Pynchon, Genealogy, History: <Em>Against the Day</Em>
University of South Carolina Scholar Commons Faculty Publications English Language and Literatures, Department of 2-2012 Pynchon, Genealogy, History: Against the Day David Cowart University of South Carolina - Columbia, Follow this and additional works at: Part of the English Language and Literature Commons Publication Info Published in Modern Philology, Volume 109, Issue 3, 2012, pages 385-407. Cowart, D. (2012). Pynchon, Genealogy, History: Against the Day. Modern Philology, 109(3), 385-407. DOI: 10.1086/663688 © 2012 by The nivU ersity of Chicago. Published by The nivU ersity of Chicago Press. This Article is brought to you by the English Language and Literatures, Department of at Scholar Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Faculty Publications by an authorized administrator of Scholar Commons. For more information, please contact Pynchon, Genealogy, History: Against the Day DAVID COWART University of South Carolina One cannot overstate the centrality of historical questions in the work of Thomas Pynchon. What makes his fictions so compelling—more, per- haps, than any other quality—is the variety and complexity of historical rethinking they invite and perform. Tiina Ka¨kela¨-Puumala, in a recent dissertation, locates ‘‘Pynchon’s historic interest’’ in ‘‘the era of moderni- zation we have been living in since the 17th century. ...Puritanism, the Enlightenment, industrialism, scientific revolutions, global economy, in- formation explosion,
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