
Plant Profile

Botanical Name: Convallaria majalis

Common Name: Lily of the Valley


Species and of special interest: Flore Pleno, Prolificans, rosea

Origin: Europe

Availability: Late September to mid october

Foliage Characteristics: stem length is 20-25 cm. The are large and broad.

Floral Characteristics: comes in white or very pale pink. It has 15 small shaped that open from the bottom of them stem upwards. The flowers are bell shaped.

Special features and characteristics of special interest: lily of the valley is popular because of its scent. It is also known as ‘Our lady’s tears’ which refers to a legend that Mary shed tears at the cross that turned into lilies of the valley. Due to this legend they are sold as a tradition in France on May Day (1st of May) It is also the national of .

Maintenance, Cultural requirements and Post Harvest Treatments: Lily of the Valley is grown in field plantations and supplies mainly come from Victoria, New South Wales and Queensland. They have a short vase life usually 4 – 6 days so it is not recommended to keep them in cool storage for more than 2 days. Cool storage should be 2-4 degreees. Buy flowers that have been treated with anti-ethylene treatment ( it is likely to be ethylene sensitive but it is still unknown)

Pest and Diseases: Move and destroy infected , water the and make sure no moisture gets on when watering. Fungicide is used to protect plants.

Use In Floristry: Can be used as everyday use in floristry and It is used as a transitional flower. It is popular for weddings

Customer advice: Flowers will not last long if exposed to heat, re cut stems place in clean water and vase in a cool place with ventilation. It can have floral preservative. Buy when first bell has lost its deep green colour and is white.