AMCS ACTIVITIES NEWSLETTER Number 25 May 2002 The AMCS Activities Newsletter is published by the Association for Mexican Cave Studies, a Project of the National Speleological Society. The AMCS is an informal, nonprofit group dedicated to the exploration, study, and conservation of the caves of Mexico. The Activities Newsletter seeks articles and news items on all Front cover significant exploration and research activities in the caves of Mexico. The editor may be contacted at the address below or Humberto Delgrado at
[email protected]. Text and graphics may be submit- among the giant selenite ted on paper, or consult the editor for acceptable formats crystals in the mine at for electronic submission. Exceptional color photographs for Naica, Chihuahua. the covers are also sought. They need not pertain to articles in Photo by Carlos Lazcano. the issue, but the original slide or negative must be available for professional scanning. Back cover This issue was edited by Bill Mixon, with help from Maureen Cavanaugh, Ramón Espinasa, Sergio Sanchez-Armass, and Diving gear inside the Jack “Solo” White. Infiernillo entrance to Sistema Purificación. All previous issues of the Activities Newsletter are available, Photo by Bill Stone. as are various other publications on the caves of Mexico. Con- tact
[email protected], see, or write the address below. ASSOCIATION FOR MEXICAN CAVE STUDIES BOX 7672 AUSTIN, TEXAS 78713 © 2002 AMCS All rights reserved Printed in the United States of America AMCS ACTIVITIES NEWSLETTER