th ANNUAL NASA CONVENTION 59 JANUARY 16-20, 2017 UNIVERSITY School of Planning & Architecture CONVENTION REPORT National CONVENE • PARTAKE • ACQUIRE CONVENE • PARTAKE Association of Students of PROJECTIONS NASA Architecture Achieving Excellence Together POORNIMA COLLEGES GROUP OF COLLEGES POORNIMA • Poornima College of Engineering GROUP OF COLLEGES • Poornima Institute of Engg. & Tech. (Affiliated to RTU, Kota & Approved by AICTE) • Poornima Group of Institutions • School of Engg. & Tech. • School of Planning & Architecture • School of Management • School of Commerce • School of Basics & Applied Sciences UNIVERSITY • School of Design (Estd. by Rajasthan State Legislature vide Act No. 16/2012, Notification FIL2(26) Vidhi/2/2012, dated 16/05/2012) B.Tech. | M.Tech. | B.Arch. | BCA | B.Des. | BBA | MBA | B.Com. | BFA | Ph.D. PCE PIET PGI PU Website: www.poornima.org & www.poornima.edu.in National Association of Students of PROJECTIONS NASA Architecture 1 LEOCOES . nowedmen . Sndia . EeuieCouni . onaCouni . eooornimanieri . onaSConenionuumnLeae . nnuaSConenion . inneroCropie . CSedue . eamC . Eenniaion . nauuraionaediorCeremon . eoeSpeaerr.auerora . eoeSpeaerr.anSueann . eoeSpeaereinCampe . eoeSpeaerr.aariaapara . aneiuioneinininnnoaion . CoeeConeraion . orop . Lioorop . oropueandeuaion . Compeiion . LioCompeiionandinner . Sieanduidinan . erorminriSno . erorminriaiaSear . erorminriSamraSarar . erorminriarirama . andaorueandeuaion . aiiie . Ouraron . Soooanninandrieure. . Soooein . mporanEmerenConaumer . GimpeoC . eimonia . ediaCoerae . CCenre National Association of Students of PROJECTIONS NASA Architecture 2 COLEGEE Dear Reader, Greetings from Team C School of Planning & Architecture, Poornima niersit takes immense pride in presenting the nnua S Conenion andook. e elcome ou to itness the inest orks from all across the Countr. This conention has een speciall conceptualied for architecture students to COVEE, PARTAE & ACIRE ideas & learn from experiences of experts. It aims to redeine design & set a ne enchmark for the student fraternit. e ould like to express our special thanks to ASA India for elieing in us and giing us this opportunit to host this ears annual conention. e ish to take a moment to gratefull acknoledge the assistance and contriutions of all distinguished personalities, renoned architects, facult, sta and aoe all the olunteers i.e. the students of Poornima niersit for their commendale hard ork and for making this eent possile. Poornima niersit promises to gie ou an insight into the orld of creatiit, here e eliee that excellence is the priorit. e thank each one of ou for our immense contriution to the nnuaSConenion. app earning & Enjo a poer packed C arm Regards eam C National Association of Students of PROJECTIONS NASA Architecture 3 S The ational Association of Students of Architecture, commonl referred to as ASA India, is one of the largest Architectural Student Organiations in the orld ith student participants from more than to hundred Institutions all oer India and countries around the orld. ASA India proides a platform for architecture students to learn & interact, engaging them directl and indirectl through oth online & ofline platforms. ASA India conducts eents, conentions, seminars, orkshops, design competitions and trophies at oth national and onal leels. Annual ASA Conention is the largest eent in the calendar of ASA India hich aims at engaging students across the countr and aroad under one platform Sndia is an interactie platform for students that rings together the creatie minds & their ork for the societ. It also helps in documenting our rich heritage & the architectural deelopments in the countr and proides design solutions for masses such as slum deelopments, earthuake rehailitation etc. ASA India has een proiding 56 ears of education and netorking opportunities for professionals and has conducted more than 100 educational sessions. ASA India • as more than 500 speakers and 30,000 architecture students as memers. SCOCL National Association of Students of PROJECTIONS NASA Architecture 4 EECECOCL Shahan ao Suairha uta President Secretary Sriarhan aalinga ahir oronha Vice President Public Relations Anit uar Ar Saareeh Sureh Treasurer Advisor National Association of Students of PROJECTIONS NASA Architecture 5 OLCOCL ohan eroi Shahiant hahani Zone President (Zone - 1) Zone President (Zone - 2) Sona uar arit angli Zone President (Zone - 3) Zone President (Zone - 4) ueh rare Sana Anton Zone President (Zone - 5) Zone President (Zone - 6) National Association of Students of PROJECTIONS NASA Architecture 6 EOS OOES Shanti Education Societ (SES), the promoter of Poornima niersit is running the largest netork of professional education in Rajasthan. Presentl it has more than 9000 students and 1000 facult & sta memers in four campuses at Sitapura, Jaipur. Poornima niersit estalished in ear 2012 follos the ision of creating knoledge ased societ ith scientiic temper, team spirit & dignit of laor to face gloal competitie challenges. The students are at the core of our ision & mission and hence our motto is our Dreams, Our Goal this is our dream, this is our commitment. School of Planning & Architecture (SPA), P is approed and recognied Council of Architecture, the apex od for Architecture Practice & Education in India. SPA, P oers creatie learning enironment to its students through case studies, site isits, research, consultanc, real time architecture practice and arious orkshops & sessions taken senior architects & professionals from across the gloe. National Association of Students of PROJECTIONS NASA Architecture 7 OLSCOEO LEES Autumn is the time hen eerthing ursts ith its last eaut, as if nature had een saing up all ear for the grand inale. Similarl, O-ASA held at SPA, Poornima niersit on 16th & 17 th oemer 2013, aimed to oer a conention like neer efore, a prodigious eent initing architecture schools from one-1 to participate and add to its charisma. This solitar conention hosted numerous on the spot eents, oisterous actiities, discussions ith renoned personalities and perpetual learning. SPA, Poornima niersit planned a scholarl successful eent areast rejuenating exercises for its participants. Rajasthan, the most colorful state in India, possesses artistic as ell as cultural traditions hich relect the ancient Indian a of life. It has a rich and aried folk culture from illages hich is often depicted smolic of the state. Autumn eaes 2013 held at Poornima niersit, Rajasthan, catered its guests ith oomph of the state culture and shaped this eent in an alluring manner. O-ASA 2013 turned the pages of histor oer and started a ne chapter ith its unconentional ideas. Powered by : In association with : AIPUR REGIA CAPTER National Association of Students of PROJECTIONS NASA Architecture SGLSE ea on Arrial 400 meter relay race igher than the allet Designing & construction of the highest possible structure lo orn Clay pot decoration (Theme: Truck Art) he ecorate She Umbrella Decoration rige the a Designing & construction of the longest possible spanned structure ulinar raft Pumpkin carving National Association of Students of PROJECTIONS NASA Architecture 9 Ari Quiz competition Panel icuion Suer eet Discussion by prominent architects 200 meter race loet hater eie aathan Newspaper costume & accessory design Cultural evening National Association of Students of PROJECTIONS NASA Architecture 10 OSECOEGE National Association of Students of PROJECTIONS NASA Architecture 11 LSCOEO Rajasthan, is a northern Indian state ordering Pakistan. This land is a colourful melange of massie forts, stunning palaces, dierse cultures, delectale cuisines & arm people, along ith sight and sounds that can transport one into a folk lore. Poornima niersit catered its guests ith oomph of the state culture and shaped the conention in an alluring manner. Set amidst lush green surroundings, far aa from the hustle-ustle of the cit, Poornima niersit campus as perfect to house the participants for the conention and the milieu added charm and excitement to the alread rimming energ and charisma of the annual conention. School of Planning & Architecture (SPA), P hosted an unprecedented conention, itnessing scads of explorator actiities including orkshops, seminars, isits & discussions ith eminent personalities leading to perpetual learning & a scholarl successful eent. Parallel Projections, the theme of 59th Annual ASA Conention, merel plaed the gatea to the inentor of the parts of ones enisionment getting lost along the process of it eing implemented. A Parallel Projection has a uniue capacit of leelling the human ee and its perspectie. It leels all indentations to a singular surface, to the extent that it denies the perception of actual form space realit. It corresponds to a projection ith ininite focal length. hateer the mind of a man can conceie & eliee, it can achiee. apoeoni Parallel Projections ent lie from 16th 20th Januar 2017. AC 2016-17 turned the pages of histor oer and started a ne chapter ith its unconentional ideas. The conention as a prodigious eent hich inited Architecture Schools from our ation & eond to participate, adding to its charisma. Propositions are ound to e altered as one tries to frame them into realit, causing the idea lose part of its sheen, making it go unnoticed there making its projection mandator. 59th Annual ASA Conention, happened for the 1st time in Rajasthan and it turned the pages of histor oer and started a ne chapter ith its unconentional ideas. SPA, P alluded that
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