to design inished surface. Design a loor pattern for a speciic area of a desired sie. odiuminie 1st Ranganathan Architecture College, Coimatore 2nd SPA, e Delhi

Compeiion Signage Design ae 17 Januar ime 10 AM - 1 PM enue Brieing at T A1-B13 & T A1-B14& orking at Corridor Basement eripion Signage is the design or use of signs and smols to communicate a message to a speciic group, directions, emlem or arning or guide to people usuall for the purpose of marketing or a kind of adocac. Task is to design the Signage in the form of a three dimensional signs on a desired shape of ase for a certain topic (topic ill e declared on the spot). odiuminie 1st SPA e Delhi 2nd IT Raipur

Compeiion Deate ae 17 Januar ime 10 AM - 2 PM enue Main Stage eripion Deate is a method of formall presenting an argument in a structured manner through logical consistenc, factual accurac and some degree of emotional appeal to the audience is elements in deating, here one side often preails oer the other part presenting a superior context andor frameork of the Each college ill hae to speak on oth the context of the topic i.e. in faor of the topic and against the topic. opi ill Demonetiation operate as a masterstroke to eliminate the architectural malaises or has it ensured a disrupted setup. odiuminie 1st S.P.S.M.B.s College of Architecture 2nd Daananda Sagar School of Architecture, Bangalore

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Compeiion all Grionage ae 17 Januar ime 10 AM - 5 PM enue Boundar all - orth eripion Grafiti is done on alls often for the aesthetic purpose, to cone ones thought aout the societ or aout an issue preailing in the societ so grafiti is also helps sociall to make people aare aout the issues. Regulated grafiti alls are a solution for encouraging the fostering of creatie talent. One feel a lot safer in a pulic space full of life and color, compared to a dra street place ith no imagination. To design a all grafiti on a all of a desired sie ith gien theme (topic ill e declared at the time of competition onl). odiuminie 1st MIT Jaipur 2nd indu School of Architecture, Sonipat

Compeiion Moile Application Design poered Imagine P ae 17 Januar ime 12 oon - 5 PM enue Seminar all A1-B02 eripion A moile application is a softare application deeloped speciicall for use on small, ireless computing deices, such as smart phones talets, rather than desktop or laptops. Designing of moile application includes a set of processes and procedures inoled in riting softare for smart phones, talets etc. odiuminie ull and Void due to lo participation

Compeiion Photograph Description ae 17 Januar ime 3 PM - 5 PM enue T A1-115 & T A1-11 eripion Eer photograph speaks of its time distinctl to eer indiidual. A photograph descries the moment, emotion or actiities happening in that particular frame at that point of time. The photographs ill e proided to the students and the need to descrie the photographs ithin gien time limit through their perceptions. Perception of indiiduals ma aries ith through process generated after ieing frame that frame can e interpreted in form of narration or description or through simple isuals also. Students need to descrie the gien frame. odiuminie ull and Void due to lo participation

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Compeiion Battle of Bands Pause ae 17 Januar ime 7 PM PM enue Main Stage eripion Pause to generate unparalleled melodies and expressions on accustomed or deised rhthms to emerge out of the ordinar. Exploit the opportunit and letcreatiit uild its on castle. The attle targets to itness ground-reaking ands ith un-conentionalinstruments, music and lrics. The idea is to dis- continue the practice of plagiarism and explore un-usual articles that can e assemled to faricate ne instruments. Conrain Original lrics in at least one composition. The nel designed masterpiece (instrument) shall e a major component of the performance. Judgment Criterion: Design Process Documentation (Instrument) - 10, Techniue Theme Interpretation - 20, Innoation & Creatiit (Instrument) - 25 (judgment to e done on the asis of its utiliation and performance on stage), Co-ordination - 10, Composition - 25, Music Selection - 10 odiuminie 1st - Facult of Architecture & Ekistics, Jamia Milia Islamia

Compeiion alk the Ramp 4D ae 17 Januar ime PM 9 PM enue Main Stage eripion An additional dimension to the traditional three, 4D incorporates the 3dimensions along ith phsical eects occurring in snchroniation ith them. Similarl, append a ne dimension to the masterork, transforming it into asensational ensemle, reaking the unpretentious perception of fashion design. Be drien dreams & fantasies, creating illustrations that are reolutionar, startling and made ith proicienc. Judgment Criterion: Techniue Theme Interpretation - 20, Innoation & Creatiit - 25, Choreograph - 15, alk & Co-ordination - 10, Costumes & Props - 25, Music Selection - 5 odiuminie 1st TM College of Engineering, ohikode 2nd M.B.M Engineering College, Jodhpur 3rd Gatea College of Architecture & Design e Delhi

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Compeiion Concept Sketching for Future ae 1 Januar ime 1 PM - 5 PM enue T A1-115 & T A1-11 eripion Concept draings or sketches are draings, often freehand, that are used designers such as architects, engineers and interior designers as a uick and simple a of exploring initial ideas for designs and creatiit. The are not intended to e accurate or deinitie, merel a a of inestigating and communicating design principles and aesthetic concepts. It allos complete self-expression, creatiit and innoatie ideas present through art. To interpret the futuristic ideas for their cities in form of series of sketches and graphics the competition oers oung creatie participants ill receie the opportunit to express their ies to sketch their on perceptions on the future of societies through their innoatie and isionar proposals. To sketch our on perception of ho ou enision the future of a speciic cit. odiuminie 1st Acharas RV School of Architecture, Bengaluru 2nd IES College of Architecture, Mumai

Compeiion Moiegoer ae 1 Januar ime 10 AM - 1 PM enue T A1-B13 & T A1-B14 eripion A moiegoer or stor oarding is a graphic organier in the form of illustrations or images displaed in seuence for the purpose of pre- isualiing a motion picture, animation, motion graphic or interactie media seuence. A stor oard can e incredil detailed, ith illustrations depicting eer shot. If oure in the preliminar stages of a feature-length ilm, ou hae too much ground to coer to get this detailed just no. oeer, ou might eentuall ant to reak the ilm don into indiidual scenes, ith a separate stor oard for each one. This allos ou to create a er detailed representation of the progression of indiidual scenes. To explore and interpret the stor into the arious seuential organiations of sketches in graphical representation of the stor into sketches for the list of its content. Storscript in form of the text document ill e proided to the students and student ill conert the stor into the series of sketches use of a speciic medium. odiuminie 1st IT Raipur 2nd Raji Gandhi Institute of Technolog, ottaam

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Compeiion Chirograph ae 1 Januar ime 10 AM - 12 oon enue T A1-115 & T A1-11 eripion ChirographCalligraph is the isual art related to riting arious tpefaces inoled ith the art of riting. Modern calligraph ranges from functional inscriptions and designs to ine-art pieces. It continues to lourish in the form of edding and eent initations, font design and tpograph. It is the art of giing form to signs in an expressie, harmonious, and skillful manner calligraph design task is also ased on the form deried out of tpefaces. odiuminie 1st OO MOD College of Architecture, Cuttack

Compeiion Scaenger unt ae 1 Januar ime 10 AM - 5 PM enue Footall Ground eripion A game, tpicall plaed in an extensie outdoor area, in hich participants hae to collect a numer of miscellaneous ojects. The organiers prepare a list deining speciic items, hich the participants seek to gather or complete all items on the list, usuall ithout purchasing them. suall participants ork in small teams, although the rules ma allo indiiduals to participate. The goal is to e the irst to complete the list or to complete the most items on the list. In ariations of the game, plaers take photographs of listed items or e challenged to complete the tasks on the list in the most creatie manner. Scaenger hunt primaril collects undesirale or useless ojects in random order.The participants are supposed to perform a task of identifing certain elements ased on a desirale list of items. The team ho inds maximum numer of items from the list in least time ill e declared as the inner. odiuminie 1st indu School of Architecture, Sonipat 2nd RIT, ottaam & SSAT School of Art & Architecture, Gurugram

Compeiion Emoticons ae 1 Januar ime 2 PM - 5 PM enue Corridor Basement eripion ith the use of social netorking sites and arious moile applications, the a of expressions of emotions change from the traditional riting, sketches, and pictures to small animated characters. Emotions are manipulated through use of emoticons and it is shortest a of representation of emotions. Emoji expression represents the modern communication of toda, as ell as future it is priilege to share eautiful expressions for The main aim of the competition is to explore the ideas of students in ield of icon and emoticon design is used for moile application, packaging, stickers, computer application, product promotion, and theme ased application. To design an emoticons for moile applications for a speciic topic (Design suject ill e gien at the time of competition onl). odiuminie 1st DAAADA SAGAR School of Architecture, Bangalore 2nd BIT Patna

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Compeiion Architectural Building Rendering ae 19 Januar ime 10 AM - 1 PM enue Online a A1-G59 eripion Architectural rendering is the art of making architectural draings more eectie and presentale. Preiousl architectural rendering techniues ere limited up to hand dran. Some hand illustrators use a comination of hand and computer generated line ork. Images that are generated a computer using three- dimensional modeling softare or other computer softare for presentation purposes are commonl termed Computer Generated Renderings. To render the gien a model of an architectural uilding (3D2D) using computer generated rendering techniues. odiuminie 1st R School of Architecture, Coimatore 2nd BIT Mesra

Compeiion Jeeller Design poered Pearl Academ, Jaipur ae 19 Januar ime 10 AM - 5 PM enue T A1-153 & Basement Courtard & Corridor Opposite to A1-B49 eripion The orkshop and competition aims to gie an oerie of one the surface decoration techniues used in jeelr. The orkshop and competition aims to gie an oerie of one the surface decoration techniues Etching used in jeelr. odiuminie 1st SPA e Delhi 2nd SSAT School of Art & Architecture, Gurugram

Compeiion Milieus ae 19 Januar ime 10 AM - 5 PM enue a A1-156,A1-157 (Round 0-Online test ) & Main Stage eripion Milieus is a ui ased competition hich ill e conducted in seeral rounds. Each team inning the preious round ill moe toards the progressie round. The ui ill e held on seeral architecturalother topics ased on arious topic seeral rounds ill e conducted. odiuminie 1st DAAADA SAGAR School of Architecture, Bangalore 2nd JAFA SPA, deraad

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Compeiion Screen all Design ae 19 Januar ime 10 AM - 5 PM enue Terrace eripion Screen all that is erected to conceal or reak a ie or aesthetic purpose and that supports no ertical or horiontal load other than its on eight. It can e interior elements as partition as ell as decoratie element. Sometimes also created as exterior screening element for eleation treatment for uilding facades. To design a screen all ith gien material of a desired shape, height and idth. odiuminie 1st ITS, Ramtek 2nd M.S niersit, Baroda

Compeiion Adertisement SIT ae 19 Januar ime 2 PM - 5 PM enue Seminar all A1-B02 eripion Adertising is an audio or isual form of marketing communication that emplos an openl sponsored, non-personal message to promote or sell a product, serice or idea. Adertisements in form of ideo ith the use of human or animated character are uite common commercials use images, music, slogans and time pressure to inluence ieers to u products and the a commercials manipulate mood to keep ieers attention. hen that adertisement is performed as lie ith participants addition of ackground music, isuals it is considered as the lie adertisement skit. It is task of presenting the adertisement for gien product or on gien concept through the lie skit ithin gien time ith the use of suitale props or costumes. odiuminie 1st RIT, ottaam 2nd IT Raipur

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Compeiion: Architecture Journalism & Polaroid ae 19,20 Januar ime Brieing & orking :10AM-5PM(19), Jur:10AM-2AM(20) enue Brieing a Seminar all A1-G02, orking in Jaipur Cit & Jur at T A1-B49 eripion Architectural journalism is the a of an architect ho he looks at a uildings allos an indiidual to experience an uildinguildings. Its a a of making the orld shrink and a a of exposing to the orld aspects aout architecture hich lie eiled from the untutored ee an architectural journalist should e ale to look at the pros and cons and talkrite aout them ith the depth of an insider. An article riting as architectural journalist is a piece of riting usuall intended for pulication in a nespaper, magaine or journal is ritten for a ide audience through the ee and another architectural perception attracts the readers attention, proides information and criticie projects also. The students need to isit the arious uildings (contemporar, traditional, heritage) ithin the Jaipur and analses and then descrie that uilding in the form of article riting supporting appropriate photographs and sketches. Polaroid is the art of creating durale images recording light or other electromagnetic radiation. Photographs are used to capture memoirs for a longer time. Captured photographs are not onl the memories ut documentation, depiction of culture, eents, moements, and man more dimensions relected through one captured moement. The participants ill e taken on a ield trip of Jaipur cit and the ill hae to click some photographs ased on a speciic theme on irst da of competition and jur ill e conducted on second da. odiuminie 1st ADAs Minera College of Architecture, Pune 2nd Acharas RV School of Architecture, Bengaluru

Compeiion Shall e Dance eld ae 19 Januar ime 7 PM .30 PM enue Main Stage eripion Its time to generate a phenomenal lend, entining folk ith contemporar. Conentional dancing stles are to e presented on contemporar tunes and ice ersa, exhiiting mesmeriing performances. Just as the pictorials illustrate PARAE Projections, the fusion shall portra calier of the troupe. Judgment Criterion: Techniue Theme Interpretation - 20, Innoation & Creatiit - 20, Choreograph - 20, Execution of Performance & Co-ordination - 20, Costumes & Props - 20 odiuminie 1st SPA e Delhi 2nd Academ of Architecture, Mumai 3rd RIT, ottaam

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Compeiion Billoard ae 20 Januar ime 10 AM - 1 PM enue Online a A1-G59 eripion Site Billoards are also called hoarding are common features, particularl in populated areas. oeer, despite their temporar and incidental nature the are important structures, often of some height, and attracting signiicant loads. The hoardings are important as the create a safe passage for the pulic during this time. The artork ill enhance the area and create interest hile the ork takes place. Adding graphics to a hoarding ill gie not onl gie our compan a more professional image ut also catch the ee of eerone ho passes our site. The task is to design the E-hoarding ith the gien set of information that ased on the gien content for a particular ield. odiuminie 1st Facult of Architecture & Ekistics, Jamia Milia Islamia 2nd CET Bhuanesar

Compeiion Architectural Arostic ae 20 Januar ime 10 AM 12 oon enue Seminar all A1-B02 eripion Architectural acrosticarchitectural crossord is the A pule consisting of a grid of suares and lanks into hich ords crossing erticall and horiontall are ritten according to clues that participants needs to identif and ill correct ansers. Innoatie rounds ill e conducted as per competition setup. To sole a crossord consisting of architectural pules ithin gien frameork ith stage ise. odiuminie 1st Facult of Architecture & Ekistics, Jamia Milia Islamia 2nd MITS Galior

Compeiion andag Design ae 20 Januar ime 10 AM - 2 PM enue T A1-B13 & T A1-B14 eripion Accessor design is the integrated expertise in design methodolog, material and production process in ield of fashion and lifestle accessories. Accessories design is the no a das apart from necessit ecome trend and fashion smol also the creatie part andag designing is an art preailing these das. To design a handag of a certain sie depried of stitches. odiuminie 1st Acharas RV School of Architecture, Bengaluru 2nd MIT Jaipur

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Compeiion Pipe Statuette ae 20 Januar ime 10 AM - 5 PM enue Terrace eripion The statuettepipe sculpture is an art of making three-dimensional representatie or astract forms especiall caring pipePVC pipe ith the use of simple tools and formation of the arious composition so that it can e displaed as sculpture. A pipe statuette ill focus on the art of eoling structure ased on the comination of arrangement of pipes of dierent shapes and sies. To design a statuettePVC pipe sculpture of a desired height and a desired shape (height and other details ill e declared on the spot). odiuminie 1st AAD School of Architecture, ahipathur 2nd MITS Galior

Compeiion Apparel Design ae 20 Januar ime 2 PM - 5 PM enue Studio A1-225 eripion Apparel design, is an art to design clothes hich are functional as ell as aestheticall pleasing. It takes into account that is likel to ear a garment and the situations in hich it ill e orn. Apparel designers, conceptualie and create items of clothing. The often specialie in one tpe of design, such as casual, eening or actie ear. Common duties include tracking current fashion trends and predicting future ones, sketching ne designs, selecting patterns and appling it in garment designs. To design an apparel ith the gien material and ithin gien time ith introduced design techniues. Brieing for designing ill e gien efore task and students needs to perform the task as per that. odiuminie 1st AAD School of Architecture, ahipathur 2nd Vastu ala Academ College of Architecture, e Delhi

Compeiion Parod Design ae 20 Januar ime 2 PM - 5 PM enue T A1-B49 & A1-B50 eripion ParodCaricatures are a fun alternatie to traditional portraits. The idea is to comicall exaggerate particular features to create a humorous representation of that person through sketching, strokes. To sketch a parod for a certain photograph of a desired sie. odiuminie 1st RIT, ottaam 2nd M.B.M Engineering College, Jodhpur

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Compeiion Pit Digging ae 20 Januar ime 3 PM - 5 PM enue Footall Ground eripion It is the task of digging pit ith minimum tools or ithout tool of reuired dimensions. odiuminie 1st IT Patna

Compeiion Basketall ae 17 Januar enue Basketall Court ime 11 PM - 04AM eripion Basketall is a non-contact team sport plaed on a on a rectangular court to teams of ie plaers each. The ojectie is to shoot a all through a hoop 1 inches (46 cm) in diameter and 10 feet (3.04 m) high that is mounted to a ackoard at each end of the court. odiuminie Bos 1st ADAS MIERVA College of Architecture Girls 1st - SPA e Delhi

Compeiion Box Cricket eague ae 1 Januar enue Footall Ground ime 11 PM - 04AM eripion Box Cricket eagueis a ariant of and shares man asic concepts ith cricket. The game is most often plaed eteen to teams each consisting of six or eight plaers odiuminie 1st Chandigarh College of Architecture

“The ultimate victory in competition is derived from the inner satisfaction of knowing that you have done your best and that you have gotten the most out of what you had to give”

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Gagan Gandhi a.k.aSkknock a Music ProducerDJ currentl ased in ondon,. is major stles include Future ouse, Progressie ouse and Chillout music. e eliees in making intense et soul ful melodies, producing tracks full of feelings and emotions. e as aarded Indias no.1 Chill out Producer Aard 2012-2013 M for hispromising music.e continues to expand his horions ith Progressie Musicthrough his aliasSOC since Jul2013, producing melodious tunes and collaorating ith artists from around the orld. is ork has een appreciated and supported renoned artists such as Blasterjaxx, SankTunes, es V, MorganPage, Mon n Shane 54,Chicane MarkusSchul, Blake Jarrel, Jatech, and man more internationall. ith his music he aimsto proide audiences allaround the orld iththe est ElectronicDance Music, spreading the message of peace and harmon. Follo SOC Faceook - https:.faceook.comTheSkknockoficial Titter - https:titter.comtheskknock Soundcloud - https:soundcloud.comthe-skknock-oficial Beatport - https:pro.eatport.comartistskknock37634 Instagram - https:.instagram.comskknockoficial

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Born in Duai and rought up in the S, the ullaa Re singer, Rasika Shekar, did not take music seriousl hen she as oung. Instead she ent on to ecome a chemical engineer, hile continuing to train in Carnatic music. B the end of her last training ear, she realied that music mattered to her more than anthing else and hence moed to India a couple of ears ack to learn industani classical music. er interest seeped into music courtes her famil. Shekars grandmother as an A grade iolinist at All India Radio. hile she as learning industani Classical music, she met the musical trio Shankar, Ehsaan, o and deuted in Bollood ith the song amuda akka for the moie Dekh Indian Circus. The songstress as also featured on MTV Coke Studio ith Ehsaan and o for the track Man Patang as a lutist. Shekar has sung the track Sau Aasoon from the Imran han and angana Ranaut starrer atti Batti. The music of the ilm is composed Shankar Ehsaan o and the lrics are penned umaar. Shekar keeps traelling to the S not just to meet her parents ut for her ghaal concerts as she is a ocalist for Ghulam Ali han. The singer is also orking on her single and has a fe other assignments in the pipeline.

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Samrat ith his team has done shos in cities like ondon, Sdne, Singapore, Cape Ton, Duran, ualalumpur, angkai Islands, Duai, atmandu, Dhaka, Chittagong, uait Cit, Pattaa, Bangkok, Phuket, Bali and almost all the cities in India.e has een priileged to share the stage ith Bran Adams at Palace Gardens in 200.Recentl performed at MAG for MMBAI POICE AARD IGT. In Association ith CIEG & SO TV shared the stage ith MR. Bachchan, Sachin Tendulkar, SR, Salman han, areena, Aksha kumar, & other super stars. e is a er popular performersinger in India is also a ell-knon oice in the Jingle and ad ilm industr apart from fe Bollood Plaack. is music alum Dil Se, released Sagarika Music and sponsored Seagrams as on top charts for months and also on Et aard. Oer ears e hae orked ith some of the top eent cos in Entertainment industr & igh Proile Pre eddings, Corporates. Some of the recent major Performances apart from seeral other eents. Apart from mang (2013&2014) Samrat has performed in Mirchi Music Aard (2015) TOIFA (2013). Samrat also participated in SA RE GA MA (ee TV) hen he as in standard 5 as a child artist hich as hosted Sonu igam. Started his singing career from olkata toda samrat & his and does oer 100 shos eer ear.

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Parikrma is a rock and roll and from Delhi, India. The hae seeral lie performances and original numers to their name. The and as oficiall formed on 17 June 1991 in Delhi. The ord parikrama means orital reolutions in Sanskrit.In its 2014 listing of 25 Greatest Indian Rock Songs of the last 25 ears, Rolling Stone India featured But It Rained (Single, 1996) the and. The are et to release a full-length alum, ecause the prefer giing out their music for free. The hae had millions of donloads from their site and other related pages. The did release a free multimedia CD of their singles and ideos in 2001. The and does not hae an policies against their music eing copied and distriuted. The hae made their music aailale for donload on their oficial esite. The and often fuses Indian classical music instruments like mridangam, tala and lute ith conentional instruments like guitar, drums and keoards. The hae een inspired and inluenced the likes of Pink Flod, Jimi endrix and The Doors. Sonam Sherpa and Saurah Chaudhar are proud endorsees of Carl Martin eect pedals. Famous Songs of Parikrama are: aminate ai Pakistan, Am I Dreaming, Tears of the iard, In The Middle, Vaporie, hiske Blues, Rhthm & Blues, But It Rained, oad p, Open Skies, One, Till Im o- One Again, e Chaim, I Beliee (ith Agnee and Shilpa Rao), Superhero, erox, I eliee, All da I dream of ou

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1. Dates of the conention ill e 16th to 20th Januar 2017 hereas 15th Januar ill e osered as ero Da. 2. Entries alloed for AC: • 1 Facult Memer + 1 .Sec. + 1 .D. + 31 Delegates (ADC ualiied institutions) • 1 .Sec. + 1 .D (on-ADC ualiied institutions) 3. Fee structure for AC: • 1 Facult Memer Rs. 5500- (inclusie of Accommodation) • 1 nit Secretar I (inclusie of Accommodation) • 1 nit Designee Rs. 2000- (inclusie of Accommodation) • 31 Delegates Rs. 4500- each (inclusie of Accommodation) • The fee for nit Secretar & nit Designee is same as aoe for on-ADC ualiied institutions. 4. AC Accommodation • Tpe I: Pailion and Tpe II: ostel 5. Caution Mone • A ixed amount of Rs.15,000- (refundale) ill e charged from each institution. hereas, in case of an damage to the host institutions propert or if a delegate is found reaking an of the mentioned rules, the caution mone of that particular institution ill not e refunded. • The caution mone for on-ADC ualiied colleges is Rs.2000- (refundale). 6. Entries alloed for AC (International): • 1 Facult Memer + 15 Delegates 7. Fee structure for AC (International): • Facult Memer S 150 • Delegates S 120 each (inclusie of Accommodation) • ero Da cost per delegate S 20 (registered Accommodation ill e proided) . The Delegation fee for AC includes: Venue, Accommodation, it, Food, Participation in respectie eents, Transportation as ell as Common Facilities 9. This ear, all registration processes ill e online. A user ID & passord ill e generated [email protected] & ill e shared ith nit Secretaries of respectie Institutions. 10. nit secretaries ill hae to ill in the details of each delegate including their email ID, moile numer, gender and choice of accommodation efore 25th Decemer 2016. 11. It ill e mandator for each institution to select at least 6 seats in hostel accommodation for males as ell as 6 seats for females. 12. Each delegate ill then receie an indiidual email to make paments. • ost institution ill proide an online dashoard to pa the conention fees through PaTM.

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Internet Conenience fee @ 3 per transaction shall e leied if pament is done through PaTM. • The institutes that opt for EFT mode of pament can take the account details from Treasurer sending an email at [email protected] 13. pon pament 50 delegates or 50 of the total paale amount of each institution, the .Sec ill e ale to access the Eent Schedule here heshe can select the respectie eent & register their delegate(s). Please note that eents ill hae limited seats, hence .Sec has to make sure that the registration of delegates are done as soon as possile. The last date for 50 pament is 27th Decemer 2016. 14. Trael details of the Institutions (arrial time & departure time) shall e sent latest 31st Decemer at [email protected], otherise the institution might face issues in aailailit of transportation serices. 15. The elcome & registration of delegation ill take place from 15th Januar (ero Da) from 04:00PM to 16th Januar 09:00AM at the registration desk. nit Secretar & nit Designee of respectie institutions shall e present at the registration desk during the aoe mentioned time ith the folloing details • Total remaining & reuisite amount of mone (delegation fee + securit deposit) • ardcop of the details of delegates representing the institution in the format gien Poornima niersit. • etter dul signed & sealed the OD Director Principal of each institution, in original, granting permission to all delegates participating in 59th AC at Poornima niersit. • Institution identit card and 2 passport sie photographs of each delegate. Failing to present the identit card during securit check, registration and respectie eents ill result in O ETR. • A cop of Mandator Rules and Regulations 59th AC jointl signed the nit Secretar, nit Designee and the OD Director Principal of institution. • Music CD for cultural performance as reuired the cultural coordinators. 16. General rules for AC • The unit secretar of the Institution and the accompaning sta ill e the representaties of the Institution and it shall e their responsiilities to control his or her contingent throughout the conention. • All the delegates should ring their Institution Identit Card and to photographs (color, passport sie) along ith them. • All the delegates should ear their rist and (proided at the registration desk) and carr institution ID card all the time during the conention, failing to produce an of the aoe heneer reuired, ill e considered a reach of 59th AC rules and regulations. • Each Institution has to ring at least one Digital Camera and One aptop.

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• Participants should ring their on stationer and instruments for trophies and paneling. • Decision of the oard of juries ill e considered inal. • During the eent, participants must sitch o their moile phones or put them on airplane mode. • During the panel discussions and kenote sessions, moile phones shall e kept on airplane mode. Drums, histles or an other musical instruments ill not e alloed. • Participants should return the materials proided for the eent to the enue incharge post respectie eents. • Smoking, possessionconsumption of alcohol andor an other drug, are strictl prohiited ithin the campus, as ell as in the accommodation area. • An student of an Institution found to e guilt of misehaior or misconduct at an point of time shall result in himher eing expelled from the conention that point onards and the decision of EC ill e inding & inal. • Each Institution has to share a short ideo clip of group dance, fashion sho and and performance respectiel, in MPEG format (as mentioned in the cultural rief), through sharing on Google Drie ith [email protected] latest 1th Decemer 2016. Short listed institutions ill e informed positiel efore 20th Decemer 2016. • otter for the seuence of cultural performance ill take place on 16th Januar 2017 at the registration desk. The nit Secretar nit Designee has to e present at the time of lotter, failing hich the seuence ill e decided the host college • Cheering is alloed, hoeer an negatie comments against the opponent shall result in disualiication. • Delegates ith medical prolems shall carr their on medicines and medical certiicates & must inform aout the same at the registration desk eforehand. • o extra time ill e gien for a delaed entr to the enue of an eent. • AC ualiied nit Secretar & nit Designee ill not e ale to participate in an eent. • During an eent, if a participant is found communicating ith other delegates ho are not participating, ill e disualiied from the respectie eent. • Discipline decorum & cleanliness shall e maintained in niersit premises. • All the rules are applicale to all the delegates as ell as the accompaning facult memers, as per ASA instructions. 17. ranporaionopiaiueorC • ith Rs.500- taken on ero da, delegation ill e proided ith the accommodation from 15th Januar, 04:00PM onards (inclusie of Dinner) to 21st Januar, 10:00AM (inclusie of Breakfast).

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• Accommodation once allotted to the delegates ill e inal, delegates are reuired to ring their on safet locks for their luggage as ell as rooms. Poornima niersit ill not take responsiilit of an personal elongings. • Delegates choosing Pailion Accommodation hae to take special care of their on luggage, as it ill not hae an lock & ke arrangements. Delegates must plan their accommodation accordingl, as Poornima niersit ill not e responsile for the loss theft of an personal elongings. • Delegates ill e proided ith mattresses, pillos & lankets ut the are also adised to ring extra edspread and lankets for emergenc purposes. • Smoking, possessionconsumption of alcohol andor an other drug are strictl prohiited ithin the campus. • Meals ill e proided from Breakfast on 16th Januar 2017 to Dinner on 20th Januar 2017. • Food ill e sered during the allotted time as gien in the time tale (chart ould e proided on 15th Januar 2017 morning at the registration desk) • o males ill e alloed to enter the female accommodation and ice ersa under an circumstances. • o delegates ill e alloed to moe outside the Poornima niersit premises or the accommodation under an circumstances. In case of an emergenc, the Conenor shall e informed. • Poornima niersit shall not hold an responsiilit for an action of the delegates outside the niersit premises. • Delegates are reuested to co-operate ith the securit guards during their phsical check & checking of elongings (if needed). • Transportation ill e proided from Jaipur Raila Station, Jaipur Bus Stand (Sindhi Camp us stand) and Jaipur International Airport to Poornima niersit. Transportation reuest from an other random area ill not e entertained. • An changes in the trael schedule shall e intimated to the transport committee head on [email protected] efore 5th Januar 2017.

An memer of the delegation failing to follo an of the aoe rules ma result in arring of the complete delegation from participation in an eent or nonrefund of the caution mone. Immediate disualiication of the memer or Institution from the conention ma follo. Breach in rules ma also result in reducing the ASA memership status of that unit to oserer status or a complete cancellation of ASA memership.

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Poornima niersit proided numerous facilities to facilitate the delegates and guests for the success of conention. These include facilities like Transportation, Accommodation, Catering as ell as Medical Assistance.

SOO eeaePoornima niersit proided pick up and drop facilities to all the delegates. Facult memers: Regular Bus serice as proided from otel to niersit to ease the moement of Faculties. Guests: Poornima niersit proided Chauer drien ehicles to all the inited outstation guests and Jur memers.

CCOOO eeae imalaa-1 & imalaa-2 hostels ere proided to male delegates. imalaa-3 hostel as proided to female delegates. Separate tents ere proided ith occupanc of -12 memers to accommodate large numer of delegates. Facult memers: Facult memers accompaning the student delegates ere accommodated at otel Souenir, Jaipur. Transportation facilit from and to the enue as proided four times a da during the conention. Guests: Outstation guests and memers of the Jur inited for the conention ere gien accommodation facilities at otel Bella Casa, Jaipur and ere proided ith chauer drien ehicles the niersit.

CEG Mass Eating Arena: Variet of orth-Indian meals ere sered during the delegation sta in the campus including speciall prepared Dal Baati Choorma, Rajma Chaal, Matar Panner etc. Food stalls: Various food stalls ere present during the conention to facilitate students. Variet of eatales like grilled sandiches, read-made snacks, chips, soft drinks, juices, freshl cooked mini- meals and a lot more ere sered.

ECL 24x7 medical facilities including the Amulance serice as ell as a numer of First-Aid its ere aailale ithin the campus for all kinds of emergenc situations in association ith Medipulse ospital, Jodhpur.

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Coil of Aritetre


bang n

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PROJECTIONS NASA Architecture 70 spa School of Planning & Architecture Approed Council of Architecture, India, School of Planning and Architecture at Poornima niersit, Jaipur aims at producing professionals, ith isdom and high leel intellect. It proides est facult, infrastructure and facilities so that our students outshine and perform to a leel hat is expected the clients as ell as Architecture fraternit. B.Arch (Bachelor of Architecture) is a 5 ears degree course herein students are groomed through deeloped pedagog releant in current paradigm in Architectural practice.

SPA focuses on holistic deelopment of students through proiding opportunities and exposure of arious international and national platforms. Special lectures, orkshops, seminars, eents and actiities form an inherent part of regular academics. The interdisciplinar approach taken up for teaching architectural skills, is intended to make sociall responsile professionals.

Best Upcoming University Award by ASSOCHAM

Students receiving prizes for Design completion and Dance competition


Students participating in cultural programmes attended ZO- NASA 2015

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ith the enriched heritage in arts, architecture, culture and tradition of Rajasthan Design toda has ecome a need of eer human for its eing it has come a long a in India since the past to decades. Gien the irant econom and dnamic market forces, the industr is ound to gro exponentiall. The scope of design has idened its aenues. ith a strong legac in education for Ciil and Architectural studies, The School of Design is an extension to the ualit education that Poornima Foundation has een imparting in the past.

Best Institute for Interior & Fashion Design Award by ASSOCHAM


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ame einaion Conao. ilesh Mod Conenor, 59th AC 992666333 Shardul Garg nit Secretar, SPA, P 107007477 Archit Jain nit Designee, SPA, P 941402229 ikhil umar ead, Team Volunteering 967217929 Vina Asrani ead, Team ospitalit 233552322 Aarti Singh Team ospitalit 706237324 Viek Somani ead, Team Registrations 7917777 Aush Jain ead, Team Finance 34940561 Singh Deepak ead, Team Accommodation (Bos) 957945053 eha Godara ead, Team Accommodation (Girls) 95715636 arshit r. othari ead, Team ousekeeping 957293212 Gaura Sharma ead, Team Transport 91663937 Saloni Bhagat ead, Team Securit (Girls) 975356113 ogesh Singh ead, Team Securit (Bos) 75639911 Om Prakash ead, Team ogistics 969451069 Deepali Bafna ead, Team Catering 696500206 Puru Sharma ead, Team Sports 97403175 omal umari ead, Team Cultural 9924576 Sourah Trehan ead, Team orkshops 757502141 Megha Ghasolia ead, Team Small Talks 44077534 Shaista Tinala ead, Team Competitions 7734056253 Milan Joshi ead, Team Trophies & Juries 972317020 Mohneesh Gupta ead, Team Result & Aards, P 75779704 Jaineet Mandot ead, Team Printing & Decor 9703222 artik Mahatma ead, Team Store & Purchase 9309074414 Arjun Visanath ead, Team esite & Branding 953015732 Apoora Sriasta ead, Team Anchoring 90212610 EEGECCOCE ame einaion Conao. Ar. Rahul Singhi Director, Poornima Foundation 929000071 Ar. .C. akra Dean, SPA, P 9929092133 Sh. Amit Gupta Proctor, P 900193265 Ar. ash P. Singh OD, SPA, P 9925556 Ar. Gaura Rana Asst. Prof., SPA, P 9953612773 Sh. u Jain Oficer, 59th AC 954047417

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e ant ou to re-lie the ASA memories going through all our National pictures uploaded on our Google Drie - poo.dd Association of Students of

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In the aftermath of the 59th Annual ASA Conention possil foreer to e knon as the Jaipur Conention the association ishes to gie our deepest gratitude to the Students of Poornima niersit, Jaipur. e might hae pushed ou gus a lot ut the end product as etter than anone coming to this eent could hae imagined. The success of the conention is ecause each and eer one of ou from the Department of Architecture gae our 100 to make the conention materialie. Special thanks to ilesh Mod Rahul Singhi and Shardul Garg for dealing ith us in the council and motiating the students to ork da and night for the conention. e ish the 60th Council of ASA India led Sriardhan Rajalingam all the est and are eagerl looking forard to the Juilee ear of ASA India The 59th Executie and onal Council of ASA India, SaanaoSumairaumaairoronaoanOeroiSaian amaniSonamumarwarianiuerareddSananon

Congratulations on an amaing eent I enjoed m time there and good luck ith all the things ou ill do in the future. I hope ou hae recoered from all this. r.auerora

Thanks a lot Conention as ell managed the Poornima niersit.Cheers to ou gus eaanar

Indeed, it as The Jaipur Conention. Eerthing as er ell arranged and es, e had loads of fun Thank ou Poornima niersit for giing us such onderful memories Smiadiani

oed AC. a ell-organied AC that gae unforgettale memories... Ver much thanks to the coordinators and a ig salute for their dedication. Aesome experience @59anc. SiddaraSid

This as proal the est Annual Conention Ie attended. Great accommodation, goodfood, ell planned eents and orkshops. Oerall it as a ell- organied eent Poornima College. Eerone from m college is humled the hospitalit from Poornima College. udos team P niruddaurue

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ith this ne format of 5-da orkshop folloed 5 night cultural eents has improed the ualit of the ASA as an organiation. Rules and Regulation regarding troph coordination must e framed for a etter outcome and eas of sstem.A lirar or knoledge ank must e there for others to refer the ork hich is eing displaed in ASA for the oerall etterment of Architecture Academic ield.Documentation hae improed in terms of eents and trophies oer the period ut there is alas scope for more improement. iaundra

The ASA conention held this ear as faulous. But eerone knos nothing is perfect in this orld. There ere ups and dons in this conention too ut oerall the experience as good. oped for a etter food taste. The idea of and as a id-card as good. The onire and the rest of the arrangements ere good. oping next AC ill e much etter and on much higher scale. iaaani

Thanks for inite to me. as een a onderful experience. All the sta as er good, the students coordinators er ell alas helping ith a nice smile in their face and the participants ork also ere reall actie and interested in the sujects. ishing all the est riadnaareGarrea

A onderful and faulous jo done ou gus as the host. The conention as amaing. Thank ou so much for letting us e the part of this 59th conention auaaaadem

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For seeral reasons, promotion is a ke factor in the success of a special eent. The main purpose that promotion seres is to attract participants, spectators or oth to the eent. Promotion is also important to the organisation for reasons other than attracting a crod on the da. A ell promoted eent increases pulic aareness of the organisation. This is a chief reason h special eents are important. There as ide coerage of the Annual ASA 2016 conention on all major media netorks hich include Patrika, Dainik Bhaskar, RED FM etc. It aimed at spreading eent aareness among institutional and student memers of ASA India in order to encourage participation there adding to the eent charisma and shaping it in an alluring manner. Belo are some of the Clippings hich displas the interest of Media on the Conention.

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National Association of Students of

PROJECTIONS NASA Architecture National Association of Students of

PROJECTIONS NASA Architecture UNIVERSITY (std by Ra State egislature vide Act No 162012 & Rec under Sec 22 (1) of UC Act 156)

IS-2027-31, Ramchandrapura, P.O. Vidhani Vatika, Sitapura Ext., Jaipur - 303905 (Raj.) Telephone : +91-141-6500250 • E-mail : [email protected]