Persona 3: Mass Accession Written by x-22. Based on an idea by Colonel-Sandman and characters from ' 3

A cool light filled the office of 's Tatsumi penthouse apartment. The large room was one of downplayed ostentatiousness and elegance, much like the young woman sitting at her desk. Glancing at the time and barely acknowledging that it was very late, the Kirijo Group CEO opened another report on her computer screen. Like most of the ones she had skimmed through today this one was really the province of someone further down in the company system, but Mitsuru preferred to keep tabs on everything that was going on in her organization. "I'll just skim through this..." the red-haired woman muttered to herself, but the voice in her head was not convinced: Didn't you learn anything from the incident seven years ago. Mitsuru smiled. It was true the Tartarus event had taught her that she could rely on others instead of shouldering all the responsibility for everything. And she liked to believe she had gotten better at it, but there had been no major Shadow-related incidents for over two years and she had to do something. "I'm sorry, Tunoku," Mitsuru chuckled. "Old habits die hard." It was the transfer student Carla Tunoku who had really opened her eyes and showed her the power of relationships. That wasn't the only thing the vibrant redhead had showed her, however... "Who knew commoner food could be so delicious?" Mitsuru chortled and bunched up a Wild Duck Burger wrapper and tossed it into the trash can, already overflowing with the things. "Oof. Maybe a bit too good," she exhaled and put a hand on her stomach when she realized how full she was. She had been so absorbed in her work that she had unknowingly devoured all the burgers, fries and takoyaki she had been brought – even after telling Kikuno she had bought far too much. Only when she started reminiscing about all the times she and Carla had been to the food court at the Iwatodai strip mall did she notice how much she had eaten. Now that she was aware, her belly felt like a balloon. She had even opened the buttons on her skirt to accommodate it and now it spilled into her lap like a mound of pale dough. Deftly pulling up her blouse with a sweep of her hand, Mitsuru bared the rest of her gut to give it a much-needed rub. Filled to the brim it felt enormous to her touch, but she knew it was an exaggeration – even if she had put on some weight lately. Delegating shadow-hunting to the Shadow Operatives meant little opportunity for field work and it was starting to show. "Kikuno has to stop giving me so much to eat," Mitsuru groaned as her hand dug into her gut, taut beneath a not insignificant layer of flab. Her thoughts were on how overly stuffed she was rather than her appreciable weight gain, even if her belly was big enough to reach halfway across her thighs. The fact of the matter was that the maid knew how much her charge loved junk food while working – and how much of it she would eat – and did what she could to please her. Despite being gorged to the brim, Mitsuru found herself craving something sweet after all that deep fried and salty fare. Leaving one hand on her bloated belly, she went through the many soda cups on the desk, but none of them yielded anything but the chiming of half-melted ice cubes. Smacking her lips, she dreamt of cola and wondered if it would seem hedonistic to ask Kikuno to get her some, considering how much she had consumed. Just as Mitsuru was about to click the intercom – somehow getting up and going over did not cross her mind – she was pre-empted by her maid: "Lady Mitsuru, you have a visitor," sounded Kikuno's mellow voice over the speaker. "Shall I serve the tea in your office?" Mitsuru nearly asked who it was when she noticed the time and remembered this was no surprise guest. "Send her in," she commanded before realizing she groaned as she did. Clearing her throat she sat a little straighter – while rubbing her overfed belly she had lost her bearing. "Ahem. I will have my tea with extra sugar, thank you," she said, licking her lips at the prospect. It wasn't quite cola, but it would do. "Sugar, my lady?" the voice on the other end sounded puzzled by her preference, but it did not break the maid's professional demeanour for long: "Understood." The conversation ended with a click of the intercom and as soon as it did, Mitsuru found herself slipping down in her chair with a sigh of relief. Just as she had let herself go, she remembered she was having a visitor. Snapping up, she instinctively tried and failed to suck in her gut. Hurriedly she pulled down her blouse to mostly cover her gut and began fiddling with her skirt. She pulled and tugged mightily, to no avail. Kikuno had been steadily buying her mistress bigger clothes (which had unintentionally made Mitsuru less aware of her increasing weight) but this skirt was already getting a bit snug. When its owner was this stuffed it stood no chance. Mitsuru briefly considered dashing off to fetch a roomy sweater to cover all of her gut, but realized there was no time. Instead she pulled her chair closer to the desk, hiding the exposed part of her midriff behind the tabletop. Hastily regaining her composure, Mitsuru noticed the parade of empty paper cups on the desk just as the door opened. Swiftly she swept them away, just managing to neatly fold her hands on the tabletop as her guest entered. "Ah, Yamagishi! How good of you to come!" Mitsuru said confidently, successfully masking her fluster. "Oh, thank you for seeing me, Kirijo-san!" Fuuka said softly. Her greenish hair practically tucked away in a ponytail, the slight girl looked as if she had stumbled into a dangerous and unknowable jungle. With her she carried a tablet pc and a large bag. "Yamagishi, please! There's no need to be so formal: you might be a Kirijo Group employee, but you're still my friend." Mitsuru offered a calming smile: "Don't think of this as my office." Fuuka chortled anxiously at the reassurance, but did look more at ease. "Okay, I will! It's just that I've been preparing for this thing the whole week and maybe I got a little worked up about it. Thanks, though. Oh, and leaving all those candy wrappers and stuff was a nice touch; it really does feel more, uh, 'homely'." Mitsuru paused briefly to suss out what her friend was talking about, before realization struck her like a bufudyne from the sky. Taken aback she glanced over to the sofa group to her left. She had taken a break earlier and had ended up munching snacks in front of the TV. Empty crisp bags and candy wrappers littered the table and blankets and pillows lay strewn about. I should have let Kikuno disturb me after all, Mitsuru thought while berating herself for not cleaning up after herself. She never had to do that, however, nor did she entertain guests here very often. "Ah, yes I had Kikuno, uh, liven the place up a bit before you arrived. Now, what did you have to show me?" Fuuka jolted up at the invitation and stuttered helplessly for a moment before she got her bearings, cleared her throat and began to speak: "Ahem. Ladies and, uhm... lady. Allow me to present to you the most recent innovations of the Kirijo Port Island Integration Research Division. My name is Fuuka Yamagishi, head researcher." There's only you and me here, Mitsuru thought, mentally shaking her head. There's no need for the speech. Fuuka was a mechanical and digital genius, but she was still not that good with people. There was a reason she wasn't just head researcher, but the only researcher at the renovated labs beneath Gekkoukan High. The operation had its share of mechanics and the like, but Mitsuru could not imagine the woman mustering the authority to lead a team of scientists. Not that she had to; she had done remarkable things for a twenty-three year old working alone even if she was just over a year out of university. Fuuka must have noticed Mitsuru's amused smile, because she suddenly became flustered and lost track of her carefully rehearsed presentation. "Uh, as I was saying... when I was in high school I was a terrible cook. I even started a cooking club in an attempt to get better at it, but it didn't really help. Now, there was this very special girl there and I really wanted to show her what I could do. She helped me realize that I could approach cooking in a way I was familiar with; as a science." Mitsuru could not help but be moved by Fuuka's words, as stilted and meticulously prepared as they were. She knew exactly what the genius girl was talking about. Carla Tunoku had that effect on people. "Did you like it? I read online that it helps to add anecdotes to make the presentation easier to identify with. You don't think it was too personal?" "Not at all, Yamagishi," Mitsuru smiled fondly. "Really?" Fuuka almost gasped with surprise. "So, ah, where was I... Oh right, 'science'. And so this is the result of that way of thinking!" Suddenly the large screen on the wall behind the green-haired girl came to life. When did she do that? Mitsuru found herself wondering. Facing her desk, the thing was usually used for video calls, but now it displayed pictures of a vaguely bowl-shaped machine. It had several bumps, domes and vents covering its surface, but its inner workings were all covered by a exterior of anonymous metal. "Is this the... MPADCMPU?" Mitsura asked, wishing Fuuka had come up with a better acronym. But that's for the people at marketing. "It is indeed the Multi-Purpose Adaptable Digitally Controlled Meal Preparation Unit," Fuuka replied, the awkward name rolling off her tongue as if it was the most natural thing in the world. "By reducing dishes to their most common ingredients and anticipating the integration of less commonly used ones, each unit is capable of reproducing a wide variety of recipes, programmed into the machine's computer." Mitsuru knew what the thing was already, at least in general terms, but even she had no idea exactly how it worked. What she did know was that its versatility meant the Kirijo Group would be able to mass produce large quantities at a very competitive price. "At the moment we are working on miniaturizing the device in order to develop a domestic version," Fuuka announced, still in presentation mode. We are what now? The thing wasn't even done yet and Fuuka was already planning the follow- up. "How far along is this project, actually?" Mitsuru prided herself on keeping up with what was going on in her company, but Fuuka's work seemed to have taken much greater strides than she had anticipated. Fuuka giggled: "Why don't you decide for yourself?" Opening the bag she had brought, she pulled out a steel grey styrofoam box with the Kirijo Group's logo. Inside was a completely normal- looking strawberry shortcake. "Did your invention make this?" Mitsuru could not help but sound sceptical. "One-hundred percent machine made," Fuuka said proudly. "But the proof, as they say, is in the pudding. Or in this case, cake. I hope you like it!" The close proximity of such a tantalizing treat reminded Mitsuru of how stuffed she was. Shifting slightly in her seat, she scooted a little closer to the desk, the tabletop digging into her gut as she did so. Fuuka did not seem to notice her friend's discomfort as she put a slice on a plate and placed it in front of the overfed redhead. Mitsuru could not keep from licking her lips at the sight; as much as she felt she would burst from a single bite she could not help but desire to eat it. Her struggle was interrupted, however, by a knock at the door. "Your tea, lady Mitsuru," Kikuno said softly. "Oh. Cake? If I had known, I would not have added the sugar after all." Glancing away, Mitsuru was uncharacteristically quiet: "That's okay, Kikuno. I would love some sweet tea." Kikuno gave a slight smile as she put down the tray. Mitsuru could not help but notice a plate of cinnamon cookies on it. Delicately moving the Kirijo matriarch's cup in front of her, the maid's smile turned playful: "You've gotten quite the sweet tooth lately, my lady." "Ahem... if you say so," Mitsuru replied awkwardly, instinctively putting a hand on her plump gut. "Call me if there is anything else, lady Mitsuru," Kikuno bowed slightly. "Yamagishi-san." Once Kikuno had left the room, Fuuka eagerly turned the subject back to the fruits of her labours: "Now don't worry, the MPU is a much better cook than I am. I've done extensive testing myself." I really shouldn't, Mitsuru thought – even as she found herself picking up the fork – and rubbed the top of her junk food-engorged stomach. But then again it is my responsibility as head of the Kirijo group to follow up on our projects... Slicing of a smaller piece of the slice with dainty elegance born from a life in the upper strata of society, Mitsuru brought it to her mouth. Preparing to carefully savour the taste, the dignified lady was able to keep her composure for all of one second. Eyes wide open, she exclaimed: "Ces't magnefique!" Her fullness completely forgotten, she immediately took another bite, almost moaning as she let it melt in her mouth. Taken aback by her friend's unbridled enthusiasm Fuuka could only stutter: "W-would you like some more, Mitsuru-san?" The madly ravenous look on the redhead's face was all the answer she got.

* * *

Despite the half-hearted Christmas decorations everywhere there was no hiding the sense she was back on old stomping grounds. Just standing at the Iwotodai strip mall brought back memories and Carla felt awash in them. It had two years since last she visited and even longer since she had lived here, but too much had happened in this city for the memories to dull. And of all the places, this was probably the one with the most happy ones. Carefree ones. Wild Duck Burger ones, Carla thought as she glanced at the menu. It had been a frequent hangout back in her high school days, so perhaps it was natural for Yukari to suggest they meet there. "God, it all looks so good," the brown-haired girl opposite her complained. "I knew I shouldn't have suggested we meet here." Giving Yukari a look that suggested she did not see the problem, Carla grinned: "What are you talking about? It's perfect! I used to go here all the time back in high school with Junpei, Ken... Mitsuru... all you guys!" "Really?" Yukari raised an eyebrow and gave a little chuckle. "I can't even imagine Mitsuru-san in a place like this. You're so lucky, though! You ate this stuff for a whole year? I have to be like super-extra careful about what I eat." Not appearing overly concerned with her friend's troubles, Carla quipped: "Well, have you tried... not being super-careful? See what happens." "Are you crazy?? No!" Giving Carla a gaping look as if she believed the redhead really was crazy, Yukari shook her head: "I'd blow up like a blimp in a week!" Carla tapped a finger on an item on the menu as if to signal that she had decided and gave Yukari a sly smile: "I don't know... I think you'd make a great plus-size model." "Don't make jokes like that," Yukari replied gravely. "No? Well, I'd hurry up and decide if I were you. If not I'll go order for you – and I still remember all your favourites." "I'll have the fries," Yukari pouted and stared longingly at the dishes she had just denied herself. "Small." The two ate through the kind of conversation spawned by two years apart. Doing her best not to tempt Yukari too much with her comparably extravagant meal, Carla elaborated on her years overseas. Picking at her fries the other girl talked about her cameo in the upcoming Phoenix Ranger Featherman film and her attempts to move up from modelling to fashion design. "Aww yeah! There's something special about the burgers here, that's for sure!" Carla exclaimed as she stretched. Happily, she gave her satisfied belly a pat. "I don't see why you'd have to have all of them, though..." Yukari muttered, her mouth still watering. Bouncing up from her seat with surprising speed and energy for someone who had just tucked away such a hefty meal, Carla reached over to pat Yukari's shoulder: "There, there. We still have time before the Christmas party so... allow me to... take you shopping!" she announced, pointing dramatically towards nowhere in particular. "Really?" "Yeah, yeah," Carla assured her and hauled Yukari out of her seat. "Just remember to park me at the arcade when my eyes glaze over." Clutching her things haphazardly to her chest, Yukari had no choice but to be led along by the determined former SEES team leader. They were just about to exit the restaurant when a voice brought Carla to a halt: "Hey!" a timid-looking girl squeaked, following the red-haired girl with her eyes. At first the girl looked surprised that she had spoken up at all, before she pulled herself together: "Y-you're that girl who's friends with Mitsuru-sama, aren't you?" "Guilty as charged." Carla let go of Yukari and held up her hands. Slowly it dawned on her who this short-haired girl was: "And, no, I still don't have any nudie pics for you." "Wh-what!?" A furious blush spread across Yukari's outraged face. "Wait... you two know each other?" "Kinda," Carla replied with a shrug and a chuckle at Yukari's reaction. Turning back to the girl in the booth, she gestured at the mountain of burgers and fries before her: "Still haven't gotten over her, huh?" "Of course not!" the girl exclaimed vehemently and clutched a locket she wore around her neck. "Wait, you mean this?" She held up a half-eaten burger. Her eyes began to glow as enthusiasm blew away any semblance of restraint: "Don't you know? The tabloids caught Mitsuru-sama ordering take-away from here. Turns out she's put on weight from eating too much junk food!" Corroborating her tale, the infatuated girl pulled out a magazine and tapped her finger on a blurry picture of a midsection that might well be Mitsuru's. A red circle helpfully pointed out a slight overhang over her belt while a headline declared that her waist was estimated to have grown by 14,2 centimetres – at least according to the wild speculations of a three-month old magazine. "If I gain fifteen centimetres, Mitsuru-sama would want to be with me to feel skinny by comparison!" "Ah," Carla said flatly. Beside her, Yukari was taking it all a little less calmly, looking as if her head was about to explode. "So, uh, how far have you gotten?" "One-point-four." Dejected, the obsessive hung her head. It lasted but a few seconds before she looked up at Carla, the fire having returned to her eyes: "Wait a minute; you know Mitsuru-sama well. Could you share some of her diet tips??" "Sorry, I haven't seen her in over two years and we really need to be going now." Lunging after them, sending fast food flying as she flailed, the girl shouted: "Wait! I'll pay you!" "Good luck with the burgers," Carla called back. "I'll be sure to say 'hi' to Mitsuru from you," she added, leaving with a white lie.

* * * "Do you think Mitsuru-san actually got fat?" Yukari asked enthusiastically. The sun had set and the streets were surprisingly quiet as they approached their destination. "Who knows? Might as well be some gossip mag bullshit," Carla shrugged. Yukari sighed: "Yeah, you're right. She's way too perfect to let that happen." "Even if it was true, I'm more surprised you didn't last longer at Paulownia." "I dunno, I guess I'm a bit tired today..." Yukari hoisted her bags and rolled her shoulders with a soft groan. "Nngh... wait, isn't that..." "Fuuka!" Carla shouted, waving at the slight girl coming the other way. The outburst made her halt and the three ended up rendezvousing in front of their destination. "How is my favourite genius nerd?" "Oh! Carla," Fuuka smiled fondly. "Yukari-san!" "Liking the new do!" Carla grinned, pointing to the twin braids wrapped around the other girl's head. Behind her, Yukari nodded happily in agreement. "Now come here and give me a hug!" "R-really?" A flustered Fuuka replied once she eventually managed to extricate herself from the enthusiastic embrace. Her friend was only slightly bigger than herself, but had strength beyond her size. Brushing her hand over her head, she glanced away. "I thought I'd do something about it for once, since it's Christmas and all." "Hey, it's just going to be us and Mitsuru, right? You're making me feel underdressed here," Carla said facetiously as they were admitted into the building. "The others are all out of town," Fuuka nodded and showed them to the elevator. One of Mitsuru's "servants" ushered them inside, offering them a surprisingly affable seasonal greeting for such a professional-looking woman. "It seems like everyone is keeping busy, all right." Leaning on the railing in the elevator Yukari let out a small groan before continuing the conversation. "Speaking of which!" Carla exclaimed. "What have you been up to in your lair, Fuukenstein?" "Fuuken...?" The prodigy looked dumbfounded for a moment, before glancing away and stammering: "Uh... ah... I've been working this small project for Kirijo. It's no big deal though..." "No big deal, huh?" Carla smirked. "So, are we talking perpetual motion machine or a cold fusion reactor?" Fuuka giggled. "Oh no, nothing like that. Like I said it's no big deal, but Mitsuru-san insists on further testing before releasing it." "Eh, Mitsuru worries too much." Emulating Yukari, Carla stood laid back against the wall and quipped nonchalantly: "What's the worst that could happen?" "Top floor," the attendant announced and the elevator doors opened. "Evening, Kikuno-san!" Fuuka said cheerfully as they stepped out and were greeted by the maid. "Merry Christmas!" Kikuno had a weary look on her face with a hint of black rings under her eyes, but still managed a welcoming smile: "Good to see you all again! Oh, and you must be Carla-sama. Please, allow me to take your coats. Lady Mitsuru is waiting for you in her office." "We're here," Fuuka declared as they entered. Seeing no-one at Mitsuru's desk she became puzzled: "Where a...ahh..." The others turned to follow Fuuka's gaze: "Mitsuru??" Sitting on the sofa was a woman who was not just Mitsuru, but more so than ever. No longer just a plump gut her midsection had ballooned into a sprawling mound, spilling over thighs thicker than the waist of any of her guests. Carla's immediate confusion was compounded by the softness in her friend's face. Looking rounder than ever, plump cheeks met in a double chin that dulled her sharp jaw. Despite this there was no concealing her delicate yet fierce features: an elegant nose – still practically unobstructed by those puffed-up cheeks – and determined eyes that could belong to no- one else. "T-the magazine was right..." Yukari gasped under her breath. "And yet... not right enough," Carla intoned. Greeting them all happily, Mitsuru got off the sofa with obvious effort. She seemed unaccustomed to her great bulk but once on her feet she was as striking as always. Though looking like she had gained a hundred kilos or more, the black dress she wore fit her bottom-heavy shape perfectly and her hair was neatly done up for the occasion. The pale skin on her plush arms, revealed by her sleeveless dress, was flawless despite their girth. Only after a while gawping at the sight did the others notice the stacks of steel grey styrofoam boxes around the sitting area. "All those samples... you ate every single one of them?" Mitsuru smiled at Fuuka: "I assure you, they were outstanding." Her smile turning wry she patted her fat gut. "Perhaps a bit too tasty. I think I'm starting to put on weight thanks to you and Kikuno." "S-starting...?" Yukari stammered with a sound that seemed like her soul leaving her body. "Wow, Mitsuru! You look..." Carla began before she had gathered her wits. "Looks like things have been going well?" "Quite well." Mitsuru humbly averted her eyes and smiled. "The Kirijo Group is one of the few big companies to have grown through the recession!" "I can see that!" Carla grinned at her own joke, but from the others the only reaction she got was a disapproving look from Yukari. "We obviously have a lot of catching up to do, why don't we sit down in the dining room?" Mitsuru suggested, then added with a chuckle: "My feet are killing me today." Dinner was served soon after they were seated. As the dishes were brought in Carla realized many of them reflected her time overseas; every country she'd ever been to seemed to be represented. She could not decide if this was Mitsuru or Kikuno's doing, but knowing her attention to detail and seeing how eagerly she ate, Carla did not think the lady of the house blameless. With such a wide array of dishes it looked as if the feast was meant for the whole SEES gang and even if she sampled everything with gusto, Carla could not see how she could even make a dent in it all. Yukari and Fuuka were not much help, but Mitsuru's plate was never empty nor did she seem inclined to stop eating. Carla had never seen the regal woman as a big eater but now she found herself – much to her surprise – outeaten by the Kirijo several times over. With great power comes a great appetite, I guess, Carla thought. The change in her friend still puzzled her, but she was not about to let that ruin her own enjoyment of the sumptuous feast. At least it helped explain how Mitsuru had gotten so fat since they saw each other last. "Are you sure you wouldn't like some dessert, Takeba?" While on her second helping of meringue, cake and ice cream, Mitsuru noticed Yukari's plate was still empty. "No!" Yukari replied, a little too forcefully. Pausing for a second she continued in a calmer tone: "...thanks. I've already indulged once today." She gave Carla a meaningful look. "Besides I'm not feeling too hot..." "I guess it is getting a bit late," Mitsuru mused while elegantly shovelling down sugar pastries and whipped cream. "It's almost midnight already." "Ugh... looks like I still feel a chill thinking about what used to happen at midnight." "Apologies, Takeba," Mitsuru smiled kindly and licked a speck of cream from her lips. "I never got around to properly updating Tunoku on the Inaba incident five years ago. Sorry for reminding you." "Don't worry about it. Like you said, all those things happened years ago. I just felt a chill is all." Eyes half-closed, Yukari hugged herself. "Maybe it's all this ice cream," Carla said in an attempt to lighten the mood. "Seriously Mitsuru, I don't think I've even seen this much in an ice cream parlour." Having just helped herself to yet another portion, Mitsuru could not avoid smiling guiltily. "Yes, it looks like Kikuno went a little overboard..." "Speaking of which... where is she? There are even platters that aren't filled to the brim here," Carla joked and indicated with a pat on her stomach that she certainly was. "Hopefully she took a break," Fuuka said. "She looked a bit tire-" Before she could finish the room was plunged into darkness, only the candles on the table giving of a little light. "A blackout on Christmas Eve? Perfect..." Carla muttered. "Hey, Mitsuru, where do you keep these candles?" "I... have no idea..." The gloom hid Mitsuru's blushing cheeks, but could not hide the embarrassment in her voice. "The servants keep track of these things..." An amused smile touched Carla's lips. "Maybe Kikuno knows where they are," she said and got to her feet. "No, you just stay here, Mitsuru. Make sure the ice cream doesn't melt. Yukari can go with m- Yukari??" Slumped back in her chair, Yukari made no reply nor any other sign of life.

"Hey Yukari, are you okay? Can you hear me?" After confirming that their friend was in fact still alive they had moved her by candlelight into Mitsuru's office and put her on the sofa. Now they were hovering over her – though it might be more accurate to say that Mitsuru loomed – trying to wake her up. "Nnnhyeah I'm... fine..." Yukari whispered faintly but did not open her eyes. "Must've been... something I ate..." "Ate?" Carla retorted reflexively. "She hardly touched her food and we're all fine. Right, Mitsuru?" "Maybe a bit too fine," Mitsuru groaned, her overeating finally catching up with her. "I think we should take her to the hospital!" a worried Fuuka opined. Not usually one to raise her voice the sight of Yukari's state put determination in her words. "I'm calling a taxi, just... wait..." "What is it?" Filled to the brim it was all Mitsuru could do to keep standing. "My battery's dead..." Realization lit up in Fuuka's eyes like a burning dread. "Oh no..." Immediately Carla made a dash towards the closest window with Mitsuru waddling after her as fast as she could on a bursting stomach. "Shit," Carla said succinctly. She felt Mitsuru's bloated gut pushing against her back as the taller woman leant in to look over her shoulder, but their attention was firmly on the scene outside. The sun was long gone and the city devoid of light as far as they could tell, but the whole world lay bathed in the sickly yellow glow of an enormous moon. "Well fuck me, I thought we were through with this shit," Carla exclaimed, sounding more exasperated than scared. "So did I." Realizing she was crushing the smaller girl with her bulk, Mitsuru backed off slightly. "Shadow activity on Port Island... after all these years." "I... I'll see if I can locate the source," Fuuka said, crossing her arms across her chest and closing her eyes. "Juno!" "Kikuno!" Mitsuru called out, employing her own Persona's support abilities. "Can you hear me?" As she did she waddled over to the sofa next to Yukari and sat down heavily. Pausing her call she turned to check up on the unconscious woman. "You find anything?" Carla said impatiently to Fuuka, then hesitated as she saw the expression on Fuuka's face. "Yukari-san's Persona..." The green-haired girl gasped. "What are you talking about?" Mitsuru demanded, her voice heavy with worry. Keeping her eyes closed, Fuuka calmly raised one of her arms and made a sweeping gesture. Hanging over Yukari's limp body, Isis' winged form took shape, but it was not the familiar sight they had all seen through so many battles. Its serene face looked drawn and emaciated, its wings were drooping lifelessly and its sculpted torso was thin to the point of nearly disappearing. "Something must be draining her strength!" Mitsuru said decisively. Her steely determination had not mellowed to match her softened appearance. "Yamagishi, can you..." Looking away from the starved Isis she saw Fuuka lying slumped on the floor. Before Mitsuru could shift her bulk, Carla was by the limp girl's side. Settling back in her seat the hefty redhead uttered an unintentionally grateful "unph". "Truth be told, I don't feel to good either..." Fuuka told Carla and with her help got back on her feet. Carefully, Carla helped her weakened friend over to the sofa and sat her down on the part not occupied by Mitsuru's prodigious rear. "I... think I found something though... over by..." Running over a map of the island in her head she paused. "Over by... Gekkoukan... oh no! The lab!" "What??" Mitsuru exclaimed. "That place was thoroughly cleansed and sealed years ago! Could something really have slipped through our fingers..." "But... if there was something lingering there all this time..." Fuuka gasped. "Have I been feeding Mitsuru-san Shadow-tainted cakes??" The two others began to object, but the distraught inventor would not hear of it. "No wonder you suddenly got so fat! The food I gave you must have been cursed from the start!" Mitsuru was about to retort when she found herself glancing down on her overfed body. Grabbing her enormously stuffed gut she said softly: "Oh God, you're right... I haven't just put on a few kilos; I'm enormous." "Don't worry," Fuuka said, straining just to speak and patted the bulging side of the redhead's gut. "We'll get you back to normal." "Let's worry about about that once we figure out what is wrong with you and deal with this thing," Mitsuru countered. "You're right..." Fuuka agreed tiredly before her eyes flew open and looked at the others. "Wait, why aren't you two affected?" The observation left them scrambling for an explanation. "It can't be your telepathy-omniscience-thing..." Carla mused. "Mitsuru's got that too and Yukari doesn't." "In fact, why aren't I the one most affected," Mitsuru said, unconsciously exploring her fattened form with her hands. "I've been stuffing my face with food from that laboratory for months." "True. You seem to have developed quite the appetite since last time we met," Carla smiled. "Ever since Kikuno found out I had taken a liking to that burger place you showed me I have been I have been eating far too much," Mitsuru admitted and rubbed her belly. Imagining the refined lady pigging out on junk from WD, Carla found herself thinking back on her own visit earlier that day. It wasn't as if she could blame Mitsuru; she had a soft spot for hamburgers herself. How many had she eaten where Yukari had only... "I think I've got it!" Carla exclaimed and pulled up her sweater, revealing her pale belly protruding over her skirt. Fuuka and Mitsuru gave her a curious look. "Look," Carla begun to explain, without pulling down her sweater. "Both me and Mitsuru were stuffing our faces at dinner while you two were picking at your food. Yukari didn't even have dessert. It was the same when we had lunch today." "Are you saying the Dark Hour is weakening those that don't eat enough?" Judging by her strained voice, Mitsuru was regretting eating so much regardless as she began to feel the full effects of her most recent binge. "Oh my... she's right." Somehow Fuuka had found the strength to tap into Juno's power again, though the Persona looked visibly drained. As the emaciated Persona faded, she said weakly: "The Shadow reading is virtually throbbing with a sense of self-deprivation. And all these people all over the city... What a week to actually stick to my diet..." "Others are affected by this too?? We have to get over there and put an end to this right now!" Carla looked ready to punch a giant Shadow in the throat. "Tunoku, wait," Mitsuru urged her. "Yamagishi and Takeba are in no condition to go anywhere." "Hey, don't worry about it. Just leave it to me, I'll take this asshole down." Mitsuru smiled with calm amusement: "It is true you have never held back on anything in your life, Tunoku, but even if the Shadow's power has no effect on you... remember that you expended much of your power sealing Nyx away seven years ago. It's too dangerous to go alone." Carla chafed under the truth of her former senpai's words. She still felt she could do this, but did not find the words with which to argue. "What about you?" she said instead. "Me?" Carla's words struck Mitsuru harder than any physical blow. Distraught she blurted out: "Look at me! I've gone years without field work, growing fat and weak, always relying on others to do my dirty work!" "You think so?" Without waiting for further protest, Carla reached under her sweater and pulled out her concealed Evoker. Ignoring the others' surprise she pressed the gun-like object against Mitsuru's forehead. "You really think so?" "I'm in no state to do anything." Despite the barrel pointed at her head Mitsuru seemed to have regained her composure, calmly stating facts now. It did not change the fact that she trusted Carla's judgement implicitly: "As you wish, though. Obey me, Artemisia!" With a flash of power, a humanoid creature materialized in the air. Quite unlike Juno and Isis, the armoured figure did not look weak and starving. In fact she appeared very well fed. Much like her mistress, Artemisia had greatly increased in size: Long boots struggled to contain huge thighs so fat they filled her steel skirt. The breastplate bulged impressively to accommodate her girth and instead of a narrow waist it was now sculpted into generous love handles and hefty rolls. "Weak isn't the word I'd use," Carla grinned and put away the Evoker. Looking embarrassed, Mitsuru glanced to confirm that Fuuka had fallen asleep. Lowering her voice she whispered guiltily: "But I am weak, Tunoku. I'm not sure if I can bring myself to destroy the source of such divine food. What if I lose myself to its temptation?" Without a word, Carla hauled the bloated Kirijo to her feet as if her great bulk was nothing. Not letting go of Mitsuru's hand, she showed her to the window. "Do you see those people? Lying there, helpless; some of them wasting away from the rules of deprivation they've imposed on themselves. They'll be safe because Mitsuru Kirijo is above all that shit. She's also above some weak-ass Shadow swill. Why? 'cause she sees people suffer like this and when the going gets rough she thinks 'Fuck it, it's my job to make this right.'" Despite the grim scene, Mitsuru could not help but chuckle: "Leave it to Carla Tunoku to see someone change physically so drastically and see right through it." "Like you'd ever fall for some dumb-ass Shadow trick, no matter how fat you get," Carla scoffed. "Speaking of which... I'm guessing your bike is out of the question. How are we getting to Gekkoukan High in time?" "Aigis questioned why one would put a Plume of Dusk in a limousine," Mitsuru smiled. "This is why. Follow me; I'm just going to go get changed first."

After moving a weak but conscious Kikuno to watch over Yukari and Fuuka, Carla waited for Mitsuru by the elevator. She had just begun pacing around out of boredom when she heard footsteps behind her. She turned around, but even if she had taken her friend's dramatic change in stride nothing could prepare her for seeing Mitsuru squeezed into a skin-tight catsuit. While her ample curves had been poured into her tailor-made evening dress earlier, this thing left nothing to the imagination. Filled to the brim, there was no slack in the suit, serving to hold in the redhead's fat gut and wobbly rear. It gave her a sleek look, despite her size, like a sexy superhero only of uncommonly great proportions. To top it off, a huge fur coat hung from her shoulders because restraint and common sense were evidently banished from the thought process behind this outfit. Move over Feather Pink... Carla thought, recalling Yukari's old sentai role. Just then she noticed an Evoker and a sword hanging from a belt that somehow fit around her friend's waist. "That looks like some sort of secret ops outfit..." Carla observed, neglecting to add how the hell does that still fit? As far as she knew, Mitsuru had not been directly involved in anti-Shadow operations for years. " Aigis could not understand why one would put a Plume of Dusk in clothing either," Mitsuru smiled, as if reading Carla's thoughts. Tugging at her snug belt, her smile turned into an uncharacteristically wide grin: "Turned out pretty well I think." If not for the urgency of the situation, Carla might well have just stood there, staring. As it were, Mitsuru handed her a slender naginata, breaking the spell: "I thought you might want to borrow this," the outrageously clad redhead said and motioned for Carla to follow. Once at the stairs, the eager SEES leader immediately broke into a run. She was halfway to the ground floor by the time she realized she had left Mitsuru behind. By the time the hefty woman caught up with her she was panting heavily, ample bosom heaving mightily in her skin-tight outfit with every gulp of air. "You need to, uh, catch your breath?" Carla blurted out. Mitsuru just smiled inscrutably: "I'm... fine... Ah, I believe it's been... five years since I... ran like this. It feels... exhilarating, actually." "Uh-huh..." Carla assented vaguely, mesmerized by Mitsuru's heaving breasts. "Anyway, let's... get going," Mitsuru said, adding with a wink: "I'm getting too fat for this shit."

By the time the two reached the basement garage, Mitsuru's pace had slowed to a slightly hurried waddle. Her great hips swayed elegantly with each step, as if they were above something as pedestrian as urgency. Gasping for her, the out-of-shape CEO took heart at the sight of their means of transportation. Leaning against the ridiculously long vehicle to catch her breath first, she tore open the door to get in. Waiting outside the car, Carla heard increasingly strained grunting and the creaking of Mitsuru's catsuit. Eventually she decided to see what was taking so long only to find her old friend wedged awkwardly between the seat and steering wheel. Mitsuru's enormous butt pushed her forward to the very edge of the seat and still had the mass to bulge out impressively on each side. Left with barely any room, her gut was also pushed upwards by huge thighs, leaving it no other choice but to start enveloping the steering wheel. Resting on a squashed-up belly, her hefty breasts were lifted high enough to seem poised to swallow her head. "Want me to drive?" "You'd – hngh! – think they'd – huff! – have more, uh... leg room," Mitsuru groaned as Carla helped extricate her from the car. When she was finally safely seated at the back of the limousine she spread across the sofa with a great sigh of relief. Carefully adjusting her seat, Carla was getting her bearings behind the wheel when there was a hail from the intercom: "Wait, Tunoku... do you even know how to drive?" "Don't worry!" Carla yelled back and turned the ignition. Protected by the Plume of Dusk, the car came alive. "How hard can it be?" A few moments later she crashed through the inoperative gate to the garage. "Besides," she added as she turned the sluggish beast onto the road. "I've beaten Limogeddon on the KirijoStation 2 five times!" "I... see," Mitsuru replied before, a kilometre later, her extensive knowledge of all Kirijo products kicked in: "Wait, isn't that the one where you get bonus points for killing pedestrians??" "Hey, you really know your gaming classics!" a genuinely surprised Carla called back. Following the limousine's GPS, Carla somehow managed to manoeuvre the thing through the city streets, all the way to Gekkoukan High, without scoring a single point. "Tunoku, the ramp down into the lab is going to be too steep for this vehicle," Mitsuru warned her as they approached. "We will have to leave it here." "And have her Ladyship walk?" Carla exclaimed with mock outrage. "More importantly, there's no time to lose. It's trouble, you'll see. You just need enough... power!" "I was afraid you'd say that..." Mitsuru said to herself as the limousine roared into action and she felt herself pressed into the soft cushions of her seat. Somehow Carla got the limousine up to a high enough speed to give it enough air to clear the top of the ramp. As it landed heavily halfway down brakes protested loudly before crashing into the bottom of the slope and sending the fender flying with the sound of shearing metal. Ignoring the damage, Mitsuru heaved herself out of the car: "Quickly! This way!" The car ride seemed to have given the hefty woman time to catch her breath as she jogged through the hallways. The restored lab was much smaller than the original complex and they soon found themselves in a large chamber. "Fuuka was right about one thing..." Carla remarked. "This is definitely the place." Before them was a metallic monstrosity held together with icing and dough. Its gleaming domes formed a torso of sorts from which stared a single yellow eye. Sugary tendrils sprouted from its main body, ending in a variety of whirling whisks, sharp blades and massive dough hooks. "Tunoku, wait!" Mitsuru called out as she saw her companion dash towards the giant Shadow. Carla was already ducking and weaving through a storm of tentacles and slashing metal when Mitsuru set off after her. Much slower than the smaller girl, Mitsuru had barely gotten moving by the time Carla slipped into reach of the Shadow's undulating base. Deftly she spun her naginata and cut deeply into the wobbly mass only for the goop to reassemble itself moments later. "Watch out! It seems to be reconstituting itself!" Mitsuru warned from beyond the web of sugary strands and vicious implements. Barely dodging another blow, Carla hopped to the side and sliced at another part of the creature, with just as little success. "How bothersome," Carla groaned and weaved out of way of a flying blade. Lifting her weapon, she plunged it deep into the Shadow's body and swung herself up. Retrieving the naginata she used her momentum to carry herself up the unsteady surface. "Hey, diet-eater! I'm coming to getcha'!" she shouted as she reached for the thing's torso. Just about to bring her weapon to bear, she was forced to duck out of the way of a rogue whisk lest she end up as a Carla smoothie. Leaning away from the Shadow she was climbing she lost her footing, her left shoe sinking into the doughy mass. "Shit!" she exclaimed, a split second before a huge metal hook crashed into her, sending her plunging to the ground. "Tunoku!" Mitsuru shouted. Parrying incoming attacks with her rapier, she moved into the storm of utensils. Weighed down by a hundred unfamiliar kilos, however, she had trouble finding a proper stance and the relentless blows slowed her advance to a crawl. Over by the base of the Shadow, Carla forced her eyes open with a dazed groan only to look into a huge spatula moving towards her at great speed. "No!" Mitsuru exclaimed and watched as her friend was sent flying through the air. Hitting the wall she fell like a sack of potatoes onto the floor in front of the door they came from. For a moment, the swordswoman watched on helplessly, but a moment was all the opening the Shadow needed. A heavy blow landed on her robust midsection, sending her sprawled on her back. "Hngh..." Mitsuru groaned through the pain. Her gut had cushioned her from the worst of the blow, but her back was throbbing from the heavy landing. Overcome with agony, she could not muster the strength to shift her great weight from such an awkward position. "Merde!" she hissed through clenched teeth. Trying and failing yet again she let her head fall back, panting heavily. Wait... someone's here. Looking up she could make out a humanoid shape beyond her looming bosom and protruding gut. As it came closer she recognized... Herself. Or rather, herself as she had been. Slender yet voluptuous, the thing wore her face and her high-school uniform but she knew what it was. "How pitiful," her Shadow said harshly, coming up to look down on her fallen prey. "Relying on others to do everything for you until you're so fat and lazy you can't fend for yourself. But you see, out here there are no servants to serve your every whim, no maids to feed you." The double placed a high-heeled boot on Mitsuru's fat gut. "This is what happens when you rely too much on others; you lose your strength; your will to fight." "I think you might find I have plenty of fight left in me!" Mitsuru protested. Trying to get up again she found herself pinned not only by her bulk, but by the Shadow's foot pressing down on her. "Oh really?" the thing quipped, its golden eyes flashing madly. Going down on its knees, it leant on top of Mitsuru's gut, its hands almost caressing it. "And yet even after gorging yourself at your bountiful table you still only wish to eat more..." The sweeping motions of the Shadow's hands turned to kneading as they began to dig into the doughy flesh. "Eat and eat and eat..." the double whispered. Somehow a strawberry shortcake had appeared in its hand. As it crawled over Mitsuru's gut it swiped a dollop of whipped cream from the cake. Settling herself on top of her prone prey the Shadow put a cream-covered finger into Mitsuru's mouth and smiled cruelly. "That's all you want, isn't it?" the thing mocked and proceeded to cram the cake into Mitsuru's mouth. Despite herself she began to eat. No sooner had she swallowed the last of it before another was stuffed into her mouth. The taste was simply divine, regardless of the circumstances, each treat more succulent than the last. The pace was relentless, quickly reducing Mitsuru's world to a cycle of chewing, swallowing and gaping for more. In the flurry of food she lost sight of her adversary, lost her sense of time, lost her thoughts. All that existed was the endless stream of food and her rapidly filling belly. Somewhere in the gluttonous haze she could feel herself swell up, her suit growing tighter with each bite. A dull ache rose from her gut as she ballooned, her stomach filling up beyond capacity. Enormous and round, her greatly distended gut was soon all there was to her; a vast orb that was never satisfied. Never satisfied, but not without its limits. Something creaked ominously and Mitsuru was unsure if it was her Plume of Dusk-powered suit or her gut about to rupture. Still she kept on eating, disregarding her pain in favour of ecstatic sensation and the feeling of heedless hedonism. Finding herself revelling in swelling beyond all possibility she resigned herself to her fate, yet held out hope she might not explode and that she might continue to eat and swell forever. Just then, as abruptly as it had begun, the feeding stopped. Returning to the real world, Mitsuru found herself gasping for air, icing and grease staining her lips. Before her, her gut had nearly doubled in size – a mountain of proportions beyond her wildest imaginings. "You're right," she gasped, much to the Shadow double's surprise. "I am fat and out-of-shape. I have come to rely more on others. But you know what? That is my strength. Relying on others allows you to focus on your own strengths. And you know something else? All that food you've fed me has given me great energy... I can feel the tendrils of that diet-eater wither in my presence... Now come, Artemisia!" Reaching around her enormously bloated gut, Mitsuru grabbed her Evoker and in a flash of light her Persona appeared – fatter than ever. "You say I'm fat? I won't deny it. But weak? Think again..." Though still supine, Mitsuru looked like she was in a much better position than her opponent. Closing her eyes for a moment she paused, then smiled before speaking up. "Artemisia! Mind Charge..." Mitsuru gasped as she felt power surge through her engorged body. "...Maralbufudyne!" For a split second, the chamber fell deathly silent. Then it disappeared in a raging storm of razor- sharp shards of ice and freezing winds. Untouched by the frosty armageddon, Mitsuru watched calmly as everything faded from sight. When the winds died down – as abruptly as they had appeared – the sneering Shadow double was nowhere to be seen and around her gut Mitsuru could see the outline of the giant Shadow reel from the force. Ignoring it she instead craned her neck to look behind her: "Tunoku! She called out to the unconscious girl. "Diarahan!" Moving to hold her whip behind her back, Artemisia opened her palm. The sudden motion sent ripples through the exposed parts of her skin as a bright light shot upwards from her hand to envelop Carla. Her injuries healed, the downed girl staggered to her feet and snatched up her naginata. "Tunoku! Are you alright?" Blinking twice Carla retorted: "Are you okay? You look... huge." "I'm fine," Mitsuru assured her. Putting a hand to her gut she pushed down with her fingers and added: "Though I think my suit is at its limit, Plume of Dusk or not." Finding the garment stretched taut as a drum skin, she glanced up to see the diet-eater Shadow sway and rage. As it did she caught a glimpse of something just outside her obstructing belly: "I remember the schematics!" she called out and pointed. "If it's anything like the machine it grew from that must be its 'heart'!" "How the hell do I get up there..." Carla muttered, recalling her last attempt to climb the thing. "Still, could be worse..." Lying on her back, Mitsuru looked as she was practically immobile. She looked stuffed like a sausage, her suit stretched to the breaking point over her belly like some sort of... "Hey, Mitsuru!" Carla called out and broke into a run. "Hold on to your gut!" Reflexively Mitsuru did as she was told only to see Carla swoop over her head and land on top of her belly. Taut as it was, her suit barely gave underneath the athletic redhead's weight and a split second later it had bounced back, sending Carla flying skywards. "Orpheus!" Carla called out and a metallic humanoid appeared at her back. The Persona seemed to carry her, keeping her aloft and steering her towards the ailing Shadow. Gritting her teeth Carla held on tight to her naginata and plunged it deep into the circuit-and-pastry "heart" of her opponent. For a moment it was as if time froze, the blinking lights of the Shadow's core staring at Carla like tiny eyes. "I will be back," they seemed to say in her mind. "I am all that mortals deny themselves." Then the thing collapsed into bubbling Shadow matter. Passing through its fading form, landed deftly on the ground, stood up and watched the remains disappear into nothing. "Need a hand?" Sauntering over to Mitsuru, the victorious Carla offered to help her up. "If you'd be so kind..." the bloated redhead replied as she was hauled to sit upright, "...I could do with some help with the zipper on this thing. I feel like overstuffed sausage in it." Carla shrugged her assent and moved to zip open the abused catsuit. As she did, Mitsuru's gut – freed from its confinement – billowed forth into her lap, taking the opened suit with it. Leaning over Mitsuru's shoulder with one hand on the zipper, Carla found herself staring straight into the redhead's great cleavage. "Ah... that's much better," Mitsuru exhaled, gently rubbing her bursting gut. The motion set her bosom rolling like a gentle ocean. "Y-yeah... much better," Carla stammered and remained motionless.

* * *

"I'm telling you, Yamagishi, it's not your fault," Mitsuru assured her friend, gentle but firm. "Besides, I approved the use of the old facilities." "Mitsuru is right," Yukari agreed. "You had no way of knowing. I for one is just glad the whole thing is over!" Gathered around a table at Wild Duck Burger, the four were spending the evening trying to put the day before behind them. Arriving with a tray of burgers, fries and milkshake, Carla held one out to Yukari and asked cheerfully: "Anyone want another burger?" "Oh okay," Yukari relented and dug into the inviting buns. "I guess I need to keep my strength up after all." After a few bites, however she looked up from her meal: "No offence though, Mitsuru- san, but if you're going to lose all that weight, should you be having so many?" "Oh I don't know..." Carla interjected, cutting off any excuse offered. Instinctively she glanced over at Mitsuru's bosom, hanging heavily in her tight turtleneck sweater. "I don't know if she needs to lose any..." Opposite them, Yukari just gave Carla an exasperated look. They certainly would have gotten a lot of attention had anyone recognized the Kirijo CEO among them: In this somewhat stretchy sweater her gut jutted out far enough for the table to dig into it and her even more impressive rear left little room for Carla next to her. However, she wasn't much of a public person and her spectacular weight gain made her unrecognisable to most people. Most, but not all... "M-Mitsuru-sama??" the timid-looking girl stammered, a tray laden with fast food in her hands. The look in her eyes slowly went from shock to utter defeat in front of them. Looking down at her food then back to Mitsuru she blurted out: "It's no use!" Slamming her tray onto their table she promptly turned to flee the restaurant. "What was that all about?" Mitsuru wondered. "Who cares?" Carla shrugged and reached for one of the burgers the distraught stalker left behind. "It's free food."