Copy of Community Council Issues Being Discussed.Xlsx
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CC area Minute to Internet Other; List Council? minutes Y/N Bute and Cowal (12) Ardentinny Y MOD Follow up; Forestry H&S Issues; Community Renewable energy; Police Report; Councillor report and Actual Reality - Ardentinny by Finance Officer Richard Miller Bute y Discussion re Community Council Review; Councillor Updates - additional Capital Funding for Council, Scottish Water reintatement work, 24 hr streetlights problem, dogs at lambing season, Local Dev Plan consultation, public coverage of council meetings, Streetscene annualised hours, Welfare Reform Seminar & questions to Cllrs; Police Report; Licensing Report; Social Media; Health Report inc staffing, podiatry room up- grade, community care hours of wk, abuse of A&E service; Transport matters - paving at zebra crossing and lightweight wheelchair request being looked into by Calmac for ferry; and Planning matters Cairndow y A83 Fatal Accident; Windfarm Trust application to repair wall; Local Dev Plan Consultation; need for a new convener for CC; Tinkers Heart future meeting; Speed Limit through village; Water main repair and operation of temporary 1 way system. Colintraive and Glendaruel y Intro of new CC Councillors; Planning - Loch Striven fish farm proposals, Kilbridemore Windfarm; Development Trust - Warmer Colglen, distribution of free insulation etc; Tender docs for Glendaruel Vill Hall, Colintraive & Glendaruel footpaths; Stronafian Forest Project- funding applied for a Forest Development Officer; Cowal way - discussed with Paths for All and applied for student intern to complete feasibility study; Public Roads - concern over drains and culverts and flooding, direction that Potholes should be reported via ABC website; Collection of prescriptions for Kyles Medical Centre andCouncillors Report - Struan Lodge, damage top roads by wood lorries, preparation for extreme weather. Dunoon y Police Report - Including info on Single Authority & Q&A; Matters arising - toilets at Western Ferries, fares for larger vehicles & Cove wind farm objection letter; Correspondence - Struan Lodge and Dcc's position in relation to this; Sunset ceremony (DCC unable to assist due to rules); Review of the existing Scheme for Establishment for CCs; Cowal Highland Gathering apology demanded from DCC via the Observer; Breakdown from Cllr Marshall explaining where the Councils cuts will be over the coming year; Planning - new ramp at Clydesdale Bank, Extension replacement at 46 Clyde st and Cowal Care services (retro app for offices - 3 objections) Hunter's Quay y Police Report; Discussion re NHS out of hours service; Planning; Community Hall repairs completed; Boat shed doors need attention; Slipway to be lime treated; Woodland walk lopping completed; Councillors Report - no attendance again; AOB - condemnation of the closure of Struan Lodge; Hedge lopping at Manor Park; Change of meeting times; Out of Hours radiography service - reply by CC to proposals and AGM date confirmed. Kilfinan n Kilmun y Review of interim Meeting held 12 Feb 13 - Overview of governance training provided by ABC; Registration of CCs re Data Protection; CC review and re-election; A880 Footpath update; Affordable Housing and ABC Housing policy and relaxation of rules and Rosneath Windfarm - report on progress and completion of objection; Correspondence - email from Forestry Commission re registering interest in potential income generated from wind farms; email re Redesign of Community Justice System; National Park Rangers base moving; email from ABC Social Enterprise re "Planning and delivering success Events";Public meeting campaign "Save Struan Lodge" and Police non- emergency number 101; National Park LDP update; Police Report; Planning Applications - Blairmore farm, Benmore Park, outfall at Blairmore Farm, Underground LPG tank at Kilmun; Discussions with Local Councillors and Nat Park Rep re lights at Sandbank Primary, Service cover at Bank of Scotland, Service cuts at ABC, Pothole at Strone Brae, Painting work at Blairmore hall by work experience with HELP, Struan Lodge and the resignation of a Councillor, Approved new speed limit at Clachaig; D McKenzie National Pk - Caledonia University looking at Cowal Utility Service, funding cuts to Nat Pk and closure of Ballochlye and the good response for volunteer rangers Public Meeting: Review of Scheme of Establishment; Current Issues - National Park Partnership Plan and Conservation Area, Nat Park Supp Planning Guidance, Windfarm Planning app at Rosneath Peninsula, Napier Point (former Finnartmore Nursing Home) - discussions with developer; A880 Walkway / timber extraction; Community Action Plan; Core paths; no Gala day to be held this year; NHS 24/7 Review Committee; retirement of local GP; Bus shelter by the surgery; Dunoon waterfront and Library project delayed until March 2014; Broadband Consultation NTR; Cowal Multi Utility Project; Biomass at Dalinlongart NTR; Coping with Emergencies Lochgoil y Matters arising - update A83 Rest and be Thankful and Bus stop, Village enhancements and Forestry Commission update provided on activities; Police Report; Action Plan; Entertainment Licence - new legislation update; Newsletter- £100 cheque from Novascotia for up-keep of fountain; NHS 24 update provided; Entrust; update re improvement works; Carrick Castle - trust formation ongoing; Energy Scoping Option for Donich site; Website discussed; Community Emergency Plan - final meeting 26.03; Trust reports - successful funding app for fencing of play area; Hall Trust update; Jetty Trust - work to be carried out on pontoon; AOCB - Maintenance of village bench, upkeep of Ardentinny path, Shared headship planned for Lochgoilhead and Strachur not proceeding and Discussion re recycling facilities. Sandbank y Police Report; Planning Report; Cllr Report -Recycle bin at Ferry Rd, Council Budget, drainage work at Sandbank school, progress re footpath at Hafton/Ferry Rd, Struan Lodge campaign; Community Councillors report - Meeting on 13th re review of CCs; Community Empowerment and Renewal Bill; discussed HIE site at Sandbank; A wood of our own meeting; Public Entertainment licence update; Public Toilets; SCDT event 23rd March- Volunteers needed; Suitability of a Hydroscheme for Sandbank being investigated; £100 for play park seating/bicycle stand received from Argyll holidays; Fly- tipping at Lorimer Terrace and poor state of Gardens to be addressed by ACHA; Prize draw update South Cowal y Police Report; Resilience Planning - update on meetings; Memorial Garden - Public consultation now proposed re taking on a volunteer; North Campbell / Wyndham Rd Ditches - update on works; SCCC festival - Funding request to Awards for All; Convenor's Report - Transport (Rest and be Thankful up-date), Transferability of ferry tickets, bad behaviour on busses, update re alternative route progress between Toward and Ardentinnyand identified problems re bus and ferry timetables; Governance Training discussed; Innellan Public Hall now has new fire safety system (all users to be familiarised); Treasurers report; AOCB - Struan Lodge; Toward Sailing club discussed re Asset Transfer Strachur y Matters arising - letters sent to planning re old jetty at Strachur and other plot re Japanese Knotweed; Police Report;. Secretary's Report - Community Partnership Meeting at Uig Hall and possible changes to bus routes; Treasurers Report; Local Plan - disagreement to be expressed re extra housing in village; AOB - NHS 24 meeting to be held; Neil MacLeod (bus seating issue); Letter of objection to be sent to planning re building of Harbour on Old Shore Rd; Ditch clearing issue; Strathlachlan sign still not up; pavement replacement needed and road condition at passing places; ABC had contacted CC re A8000 Right of Way) Helensburgh and Lomond (8) Arrochar and Tarbet n Cardross n Cove and Kilcreggan n Garelochhead n Helensburgh n y Police Report; Matters arising - Community Emergency Planning, Single Outcome Agreement - members urged to look at the document; Community Orchard - Statutory Plans group response received neither supporting nor opposing; Morar House Reply now given - CC supporting with reservations; Public Session - no public present; Local Issues - North of river health facilities (it was felt that the health board have not considerd the accessability issues); Planning Group - Replacement of Launderette (generally welcomed); CC Review; Community emergency Plan; questionnaire re development, facebook page?; Draft Local Plan; Secretary's report; TIG report - agreed to get quote re High Viz Vests with HCC on back; Treasurers Report; AOCB - Imperial Hotel consultation to extend opening hrs, More Helensburgh representation required for Licensing forum all advised to check the ABC website, Special purpose Group to be set up re Helensburgh's night life, Old Helensburgh Academy site - discussion re what was known about developments Luss and Arden n Mel Matters Arising - Green Pilgrimage, Housing (Luss Estates Strategic Development Framework Stakeholders Conference); Service Men and Women from World Wars; Correspondence - Insurance renewal, disabled Parking bays; Treasurers Report; Police Report; CC Review and Elections; Light requested for entrance to Village; AOCB - Parking in the village and Traffic Jams on A82 because of temp lights Rhu and Shandon n y Matters arising - hole in boundary wall, Barge Garden, Shopsmart signage (conservation area), Muck near scout hut, Flooding in Community Area - requests sent to Council for clearing; Japanese Knotweed; Speeds on A814 - insufficient evidence to support change between