7 Insertion Arias for L'elisir d,amore - Persiani, Tamburini, and,.. One ol thc a.ticles in the progftm€ for fie reoeft (rnd d.lighttul) producrio! of L'elisir d @oe .r C@nr (hlden nEntion.d rhar Donizctti added new dis for Aftonio Ttnburini dd F$ny
[email protected] for th. pads p.oduction in 1839 Th. music for th*. additiotrll aiae c& be fourd s sppl.*,io in ,*A *," p{blish.d by Bern rd trfl€, P&iq ! copy ofwhich is hcld by ihe British Libnry." Th3l for PeBi&i cane a . $rpdrc Th. ilrds of the 6Bt serion, with the 6ingle cha.g. ol"@ngi' to "phchi" !.e still thos. for th. odsinrl."redi pcr me ci libdo". Bul lhe c.baletta b in fict thc cib.l.tr! 8on Bi&q'. &t I eia.No, tu che infelice appi€no in Ugo, Cdte di P@igt, th. music lilied without any v.ry rignificanl chang!, and with lon rcw words lpposit. to Ilril .s folloB: E/dr (for P6iei) Biss: No, cfu ir&li& Ippi@ AdiD: Nq cl'c infelie appido
[email protected],o&to, @ ni hbsti, o &ro, S. nEor ni d dato S. n&quisr! m'a drlo !l mio @aggio d6. chi mi e ka. ogmr Voh d'A&lia in 3m. .! to@ a trilLmi in !@ An Eh slla sFnc o @r .I toma dl. sioj! il @r. Cnor: Ddl'Aquitalilgius. AdiB: O sioja i,Gpimibilc r!di. v!di, v!di, !!di Of oous. I shouldn l h.rc hen surpds.d B Jcmy Comons.