Mimtrel Jubilee Coming Thursday Firemen Meet at Fair Haven
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All tfc* New* of ''. ' '" BED BATH WE DO and SBRoandlns Tomu Told Fearl«M)y and Without Blaa. RED REGISTER OUR PART Iintd WMklf. EnUr«d u Steond-OIiu HatUr .t thl Port. Subscription Prlc«: Ona Year 12.00. VOLUME LVII, NO. 35. offlc* «t Bid Bjnlc, N. J, under the Act of March 8, 1870. RED BANK, N.'J.,-THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1935. Six Hontbi $1.00. Single Copy 4c. PAGES 1 TO 10, ON COLLEGE DEBATING TEAM. - —±—- _U!S| Mimtrel Jubilee Y.M.C. A. Annual Schulte-United Bill Would End NEW STAFF SELECTED. New Store Manager John T. Lawley, Jr., Wins Signal School Publication Chooses New The Alcoholic Coming Thursday Election Tonight Honor at Rutgers. Prizes Awarded Fishing Industry KiH/orial Oflicen*. At J. C. Penney's John T. Lawley, Jr., son of Mr. The Round Table, local high school Saturation Point Married Couples' Bible Claw to Seven Director* to be Chosen and Mrs. John T. Lawley of Conover Mist Evelyn Beaman and Alex Measure Introduced by Senator publication, under the (supervision of lane, In Mlddlefown township, has L. A. Osgood off Troy, Pa., Suc- The Mayor and Council of Red Hold Second Annual Affair for Three Yeari—Many Re- Miss Hanna Johnson, journalism been made a member of one of ths Sweel Write the Bert Essayt Camp of Ocean County Will teacher,' has selected an entire new ceeds C. A. Norris Here—Mr. Bank Decide That It Hal Been Thursday, February 28—54 port* to be Rendered—Full two freshmen debating teams of on George Washington in Lo- If Enacted Put Raritan Bay staff for the publication of the school Norris Goes to the Penney Reached—No More License* Different Parti. Attendance Desired. Rutgers college. E4ch team has newspaper. cal English Clawei Tett. Fishermen Out of Business. Store at Troy. to be Granted for Saloom. two members. To be eligible for ap- Gladys ,Weir and James Moreau The annual business meeting of the ; According to committee reports pointment a freshman must have a Evelyn Beaman and Alex Sweel Senator Percy Camp of Ocean have o chosen as managing odi- The J. C. Penney torr: on Broad No more licenses for aaloom •( th« mimtrel jubilee whlcH In to be Bad Bank Young Men's Christian as- high Btandln;; In studies, and tho were declared the winners of the county has Introduced In tho senate street lms a new si or ? manager.who sociation will b» held tonight at eight tors of the new staff, while Esther Red.Biiuli! presented by the Married Couples' four deemed most, capable were Schulte-United's George Washington a measure which would If enacted Ijovine nnd Tony Stoble will lie as- took charge of tho plac Tuesday Bible clauB of the First" Methodist o'clock at the association headquart- This is the only Inlripiptatloif chosen from among the honor stu- essay contest for 8th year English destroy the pound net fibbing indus- sistant editor?. Jack Lbvertiidgr and morning, lift is L. A. O.-iSuud- o'f whlrh ran hn placed upon tho action church next Thursday evening, Feb- ers at 1 Branch avenue. Immediately dents. The team of which Mr. Law- classes of the Red Bank public try In Raritan bay and in all other Troy, Pt'nu.-yU'Hin.i, -.vim h;i<; bom: following the business session the Patsy Arnone havo been selected to of the mayor and council Monday ruary 28, in the Red j Bank Catholio ley is a member had its first, debate schools by the Judges, Miss Kather- inland waters in the state. It would )h h , athletic;:, , while Mary with file company iur tho past seven high school auditorium, la expected monthly meeting of the directors will night in refusing to, grant a llcomm With a Pennsylvania university team ine Barney and Mlts Margaret prohibit fishing with all nets except I,-, , , \, f, Baiter will handle years anif who \va:s recently in to MHi'uvan Jlogol to sell nlcohollQ to ba at much a succoss as the pre be held, to which the trustees have last week, taking the affirmative side Thompson, according to an an- drifting gill nntf! and fyke nets. Such I ,',„ ",H., "" ,',' charge of tho company's store at. vloua annual affair, been cordially Invited, It is earnest- nouncement made Tuesday morning beverages at a atom on Shrewaburff on- the question that the United nets could not be profitably used by representatives aro Phyllis Troy. Mr. OAgood plans to bring avenue which hn bought, about a year Up to date close to seven hundred ly hoped that a full attendance of and the winning essays were filed tin; Raritan buy fishermen. The bis wife and (wo children to fteit both directors and trustees will bo States should place an embargo on nyj> and which has been unused tickets have been sold for the pre- munitions to foreign nations. Tho with the manager of the local Schul- Bank an soon as poH.siblf*. ;iin<i: that time. Ills application for sentation, "Southern Plantation Ju- present. te-United store that afternoon. Rutgers team won the debate. Mr. t-nn, John Kissel and Jack Scho'oley Hi: succeeds C. A. Ts'orri.'', v/bn a license was presented two weeks bilee," which Is being coached by At the annual business session the Lawley graduated from the Middle- The Judges' decision awarded first The introduction nf this bill has came to Red Bank thren yr?u3 agn aj;o jiiut refused on the gnmnd that Kenneth Brown, The curtains will reports of the treasurer, general sec- girl's prize to Miss Beaman with aroused .a storm of opposition In Kvelyn White will handle the Junior town township high school at Leo- high newa, Helen Makris the Me- from Vineland and opened thr J. C. places for the sale of liquor to bs be raised promptly at 8:15 o'clock. retary, Wcstslde branch," "committee nardo last June. honorable mention to Llll Ivlns and MidilliUown township and other com- Penney store here. Mr. Non is will consumed on or off the premises Providing the auditorium Is over- on constitution and nominating com- the first boy's prize to Mr. Sweel with munities bordering on Raritan bay, chanic; street news, Genevieve Curtis succeed Mr. Osgood at tli<t Troy the Oakland street news and Wil- were so numerous that no more bar* crowded tho presentation will be mittee will be received and there will honorable mentlpn being given to where pound net fishing is an im- store. Mr. and Mrs. Non in left should be allowed. carried over another performance on be^filectlon of soven directors to serve Harvey Stupelli. portant industry. Pound net fishing liam Cannav'o the River street n^ewg. town Tuesday morning for their the following night. for three years. Feature editors are Jane Ilunyon and Ml. Itogol applied for a hearing on, Many To Attend Papers submitted by Anna Green,. is also largely followed in Ocean new place of business. the application and it, was granted "The Wayslders," a banjo orches- The present officers of tho associ- Nancy Claglla, Amy Graf, Muriel county ;md astonishment is general Clinton Stratton, while Leonard Mr. Norris devoted much nr liis : Monday night after the regular tra, will furnish.the music for the ation are John B. Allen president, W. Newton, Llll Ivlns, Evelyn Beaman, that a representative of that county ! Wcstcrburg will handle the circula- time Monday introducing Mr. O: - meeting of tho mayor and council. intermission and will assist In play- Strother Jones first vice president, Firemen's Ball Nick Romano, William Cosby, Frank j has sponsored such a measure. The itio11 and Clarence Beck the cx- good to as m$ny of the local people. l : The regular meeting required less ing selections along with the singing Theodore D. Parsons second vice Donato, Benjamin Gonopoloky, Alex townshi ' p committe"-~e -o'f "•-•-•Middletow• • n changes, na he possibly could during the day. than live minutes. It was one of the and dancing. Mrs. Joseph Valleau president, John H. Mount treasurer Advance Sale Indicates Attend- Sweel and Harvey Stupelli were se- township at its regular meeting One of tho calls was at Tim Regis- shortest on record. There were no will assist at the piano. and William A. Miller recording sec- ance at Tenth Annual Event lected by the teachers to be submit- Thursday afternoon passed a resolu- ter office, where Mr. Osgood wns in- reports, no communications nnd no Fred Ayera, who has accepted the retary. The directors are J. N. Beers, ted to the Judges for final decision. tion condemning the Carnp measure troduced to the various members of of Red Bank Department Will From The Church remarks by citizen3. The only busi- position of coaching the comedians, Ralph R. Eckert, Herbert E. Ed- It was a difficult task for the judges and requesting all members of the The Register's official family. ness transacted was that of paying hag his artists in fine form. The wards, Hubert M. Farrow, Edwin C Reach 350—Door Prize. as the papers selected were excep- legislature to vote against it. Copies Mr. Norris stated that he hated to bills. comedians will Include Russell Hodg- Gllland, Frank F. Groff, Dr. Samuel tionally good and It made "honorab'e of the bill have been sent bo the To The Hospital leave Red Bank because not only W. Hausman, Leon N. Kelley, Theo- Judging from tho advanced Bale of The hearing then took place. Mr» kiss, Roy Inscoe,' Koy Quackenbush, mention" necessary on account of members of the legislature.