Federalism and Dalit Governance l 1 SAMATA Policy Paper-4 2069 BS Federalism and Dalit Governance Dalit-Friendly Federal System 2 l Federalism and Dalit Governance © SAMATA Policy Paper 4 2069 BS Author Yam Bahadur Kisan Editing (Nepali version) Rajendra Maharjan Text Translation Sanchita Maharjan Editing (English version) Razen Manandhar/Dr. Rabindra Roy This publication is translated from Nepali to English and published in collaboration with International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (International IDEA), supported by Royal Norwegian Embassy and Government of Finland. Sanepa, Lalitpur, Nepal Phone: +977-1-5520851 E-mail:
[email protected] www.samatafoundation.org Many organizations and individuals have had valuable contribution to bring this policy paper into this shape. Various human rights activists, researchers and academicians have supported by providing documents and publications on Federal System and Dalit Governance in Nepal. Experts have provided recommendations by reviewing this policy paper prior to publication. Rights Democracy and Inclusion Fund/ Enabling State Program (RDIF/ESP) have provided financial and National Endowment for Democracy (NED) and Foundation Open Society Institute [FOSI] have provided technical supports. However, the views, analysis and conclusion expressed in the policy paper are those of the author[s] and do not necessarily reflect the policies of those institutions. The electronic version of this work will be distributed under a Creative Commons License. Federalism and Dalit