Friday 18 October 2019 Duration: 9.03Am-3.28Pm Morning Tea: 10.35Am-10.57Am Lunch: 12.35Pm-1.30Pm

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Friday 18 October 2019 Duration: 9.03Am-3.28Pm Morning Tea: 10.35Am-10.57Am Lunch: 12.35Pm-1.30Pm New Zealand Geographic Board Ngā Pou Taunaha o Aotearoa (NZGB) MINUTES Venue: Pōhutukawa and Nikau meeting rooms Level 7, Radio New Zealand House 155 The Terrace Wellington Friday 18 October 2019 Duration: 9.03am-3.28pm Morning tea: 10.35am-10.57am Lunch: 12.35pm-1.30pm NOTE: All information recorded in these Minutes relating to Treaty of Waitangi settlement place name proposals is confidential and is not available to the general public. Some of the information may become available after Deeds of Settlement are signed. General 1. Karakia | Welcome Matanuku Mahuika opened the hui with a karakia. Obituaries Matanuku Mahuika acknowledged the recent passing of Lee Smith of Ngāti Kahungunu and noted the assistance as a te reo Māori translator that Lee Smith had given to the NZGB at various times. The Chairperson acknowledged the recent passing of Tahu Potiki, former Chief Executive of Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu. Welcome The Chairperson welcomed everyone to the hui. He welcomed observer Philip Green from Te Arawhiti and advised that other representatives from Te Arawhiti would join the meeting when agenda item 11 ‘Treaty advice’ and item 9 ‘Standard for Crown Protected Area names’ are discussed. He also welcomed Daniel Wainwright, on secondment as the NZGB’s Advisor responsible for Treaty Names, and other members of the NZGB Secretariat. The Chairperson congratulated Adrienne Staples on her reappointment to Wellington Regional Council. The Chairperson noted that Paulette Tamati-Elliffe would be late arriving due to flight disruption. 2. Present | Apologies NZGB members (9) Anselm Haanen, Chairperson Surveyor-General, Land Information New Zealand (LINZ) Adam Greenland National Hydrographer, LINZ David Barnes Federated Mountain Clubs of New Zealand Inc. Michael Roche New Zealand Geographical Society Matanuku Mahuika Minister for Māori Development NZGB Minutes 18 October 2019 Page 1 of 36 LinZone ID: A3896574 Paulette Tamati-Elliffe (from 11.50am) Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu (TRONT) Adrienne Staples Local Government NZ Merata Kawharu Minister for Land Information Jenni Vernon Minister for Land Information NZGB member apology (1) Tekau Rikirangi Gage Minister for Māori Development Observers (11) Wareko Te Angina (from 11.05am) Te Taura Whiri i te Reo Māori (TTWh) Philip Green Manager Land and Implementation, Te Arawhiti (The Office for Māori Crown Relations) Harry Waaka (from 10.35am to 12.04pm) Senior Analyst, Te Arawhiti Chelsea Torrance (from 10.35am to 11.00am) Analyst, Te Arawhiti (Ngāti Rangitihi) Hannah Watts (from 10.35am to 11.00am) Analyst, Te Arawhiti (Ngāti Rangitihi) Ngaire Burley (from 10.35am to 11.15am) Senior Analyst, Te Arawhiti (Te Korowai o Wainuiārua) Annie Broughton (from 10.35am to 11.15am) Analyst, Te Arawhiti (Te Korowai o Wainuiārua) Verity Smith (from 10.35am to 11.40am) Negotiations and Settlement Manager, Te Arawhiti (Ngāti Hāua) Alex Poppleton (from 10.35am to 11.40am) Analyst, Te Arawhiti (Ngāti Hāua) Ian Hicks (from 11.30am to 12.04pm) Negotiations and Settlement Manager, Te Arawhiti (Taranaki Maunga) Andrew McLellan (from 11.30am to 12.04pm) Senior Policy Analyst, Policy/Negotiations Unit, Department of Conservation (DOC) (Taranaki Maunga) Observer apologies (3) Kylie Brown Kaitiaki Reo Mark Te One Te Puni Kōkiri Sheryll Johnson Statutory Land Manager National Advisor, DOC NZGB Secretariat (4) Wendy Shaw Secretary Jill Remnant Advisor Christopher Stephens Advisor Daniel Wainwright Advisor (Treaty names) Minute Taker (1) Mandy Leighs GBL Personnel 3. Agenda | Disclosure of conflicts of interest 3.1. Agenda There were no changes to the agenda. The Chairperson advised that some items may be discussed out of order to accommodate visitors. The Chairperson also advised that some replacement papers and additional information would be distributed during the hui. 3.2. Disclosure of conflicts of interest Item 15.4. Lancaster Creek and Mount Lancaster No conflict: David Barnes advised that he is a member of the Hutt Valley Tramping Club. He confirmed that he will not offer his personal opinion during the consideration of this proposal. NZGB Minutes 18 October 2019 Page 2 of 36 LinZone ID: A3896574 Item 16.1. Wellington Region No conflict: David Barnes advised that he is a ratepayer living in Belmont. No conflict: Adrienne Staples and Adam Greenland advised that that they are also ratepayers within Wellington Region. Items 11.2. and 11.4. Crown Confidential Action required Secretariat to note the above declarations in the Conflicts of Interests register. 4. Previous minutes | Matters arising | Action sheet 4.1. Previous minutes Resolution That the minutes of 20 June 2019 be ratified. Moved Matanuku Mahuika Seconded David Barnes All in favour Carried Action required Secretariat to obtain the Chairperson’s signature and publish an unsigned, updated version on the LINZ webpages. 4.2. Matters arising There were no matters arising. 4.3. Action sheet The NZGB noted completed and follow up actions: 2019-06-20/7. Policy on generic terms. COMPLETED/CLOSED 2014-10-01/20. Māori name for ‘Crean Deep’. See report under item 19. REFERRED to MNC1/CLOSED 2015-04-29/11.2.5. Poverty Canyon. See report under item 19. REFERRED to MNC/CLOSED 2016-09-28/5.2.1. Crown Confidential 2017-05-18/24. & 2017-05-18. Post settlement relationships. LONG TERM BAU/CLOSED 2017-10-16. Branding. Future strategic agenda item. REMOVE/CLOSED The NZGB noted earlier discussions with LINZ on branding and communications, and that its former Chairperson, Mark Dyer, had met with LINZ Comms to discuss separate branding. The request had not advanced. The NZGB discussed whether LINZ views the NZGB’s strategic priorities as separate from its own and noted that separate branding is a low priority for LINZ. The NZGB agreed that it should take a strategic approach encompassing branding, communication and the NZGB’s relationship with LINZ. The NZGB agreed that it should elevate the matter noting sensitivity for the Chairperson as an employee of LINZ. The NZGB noted the lack of public awareness about its work. The NZGB noted the example of the New Zealand Conservation Authority, whose Secretariat sit within DOC, but is independent and has separate branding. The NZGB agreed that a comprehensive discussion about branding, including having its own website and possibly a new logo, be noted as an agenda item for its next hui. The NZGB considers 1 MNC – Māori Names Committee NZGB Minutes 18 October 2019 Page 3 of 36 LinZone ID: A3896574 that the good work that it does is sometimes perceived as being from LINZ. The NZGB noted LINZ’s concern for reputational risk. The NZGB is grateful for its strong and positive relationship with LINZ. 2018-04-12/18.1. Recorded names to be approved as official – Otago Region: funding, resourcing, Minister, workload for TRONT. ONGOING/CLOSED The NZGB noted that funding issues are managed within the current budget. The NZGB noted that the significant number of Ngāi Tahu names recently recorded and approved as official place names, and that Ngāi Tahu would like its remaining names processed by the end of 2020. 2019-04-11 4.1 Previous minutes. OPEN 2019-04-11 6. Dashboard. OPEN NZGB members were concerned that LINZ Policy had not notified or updated them on appointments and reappointments. The NZGB agreed that this is of particular concern given the number of members whose terms are under review, which could mean a whole new board. The NZGB agreed that the Chairperson should raise this with the Minister for Land Information and suggest that a pragmatic approach be taken where appointments are rolled over to avoid wholesale change of membership. The NZGB noted that the Chairperson had some ability to influence continuity and staggering of NZGB appointments and if left purely to process, skills needed around the table could be overlooked and accumulated knowledge lost. The NZGB noted that Michael Roche would not be available for reappointment and the member appointed from Local Government New Zealand generally only serves a three year term. The NZGB agreed that members would advise LINZ Policy directly of their availability for reappointment. 2019-04-11 17.2. ANC Strategic recommendations. COMPLETED/CLOSED The NZGB noted the productive meeting with the new Antarctic team from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFAT) on 7 August 2019. Discussions had covered common ground and the need for New Zealand to be active in place naming in Antarctica. The NZGB noted that MFAT is aware of the work the NZGB does on the international stage in trying to influence other nations to avoid multiple naming of features, and that the new MFAT head, Jana Newman (ex Antarctica New Zealand) understands the role and has previously had a strong relationship with the NZGB. The NZGB noted that there is considerable development happening in Antarctica as other countries set up bases, and there is nothing in place to prevent them over-naming features in the NZ’s jurisdiction. The NZGB noted that a newly drafted international Antarctic place naming toponymic guideline acknowledges and accepts the current situation. The NZGB noted that the draft guideline sets out the criteria to be adopted for the future, stating that if there is an existing name a feature should not be over-named. However, at least one country has reserved the right to over-name if the existing name does not meet any of the new criteria. The NZGB noted that the issues may take time to work through and it is hoped something will be confirmed in time for the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR) meeting in July/August 2020. The NZGB noted that undersea feature naming is managed internationally by SCUFN2, and this might provide a good model for place naming in Antarctica. The NZGB noted that this had been suggested in the past but the governance arrangements in Antarctica make it difficult.
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